• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 210 Views, 11 Comments

In the Halls of the Friendship Princess - Ashel

Starlight Glimmer gets lost in Twilight's castle. Whoop-de-doo.

  • ...

Departure of Mundanity

Day 1:

Greetings, future-me! As you probably know, I've been assigned to 'Map out the castle' by Twilight. Now, I don't see the point in doing it myself (Ourself?), but I'm not going to just decline an assignment from my mentor. Especially when it gives me a chance to get away from Trixie. (As much as I love you, girl; you are just too much sometimes.) Hmm, I should probably make a log of my supplies and where I've been, huh?


1x Journal;
2x Quills;
10x Sealed Inkwells;
3x Scrools; Scrolls;
1x Sleeping Bag;
1x Pillow;
1x Sleeping Matt Mat;
1x Tub of Lamp Oil;
1x Lamp;
2x Tinder Boxes;
1x Watch;
5x Ration Packs

Now, I know what you're thinking. Well actually I don't, but you do know what I'm thinking, and I'm thinking: "Why do I need a sleeping bag?". Well, I wish I could answer you, but I'm also afraid to find out why. Let's hope this just gets done before the end of the day.

Oh, right, where I've been.


Map Room/ Meeting Room-
Entrance outside the kitchen

It's been about forty minutes since writing that, and I have to say; I did not expect the place to be that big. Maybe it's just the really tall ceilings warping my perception? It must be.

Anyway, judging by the colck colck Clock given to me, I think it's about 8 in the afternoon? I'll write again later.

Day 2:

Dear Celestia! This place is bigger than I thought!

I had to sleep, overnight, on the floor, in a Sleeping Bag! Ugh, I hope I never have to do that again. Anyway, not much has happened since then, my supplies are the same so I won't bother writing out the list again.

I think I'm now officially in uncharted territory. At the very least, I've never been this far. I sure hope I'll be able to find my way back after this. So far, I have now been past (Barring previous locations):

Empty room 1-
Empty room 2-
Empty room 3-
Empty room 4-
Empty room 5-
Empty room 6-
Empty room 7-

I'm sure you get the picture. (Don't worry, all the bajillion other empty rooms are marked on the map.) I'm going to keep these relatively brief, as not much really happens; it being indoors and all. I'll probably just write every now and then, marking what I have and where I've been, if necessary. Anyway, if the clock is any juge judge, it's about half past five in the afternoon (Geez, has it really gone that quickly?), so I'll stop for now.

Day 5:

So, as you can probably guess, or already know, it's been a while. When Twilight offered me this assignment, I thought it would be easy; that I could do it in less than a day and show her how good I am!

No matter, I'll still get this done, no matter how long this takes_____________________ Oh sorry, I started to fall asleep. It's hard to get a good night's rest on a crystal floor, especially with only one pillow. One pillow! I mean, who sleeps with only one pillow! A madmare, that's who!

Sory Sorry about that, I must be losing more sleep than I thought. As I was saying, I'll get this job done, even if it kills me. (Hopefully not.)

I don't have much to report other than I've used up one inkwell and had to open another. Everything else is acounted accounted four. Gosh, I'm really tired. I'm going to try and find a bedroom, hopefully that might help.

Day 6:

Good morning, Journal! I'm feeling a lot better now that I've had a full night's sleep. I managed to find a bedroom last night, and am very grateful for it, but something just felt off. Sure, there was a fully made bed, a desk and a chair, everything a bedroom needs to be a bedroom. But, that was it, there was nothing else. It's as if whomever designed this room knew what was supposed to be there, but nothing else. But I digress, I'll leave the bedroom soon and start off again.

In the meantime, want to hear a joke? Why did the mare pull out her mane? Because she walked through a corridor which she swears never looks the same whenever she glances at it! Sorry, that wasn't very funny, was it? I'm still just really hung up on that. Maybe it was just the sleep deprivation. I mean, you'd be able to tell if the room just suddenly changed, right? Anyway (I seem to be writing that a lot.), I should get going now. I'll write soon.

It's been about seven hours now, and I swear I have walked through the same corridor 15 times. But, whenever I look back at where I came from, it's as if I've never left the first! If this continues, I think I might just blast a hole through the wall. After another 7 attempts, I finally managed to leave the corridor. I'm going to have to stop soon, I can't keep this up all day.

Can I vent for a moment? Wait, why am I asking, this is a journal. Why am I writing this down?! Ugh, I think this place is starting to get to me. As I was saying, I've gone through about half of my rations, which means if I don't get of here soon, I'll be in trouble. I wonder if Twilight is concerned that I've been gone for so long? Of course she would be! What a silly thing to write! As good as you are, Journal, I miss speaking to ponies. I haven't encountered another living thing in this place since I began. Anyway (If I ever find a library, I might need to look up more synonyms for 'Anyway'), I'm pretty tired now. I'll write to you soon.

I wonder how Trixie is doing without me? I miss her.