• Published 15th Jan 2024
  • 491 Views, 9 Comments

Cupcakes: The Good Ending - Aromatic Brew

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The Good Ending

Rainbow Dash was relaxing on a cloud when she heard a sound from below, "Hey Raibow Dash!" Rainbow could recognize that voice anywhere, Pinkie Pie. "Are you ready?" Pinkie Pie called up.

"Ready for what?" Rainbow Dash asked leaning over the edge.

"For the cupcake sampling you said you'd help me with of course!"

Oh, that's right! Rainbow had forgotten that she had agreed to help Pinkie sample some new recipes that day. Rainbow swooped down and landed with a light thunk next to Pinkie, "Heck yeah, I'm ready!"

The entire way to the sweet shop, Pinkie was talking up the new recipe she had recently invented. She talked of how flavorful it was, how the ingredients were exotic and a secret, how delicious they look. Rainbow was absolutely eating it up, she was getting giddy at the prospect of this seemingly perfect pastry.

The two stepped into the doors of Sugarcube Corner. The Cake family were out for a family matter and wouldn't be back for a while. Pinkie Pie secretly locked the door behind her after Dash entered; her plan was going swimmingly.

"I'm gonna go around back and get the cupcakes! Make yourself at home, Dashie!" Pinkie said, bouncing around the counter and to the backroom.

Rainbow sat down at a table and waited for Pinkie to return. A few minutes later Pinkie Pie returned with a batch of cupcakes and a grin that seemed a little too wide. Rainbow Dash couldn't quite place it, but she swore she could see some kind of weird look in Pinkie's eye; something was off.

Pinkie Pie served Rainbow Dash one of the cupcakes and then served herself another. This was perfect, Rainbow Dash was about to eat the poison cupcake. Rainbow put the whole cupcake in her mouth in one quick motion and began eating it, "This is really good, Pinkie!"

Pinkie Pie giggled, "I'm glad you like it!" Pinkie ate her own cupcake. Pinkie's head then quickly slammed onto the table with a thud. Pinkie had given herself the wrong cupcake. Only one of those cupcakes was poisoned, Pinkie thought she had given Rainbow Dash the right one; she didn't.

Rainbow Dash rushed to her friend's side and shook her, "Pinkie! What's wrong get up!" As Rainbow was shaking Pinkie Pie, a slip of paper fell from the seemingly endless void that was Pinkie's large mane. Raibow Dash picked up the paper and read it curiously.

The Plan
Step 1. Wait for the Cakes to leave.
Step 2. Lure Dashie to Sugarcube Corner
Step 3. Give her poisoned cupcake
Step 4. Laugh maniacally
Step 5. Put on cool cutie mark costume
Step 6. Torture Dashie and make her into cupcakes

Raibow's eyes went wide. She turned her gaze to Pinkie and back to the note and back again rapidly. "What the buck is this?!" Rainbow shouted. She ran to the door, unlocked it, and flew at high speeds down the road to Twilight's library.

Dash slammed through the window and tumbled onto Twilight, "Twilight! Twilight! I need your help, like now!" Dash yelled to Twilight, who was wedged underneath her.

Twilight's eyes narrowed, "This better be good, Rainbow. I'm busy with something that is totally not fanfiction." Rainbow Dash explained the situation to Twilight while ignoring the unfinished blatant smut laying not-so far away on the ground. Twilight promptly called the authorities.

Pinkie Pie woke up in the Ponyville Hospital. There were two guards on each side of the door keeping her from escaping. When Pinkie became conscious, one of the guards pressed a button to alert a doctor. A few minutes later, a doctor trotted into the room holding a medical chart in her magic, "Good evening, Miss... Pie. You were found passed out in Sugarcube Corner. We pumped your stomach and got everything out, thankfully. And uh... Oh yeah, you've been arrested. You'll be discharged tomorrow morning and taken to court. Anyway, that's all. Goodnight, ma'am."

The doctor trotted out before Pinkie could even speak. She just sat there in the bed wallowing in her disappointment. She couldn't believe she had been so careless. This wasn't her first time doing it, so why was she caught this time?

The next day, Pinkie met with her lawyer. His name was All Good, known for his incredible ability to get the most guilty ponies out of trouble. The two sat in All Good's office for a few hours talking over Pinkie's case. Pinkie of course, was wearing a straight jacket, muzzle cover, hoofcuffs, and was tied to the chair.

"Could anypony cover your flank in this case? Because it's not looking good right now," All Good asked while still maintaining his usual fake charismatic smile. Pinkie shook her head and looked down. "Well then, this isn't looking good."

Later in the courtroom, the prosecutor had been showing evidence: the cutie mark cape, unicorn horn necklace, pony skeletons, cans of blood, and all the illegally gotten adrenaline syringes. All Good brought several ponies to the stands to defend Pinkie's name, it didn't help.

All Good asked for an aside with the judge and prosecuting attorney, "I'm going to be frank with you two. I think I'm going to lose. Could you cut me any sort of break? Please?" All Good's smile faltered, but only for a moment. He had a desperate look in his eyes as he pleaded with the two before him. The judge looked down at him from his chair, "That's for the jury to decide, Mr. Good."

The jury took their deliberation time, they would now decide Pinkie's fate. After a few hours, the jury came back and took their seats. A Pegasus pony stood up and spoke, "Your honor, we have come to a decision. We the jury have decided that Pinkie Pie is guilty. We want the death penalty."

Pinkie Pie was quickly transported to the death row block of the nearest prison. She was escorted to her cell by a stallion who was holding a bat in his magic that he really wanted to hit her with. She got into her cell and was greeted by a stallion with a clipboard.

"Greetings ma'am, you may call me Officer Honeycomb. I just need to ask you a few questions," the block's supervisor asked. Pinkie nodded and began to answer all of his questions. After he was done, Officer Honeycomb excused himself to the bathroom. Pinkie could've sworn she heard a faint scream from where she presumed the bathroom was soon after he left.

The other ponies on the block seemed nice enough: a pony from Prance that had a pet rat, a buffalo that kept mostly to himself, and a very bulky stallion that sat there crying most of the day. She could get used to this for the twenty or so days she had left.

On the day of Pinkie Pie's execution, she was escorted from her cell by all the guards on the block led by Officer Honeycomb. She was led down a long green corridor and to a small room, "Alright then, Ms. Pie. This is your chance to pray to Faust or whichever higher power you choose." Pinkie obliged and began praying.

Next, she was led to the electric chair. She sat down and had the shackles put on her hooves and the cap placed above her head.

"Alright ma'am, do you have any final words?" One of the guards questioned her after putting the cap on her head.

Pinkie Pie looked over to the witnesses: her friends from Ponyville, her sisters, some family members of the ponies she had brutally murdered. She spoke up, "I could really use some updog..."

One of the guards looked over to the others and then back to Pinkie, "What's updog?"

Before Pinkie could respond, a pony behind a mesh screen pulled a lever and sent electricity flowing through Pinkie Pie's body. She convulsed and her eyes rolled back. After a few seconds of this going on, Pinkie Pie was dead. The nightmare was over.

Author's Note:

As I always say, feedback is always welcome! I hope you guys like this one, I thought it was a neat idea. Someone probably made this before but they say there's no such thing as an original idea! I'm going to bed, I've got stuff to do tomorrow. Have an awesome day/night!

Comments ( 9 )

This was very silly. I enjoyed it greatly. And thank goodness Pinkie didn't have her henway!

and that's all I'll say

What? No plea for insanity? I'm pretty sure she could have gotten away with that one given that it's Pinkie we're talking about. *shrugs* I guess Pinkie was Equestria's first psychopath and there weren't any clauses for insane ponies.

I was 6-8 when i first watched cupcakes :pinkiecrazy:

If she plead insanity I wouldn't have been able to sneak the Green Mile in there. What would you rather have, Pinkie being put in a ward or a horse with urinary problems?

This felt different from any of the alternative takes I usually read. Mostly because you expect a twist or so secret villain, but you were straight to the point of what would probably happen and I liked it. Especially love how it ends. You kept Pinkie the villain and I was glad. It was surprisingly funny.

This story's plot seems very...artificially forced against Pinkie. Pinkie is one of the last ponies I would expect to properly write out explicit steps for her plans, let alone for them to just appear without her trying to reach for them, yet that's what gets the ball rolling. Equestria's justice system meanwhile I would expect to be very reform-focused, and to only consider executing Pinkie (who note, is vitally important to the country's continued existence as an element of harmony...) after it turns out her powers are too much for something like an asylum.
Finally, it's a bit crazy for Equestria to have the electric chair on the books; it's an execution method that literally cooks its victims to death while giving them seizures. There's things like the anti-mirror-pool spell to use that offer a pretty fast and stress-free death, and if worst comes to worst, there's the guillotine (chopping the neck may seem brutal, but at most 13 seconds of consciousness with a sharp pain, and virtually no risk of it not working, makes it pretty humane compared to anything any real country currently actually uses).

Overall, I get where the story is coming from in its silliness, but I feel like references and such could've still been made without the story seeming like it was just "railroading" everyone towards its conclusion, perhaps even just by having ponies give basic justifications for the differences from canon Equestria (maybe this is an Equestria where there are no elements and Celestia just sends in guards with guns against villains).

But the Green Mile reference was good, right?

It just seemed kind of bizarre to me, because I didn't know what it was; without knowing The Green Mile, the scene seems like "he was attacked by a toilet alligator and died offscreen". My general advice is that you should first write references as if nobody gets them (many won't), and only after they seem good for that audience, consider what to add to make getting the reference really fun to those who do get them.

Btw, about the last few sentences, while I personally think they're barely within what E should be, I know from experience that FiMfiction's ratings are a bit stricter than I tend to think, and they're definitely more intense than anything else in the story. I think you should really consider toning down that part or making it be offscreen, or rerating to T and going a bit crazier overall with the story.

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