• Published 29th Dec 2011
  • 1,870 Views, 36 Comments

Uncovering A Time Before - Fyrebird

An ancient secret will be uncovered Lyra and a team of friends.

  • ...

Finding the Company/Bringing it Home

"That is a somewhat dangerous proposition Lyra," replied Moondancer. "Surely you realize my studies are true and pure, I don't need to be caught at a ruin trying to prove humans ever existed, Equestrian history is complex enough."

"But what if you do prove it! Then how much greater your books and stuff would be?"

"She has a point there Moondancer. C'mon, don't be a wuss," said Carrot Top.

"Fine. Give me a day, I'll be in Ponyville with my things. And Lyra, do make sure you are prepared for this as well? We will need defense, water, food, and a large carriage if we're going to go as far as you say."

"You bet Moon. I'll see you soon then!" she said excitedly as she and Carrot Top left the white unicorn's home to head back to the Canterlot Train Station.

"She's a bit snooty, if you ask me."

"Yeah but we'll need her cause she knows all about history and archaeology and stuff."

"And Vinyl Scratch? Did you seriously think she'd go?"

"Naw, but it was worth a shot. At least I can count on Colgate to come at the slightest mention of adventure when I get back."

They continued to walk through Canterlot's posh downtown, past the cafés and high-end clothing retailers. They passed by the impressive Mareiott Canterlot, and the Resort Royale, arguably the poshest hotel in all of Equestria. Canterlot was an impressive, and a bit brash, having a lot of money spent on buildings and roads that didn't really need to exist at all.

"Back to Ponyville then?"

"Yup. I wish Bon-Bon could've came."

"Well, we can't get everything. So, with that in mind, don't look at the time tables," she quickly added as they entered the glass-roofed station.

"What?" she said looking up. Its plastic flip-cards said the next train out was delayed. "Ugh why now?"

"Oh well. I'll go buy tickets, you go find a nice cup of coffee or something. A place to sit in your weird way."

"Alright, see ya in a bit."

She walked into the terminal. It was large, and a bit too big, considering that there was only two rail lines out of the mountain city. There were no trains, but quite a few ponies spread out on the benches, and most were in the First Class Lounge on the second floor, overlooking the, spare for the noisy heaters, quiet train station.

She walked across the white marble to a pay phone. Using magic, she pulled two coins from her saddlebags iand into the slot and dialed. She waited, waited, and after a minute she put the phone back on the hooks and the two coins pinged out. She then walked over to a bench and sat.

Lyra Heartstrings sits in arguably the most unusual position, thought Carrot Top, How does Bon-Bon put up with it? "Hey Lyra? Ready to wait for three hours?"


"Yeah, some rockfall busted up the rails, and they're working to free it up. But for now, we wait here and get laughed at by rich ponies in First Class."

"Aw man, this is gonna suck."

"Yeah, I know. At least we're not rushed, unless you have a date night with Bon-Bon," Carrot Top teased.

"Oh, shutup. I'm going to go get some Starbucks, what do you want?"

"Some Cappuccino and carrot cake sounds good."


For those who don't travel, waiting for a train, flight, or bus for more than an hour becomes an agonizing, teeth grinding, wait for transportation. Regardless of if you're rushed or not, it will bring you to anger. Sitting on poorly designed benches, walking around, buying cheap food, helps, but leaves you still waiting, and waiting. And you can't leave once you pass security, because, well, who wants to be violated by a random search? So at this point, two hours later, Lyra and Carrot Top were most restless and unhappy, along with the other ponies waiting for the train. Even in the First Class lounge, moods and tempers began to turn sour.

"Oh for the love of Celestia, it has to have been three hours by now."

As if on cue, a whistle blew in the distance. "That'd do the trick," said Carrot Top. They both stood up and walked out to the platform. A dozen or so others did the same. The whistle blew again, closer and the small locomotive came in sight, tugging only four or so cars behind it.


"Calm down Lyra, we're just going to be sitting again in a few minutes," said Carrot Top glumly.

"At least we'll be going somewhere."

The train came to a stop, and the hiss of escaping air rang through the terminal , and the doors opened, letting the weary travelers out of the delayed train, and the expectant ticket holders on board. Inside, it was quiet, and only a few ponies seated in regular class. The two friends sat down in the passenger car, fidgeting while waiting for the train to be off.

An attendant came by, apologizing for the delay, and soon, the final whistle blew, and the train began its trip to Ponyville. By now, it was late in the evening and the dark hid the mountainous ride back into the valley in which Ponyville laid. The train was moving fast, faster than normal, indicating that it was one of the few times where it ran on unicorn magic.

"Would you like a drink ma'am? It's on us," asked a dark maned attendant.

"Just water's fine, thank you."

"How about your friend?"

Lyra nudged Carrot Top. "Drink?" Carrot Top looked up at the attendant, and said, "Just water."

The attendant came back with water, and left the two to their own thoughts. Carrot Top then said, "So, what's your expectations for this ancient city?"

Lyra thought for a minute. "I have it all played out in my head," she said, tapping her forehead.

"So you aren't messing around, you really think that there really were humans, they weren't myths?"

"Well, duh. Is that so hard to believe?"

"For most ponies, yeah. Me inclusive. Believe what you want, but don't go crazy. I'm pretty sure Bon-Bon told you the same."

"What the hell? Are you psychic?"

"No, I'm a carrot farmer who is also pretty good at guessing what happens to her friend. I'm taking a nap."

Lyra grew bored fast, and was irritated Carrot Top, her only company, fell asleep. She looked out the window, and saw the fading light of Celestia's sun give way to Luna's night. Stars began coming into view. She sighed, wishing she was back with Bon-Bon. They had been together for over two years now, and Lyra was at the point where she was always nervous and anxious to be back whenever Bon-Bon wasn't around. They had gotten over being fillyfoolers fast, and the fact that they did and nopony objects, Lyra wondered if she might just make their relationship forever. Maybe just maybe...

The night grew older, darker as the train got closer to Ponyville. The only source of light in the cabin was from a unicorn reading a book. It was quiet, save for the clicking and clanking of the train cruising over the rails it rolled on. Lyra began feeling sleepy, and was about to doze off.

Then the train shuddered, and began slowing down. The whistle blew, announcing its arrival into the outskirts of Ponyville. Carrot Top woke up, turned, and groaned. "Finally."

"Ugh, the moment this thing stops, I'm getting off this train and going home."

"You said it sister."

Lyra slowly walked up to the door to her house. She pulled her keys from her saddlebag, and brought them to the door knob. Also, how could anypony open a door with hooves, well, unless they kicked it down. Lyra mused. She unlocked the door and opened it. It was dark, Bon-Bon must have gone to sleep. Lyra creeped up the stairs, careful not to make any noise, and opened the bedroom door slowly. Suddenly, the light turned on and blinded her.

"Where have you beeeeen!? I was worried sick!"

"Our train got delayed, I'm sorry! I tried calling a few times, but no one picked up."

"At least leave a message!"

"Butwhaduh buwha gah, I mean, I wanted to save some money?"

"A few quarters! Lyra I was so worried!"

"Well I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Yeah, but I-"

"Would you like to spend some time with me? Curled up, not sitting, I promise."

Bon-Bon sighed. "You silly filly, of course I'd like to spend time with you. Which is why I don't like it when you're late."

"Not exactly my fault, public transportation isn't always reliable. At least you can rely on me always being back."

"I would hope so," Bon-Bon said, smile forming. "I'll count on you this 'adventure' to always be there, you know."

"You have put trust in the right hooves, milady," Lyra said, striking a goofy salute.

"I know I have," she relied, smiling.