• Published 4th Jan 2024
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In a different universe, Europe has unified and overcome its fears, but the unexplainable and uncomprehending force displaces them into the brave new world.

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Preamble | Chapter 0


Europe. It is the homeland of many nations, the birthplace of many empires, and the scene of countless military conflicts. But this is not the Europe we know. First of all, Eastern Europe did not suffer so much from the Bolsheviks before the Second World War. And the Second World War itself lasted less, Germany, although with significant territorial losses, remained united, and the brutal racist policy was not fully implemented. Also, the countries of the socialist camp were more independent than in real history. The USSR could not maintain absolute control of its territories for a combination of certain mysterious and not so mysterious reasons, so a certain democratization took place. This allowed, in 1991, the newly created countries to form as states more quickly. The European Union, after its creation, developed almost identically to our reality, but there were significantly fewer opponents, including among the ruling elites and the people. This made it possible in 2019 to unite all European countries under one economic bloc, which would later become a military bloc. After the collapse of Russia in 2023 (in real life, there were separatist movements that wanted to secede, but for obvious reasons they were crushed), Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, and the Baltic countries took a certain piece of territory. Subsequently, they became the most anarchic in Europe, peacekeeping troops were deployed in part of Russia, which is now a country controlled by the European Union. Of course, this situation could not last forever, so the peacekeepers were withdrawn and the locals were given self-government. As for other parts of Russia, the following states were formed: The Siberian Republic (independence guaranteed by all EU members), the Caucasus Federation, the republics of Chechnya, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Mongolia (later annexed by - guess who), the Far Eastern Republic, and the Republic of Karelia.
The next 13 years (2023-2036) passed quietly, but the world was surprised by several important things. First, China has begun to actively expand in Asia, quite humanely, one should say. Secondly, the idea of technocracy has gained popularity in the Scandinavian countries, and because of this, the government in these countries has changed to a technocratic one.
Third, this period was marked by the formation of the European Confederation, a military, economic, and political bloc that offered even greater inter-integration for the EU member states. Military initiatives were not the only ones - a massive infusion of funds into science and the technology industry began. The countries with the largest scientific expenditures are: the Scandinavian countries, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Portugal, and Iceland. Fourthly, the first model of a fusion reactor outside the ITER project was built and tested ( https://youtu.be/mZsaaturR6E)! It was built by certain European and American TNCs. The results completely dispelled the idea that this energy source was unprofitable and extreme. An urgent council of humanity was convened. After the presentation of the previously described scientific inventions and some others, it launched a universal declaration on unified human space exploration. This means equal participation of states in updating the grid of interstate satellites, building colonies on the moon to create the first space outpost, and mining Helium-3 to provide the Earth with fuel for fusion (link). The international community has also considered the Skyhook project (link), which is being implemented by several government agencies of the European Commission, the United States, the South American Union, and the Federated Republic of Oceania.

The following year (2037), the Scandinavian countries amazed the world by uniting into the Nordic (or Scandinavian) Federation. Now the royal families of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have political power (not absolute, of course), thanks to the royal council. This federation also has a certain form of epistocracy - "Value Voting". Voters vote exclusively for the ends of government, not the means. At the same time, technocratic governments should develop policies that realize these goals in the best possible way. In Eastern Europe, namely in Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Belarus, technocratic revolutions broke out, and they can be called bloody with a stretch, because most of the military actions took place only in Belarus. As soon as the blood was shed, the EU began to demand a ceasefire and peace talks and debates. This happened, but only in Belarus. During those very talks, which were broadcast on free resources, it turned out that the proposals and demands of the technocracy were not as terrible as propaganda and stereotypes portrayed. Soon, the above-mentioned countries adopted the ideas of technocracy and techno-nation, and democracy was replaced by epistocracy - Multiple Voting. Proposed by John Stuart Mill in the XIX century, the system is based on the general proposition that having the right to vote does not mean having the right to an equal vote. Everyone has at least one vote by default, but those who can pass an exam or receive an education receive additional votes (the weight of one vote can be zero). Belarus, albeit through a coup, has gained a technocracy. Nothing lasts forever in such a changing world, not even humanism. Yes, the boring humanism is finally leaving us - wave goodbye to it. Now smile and look at its replacement - transhumanism (link). There are almost no supporters of humanism left in the EU, but its replacement is rapidly becoming popular in other parts of the world.

Over the next six years (2037-2043), all European countries abandoned democracy in favor of epistocracy, in one form or another, and embraced the ideas of technocracy, transhumanism, and techno-nation. At the same time, the initiatives of the EU and the EC were merged, which led to the restructuring of European countries. The first celestial hook of its kind was built (https://youtu.be/dqwpQarrDwk), albeit in the orbit of the moon. It was justified by two things: after the first colony was founded, cargoes appeared that should either be sent to the moon or sent to the earth. A new space station has been built, but not just one, but two! The largest American-Asian-Oceanic (meaning the United States, the Federation of Asian Provinces, and Oceania) and European-African-South American. The unification of the EU and the EC contributed to the creation of a single secret service, the RPC (█████████ ████████ ███████). It manages a special research bureau: the Science Pantheon Lab, a center for the study of anomalies. Its scientists have found strange new particles: they just appeared out of nowhere, their number was only increasing, and only over Europe. Judging by the results of experiments, this is a unique method of interaction with the outside world. It is somewhat similar to the use of nanorobots, but different

At this time, the United States was in the midst of a new crisis, and in order to overcome it, it had to reduce its influence in other parts of the world. China, and now the Asian Federation, would soon control Korea, the Philippines, Indochina, Mongolia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Kyrgyzstan in full or almost full control. A war is brewing...

In 2045, a united America recognizes the government of the African Reich, which was immediately met with diplomatic condemnation. On March 6 of the same year, America and Africa began a war with the Federation of Asian Provinces (China). The advantage was on the side of the aggressors. Then the EC began to support the eastern "ally" with volunteers, but America and Africa noticed this, which led to an immediate declaration of war by the EC. World War III began...

By May 30, Europe had lost the southern part of the Iberian peninsula, Sicily, and the territory of Bulgaria. At the same time, the project of common European military doctrines was introduced. Over the next two months, all the seized territories were returned, and the offensive in North Africa began: Tunisia was occupied, as was northern Morocco. Unfortunately, we lost the Falkland Islands, Greenland, and Iceland. Since a naval invasion could have been launched from there, the British doctrine of sea dominance was applied.

Despite the desperate defense of the African troops, their losses reached an exorbitant 3 million, and after the huge cauldron in the Middle East, this number was 5 million. This enormous number was secured by heavy losses. About 798 thousand personnel were wounded and killed in this operation. The war soon turned into a positional war. Attacking through the desert was foolish, and continuing on, albeit with air support, was suicidal: the infrastructure was severely damaged. The only acceptable solution was to gain complete air superiority, which would have been easy if not for the comprehensive support of the United States. Bombing of Europe was frequent, but the scientific leadership seized 22 years ago still gave an advantage in the effectiveness of countermeasures. . However, industry was inferior to Asia and America, and other countries had more human resources, except for the Federal Republic of Oceania (FRO) and the South American Union (well, what was left of it after the emergence of proxy countries sponsored by the United States).

In the east, the situation was much worse. Japan was a special autonomous region of the Asian federation, although not only it but the entire eastern coast suffered from constant naval invasions and raids. Some parts of the coastline were even controlled by the enemy. A treaty was concluded with the ocean: they were given the territories of Indonesia and some islands and rights to resources in certain areas of the Pacific Ocean in exchange for ending the war and switching sides.

On August 29, a joint Asian-Oceanic amphibious operation took place in Ethiopia. The next day, European troops made a breakthrough in Western Sahara. Within a week, the front line in North Africa shifted by about 1500 km. There was also a breakthrough of the eastern flank near Egypt. As a result, the front line approached the equator. The generals were already celebrating the success of the African campaign. The following month, the African Reich surrendered.

On September 14, the implementation of the "Two Walls" plan began. It means a naval invasion on the coast: the Federation of Asian Provinces on the west coast of the United States, the EC on the east coast, and Oceania on the territory of Chile occupied by the OA or the United States (all of which are the United States). On October 25, 2045, a comprehensive truce was signed. America collapsed, and as a result, the South American Union regained all its territories, including Panama. Iceland, the Falkland Islands, and Greenland were returned to the EC. A puppet government of the Canadian Confederation was also created, which, in addition to the territory of Canada, includes Alaska and all the states of the United States with which it borders. The united America itself is divided into an independent United States with the territories of Mexico and the territories of Central American countries without Panama. The Federation of Asian Provinces has taken over California, lower California, Oregon, and Nevada. Africa is divided in a somewhat more interesting way, with all of North Africa, along with the Sinai and the Suez Canal, belonging to Europe. A puppet government of the Saharan Republic was created. Oceania took Madagascar. Asia grabbed the territory of Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, part of Sudan, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and retained the entire Middle East. All other territories of the African Reich were transferred to the control of the EC, namely its vassal state, Attica.

4.12.2045. Special Order of the EC Parliament:
● The Presidential Committee of European Leaders, the O5 Council, is established;
● A direct order for the RPC:
○ Disclose all data on the unknown particles discovered in 2041 (henceforth referred to as el_MAGI-MMXLI) to civilian research centers. However, prevent the disclosure of [data removed];
○ To encourage scientific institutions to study ways to use, counteract, destroy, and otherwise interact with el_MAGI-MMXLI;
○ The RPC Intelligence Department to start surveillance of the Federation of Asian Provinces.
● Resume pre-war space exploration, request lunar colonies to provide full reports on the protocol [data redacted];
● Analyze the military experience of the last war and use it to supplement military doctrines and the research base of such scientific institutes as artificial intelligence and neural networks, computer vision, . . (imagine a large number of names here);
● Break through the Asian/Chinese firewall. Implement the "reality is illusion" plan;
● Relevant specialists and institutes should start designing an earthly celestial hook (https://youtu.be/dqwpQarrDwk) - the results should be coordinated with the scientific council;
● New strategic allies are the Canadian Confederation, the United States, the South American Union, and Oceania.
In 2047, an amazing thing happened - the global average temperature dropped by 0.84°C. And the satellite grid was completely updated to meet modern standards. Tensions were growing between the EC and the Federation of Asian Provinces (FAP or FPA) over zones of influence, the space hook project, hostile policies, lunar colonies, and more. On March 7, the EC hosted a government-initiated scientific conference. The results of the el_MAGI_MMXLI experiments were reported. According to the new information, it is possible to interact with the above particles in practice. The 4th Advanced Scientific and Technical Department has built a device capable of reflecting them: hypothetically, it can be modified to create an anti-el_MAGI_MMXLI, according to the new term - anti-el_M_MMXLI. The Institute of Theoretical Physics has presented us with a hypothetical model of how to interact with el_MAGI_MMXLI, although it requires a much higher concentration of these particles in matter than we will have in the coming years and decades. The University of Technological Medicine, after conducting experiments on various living beings, convinces us of the relatively low danger at the current density of el_MAGI_MMXLI in the environment. Nevertheless, an increase in their concentration can cause pseudo-radiation sickness. The First Eastern European University of Biology and Chemistry proved the hypothetical possibility of this.

17.7.2048 Special report of the RPC intelligence department. The use of highly effective biological weapons by the FPA was observed. The "Terracotta Army" is a group of armies characterized by the use of experimental stimulants and inventions outside the standard set by soldiers. All information from the documents obtained is systematized and stored.

On August 7, 2048, the "Last War on Earth" began. On August 8, 743 missiles were launched towards Europe, and of course the air defense system neutralized them... as much as possible. Only 93 missiles reached Europe. As it turned out, they were biological weapons. This gesture of war was seen by the government and people of the EC as a demonstration of their ruthlessness, unjustified cruelty, complete disregard for both international treaties and the idea of civilian non-involvement in war. The FPA has taken a step towards the abyss: now the troops, no, not only the troops, but also the people are inflamed with that old feeling that has not been felt for about a century - absolute hatred.
Okay, let's get back to biological weapons. In the vast majority of cases, these were re-engineered viruses, like influenza, and less often bacteriological weapons. The population in the infected regions died extremely quickly. Part of the army was withdrawn to protect uninfected regions. Samples of biological weapons were immediately delivered to specially prepared laboratories. The brightest minds in medicine, biology, and chemistry were studying them. To do this, some specialists were transferred from studying el_MAGI-MMXLI. The search for an antidote began immediately. A week later, 5 ways to counteract the infection were presented, rough and not very effective, but... the only ones... so far.
At the same time, the Asian army did not stand still: the Bulgarian territories were ceded, but a line of defense was established along their border. The defense of the Transcaucasus was difficult-some territories were ceded, but in general the front remained almost in the same place. The Ural Mountains, the border between Europe and Asia, were breached, and Russian troops were unable to hold out under the onslaught of the FPA troops. After such a rapid offensive, the enemy received many prisoners of war. The 2nd Ukrainian Army Group moved to the breakthrough areas of the Ural defense line. Upon arrival, a protracted battle began: the Ukrainian army was forced to delay the breakthrough of the attacking FPA troops. The FPA army outnumbered the allocated number of soldiers by 3.8 times. But we should not forget what happened earlier - the use of biological weapons. Absolute hatred is not a fleeting feeling. Every soldier lost something after this act of unjustified cruelty, whether it was family or friends or something else. No one now thought to show sympathy for the FPA. The local population in the occupied territory also shares these feelings. They are trying to pass on to their own army accurate information about the location of enemy troops, logistics points, and the whereabouts of officers.

Now, a little about the operation itself: Ukrainian troops are to stretch along the front line as much as possible and act according to the tactics of active defense. After containing the enemy's offensive mood, a passive offensive is launched, and when there are less than 7 hours left before the friendly troops arrive, the offensive will begin with medium intensity. However, things did not go according to plan: local residents reported to us that about 120,000 Asian soldiers had arrived, with at least 56,000 pieces of equipment moving with them. Therefore, the phase of active defense continued until the immediate arrival of the allies. An experimental air flotilla [data redacted] was sent to help eliminate the breakthrough. The fighting was fierce: the numerical superiority literally destroyed our divisions. But... the enemy washed his hands of our blood.
Somewhere near Kazan

"Reinforcements will arrive in 6 hours - we have to keep going..." - bomb explosion

"Come in, base, this is 76, we've lost strategic advantage - let us retreat.... Base, this is 76, we've lost strategic advantage, allow us to retreat...?" The radio operator turns to the junior lieutenant and looks at him with a look of anxiety and fear. At the same time, the lieutenant stood there with a stoic expression, turning away and looking toward the battlefield. After a tense silence, he said: "Tell the frontline regiments to take up the most favorable defensive positions and hold them to the last. Meanwhile, try to contact the other divisions and coordinate with them..." - his voice began to sound anxious - "Contact the base in 5 minutes, if you fail, tell me." The lieutenant came out of the field command base, although he seemed calm, but his trembling could be seen up close. "If we retreat, there will be an opportunity for a cauldron, and this will make the defense even more difficult. Now there are 2 and a half enemy troops for one of our divisions, and if the boiler is made, the situation will be worse than ever. AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT! Everything is already hanging by a thread - and here we are losing the frontline headquarters! If we retreat, if we surrender, we will betray everyone. If we retreat, if we fail..." - a smile appeared on his face" - "If.... No, I will not surrender. Neither I nor my soldiers; we will stand as long as necessary!". Now he began to laugh, quietly, maniacally: "And indeed, if...". Now he went to the regiments that were resting after the battle. He had a difficult task before him - to rouse the soldiers to a desperate defense, but he knew he could do it, because they were all loyal to the European nation, to their country, and knew enough to realize the consequences of their actions."
It was a suicidal defense. No one had the right to retreat after the order "last stand". Yes, it was cruel, but it was the only way out. The fighting was fierce: no one could gain an advantage, the sky was flickering with constant explosions and gunfire - it turned into hell. Meanwhile, there are 2 hours left before the reinforcements arrive, but this is not a reason to give up - the defense will stand to the last!

It's time to change the hot spot - let's turn to other parts of the world. North America has become the scene of the greatest betrayal in recent years - the United States... which remained independent and enjoyed enormous support from the EC and Oceania, stabbed its donors in the back. But they dug their own grave - the people rose up: they saw with their own eyes what help they had received, what freedom they had been given, what hope they had been given. The uprising quickly spread to all regions of the United States, with the greatest damage on the East Coast: US troops were cut off from supplies, and it is not easy to be in a region where every other local can kill your soldiers. After the prompt intervention of the EC Expeditionary Force and regular Canadian troops, the cauldrons were closed, with no casualties. Although at first things were in favor of the EC and the Allies, later, due to the peculiarities of the landscape, the offensive slowed down and became very slow. This situation on the front did not satisfy the high command. Then General Sanchous suggested using volunteers from the local population to help us prepare the offensive. This idea, of course, received a flurry of criticism, but some generals and a marshal were interested. A few days later, the first deep penetration group was fully prepared and sent out as soon as possible. Success, surprisingly, was not long in coming: constant secure communication with the population on the other side of the front was established. Two months later, in October, a detailed plan of attack was ready, and the aviation was informed about the location of the hidden infrastructure. At the same time, we received reliable information about the 69,000-strong FPA army, with the main characteristics of the divisions as next: heavy armored vehicles, MLRS, and LORA; the aviation is dominated by multi-purpose fighters. This has forced the postponement of the plan to a later date, preferably when the Asian armies are disorganized due to the movement to their positions.

Now Africa and the Middle East, no lands have been given up, and even more so, we have seized new territories: Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Sudan. There is only one problem: Attica has rebelled. Now the EC has to redeploy Spanish and Italian reserves. Moreover, some troops have been caught in the encirclement. They will hold out for a while, but Attica must surrender as soon as possible. To achieve this goal, it is ordered to apply the P.U.B.G. protocol (according to this protocol, 100 groups of four specially trained commandos will perform an airborne assault operation in the country's capital ____. All soldiers are equipped with a universal lightweight exoskeleton with a set of protective equipment according to the Special force equipment class_remoteSuicide standard, including a set of P-f stimulants; optoelectronic devices of universal class modified for long-term use, a set with 3 different types of weapons: The first is little_killer, containing an automatic sniper or assault rifle, submachine gun, single-shot grenade launcher or pyrotechnics kit; the second is uggra_h3, containing a handgun, or assault rifle, single-shot or disposable grenade launcher, pistol; the third is sni-var1, containing a sniper rifle, submachine gun, pyrotechnics kit; or a large-caliber sniper rifle (up to 9 kg with ammunition) and a submachine gun. If a specific model is not specified, provide weapons that meet the requirements by classification. After providing the weapon, if possible, fully equip it for comfortable operation, it is possible for the owner of the weapon to select the modules).

On the orders of O5, RPC takes control of the [data removed] fleets recently sold to the PAC (Anti-Asian Alliance), according to the [data removed] agreement

Over the capital Attica

"Prepare groups 40-60 for landing," the loudspeaker said. The officer got out of the cockpit. Now he has to make sure that all the rules of safe parachuting are followed. He is confident that everything will be done perfectly, after all, he is not dealing with recruits, but with experienced soldiers, most of whom have airborne experience. But he was worried about something else: 'Why are they being sent on such a suicidal mission, haven't they found other ideas? Yes, of course, there will be fifty of them, but still...' - he could not get rid of these thoughts. Meanwhile, in one of the groups(53):

"How many of us do you think will return as the 200th?" - said a man with a noticeable Russian accent.

"Not so many, every 5th group at most. By the way, you can speak Russian if it's easier for you." - said the second, who was getting used to the new equipment.

"Yes, you can speak in Russian, we'll understand you anyway, and besides, we'll stop hearing your accent." - said a soldier with brown eyes and a small smile, which no one could see through his balaclava anyway.

"Well, then," said another member of the group, "maybe we should introduce ourselves?

"Serafim Zhukov is the Federation of Eastern Ruthenia (certain territories of European Russia), former leader of the FSB infiltration group" - said the man who started the conversation

"Ivan Kerna - Ukraine, a veteran of the airborne assault troops" - said the second man, who had been fiddling with the equipment all along.

"Miron Kozlovski - Belarus, captain of the armed forces". - A brown-eyed merry man.

"Now it's my turn, Lukasz Nowicki - Poland, a fighter in the elite paratrooper corps" - The fourth man said as he exhaled and invited everyone to introduce themselves.

"And why are we doing all this when the 'brochure' has all the names of the team?" - Serafim said, speaking in Russian.

"After your name is written down in three ways, and each of them is wrong, you'll understand" - Lukas said in a half-serious tone.

Suddenly, sirens sounded and a loudspeaker announced: "80 seconds to arrival - everyone get ready!" Conversations instantly died down and the gear was being packed up - a chaotic but somehow calming sound....

Capturing the capital of an enemy country may seem like suicide, well, it is, but these 400 people are here to capture the ruling elite and generals and then evacuate. To ensure positive conditions for the mission, the largest number of drones simultaneously controlled by ROY were deployed. In general, "SWARM" is an advanced artificial intelligence technology developed thanks to huge funds poured into science.

The drones used for the support were built under the European Future Combat Air System program. The composition of the drones is as follows:
● Hetman D-com. Its function is to control the Swarm, meaning that Hetman directly controls each drone in the Swarm. But it is piloted by a human, who is able to make adjustments to the swarm.
● 6-free ATsriker is a UAV developed by private companies such as Airbus. The main task is to destroy targets with an air-to-air attack. The first variation includes two sets of swarm missiles, 22 high-speed homing missiles, and a light machine gun. The second modification, unlike the previous one, contains a small-caliber autocannon, the same two sets of swarm missiles, and 8 high-speed homing missiles.
● hoi4_tatcBbr is a drone developed with the assistance of both corporations and the European Confederation. This device is used for two purposes: ground support and strategic bombing.
● The ###l3l06h is a kamikaze drone, a hybrid of the "most practical Illyrian drone" with a conventional reconnaissance UAV modified for long-range flights. The "most practical Illyrian drone" or Sui_LD is a kamikaze drone designed in accordance with the principle: minimum cost - maximum benefit. Everything in it is as rational as possible. Of course, this meant sacrificing range and more, but its low-cost production and relatively high efficiency made it a dominant player in its field.
● M_stamod-Lb is a typical attacker developed by a collaboration between TNCs and European countries. Several modifications are used at once.
All of the above units will deter enemy groups. The ratio of bpl is 28:137:263:400:300.

Parts of the internal negotiations of teams 41-60:
"41 in place, waiting for 10". - Over the next minute, teams 41-50 arrived, "one third has arrived, heading to target location a3".
"Two thirds have arrived, we are creating favorable conditions for one third."
"Targets are marked. Two-thirds start the storm, one-third prepare for deep penetration."
"Vizier will come to the rescue."
"a3 not confirmed, b3 received; 44, 49 minus. We expect a crisis".
"Two-thirds agree; b3 satisfies you?"
"In full."
"Two thirds of the base, when will the terrible judgment come? Sinners are pulling me down."
"Wait..., the angels are far away. The saints have not gone to heaven."
"Two-thirds are stopping the storm, minus 60, 51, 56"
"Two thirds agree, one third will be released for a walk."
Signal flares appeared in the sky, a sign of the imminent arrival of the envelopes, or the appearance of saints marking the arrival of angels. Meanwhile, the RPC agents sent in advance made contact with the paratroopers, and several "critical infrastructure attacks" were prepared.
"One-third, anti-drone unit destroyed, minus 58. How was your walk?"
"Two thirds, join us: we're having fun."
"The team agrees."
Two-thirds, namely 53, have a personal conversation.
"Fuck, that's all the stimulants. Who has more? " - Seraphim.
"Be patient," Lukas said with anger and fatigue, "we'll get out soon".
"What patience? I have four holes in me, and he says be patient..." Suddenly Ivan interrupted Seraphim: "Hey Yerzhan, catch this," Seraphim caught it and wanted to say something, "Now shut up: you are not the only one who has new holes in his body."
"I take it there's no need to joke about 'working holes'?"
"Fuck, Myron, shut the fuck up!" Serafim shouted into the radio.
The retreat of troops from the capital of Attica with the help of convertiplane.

During the retreat, a1 (president), c2 (less than half of the ministers), b3 (prime minister and presidential adviser), a4 (a certain number of influential senators), a5 (certain tycoons) b5 (half of the top generals), a6 (foreign attachés), a7, a8, a9, a10, a11 (undercover agents), b12 ([data removed]) were delivered ....

The surrender of Attica was not long in coming - it happened the following week. They would have held out longer if the media hadn't shown the new prisoners in some unknown way, not on the direct orders of the top, and this had already started a chain reaction.

On November 1, in addition to the previously described capture of targets, the North American front launched a "people's" offensive. As expected, the enemy's defenses failed, except for literally fortresses with MLRS that burned all living things. Disorganized units were sometimes captured by guerrillas.

At the same time, the South American Union (S.A.U.) entered the war. It immediately launched a series of destructive attacks on seaports and cut off the FPA troops from supplies. To our surprise, the soldiers surrendered quite quickly. The radicalized locals suggest immediate execution of prisoners is an interesting proposal, but we follow the rules of war.

November 8. The Ural Front is returned to its pre-war form. The Middle East is under our control. Some of the pre-war territories of the FPA in Africa, along with a tiny part of our Attica, have not yet been recaptured. The P.U.B.G. plan has been recognized as effective, and recent preparations to neutralize the Chinese firewall have been successful. The "reality is illusion" operation (a huge hacker attack that will neutralize Asia's digital infrastructure and reduce the effectiveness of its armed forces, including air defense) will begin as scheduled.

A special report by scientific institutes and Prometheus Lab.

The bacteriological weapon, namely the virus used in the August 8 missile attack, has a low degree of interaction with el_MAGI-MMXLI. Experiments conducted, documented, and stored at [data removed] have presented three variants of interaction:
● Inactivity - when exposed to any dose of el_MAGI-MMXLI in 60% of cases.
● Cure - occurs when exposed to high doses of el_MAGI-MMXLI. Usually, the probability of such an event is 5%; increasing the dose leads to an increase in the probability of cure. The final proportion has not been formed.
● Increase in virulence - at medium and higher radiation doses occurs in 10%. The chance of increasing virulence is directly proportional to the probability of cure.

The increase in virulence due to irradiation may be a way to produce the same virus used on August 8 (now called vira lecten).

Already 10 million people have died, and quarantine conditions are the most stringent in the last 2 decades, even under coronavirus restrictions. The only available and most practical way to fight vira lecten on a human scale is vaccination according to a special protocol, and artificially improving immunity. Currently, this is achieved with a patch injector.

The bacteria (temporary term - 1-bw_bact) contained in 16% of the missiles that landed are almost completely immune to antibiotics. Based on information from medical institutions, we concluded that we are dealing with superbugs. In cases of medium and high complexity, bacteriophage treatment should be used (https://youtu.be/YI3tsmFsrOg).

Scientists have found a way to control small amounts of el_MAGI_MMXLI, combine them into streams, and direct them. Dr. Leitzer invented the general hypothesis of the reflection of these particles. And Dr. Heckrog synthesized the first anti-el_M_MXLI. Details of the synthesis are in the document [Redacted].
The production of antimatter has become cheaper again, and experiments with its use have become more frequent.

The "sky hook" is ready for construction in outer space (according to the council's order, it should wait until a safer airspace situation is established). The team at the orbital station has been instructed and prepared for the installation of the Sky Hook.
The theoretical Tsar Bomba has been manufactured and is in full readiness. THE CONTROL OF THE THEORETICAL TSAR BOMBA IS CARRIED OUT DIRECTLY BY THE MEMBERS OF THE O5 COUNCIL.

Prometheus Lab:

The location of the constant appearance of el_MAGI-MMXLI - OBJ-0 - has been found. It is located at [data removed]. Due to its relative location, the research is very difficult. It is recommended to conduct comprehensive research on OBJ-0 after the end of hostilities.
The nature of el_MAGI-MMXLI turned out to be even more mysterious: Dr. Leitzer and Dr. Vaclav discovered the possibility of new subtypes of el_MAGI-MMXLI. For the time being, research on this topic has been reduced in priority.

RPC's emergency appeal.

The presence of thermonuclear weapons in the FPA is confirmed. The location of one warhead is known. The FRO have entered the war on our side, though not officially. Now the South American Union and Oceania are preparing for land and sea attacks on the FPA. The flotillas previously "sold" to members of the anti-Asian alliance are fully under our control. The inspection of the long-range railguns showed no deviations. We are waiting for permission to help the troops of Oceania and the South American Union.
Permission granted

As of November 20, 2049.

North America is secured. After the Oceania fleet blocks the sea connection with the metropolis, the FPA colony is quickly captured. The line of the Ural Mountains is broken through, and the troops continue to move slowly into enemy territories. The Middle East front captured the territory of Iran, trapping 5 divisions in a cauldron near Tehran. The North Asian and South Asian fronts have merged. Now there is a continuous front from Siberia to Pakistan. Allied or Coalition troops captured Indonesian and Malaysian territories and the southern part of Thailand.
On December 13, 2049, the operation of the northern offensive began. In the process, many lands in North Asia were captured. Due to the redeployment of enemy armies, the European Army was able to completely capture Pakistan and Afghanistan, and increase its holdings in Central Asia. The Allies possess a large part of India, most of Indochina, and the Philippines. Soon, the Japanese islands are attacked by our flotillas, which participated in a series of naval battles to destroy the FPA fleet, and by the Coalition's amphibious units.

On January 10, 2050, the FPA lost 67% of its territories - Siberia and the Far East, the Japanese islands, Taiwan, and Central Asia were taken away from them.

On January 29, 2050, the FPA shrank to the area of China. Hong Kong and Macau easily surrendered to the Coalition forces after being bombarded by our flotillas. The Himalayas stopped the European-Oceanic offensive.
On February 3, 2050, the FPA offers peace, of course they have done this before, but now they threaten to use strategic weapons. The top generals and the O5 council have ordered the immediate acceleration of the FPA's surrender, with the "reality is illusion" information attack to begin either on schedule or in an emergency.

Two weeks left...

The Battle of the Frontiers is a series of battles along all the borders of the Federation of Asian Provinces. Now the entire enemy territory can be attacked by airborne troops.

One week left...

"Reality is illusion" is being fulfilled. Now experts are looking for the location of strategic weapons stockpiles. The results are inconclusive, but we have identified who the "keys" are. We are allowed to "calm down" the local population: we have too little time.

Only 4 days left...

They found 74 bunkers, 43 of which are large enough to be located under military bases, while some are relatively small and far from populated areas. Therefore, the use of anti-bunker bombs and chemical weapons is authorized.

Only 3 days left...

O5 Council

O5-01 - representative of Scandinavia (Royal Council or its representative) O5-02 - Chancellor of Germany, O5-03 - Prime Minister of Great Britain, O5-04 - President of Iberia, O5-05 - President of France, O5-06 - President of the Alpine Confederation, O5-07 - President of the Danube Federation, O5-08 - Prime Minister of Illyria, O5-09 - President of Greece, O5-10 - Prime Minister of the Benelux, O5-11 - President of Poland, O5-12 - President of Ukraine, O5-13 - President of Italy, and O5-14 - President of the Baltic Union, O5-15 - President of Belarus, O5-16 - Prime Minister of the Federation of Eastern Ruthenia (officially the Federation of Eastern Ruthenia and the Peoples of the Western Urals).

O5-04: "So, today we are discussing a dangerous situation that arose 11 days ago: the FPA government, or what is left of it, is threatening to use strategic weapons if we do not agree to a peace treaty."
"Do they still want a white peace?" - O5-08 said with a note of fatigue.
О5-05:" No changes... how do they want to get consent when we have basically surrendered them."
"Yes, they capitulated to the point where they are threatening us with a 'nuclear winter' - O5-02.
"Enough about that, it's time to think about solving this dilemma," O5-09 said nervously. "We captured several bunkers, most of them are not interesting, but there are 3 quite interesting ones. They are connected to the main or main bunkers. Besides, we've been contacted!"
O5-06 almost fell out of his comfortable chair in surprise.
"Let me guess: they are demanding immediate peace?" - O5-10 said and smiled falsely.
О5-09: "Surprisingly, no. Instead, they offer to disclose the coordinates of the main storage facility, of course, for a price...".
Q5-10: "Billions of dollars, endless drugs, a harem of virgins or...".
О5-11: "Should we leave the FPA independent and put them at the top of the government?!"
A sudden silence enveloped the hall.
О5-11: "Are these really their demands?"
O5-09 said with a small smile: "Yes!".
O5-12: "I don't see any reason to be happy: it's the same thing as it was before, or you, O5-09, didn't tell us something."
O5-03: "O5-09 did not say one important point - they do not demand a white peace, but want to surrender, with certain conditions for redistribution of the world," he continued after a short pause. - "First of all, these conditions are still quite favorable, but there is one problem - until we kill some of the political elite, the threat of a 'nuclear winter' is still with us."
"Well, that's not all the information," O5-05 replied coldly, "according to the negotiating team, for the best course of action, we need to destroy two huge bunkers, the location of which will be known after the revolutionaries' proposal is agreed upon. I think it's possible to break through a few surface levels, but things will not go well from there. If it drags on, the use of strategic weapons will be inevitable."
O5-06: "Okay, I think we should agree that this is just the only good option." Everyone nodded and O5-06 passed the order. Now we just have to wait.
"Now that we've dealt with that, I recommend looking at the situation with vira lecten and 1-bw_bact. The total number of deaths is 12 million, an impressive number to say the least, but that's not the problem," everyone looked at O5-07 with interest, "the main problem is mutations caused by reassortment with other viruses."
"As far as I remember from the school curriculum, this is a natural process and there is nothing strange about it. " - said O5-12.
"That's the problem: it's a natural process, so it goes away on its own, and this can cause a new pandemic." - О5-07.
О5-01: "Do we have any way to counteract? "
О5-07: "There are several options, but so far doctors have settled on the option of monthly vaccination. If a new subspecies of vira lecten appears, it will also be studied and included in the vaccine. In the meantime, the doctors are waiting for our support to implement their plan."
О5-08: "This could hit our economy and stability. "
O5-13, after a brief reflection, said: "Don't forget that we have moved away from the market economy, albeit partially, so we have nothing to fear, there will be no crisis."
After drinking a glass of water, O5-07 saw the eyes of the other council members on him. "What?" he asked anxiously.
О5-02: "You started it, you finish it. "
"Good. Medical workers have been given extra 'attention'. Forced euthanasia of the 'hopeless' is allowed," O5-07 sighed. - "Anyone disagree? After 3 seconds of silence, O5-01 poured himself some water, breaking the silence with the depressing sound of water. "Since everyone agrees with O5-07, we can move on to a few more pressing issues. I think everyone knows about the 'sky hook'," the audience nodded. - "The Space Bureau has confirmed its readiness to launch the components into orbit and subsequently collect it, but our situation requires a delay in the project. Are there any objections? "
"No, no..." - the audience said almost in unison.
"Then I want to rejoice with you: as of today, field specialists have already found 50 missile silos with nuclear weapons. Experiments have been conducted with them, the results of which are very useful. Leaving aside the details, the FPA keeps in constant contact with the nuclear warheads. Thus, if the signal is lost or not received for a certain period of time, the warhead carrier is launched at the last entered coordinates, or the warhead detonates itself. - Everyone looks at O5-01 in surprise. "Don't worry - it was determined by analyzing the electronics, there are no casualties. "
Suddenly, the screens of the tablets built into the table lit up. A high priority message had arrived. Everyone immediately looked at the screens. It was a request from the negotiation team to connect them directly to the O5 council for direct talks with the "revolutionaries". The request was obviously granted.
"Colleagues, please put on a headset from the boxes under the table to the left of each of you," O5-04 spoke in a pompous, businesslike manner. "I hope you remember the slogan of the free Internet of the European Confederation."
O5-01: "Of course we do," the others nodded slightly, "we had a hand in its creation.
"Please finish your conversations and confirm your readiness." - A few light darts across the screen and the O5-04 began a straight line. The silence in the room was broken by an unknown voice: "Good afternoon, EC leaders (the name "O5 Council" was used only within the European Confederation, and it was presented to the world as a summit of European leaders, this name sounds less suspicious and secretive), I am glad to see that you have responded to my request." A sharp silence fell on the room because all the members of the E5 are erudite enough to know that silence is sometimes the best answer. "My name is John Xina, you are already aware of my demands, so what is your answer?" Again, silence, oppressive silence... then suddenly O5-04: "Good afternoon to you as well, I hope you know our names?", a short "yes" answer came at the same moment. - "That's good, now let's get down to business: your proposal is extremely beneficial to both sides, but what is the guarantee that your side will successfully carry out the coup?"
"And what is the guarantee of compliance with the terms of the FPA's surrender? Neither you nor I can give each other any guarantees, so we have to take our word for it. Or you can always try to do it yourself. "
"John Xina, I'm glad to hear you say that, obviously we have to cooperate. Now let's get down to the details of the coup. Do you need our help?" - O5-04 said, although because of the voice changes, all the council members sounded remarkably similar.

"The main power elite that controls strategic weapons is located in 7 bunkers. In 4 bunkers, my supporters have an advantage, but not an absolute one, so there will be a small uprising there. According to the security protocol, these 4 bunkers will lose control of the missile silos to prevent them from being captured by the rebels. One more storage facility in Mongolia, the coordinates have already been transferred, please seize it. It's a so-called control bunker, it doesn't have access to the strategic arsenal, but it has a significant role in this little play." - After taking a breath, John Xina continued enthusiastically. -" Another bunker, in the capital, is where the current leader of the FPA is kept. Neither we nor you will be able to capture him. But with a working regulatory bunker, we will be able to take advantage of the gap in the system and declare a state of rebellion in their country. This will mark our victory." - the "revolutionary" said almost shouting.
"You have exceeded our expectations. Please keep in constant contact with the negotiation team. We will fulfill our part of the agreement, but please provide us with the exact location of the 'capital' bunker. That's all... good luck to all of us."

Only 2 days left...

a civil war broke out in the FPA. So far, everything was going according to plan: the task force arrived at the Mongolian bunker. The assault is expectedly difficult, but generally successful. A "gift" from the god of death, the destroyer of worlds, is on his way to the "capital" shelter.

Only 1 day left...

The regulatory bunker in Mongolia has been captured, and consultations with rebel specialists are underway. The "gift" has been delivered to the "capital". Workers on the ground are already installing it.

15 hours left...

"Dear John Xina, we cannot declare the 'capital' bunker in a state of rebellion. Someone has fixed a system vulnerability," one of the rebellion's supporters said in a trembling voice.
"What...? GET ME ON THE PHONE TO THE NEGOTIATING TEAM IMMEDIATELY!" Scared to death, his subordinate could not even move. "I said immediately!" Another shout brought the insurgent to his senses, and he immediately ran to fulfill the order... possibly his last. The negotiating team reacted quickly. The President of Iberia (O5-04), as the President of the European Confederation, had to deal with this himself, unfortunately... it was simply not practical to call others, unfortunately.
"John Xina, I've been given a general statement about the current situation. How can we help?" - Sakarbik Enrique, was not a perfect politician, he was just good enough not to be replaced at the beginning of his career. Of course, so many years of work have given him a huge amount of diverse knowledge and experience, so now this man is perhaps the worst enemy in the political arena: he has tied up both outright radicals and annoying and overly proud liberals. Now, in his 2nd term as president of Iberia and his first as president of the European Commission, he has to make a decision that will determine the fate of the world.

"The capital's bunker needs to be damaged, and not just with anti-bunker bombs, but with something more ambitious. I don't care if it's an assault or something else, but it's the only way to save our world."
Sakarbik Enrique replied with a stony face: "There is one option, but you might not like it."
"I am ready for anything now!" - the future leader of the FPA said emotionally.
"After the first level of the bunker was captured, I instructed the relevant persons to install a weak nuclear charge there. "It was a last resort, but we had no other option." - The President of Iberia contacted the technical staff working directly with him. - "The order of the President of the European Confederation is to fire on target C!" All he heard in response was "YES". Meanwhile, John Xina was horrified by recent events: not only by the use of nuclear weapons a century after the last, but also by his willingness to accept it. 'I may have condemned myself to eternal torment, but... to hell with it. Morality is invented by people, and they will break it.

13 hours left...
"Capital" bunker.
A crime against humanity... That's what the UN would say if it existed. In the future, this act will be considered a way for the ruling elite of the FPA to avoid the court.

The nuclear explosion quickly damaged the bunker, if not half destroyed it. The revolutionaries were able to use its near-complete incapacitation as a sign of rebellion; they were the only ones with access to strategic weapons. It was time to "surrender".

It remains ...

The peace conference was held in Hong Kong. The first statement was from the European Commission - they announced the liberation of the FPA and handed over certain territories to it, of course, those requested by the rebels, now called the Republic of Asia. To say that this caused outrage would be an understatement, yesterday's allies became yesterday's worst enemies for hours. It all ended on a positive note: Oceania annexed Hindustan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, part of Indochina, Macau, and Burma. The South American Union took over the Philippines, Central America, the southern territories of the United States, Taiwan, northern Vietnam, Hawaii, and Japan. The European Confederation took Western and Northern Siberia, Turkey, Transcaucasia, Lebanon, Hong Kong, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kotzebue, Anadyr, and Magadan as military observation bases. Governments were also established: The Far Eastern Republic, the Transcaspian Khanate, Persia, and the United Arab Emirates.

On February 28, 2050, all wars on the globe officially ended. Soon, a council of humanity will be held to discuss further unification of the Earth under one banner and other problems and challenges. On March 14, the "sky hook" was finally launched into orbit. This feat was watched by the entire planet: numerous live broadcasts, news, photos, articles, videos, and footage from outer space! The operation began on the 17th of the following month; the cargo ship[7] with a record amount of payload is heading to the Moon to unload, pick up industrial products and return back, again using the "sky hook". Everything is getting better, and even the former enemies do not feel hatred against each other. On June 28, 2050, a summit of humanity was held. Not only politicians but also various famous people were invited as witnesses. The summit itself discussed the post-war order of the world and announced the impossibility of further development of humanity in fratricidal wars: "Any next war will be the last! The world community is obliged to prevent new wars between people; we are facing perhaps the most important event for our entire species - its complete unification. Therefore, we, as the unified council of humanity, the successor to the United Nations, declare the abolition of International Humanitarian Law!" The faces of everyone present could be described as a spectrum from extreme surprise to outright hatred. The next few minutes were spent on realizing the earlier phrase, and then a flurry of criticism fell on the speaker. "Stop immediately!" the speaker shouted for the fourth time. - "ENOUGH!" The crowd, which was still furiously expressing its indignation, was now silent. "Finally, *sigh* please listen to me. Wars between humans are almost banned, according to the document we will release after the meeting. Again, according to this document, all countries of the world must officially conclude non-aggression pacts with other countries." - Seeing the incredulity on the faces of the audience, he continued. - "Okay, let's draw an analogy: why do we need laws regulating slavery when it is prohibited? So why do we need laws regulating wars between people when they no longer have a place in this world?" The room was filled with nods of agreement. - I'm glad to see that. So, the issues are resolved. I am announcing the closing of the 3rd Humanity Summit!"

"Let's drink to not becoming radioactive ash" - an unidentified high-ranking official at an unofficial celebration after the third council.

In 2051, the consequences of the use of biological weapons in Europe were completely eliminated. However, the list of mandatory vaccinations has been expanded by one or two items. The company's SpinLaunch kinetic launch system is also built on the moon. It sends cargoes to Lagrange points or to Earth orbit, from where they are picked up and delivered to the ground or continue to be operated in space. Humanity has also been able to improve the ways of interacting with matter on a cellular scale (we are waiting for biological weapons that react to certain nucleic acids (DNA, RNA). There is talk of colonizing Mars.

Science Pantheon Lab report

Dr. Elmar, together with Drs. Heckrog and Leutzer, were able to construct a device that could convert el_MAGI-MMXLI to anti-el_M_MXLI. They called it the E.H.L. synthesizer. Dr. Waclaw's team actually invented a device to easily determine the amount of el_MAGI-MMXLI in the environment - the Waclaw meter. Its readings have revealed relatively higher amounts of el_MAGI-MMXLI over the territory of central Europe, so the E.H.L. synthesizer will be placed under the flows of these particles. An anti-el_M_MXLI counter is being developed.

2052. The Attica Protectorate is reformed into an independent state. "Arms Revolution" - several different discoveries in chemistry, physics, and related fields have significantly improved the characteristics of weapons and made their production cheaper, and new weapon designs have emerged. On March 9 of this year, a treaty on the prohibition of wars between people was signed at the United Nations Humanity Council. On this occasion, the practice of compulsory military service is no longer found, but contract service still exists. After numerous studies of various scales, Universal Basic Income (UBO) was introduced in the European Union in 2017, and is still being tested in other countries. The installation of E.H.L. synthesizers continues as needed.

The year 2053. A "small" technological breakthrough has occurred.
Self-guided bullets. Filled with tiny sensors, the .50-caliber bullet can quickly change course in midair, giving even mediocre shooters sniper-like accuracy with the ability to easily hit moving targets. The price does not allow for frequent use.
Solar panels with an efficiency of more than 30% have become commonplace, as research is underway to cross the 42% efficiency threshold.

The production of camouflage uniforms has taken a big step forward. The ability to conceal the wearer through the implementation of invisibility patches based on a structural protein that common squid use to change the color and reflectivity of their skin. This protein, called reflexin, operates at the same wavelengths as night vision systems.
Replacing silicon with graphene in a variety of devices. When it is cost-effective and promises to increase efficiency, silicon is replaced by graphene. Although the industrial production of graphene is new, it is developing at a significant pace.
Graphene supercapacitors are also being actively introduced. The startup, which made the Solar Impulse 2 solar-powered airplane back in 2015, has been constantly developing its solar airplane project together with numerous companies, and has now presented the 5th aircraft of the Solar Impulse series. Arcflash labs has introduced new civilian electromagnetic acceleration guns: Gr-5 anvil H, Gr-5 anvil (continuation of Gr-1 anvil) despite numerous statements about the ineffectiveness of the development. A new generation railgun, the Birkeland, was also presented.

2054. The colonization of Mars will take place in 2056.

Science Pantheon Lab's report was sent to the O5 board.
The entire territory of Europe, Greenland, Iceland, part of Turkey and the Transcaucasus are covered with E.H.L. synthesizers. anti-el_M_MXLI is more susceptible to external manipulation. According to the general hypothesis about el_MAGI-MMXLI, if there is a way to manipulate the environment through el_MAGI-MMXLI, it requires the presence of el_MAGI-MMXLI in the object of interaction, or its sufficient concentration outside the body. In the presence of anti-el_M_MXLI, the interaction with el_MAGI-MMXLI is complicated, as the anti-particle seems to act as a "negative gravity" element for the ordinary particle. The OBJ-0 studies did not yield the desired results. Only the increase of radiation through it and the change of its location became known.

The year 2055. Prometheus Lab.

The radiation of el_MAGI-MMXLI has increased many times - E.H.L. synthesizers are on full power; in case of an emergency, please use the underground doomsday shelters.
April 2055. The research probe is sent to OBJ-0. During the flight, it will pass through it and use Wenceslas sensors.
May 3, 2055. Radiation has increased even beyond the hypothetical limit. On May 5, a state of emergency was declared. The population had known about el_MAGI-MMXLI and related things, except for some classified data, since 2041, so they obeyed. After numerous educational reforms, the population really became more critical thinkers and stopped looking like a mindless crowd (a bit of utopia, I know).

06.05.2055. Red light enveloped the EC just after sunrise. Europe has been moved to a "brave new world" but they are resisting....
(https://youtu.be/4TRjevBJMJc change usa on European confederation)