Uncovering A Time Before

by Fyrebird

First published

An ancient secret will be uncovered Lyra and a team of friends.

Shocking archeaologic finds throughout the world would turn Equestria upside down. Before Celestia, Nightmare Moon, before all of it, there was a great empire that was far beyond Equestria's own. And it left a massive legacy that would passed down as myths and legends, and the truth would only be rediscovered three thousand years later. It would prove strange habits, names of cities, languages, technology, engineering, everything Equestrian, unoriginal. But the ruling class of Equestria has banned any further research on the thousands of sites that could be traced to the myths. Only the truly daring and adventurous would dare break the law to find out if those ancient legends and creatures, in a time before ponies, were true. And Lyra Heartstrings believes in the ancients' existence, and embarks on a journey to prove it.
Cut me some slack bro, this is my first fanfic.
Teen for Foul Language
Canceled, I didn't like how I made it turn out and, if you can follow me here, my views of FiM changed and don't fit in with the story.
Plus, it's flat out hard to write a full fledged fanfiction when you are a struggling AP student.

Research, Visions, Love, and the Idea

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The evening was maturing in Ponyville, the sun setting into the mountains and leaving behind a purple glow as stars began to twinkle in the east. At this time, a green unicorn and a cream colored earth pony were digging through Ponyville's Library archives in search of some information. This was the sixth time in the past two weeks they were there, and still searching for answers to some unknown question. Actually, a question that had ate away the green unicorn's mind ever since she was a filly.

“Lyra! Come take a look at this!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” replied the mint green unicorn. “What is it Bon-Bon?”

“Well, I was digging through articles about strange things like you said, and I found this,” replied the cream colored earth pony.She set it on a podium and Lyra began to read aloud.

“Adventurers Find Ancient City. Three days ago, a group of thrill seeking ponies set off from Las Haygas southwest. They came back today rabbling about an ancient metropolis by the sea, they said it was over 10 times the size of Manehatten and Fillydelphia combined, and said they could not cover it from end to end in a day, probably not a week. No formal investigation is to be launched, and Celestia banned any further investigation of this city, for the, quote, ‘better for Equestrian society.’ This only begs the ques-”

Bon-Bon interrupted, “This is the fifteenth article we’ve found on mysterious ancient places that were hushed up by Celestia.”

“So, why is she keeping broken bridges, dams, and pathways in the desert, four ancient metropolises, shooting star landing sites, ancient shipwrecks, and ancient metal buildings off limits from research?”

“I don’t know, maybe we can ask Twilight Sparkle to send a letter...”

"No!" Lyra whispered. "If Celestia finds out what we're doing I'll never figure out if humans were real!"

"Oh, Lyra. If nopony with a degree in archaeology and a respectable team couldn't even get close to the sites, what makes you think that a pony who is bent on finding out if a myth is actually true? Aren't these articles enough to prove it?"

"No! We have to go out to one of these sites. I want to really find out."

Bon-Bon sighed. "Come on. Finish your notes and put the newspapers back in the archives, and let's go home."


"Come on Lyra. That's enough for today."

"Okay," she sighed, giving in and began to pack up and leave.

On their way out, Twilight Sparkle looked up from her book. "I hope you girls found what you were looking for!"

"We did, thanks Twilight'" replied Bon-Bon.

"It's not often somepony comes to the library, I'm glad you two started to appreciate it. See you around!"

"Bye," answered Bon-Bon as she led Lyra out into the evening. The moment the door shut behind them Bon-Bon turned to Lyra and hissed, "Lighten up, will you?"


"You've been pouting ever since I told you we should leave!"

"But I wanna just figure out-"

"I know, but please, don't obsess about it."

"But if I don't-"

"But if you do, what I am supposed to do with somepony I love who can't spare some time with me because of a belief and some scant evidence about it?"

They both stopped. It was the evening, and Bon-Bon couldn't see her lover's face, but the tone in her voice was unmistakable. "I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't realize that I was getting to worked up. I'm sorry Bon-Bon, I love you."

"I love you too. Now prove it!" she giggled.

Lyra giggled too. "How about a drink?"

"That sounds delightful."

Later that night, Lyra was in bed, and through her drunken thoughts, she was thinking of ways to get to the sites that appeared in her research of the mythical human beings. Leave a note, buy a wagon and set off into the night to find ruins? No, that would worry Bon-Bon to much. Take her along? Maybe, but their relationship might slow it down, but maybe. And speak of the devil, she's out like a light. So she was, sleeping peacefully, snuggled up close with Lyra. Maybe I should just stay here a little while longer, and she smiled as she joined Bon-Bon in a peaceful night's rest.

She was standing on top of a ruined platform on top of a hill, gazing down around the ruined city. It was sad, seeing the rubble around towering steel frames. Occasionally, a building, or what was left of it, would fall to the earth in a cloud of dust and noise. Some buildings were still holding strong, a giant glass tower, taller than any mountain, surrounded by a dozen or so buildings of roughly the same height. The streets were littered with carriages that looked like they were from the future. Some burnt, others turned over, most just parked awkwardly through the streets. She made her way to the tower, weaving in between the carriages. Sometimes, she would past rusted gates and wires, and bigger, meaner carriages blocking the way, along with others painted white and with red and blue lights. She then got to a road, much bigger than the others, and elevated. It too, was littered with carriages, but was wide, vast, and long, a highway, only bigger than any highway ever. She followed it. It bore signs pointing to exits, and those exits more often than not were ramps up to smaller roads, but the bridge supporting the highway above them was always collapsed. The smell of the sea soon blew in with the wind as she kept walking. The feel was eerie as she past through thousands of abandoned plazas, malls, and neighborhoods that looked straight out of sci-fi movies. She was coming up on a junction with another highway. There were massive overpasses and towering bridges filled with carriages. Some were crumbling, others already fallen. She kept going. But then, somewhere in Ponyville, somepony was making an awful lot of noise.

Lyra woke with a start. She shot straight up and looked around. No ancient city, just her now vacant bedroom. She lazily climbed out of bed, her head buzzing from a slight hangover. She sleepily walked to the stairs out in the hall, where her marefriend nearly ran into her.

"Good morning! I was just coming to get you! I started breakfast for us. Sleep well?"

"Uh, yeah I guess..."

"Something wrong?"

"Nah, I'm just starving. What'cha making?"



After breakfast, Bon-Bon went to work, leaving Lyra to go wander around town. She was strolling through the park, when she heard her name called out. "Lyra!"

She looked around, to find an orange earth pony waving at her. "Hey Carrot Top. What's up?"

"I could ask you the same. Where's Bon-Bon?"

"Oh, she got a job at Sugarcube Corner, day shift."

"Oh wow! So what are you up to?"

"The usual..."


"Damn! You're good."

"It's pretty obvious you're bent on finding out if they ever existed. I don't need to be good, Lyra."

Ugh "Yeah well,"

"And you probably want to go to that ruin they found in the desert."


"You didn't know? Just now, news said that some illegal drug cartel was busted in the remains of a lost city south of Las Haygas."


"I thought you would've known by now."

"I didn't, thanks! Say, Carrot Top, should I try to go?"

"If you wanna break the law to see a pile of rubble that means someone was there once, then sure."

"I do, so badly."



"Alright, just don't get into trouble. And make sure your marefriend's okay with it."

She's kind of not... "Alright Carrot Top, I will. See you round."

"You too. Good luck!"

Back at her house, Lyra was plucking away at her lyre. How come it doesn't seem like it was created by ponies? she thought. And books, no earth pony or pegasus could turn those pages, and saddles. What the hell are those for?
"I just got to find out more. No books, real deal."

"Lyra? Lyyyrrraaaa..."

"What?" was the reply that came from the upstairs.

"What are you doing sweetheart?"

"Just chillin',"

"Aren't you gonna come downstairs and say-" she was immediately interrupted by the unicorn bolting downstairs and giving her a wet, sloppy kiss. When they broke off, Lyra said,

"I have a question."

"I may have an answer."

"Bon-Bon, would you go with me on an adventure?"

Bon-Bon laughed a little.

"Ha-ha. Where?"

"To those ruins we hear about,"


"At least you didn't say I'm crazy and no right off the bat."

There was a pause.

"Silly filly, you are crazy. But, I'd want to go just to be with you. And this town is a touch too crazy."

"For real?"

"Of course. I love you Lyra."

"I love you too."

They were silent for a bit, then Lyra spoke up.

"So, what about your job?"

"If I'm with you, it doesn't matter. And the Cakes are really laid back."

Lyra smiled.

"Now we're really going."

"Whatever you want," Bon-Bon smiled, "But let's get some friends to go too."

Finding the Company/Bringing it Home

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"That is a somewhat dangerous proposition Lyra," replied Moondancer. "Surely you realize my studies are true and pure, I don't need to be caught at a ruin trying to prove humans ever existed, Equestrian history is complex enough."

"But what if you do prove it! Then how much greater your books and stuff would be?"

"She has a point there Moondancer. C'mon, don't be a wuss," said Carrot Top.

"Fine. Give me a day, I'll be in Ponyville with my things. And Lyra, do make sure you are prepared for this as well? We will need defense, water, food, and a large carriage if we're going to go as far as you say."

"You bet Moon. I'll see you soon then!" she said excitedly as she and Carrot Top left the white unicorn's home to head back to the Canterlot Train Station.

"She's a bit snooty, if you ask me."

"Yeah but we'll need her cause she knows all about history and archaeology and stuff."

"And Vinyl Scratch? Did you seriously think she'd go?"

"Naw, but it was worth a shot. At least I can count on Colgate to come at the slightest mention of adventure when I get back."

They continued to walk through Canterlot's posh downtown, past the cafés and high-end clothing retailers. They passed by the impressive Mareiott Canterlot, and the Resort Royale, arguably the poshest hotel in all of Equestria. Canterlot was an impressive, and a bit brash, having a lot of money spent on buildings and roads that didn't really need to exist at all.

"Back to Ponyville then?"

"Yup. I wish Bon-Bon could've came."

"Well, we can't get everything. So, with that in mind, don't look at the time tables," she quickly added as they entered the glass-roofed station.

"What?" she said looking up. Its plastic flip-cards said the next train out was delayed. "Ugh why now?"

"Oh well. I'll go buy tickets, you go find a nice cup of coffee or something. A place to sit in your weird way."

"Alright, see ya in a bit."

She walked into the terminal. It was large, and a bit too big, considering that there was only two rail lines out of the mountain city. There were no trains, but quite a few ponies spread out on the benches, and most were in the First Class Lounge on the second floor, overlooking the, spare for the noisy heaters, quiet train station.

She walked across the white marble to a pay phone. Using magic, she pulled two coins from her saddlebags iand into the slot and dialed. She waited, waited, and after a minute she put the phone back on the hooks and the two coins pinged out. She then walked over to a bench and sat.

Lyra Heartstrings sits in arguably the most unusual position, thought Carrot Top, How does Bon-Bon put up with it? "Hey Lyra? Ready to wait for three hours?"


"Yeah, some rockfall busted up the rails, and they're working to free it up. But for now, we wait here and get laughed at by rich ponies in First Class."

"Aw man, this is gonna suck."

"Yeah, I know. At least we're not rushed, unless you have a date night with Bon-Bon," Carrot Top teased.

"Oh, shutup. I'm going to go get some Starbucks, what do you want?"

"Some Cappuccino and carrot cake sounds good."


For those who don't travel, waiting for a train, flight, or bus for more than an hour becomes an agonizing, teeth grinding, wait for transportation. Regardless of if you're rushed or not, it will bring you to anger. Sitting on poorly designed benches, walking around, buying cheap food, helps, but leaves you still waiting, and waiting. And you can't leave once you pass security, because, well, who wants to be violated by a random search? So at this point, two hours later, Lyra and Carrot Top were most restless and unhappy, along with the other ponies waiting for the train. Even in the First Class lounge, moods and tempers began to turn sour.

"Oh for the love of Celestia, it has to have been three hours by now."

As if on cue, a whistle blew in the distance. "That'd do the trick," said Carrot Top. They both stood up and walked out to the platform. A dozen or so others did the same. The whistle blew again, closer and the small locomotive came in sight, tugging only four or so cars behind it.


"Calm down Lyra, we're just going to be sitting again in a few minutes," said Carrot Top glumly.

"At least we'll be going somewhere."

The train came to a stop, and the hiss of escaping air rang through the terminal , and the doors opened, letting the weary travelers out of the delayed train, and the expectant ticket holders on board. Inside, it was quiet, and only a few ponies seated in regular class. The two friends sat down in the passenger car, fidgeting while waiting for the train to be off.

An attendant came by, apologizing for the delay, and soon, the final whistle blew, and the train began its trip to Ponyville. By now, it was late in the evening and the dark hid the mountainous ride back into the valley in which Ponyville laid. The train was moving fast, faster than normal, indicating that it was one of the few times where it ran on unicorn magic.

"Would you like a drink ma'am? It's on us," asked a dark maned attendant.

"Just water's fine, thank you."

"How about your friend?"

Lyra nudged Carrot Top. "Drink?" Carrot Top looked up at the attendant, and said, "Just water."

The attendant came back with water, and left the two to their own thoughts. Carrot Top then said, "So, what's your expectations for this ancient city?"

Lyra thought for a minute. "I have it all played out in my head," she said, tapping her forehead.

"So you aren't messing around, you really think that there really were humans, they weren't myths?"

"Well, duh. Is that so hard to believe?"

"For most ponies, yeah. Me inclusive. Believe what you want, but don't go crazy. I'm pretty sure Bon-Bon told you the same."

"What the hell? Are you psychic?"

"No, I'm a carrot farmer who is also pretty good at guessing what happens to her friend. I'm taking a nap."

Lyra grew bored fast, and was irritated Carrot Top, her only company, fell asleep. She looked out the window, and saw the fading light of Celestia's sun give way to Luna's night. Stars began coming into view. She sighed, wishing she was back with Bon-Bon. They had been together for over two years now, and Lyra was at the point where she was always nervous and anxious to be back whenever Bon-Bon wasn't around. They had gotten over being fillyfoolers fast, and the fact that they did and nopony objects, Lyra wondered if she might just make their relationship forever. Maybe just maybe...

The night grew older, darker as the train got closer to Ponyville. The only source of light in the cabin was from a unicorn reading a book. It was quiet, save for the clicking and clanking of the train cruising over the rails it rolled on. Lyra began feeling sleepy, and was about to doze off.

Then the train shuddered, and began slowing down. The whistle blew, announcing its arrival into the outskirts of Ponyville. Carrot Top woke up, turned, and groaned. "Finally."

"Ugh, the moment this thing stops, I'm getting off this train and going home."

"You said it sister."

Lyra slowly walked up to the door to her house. She pulled her keys from her saddlebag, and brought them to the door knob. Also, how could anypony open a door with hooves, well, unless they kicked it down. Lyra mused. She unlocked the door and opened it. It was dark, Bon-Bon must have gone to sleep. Lyra creeped up the stairs, careful not to make any noise, and opened the bedroom door slowly. Suddenly, the light turned on and blinded her.

"Where have you beeeeen!? I was worried sick!"

"Our train got delayed, I'm sorry! I tried calling a few times, but no one picked up."

"At least leave a message!"

"Butwhaduh buwha gah, I mean, I wanted to save some money?"

"A few quarters! Lyra I was so worried!"

"Well I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Yeah, but I-"

"Would you like to spend some time with me? Curled up, not sitting, I promise."

Bon-Bon sighed. "You silly filly, of course I'd like to spend time with you. Which is why I don't like it when you're late."

"Not exactly my fault, public transportation isn't always reliable. At least you can rely on me always being back."

"I would hope so," Bon-Bon said, smile forming. "I'll count on you this 'adventure' to always be there, you know."

"You have put trust in the right hooves, milady," Lyra said, striking a goofy salute.

"I know I have," she relied, smiling.

The Journey Begins

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"Checklists aren't really my thing..."

"Just make one, that way we'll be extra prepared."

"Yes Lyra, it would expected that you check off all requirements before embarking on a journey."

"Shutup Moondancer."

Lyra, Bon-Bon, and Moondancer were talking outside of the house, surronded by luggage and necessities as they waited for Colgate and Carrot Top to arrive with carriage they had bought. They didn't know what it was, all Colgate said over the phone was it was fast, built for off-roading, and ran on magic.

"Alright, I'll just say what we should have. A lot of water?"


"Food, enough for 3 weeks?"

"If we go on light diets, yes Lyra."

"Moondancer, you're complaining before we even start. You got all your history and archaeology stuff?"

"Indeed. All my supplies I felt I needed are present."

"Mkay, what else do we- whoa," she stopped, gaping at the carriage that came to a quick stop in front of her. A dark blue unicorn called out from one of the windows, "What do you think?"

"I- well, sweet Celestia."

"That is something," Bon-Bon added.

It was. It was a TOFC, Tatical Off-Road Carriage. It was used by the Royal Equestrian Army, and few were available to civilian markets. It had a 'hood' unlike most carriages, that protruded forward from the cabin to hold unicorn energy that powered all four wheels. Magic was needed for power, because the bodywork was mostly metal, much like a locomotive. It was big, blocky, and had many rails to mount supplies on. Its wheels were large, and very thick, with massive tires to cope with off-road conditions, unlike most spindly carriage wheels. It was one of the most advance carriages in Equestria, and it was now theirs to use.

"How the hell you'd get a TOFC, Colgate?" Lyra asked.

"I didn't, CT did."

Carrot Top called out from the enclosed driver seat, another rarity among carriages. "Long story short, I know this colt, and he's in the army, and I'm persuasive."

"Yeah yeah, so, you guys ready?" Colgate

"Help us load up, and then we can get out of here!"

"Left coming up, onto the highway," Colgate said as they came up to the intersection. "So Lyra, this sounds shweeet! I've been dying to go out on a crazy hunt for something awesome."

"I've just been wanting to see if humans actually ever existed."

"Proving legends, like a boss. I like this whole break law, prove legend, return heroes thing."

"I'm pretty sure that's not what was originally in mind," Carrot Top said.

"I don't know," said Bon-Bon, "Lyra's been bent on the old legends for a really long time now. And with fame as well."

"Well, yeah, I guess."

Carrot Top suddenly spun the wheel that was used to steer the magical carriage hard as it skidded sideways onto the cobblestone paved highway.

"Sweet Celestia, mind your driving manners Carrot Top, we could perish with one flick of the wheel!" Moondancer complained.

"Nearly missed it," the orange pony breathed out, as the TOFC gained speed, leaving Ponyville behind.

"Next stop, Grand Pass."

"We're not staying in Everfree City?" asked Moondancer. "It's a much bigger city, and it's closer."

"Naw, this way we're out of the Royal Valley and entering Thunder Plains."

"Speaking of thunder, what did the pegasus say about weather out there this time of year?" asked Bon-Bon, worriedly.

"Extreme," Colgate said in a surfer dude voice, " High risk of hail, lightning, heavy rainfall, and possible tornadoes in fast moving super storms across the plains."

"Sweet Celestia! Aren't there pegasi weather patrols out there?" asked Lyra.

"Yeah, but only near major cities, it's such a huge area, and not a lot of trees, so no amount of ponies, ever, could tame it all. Only protect largely populated areas, which are few and far between, unlike here, where there's a rest stop every mile," she added looking at one as they passed by it.

"Huh," Lyra said, staring out the window.

Magic made the TOFC fly through the countryside. The highway offered beautiful views of the Everfree to the south and the mountains surrounding Ponyville, Canterlot, and Everfree City in the Royal Valley. Enchanting little towns like Ponyville zoomed by, or were hidden away in the peaceful forest. As with all road trips though, boredom began to take over. The hum of the knobbed tires grew annoying and monotonous, the scenery became boring, and the urge to fall asleep fell over the ponies. The only thing that was out of sync was the occasional overtake of a normal carriage, or a large pothole that the advanced suspension couldn't cushion entirely.

"Everfree City, 5 miles," announced Carrot Top, reading a road sign.

"Good," said Bon-Bon, "We can stop for lunch."

"There's some grass and daffodil sandwiches in a green bag in the back if you're hungry," Lyra said.

"Whatever, Lyra, if we can stop in a few miles for something to bite, let's take it, because, even you said, that where we're going there's nothing," Colgate stated.

"Yeah, but the time it takes to eat, and then get back on the highway could be spent getting furth-"

"Oh come off it Lyra, it'll only be a few minutes," Moondancer snipped.

"She has a point there it'll only be a f- WHOA SHIT!" Carrot Top exclaimed, slamming the brake, air hissing as the hydraulic pads compressed onto the rims of the carriage, bringing it to an abrupt halt, and Colgate, sleeping in the front passenger seat, slammed her head on the metal dashboard.

"Dude what the hell?"

"CT, what was that?"

"Traffic," she said, pointing out the front windscreen. The two lane highway was jammed full of stopped carriages, and they were only 3 miles from city center.

"Oh boy. Stuck in traffic in a tan TOFC. This can only end well," Bon-Bon sighed.

"Could be worse. Nopony can see our faces, and there's other carriages that run on magic around, I'm sure," Carrot Top said hopefully.

"Better not be here too long," harrumphed Moondancer.

"Naw, it'll be over soon, right CT?" asked Colgate.

"It better!" Lyra shouted.

"It's been, AN HOUR, and we've moved, A MILE. I can walk BACKWARDS faster."

"Well, hey, I don't control traffic conditions, calm down, it'll be over once we turn onto the route to Grand Pass," Carrot Top answered.

"But we need to goooooo. We haven't got all of time to get to the ruins!"

"It's just a backup!"

"So much for lunch," Bon-Bon said, frowning.

"Is it okay if we listen to the radio now?" Colgate asked.


"But CT,"

"No touch. We need to return this in one piece."



"Besides Colgate, it's nice and quiet without any of your barbaric music on."

"Shutup Moon."

"You all shutup, it's ridiculous waiting this long, especially since this city's on the other side of Equestria."

"See, it wasn't soo bad, right Lyra?"

"Whatever you say..."

The traffic had freed up once they finally passed through the city center and got on the hard-pack gravel, one-lane highway that was heading straight to the mountainous Grand Pass Highway. It was late in the afternoon as they made their way out of Everfree City and to their overnight rest stop. It was a quiet and smooth ride, the military carriage absorbing the knocks gave the feeling of riding over a soft cushion at pegasus speed.

All the others were sleeping, nuzzled up against the soft cloth covers put over the normally bare, hardcore military thrones of steel. Bon-Bon's head rested in Lyra's lap, Lyra stroking her hair gently. Lyra was at peace with the mare of her dreams somehow, until a few miles down the road.

"Carrot Top?"


"Pull over. NOW."


"I'm going to be sick."

"Oh Celestia, yah, stopping now."

The carriage slowed quickly, and pulled to the side. Lyra got up so fast, Bon-Bon's head smacked Lyra's seat as Lyra swung open the door and jumped out. Confused, Bon-Bon asked, "What's wrong?"

"Motion sickness," Carrot Top replied.

They waited in silence for a while, a few carriages whizzed by. They had stopped in a relatively empty stretch of highway, even though it was one of the busiest roads in the region. But it was a weekday, and not many cargo vans were passing through to match the normal vacation traffic on weekends. After a few minutes, Lyra climbed back in and sat down.

"You alright?" asked Bon-Bon.

"I'm fine now that I'm with you," Lyra replied.

As Carrot Top checked behind her and drove back onto the highway, she added, "Oh Celestia, spare me."

The TOFC ripped through the countryside as fast as a pegasus, leaving vans and carriages choking in its dust, and Lyra very sick. Fortunately, however, they soon reached the magically paved Grand Pass Highway . Because of advanced magic powered carriages like the TOFC, Equestria's roads were being developed rapidly, especially major ones. The Grand Pass Toll Road was the newest, connecting Canterlot to the mountain pass that allowed travelers to cross them and head towards Las Haygas, all on the same road. It was also the smoothest and newest pathway in Equestria.

It was getting dark as they approached the tollbooth. A guard signaled the carriage into a large vehicle line, spare the line part, there was no other pony or carriage in sight. Carrot Top pulled in and rolled down the window.

"Good Evening ma'am. May I ask why you decided to take the Grand Pass Highway?"

"For the fastest way to Las Haygas, sir."

"Is this vehicle yours?"

Carrot Top ground her teeth. What do I say? "Yes, my husband is in the REA."

"Ah, very well. That would explain the TOFC. Fee for magic powered vehicles is three bits."

Carrot Top pushed out 3 bills, and the unicorn guard magically floated them back into the booth.

"Thank you ma'am, and have a nice trip."

"Thanks," she replied rolling up the window and driving onto the highway. She breathed out heavily, chuckled, and flicked on the lights. There was only a few ponies on the road that evening, making travel even faster. She accelerated one hundred miles an hour in the big machine. She soared past caravans, and passed the train that rode on tracks parallel to the highway.

The road began to thin, and soon became a one lane road that began to twist and turn. Soon, the carriage was struggling through tight switchback corners in the fading light. All were asleep, oblivious to the tight, winding road conditions. Soon, snow was appearing on the sides of the road. Cold began to creep into the cabin, and the conditions slippery. But the military powerhouse kept going, even with Carrot Top pushing it to the limit. Then, she reached a large crest.

"Grand Pass, nine thousand, six hundred feet. Wow," she whispered.

From there, it was a short downhill into the town of Grand Pass. It was not as large as most cities, so it would be better suited as a large town. It was situated on the west side of the Ridgeback Mountains, in the foothills. It was a popular ski resort in the winter, when the road was open. All there was to do now was to pull into a hotel.

Colgate soon woke up. "We here?"

"Yeah. I feel bad pulling into a hotel, and waking them up."

"You'd feel bad waking up Moondancer?"

"No, just the other two," she said, nodding her head towards the couple sleeping together in the second row.

"Hmm... just leave them there, I'll wake up Moon, and we'll wake up without sore necks."

"Alright, pull out the map of Grand Pass. Get me a nice, cheap hotel."

The Ridgeback Inn was situated in the quiet backstreets of Grand Pass. It was a nice, small lodge situated next to the creek that trickled through town. A tan camouflage military carriage pulled up to the reception office, and a blue unicorn got out and walked into the lobby. A minute later, she walked out, and climbed back in the vehicle.

It pulled into a spot near the creek, and its lights flicked off. Three ponies, including the blue one, climbed out and walked inside the building. What couldn't be seen was a cream colored earth pony, and a mint green unicorn sleeping away in the 2nd row of the carriage, enjoying one another's embrace.

Thunder Plains

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At breakfast, it was quiet. Lyra and Bon-Bon were still asleep in the carriage, so the other three took it upon themselves to hold off as long as possible to get back on the road. They watched the news and the small television set as they ate the complementary breakfast. They were the only ones in the breakfast room.

“Today, a dragon was spotted near Mareami, an uncommon occurrence in the flat region. Authorities had no trouble relocating it, and no attack was reported. In Fillydelphia, Princess Luna continues her return to modern Equestria. A parade and warm reception met her, (pictures and video replaced the newsmare’s face), and she plans on staying for another-”

“So, I’m ready for Thunder Plains today!” Colgate stated, gulping down her coffee.

“I’m not. It’s so flat out there, and it’s over a hundred miles between stops. And, we gotta worry about weather,” Carrot Top said.

“That’s the cool part! It would be cool to go through a big, unplanned, untamed storm.”

“Colgate, from past experience, I can tell you that being in a non-pegasus storm is not a cool experience,” Moondancer answered. “Even this carriage could be swept away in it.”

“Thanks for the thought Moon, I’m gonna wake up the two lovebirds and ready our steed for the next leg.”

“You go do that CT.”

A door opened, and slammed, stirring Bon-Bon from her sleep. Her vision was still blurry, as a voice exclaimed, “GOOOOD MOORNING!”


Bon-Bon , still in a daze, was left to smack her head, again, on the chair as Lyra jumped up.

“Whoa, by Celestia’s mane! What are we doing! We should be going! Why aren’t we moving?”

“Relax, crusader of the lost city, it’s still early morning. We pulled in to a hotel and left you two here. Are you ready?”

“Yes! Where are the others?”

“Lyra, calm down,” said Bon-Bon, “It’s okay, we’ll be on our way soon enough.”

“Okay,” she said sitting back down.

Carrot Top got out, and got back into the driver’s seat. She backed it out, and kept backing up until they were in front of the lobby. Moondancer and Colgate climbed in. “Hey, Bon-Bon, hey Lyra. Lyra, you pumped?” asked Colgate.

“Yeah! I seriously want to be there right now to see it.”

“Onwards!” Carrot Top yelled, stomping on the accelerator. Like a hundred ponies pulling it saw a snake, it took off, tires squealing as the team charged onto the highway. Carrot Top placed the e-card she printed at the hotel in the windscreen as they pulled up to the express line.

“Watch this, she said, as they pulled up to the booth. Then, magically, the gate swung open, and they were back on the road.

“Magic, it’s everywhere now.”

“They found good uses for it, I suppose, Moondancer added.
The road was full of weekend vacationers heading east to Grand Pass and Canterlot. Westbound, however, was full of cargo vans and few travelers. They were soon out of Grand Pass and leveling off into the Thunder Plains. The amount of trees shrank, until it was nothing but rolling hills of grass. There was nothing but the mountains behind them and the highway in sight for ages.
Lyra was in deep thought about the sites that lay ahead as she stared out into the plains. What if I’m wrong? She thought, “What if this, in the end, will just be a let down? And would my friends think of me?” She looked back into the carriage. Bon-Bon was sleeping on Lyra, Moondancer was reading a book on ancient Equestrian rulers, Colgate out like a light in the front next to Carrot Top, who worked away at controlling the magic powered carriage. Nah, they’re my friends. They’ll always be there. Bon-Bon especially. She then smiled and gazed out the window.
An hour later, they began to slow down. They then stopped “What’s up?” asked Lyra.

She turned around, and said. “Don’t look outside,” in a grave voice.

Obviously, this compelled Moondancer and Lyra to look outside. What met their eyes was a sight of terror.

Massive clouds, bigger than mountains, were rolling east, towards them. Cracks of lightning flashed in and under the mass of boiling condensation. It cast a shadow over them. Lights of other carriages strung out in front of them, lighting the road ahead. The darkness was overwhelming. Carrot Top stepped out, leaving the door open, waking up Bon-Bon and Colgate. The wind was howling, and distant thunder was heard. Carrot Top climbed back in.

“Thunder Plains was a good name,” she said, attempting to brighten the mood.

“What do we do?”

“Go on,” Lyra commanded.

“WHAT?” everypony cried out in unison.

“It’s a military carriage, it can handle this sort of thing, right? Go!”

“Lyra, honey, think about this-”

“I did. CT, floor it.”

“I don’t know…”

“Just go, trust me.”

Colgate flicked on the radio, and flicked around until the dial met a station playing heavy rock. Carrot Top then stomped the accelerator into the carpet and peeled out, back onto the highway, into the storm. Rain soon started to fleck the windows, and the wind began to make the TOFC rock back and forth in wind guests.

The music blared, and then suddenly cut out into a wash of static. Colgate flicked it off. They were all quiet, but the rain pattering on the outer shell began to grow louder, the wind was roaring, and Carrot Top was struggling at the controls. Then, the real nightmare began.

The vision went down to zero. The temperature dropped fast. The rain thundered around them. Carrot Top slowed greatly and was fighting to keep control. Lightning flashed, making every pony jump from the blinding flash. The windshield wipers thrashed back in forth in a desperate attempt to allow sight outside of the carriage. The TOFC slid on the slippery surface, and was knocked around by the violent wind gusts.

They were all silent as they rode through the storm. They passed by many stranded carriages in the hellish monsoon. It was as if they were diving straight into a hurricane. Debris from obliterated farms soared past, each one missing them like a sign somepony higher was watching them.

Eventually, the rain slowed. The wind quieted down, and the vision improved. Soon, they were cruising through a peaceful drizzle.

“I wasn’t scared.”

“Yeah right Colgate, you looked like a filly on Nightmare Night when she gives her offering to Nightmare Moon,” Bon-Bon replied.

Carrot Top’s shoulders dropped, and she let out a sigh of relief. “I can truthfully say, I didn’t think we were gonna make it.”

“I can second that,” Moondancer admitted.

“See? But we did make it. Aren’t you glad you listened to me?” Lyra said.

“Oh, shutup. That was still one helluva storm. You were right Moon, that is something I don’t wanna do again.”

They regained speed and continued the cruise through the Thunder Plains. It was dreary once more, only now it was cloudy as well, leaving the road desolate, empty, and worst of all, boring.

“Thunder Mare Creek, thirty miles,” Colgate said, reading the passing road sign.

“We’re stopping, right Lyra?” Bon-Bon asked.

“Yeah. We got to get out and stretch. This has become the most boring thing ever. Not what I expected on a journey to a closed off ancient city.”

“We’re not even close, Lyra. It’s on the opposite side of Equestria. We’ll get there in time.”

“I know, its just, nevermind.”

“Lyra,” Bon-Bon said, “It’s okay. We’ll get there okay? Promise.”

Colgate let out a sarcastic laugh. “Whatever you say,’ she said, rolling her eyes.

About twenty minutes later, they pulled into Thunder Mare Creek. It was a small farming town in the middle of nowhere, population about two thousand.

The rain had dampened the town, leaving a nice smell of a rain shower behind and muddy streets. The mud sloshed as the carriage pulled into a public parking lot. They got out, and walked around town, admiring the desolate surroundings. They soon went into a restaurant, sat down, and ordered.

Colgate was looking at the road map. “Eight hundred seventy two miles to go,” she said, dramatically peering over the map.

“Tell me, why didn’t we fly, or take a train?” Moondancer asked.

There was a long pause. They were still looking confused when their food arrived. Bon-Bon, clearly starved, immediately began demolishing the helpless plate of food. Moondancer, still waiting for an answer, began to take sips out of her soup, staring at Lyra. Lyra couldn’t ignore her steely gray stare, and it didn’t make eating any easier. “I dunno, cheaper I guess.”

“That is a reason, albeit not a good one.”

“Forget it Moon, we wouldn’t be able to fit all the crap we have on an express sky carriage or a train, right CT?” Colgate asked.

“Yeah, you yourself brought more than the luggage limit, Moon,” Carrot Top replied.

Bon-Bon stopped devouring her food and looked up. She swallowed, with difficulty, and said, “There’s a luggage limit on trains and sky carriages now?”

“On trains it’s less strict, but yeah. They run out of room nowadays,” Colgate informed her.


They continued to chat over lunch, until their plates were empty and stomachs were full. They gave the waiter a generous tip as they left the restaurant and walked back to the carriage.

“I’ll have to remember this place on our way back,” Carrot Top said.

“I know Bon-Bon will,” Lyra laughed.

“Yeah, really Bon-Bon, you didn’t have to eat it if you didn’t like it,” Colgate joked.

Bon-Bon glared. Their desert-camo TOFC was easy to find in the parking lot. The lot had filled up with some magic cargo vans that also stopped for a break. Anypony around stared as the five climbed back into the vehicle.

“What are they looking at?” Bon-Bon asked.

“Well Bon-Bon, it is not often a pony comes across a desert colored military vehicle in these parts, much less one that currently under the power of five civilian mares,” Moondancer answered.

“Yeah, I noticed that. I hope we don’t draw too much attention,” Lyra worried.

“Relax, once the going gets tough, you’ll thank me,” Carrot Top said, starting it up.

I hope so, Lyra thought.

Not much was to be done on the journey. It would be dark by the time they reached their overnight halt in Maresburg. It was only, however, four. The ride was quiet. Too quiet. Carrot Top turned around, only to see the three in the back had fallen asleep.

“Even less to do now,” Colgate said.

“I spy with my little eye…”

“Oh Celestia.”

“Hey CT,” Colgate said, and hour later.


“Drive on those rumble strips, that’ll wake up everypony.”

“Ah, good thinking,” she said, tilting the steering wheel.

Lyra was in the ruins again. She was now by the seaside, looking down the coast. All along it, worn foundations and crumbling high rises lined it. There were ancient jetties, still in place, calming the waters of the harbors. Beached carcasses of ancient boats popped up here and there. After a while, she came across an ancient harbor. Old ships were nothing but sunken frames of rust. Soot and grime lined it, and steel containers scattered all about. She kept going, until she reached the super buildings she saw in her last dream. They still held, perfectly. The weather wore out their façade, but they remained towers that pierced the heavens. The streets around them were even more jammed and full of debris. Then, she came across a lot. It was a mountain of rock, steel, and soot. It was also in a sinkhole, but the sinkhole seemed built by beings, not earth. Suddenly, everything began to shake. The towers began to wobble, and vibrations shook Lyra to the bone. Then, the smaller tower next to her began to let out monstrous groans as it began to plummet to the earth.

“GAAH!” Lyra woke up with a start.

“CT, stay on the road!”

“Oopsies,” she said, swerving back on to the highway.

“I do say, what is the meaning of this?” Moondancer asked, slightly annoyed.

“Hey Colgate, you were right, it worked.”

“Naw, Bon-Bon’s still asleep, I think,” Colgate replied, looking back.

“What was that?” Lyra asked still in a daze from her vivid dream.

“I just gave y’all a wake up call, nothing more,” Carrot Top answered.

“That was not cool,”

“I must concur,” Moondancer huffed. “It was most rude of you to wake me up. I was very relaxed until now.”

“But, it’s soooo booooorrrrriiiiiiinnnnnngg. There’s nothing to dooooo.”

“Go to sleep, Colgate.”

“Thanks guys, leave everything to me,” Carrot Top interrupted.

“Pretty much,” Lyra laughed.

“Fuck you.”

“A TREE! I HAVEN’T SEEN ONE OF THOSE SINCE- oh, nevermind,” Carrot Top caught herself. Everpony had dozed off. She ditched her annoyed face in favor of her ‘I’m so pissed I could stab a filly’ face.

It was evening, and they were driving directly in the sun. Well, Carrot Top was driving into the sun anyway. Her eyes began to hurt. Fatigue began to take over. She was tired. She couldn’t handle much more. Then, she passed what became the best road sign in existence to her.



She had somehow made Maresburg an hour early, so she could hardly believe it. They could pull into a restaurant and eat, and find a good hotel for the night.

Then red and blue lights flashed in the mirror, and a siren wailed.

“Oh Celestia, no. Oh nononononono this is bad,” she said, pulling over.

“Good evening officer, what seems to the problem?”

“Ma’am I caught you speeding in a military vehicle. Would you mind explaining yourself before I put you under arrest?”

Oh man oh man oh man oh man what do I- hmmm…

“Are you implying a mare can’t be a proud member of the REA officer?” she said, in a gruff voice.

“My apologies, ma’am, I am sorry for bothering you. Please, forgive me.”

“No worries officer, you were only trying to serve and protect. I understand. It was not that big of a deal.”

“Apologies ma’am, I’ll let you on your way, but, please drive safely.”

“Will do officer. Have a nice night.”

“Yes ma’am.”

The officer walked back to his cruiser, and Carrot Top, slowly this time, drove off. A mile or so down the street, she breathed out and laughed. “Did you all see that? We were so close to bein- you know what, nevermind.” She finished darkly, looking at her friends, still somehow sleeping. She was lucky the TOFC was so tall, or else the officer would have seen the rest of them, which would be harder to cover up. Fed up and tired, Carrot Top pulled into a Super-Mart parking lot, and went in. She came back with a sandwich and chips, and climber back in.

She didn’t even take a bite when she passed out.

A Desert Thrash, a City Uncovered, the Crisis Forms

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Las Haygas,
2 days later.

“Turn south onto dirt road, 1 mile ahead,” Colgate said perkily. “In one mile, the real adventure begins. Few laws, no roads, no major towns, Natives, Marexican Warriors, disputed land, tumbleweed, rocks, canyons, rivers, outlaws,” the speed of her voice increasing, “Illegal trade routes, chupacabras, drug cartels, no food, no water, great mountains,”




The carriage turned onto the dirt path, leaving the dazzling lights of Haygas behind and entering unknown territory. Like the Everfree Forest, only drier, and bigger. Much bigger. What lay ahead was two hundred miles of dirt, desert, badlands, and towering mountains. What was behind them though, would soon become a major problem.

Back in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle had noticed Lyra and Bon-Bon had been gone for almost a week now. Curiosity began to form as she wondered where the couple went.

“Hey Ditzy. Have you seen Lyra or Bon-Bon recently?” asked Twilight Sparkle.

“Nuh-uh, they went traveling,” the grey Pegasus replied.

“Do you know where?”

“West, I think,” she said stupidly.

“Huh. Thanks Ditzy.”

Back at the library, Twilight looked through the archives. She didn’t reorganize, so anything the couple had looked at should be out of place. Soon, being the apt librarian she is, she found what she was looking for. After skimming over the article, she looked confused. Then, she thought, If they headed west, and these ruins they were looking at are far west… I should let the Princess know, just in case. She'll know what to do.

The TOFC ripped across the Neighvada desert like a bat of hell. Its wheels thrashing up and down in the massive potholes. Dodging cacti left and right, it tore through the desert, leaving behind Las Haygas and a massive dust cloud behind.

“YEEE HAW!” Colgate screamed out the window.

Lyra too, stuck her head out of the window, the rushing hot air blasting her face like a hell bent fan. The wheels thundered, pumping her adrenaline. She could just sense the ruins of a city looming in front of them. What she didn’t see was the stampede of buffalo behind them.

“Indians!” Bon-Bon yelled. There were thousands, attempting to chase the TOFC. Arrows soon whizzed by, and whoops and war cries. “CT…”

They somehow were getting closer, and their beady black eyes glared down at the intruders of their sacred land. Beady black eyes eyed them crazily. They were frightening images, ones that Moondancer expertly caught on film. They were getting ever closer, blood in their eyes. These were not normal natives, rather the war-like tribes who would kill everypony in a settlement and burn it to the ground afterwards, no peace talks, no negotiation. But Carrot Top seemed to having a ball.

“How cute. They think they can catch us. I’ll show them!” she was crazed, and having way too much fun.

Carrot Top smashed the warning glass on the dashboard. Around it, there were multiple warning signs. It was titled OVERDRIVE. She slammed the red button that was where the glass used to be. The magic turbine that hadn’t been heard, or even known it was there, whined up to ear threatening decibels. The TOFC took off even faster, leaving the angry buffalo in a daze of dust, rage, and confusion.

In Canterlot, Princess Celestia received a letter. It was from her faithful student Twilight Sparkle. She opened it up and read. Dear Princess Celestia…

“No holding back CT! Go! Go! GO!!” Lyra screamed over the noise.

They began turning west again, towards the mountains. Just over those lay the ancient metropolis Lyra so desired to explore. She held Bon-Bon close as they were knocked about the cabin. Seatbelts were nonexistent in this particular vehicle.

“What’s that?” Colgate asked, pointing south. There was a cloud of dust moving parallel to them. Moondancer pulled out binoculars, and attempted to look through despite the insane beating they were taking on the dirt. She managed to catch a glimpse of three or so Marexican TOFCs. “Marexican Army! Faster!”

“¡Eh! ¿Qué es eso?” the soldier on turret asked, pointing to the dust cloud shooting across the desert parallel them.

“No sé, que podría ser un monstruo,” the specialist in the backseat said, looking out the window.

“No, es problamente un excursión de miltar de Equestria,” the commanding officer said. “Pero, ellos son más cerca de la frontera. Lo que sea, solo diga la sede. No importa qué Equestria hace aquí.”

“Doesn’t look like they’re after us,” Colgate said after a while. “Yeah, they’re turning away,” she added, squinting.

“Good, because I’m gonna be sick.”

“Oh yeah you’re looking pretty green, Lyra.”


Carrot Top flung the TOFC sideways to a stop. Lyra jumped out and ran until she found a big saguaro cactus and keeled over behind it.

Bon-Bon sat by looking worried, and glancing quickly from Lyra to the Marexicans, who were turning away.

It was peaceful in the desert. Nothing moved. Save for Lyra’s retching, it was quiet. They were now in the badlands, approaching the mountains. This was the most dangerous leg of the journey. Behind every crevasse or butte could lay bandits, cartels, or monsters.

“Hurry up Lyra, I don’t like it here,” Bon-Bon said worriedly.

“Pardon me, but what is that?” Moondancer asked, pointing north. Running down the mountain was a particularly mangy coyote. But as it came closer, it had demon eyes and a twisted mouth, and missing hair in places.

“CHUPACABRA!!! HOLY SHIT!!” Colgate yelled.

“LYRA! BACK IN THE CARRIAGE QUICK!!!!” Bon-Bon screamed.

“Holy fuck!” Lyra took off, running as fast as her legs could take her. The chupacabra was faster. It was catching up. Lyra was a mere step from the carriage, she was almost there. But it leaped, victory in its eyes, when out of nowhere a thunderous boom blasted it backwards and into a shower of blood. All the ponies whipped around, to see Moondancer standing in the open turret hatch, magically holding a twelve gauge, still smoking. “That ought to teach that ruffian a lesson.”

Nopony could do anything but gape at the self proclaimed mistress carefully wiping off her shotgun. “What? Can a lady not be proficient with firearms? Get on with the ride, Carrot Top, it’s time to get to the ruins. I am now excited for this as well. We ought to make this miserably long journey worth every moment.”

Lyra climbed aboard, and Carrot Top thrashed the carriage, giving it everything. Moondancer stayed at turret position, and Colgate decided, If the whiner just saved Lyra with a shotgun, and we’re not even halfway across the desert, pulling out a Colt M1911 out of the compartment on the door, I might as well join in on the firearm fun.

The massive tires thundered through everything the Western Territory could throw at it. The turbine wailed as they charged towards the mountains. Colgate and Moondancer hung out of openings, scanning the desert for any monster or bandit who dared cross their path. Carrot Top donned reflective aviators, and sawed away at the steering wheel at one hundred fifty miles an hour. Meanwhile, Lyra and Bon-Bon sat together, talking so that only they could hear.

“I almost lost you,” Bon-Bon sobbed.

“I know. We owe Moon one.”


“Oh, nevermind.”

“No, we owe her,” Bon-Bon smiled. She then moved closer to Lyra’s face, and Lyra did the same. They wrapped themselves in a picture perfect kiss, had Carrot Top not glanced in the mirror and purposely clipped a boulder and sent the whole carriage skidding, and everypony violently thrown around.

“Watch your driving asshole!” Lyra yelled.

“My bad,” Carrot Top laughed, maneuvering the TOFC through the badlands.

“Sir! Orders straight from Canterlot! Track any movement in the Western Territory sector. Neutralize any suspicious or extremely west parties.”

“Gimme that!” the Commander said, snatching the papers from the private. “I’ll be damned. Get me all movement in western sector and tell me their heading, speed, size, and coordinates. Got that everypony?”

“Yes sir!” replied all the mares and colts working at Las Haygas Equestrian Guard Headquarters.

“Whoa!” Colgate gasped.

“What is it?” Lyra asked.

“Look!” she said, pointing out north. There was something huge, something ancient. It was long and flat. It was an ancient highway. From a distance, it blew every Equestrian highway out of the water. It was so wide, and instead of intersections, bridges crossed over where ancient roads used to lay.

“Whoa,” Lyra breathed.

“That, is now the fastest way. Let’s go!” Colgate yelled.

Moondancer put down the gun, and pulled out her camera. Carrot Top gunned it, and charged down to the ancient highway. The TOFC went over the hill the elevated highway was on, catching massive air and landing hard onto the cracked pavement. Ancient signs, bearing wear, but still looking fairly new, considering their approximated age, lined the highway. Some overhanging ones had fallen, but the TOFC’s mighty undercarriage plowed over the steel with ease. Moondancer expertly snapped photos of them, and the highway. Colgate read them.

“They’re in the same language! This is unbelievable! Lemme see,” she wondered. “Oh! I dash forty, west it says! Los Anguhless?”

“Whoa! STOP!” Moondancer yelled.

“I see it!” Carrot Top yelled back.

“What is it?” Lyra asked.

“An ancient carriage, it seems,” Moondancer said, coming down from the turret and opening the door. She walked out, and towards the object. Lyra followed her.

It was black, and pulled to the side. It had big, thick wheels, whose tires had succumbed to more than three thousand years of weathering, leaving behind only dry, wiry strips of rubber. The rear window was smashed, and it had a hood, even bigger than the TOFC. Stamped on the back in metal was a silver laurel with some kind of gold and red shield in the middle. And near the bottom bumper, on the left side it read:


On the opposite side:



Moondancer snapped many photos of the carriage, until Colgate tapped her on the shoulder. “There’s plenty more,” she said pointing down the road. Sure enough, ancient carriages of all shapes and sizes were scattered along the highway. Thousands upon thousands of them, in black, blue, red, white, gray, and some odd ones out in yellow or green. There were multiple styles, and tons of marques.

“That’s weird how they have different carriage makers like us. It’s really similar,” Lyra noted.

“Let’s get going, we must be close,” Carrot Top said.

“Commander! We have a TOFC heading west, far west, almost out of range. It doesn’t read as Marexican, it’s coming back Equestrian.”

“Send some scouts. Check it out. I wanna know if we got a rogue on our hands."

The tension was rising with each passing carriage. They were coming within range. Soon, there was evidence of past buildings. Every so often a giant pole with a smashed pile of metal on top would be sighted, or a pile of rubble in square or rectangular pattern, with metal supports still sticking out of the earth. Lyra couldn’t believe it. The place actually existed. Now, if she could find a picture of a human, they could return heroes, not criminals. They began to pass into trees and vegetation in the hilly country. The highway became crowded, and progress slowed. Standing buildings began to come into view.

“Oh my Celestia.”

“Bogey has entered restricted zone. Arrest on sight, I don't give a shit who's behind the wheel.” a voice clicked over the headset on the young pegasus’ head as he and three others rocketed above the Neighvadan desert.
“Roger, this is Marauder Seven, thank you, over.”

Back at the Marexican base, they had begun tracking the TOFC remotely. If the occupants of that TOFC so much as spat in their direction, they’d know, and scramble their air forces immediately. Little did they know, that TOFC wasn’t being used by the military, and the real military was about to apprehend them as it charged further into the restricted area. Even more suspicions aroused as three air units showed up, heading the same way as the rogue TOFC. Unbeknownst to Lyra, she and her friends had accidentally begun a military crisis.

“Welcome to Los Anguhless! Or is it Angeles?” Colgate yelled. Moondancer was frantically snapping photos as fast she could, and Lyra was staring out the window in astonishment. It was just as she imagined it would be. She pulled out her notebook, writing down everything she observed, all she saw. Carrot Top slowed even more, mouth agape as everpony else, as they all took in the ancient suburbs.

“Thirty miles out, intercepting in approximately twenty minutes. Marauder Seven, over.”

“This is Admiral Thunder. I was informed of this development. Keep up the good progress Marauder Seven.”

“Yes sir, admiral sir. I will do my best.”

The admiral then said, “Send out another squadron, just to be sure there’s other rogues we can’t see.”

“Yes sir!” the commander replied, who then turned and then barked out orders.

Back at the Marexican base, tension was rising. The, more blips appeared on their small radar area.

“¡Ay! ¡Más unidades de aire detectado! Almirante ,¿qué hacemos hoy?”

"¿Cuál es la distancia?"

"Más o menos, cincuenta millas."

“Llamar a la fuerza aérea.”

At a military base in Northern Marexico, pegasi were scrambling onto the tarmac. They donned suits and jets and frantically spat back in forth in their language. Heavy armor crawled out of the hangars, all heading towards the border, where they lined up.

Shouldn’t we stop now? We’re surrounded by all these ruins, we can find definitive proof of humans, and go home?” Bon-Bon asked.

“No, we should get to city center, that’s where most of the information should be,” Lyra said.

“My Lyra, it appears I’m not the only mare here with archaeological intelligence,” Moondancer commented, snapping off a shot of a small high rise.

“Yeah, which makes it weird to me why their military had checkpoints all over.” In the past few minutes, they had past by a dozen or so areas where their military set up a checkpoint, almost identical to Equestria’s checkpoints, only with their advanced carriages, that, oddly enough, looked exactly like the TOFC. They were called Humvee's and the only difference were the even wider, but smaller in diameter wheels, and the large headlamps. And then were the ones on tracks. They were massive metal carriages with unbelievable armor, and an enormous turret with a 10 foot barrel protruding from them, and a light machine gun to top it all off.

“I would suspect massive turmoil and chaos brought their end, so that would explain the haphazard state everything is in. And the burn marks that keep popping up on these buildings,” Moondancer said.

“Everything feels so similar around here,” Colgate added.

“Yeah, it does,” Carrot Top added. “It’s like almost everything we’ve seen so far, we’ve seen similar in Equestria.”

“Idiot, we’re still in Equestria.”

“You know what I meant,” Carrot Top snapped back.

“Marauder Seven, hold position, large Marexican forces detected in your vicinity. Hold position stay fifty miles out from the border, over. I repeat, HOLD POSITION, Marauder Seven, do you copy?”

“Roger, this is Maurader Seven, holding position,” the colt replied, signaling the others to stop and glide in holding pattern.

“We’re almost there, I can sense it,” Lyra said, as they neared the top of the hill.

“We are already here, just look around you. This place is huge! I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Colgate corrected. “We’ve passed by a million different things by now, we should seriously stop and just find the proof now. And just the proof of humans, because I have a feeling that there are some nasty creatures around here.”

“Anypony else smell salt?” Carrot Top asked.

“I smell it too,” Bon-Bon added.

“I as well. We must be near a sea.”

They were almost at the top of the hill. A breeze began to pick up, and carrying the smell of ocean with it. Then, they reached the top, and caught a glimpse of the ancient city.

Worn and crumbling towers were everywhere, concentrated near the center, but spread out the further from the center. There were hundreds of square miles of rubble, homes, carriages, stores, malls, warehouses, ‘gas stations’ (they could only assume they were stops for carriages to refill vital liquids, they were everywhere and were built around the vehicles), businesses, hotels, and condos. Dozens of gigantic highways carved through the massive place, and where they met, giant bridges laced each lane to a new one at towering heights. Millions of carriages were parked everywhere, looking like a million tiny ants infesting a toy city from their point of view. A few huge slabs of pavement and a futuristic tower with curvy and sci-fi buildings around it were right by the sea. On or in it, there were giant metal objects, with massive fins protruding from their long and skinny sides. Plant life had retaken it in odd ways, but the great city remained. It seemingly stretched forever. There was almost no area where there was no evidence of construction. It was bigger than any city ever built by Equestrians, or anyone still on the earth. It was as though gods made it. Then there was the sea. It was a never-ending blue oblivion, still slightly tainted by garbage and pollutants from a dawn since past.

“Oh in the name of all things Equestrian, holy shit,” Moondancer said.

Then Lyra absolutely exploded in excitement. “YES!! LET’S GO SEE IF HUMANS WERE REAL!”

In Canterlot, Celestia received news from her secretary, informing her of a development. A rogue TOFC with Equestrian registration was being followed had entered the restricted zone. To make matters worse, the Marexicans took the military scout pegasi chasing said TOFC the wrong way, and had stationed large forces holding above and on the border. The Equestrians were a bit too close, according to the report. Also, the secretary informed her that the scouts spotted ancient civilization in the restricted zone.

Celestia was so frustrated, she could scream. How the hell does this happen? What now? Soon everypony will find that I am not the creator, nor Luna, nor my parents, but a goddess who found a dead world and brought life to it again. They’ll see all Equestrian creations are copies of the humans’. And they’ll find out about the humans. What do I do? Then, she perked up. She spoke. “Alert the guard. I’m going out there to sort this out. Tell Luna she has full command for the time being.”

“Yes your majesty,” the secretary replied.

The Ancient Truth Uncovered/The Crisis Deepens

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"Just get a load of this place!" Lyra exclaimed giddily. "All the humans that were here, all the bustle, all this place once was! I can't believe they just, disappeared."

"Yeah, I can't imagine what this place was like when it was alive," Carrot Top added, looking at the tree curiously growing out of the concrete bridge above them. They had to walk to the center, the place was far to much of a mess to navigate by carriage.

"What I can't get over is the fact that I've seen Marexican and Equestrian writing everywhere. They spoke the same languages! What else did they do like us?" Colgate wondered.

"Rather, what else do we do that they did first," Moondancer corrected.

"Oh yeah..."

Progress was slow, as they would stop every once in a while to admire a tall or large building. The landscape had taken over some of the city, leaving plants growing out of such artificial things, like a flower in the bumper of a carriage, or a tree in the center of the street. Weeds grew out of every crack. And it was also eerily quiet, so quiet, the rush of the sea could be heard even from where they were.

"This is creepy," Bon-Bon said.

"Yeah, it is. What are we looking for, anyway?" Colgate asked

"A media database of sorts. A library, or a newsstation," Moondancer replied

"How bout that?" Lyra asked, pointing to a crumbling superstructure. It once had a glass roof in places, and had multiple areas seemingly blown out by explosions."

"Sure!" Carrot Top said, as they walked to the edge of the highway. They walked down the inclined road that went down to the lesser streets and walked to the structure. It was close to the highway, and they reached it quickly.

As Lyra approached, she could read the faded name of the place. Los Angeles Mall. "It's a mall," she said.

"Oh well, not what we expected, but nonetheless, a good opportunity to investigate this, rather remarkably intact, civilization."

"You call this intact?" Carrot Top asked, incredulous.

"Considering that from what I've judged from the condition of paint and rubber,and other materials, three thousand years, I would daresay this city bore weathering better than any city today ever will, or could."

"Let us go," Lyra said, pushing aside the futuristic glass door. It still moved with ease, and she held it open for everypony to walk in. She then turned around and gasped.

The similarities between here and an Equestrian mall were uncanny. Televisions, except they were flat and mounted on wall everywhere. Stores selling everything imaginable, mostly clothes. But what they sold was exactly the same. Appliances, gadgets, jewelry, everything the same. Except for clothing. They were designed for different beings altogether. Despite all the collapsed architecture, most everything was there. Including, the pictures.

Lyra would never forget the first time she saw a true picture of a human being. A female, a young one, laughing, carrying shopping bags in hands. She stood on two legs, and was fully clothed. She was frozen, in picture, on an advertisement. Then they looked around. Then another, only with different clothes and skin color. And another, with a different style of fashion altogether.


"You were right Lyra."

"They were real."

"Let's get to a library and get out of here," Carrot Top said.

"Why?" Lyra asked, staring at her friend like she was crazy.

"What we're doing isn't, strictly speaking, legal."

"She has a point Lyra. We should find a database that contains all their information. We can learn more from that than from here. It would be even better," Moondancer informed.

"Well, I guess, sure."

The blips on the Marexican radar held off, not getting any closer. The TOFC dissappeared, however. Despite that, they stayed calm, and were contemplating returning to normal alert, when a massive blip appeared, rocketing in at supersonic speed. That was all they needed to know to let loose a barrage of warheads, to defend their country from imminent attack. Or so they thought.

"Sir! The Marexican artillery is opening fire!"

"What do they think it is, their country?" the admiral said.

"It isn't actually Equestria, sir, it's listed as an international restricted zone, and we've violated it."

"Shit. Anyhting else I need to know?"

"The TOFC has disappeared, probably switched off, and a large magic signature appeared minute ago on our far east radar zone and is about to pass over Las Haygas in and around five minutes."

"What the hell? The only pony who can do that is-" he cut himself off. "Oh my stars, it's Princess Celestia. We are so fucked when this is over." He grabbed the radio control at his desk and spoke. "Marauder Seven, break holding pattern, get those rogues before your mother fuckin' princess gets them first and sends all our asses to the moon you hear me? I don't give a shit if the Marexicans are unloading their shit on us, get there before the princess does. Go! Go! GOOO!"

The pegasus replied, "Yes sir!"

Celestia shot over the desert faster than lightning, her wings not flapping, solely her all powerful magic speeding her along faster than anything, ever. Nothing had been witnessed moving as fast as she was. She began to slow down, her magic pulse still at full power. She was coming up on Las Haygas. She remembered the restricted area beyond there. It was one of those wretched ancient cities. The ones that would put her all powerful creation and rule to shame. The one that would most definitely prove she was a phony, a goddess who simply took over an empty world, and copied everything from a higher race.

"Wow. All those stories and legends..." Bon-Bon wondered aloud. "They were true. I can't believe this," she said taking in the city, trying to imagine the magnificence it held in its day. "You were right Lyra."

"Of course I was right silly filly."

"Oh, you arrogant little unicorn, you," Bon-Bon playfully replied.

"Yeesh, you two want us to leave or something?" Colgate asked, looking behind her.

"Excuse me?"

"HEY! SHADDUP! Moondancer, gimme those binoculars," Carrot Top said, snatching the optics out of Moondancer's magical grasp. She zoomed in, stared a bit, then handed them back. "Found a library," she said, pointing to a small glass tower. "Let's go."

They began to walk when they heard a titanic 'boom' in the distance. Followed by another. They were low pitched and far off, but put them at unease. "Quickly," Lyra said.

Marexicans were screaming battle cries as they fired of artillery towards the restricted zone. They weren't going to hit anypony, they knew that. They were just trying to get the Equestrian Military away from them. Their country did not need another military to snoop in and wreak havoc on their poor, downtrodden country. They would show them, they all thought.

In the EBC newsroom, something big was brewing. Ponies were milling about, gathering information about something happening in the western restricted zone. It became such a large story, the head secretary rushed into the head supervisor's office to tell him to air it now.

"Mr. Flash sir! We have a major development!"

"What is it now, more parasprites?"

"No sir, Princess Celestia left Canterlot to go to the western restricted zone because the Marexicans, at unease from Germaneians attempting to enter, took a rogue Equestrian military vehicle and the Equestrian Air Force pegasi attempting to capture it before it reached an ancient city, which, rumor has it, was made by the mythical humans."

"Whoa. Okay, prep the newsroom, I want this live in less than five minutes."

"Yes sir-" the secretary was interrupted by a young intern bursting into the office.

Panting, she said, "Mr. Flash! ETN already got it on air."

"Dammit! Contact our Las Haygas chapter, tell them to get live coverage of this ASAP. Capiche?"

"Yes Mr. Flash."

"Come on, it's not much farther!" Lyra called out to the others trailing behind. She and Bon-Bon were leading the group towards to the ancient library.

"The sooner we get inside, the better," Carrot Top said, in regards to the booms of artillery in the distance.

"Wait, I hear something else, listen," Colgate interuppted. They all stopped and looked around. They then heard the whoosh of pegasus wings flying around the city.

"They're close. Let's move, quickly," Moondancer said. She picked up the pace, and the others followed suit. They were soon at the door of the library.

"See? Not far at all," Lyra said.

"Not counting starting in Ponyville, right?" Colgate joked.

"Whatever. Let's go in and find what we need. They're library system is probably the same as ours, judging from everyhting else that's EXACTLY THE SAME. Come on," she said, pushing open the once sliding electric doors.

"I can't find that TOFC!" a mare's voice crackled over the radio.

"I can't either! It's probably mixed in with all these ancient carriages or in one of the buildings!"

"Keep looking!" the leader said, "Look for ponies, or movement!" He swung into a dive down to low altitude, heading south. Too far south. Then, a pony screamed through his headset.


He whipped around, to see a SAM missile rocketing towards him from the Restricted Zone/Marexican border. He dived even further, but it was no use. The missile exploded, sending him spiraling to the ground, where he landed in an ancient oil field with a whump. He never got back up.

"Marauder Seven to base, we have pony down, repeat pony down."

"Roger, Marauder Seven, keep looking, rescue workers are on their way out. Pick up the pace ponies, we got Celestia coming up and the Marexicans about to go nuts. Be careful around that border."

In the Las Haygas EBC newsroom, their normal broadcast was interupted by a newsflash.

The supervisor, shocked by the sudden change in her perfected, orderly television timetable, watched.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. Earlier today, a rogue Equestrian TOFC was tracked entering the western restricted zone. It is being searched for by the Equestrian Air Force, but the Marexican Army has now lined up major forces on the border. The only assumption we can make is they are trying to avoid another incident like the Germaneian one a few weeks back. And now we have reports of Princess Celestia heading to the area for reasons unknown, leaving Princess Luna in full power, a move most will voice complaints about, given her short time being back as Luna, and not Nightmare Moon. This is all we have so far, we're trying to get more, we'll fill you in as we get more on this developing story."

Suddenly, the phone in the supervisor's office rang. She picked it up immediatley. "EBC Las Haygas, this is Rose, can I help you?"

"Rose, it's Flash. We need you to get some cameraponies out there and get this on live national TV, you hear me?"

"Yes, Mr. Flash, right away.

"Who leaked that?" The admiral said, "Who fucking leaked that?" he said, pointing at the television that had just relayed the three newsflash bulletins from all three Equestrian networks.

The control room was silent. Nopony spoke.

"Very well. See to it that no more information reaches the media. This is becoming a big enough mess already. No more leaking intel, am I clear?"

"Yes sir!" the control room replied.



The mares were wandering about the first floor of the ancient library. Fortunately, as earlier predicted, the system was the same, although named the Dewey Decimal System, not Huey. Another similarity to add to the already massive list of things in common with Equestria today.

"Look what I found!" Colgate exclaimed, holding up an atlas.

"Let me see," Moondancer said, looking at the map. Her eyes widened. "No fucking way..."

"What? Let me see?" Lyra said, as she and Bon-Bon looked at the book.

It was a comprehensive atlas of the world. It bore resemblance to their map, only it was much more detailed and the western sea was an ocean that spanned all the way to the Far East territories. But the most amazing parts were the city names. Lyra pulled out the Equestrian map of the world and compared.

Where they were, it was Los Angeles.. Manehatten, was Manhatten, a sector of a super city named New York. Las Haygas, Las Vegas. Fillydelphia, Philadelphia. Mareiami, Miami. Detrot, Detroit. Trottingham, Birmingham. Stalliongrad, Stalingrad. Canterlot was gone, as was Everfree City, Maresburg, and others. In their place stood names of ancient cities, marked with populations ten times the size they were today. Tokyo, London, Sydney, Toronto, Phoenix, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Chicago, Berlin, Moscow, Dubai, Hong Kong, Paris, and so on. They were all marked with populations of five million plus. The biggest cities in Equestria weren't even at the million mark.

Then the country names. Marexico was Mexico, Germaney was simply Germany. The outline of the country was exactly the same, all of the countries were the same, with different names. Equestria though, it had the biggest name. Where Equestria stood on the map, on the ancient one, it read United States of America. It was the only ancient country that didn't have the same exact flag as its modern day counterpart. It was ranked as the greatest superpower, barely above a country named China.

"Let's take this with us," Lyra said, putting it in her saddlebags.

"Let's'" Moondancer added, dumbstruck.



"It was't by Celestia."


"Was from the humans."

"From everything I've seen, I'd agree."

"That's why this area's illegal to enter."

"Ladies, we have found a deep dark truth I don't think the princesses didn't want us to see."

The ground then started shaking. In the distance, grinding noises began to be heard. Sirens began to sounding. These sounds were akin to that of an old generator winding up, or high electricity buzzing into the old power system.

They rushed outside. In the sky, a giant ball of light circled the city. Celestia. Her magic was re-animating the long dead city. Alarms from the carriages sounded. Electrical fires began. Air raid sirens wailed. It was as though the city was rising from the dead one last time to remind everypony watching of grim fate that befell it and the empire it once belonged to.

"Sir! Celestia's here!" the second in command pegasus called out over the radio.

"Dammit! Gods fucking DAMMIT!"

"Sir, her magic, it's like her magic is turning this ancient city to life. I- I..."

He then was abruptly cut off. The admiral called out over the radio. "Marauder Seven! Marauder Seven do you read?"

"Are you getting this on camera?!" The reporter screamed to the camerapony, as they hovered a few miles out from Celestia and the city.

"Yea! Yea!" he yelled back as he switched the communicator on the camera to live.

"Hang on folks, this, just in, an update from the crisis out in the western restricted zone. We have live images of what appears to be Celestia, somehow turning on the city's ancient and dead power. Let's have a look," the anchor said, as the screen switched to the live image. There was indeed and age old city, flickering on, and a giant ball of light above it. "From what we have heard and seen, the Equestrian Military and royalty are now occupying this ancient city in search of that TOFC. Which begs the question, why is Celestia herself after this seemingly menial rogue? And why was this city, and countless others, roped off too everypony? Who made these places? Why haven't they been found, or researched. We can only hope answers will come in the investigation that will hopefully follow this incredible turn of events."

Back in Marexico City, the president recieved the news on the things happening just fifty miles north of their land. He was clearly enraged, and spat at his secretary.

"Prepara un discurso. Nosotros les decimos que si no detienen esta locura, no habrá malas consecuencias."

"Sí señor Presidente!" the secretary chanted.

Celestia was searching the city for the adventurous outlaws who dared defy her strict law and entering the restricted zone she set aside, outside of Equestria's safe borders. Suddenly, she realized her mistake. She had used far to much magic, and now the city was coming back to life. In front of the military. She then saw news network ponies too, sneakily trying to hide at low altitude and covering the story. Every eye and ear in Equestria would soon know what was going on.

She was too late. They would soon know the truth. She could stop them finding out all of it, but why? Her image as a ironhoofed ruler would become even more pronounced. She could only let it be, and let the truth inevitably come out.

"In regards to all the military and weird stuff going on, let's get out of here!" Colgate yelled as she led the charge through the city being reborn from Celestia's accidental magic misuse.

Meanwhile, every pony watching television saw the live coverage of the events out west. A archaeologist on the phone with EBC then let loose the bombshell that would change the world.

"This is not just any old city. This is the craft of humans, three thousand years ago. What you see is the legacy they left behind. And I'm certain that there are more cities like this in these restricted zones, and maybe under your hooves in major cities today. But what every researcher I've called today told me, humans were real. They were real before our time, before Celestia's so called "creation."The question is now, how come we never could find this out legally? Why did the princess hide this? Maybe the answers lie with how the humans lived, and what they created. But we won't know for sure unless the princess allows more research, but bottom line, humans were real, and for some reason, the royals have lied about the humans all this time. Why they hid what the humans left is now the question."

Author's Note:

In the coming weeks I have school, more importantly, schoolwork. Updates will be few and far between. That's why I kind of rushed this one. Thank Celestia I'm far into this story that, surprisingly, you all met with good reception. I know, I'm sorry I got to take time off from this, believe me, I wish I didn't so I could make it EPIC. But, "I gotta do what I gotta do." Education is still hugely important. Bear with me here, I'm jumping around a bit in the storyline. The next chapter though, mostly the girls' escape. And after that, well, that's a secret, and I don't want to spoil anything. Sorry though, you will all have to wait longer for the next ones.



P.S. You can wait a week or so, right?

This Can't End Well

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"Hurry!" Colgate yelled, looking back. Celestia's magic was doing too much, and it began to harm the old city. Fires were breaking out everywhere, and smoke rose from the city that was almost rising once again. The five mares weaved in and out debris and parked carriages, or, from what they had learned briefly in the library, cars. The sky began to darken.

"Come on Bon-Bon!" Lyra yelled, nudging her over a fallen electrical wire that somehow became live from Celestia's magic.

They were charging towards the highway, when the ground began to shake. More buildings and debris began to topple. They were soon running past falling and collapsing buildings of the ancients. Dust and ash began to fill the air. Breathing became difficult, and their eyes began burning from the fouled air. Poisons buried in the earth for centuries were thrown into the air as well.

"Run everpony! Run!!!" The other mares took off in panic as Bon-Bon struggled to get along, even with Lyra trying to help her. They could see still, but the dust kicked up from the earth's violent shaking impaired their vision, and they soon lost sight of their friends. The shaking soon stopped.

"Which way did they go!?" Lyra half screamed, half yelled.

"I don't know!" Bon-Bon yelled back.

Lyra tried searching around. She nudged Bon-Bon. "Just go this way, that highway is probably just ahead, come on!"
The couple struggled to run past the debris, rubble, and cars. Then, the shaking hit again, causing them to lose their balance. The tower block adjacent to them began to moan, and more cracks began to split its cement hide. "Bon-Bon! Hurry!"

The tower began to list to one side, and steel beams and cement debris began to fall. The shaking stopped just then, and the building didn't fall on them, but the decaying structure wouldn't hold for much longer.

Bon-Bon was running as fast she could through the rubble, but then, a steel beam, about the length of a carriage, broken on the ends, came down on her outstretched back left leg, pining her to the ground in an instant. Lyra screamed out, "BON-BON!!"

“Girls, wait!” Moondancer called out from behind the other two.

Colgate turned around. “What is it?”

“Where’s Lyra and Bon-Bon?”

“Oh shit,” Colgate said, dread filling her eyes.

“Keep going! We’ll bring the carriage to them and get the hell out of here!” Carrot Top yelled.

“Are you sure?” Colgate yelled.

“It’s the fastest way to get all of us out of here! Come on!”

Thus, they pressed on, through the smog and past all the wreckage of the city.
They kept an eye out for the Equestrian military as they sprinted down the highway. Car alarms wailed and lights flickered on and off, setting a tone for panic and chaos. Discord would have been pleased.

They continued their charge until, at long last, the faithful carriage that had served them like an obedient dog, never needing repair, never giving a fit, came into view. “Come on!” Carrot Top screamed.

The orange earth pony ran up to the TOFC’s metal hide and ripped open the door. “Hurry! Before somepony catches us!” She called out as she forcefully pushed the starter button. The other two threw open the doors and climbed in, and before they were even seated or the doors even closed, Carrot Top took off, tires squealing. Moondancer almost dropped her saddlebags that contained the artifacts, breathing out a sigh of relief when she expertly caught them.

“We shouldn’t have to go far, they should be close behind,” Moondancer commented, closing the door right before the carriage plowed through a fire.

“What if they got lost? We’d never find them in this place!” Colgate shouted.

“Shutup, nopony got lost, they’re just behind, that’s all,” Carrot Top said from the driver’s seat, although she didn’t sound sure.

She still pressed the big-wheeled carriage on, avoiding the countless ancient objects littering its way. She continued to push it at high speed and eagerly scanned the scenery looking for the two they had left behind. After a while though, a worried look settled on her face. Colgate and Moondancer were frowning as well.

“We must have missed them somehow. We should have seen them by now, look, there’s that library,” Moondancer said, pointing towards the glass building in the smog.

“Fuck,” Colgate said. “FUCK! What in the name of all things Equestrian do we do now?”

“I don’t know, maybe they’re just arou-” Carrot Top was cut off by a massive explosion that slammed the TOFC from behind, sending it end over end. The occupants were brutally beaten by physics’ laws as they were thrown about the cabin as the vehicle tumbled down the ancients’ highway. It eventually came to a rest on the barrier a few thousand hoof-lengths later in a sad heap of metal and magic leaking out in a white glow.

It had taken a beating, it had driven over Equestria’s toughest terrain, and never struggled and pressed on like the great and powerful machine it was. It was borrowed, sure, but it had served its purpose. It had protected its occupants and had never faltered as it took them on a wild ride throughout Equestria. It was sad to see the faithful machine finally beaten. But it had done everything, and had even saved the lives of all who were on board.

“Is everypony alright?” Carrot Top called out.

“Yeah, we’re fine, but I think our ride bought the farm,” Colgate answered.

“What do we do now?” Moondancer asked.

“Get out and see what the hell took us out.”

Carrot Top pushed the broken door of the totaled TOFC open, and struggled out.

“It’s not everyday wayward travelers in a restricted travel area get hit by a Marexican artillery because their actions would help start a crisis between countries and quite possibly overthrow all my reign stands for,” said Princess Celestia. She walked up to Carrot Top and the other two, who had just climbed out of the other side as the princess spoke.

“Consider yourself lucky that there’s newsponies over the hills surrounding this place, if they weren’t I would smite you three from the face of Equestria,” she whispered. “I’m feeling generous, however, so you three are under arrest.

Military pegasi and Royal Guard pegasi were coming into view, hauling prison carriages. “On the ground, hooves up! No talking!” an amplified voice called out.

“This was, don’t lie, inevitable,” Moondancer said, as she and her friends got down on to the ancient pavement.

“Bon-Bon! BON-BON!” Lyra screamed, running back to her companion.

“I can’t move!” she yelled back, trying to pry her leg out from the titanic beam.

“Just sit still, I’ll try lifting it up!” Lyra said, as she closed her eyes. Her horn began to glow a tan-yellow hue, so did the steel. It slowly was lifted off Bon-Bon’s mangled leg. She crawled away from the beam, and the moment she was clear Lyra stopped lifting it with magic and she ran towards Bon-Bon. “Are you alright?” she asked, worriedly. She helped her off the ground, but Bon-Bon cried out in pain.

“My leg!” she moaned.

Lyra looked at her lover’s left hind leg. It was mangled and twisted in a grotesque way, and a gash in it had begun bleeding. She pulled Bon-Bon close. “We’ll get out of here, I promise.”

“You’re not going to leave me to go get help?”

“I would never leave your side, no matter what,” she said, and then kissed Bon-Bon on her cheek. “Come on,” she said softly, “Let’s get going.” She put her foreleg around Bon-Bon’s shoulders and let the earth pony lean on her on her damaged left side. They then began to walk. Bon-Bon winced with every step, but carried on.

Lyra tried to see the sights of the ancient city around them, but kept finding herself looking at Bon-Bon. She began to feel a weird sense that maybe the city wasn’t her greatest achievement or goal. Sure, she had done it, but it didn’t feel like it was her finest moment. She kept looking at Bon-Bon, who was dealing with an immense amount of pain. Why does it feel like I can do better?

They walked in silence for a while, and then Bon-Bon broke it. “So you finally fulfilled your dreams, huh?” she said.


“You’ve always wanted to see if humans were real, and here we are. In a re-living representation of where the once lived,” she said, motioning to the once great city around them. “All that’s left now is to show the world.”

She’s right, Lyra thought. But how come it doesn’t feel like I’ve really fulfilled my dreams? It doesn’t seem like this is what I really wanted to do. Then, she realized why it didn’t feel like a dream come true.

“You know what? It was great to do this, but I’m realizing that I haven’t been living a dream by doing this.”


“I dragged us out here to do see something I’ve always believed in, but not my dream. I’m realizing now that wasn’t my dream.”


“I’m realizing that just being with you is all my dreams come true.”

“Aww Lyra,” Bon-Bon replied sweetly, planting a kiss on the green unicorn’s forehead. “You’re so sweet.”

“I’m serious. I don’t feel like all this,” she said pointing around the smog laden city, “is what I want. I all I really wanted all along was you.”

“Aww,” Bon-Bon said, attempting to kiss Lyra, but she shrank back with a hiss, her injured leg twitching.

“Come on, let’s find some shelter,” Lyra said, coughing from the smog.

They continued to limp onwards, until Lyra pointed to an office building in good condition. “Come on, in there.”

They walked into the ancient corporate branch, where all the electric devices were slowly dying. Celestia’s magic was wearing off of the city. They ignored this, and walked until they found a hallway that, from what was left, was carpeted. Lyra carefully helped Bon-Bon lay down. Once safely settled, Lyra laid down next to her.

“Nopony will find us for a while, will they?”

“No, they probably won’t,” Lyra replied.

“That’s a problem, love.”

“Not really.”


“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Oh you silly filly,” she teased, nuzzling her head against the unicorn’s neck.

“Hey Bon-Bon?”

“Yes Lyra?”

“No matter what, no matter where, I love you.”

“I love you too,” she replied, moving in for a kiss.

Lyra responded, and their lips met. Bon-Bon was adventurous, adding tongue almost right away. Lyra was a bit taken aback by her marefriend’s second wind, if you will, and pushed back, careful not to bump Bon-Bon’s injured leg. Her forelegs were soon wrapped around her, pressing slowly on her lover’s shoulders and back. Then she shifted her weight in closer. Bon-Bon responded by twisting around into a more comfortable position, their lips still locked. They were wrapped in their love for a while, despite the fact they were on the floor of an ancient building in Celestia-knows where.

Abruptly, Bon-Bon mustered what strength she had left and pushed Lyra off of her. Panting, she said, “But seriously how the hell are we going to get home?”

“Doesn’t matter, as long I’m with you,” Lyra said, moving back in. But Bon-Bon stopped her.

“What’s that noise?”

“I don’t hear anyth- wait…” she caught herself, hearing shuffling and shouts from outside.


“Dammit,” Lyra said.