• Published 4th Jan 2024
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In a different universe, Europe has unified and overcome its fears, but the unexplainable and uncomprehending force displaces them into the brave new world.

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Terra incognita | Chapter 1

Part 2

Terra incognita

It was a quiet, calm morning in May. Caroline was already awake and enjoying a freshly brewed chai tea on her new coffee maker. She lived on the fourth top floor of her house. Her apartment can be called a penthouse, no wonder it has a terrace. Such a house is not cheap, but her job as an interior designer gives her enough money, although it can only be called easy from the outside, and UBO helps. In general, it is possible to live on a single income, but work is also rewarded. "In 26 minutes, it will be sunrise. I hope I woke up so early for a reason." Minutes passed like seconds, and the alcoholic coffee drink in her hand helped her ignore the morning chill.

The sun appeared over the horizon. 1...2...3.... Red light flooded her hometown of Leba and Karolina lost control of her body.

It took a few seconds for Karolina to realize her surroundings. She was still at home, in a comfortable chair, with a half-full glass of coffee on the table. Suddenly, her smartphone screen lit up. She immediately reached for it, and when she picked it up, a synthesized voice began: "Do not turn off your device. This is a security alert. This is a security alert from RPC, in cooperation with Science Pantheon Lab and the European Security Service. The entire territory of the European Confederation and its dependent lands have moved in space. Please remain calm and avoid panic. If you are indoors, do not leave unnecessarily. If you are on an airplane or watercraft, please take all possible measures to return to Europe; this message will be repeated on radio frequencies after this message ends. At the moment, a state of emergency of the highest order has been declared throughout the EU. Please remain calm."
"As if I had a choice." Outside, ambulance sirens and, soon after, police sirens sounded. "Ummm, okay, I'd better stay home: it looks like the situation outside is not good."

An hour later, at the emergency council of the O5
O5-01: "We have moved to another planet!"
О5-13: "I will tell you more: we do not know whether all our possessions have been transferred and whether there are any other states from Earth here. In addition, no artificial radio waves have been detected, except for our own."
"Either intelligent beings here have not reached a sufficient level of development, or the planet is not inhabited by intelligent beings." - O5-12 said.
"Why don't you consider the third option with a highly developed civilization? " - asked O5-06 with genuine curiosity. "Think about it," began O5-11 smugly, "if there had been a highly developed civilization here during the time we have been here, they would have noticed us, or even made contact. We haven't detected any alien radio signals with satellites before...".
"Did the space infrastructure move completely with us?" - O5-02 interrupted.
"So far, the presence of 2, that is, all, space stations has been confirmed, 76% of the total number of satellites, including Starlink. Some satellites have fallen out of orbit and will burn up in the atmosphere, but their share is small. By the way... the moon and the settlements on it moved with us."

There was a moment of silence.
О5-02: "This is good news. I hope the sky hook and the loads in the Lagrange points have not disappeared?"
О5-04: "The hook is with us, there is no accurate information about the rest."

With a bit of anger, O5-12 said: "Can we continue...? Okay, silence is a sign of agreement. So, for now, let's focus on the options of no civilization or its low development. О5-04, how should our people behave in case of contact, I doubt that the existing protocols are suitable?"
O5-04, aka Sakarbik Enrique: "Sure, but why the big fuss?" The answer was not long in coming: "Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Anadyr, Kotzebue are cities that became our military bases. They could have moved with us, and if so, we have no contact with them. Probably at least one of them could have moved relatively close to the habitats of an intelligent species. Otherwise, sooner or later we will encounter the locals, if they exist."
О5-04: "Let's raise the priority for this. Does anyone have any other topics to discuss?" After waiting a few seconds, Sakarbik Enrique continued: "The state of emergency continues; I will convene an emergency council on European affairs in an hour and you should be present. By the way, organize an extraordinary meeting of the parliament in 4 hours."

Alexander Bakti is formally a special member of the European Parliament and a special ambassador, but in fact he is an assistant to the O5 Council and the "creator of Scandinavian technocracy." His biography may surprise you: he was born in Ukraine, moved to the United States at the age of 16 after completing his secondary education, where he lived for 6 years, then moved back to Europe, namely Norway. In 2033, he began to actively support technocrats, and later gained great authority among them. In 2036, his presence was noticed as a representative and one of the leaders of the technocratic party. In the following years, he ceased to stand out, but his significant support for the creation of Scandinavia and the initiative of a European confederation did take place. So now he is what he is - a technical specialist and a politician at the same time, of course he is not the best at everything, but his wide range of knowledge and experience still make him a valuable person.

Today, he, along with several others, was summoned by the leader of the O5 to participate in an urgent council on European affairs.

The Emergency Council on European Affairs has yielded results. First of all, the resources that are not extracted by open pit methods have recovered to some extent. Oil and natural gas fields have "recovered" their reserves by about 80% of the theoretical maximum. This applies to fields on the shelves in the oceans, and yes, this proves the transfer of not only land but also part of the seabed. The method of recovery is interesting, as it created an additional layer of rock to isolate the fields. At the same time, communication with Greenland and the moon colonies was restored.
A number of issues have been selected to be included in the agenda of the extraordinary session of the Parliament

The extraordinary emergency meeting of the parliament required the presence of all MPs, even special ones. In addition to the parliamentarians, the leaders of the EU member states were present. An incredible thing happened at this meeting: no disputes arose, and even the right-wing accelerationists fully supported the proposed initiatives or made adjustments to them like others.

In short, a course of relative adaptive isolationism was adopted. The use of "recovered" resource deposits has been resumed. Aerospace exploration of the planet's surface will take place; the lands directly adjacent to the borders of the EC have no restrictions on the type of exploration. The colonization of new lands is allowed only with an affirmative response from: the European Council, the E5 Council or European leaders, the EC Parliament. When locating the locals, do not make any contact without a good reason and do not give away your presence. Military units along the borders should increase their combat readiness. Shipping on the high seas is limited. All foreign citizens can obtain European citizenship. Moon colonies now fully report to the EC, as the only country participating in the pact of mutual assistance in the study of outer space. Science Pantheon Lab is tasked with studying the anomalous properties of this world and the causes of displacement.

The Internet is now partially functional, but important data has been saved, along with thousands of zettabytes of other content.

May 7, 2055, the day after the transfer.

Science Pantheon Lab has discovered some changes in the environment. Anti-el_M_MXLI in all known relocated territories has formed a clear structure that prevents el_MAGI-MMXLI from entering the EC; E.H.L. synthesizers are currently inoperable due to a significant lack of el_MAGI-MMXLI. Also, an incredibly large content of el_MAGI-MMXLI has been discovered in the environment of the planet on which we are located, but their properties differ from those observed on Earth (therefore, there is a need to rethink theoretical terminology). This matter cannot penetrate the anti-el_M_MXLI shield, although their counterparts could do so at higher abundances. EC scientists suspected the cause of the transfer to be el_MAGI-MMXLI. The public scientific community was called upon to study the nature of this matter at all costs.

15:00 on May 7, 2055. Brussels. Speech by the President of Europe - Sakarbik Enrique.
"Dear compatriots, we are facing the greatest challenge for humanity - to survive in this unknown world. But remember who you are. You are Europeans, no matter what ethnicity or nation you belong to. We are one of the cradles of civilization, one of the best through the ages. We will not bow down to difficulties, but conquer them. Our history is a constant struggle, constant conflicts with nature or with other people. This struggle, in all its manifestations, for life and the future created humanity. And we, as representatives of Homo sapiens, are the only ones on this planet who will repeat the feats of both eras: The colonization of the moon, which is the eternal satellite of the Earth, and the Great Geographical Discoveries. Just as the first explorers stepped on the lunar soil, and just as the first sailors stepped on the sand of the coast of an unknown land, we will take the first but confident step. I know it will be difficult, painful, and tiring. However, if the motto of humanity is per aspera ad astra, then we will be able to preserve the heritage of our native land and use it in the best possible way. For the sake of life, tomorrow, and ideas, we will not only survive, but also dominate this land!"

08.05.2055. The beginning of the Ural exploration. The territory up to 700 kilometers from the conditional line of the mountains survived in the best condition; the local population is now being checked. approximately every next 100 kilometers, 10% of the infrastructure is lost and people disappear in whole groups. After crossing the 1400 km mark from the conditional border of the mountains, no people or signs of their presence were seen. Instead, the area in southern Siberia looked like a cold desert, with the exception that the soil had become clay. Further ground exploration in this area is prohibited. Aerospace reconnaissance reports a large area of desert land stretching from southern Siberia to the former Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (now conventionally designated as Zone 2). The research corps was ordered to explore Zone 1 (700 kilometers after the Urals). The expeditionary department of Science Pantheon Lab is on the same mission. In advance, all people must use personal protective equipment of increased safety (such as a chemical protection suit).
The southern borders of the EC, the territory of the Middle East, have suffered greater losses, and instead of an Arabian peninsula, there is a sea with numerous small islands. The eastern borders of Persia (Iran) differ dramatically in vegetation: broadleaf forest covers about a third of the country (east and southeast). Among the African possessions, only the territories of Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt have been moved - all of them have been partially moved, almost all of the desert part has been replaced by water. Their relief does not correspond to the true one. Climate change is also expected here.

Greenland, at first glance, has been completely relocated. The Canadian Arctic archipelago has also moved quite accurately, but no traces of humans have been noticed, unlike Greenland. Natural conditions at this stage of research are not too different from the norm.

The Biological Threat Department has not yet detected any new living or non-living matter that could harm people. Foreign satellites that have been relocated are now being brought under control.

RPC Special Report

2 civilian airplanes went missing, and due to their small size and remoteness from us, it is reasonable to assume a plane crash. As for our continent, the existence of another intelligent civilization has been confirmed: newly created satellite maps show traces of intelligent life. These are usually roads, villages, cities, and farmland. The population of the planet could not be accurately identified, but the absence of any artificial electromagnetic waves makes us believe it is underdeveloped.

On May 11, 2055, the main lands of Europe return to normal life, with full recovery taking about a month. The Persian Forest is declared a high-risk area. The Science Pantheon Lab expedition discovered a huge number of el_MAGI-MMXLI. Also, E.H.L. synthesizers are able to work in the environment, but with lower power. Presumably due to the lower "charge" of el_MAGI-MMXLI. The newly created Anti-el_M_MXLI do not differ in properties from those synthesized on Earth. This classification will soon undergo revision due to a significant number of inconsistencies and the discovery of subspecies of these particles.

Report of the Intelligence and Study Services together with the RPC

Thanks to the European Space Agency, the Confederation General Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Defense, and the Science Alliance of Europe, we have received a huge amount of useful data. Let's start with the moon that existed here before us. It can be identified as an asteroid or meteorite by its size. So far, its trajectory has not damaged any space infrastructure, but otherwise the space body will be destroyed or otherwise lose its dangerous nature. Returning to the asteroids, three of the 2055 asteroids have been delivered to close proximity to Earth and have been transferred with equipment on them. The mining probes will be ready for launch in May.
The newly captured military satellites have ammunition and equipment for kinetic bombing. All other vehicles have no unexpected characteristics and are described in the document [data redacted].
The planet we are on has 5 continents. Moreover, there are no analogues to Antarctica.

The local population on our continent has been identified as animals of the ungulates or horse-like order. They are similar in proportions to horses; they are about the size of ponies. There is no reliable data on the level of intelligence, but we have evidence of the existence of a civilization with medieval technologies, but with some serious differences. The social structure has not been studied. So far, the unofficial names are ponies, miniature horses.

Insect-like creatures morphologically similar to the previously described ungulates are also represented as aborigines. Technological, cultural, and social development is at a kind of tribal level. It is quite possible that this is due to biological features. Speaking of biology, a strange process was noticed that modifies their bodies. One of the hives is quite close to us compared to the others.

The next local species is similar to representatives of the deer family. The proportions are preserved despite its small stature. It clearly shows the feudal system and its inherent technological features. These "deer" live on a micro-mass to the west of us, the southernmost point corresponding to the location of Bermuda, when the northern edge approaches Nova Scotia. No active large-scale conflicts have been detected.

On the third continent, which is ~5% larger than ours, there are 5 intelligent species at once: 3 of them have been described previously and, due to insufficient study, no significant differences have been found, the two undescribed species are griffins and minotaurs.

Let's start with griffins. General morphological features coincide with mythological ones, and there are currently 7 armed conflicts, probably caused by feudal fragmentation. By the way, this species occupies a dominant position on its continent.
Minotaurs. General morphological features coincide with mythological ones. It is located on 3 huge peninsulas; the total area is about 400,000 km². The political system is probably an average between a republic and a feudal kingdom - a class-representative monarchy, but please treat this version as deeply hypothetical. There was also a huge number of slaves. Therefore, a guess has been made about the slave economy of this state.

The fourth continent is the largest. A large area of jungle, monsoon forests, and evergreen broadleaf forests gradually turns into mountainous terrain as the temperature drops. Deserts occupy a significant area, although they are located in the central part of the continent. The population is still the most diverse: miniature horses/ponies, zebras, bison, hippogriffs(?), griffins, yetis, and the exact equivalent of horses have been spotted. There is probably an overwhelming advantage of the rural population over the urban. The situation is different only in the north. There is a clear centralization of countries; the core of any state is a coastal city. There is some evidence of the existence of an underwater settlement near the hippogriff capital, but it is not yet possible to prove its functionality as a real city.

The cities of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kotzebue, Anadyr, and Magadan have been contacted. They, along with the 17th small coastal defense fleet, are somewhere in the Arctic desert. Currently, the only possible communication is by air. A request for humanitarian aid is being processed.

The site of a plane crash that took place after the transfer was found. The data is contradictory: the country's territory is mostly a flat peninsula, but turns into mountainous, rugged terrain on a small piece of the mainland bounded by a wall. The climate is subarctic, and there is too little agricultural land to feed even the estimated population seen in the open.
Due to the possibility of human survival, which is likely to lead to the disclosure of our existence and some aspects of civilization, an immediate request was made to the O5 Council (after consultation with the military ministries, it was approved with certain conditions) to send the MTF "Truth Seekers", the 5th Northern Reconnaissance Fleet and the Nordica-7 multi-purpose squadron from Greenland.
The report is over.