• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 213 Views, 11 Comments

In the Halls of the Friendship Princess - Ashel

Starlight Glimmer gets lost in Twilight's castle. Whoop-de-doo.

  • ...

Please Keep Arms and Legs Inside the Ride at all Times

[Tear marks adorn the next few pages in mild frequency, and a rip is present on the bottom of the page.]

Day 8:

I already miss the bed. If I get back problems because of this, I'm demanding compensation. I should probably make another checklist, it's been a while since I've checked my supplies.


1x Journal;
2x Quills;
3x Scrolls;
9x Sealed Inkwells;
1x Sleeping Bag;
1x Pillow;
1x Sleeping Mat;
1x Tub of Lamp Oil;
1x Lamp
2x Tinder Boxes;
1x Watch;
3x Rashion Ration Packs

I'm either going to have to find a kitchen or turn back now, as my rations are getting low. Fortunately, I still have the map I've been plotting, so at least I'll be able to find my way back. I'll write later if I've found something.

So, it's been about nine hours now and I still haven't found a kitchen. I also seem to have reached a staircase leading downwards. I should probably map out the place floor by floor, but there aren't exactly any other ways to go. It's getting quite dark down here, I might need to use my horn so I can see. Note to self: Do not write and walk at the same time, especially on a staircase.

What I don't understand is; how is this place so dark? I mean, most of the corridors upstairs don't have windows, and yet they're not so ominously pitch black. It's as if this place just being underground merits it be dark. Anyway (Help, I think I might be addicted), at least I've gotten usage out of the lamp. The one good thing about this darkness is that it helps with my mild headache I have. Perhaps this place has a kitchen? After all, most of the servant rooms are usually below ground in castles, and Twilight's can't be that far off, right? Celestia, what I'd do just to hear her voice again.

Everything's fine. Everything's fine. I'll just retrace my steps, see? No reason to start panicking.

No, it can't be. I swear it was there five minutes ago! I probably just got turned around, is all.


Day 9:

Heh, you're probably wondering: "Starlight Glimmer, why did you let out a profanity on our family-friendly entertainment.". And to that I respond: What? But I would then go on to respond: Because the map is gone. My only way back is gone. Then, you'll probably wonder: "Why not just go back the way you came?", and to that I'd respond: I tried to, but it was gone! The building had changed! And then you'd respon Okay, I promise I'll stop that. I'm just trying to find a way to cope with this.

It's just, my only way out of this place, I destroyed with my own hoof. I'll, I'll probably never find my way out again. I'm probably trapped in my own mentor's basement forever. By the time Twilight finds me, I'll be a skeleton. If she even tries to find me at all. Was it all just a ploy, to get rid of me? Was this her plan all along? I



She would not just do this to me. She is my friend, they all are. She is my teacher, and I her student. She taught me how to handle situations like this. She taught me to never give up.

I will carry on. I will find a way out. I will survive.

Day 11:

Okay, so I think we all know the cliché of the protagonist losing hope after a bad situation, but then miraculously finding hope afterwards, typically with a motivational speech with dramatic wording. Now, I'm not saying I'm immune to clichés, because I'm not. That whole end of the last entry kinda proves that. (Also, remind me to keep this journal hidden from Twilight. She might just kill me if she reads what I wrote about her. But in a friendly way, haha, right Twilight?) But at least it seems to have helped me from my stupor.

Now, I'm still in the basement. The dingy, dark, all encompassing, never-ending No. I can not give up hope. I'm sure I'll find a way out. I just need to keep going forward. I'll write to you later.

Day 12:

Good news: It's getting brighter! Bad news: I'm still not out of the basement.

At least I don't need to use the lamp anymore. The stupid, good-for-nothing lamp. Ugh, now I know I'm desperate, I'm berating a lamp. Anyway, I think I've made good ground since the accident. I have no way of verifying this, but I think I might be getting closer to an exit. I mean, if a basement will be dingy and dark for the sake of being a basement, then it stands to reason that the exit will be bright and luminous, right?

Maybe I'm just clinging onto a false hope, but a false hope is better than none. Right?

Dear Celestia. If I ever get out of here, remind me to take lessons in morale.

I think I'll stop for now, I'm getting kinda hungry. I suppose large, tear-shedding, emotional moments really take the energy out of you. I wonder how Trixie is doing, she's supposed to be doing a show today. I hope she can do it without me. I'll definitely have to make it up to her for missing out on her show. I think, after all this, a nice long day at the spa would be perfect. And then maybe a meal that aren't these stupid rations!

Even if we don't go to the spa, a day with Trixie would still be perfect. I just want to My apologies, that was quite the tangent. I must be getting desperate for any kind of physical contact. Heck! Any kind of contact at all with another pony. Unfortunately, it seems as though I'll have to fight my way just for that.

Day 14:

Guess who got out of the basement~? Go on, guess. Wrong! I did! Unless you guessed me, that is, hehe.




I think it was a good thing I got out of that basement as soon as I did... (Wow, I even wrote ellipsis.)

If I ever find my way back, I don't think I'll be leaving my room ever again. The horrors in that basement, ugh.. I don't think I'll ever look at peacocks the same way again. I think I'll stop for now. After that whole ordeal, I might need a break for a while. I'll see you later, Journey! (Yes, I named my journal, shut up.)