• Published 29th Dec 2011
  • 1,870 Views, 36 Comments

Uncovering A Time Before - Fyrebird

An ancient secret will be uncovered Lyra and a team of friends.

  • ...

The Journey Begins

"Checklists aren't really my thing..."

"Just make one, that way we'll be extra prepared."

"Yes Lyra, it would expected that you check off all requirements before embarking on a journey."

"Shutup Moondancer."

Lyra, Bon-Bon, and Moondancer were talking outside of the house, surronded by luggage and necessities as they waited for Colgate and Carrot Top to arrive with carriage they had bought. They didn't know what it was, all Colgate said over the phone was it was fast, built for off-roading, and ran on magic.

"Alright, I'll just say what we should have. A lot of water?"


"Food, enough for 3 weeks?"

"If we go on light diets, yes Lyra."

"Moondancer, you're complaining before we even start. You got all your history and archaeology stuff?"

"Indeed. All my supplies I felt I needed are present."

"Mkay, what else do we- whoa," she stopped, gaping at the carriage that came to a quick stop in front of her. A dark blue unicorn called out from one of the windows, "What do you think?"

"I- well, sweet Celestia."

"That is something," Bon-Bon added.

It was. It was a TOFC, Tatical Off-Road Carriage. It was used by the Royal Equestrian Army, and few were available to civilian markets. It had a 'hood' unlike most carriages, that protruded forward from the cabin to hold unicorn energy that powered all four wheels. Magic was needed for power, because the bodywork was mostly metal, much like a locomotive. It was big, blocky, and had many rails to mount supplies on. Its wheels were large, and very thick, with massive tires to cope with off-road conditions, unlike most spindly carriage wheels. It was one of the most advance carriages in Equestria, and it was now theirs to use.

"How the hell you'd get a TOFC, Colgate?" Lyra asked.

"I didn't, CT did."

Carrot Top called out from the enclosed driver seat, another rarity among carriages. "Long story short, I know this colt, and he's in the army, and I'm persuasive."

"Yeah yeah, so, you guys ready?" Colgate

"Help us load up, and then we can get out of here!"

"Left coming up, onto the highway," Colgate said as they came up to the intersection. "So Lyra, this sounds shweeet! I've been dying to go out on a crazy hunt for something awesome."

"I've just been wanting to see if humans actually ever existed."

"Proving legends, like a boss. I like this whole break law, prove legend, return heroes thing."

"I'm pretty sure that's not what was originally in mind," Carrot Top said.

"I don't know," said Bon-Bon, "Lyra's been bent on the old legends for a really long time now. And with fame as well."

"Well, yeah, I guess."

Carrot Top suddenly spun the wheel that was used to steer the magical carriage hard as it skidded sideways onto the cobblestone paved highway.

"Sweet Celestia, mind your driving manners Carrot Top, we could perish with one flick of the wheel!" Moondancer complained.

"Nearly missed it," the orange pony breathed out, as the TOFC gained speed, leaving Ponyville behind.

"Next stop, Grand Pass."

"We're not staying in Everfree City?" asked Moondancer. "It's a much bigger city, and it's closer."

"Naw, this way we're out of the Royal Valley and entering Thunder Plains."

"Speaking of thunder, what did the pegasus say about weather out there this time of year?" asked Bon-Bon, worriedly.

"Extreme," Colgate said in a surfer dude voice, " High risk of hail, lightning, heavy rainfall, and possible tornadoes in fast moving super storms across the plains."

"Sweet Celestia! Aren't there pegasi weather patrols out there?" asked Lyra.

"Yeah, but only near major cities, it's such a huge area, and not a lot of trees, so no amount of ponies, ever, could tame it all. Only protect largely populated areas, which are few and far between, unlike here, where there's a rest stop every mile," she added looking at one as they passed by it.

"Huh," Lyra said, staring out the window.

Magic made the TOFC fly through the countryside. The highway offered beautiful views of the Everfree to the south and the mountains surrounding Ponyville, Canterlot, and Everfree City in the Royal Valley. Enchanting little towns like Ponyville zoomed by, or were hidden away in the peaceful forest. As with all road trips though, boredom began to take over. The hum of the knobbed tires grew annoying and monotonous, the scenery became boring, and the urge to fall asleep fell over the ponies. The only thing that was out of sync was the occasional overtake of a normal carriage, or a large pothole that the advanced suspension couldn't cushion entirely.

"Everfree City, 5 miles," announced Carrot Top, reading a road sign.

"Good," said Bon-Bon, "We can stop for lunch."

"There's some grass and daffodil sandwiches in a green bag in the back if you're hungry," Lyra said.

"Whatever, Lyra, if we can stop in a few miles for something to bite, let's take it, because, even you said, that where we're going there's nothing," Colgate stated.

"Yeah, but the time it takes to eat, and then get back on the highway could be spent getting furth-"

"Oh come off it Lyra, it'll only be a few minutes," Moondancer snipped.

"She has a point there it'll only be a f- WHOA SHIT!" Carrot Top exclaimed, slamming the brake, air hissing as the hydraulic pads compressed onto the rims of the carriage, bringing it to an abrupt halt, and Colgate, sleeping in the front passenger seat, slammed her head on the metal dashboard.

"Dude what the hell?"

"CT, what was that?"

"Traffic," she said, pointing out the front windscreen. The two lane highway was jammed full of stopped carriages, and they were only 3 miles from city center.

"Oh boy. Stuck in traffic in a tan TOFC. This can only end well," Bon-Bon sighed.

"Could be worse. Nopony can see our faces, and there's other carriages that run on magic around, I'm sure," Carrot Top said hopefully.

"Better not be here too long," harrumphed Moondancer.

"Naw, it'll be over soon, right CT?" asked Colgate.

"It better!" Lyra shouted.

"It's been, AN HOUR, and we've moved, A MILE. I can walk BACKWARDS faster."

"Well, hey, I don't control traffic conditions, calm down, it'll be over once we turn onto the route to Grand Pass," Carrot Top answered.

"But we need to goooooo. We haven't got all of time to get to the ruins!"

"It's just a backup!"

"So much for lunch," Bon-Bon said, frowning.

"Is it okay if we listen to the radio now?" Colgate asked.


"But CT,"

"No touch. We need to return this in one piece."



"Besides Colgate, it's nice and quiet without any of your barbaric music on."

"Shutup Moon."

"You all shutup, it's ridiculous waiting this long, especially since this city's on the other side of Equestria."

"See, it wasn't soo bad, right Lyra?"

"Whatever you say..."

The traffic had freed up once they finally passed through the city center and got on the hard-pack gravel, one-lane highway that was heading straight to the mountainous Grand Pass Highway. It was late in the afternoon as they made their way out of Everfree City and to their overnight rest stop. It was a quiet and smooth ride, the military carriage absorbing the knocks gave the feeling of riding over a soft cushion at pegasus speed.

All the others were sleeping, nuzzled up against the soft cloth covers put over the normally bare, hardcore military thrones of steel. Bon-Bon's head rested in Lyra's lap, Lyra stroking her hair gently. Lyra was at peace with the mare of her dreams somehow, until a few miles down the road.

"Carrot Top?"


"Pull over. NOW."


"I'm going to be sick."

"Oh Celestia, yah, stopping now."

The carriage slowed quickly, and pulled to the side. Lyra got up so fast, Bon-Bon's head smacked Lyra's seat as Lyra swung open the door and jumped out. Confused, Bon-Bon asked, "What's wrong?"

"Motion sickness," Carrot Top replied.

They waited in silence for a while, a few carriages whizzed by. They had stopped in a relatively empty stretch of highway, even though it was one of the busiest roads in the region. But it was a weekday, and not many cargo vans were passing through to match the normal vacation traffic on weekends. After a few minutes, Lyra climbed back in and sat down.

"You alright?" asked Bon-Bon.

"I'm fine now that I'm with you," Lyra replied.

As Carrot Top checked behind her and drove back onto the highway, she added, "Oh Celestia, spare me."

The TOFC ripped through the countryside as fast as a pegasus, leaving vans and carriages choking in its dust, and Lyra very sick. Fortunately, however, they soon reached the magically paved Grand Pass Highway . Because of advanced magic powered carriages like the TOFC, Equestria's roads were being developed rapidly, especially major ones. The Grand Pass Toll Road was the newest, connecting Canterlot to the mountain pass that allowed travelers to cross them and head towards Las Haygas, all on the same road. It was also the smoothest and newest pathway in Equestria.

It was getting dark as they approached the tollbooth. A guard signaled the carriage into a large vehicle line, spare the line part, there was no other pony or carriage in sight. Carrot Top pulled in and rolled down the window.

"Good Evening ma'am. May I ask why you decided to take the Grand Pass Highway?"

"For the fastest way to Las Haygas, sir."

"Is this vehicle yours?"

Carrot Top ground her teeth. What do I say? "Yes, my husband is in the REA."

"Ah, very well. That would explain the TOFC. Fee for magic powered vehicles is three bits."

Carrot Top pushed out 3 bills, and the unicorn guard magically floated them back into the booth.

"Thank you ma'am, and have a nice trip."

"Thanks," she replied rolling up the window and driving onto the highway. She breathed out heavily, chuckled, and flicked on the lights. There was only a few ponies on the road that evening, making travel even faster. She accelerated one hundred miles an hour in the big machine. She soared past caravans, and passed the train that rode on tracks parallel to the highway.

The road began to thin, and soon became a one lane road that began to twist and turn. Soon, the carriage was struggling through tight switchback corners in the fading light. All were asleep, oblivious to the tight, winding road conditions. Soon, snow was appearing on the sides of the road. Cold began to creep into the cabin, and the conditions slippery. But the military powerhouse kept going, even with Carrot Top pushing it to the limit. Then, she reached a large crest.

"Grand Pass, nine thousand, six hundred feet. Wow," she whispered.

From there, it was a short downhill into the town of Grand Pass. It was not as large as most cities, so it would be better suited as a large town. It was situated on the west side of the Ridgeback Mountains, in the foothills. It was a popular ski resort in the winter, when the road was open. All there was to do now was to pull into a hotel.

Colgate soon woke up. "We here?"

"Yeah. I feel bad pulling into a hotel, and waking them up."

"You'd feel bad waking up Moondancer?"

"No, just the other two," she said, nodding her head towards the couple sleeping together in the second row.

"Hmm... just leave them there, I'll wake up Moon, and we'll wake up without sore necks."

"Alright, pull out the map of Grand Pass. Get me a nice, cheap hotel."

The Ridgeback Inn was situated in the quiet backstreets of Grand Pass. It was a nice, small lodge situated next to the creek that trickled through town. A tan camouflage military carriage pulled up to the reception office, and a blue unicorn got out and walked into the lobby. A minute later, she walked out, and climbed back in the vehicle.

It pulled into a spot near the creek, and its lights flicked off. Three ponies, including the blue one, climbed out and walked inside the building. What couldn't be seen was a cream colored earth pony, and a mint green unicorn sleeping away in the 2nd row of the carriage, enjoying one another's embrace.