• Published 17th Mar 2024
  • 585 Views, 19 Comments

Dead Squirrel in Equestria - OGBlitz14

Squirrel is playing a game of Lethal Company, yet the next second, he's in a mysterious Horse town and became his avatar. What chain of events led to this? And is there a villain to this story or not?+

  • ...

Chapter 7: Welcome to Ponyville, Delirious

"Ahh, now that was refreshing." Squirrel said in a lazy tone, after drinking down his remaining chocolate milk.

A snap was heard and a floating napkin appeared in front of Squirrel, which made his eye widened slightly in surprise. After a second passed, he then shrugged of the surprised look and accepted the napkin. He rubbed the napkin around his mouth to clean up the sticky peanut butter and jelly mess.

When Squirrel was done cleaning his face, his plate that was on his lap, disappeared. So did his glass and his napkin. He had a pleased smile and wish he had more time for his question free break, but sadly for him, it had to come to an end.

"Squirrel." He turned his head to whoever called his name and he saw that it was Sunlight.

"Um, yes?" Squirrel questioned, not knowing what she wanted to know.

"So I heard that you were a... Human?"

"Yes, I was before I was transformed into this." Squirrel pointed at himself with his thumb.

"Okay and I heard that a beam struck you out of no where, therefore bring you to Equestria?"

"Yep. That sounds about right." Squirrel confirmed.

"So... how did the beam look like?"

"Uhh, why are you asking?" Squirrel rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"Because I want to know all the details on how you got here. Plus we need to make sure you're completely trustworthy." Sunlight stated.

"*Sigh* Fine. I'll do it. *Ahem* So the beam that looked like lightning came out of a...-" Squirrel paused and thought for a second. "-do you know what a computer is?"

Sunlight's eyes widened slightly at the familiar name. "Yes, I know what a computer is."

"Wait, really?" Squirrel asked, a little astonished that the lavender Pony even knew what a device even is.



"Well... to put it in simple terms, I went through a portal in my mirror that led to the Human world. I transformed into a Human and I learned so much about them and their technology and I was able to get back to Equestria."

"Wait, did you say the Human world?" Squirrel asked with a little bit of an enlightened tone.

"Yes I did."

"Does that mean you could send me back to my world?"

"Well, I could, but I'm not sure if it's your world."

Squirrel looked confused. "What do you mean? You said it was the Human world and I was a Human, so yeah, I'm sure it's my place."

"True, my Squirrely friend." Discord jumped in and appeared beside the throne that Squirrel was sitting on. "However, there are many variations of Human worlds and dimensions in the whole multiverse." Squirrel looked perplexed by his statement, but before he could reply to his statement, Discord continued to speak. "Plus, if you did come from that world, why didn't come out of that mirror, considering it's the only portal to Equestria?" Squirrel still looked confused and was trying to process a response.

Sunlight's eyes widened in realization. "Wait a minute Discord, we never told you about Canterlot High?"

"Oh, well just because you went on your little Canterlot adventure and discovered Humans for the first time, doesn't mean I haven't been there before. Oh, the chaos I caused there. Good times."

Sunlight formed a slight glare upon hearing the fact that Discord caused chaos and was about to scold him, however he stopped her before she could even start. "Relax, I cleaned up my mess... most of it." He muttered the last part to himself, which Sunlight didn't hear.

Sunlight's glare softened as she turned back to Squirrel. However, she was still suspicious of Discord's antics, but decided to brush it off to focus on to other important matters.
"Anyways, Discord is right. There are many dimensions and worlds for that dimension to be yours."

Squirrel pondered for a bit. "I suppose you're right. But how am I supposed to get home?"

Sunlight's face dropped at the question, but she eventually thought of the words to say. "Well... we are going to figure out that part." She then realized that she didn't get the full story on how Squirrel got to Equestria. "But for right now, can you finish your story on how you got here?"

Going bored of where the conversation was going, Squirrel grew bored with a uninterested look. Still, he listened to her suggestion. "Fine, I suppose. *Sigh* So as I was saying, the lightning came out of the computer screen and struck me with out of no where and I just find myself woken up in a forest."

Sunlight's eyes widened in realization in what forest Squirrel may be talking about. "Wait, forest? Are you talking about the Everfree Forest?"

"I don't know what the Everfree Forest is." Squirrel said with a clueless tone.

Sweetie Belle saw a clueless expression show on his face and decided to walk up and answer to him. "Oh, well you remember that forest that you were in? The one where you were looking shocked and aimlessly trying to say something?"

"Uhh... yeah?"

"That was the Everfree Forest."

"Oooh." Squirrel had an expression of understandment, but it was replaced with a surprised face when he realized something. "Wait, how did you know I was doing those things when I arrived at the forest?"

Scootaloo's and Apple Bloom's eyes widened when that question was asked. They weren't supposed to be at the forest, since it was dangerous and would get in trouble. Not from the Timberwolves or Manticores in the forest, but from their sister's wrath if they found out about that.

Sweetie Belle sweated and stammered a little bit with a thin sheepish smile. "W-well... umm..." Seeing that she couldn't come up with an excuse, she let out a small sigh, wiping away the sheepish look and stopped stammering. "*Sigh* Ok... we-"

Scootaloo quickly zoomed to Sweetie Belle and put a hoof on mouth. "We assumed that's how Squirrel reacted." She said quickly with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, ah would be shocked and surprised if ah became a Zombie Squirrel." Apple Bloom added, who had a similar expression to Scootaloo.

Sunlight narrowed her eyes in little suspicion, but Squirrel seemed to bought the poor lie. "Okay then." Squirrel said before clearing his throat. "*Ahem* Back to the story, I th- well actually, you know what happened after I woke up in the forest."

Sunlight turned her attention to Squirrel as he was began his rundown of his story. She had an eyebrow raised with a confused look. "So you're saying that a lighting struck you, out of nowhere, meaning you were transported to Equestria?"

"Yup-a-moon-doe, Sunlight."

"It's Twilight." Sunlight or rather Twilight, corrected in a serious tone.


Before Twilight can say anything else, a possibility flashed in Twilight's head. The lighting that Squirrel was talking about, reminded her of the experiment that she did today. She mentally became shocked by the possibility that maybe it was her fault that Squirrel ended up in Equestria. She then quickly decided and tried to reassure herself.

'No, no. There's no logical way that the same beam I launched was the same energy that Squirrel was talking about. It may have taken the form of a lightning structure, but it was just a simple energy beam from Discord. Then again, Discord's chaos magic defies logic, so maybe it could've bee-'


A small shout snapped Twilight out of thoughtful thinking. "Huh? What?"

"I said if you were okay." Twilight looked at Squirrel who looked confused. "I yelled your name and you didn't respond." Squirrel said with a little bit of confusion in his tone. "Is everything okay?"

"Yep, everything is fine and this isn't totally my fault." Twilight said quickly with a sheepish expression and tone.

"Umm... okkk." Squirrel was still confused and didn't hear the second part of sheepish speech.

Twilight didn't want to believe that her experiment was the reason why Squirrel was in Equestria, however the beams that he described that hit him were similar to the beam she tried to absorb. She didn't know how to confirm the idea that the energies were the same, until she finally had a way for it to be confirmed.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what was the color of the be- lightning!? Lightning. Uhh... what color was the lightning?" She had a huge sheepish smile and a little bit of sweat, hoping that Squirrel didn't hear the word she almost said.

While Squirrel did have a confused look, he also had a little bit of an uncomfortable look as well. Even though he had her weirdness press him, he answered her question. "Uhm... well, it was purple. I really don't see why you need that information, but yeah, it was purple."

Twilight's worries spiked and she was mentally panicking, all while she was still wearing a sheepish look. "Uh o-ok. Thanks for informing. Ha ha." She backed away with a few small sheepish laughs.

Squirrel looked confused during the whole interaction and was kind of glad it was over. "N-no problem." He reluctantly said.

"Uhh, sugarcube? Are you okay?" Applejack asked as she approached Twilight, a little worried on why Twilight is acting strange.

"It's... nothing." Twilight tried to assure in a calming tone, but it clearly came out as a worrying tone.

Applejack formed a worried look, but before she could comment on her behavior, Twilight continued to talk.

"Umm... hey girls!" This caught the other Mane 6's attention, including Spike's attention.

"Yes, Twilight darling!?" Rarity called out with a confused expression.

"I think we should... step outside and... talk about... something." Twilight then backed up to the entrance of throne room with a sheepish expression still on her face.

The other Ponies of the Mane 6 looked at Twilight with confusion, but slowly trotted toward the entrance.

After Twilight used her magic aura to open the door, she entered the door and so did the other Ponies of the Mane 6. Once they were all in the hallway, she closed the door, leaving only the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Starlight, and Spike with confused expressions. Discord however, had a knowing look as well as a thin grin.

Spike turned and looked at Discord. "Discord, do you know what that was all about?" Spike asked.

"I haven't got a clue." Discord lied in a teasing tone.

Oh Celestia, what chaos was he was about to watch unfold?

They continued to walk down the path that was clearly leading to Ponyville. Zecora and Delirious was walking beside each other, seeing a colorful town a little bit distant away from them. They were approaching the town to get the Catle of Friendship, so they can talk to Twilight about this whole situation.

"Sooo... we're almost at the town." Delirious pointed out.

"Indeed we almost are. Let's keep going far." Zecora said. She casted a look to her side to see Delirious, while she was still facing the distant town. "Are you nervous to be renowned, while we travel through town?"

Delirious turned his head to face Zecora. "Well... just a little bit, but I'm also kind of curious about these Ponies."

"Don't worry, they will warm up to you, even if your kind to them, is something new."

"Yeah, you're right." Delirious and Zecora then continued walked as footsteps and hoofsteps were the only noise filling the air.

However after a few seconds of the silence, Delirious broke it when he had a question he wanted to ask Zecora. "By the way, I been meaning to ask, why do you always rhyme everytime?"

Zecora formed a small smile at the question. "What a delirious mention and curious question, but I'll answer you my non-spurious intention."

As Zecora answered Delirious' question, they were closer to the town and were still a few feet away. Ponyville would be in for a surprise.

A minty green and a creamy white Pony were laying on the bench on her stomach. Well actually, the creamy white Pony was the only one laying on her stomach because the green minty Pony was sitting on the bench, but in a way that the creamy white Pony always found strange when she always did that. These Ponies were the background couple: Lyra and Bon Bon.

Lyra and Bon Bon were calming down and were trying to get their minds away from what they saw. They saw a Squirrel like figure, but it couldn't be a simple Squirrel because it had its brain exposed and was walking fine. This made them form a shade of green on their face and they felt their food come up their throat. However, they quickly got rid of the thought, so they shook off the greeness off their face and they swallowed down their processed food. Although Princess Twilight Sparkle reassured them and Ponyville that it was just a prank set up by Rainbow Dash, they still couldn't stop thinking about the disgusting sight they seen.

"Bon Bon." Lyra said in a tone that almost sounded like she lost her voice.

"Yes Lyra?" Bon Bon asked in the exact tone as Lyra.

"Don't you think that... you know, that maybe that Squirrel was actually a real... Zombie Squirrel and not a Squirrel in makeup?" Lyra questioned.

Bon Bon turned her head and faced toward Lyra upon hearing the idea that the Squirrel was a real Zombie. "What? No, no. Lyra that sounds... ridiculous." She said the last part reluctantly. She was dealing with her own doubts and beliefs, trying to decide on which side to believe.

"I don't know, Bon Bon. It seemed too real to be a prank."

"Lyra, I'm sure Princess Twilight was right and wouldn't lie."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Lyra's stress vanished and she relaxed her head from the Squirrely thoughts she had.

"Ok, how about we stop thinking about the Squirrel and focus on what a beautiful day it is or something like that." Bon Bon suggested, hoping to get the thoughts of the Squirrel our of her head too.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right."

While Lyra and Bon Bon were trying to relax and forget about the Squirrel, many other Ponies were trying to do the same.

Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch (or rather DJ Pon-3, if you're going by her party nickname) were walking by the bench Lyra and Bon Bon were on. They were also trying to get rid of the rodent thoughts as well.

"That Rainbow Dash!" Octavia growled through her gritted teeth. She seemed angry with her furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes. "Why must she play a prank? I ran my hooves away from that horrifying looking Squirrel, only for it to be a trick! How maddening!" She turned her head towards Vinyl. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Vinyl nodded her head and she also appeared to have furrowed eyebrows as well, but it was softer the Octavia's angry expression.

Octavia groaned in annoyance. "Well now there goes my precious time that I could've used for practicing wonderful music." Vinyl nodded and silently agreed with her as they walked by Mayor Mare who looked tired.

Mayor Mare had heavy eyelids and a little bit of redness in her eyes. She hadn't had her coffee yet at her home, but she couldn't make it. So she had to head to the Town Hall to make her coffee there and clear out the work she had to do.

However, like the other Ponies in Ponyville, she also got scared by the Zombie Squirrel and ran away from it. Eventually, the situation got cleared up and Ponyville was informed that this was another Rainbow Dash prank, even though the whole town got back at her for pranking everypony.

Ironically, the prank Ponyville used to get back at Rainbow was a Zombie prank. And with the Zombie Squirrel turning out to be a trick, Mayor Mare guessed Rainbow must've done this because she wanted to get back at Ponyville for using her own idea for a prank against her. Although Mayor Mare was a little frustrated at Rainbow for not learning her lesson, she couldn't display that frustration, due to her drowsiness.

"I don't get enough credit to handle this town." Mayor Mare groaned to herself as she was walking to the Town Hall with her tired head lowered to the grass floor. However, her remaining tired strength kept her head from almost touching the grass. And as much as she wanted it to be a normal day, considering she couldn't handle another situation happening, that unfortunately wouldn't happen.

There were two figures approaching the town and it was Zecora and Delirious. They were barely going to make it to the town, however they were more focused on the topic they were still talking about.

"And as you see everytime, that is why I rhyme." Zecora stated.

"Uh huh, I see." Delirious said, taking in the information. He looked away from Zecora and noticed the different surroundings around him. He was a little amazed on how the town looked.

There were some colorful buildings around, but it wasn't a splattered mess. Still though, it looked like a Unicorn shit over this town. He was a little amazed at the town and looked around more with sparkling eyes. "Wow, this town looks amazing."

Zecora giggled a little bit at his reaction. "Amazed?"

"Hell yeah, this looks cool!" Delirious exclaimed excitingly.

"Well I'm glad that this town is something you like. Although, you're attracting attention from Pony eyes."

Delirious was confused on what the hell she was talking about and then he noticed a few Ponies in the corner of his eye. He shifted his full attention to the Ponies and they looked shocked with their jaws dropped. His dumb ass forgot that there were Ponies in Ponyville, even though Pony was in the name.

"Oh shit, I forgot." Delirious said to himself as he became a little embarrassed at the little scene he made. He looked away from the Ponies and turned his attention back to Zecora.

"Like I said, you will catch their attention for many days, but they won't see you as a threat at anyway." Zecora said in her usual rhyming.

"I hope." Delirious said as he and Zecora were still walking.

Ahead of their distance was Octavia and Vinyl who were walking towards them. They still seemed to talk about the prank Rainbow pulled. Well, mostly Octavia.

"Just who does she think she is? Pranking the musical genius of the cello all for a couple of brief laughs. How rude. For being the so called Element of Loyalty, she seems to like tricks that make Ponies feel petrified" Octavia ranted.

Vinyl was ignoring her ranting at this point and turned her attention to ahead of their path they were walking. She then noticed something ahead of the distance. She saw a Pony shaped figure, but there was another figure that confused her and gained her curiosity. She squinted her eyes through her glasses to see what was the figure that was slowly approaching her. After a few seconds of squinting, she saw the figure more clearly and became shocked on what she is seeing. She suddenly stopped walking and had her eyebrows raised with her jaw dropped.

Octavia continued to walk a few feet from the shocked DJ, but after she stopped running her mouth about Rainbow Dash, she noticed Vinyl wasn't walking beside her. She looked behind her and saw her be still as a statue, like that one Draconequus they have in Ponyville. If she remembered correctly, Discord was the Draconequus' name.

Octavia walked to Vinyl, confused on why she stopped all of a sudden. "Why did you stop walking?" She asked.

Vinyl swiftly lifted her front right hoof and pointed to the direction in front of her. Octavia followed where Vinyl's hoof pointed at and laid her eyes on whatever she was pointing at. Her eyes of confusion, instantly became pinpointed dotted eyes and her jaw felt like there was an anvil weighing it down because it dropped in an instant. What she saw was beyond a bewildering sight.

She saw Zecora? Was it? She couldn't remember the Zebra's name, but she wasn't surprised about her arriving in Ponyville, she was surprised on what was walking besides her.

What was walking beside her was a bipedal figure, however it wasn't in a shape of a Diamond Dog, Dragon, or any creature Octavia has ever seen. It was a tall figure that easily towered over the Zebra's height and it had hair only on the top of its head. Though she couldn't quite tell if it was only its head that had hair, since it seemed to wear some interesting clothing all over its body. It even had a hockey mask as well as some talons peeking out its sleeves, however they didn't look sharp, in fact it looked like some kind of thick sticks, like a Monkey's palm. The figure actually did resemble an Ape, although last time she checked, Monkeys still had their tails, hair all over their skin, and they didn't wear clothes their size. Regardless, this Monkey was missing hair, a tail, and wore clothes, making this a Delirious sight for her.

Octavia and Vinyl were staring at the Ape in shock, but also in a little bit of disbelief. The Monkey seemed to be deep in a conversation with Zecora, it didn't notice Octavia and Vinyl staring at him when they close to them. Their eyes and bodies were following the Monkey and even when it eventually passed her, she turned her body and eyes to still face it.

"So what happened when you arrived here?" Octavia heard the Monkey ask in a male sounding voice, which made her form a more shocked expression.

They were still watching the male Ape walk farther away from them as he and Zecora were talking to each other. After the Ape visitor was at a far distance, Octavia started to question the chaos in this town, while Vinyl was still shocked. Still though, Octavia and Vinyl couldn't believe the visitor that walked by.

"W-who in... w-what in... w-who in C-Celestia was that?" Octavia questioned with a few stutters.

Vinyl didn't even move her head to respond to Octavia's question, since she was still trying to process everything that they just saw right now.

Delirious and Zecora were away from the musical duo, completely unaware of the shock and questions they caused by walking past the two Mares. As a matter of fact, they weren't aware of a Mare they were going to walk past right now. It was Mayor Mare.

Mayor Mare still looked tired and was facing the floor, but she was barely hovering it over the grass. She then heard somepony talking behind her.

"-nd they were frightened by appearance. However, there was one Filly that wanted to stop these rumors by her significant interference." She heard a familiar rhyming voice called and instantly recognized the voice to belong to Zecora. She didn't know why Zecora was in Ponyville or who she was talking to.
Nevertheless, she was too tired to care or turn her head around to see the rhyming Zebra. However, she would see Zecora and who she was talking to because they were walking faster than Mayor Mare's tired pace.

"*Gasp* So what happened next?" She heard a male voice gasp with a little bit of delirium in his tone. This made her open her eyes slightly and lift her head up. She had never heard a Stallion in this town with that voice before, so this made her curiosity slowly take over her drowsiness.

Their hoofsteps were getting closer to her and they were going to pass by her. Mayor Mare then saw Zecora and then she looked at the other Pony, however when she did, she was instantly shocked and stopped walking.

When she laid her eyes on the other Pony, she realized it wasn't a Pony, in fact it wasn't a Dragon, Diamond Dog, or any other species she had heard of. It was tall and looked like an Ape, but this Ape had clothing and talked like any normal Pony. With her eyes being the size as tiny dots and her jaw dropped, she couldn't say anything at all, due to the shock. Her tiredness vanished completely, it felt like she mentally got a wake-up slap to her face. As Mayor Mare continued to watch the civilized Ape, Zecora answered his question.

"The Filly approached and told me about the Poison Joke her friends carry, so I told her to get ingredients. When she left, her friends arrived with great caution and were wary, meaning I was accused in immediate. After looking in the forest, the young Filly came back to my hut and brought back the ingredients for the curing stew. However, she saw what was happening and stopped the room of chaos that was beginning to brew. Eventually, we explained the situation to the Ponies and-" With Zecora walking away farther away, Mayor Mare couldn't quite hear because Zecora and the Ape were far away for her to hear the continuation of the conversation.

When Zecora and the Ape were far away from Mayor Mare, she stood silent for a few seconds and said nothing for a while. Eventually, she finally broke the silence. "*Sigh* There's never a normal day in this town."

"-were able to wash the Poison Joke out." Zecora finished.

"Geez, rough story." Delirious said.

Zecora let out a chuckle. "It was a misunderstanding and I was accused. However, their antics some what left me amused."

They were continuing to walk to the Castle of Friendship, while still deep in their conversation. So far, they seemed to cause shock Ponies who saw them, well they were all surprised about Delirious, considering that they never saw a guest like him before. However, they would soon pass a bench that Lyra and Bon Bon were sitting on.

"It is a beautiful day today." Bon Bon pointed out, taking a deep breath. She was still trying to wipe her thoughts away from the prank and focus on other things. She took a deep breath.

"Yeah, it's a relaxing day." Lyra agreed, also taking a deep breath. "Ahhhhh. I feel so relaxed." Her eyes were closed with relaxation, while her mind was clearing up.

For a little bit of time, they just relaxed and enjoyed the fresh green smell of grass. Eventually, they opened their eyes when their minds cleared up from the chaos they witnessed this morning.

"See, isn't this relaxing, Lyra?" Bon Bon asked in a calming tone and expression with her eyelids being semi open.

"Yeah, Lyra. This is very calming." Lyra agreed, while having the same expression and tone Bon Bon had.

Bon Bon heard a familiar voice talking and in the corner of her eye, she caught the source of it. She turned her to the left, but she she still rambled on about the calmness that was in this moment.

"Uh huh. And there's no chaos or pranks that could ruin this perfect mome-" Bon Bon instantly stopped and had her eyes shrink and have a face of pure shock.

Lyra opened her relaxing eyes when she didn't hear Bon Bon finish her sentence. "Uhhh... Bon Bon, why did you stop?" She asked with confusion in her tone as she turned her head to her direction.

Immediately, Lyra noticed the thousand yard stare that Bon Bon had in her face. Lyra had a little confused expression. "Bon Bon, what's wrong?" Lyra then turned her head to the left to see what she was staring at. She instantly also had a shocked expression as well.

What they saw was Zecora walking and talking to somepony, but it wasn't a Pony, it was some kind of Ape with some clothes and even a hockey mask.

Zecora seemed to be talking to the Ape and this made Lyra a bit curious, but she still felt shocked.

Lyra was observing the Ape, very closely. She looked at its head, its torso, and its... palms that were peeking out of its sleeve. Its palms seemed to have claws that were thick, it didn't even look like they were sharp claws, it was like the Ape had... hands. WAIT HANDS!?

Lyra's eyes widened in realization when she figured out who the Ape was. It was... a Human.

"Who is that?" Bon Bon asked, completely flabbergasted on what she was seeing.

Lyra stayed silent as she came to a realization: there was a real Human here in Equestria and it was in front of her eyes. It left her sight and she just paused in the same spot for many minutes.

"Lyra!? LYRA!?" Bon Bon said in confusion as she saw Lyra was in a daze. "Are you oka-"




"Lyra, what are you talki-" Bon Bon didn't get to finish when Lyra suddenly jolted from the bench and left Bon Bon.

While Bon Bon was surprised by the speed Lyra displayed, she snapped out of her flabbergasted daze and turned her head to the left to see Lyra gallop toward the direction of where the Ape went.

"Lyra, wait!" She called out as she got out of the bench and galloped toward her direction.

They would soon find out about the guest that was in Ponyville.

Delirious and Zecora stopped walking when saw the Castle's front door at the distance.

"So that's it, huh?" Delirious asked Zecora.

"It is indeed. Let us proceed." Zecora answered as they were beginning to still follow the path that led to the front door of the Castle of Friendship.


A approaching yell shouted behind them. They turned around and spotted the minty Unicorn: Lyra, galloping toward them. They didn't know what to think of it, but she was approaching them and getting close.

Lyra then stopped in front of them and looked at Delirious with a happy smile and shining eyes full of excitement.

"Hi." Lyra squeaked happily.

"Uhh, hi? Umm... who the hell are you?" Delirious asked.

"Oh, sorry for being rude. I'm Lyra Heartstrings and I was wondering who you were?"

"Well LYRA, my name is Delirious."

"Delirious? That's a weird name, but I love it." Lyra smiled more, which made a sound that sounded like a Dog toy was being squeezed. This confused Delirious.

'Is a Dog playing with his toy because what the hell was that sound?' He thought with confusion, however he brushed it off as he noticed that Lyra was waiting for his response.

"Yeah, that's a weird name, but it's mine. Although, Heartstrings is a weird name."

"Well, it's normal around here with Ponies, since we don't have Humans here in Equestria. Which I still can't believe that a real Human is here in Equestria. It's amazing."

"And I didn't think I would end up in a Pony town in another dimension, yet here we are. In fact, I thought it was only in cartoons, like this place for example, but shit, I'm actually in another dimension and I'm not dreaming. At least I don't think I am."

"Well, dimension travel exists and I'm glad a Human like you was brought here with... haaannnddddssss..." Lyra looked like she was being hypnotized when she laid her eyes on Delirious' hands.

Delirious was thrown off by her dazed reaction and lifted his left hand to look at his own hand. "Is there something on my hands because I don't know what you're talking abo- Woah!" Delirious suddenly felt something grab his wrist and pull it down.

After Delirious sturdied his body from the sudden pull, he lifted his head to see that it was Lyra who pulled his arm. She seemed to be looking excitingly at his hand.

"Haaannndddddsssss..." Lyra said, while she was still in a trance.

"Delirious was questioning (again): 'WHAT THE FUCCKKK!!!?'

However, before he can say anything, Zecora decided to break up Delirious from Lyra's grip.

Delirious seems to be uncomfortable from your grip. Please release him so we can continue on our small trip." Zecora suggested, snapping Lyra out of her trance.

"Huh?" Lyra looked confused on what Zecora was talking about when she realized that she was holding on to Delirious' hand. "Oh, I'm sorry." Lyra released her grip on his wrist.

"It's fine, just don't do that again. It's weird." Delirious said.

"We better continue and meet Twilight with you being the attention of everypony's eyesight." Zecora informed Delirious.

Before he can agree, Lyra gasped. "You're going to meet Princess Twilight?"

"Uhh, yeah. According to the Dr. Seuss Zebra, this 'Princess Twilight' can possibly send my ass home, but to me, it kind of sounds like a bit of Horse crap." Delirious explained as he let out a little snicker when he realized he unintentionally made a Horse joke.

"Wait, so you're going to leave?" Lyra started forming a sad pouting face. "Bu- but we just met."

Delirious started to feel weirdly concerned, but he brushed it off and reassured her in his usual tone. "Look Lyra, as much as I would love to explore the hell out of this town, but I have to do some important shit back at home. Like record some videos for my viewers and... some other important shit like that. But hey, I may not go to my home instantly. I might have some time to be in this place."

Lyra looked at Delirious with big cat eyes, which actually made Delirious' heart melt at the cuteness that the minty Pony was showing. "You promise?"

"YES! I promise from my heart, I'm not lying. Now stop doing that face. It's hurting my heart! My heart!" Delirious said dramatically.

Lyra stopped showing her cat eyes and she all of a sudden, jumped on him and wrapped her front hooves around his body. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Delirious looked very happy that he was getting his body cuddled by a minty Pony. "No problem! Oh, you're so cut-"


A yell interrupted the cute moment. Lyra stopped hugging Delirious as she jumped down and turned around to the source of the yell. It turned out, it belonged to Bon Bon who was running toward the group of three.

"Lyra! There you are!" Bon Bon stopped in front of the group, but she hadn't noticed Delirious. "Lyra, why did you take off like that?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Bon Bon, but I had to meet Delirious." Lyra responded.

Bon Bon looked confused. "Delirious? Who's Delirious?"

"Oh, he's the Human behind me."

Bon Bon had small dotted eyes from that answer, but she was able to slowly raise her head. "A Human?" She then saw the hockey masked Ape that was called "Delirious."

She was in total shock, while Lyra decided to rub the fact that Bon Bon thought she was crazy in her face.

"See Bon Bon, I told you Humans were real, but you didn't believe me." Lyra said with excitement in her tone.

"I-I... what?" Bon Bon could only mutter in confusement as she couldn't quite understand how it was possible that Humans were real and one was here.

Her Marefriend would always talk about Humans being real and existing. When Bon Bin first found out about it, she kind of thought she was crazy, but she ignored it. She always brushed it off the side, but now... there was actually a Human here.

Delirious seemed to get a little impatient and didn't want his trip to Princess Twilight to get delayed any longer. "I get it, I'm a E.T. alien to you guys, but I really got to see this Twilight, so I could possibly get home. Right Zecora?" Delirious said.

"Agreed. Twilight has to see him, this instant. So we have to get Delirious home, so efficient." Zecora agreed.

Bon Bon snapped out of her confused state, but she still had some in her voice. "Uh... ok. We... understand." She said.

"Ok, well let's go then." Lyra said excitingly as she started walking on the path, only for Bon Bon to stop her.

"Lyra, wait!" Bon Bon yelled as she walked toward Lyra, who listened to her sudden command.

"Yeah?" Lyra turned around, only to get greeted by Bon Bon's soft mad expression.

"You can't go into Twilight's castle."

Lyra instantly looked confused and was thrown off by this. "What!? Why not!?"

"Because she's a Princess and she can't just allow anypony into the castle. She might be busy."

Lyra started to look a little sad. "But... but..." She tried to say something, but nothing came out as she lowered her head.

However, Zecora stopped her sadness. "There's no need to worry about entering the castle's entrance. I'm a close friend of Princess Twilight, so I'm sure she wouldn't mind your presence." Zecora reassured.

"Really!?" Lyra and Bon Bon questioned in astonishment, although Lyra also had hope in her tone.

"Yep, what I say is true. Now c'mon, we have no time to lose." Zecora started walking to the distant castle.

Delirious followed her with a expression that just said the word: "Finally!"

'My god, now we going somewhere.' Delirious thought as he groaned mentally.

Lyra smiled, which again, made a dog toy squeaking sound. She started to follow Delirious and Zecora.

Bon Bon started following the group as well, after she let out a sigh. It was crazy on chaos that happened today. First, she encountered a Zombie Squirrel (even though it was a prank, it still was scary and it felt real) and now she found out and met an actual Human. "*Sigh* What kind of chaos is happening in this crazy town?" She started to question as she continued to follow the group.

Little did she know, she would see the Dead Squirrel again, but this time... it would be alive.

"You did what!?" Rainbow asked in complete shock.

In fact, everypony in the Mane 6 (except Twilight) looked shocked. Twilight told them about the fact that she may of brought Squirrel here. Although she said it was a total accident, they were still shocked.

"Look, it was an accident. The beam that Discord made, was too powerful and I couldn't control. It wasn't on purpose." Twilight informed.

"I-I know sugarcube, but still, it's surprisin'." Applejack said.

"I agree, I never thought that your experiment would bring that dear Squirrel." Rarity agreed.

"Yeah, but now... I got to tell him that it was my fault." Twilight said as she lowered her ears. She knew that Squirrel would be mad at her for accidently bringing him to her world. Her friends though, reassured her.

"Now Twilight, I know Squirrel might be mad at you, but he will eventually understand that it was an accident." Fluttershy reassured.

"Yeah, Squirrely might be a little maddie waddie at you, but we aren't." Pinkie reassured.

"Yeah, I'm not mad at you either, Twahlight." Applejack agreed.

"Me too." Rarity agreed.

"Me as well." Fluttershy agreed.

"Even though you did screw up massively, we are still not mad at you." Rainbow agreed.

Twilight smiled a bit. "Thanks girls." She said.

"No problem, Twilight." Rarity said. "But, I think it's time to tell Squirrel the truth."

"*Sigh* I guess I should." Twilight said with a sigh as she was about to open the door to the throne room. "Ok, let's do thi-"


A loud crash stopped Twilight from finishing her sentence. The Mane 6 turned their heads to the main entrance door of the castle and looked confused.

"Uhh... did anypony else hear that or was it jus' me?" Applejack questioned.

"I heard it too." Twilight confirmed as she started to walk to the front door. "It came from the door, but that didn't sound like a knock."

Twilight put her hoof on the handle and pushed the door open to see who made the noise.

As she pushed the door open, she saw a Mare who had a light gray coat and a yellowish mane and tail. Twilight instantly recognized the Pony to be... Derpy Hooves. She also noticed that Derpy was rubbing her head and wincing.

"Derpy?" Twilight said with confusion. "What happened?"

Derpy turned her head with her derpy eyes toward Twilight, while she continued to rub her head with her left front hoof. "Twilight, I'm sorry, I... kind of crashed my head on the door." She said with a sheepish smile, hoping she didn't tick off the Princess of Friendship.

"It's fine, just... try not to crash again, ok?"

"Ok, I'll try my best." Derpy's eyes then caught a few Ponies that were coming beside Twilight. It was the rest of the Mane 6.

Rainbow was the first to come beside Twilight. "Twilight, who's-" She stopped talking when she saw and instantly recognized the derpy Mare. "Oh, hi Derpy."

"Hi Rainbow." Derpy said excitingly as she waved her left front hoof that was used to rub her head.

"What are you doing?"

"Well I was flying, but uhh... I kind of got distracted. Also, nice prank you did on Ponyville. It was a scary prank and I got scared by it, but it was still a funny prank."

Rainbow had a puzzled look on her face. "Prank? What prank?"

Twilight in an instant, had some sweat form on her head as she realized that the fake story that she used to cover up Squirrel being real, would be debunked, therefore making everypony worry in Ponyville.

"The Squirrel prank. Don't you remember? Well it's fine if you don't, I forgot things sometimes."

Rainbow had a dubious look take over her face of puzzlement. "A prank you say?"

"Yep." Derpy nodded.

Rainbow turned her head toward Twilight and was gritting her teeth together as she put the pieces together in her head. "Yeah, what a funny prank." She said frustratingly through her gritted teeth.

Twilight started to sweat more as she held a sheepish smile, trying to play off the look Rainbow was casting on her. If looks can kill then she would be 6 feet under. "Yeah, ha ha... a very... funny... prank." Twilight said sheepishly.

Derpy was still smiling, clearly not aware of the fire that was happening in front of her.

Twilight looked at Derpy with a sheepish smile and sweat pouring down her head, fearing that Derpy would find out the truth of Squirrel. "Say Derpy, I think you should... get going."

Derpy turned around, which had her back facing the Mane 6. "Yeah, I should, but I'm wondering, who's that?" She pointed her right front hoof to a direction.

Twilight's sheepish look washed off and was replaced with a confused look. "Huh?" She looked at the direction that Derpy was pointing at and so did the rest of the Mane 6 as they all had confused expressions on what she was talking about. When they laid their eyes on what Derpy noticed, they all had mixed emotions from a confusing sight.

They saw three Pony figures and they instantly recognized them. It was Lyra, Bon Bon, and Zecora, but they had most of their attention on another figure. It was a bipedal figure that Twilight instantly recognized the figure to be a Human. The rest of the Mane 6 seemed to be clueless.

While they were thrown off by the Human, Zecora, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Delirious was continuing to walk to the front entrance when they noticed the shocked Ponies.

"Woah, who are they?" Delirious asked.

"That's Princess Twilight and her friends." Bon Bon answered.

Lyra looked confused about something though. "Wait, why are they outside?" She asked with confusion.

"I don't know, but they seem to be in a trance. Still, we should introduce them to Delirious, perhaps?" Zecora suggested.

"Yeah, I guess so." Delirious agreed as he, Zecora, Lyra, and Bon Bon continued to walk to the castle.

'What in Celestia... how... what... is a Human doing here!?' Twilight thought shockingly. 'The only way a Human can be here is through the Crystal Mirror in the Crystal Empire. But if one did, Cadance and Shining would've told me. So... this shouldn't be possible. It doesn't... make sense.'

She snapped out of her thoughts when the distant group was closer to the Mane 6 and Derpy. Pinkie seemed excited and was smiling wide.

"Hiiii!" Pinkie yelled excitingly as she waved her left front hoof to the group of 4. Lyra, Bon Bon, Zecora, and Delirious waved back at her.

However, Delirious was curious about the pink Pony. 'Holy hell, she seems very enthusiastic.' He thought as he stopped waving. 'I'm starting to like her.'

"Hello Pinkie. Happy you seem to be." Zecora said.

"What can I say? I'm always happy." Pinkie giggled a little.

Rainbow decided to step in ask the obvious question that most Ponies had. "Ok, who the buck is that!?"

Delirious turned his attention to the Pony who yelled and spotted to be a cyan Pony that had wings and rainbows for its hair and tail. 'Geez, she really wants everyone to know that she's a lesbian.'

"Oh, he's a Human." Lyra informed casually.

Everypony had a pure shocked expression. They heard of Humans, thanks to Twilight's trip to Canterlot High. They were amazed that they were seeing a real life Human.

"Did ya say Human?" Applejack asked with a surprised tone.

"Yep, she did." Delirious said, which caught the Mane 6 and Derpy off guard.

Not wanting to make this interaction become awkward, Twilight answered the hockey masked Human. "Umm... hello, my name is... Twilight Sparkle." She greeted awkwardly, still with a face of shock. "Who are you? And how are you here?"

"So you're Princess Twilight?" Twilight nodded to Delirious' question. "Well I gotta say, it's nice to meet you."

Twilight blushed a little bit from his small praising. "Oh, uh... thanks, but you didn't answer my questions."

"Well for the first one, I'm H2ODelirious, but you can Delirious for short. And for the second one, I really don't know... I mean, I know, but it's going to a doozy to explain and right now, I'm so tired from walking in the Neversee Forest."

"Don't you mean the Everfree Forest?" Bon Bon corrected.

"Yeah sure, however you spell it."

Twilight was about to say something, but Pinkie beat her to it when she suddenly zoomed toward Delirious. She stopped in front of him with a huge smile as she was about to talk.

"Delirious? That's a funny name." Pinkie said.

"Yeah it is, but I bet I can think of a funnier name like... Pinkie Twinkie." Pinkie giggled at the name Delirious said.

"Nice one Deliriously, but my real name is Pinkie Pie."

'Deliriously? What a weird nickname.' He thought to himself before speaking back to Pinkie. "Well it's nice to meet you Pinkie Pie."

The rest of the Mane 6 and Derpy then approached Delirious.

"So you're a Human?" Rarity asked with a amazed tone, catching Delirious' attention.

"Yep, I'm a Human. You haven't seen one before?"

"Well I heard of them from Twilight and might I say-" Rarity had let her fashion personality take over as she got closer to inspect his clothing. "-your clothing is extraordinary."

Delirious was confused by the complaint all of a sudden, but he still accepted it. "Oh... well thank you. I guess... So who are you?"

Rarity gasped in realization. "Oh, how rude of me. My name is Rarity, charmed to meet you." Rarity bowed gracefully.

Since Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity introduced themselves, the rest of the Mane 6 thought they should.

"Hey." Rainbow called, which made Delirious turn his attention to her as she was in her gloating mood. "I'm Rainbow Dash, Equestria's fastest flier ever."

"I'm Applejack, nice to meet ya." Applejack introduced.

"And I'm Fluttershy." Fluttershy said in her shy and quiet voice, which Delirious didn't catch at first.

"Huh? What did you say?" Delirious asked.

Fluttershy seemed reluctant and nervous to answer back, but Twilight answered for her. "She said that her name was Fluttershy." Delirious rose an eyebrow that Twilight couldn't see beneath his mask, but she had a feeling that he was confused. "She's shy about newcomers."

"Ok... well nice to me-" Delirious stopped when he noticed another Pony that was along the group, but she (he assumed it was a she by her looks) hadn't introduced herself to him. "Wait, who are you?" Delirious pointed a finger at Derpy.

"Who, me?" Derpy said as she pointed a hoof to herself.


"Well my name is Ditzy Doo, but I prefer to be called Derpy Hooves."

Delirious noticed that her eyes were cross-eyed, but he decided to not comment on it, considering it might a sensitive thing to ask about. "Well Derpy, nice to meet you too."

"Glad to meet you too, Delirious." Twilight said. "But I have a few questions to ask."

"Yeah, like how in Equestria are you even here?" Rainbow asked.

"Look, I'm kind of tired and need to take a seat, so I was wondering if we can go in your castle and sit down somewhere?" Delirious asked.

"Yes, can we go inside?" Lyra asked with a huge smile on her face.

Twilight feared that they would see Squirrel in the throne room and she wanted to avoid another Ponyville panic, so she was about to say no, but Pinkie got her words out first.

"Of course you can come. C'mon, I'll show you around." Pinkie said as she turned around and happily bounced to the front door.

"Thank you, now I can finally take a rest." Delirious said as he, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Zecora started to follow the bouncing Mare.

In an instant, Twilight looked worried and used her horn to teleport to the front door, which stopped Pinkie from bouncing. "I'm sorry, but you can't go inside." Twilight said quickly.

"Aww, but why not?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah, some of us are tired from walking." Delirious added.

Twilight got close to Pinkie's ear to whisper to her, without Delirious hearing. "Pinkie, have you forgotten that we have Squirrel in the throne room?"

"No, I haven't forgotten, silly. I never forgot anypony or any animal, just ask Flutters-"

"Pinkie." Twilight whisper shouted, which silenced Pinkie. "If they see Squirrel, they will panic and tell the rest of Ponyville."

"Ohh, why didn't you say so?

Twilight groaned at Pinkie's question. Zecora then came beside the whispering Mares.

"Twilight?" Zecora called out, catching Twilight's attention. "Is this a discovery that you can't handle? You seem to not let us go inside the castle."

Twilight started sweating a little bit. "Well... w-we can't go inside." She said.

Zecora was thrown off by this and was confused. "Uhh... by any chance, why can't we, might I ask?"

Twilight started to sweat more, which became more visible to Zecora as she noticed it dripping down her head. "I-it's just... that... that we are currently having a problem right now and we don't want to make Delirious uncomfortable... Ha ha." Twilight laughed sheepishly, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

Zecora now knew that she was hiding something, so she started to become a little skeptical. "I sense that what you are saying were lies. Tell me, what secrets are you trying to hide?"

Twilight got very nervous now. "I... I don't know what you mean Zecora?" She started to walk closer to Zecora. She then started whispering to Zecora when she got close.

Everypony who was watching the scene unfold this whole time. However, when they saw Twilight and Zecora whisper, they were perplexed on what they were talking about.

"What the hell was that about?" Delirious asked.

"I don't know." Lyra answered in a perplexed tone.

"Princess Twilight seems to be acting weird." Bon Bon said.

They continued to watch the scene, however he felt something tap on his relaxed left hand, which made him turn his head and look down at the source of the poking. He spotted that it was Pinkie and she was looking up at him, like a cute Puppy would. This made Delirious' heart melt.

'She's so fucking cute! Holy hell!' Delirious thought in excitement.

"Hey Delirious." Pinkie said with enthusiasm.

"Hi Pinkie." Delirious responded back. "You need something?"

"Oh well, I was wondering if you wanted to take a break in the castle, since you're tired and I wouldn't want a new friend here in Ponyville to feel exhausted. Unless Humans can walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk forever without getting needy sleepy. So, what do you say mister Delirious?" Pinkie said quickly, which made the information go over Delirious' head, but he caught what she was saying.

"Well I would like to explore the castle, but it looks like Princess Twilight doesn't want me to and is being a whhhorse." Delirious said as he let a small chuckle from his joke.

"Well how about I let you explore all of the castle myself?"

Delirious' eyes slightly widened. "Wait, really?"

"Of course, silly. I'll let you see it all for yourself."

"You promise?"

"Mister Delirious, I don't just promise, I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She said as she moved her hooves around in a specific way.

Delirious rose an eyebrow. "What the hell was that?"

"Oh, well it was a Pinkie Promise to ensure that I won't lie to you."

"Nice, so are you ready to lead the way Pinkie?"

"Yup-a-rooni." Pinkie started bouncing to the front door, but this time, there was no Twilight to stop her, since she was busy conversing with Zecora.

Delirious followed Pinkie and so did Lyra and Bon Bon. Derpy noticed that the group was going in the castle, so she followed the group.

As Delirious entered the castle, he saw a huge hallway that blew his mind. "Wooww. This looks so cool." He said in amazement.

"I know right!? Isn't it amazing!?" Pinkie said.

"Hell yeah!"

Lyra, Bon Bon, and Derpy were still following Delirious and Pinkie ansld were entering the entrance of the castle. Derpy was the last to enter, which caught somepony's eye.

While the rest of the Mane 6 were watching Twilight and Zecora whisper, Applejack caught something in the corner of her eye. She saw Derpy go inside, which made her widen her eyes.

"Uhh, girls." Applejack said, catching the Mane 6's attention (except Twilight's and Pinkie's.)

"Yes, Applejack? Is something wrong?" Rarity asked.

"Well ah saw Derpy go inside the castle." Immediately, the rest of the girls' eyes widened. "An' also, ah don't see Lyra, Bon Bon, an' that Delirious fellow."

"We better tell Twilight." Rarity said as Applejack nodded.

Applejack turned her head to the rest of the Mane 6. "Alright, you girls try and stop the group from enterin' the throne room, while ah go and tell Twahlight." Applejack said as the rest of the girls nodded as they started to head inside the castle.

Applejack then walked to Twilight who started to talk to Zecora normally, instead of whispering.

"So you have a secret that nopony needs to tell and if it's spoken, panic in Ponyville will be held?" Zecora questioned.

"Yes, it's a secret that I really need you to not talk about to any other Pony, promise me." Twilight said.

Zecora said nothing for a few seconds as she was processing the information Twilight spewed. She then made up her mind and was about to give her thoughts to Twilight, until...

"Twilight!" Applejack exclaimed as she walked toward Twilight.

"Applejack? What's wrong?" Twilight asked, turning her head toward Applejack.

"It's about that Delirious fellow."

Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean? Deliriou-"

"Is inside the castle." Applejack informed, interrupting Twilight.

Speaking, of Twilight, her eyes were shrunken and widened. "Oh no, he's going to see Squirrel! Quick, let's go!" She then ran toward the door as Applejack galloped behind her, leaving a confused Zecora behind.

Zecora quickly blinked a few times, trying to understand what happened. "I'm really starting to question: what information did Twilight hurl? But now she mentioned... a simple forest Squirrel?" She said to herself in a confused tone, however she shook it off.

She then had curiosity take hold as she walked to the open front door of the Castle of Friendship. When she entered, she saw a gripping sight.

It looked like Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Rarity were crowded in front of a door, specially the door that led to the throne room. Delirious was in front of the crowded Ponies and so were Pinkie, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Derpy.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" Delirious asked with a slight hint of annoyance.

"Delirious, maybe you shouldn't enter this room. Maybe a different room would be nice." Applejack suggested.

"Why can't I enter this room?" Delirious narrowed his eyes. "Unless *Gasp* you're hiding something."

Twilight started sweating a bit. "W-we aren't hiding something, it's just..." Twilight tried to think of an excuse on why Delirious can't enter the throne room, but she found herself unable to think of one.

"That it is just boring and lame, just basically a library for eggheads." Rainbow pitched in.

"Ok, but I would like to look around the library. So pleaseeee, can you move?" Delirious asked.

"No, we aren't moving." Rainbow said, staying in her spot.

"I also forbid you from entering." Twilight said, agreeing with Rainbow.

"Me as well, so don't plan on enterin', sugarcube." Applejack warned as she had a slight glare.

"Me too, you shouldn't go inside this room, darling." Rarity chided in a soft tone.

"You s-should look for a different place to explore... if you don't mind." Fluttershy said shyly as she hid her face behind her mane.

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie said. "Well Delirious, looks like we can explore every part of the castle, instead of the throne room."

Delirious' eyes widened. "Wait, this is a throne room?" Delirious said shockingly.

"Pinkie!" Rainbow growled.

"Now I definitely need this see this shit." Delirious said as he ran to the door to open it, pushing the girls aside with his body.

As he was about to put his left hand to push the door open when he suddenly felt something pull his hand back. In fact, he felt something pull his whole body back, yet he resisted the force and continued to try and make his way to the door.

Turns out, it was Twilight and she was using her magic to pull Delirious from getting close to the door. "Delirious, you're not allowed in there." Twilight responded in a struggling voice.

"Pinkie, a little help here." Delirious pleaded in a struggling voice, trying to resist Twilight's magic.

"I don't know Deliriously, they really don't want you to see the throne room." Pinkie said.

"But you said you would let me see all of the castle. ALL of it."

Pinkie then widened her eyes on how right Delirious was. She did Pinkie Promise to Delirious that she would show him all of the Castle of Friendship. And nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise.

"You're right." Pinkie then rushed to open the door, but Applejack stopped her and now both of them were struggling to push each other.

"Pinkie, what are you doin'?" Applejack said in a struggling voice, trying to push Pinkie away from the door.

"I need Deliriously to enter that room." She responded in a struggling voice as she she struggled to push Applejack.

"We can't let you in, dude." Rainbow said as she started to also push Delirious, which did move him back.

"But why!? What are you hiding in the throne room, huh? Is it some sweets? Are you hiding doughnuts, cupcakes, or muffins!?" Delirious questioned as he struggled to push Rainbow.

Derpy's eyes widened when she heard the sweet goodness that Delirious mentioned...Muffins.

"MUFFINS!? Let me in!" Derpy then instantly zoomed to the door, but Rainbow stopped pushing Delirious and got in front of Derpy.

"Derpy, no. There's no muffins in here." Rainbow said she stopped Derpy from trying to enter.

"C'mon Rainbow, let me at least see if there isn't any in this room." Derpy started push Rainbow, but they seemed to have equal strength.

Bon Bon and Lyra were on the side, watching the scene unfold.

"Delirious really wants to see the throne room, huh Lyra?" Bon Bon asked, however when she heard no response from Lyra, she turned her head on where Lyra was beside her. "Lyra?"

When she turned her head, she didn't see Lyra and was confused, but mostly surprised. "Lyra!?" She turned her head back to the Mane 6 and Delirious and saw Lyra rushing to them.

"Anything for the Human!" Lyra cried as she rushed in.

"Lyra." Bon Bon grumbled in a low voice as she had a annoyed expression.

Once Lyra rushed in, it created a cartoony cloud that had Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Lyra, Derpy, and Delirious involved. Though there was no fighting involved, everyone was pushing one another inside the cloud. While in the cloud, everyone was chattering and yelling in the cloud.

"Delirious, stop trying to enter the throne room!"


"Oww! Who's pulling my tail!?"

"Sorry Dashie!"

"Rarity, move ya bottom out of my face!"

"Well excuse you too, Applejack!"

"C-can't we settle this w-without violence?"

"Let Delirious through!"

"I want the muffins, let me in!"

At this point, it was a free-for-all and nobody was safe, well except Bon Bon and Zecora, who came beside Bon Bon.

"This is a predicament that nopony could've seen to happen today. Though, I can't figure out why with the throne room, this 'Delirious' needs to stay away." Zecora said.

"I... don't know either, but... maybe they will stop soon." Bon Bon said with a small belief in her voice.

"Hey! Let go of my hat!"

"Then let the Human inside the room!"

"Wait a minute, why are we in a fucking cloud!?

More loud chattering can be heard from inside the cloud, which broke Bon Bon's expectations.

"Or maybe they won't..."

"Well, it looks like I win!" Discord exclaimed happily as he tossed a red 6 UNO card on a pile of other UNO cards. He was so happy, he started to do a little victory dance as he got up from his throne he was sitting on.

Squirrel however, had a deadpan expression and looked a little pissed. "Wow, after at least 6 minutes of that UNO game, that's how it ends?" Squirrel said in a annoyed tone. "You're lucky you had that plus 4 wild card."

"I think you mean skilled."

"Yeah sureee."

Discord and Squirrel seemed to be playing UNO and were waiting for Twilight. Starlight was talking to Spike about how Twilight was acting. And the Cutie Mark Crusaders were talking with each other about Humans, wondering what they are and look like.


Squirrel frowned and looked more annoyed. "Ok seriously, what is that noise? It's been going for at least a minute now."

"I don't know." Starlight said in a confused tone. "I guess I'll check it out." She then walked cautiously to the banging door and so did Spike as he carefully followed Starlight.

As they carefully approached the door, they heard some faint shouting that they couldn't quite decipher, since they were behind a door and there was a lot of shouts at the same time.

Starlight and Spike looked at each other worriedly, concerned on what's happening outside the door. She assumed it was Twilight and the girls, but why would they bang the door furiously?

Starlight then faced the door and used her horn to pull the door open. Once it was opened, many Ponies fell down on the floor

"WOAH!" The Ponies screamed at once when they fell. A pile of bodies formed that had the Mane 6, Lyra, Derpy, and Delirious in it.

Starlight instantly recognized the Mane 6 in the pile. "Twilight? Girls? What's going on?" The only answer Starlight got were some weak groans from the girls and everypony in the pile. There eyes were closed, since they were dazed from the fall.

Spike was still beside Starlight and was observing the pile, but he saw something interesting. He spotted a Pony in the bottom of the pile. Actually, it didn't look a Pony, or a Dragon, a Diamond Dog. In fact, it looked more like a... Human.

This made Spike widened his eyes in realization and point a claw at the Human. "W-who's that?" He asked.

Starlight looked on where Spike was pointing and her eyes widened as well. She was surprised and confused on who it was.

They would get an answer when Delirious slowly lifted his head from the floor. Instantly, he spotted two figures in front of him and one of them was a Pony that had a horn, while the other looked like a big lizard.

He didn't know what to do, so he asked a question. "Who the hell are you guys?" He groaned in a low voice.

Starlight was reluctant to answer at first, but she eventually decided to answer Delirious. "My name is Starlight Glimmer."

"And I'm... Spike." Spike said, still with eyes full of shock.

"If you don't mind me asking, w-who are you?"

Delirious however, ignored Starlight's question as he started to move his head to look around the room. "So this is the throne room?" He said to himself.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Discord, and Squirrel all were curious on who was at the door, so they moved they got out of the thrones and walked to the pile to get a closer look on it. Well the Cutie Mark Crusaders walked over to pile, Discord snapped his fingers and teleported close to Starlight and Spike, but also close to the table, and Squirrel stood on the table to see the pile.

"Woah, who's that?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Why's it wearing a hockey mask?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Also, what even is it?" Scootaloo asked.

"Hmmm." They are muttered in unison.

Discord seemed to be having a grin on his face. "I heard of Dogpiles, but not Ponypiles." Discord teasingly said.

Squirrel inched closer to the edge of the table, so he can get a good look at the pile, but he couldn't really see with a Draconequus, a Dragon, some Fillies, and a Pony in the way.

'Damn, I can't see anything.' He thought in annoyance.

Delirious (who was still at the bottom of the pile) tried to pull himself out from the piled Ponies. It took some struggle, considering that these Ponies were heavy (probably from all the sweets they eat here,) but Delirious still managed to silp his upper and lower body out.

After his legs were free, he stood up and looked down at his clothes and dusted them with his hands.

Little did Delirious know, him standing up got Squirrel to get a view on what everyone was talking about.

When Squirrel saw Delirious, he had a face full of pure shock. Squirrel saw a Human wearing a hockey mask, a blue sweater, black pants, and he had some wonky hair. He knew instantly, it was Delirious (or at least his avatar.)

Starlight cleared her throat to catch Delirious' attention, but he was still dusting his clothes. "Hey, you didn't answer my question, who ar-"

"I don't know why Twilight didn't want me here." Delirious interrupted as he stopped dusting his clothes, which made Starlight form an annoyed look. Delirious then started to lift his head as he began to talk to himself again. "I mean, I don't know what woopy secret she's tryin-" Delirious stopped and had his eyes widened with an expression of shock. Delirious couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He was seeing a orange Squirrel wearing a sky blue bandana and was standing on a table. However, it wasn't a simple rodent though, this Squirrel had it had its left ear and left eye missing, since it had its brain showing, like some kind of Zombie. Delirious instantly recognized the Squirrel to be... well... Squirrel.

With their eyes widened and irises shrunken, they continued to stare at each other in shock. They didn't even blink. Starlight was worried and was looking back at Delirious then at Squirrel, worrying on how this scene would unfold. After a few seconds passed, they finally made a move.

At the same time, they both extended their right arm and pointed a finger at each other.


Author's Note:

Sorry if I made this chapter long, I'm working on other stuff and other stories I'll release eventually. Plus, I worked on the cover art for the story. What do you think of the Cover Art anyways?

Comments ( 7 )

Two of the four have reunited, now how're the other two handling things?

Let's just say that their welcoming is going to be a handful and yeah... it's going to be chaotic.

Yup. It's hilarious, I recommend looking it up when you have the time.

Zecora was thrown off by this and was confused. "Uhh... by any chance, why can't we, might I ask?"

She didn’t rhyme

Zecora now knew that she was hiding something, so she started to become a little skeptical. "I sense that what you are saying were lies. Tell me, what secrets are you trying to hide?"

Lies and Hide don’t rhyme

Yeah, Zecoras rhymes are not good in this story and really ruins the immersion

Yeah, I can't do a good Zecora and I don't think I'll ever right a good Zecora in a MLP story, but I'll try and improve in the later chapters.

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