• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 213 Views, 11 Comments

In the Halls of the Friendship Princess - Ashel

Starlight Glimmer gets lost in Twilight's castle. Whoop-de-doo.

  • ...

You may only leave the ride once it has stopped moving.

Day 17:

Greetings, Journey! I know it's been a while since I've last written, but I was busy doing stuff. (Mostly trying to find a way back). What's that you ask? What was I doing? Well, let me tell you! (Is it weird I'm talking to my journal as though it was a pony? Pshh, nah). So, I had recently escaped the basement, when I came across an intersection. Not knowing which way to go, I randomly chose to go left. Something about the left side of mazes or another. I carried on walking until I got to, and this is the best part, a kitchen!

Let me tell you, the food was delicious. The whole pantry was stocked with freshly baked goods, I just wanted to dive in and eat it all. But knowing I was running low on supplies, I decided to save them for later, only having a roll or two. Oh dear Celestia, never before had bread tasted so divine. And when I went to the ice box, it had all sorts of stuff! From cheeses to butter to... whatever that weird red stuff was. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any of it with me, but I definitely couldn't just pass them up. And what a feast I had that night. All I'll say is that I'm lucky I'm not lactose intolerant. Anyway, food heaven aside, I packed up some supplies and journeyed on. I went through some more corridors, more non-descript rooms, blah blah blah. And that's about it.

I'm currently camping at what seems to be an antiroom anteroom. I'll probably stay here for the night, or what I think is the night. It's hard to tell with no windows about. I'll write to you tomorrow, Journey!

Day 18:

Gosh, when I get out, I'll definitely need to get a massage. These crystal floors are not fun to sleep on.

Apparently, this place has a greenhouse. There's all sorts of plants here, in an array of different colours. It all looks very pulchritudinous. Aha, I bet you didn't know that word. Well, neither did I. I found it in a book. It was very sad, but had a happy ending. (As far as I could tell. I haven't finished it)*. Oh right, I found a library. It was rather small, at least compared to the other ones. I don't think Twilight even knows about it. Hmm. I wonder how the library could be shelved if nopony has seen it before, or the kitchen for that matter! Oh well, it's not exactly the weirdest thing I've seen here, and I'm certainly not going to complain.

Oh boy, I bet as soon as I tell Twilight about the library, there'll be no stopping her from trying to find it. Gosh, I miss her.

Day 20:

I don't think I'm getting out.

I don't think I'll ever get back.

I've been walking for days and seem to have made no progress.

I'll miss you Twilight. I'm eternally grateful for all you've done for me. You picked me up when I was at my worst. You helped me realise what I wanted needed all along. You've been a great teacher and an even better friend.

And Trixie. Dear Celestia, I only just realised how much you mean to me. We have pasts with which we can relate to. (I knew I should have started that Ex-Twilight-Haters club). The way you always seem to know how to get on my nerves. (In a good way, of course). And how to promptly calm me down. I suppose I'll never get to tell you any of this. But Trixie, if this is the only way I might be able to communicate with you again, I wanted to tell you. I lo

What's that?

Is that an exit? I can't believe it! I think- I think I'm finally free!

Author's Note:

*This is based off of an actual book, or fan-fiction, I suppose. It's called "Libero". It is currently unfinished, however it is very good. It can get a bit dark though.