• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 293 Views, 4 Comments


In a different universe, Europe has unified and overcome its fears, but the unexplainable and uncomprehending force displaces them into the brave new world.

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Primum contactu humanitatis | Chapter 3

Part 4

Primum contactu humanitatis

On May 18, 2055, 36 individuals went to seize power in the empire. This time, the scout group is expanded to 20 people. They are equipped with a chameleon suit, augmented reality visor, and chemical protection. All small arms are equipped with silencers, unless they have an integrated one. Twelve soldiers carry Gr-5 anvils, which allow them to destroy single targets almost silently. While tracking the deer, the dedicated soldier corps is divided into three groups: mobile; advance, which is at a fixed distance ahead of the targets; and active, which provides direct eye contact. All groups, except for the mobile one, move on foot. The journey took 1.3 hours - the protective dome was already visible (entry inside is prohibited without an order), so the aborigines accelerated, and the advance team was sent close to the barrier.

The targets came close to the dome - the initiative to escort was transferred to the front line.
"I'm inviting the 'flies' inside the city," the commander said. "Over, two 'packages' will arrive in 17 seconds. Do not cross to the other side!"
"All right. Radio silence until the attackers are active".
The Crystal Empire was in a good mood - their savior, the dragon Spike, had arrived, but without the six elements. Cadence and Shining Armor were looking around their domain while Flurry Heart was sleeping. The crystal ponies are happy with their lives; everything is getting better after the war with the Caribou.

Crystal empire, close past
The Caribous tried to defame the crystal heart. There are no exact reasons, but according to the prisoners' stories, it would "force our 'bedfellows' to get rid of their slave chains". On the very first day, hordes of deer made their way to the artifact, but the commander of the guard, Shining Armor, kept a circular defense. But eventually the attackers broke through and quickly surrounded the castle, where the last line of defense of the heart was the militia mixed with the guards and Empress Cadence. The princess did her best to heal and protect the soldiers, but.... "If only an hour more... then victory would have been in our hooves" - a prisoner's comment. Her husband launched a suicidal assault that ended in a double encirclement. The Caribou were cut off and pressured from both sides - eventually they lost their fragile balance and began to break through to their own, outside the city. Some of them succeeded, most were killed, and a few were captured. And then Cadence and Shining Armor took command of the defense and a protracted siege began...

End of flashback

"Objects have broken through the wall and are moving inside. Four left," one of the disguised soldiers reported. "Copy that. An attack on civilian infrastructure and civilians has been detected. Preliminary consent to engage has been granted, the final decision is yours".
The deer stormed into the city, tore through the wall's garrison, and killed the next guards in seconds with various magics. Meanwhile, the four behind the barrier activated an energy-sucking spell, but a group of pegasi headed for them. The fliers pierced two of them, and engaged in a close battle with the others. Perhaps they would have had a chance to win if not for the gigantic magic reinforcement of their opponents. And soon the only survivor is thrown back on a disguised man. However, the scout quickly rolled over and avoided the collision, but unfortunately, he was spotted.
"One-four, they have spotted you - avoid making sudden movements. All the rest of you, choose your targets, I'm authorizing a preemptive strike."
The soldier slowly stood up, arms raised, when several ice spikes flew toward him. Death was close, but all the icicles barely scratched the armor. Then the aborigines fell dead.
"One-four, the danger has been eliminated - report."
"No serious injuries, just a few bruises."
"Copy that. Base, air support and permission to cross the barrier!"
"The birds will arrive in 2 minutes, permission to enter and use all weapons has been granted."
The Caribou were going to the castle, killing all living things on the way. The cries of pain did not stop. Suddenly, an elite squad of crystal ponies appeared in front of them with the blessing of the princess herself, but they took no more than 10 minutes. Then the 32 reindeer split up: some to capture the castle, and the rest to spread fear and destruction. This is where people come into play.
"Over. The advance team is inside, we're starting to eliminate the enemy".
"Accepted. A mobile and active group will join you shortly".
"Three targets at 245°!" Three quiet shots rang out, probably inaudible in the chaos around them.
"Corpses have been spotted - do not show your positions!"
In a panic-stricken castle
Spike was in a bad state: besides panic, his wings were injured. Cadence was also worried, because the Caribou, already considered to be one of the worst enemies, now possess magic equal to that of Celestia's school graduates. 'Where did they get such powers? No, that's not the point now - how to stop them. The help from Equestria won't be here in time, and it's too late to evacuate. Spike enters the room, although that's an understatement - he pushes the door so that it slams against the walls. Walls of pale blue crystal, the finest fabrics and gentle, yet so out of place, rays of sunshine decorated this room.
"Something from Flurry Heart?" - Cadence put on a mask of calm.
"Everything is as good as it can be. - The dragon looked at the princess. - "Don't give in to panic and worry, they won't help anyone, and fear... it will always be there..."
The Empress looked at Spike in surprise: 'When did he learn to read emotions so well? Even Twilight couldn't figure it out so easily.
"The Wanderbolts will be the fastest to get here, but they won't make it on time anyway. How about we hide at the train station outside the city?"
Of course she considered the idea, but the caribou needed a heart, nothing more, and running away would only make things worse. "Spike, please take the Flurry Heart, the guards, and as many residents as you can and escape!"
The dragon walked out of the hall uncertainly. The princess watched the barrier: 'They're sapping the power of the shield.... Even Sombra couldn't do it.
We are returning to people.
"9 targets eliminated - 27 to go."
"Base received, I see 3 deer. They are moving towards us *several shots*. Three 200s".
"The other three... they created golems? Out of crystals?"
"Shoot for the thin parts; I allow large caliber".
Most of the golems are destroyed, and the stronger ones are shattered by large-caliber bullets. After all, no one could cancel the crystal structure of materials, not even magic. Seeing the quick loss, the three beasts ran away, but the relative silence was cut by a sudden crack.
"Plus three two hundredths from the multicopter."

South of the castle
"Shining, they are surrounding us!"
"We're making our way to the station! Keep going!"
"Unicorns, attack the golems!"

A UAV was flying in the air, with its body covered with active camouflage elements , it did not stand out against the sky, but you could still see its cylindrical shape ending in cones. A sphere with moving observation equipment could be seen in front, and an unmasked propeller behind. On the long wings, which begin somewhere in the middle of the drone, there are 4 aerobombs.
"A bunch of civilians and 12 'revolutionaries' creating golems and wolves? The enemy's total number is 24"
"Bombing is allowed, don't hurt civilians"
Spike couldn't believe his eyes: Caribou, incapable of magic other than rune magic, summoning magical creatures on the level of talented unicorns with years of practice, and using unknown combat magic. 'No, no, no, we have to save Flurry Heart. The corpse of a guard with deep wounds all over his body fell in front of him. 'Run, Spike, run...' the dragon thought as he jumped over the dead pony and started running in earnest. In the chaos of the battle, no one heard the whistle of the two shells, but the loud explosion and shock wave briefly attracted the pony's attention as pieces of flesh, stone and soil flew in all directions.
"Five deer were killed. Three more were seriously injured. In total, three simmoned creatures have been killed. Further bombardment is too risky - I switch to the multicopter, and the 1679-B drone returns control to the AI". The drone begins to turn smoothly and flies over the crowd. At this altitude and with its camouflage, no one noticed it. Now it was flying further south, where two deer, or as the ponies say, caribou, wanted to block the escape routes from the city.

"Base, explosive munitions are loaded, proceeding to destroy targets."

A hail of bullets fell upon the creatures of magic. Flesh was torn to pieces, dirt rose from the ground, stone was cracked and crumbled into dust, and the air was saturated with a sickening mixture of blood and dust. This horrific sight was accompanied by a loud, cutting through the chaos, noise.
"Targets destroyed, transferring control to AI".
"Good job, but be on the lookout".
Spike and Flurry Heart ran without looking back, the last thing they saw was a flying monster with a too perfect shape. Then there was noise and screaming. The two were trying to get to the train station as fast as they could and catch a train.
"Spike, I know a shortcut," the little alicorn turned into an alleyway, followed by the dragon and several guards. "We'll go to the depot now, and from there it's still faster to the station. *distant screams* do you hear that too?"
"Flurry, don't pay attention, just keep going."
The defense of the crystal heart caused many difficulties for the caribou: 4 of them died and three remained, but eventually it fell. 'Did that bitch get away?' the survivor thought, as magical bolts and beams hit them from the rear. The Empress and her guard would kill these animals or suffer a fate worse than death.


Let's get back to the advance group.
"Hey, is that a Santa convoy or..."

"Ho, ho, ho, go to the naughty children, my servants. It's time to punish them!"

"Task force base, there is a fight in the castle, the use of magic is detected, there are three enemy subjects."
"Copy that, we're going in quietly."
At the pedestal of a crystal heart
"You will not be able to conquer the heart *spits blood*. Just like you couldn't last time *rude kick*."
"Be quiet! You will pay us back in full. Your fate is worse than slavery - now your whole life will consist of satisfying our desires. We will crush your pride to dust, turn you into brainless cattle that will serve until we get bored!"

Meanwhile, a rather large rectangular pipe with a hole in it emerged from the armored vehicle. Suddenly, a small drone with a jet engine flew out of it. It was traveling at 170 km/h, and its contents were deadly - a highly explosive mixture, along with a small supply of fuel. In principle, it was an ordinary barrage projectile, but its small size and weight allowed even infantry without exoskeletons to carry 2-3 of these drones.

Near the crystal heart.
"What is that whistle?"
"Look *explosion*...". Before he could raise his hoof, he instantly disappeared in light and smoke. The nearby explosion stunned the caribou, as it did Cadence.

Cadance POV:
I was just praying for Shiny to save me. I saw what they did to the live mares: raped, abused, tortured. Hundreds of those dead eyes looking only for death as the highest display of mercy. I couldn't be brave anymore after they destroyed our guard.

They are waiting for someone... *explosion and subsequent contusion* ...my head, I can't hear anything.
When Cadence recovered a little, she saw it - a cracked, burnt stone, the remains of a torn body that could not even be called that. Now the caribou came to, too. The one in front of him tried to raise his shield, but he didn't have time and repeated the fate of his comrade. The semi-conscious alicorn's thoughts were blurred by pain, fatigue, and contusion, but she still saw something approaching.
What kind of monster is this? Is it a golem? Did it really kill those two without showing itself?
End of Cadance POV

"Two are dead, the last one should be left alive, but we act on the situation."
"Reconnaissance base, estimated time of arrival of pony reinforcements is 8 minutes."

The last "revolutionary" launched an enchanted crystal into an iron monster. It is capable of penetrating magic shields, and the dark energy in it will infect the victim and eventually turn the carrier into an umbra pony. However, for this to happen, you need to at least touch it, but two meters away from the APC's hull, a small cylinder flew out to meet the projectile. When the distance between them shrank, there was an explosion, and the crystal turned into fine dust.
"Iron fist worked fine, but you'd better stun it." The 20-millimeter cannon started firing at the ground near the caribou to keep it from focusing. One shell hit the armored corpse of a guardsman, tearing through his armor and tearing out a chunk of bloody mess. In less than a minute, the APC was already under lock and key. Suddenly, for the locals, its hull lifted in some places and people came out. Their heads are completely covered with a white camouflage helmet with protrusions - cameras. All their bodies are covered with a white tight-fitting chameleon cloak, but now the active camouflage mode is off, which allows us to see them. The protruding elements of the exoskeleton and body armor stand out sharply on the fabric. They were holding rifles wrapped in cloth. But its enormous length of almost 800 mm was still visible.

"The target hid behind the shield. I'm asking for permission to use tear gas," the reconnaissance group commander said through the radio built into his helmet.
"Do whatever you need to do." Two men got out of the other armored vehicle. One was carrying two gas grenades, the other was carrying aerosol cans. "Serge, spray him." Following the order, he sprays the contents of the can on the interested caribou. The mixture penetrated the barrier and panic was visible on the face of the doomed animal. A moment later, the future prisoner began to feel the first symptoms: irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, increased tearing and salivation. With each passing second, his concentration was disappearing.
"Well, the result is obvious. Look at these ponies or whatever they are..."
A little earlier
"Flurry! I told you to go straight to the station!" said the tired purple and emerald dragon.
"We'll run faster than that crowd anyway." Time was on their side, but not luck. Around the corner of the house, several dozen summoned monsters and the caribou himself were waiting for them.
"Princess run!" - the guard shouted, ready to repel the attack, but a short whistle and explosion interrupted the upcoming battle. On the opposite side of the pony, behind the puffs of black smoke, there was nothing left of the deer, and only a few of the magical creatures were injured...
Normal time line. Under lock and key
"We have 3 survivors, one is a royalty". - one of the soldiers radioed.
"North Group, prepare a container for the microdrones. Also, there are no living rebels left, except for yours. Estimated time of arrival of the pony contingent is 4 minutes. Diplomacy is allowed, you are familiar with the restrictions, right?"
"The group of diplomats and the humanitarian cargo will arrive in about half an hour."
"Base, send the vet here as well." Serge, as a field medic, dealt only with people and would not want to kill any of his possible future patients.
"He will arrive with the negotiation mission. In the meantime, you may administer painkillers at your own discretion, and the use of any other medications is authorized until further notice. Over and out."
"Copy that. *Sarge, go give that pink spot some painkillers."
The soldier went to fulfill the order with quiet anger toward his commander. Taking out a disposable syringe from a pouch, he approached the wounded princess, and she began to move. "Hey, you! Don't move! We've come to help you." - 'How did our intelligence know they speak English? And the most significant difference is our larger volume of words they don't understand!
Cadence was habitually afraid: unknown creatures, vaguely resembling minotaurs, who had so easily torn apart three attackers that the elite guard and she herself could not handle.
"I'll give you some medicine to relieve the pain," he said, as he came closer and wondered if it would be better to give her a few pills. Crouching down in front of the pony, the doctor said: "Don't move! It will hurt a little bit now, but then you will definitely feel better." Serge automatically took off his medical backpack, quickly pulled out the disinfectants and disinfected the injection site. "One is gone, now one in the thigh. Don't worry, it won't hurt much."
After a few minutes
"Everyone get ready: contact in 37 seconds!" the commander radioed.
A large crowd of ponies was moving toward the castle along the main street. Most of them were guards in armor made of a material similar to silver, and a unicorn with white fur, purple silk mane, and dark purple armor was rushing ahead - Captain Shining Armor
"Princess Cadence, can you move?" - the doctor asked, and received an anxious nod in response, "There is no reason to worry, Princess: your subjects are running to you."
"Who are you? Get away from the Empress at once!" - the captain of the guard shouted as soon as he arrived.
"Quiet, quiet. Here is your princess." One of the men came forward.
"It's true, Shiny, these creatures saved me from the caribou and eased my pain," Cadence quickly interjected.
"Then I'm sorry... and thank you," Shining Armor said without aggression.
"Anxiety when life hangs in the balance is a normal thing," the reconnaissance team commander came forward, freeing his men from the horrific possibility of negotiations. - "However, we have come for help that will determine the chances of our survival."
"The Caribou attacked you too!?" shouted Cadence sharply.
"Unfortunately or fortunately, no. It's just that one rather large city moved to the frosty desert for some unknown reason, and we went to explore and came across you. But I think we can wait for the arrival of the diplomatic team and your recovery for now."
"Thank you for your concern, but until all the Caribou are destroyed we cannot guarantee safety," said Shining Armor, and was about to ask for help when he was interrupted: "I doubt there are many left, though the summoned monsters may have remained. In any case, we're staying and defending the castle and the surrounding area."
"We will definitely pay you back," the guard captain said in a quiet tone.
At the same time, on a train that was rapidly leaving the Crystal Empire.
"Spike, what do you think saved us?"
"Fast running, good guards, a shortcut and luck."
"No, that's not what I mean. When we went to the depot, there was a caribou there, but at the same time some spell left no trace of it."
"I don't know, Flurry, maybe he performed the spell incorrectly or one of the guards used such magic - I don't know. The point is, we're alive."
"I guess you're right," Flurry looked out the window, satisfying her childlike curiosity. - 'This is the second time I've left home because of the caribou. What do they miss? Why can't they live together like we do?
Somewhere in Canterlot Castle.
"Princesses, why can't I follow the plan?" - Twilight asked in an emotional, almost shouting voice.
"Calm down, Twilight. We can't risk another princess!"
"Are you afraid for me? Okay, I'll take the Wanderbolts or Luna's Noonday Moon with me."
The argument was interrupted by the stallion's low voice. He, as the first male monarch in the last two centuries (in fact, for a much longer period of time, but sometimes side branches of the royal family formally received power and title), became a new figure of power for everyone and won the respect of the common people and soldiers. Twilight, on the other hand, despite all his merits, was wary of him, but she did not oppose him either, rather his dark past influenced her.
"Twilight, I don't want you to fall into the trap of the Caribou runes like Celestia and I did in our time. We won't be able to save you in that case. Do you understand that?" - His voice sounded like thunder in the silence of the room.
"Yeah, but they might have Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart as hostages. Then we need to intervene, even on our own, but I'm ready."
"I don't want to let you go, even with the Wanderbolts!" - Celestia said in a raised voice, but was abruptly stopped by the stallion.
"Sally, we won't convince her," he said in a magically soothing voice. "It is better to bless and release such a devoted princess than to treat her like a naughty child."
A scroll flies to Twilight in a red aura. "I would never want to do anything so reckless as to force me to reveal the spell against the Caribou. Your goal is certainly noble, but war is war and all methods are good."
Unfolding the scroll, Twilight quickly began to read, not taking her eyes off it, absorbing every line and every word with primal curiosity. The creative approach and cold mind that worked on this undoubtedly amazing creation of the magician's mind did not care about the unicorn itself, but only about efficiency. "This is the best work I've ever seen! Such an unusual combination of two opposite techniques! And then there's the safety technique inside the main spell!"
"Enough flattery, Twi. Let's get on the road!" - The stallion with the dark fur said and smiled fatherly.
The Wanderbolts were waiting for Twilight in one of the rooms of the castle. The large white marble balcony existed in incomplete harmony without the usual green plant decoration. The glass balcony doors were open and gave space to the warm draft and hot sunlight. The interior of the room was very different from most rooms inside the palace. The cold blue lamps placed in the corners emitted almost no light: their mesmerizing effect can only be seen at night. In the middle of the room were old tables made of carved wood, stacked in the shape of the letter "n". On them were stacks of paper and maps of the area and the architectural plan of the castle. All the upholstered furniture was pushed back a considerable distance, emphasizing the room's elongation. On either side of the room, the Wanderbolts sat on upholstered chairs or sofas. Spitfire, Wave Chill, Midnite Strike, Sassaflash, Wild Fire, Starry Eyes, Angel Wings, Sightseer stood around the table discussing and studying the plan of attack. There were eight of them. Eight veterans of the first Caribou War. The Wanderbolts had been reformed after the Griffin attack. It's not that they are not connected to the military, especially given the militaristic heritage in their culture, but now it is more of a military than a sports organization. Among them stood out Rainbow Dash, who was just approaching the door to the room of muttering and thinking. She had also fought in the Pegasus army, but she had been separated from the battle group by order of the princesses. So now, out of anger, she shamelessly opens the door separating them.
"It's time to go," the rainbow pegasus almost ordered. And it served as a sign to the beginning of the end.
"We'll take care of Twilight; you're needed here: defend the sky for the princesses." - this is how Sassaflash said goodbye for herself and the whole team.
They all walked in silence. The walk took only a few minutes. And in front of the huge door to the third dining room, or as the court magicians called it, the room of seals. The princesses and the king were waiting there. All the tables, which were already few in number compared to the other halls, were pushed to the walls, revealing huge swirling circles and other shapes on the floor.
"Okay, dear ponies, you have agreed to rescue a member of the royal family. Because of this, we are forever indebted to you. You will come back as... no, you are already heroes and you will definitely come back! We will do everything we can to help you; you will never be forgotten. Now go, dear ponies. Twilight, stand in the middle of the magic circle on the green triangle, and you Wanderbolts, stand on the green lines going to the center... yes, that's right."
After Celestia's speech, optimism and confidence took over the hearts of her subjects. Unexpectedly for Twilight, the king spoke to her.
"Twi, you're like my own... I don't know how to express my feelings, but I can give you some practical advice: use all your magic to teleport - if there's a magic-based trap, it will be neutralized by the surge from your movement, and good luck." He didn't know how to cheer up others nicely, as the other princesses did. Twilight, however, still took the gesture to heart.
'Maybe I shouldn't think of him in a bad light?' the purple filly thought as she thanked her stepfather.
As she recited the spell in her mind, the magic circle under Twilight and Wanderbilt's hooves began to glow. This side effect of being filled with magic signaled the beginning of teleportation. In a matter of seconds, the air around them was filled with a light haze of the color of the young alicorn's magic. Then, with the crackle of numerous sparks, it disappeared, creating a vacuum that quickly filled with air.


In a crystal palace.
A pop sounded in the throne room. It was followed by the sound of a body falling and the rapid flapping of wings. As planned, the Wanderbolts immediately rushed to the caribou, but there was a problem - they were alone in the huge hall. All the pegasi froze, flying barely two meters away from their original location, forming a sphere with the unconscious Twilight in the center. It didn't take long for the pegasi to land on solid ground. Spitfire ordered them not to leave the castle and not to get close to the windows. Wave Chill, Midnite Strike, Sassaflash, and Wild Fire stayed with the unconscious Twilight, while the others went to reconnoiter the situation.

The main hall was the first in line. It didn't look like there had been any commotion or battle, so they moved on, keeping their guard up. Room by room, hall by hall, there was no sign of any fighting, except for the growing amount of commotion from the guards preparing and evacuating everyone in the castle. After some time, they reached the lowest floor before the stairs to the crystal square. Traces of the battle were already visible here: broken windows, cracks in the walls, and corpses.... In some places, the walls were destroyed or pierced by ice spears.Sightseer saw one unfortunate man who was pierced by one such spear and still hanging at a height of about 1.4 meters. He had long since bled to death, and the ice, due to its magical nature, would not melt quickly. This contemplation of the unfortunate pony was interrupted by the sound of walking and the loud opening of a door. All four pegasi quickly took up their fighting positions and prepared for a surprise attack, but Shining Armor and several guardsmen came out. There was a rather unexpected silence...