• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 3,457 Views, 26 Comments

The Ultimate Sacrifice - dawnofthefadingfoal

Twilight gives her life to save her friends

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Princess Celestia stepped onto her balcony and looked sadly at the remaining five who were making their way up to the castle with Twilight's Body. It took all of them to carry the larger and Heavier body of Twilight.
Applejack and Pinkie Pie were underneath while Rarity was helping take some of the weight of of them with her Magic, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were in the air on either side helping with support.

"Okay Y'all, we can put her down now, I dont think the Princess wants blood all over the floor." Applejack said exhausted, as her and Pinkie put Twilight on the ground.

The five were able to keep themselves together long enough to bring Twilight back to the castle, but that strength had worn down as tears began to roll down each of their cheeks.

Celestia walked out to meet the five ponies, she knew Twilight was dead, but actually seeing her in that state made her gasp, she knelt beside Twilight it was clear that the Princess had already been crying, there was a darker white color that went down her cheek in a stream that resembled the path the tears took and the path they were taking again.

The Five looked at the Princess, it was if they could hear her heart break in two and shatter on the ground, she was truly taking Twilight's death the Hardest but the Ponies couldn't find any words of comfort for their Princess, all they could do was join her.

After a good half an hour of crying Celestia stood up reluctantly. "S-she n-needs to be b-buried, as q-quickly a-as possible." The Princess stuttered through the sentence. "S-she w-will b-be b-buried, h-here on t-the c-castle g-grounds."

Celestia got some guards to pull a white sheet over Twilight and levitate her off for preparations of burial, with the remaining five she walked to the gardens and marked the place where she wanted Twilight to be buried.
She let the guards get the preparations done, it wouldn't be ready for at least a day.

"I'm going to Inform Twilight's Parents...Personally." Celestia announced. "I trust I can leave you five in charge of the preparations for..." She didn't dare say Twilight's name any more. "the Funeral?" Celestia asked.

"Of coarse princess" Applejack said and the five went off.

Celestia took a deep breath before taking to the air, on her way to Twilight's Parents house she noticed Spike slowly wandering back towards the castle. "Spike." She called and landed in front of him.

"Yes Princess Celestia?" He sniffed.

"How about you come with me? I'm going to inform Twilight's Parents about her...Passing." Celestia said holding back the tears.

Spike just simply gave a little nod.

Celestia knelt down. "Get on." She said.

Spike climbed onto the Princess's back.

Celestia landed in front of Twilight's old house and knocked.

Twilight's Mom answered the door. "Princess Celestia! Is there something wrong."

Princess Celestia bit her lip she didn't want to break the news to her right outside and right away. "May I come in?" She simply asked.

"Of coarse." She welcomed the Princess in.

"Well...Twilight Has passed away." Princess Celestia said hearing a little cry come from the dragon that was still on her back.

Twilight's mom sat down shocked, she began to cry. "But...How?" she wailed.

"She gave her life for the lives of her five friends, she felt so guilty for what ha-"

"And you didn't try to stop her?" Twilight's mom Raged. "She was your student."

"I tried to convince her otherwise but she wouldn't listen, her mind was made up." Celestia Replied.

Twilight's dad walked down the stairs. "Whats going on?"

Celestia sighed and tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Twilight's dead." Twilight's mom wailed again.

Celestia turned her head, she couldn't take it anymore. "Her funeral is being held at the castle gardens." she said before seeing herself out, she took off of the ground with a force of power she didn't know if it was anger or sadness that made her do so.
As she flew back towards the castle tears were flying off her face, she landed gently and headed back into the Castle to be greeted by Luna.

"Sister? Are you Alright?"

"Not Now Luna." Celestia Cried racing down the hall which was very unlike her, she ran straight to her room and slammed the door shut. She levitated her crown, Neck piece, and Foot wear off before falling onto her bed in a series of weeps and wails. Her heart had truly split in two and shattered on the ground, she wished she tried harder to change Twilight's mind but now it was to late, she couldn't do anything for her student.

Celestia looked at her door when a knock came from it.

"W-who i-is i-it?" She sniffed.

"Its me Tia." Luna said from outside her sisters door.

"C-Come i-in." Celestia said.

Luna walked into the room, her sisters eyes were blood shot and swollen, she had never seen her sister in such a state of agony and sadness in her whole life.

"How are you...Coping?" Luna asked

"Does it look like I'm coping well Luna?" Celestia asked her sister rather frustrated.

Luna turned from her suster. "I told you it was all for a lost cause! And look at the agony you have brought apon yourself because you didn't listen to me! I told you to stop her before it was to late, but no you were convinced there was no changing her mind."

"It wasn't for a Lost cause Luna! It was for a great cause! And I know my Student I wouldn't of been able to change her mind her mind was made up there was no stopping her." Celestia Buried her face in her hooves, she knew Luna was angry with her, but there was really no reason for it so she simply started to ignore her ranting and raving about how it was her fault.
The night went very slow for Celestia, and when the morning came everypony had already started to arrive for the funeral.
Celestia stood up placing everything back on her body and walking out of her room, she was still crying her eyes still blood shot, she looked dreadful to say the least. She walked to where Twilight's body was being placed into the casket that had been made over night, the mare that made it worked all night to build it.
Celestia looked at her Student she was wrapped in white the blood cleaned off and her mane nicely brushed. Celestia pulled the white Blanket onto her Student and with that they shut the casket. On the top was Twilight's Cutie mark nicely engraved into the wood.
Celestia turned from the casket she didn't say a word and just walked off, still crying she walked outside to see that everypony had taken their seat and was just waiting for Twilight's Casket and her to come up to the front of the audience.

The Casket was carried up to the front followed by Celestia.
Celestia cleared her throat and took a deep breath stopping the tears.

"Today, we are here Remembering Twilight Sparkle...Yesterday, she gave her life to save the five lives of her five beloved friends who she accidentally froze in time when performing the Eternal sleep spell...That shows how much Twilight Sparkle Loved her friends. I tried to stop her many times but she wouldn't listen." The Princess sniffed as the tears came back. "She told me, this was the only way she could fix her mistake..." She sniffed again. "She went out and Performed the four tasks and the fifth task was the task of giving her life for her friends..." Celestia let out a little cry. "Twilight was always like a daughter to me, and it is just as hard on me as it is on every pony that was close to...All I can do is thank Twilight for her great act of Bravery and being the best student I could have ever wished for. This Is why her Funeral was planned so fast I wanted her to be put to rest as fast as possible, so that she may be in peace and harmony for eternity." Celestia stepped down from the podium and took a seat in the front.

Applejack was next to go up.

"I dont have much to say for Twilight, as most of you have, but I can sum it up with a few sentences." Applejack took a deep breath to hold in the tears. "Twilight was the most faithful friend I could have ever asked for, the fact she gave her life for me and my other friends is amazing, it is sad, and some may think it was a bad choice, but I find Twilight as a hero, and I want her to know I am forever gratefull for what she did not just for me but her other friends to. I apologize for your loss Mr and Mrs. Sparkle, and I can see you are frustrated and sad, but I have faith that one day you will understand how great your daughters decision was." Applejack stepped away from the podium.

None of the other five were in any shape to speak some of the other Ponies spoke.
Twilight's casket was buried right after, her five friends and Celestia all placed roses at her grave.
It had been about 4 years Since Twilight passed, it had been four years since the remaining five went to go visit her resting spot and they all agreed it was time to go back. The day she died none of them really said anything they weren't emotionally stable to go up to say anything but now they could and they could thank Twilight for giving them their lives back.

Fluttershy Stepped up first, she felt terrible for not saying anything at her funeral, but the princess did plan it quickly and she didn't have time to recover from the shock of it all.

"Um...Hi Twilight...I...ah...Just wanted to thank you...for allot of stuff actually...For giving my life back to me and for trying to make friends with me your first day in Ponyville, if you hadn't of done that I may not have met all my wonderful friends. Except of coarse Rainbow Dash..."Fluttershy smiled at Rainbow before continuing. "I also want to thank you for helping me over come some of my worst fears, and being there for me when I was about to give up...Thank you Twilight..." Fluttershy put down the yellow rose on the grave before joining her group of friends.

Rarity stepped up next.

"Hello Twilight, its been a long time since we have come to visit you, and for that I am sorry...I really want to thank you for giving our lives back, we are all doing well but there isn't a day that doesn't go by when we dont think about you...When I dont think about you...I'm sorry that I didn't spend the most time with you and for that I regret...Sometimes I was rather frustrated with you and didnt want to talk...I'm also sorry for that...but over all of my regrets I am thankful that I had a friend as loyal and kind as you...I dearly miss you and I hope you are doing well where ever you are." Rarity placed a white rose nest to the yellow one before re-joining her friends.

For about a minute all you could here was tears hitting the ground.

Pinkie Pie pranced up. "I'll go!" She sniffed but she still had a smile on her face.

"Hey Twilight! I really really miss you! The parties arent as fun without you, I know that you probably cant here me talking normally so I thought I would yell so you could!"

The other four gave each other a look.

Pinkie drew in a deep breath. "I really wish you were here right now Twilight, and now that I know you can here me I will finish my talking thing I had planned. Remember that time when I first saw you and Ponyville and I went haaaaa but a gasp haaaa not a laugh like haha then I ran away and I planned you that great party and you were all grumpy and then the princess was kindnapped and we became the Elements of Harmony and saved the Princess! Do you remember? Well of coarse you do that was a silly question if you forgot that would be silly to..." Pinkie's face was turning red.

"Pinkie Dear, you have to breath." Rarity said.

"Oh yeah." Pinkie took a deep breathe and placed a pink rose beside the others. "I hope you like it!" She yelled as loud as she could and then pranced back to her friends with a big smile.

Celestia walked onto her balcony to see what all the yelling was, and there was all of Twilight's friends and Pinkie of coarse was the one yelling. She gave a little smile before walking back into her room, she was going to visit Twilight later, and she didn't want to interrupt the other six.

"I geuss I'll go." Rainbow Dash said flying over to the grave.

"Hey Twilight...I dont really have anything to say...but thanks...Hope you are alright where your at and having fun with those wings of yours!" Rainbow Dash put a blue rose down, it was originally white but they died so she could have her color like all the others.

Applejack walked up to the grave.

"Hey Twi- I dont have anything much to say either, I said most of it on the funeral day, but I just want to thank you for being the best friend any pony could ask for and giving your lives for all of ours...Thank ya Twi..." Applejack placed a tangerine colored rose down.

Spike stepped up.

"Hi Twilight" he said with a sniff. "I dont have anything to say, so I hope the gift does the trick and says everything." Spike pulled out a purple rose of coarse it was dyed like Rainbow Dash's around it was a purple ribbon that had a purple gem attached then he pulled out the first picture they ever took of all seven of them. He put it in a nice frame and engraved all their names into it. He placed the picture up against the grave stone and added his rose to the collection of roses from all of them then he quietly walked back over to the group.

They all thanked Twilight one last time before heading on their way. All you could hear were the sniffs of the six of them and the little cries they let out every so often. All they could do now was wait for the day to come for them all to meet Twilight Again and again they would all be complete.


Comments ( 10 )

........................we're ending on that?..................

very bad ending :facehoof:

I do sacrifice my life for you...
I do as well
I as well, repeat as necessary...

That's it? So wracked with grief they all kill themselves? Yawn

Thats all I could come up with to finish the book off for now I'm starting a new ending.

I don't know whether to thank you for giving us such a beautiful story, or to curse you for making me hurt so much right now.

An alternate ending you say? Do tell.
Nopony ever said life was fair nor is it ever easy. The greatest decisions are often the hardest to make.

You should have checked your grammer and spelling. Some parts didn't even make sense until I re-read it again. Some parts were just plain horrible. :flutterrage:

And the ending.... ugh... terrible... simply ad utterly terrible. :pinkiesick::pinkiesick::pinkiesick:

BUT.... yes, there is a 'but' there...

The story itself was very good. You have some good points that I did enjoy. I suggest, get someone to proof read your work first, spelling, grammer and content. Keep on writing. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:
Five out of five moustaches for the new ending.

If the new ending ends with twilight living, I WILL find you (and play scrabble with you). :D (but seriously don't bring her back, it's always sadder that way.

It say incomplete so I'm hoping for a bit more than that. It's not bad I just want more :twilightblush: I like that feel you have here and am hoping that you do more with it, flesh it out as it were. Or maybe add more to the story like a chance that all of her friends comping together has the same powers a blood (maybe that is corny? depends how you do it). Anyhow I'll be cool with it either way, your story your rules.

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