• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 2,708 Views, 42 Comments

MLP: A Favor Returned - WorldWalker128

In the first story, Equestria was attacked. Now it's Earth's turn. Contains Doctor Whooves and Jacob

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Chapter 2

Credit to Wikipedia, it gave me the information that the Dalek home world had been destroyed via Supernova, as well as the atmosphere being toxic. I've never read the Doctor Who books, (I hadn't even known that there were any until recently), but i do intend to read them now that I know.

Chapter 2

The TARDIS landed on an empty platform, but not the one that the Dalek they'd spoken to had ordered because The Doctor wanted to land unannounced. The Doctor grabbed his Sonic Screwdriver, and a cardboard cut-out of a Dalek and two breathing masks, one of which he gave to Ditzy and helped her put it on. Ditzy brought a box of six blueberry muffins and a WTF expression for him pushing the cut-out ahead of him.

“The Daleks are lethal enemies, but they aren't terribly imaginative.” He explained. At a distance if they don't look too closely they should think that I'm one of them.”

“And me?”

“Well, I did tell them that you were my prisoner, but you could always walk behind me.” Derpy blinked and sighed, getting the feeling once again that this was a bad idea, but she did trust him, and his wacky plans always seemed to work in the end even if they started to go horribly wrong, so she stepped in behind him and his cardboard cut-out and trotted across the landing's walkway to a door. When they stopped at it The Doctor stuck a hoof balancing his Sonic Screwdriver out from behind it and after a brief buzzing whistle the door opened and his leg once more retreated behind the cut-out.

The two Ponies followed a bland brass-colored hallway with no decorations, no change in color, and many doors or splits going either to the left or the right. So far they had seen no one, but that only made Ditzy more nervous. She felt as if there were eyes on her back, though there was not one sign that there was. The Doctor had given her a crash-course on Dalek surveillance equipment while they came down to the planet from space. She couldn't remember all the details about them and how they worked (especially how they worked. It made her head hurt trying to understand the finer points of it.), but she still remembered how to disable it if she saw it, which was why she brought the box of muffins. Apparently there was something in blueberry juice that ruined their lenses, and the last of the blueberries they'd had she'd made into a snack for later that evening. Or morning. Or midnight. Or whatever time it would be when several hours for them passed and they stopped traveling for a meal break. So she'd brought them along, a little annoyed at the possible wasting of perfectly good food, and constantly looked around them for any sign of the equipment.

After ten minutes of walking she asked The Doctor if he had any idea where they were, because with everything looking pretty much the same, she sure didn't.

“Not really, to be honest. This complex is a little different from the one that I'd seen in my Reality. Actually, it's rather empty. I'd expected a lot more Daleks than what we'd seen in orbit, as well. There's something going on in this time line that did not happen in mine.” A door to their right suddenly opened and the Doctor quickly turned the cut-out around so that it would face the incoming being. A Dalek rolled in and stopped to look at the cut-out. The eye-stalk on it's head looked up and down several times, and then it turned and quickly rolled back the way it had come, the door shutting behind it.

“That was close!” Ditzy said, sighing in relief. The Doctor's face became confused.

“Why did it leave? Up close there should have been no doubt in its mind that we were imposters.” The Doc stuck his head out in front of the cut-out and looked at it, his expression becoming delighted. “Ha! I'm smarter than I thought!” The cut-out showed a red Dalek instead of a bronze one, and it stood taller than the one that had come through the door.


“Oh, nothing. Let's keep moving.” Still pleased with himself, The Doctor continued down the hall, passing more doorways and eventually came to a ramp. They followed it as well, though he now had to hold onto the cut-out to keep it from falling over. When they reached the bottom they stopped because not one, but three Daleks were crossing the room. They stopped when they saw the cut-out, and then as the first had, turned and quickly rolled the other way. They're not being respectful, they're running! But why are they running?

The quickly crossed the open area and stepped up to a closed door. The Doctor pointed his screwdriver at it and as with before the door opened.

“Doctor, if we don't know where we're going, then how are we supposed to find the file-place?” Dtizy asked quietly.

“Well, I suppose we could always ask directions.” He said, and carelessly stepped out from the cut-out and approached the only wall adornment they'd seen since coming. It looked like a window, but it showed other places, none of them outside. This must be one of those computer-things that The Doctor showed me earlier! Ditzy thought as The Doctor began prodding the screen with his Sonic Screwdriver. After a few minutes he nodded and rejoined her. “Well?” She asked.

“We're right above one of the terminals that would grant us access to it, but unfortunately it's four floors down and the Dalek hover technology made elevators a pointless invention. Any ideas?”

“Well, I am a Pegasus, Doctor.” She replied, giving him a look that told him that he was missing the obvious.

“Yes, I know that you're a Pegasus, Ditzy. But I don't see what- Oh.” He made his own 'derp' face. “You're a Pegasus. You can fly us down.” She nodded. “Well then I suppose we should get to work finding an elevation shaft.”

The pair spent the next several minutes checking one set of door after another until at last Ditzy found a doorway that opened into a shaft with walls that that went both up and down a very long way. For some reason neither of them could fathom (since the hall they'd gone through had not had this done to it), it had been covered with a reflective material that produced a fun-house-like reflection of them. Ignoring it for the moment she called the Doctor over to her and then she flew over him and wrapped her legs around his back and flapped harder and lifted him just enough to drag the tips of his hoof across the floor. The Doctor gripped one side of the cut-out in his teeth.

“Now rememfer, Difzy, four floorgs down.” The Doctor reminded her through a mouth of cardboard. She nodded and then slowly lowered them down the shaft. The first two floors were no problem, but while passing the third a Dalek was also entering the shaft and stopped when it saw them.

“Uh Oh.”

“INTRUDER A-LER-HURT!” It announced loudly.

“Faster, Ditzy! Hurry!” The Doctor spit the cut-out out of his mouth, its usefulness expired. Ditzy closed her wings completely and let them drop just in time to avoid her being shot. A laser shot flew over their heads where they had just been and slammed into the wall and ricochet back at it, temporarily stunning it. Now I understand! The Doctor thought as the Dalek said something about making a mistake. It's reflective so that if an enemy makes their way inside the elevation shafts above or below them The Daleks can fire a shot like a billiards player hits a ball and bounce it up or down the shaft. That's new!

Ditzy opened her wings again and angled them so as to arch their descent. The pair of them entered the floor that they needed to get to and then Ditzy released her hold on the Doctor, who hit the ground running with Ditzy flying close behind. He turned left and Ditsy followed him to a dead end facing a terminal with a hollow in one side that looked like it had been designed with the toilet-plunger arms of the Daleks in mind, which of course it had been. How in the world do they build anything with no arms? Ditzy wondered while the Doctor pulled his Screwdriver from Ditzy's mail bag, again with his teeth and aimed it at the hollow. It made it's buzzing whistling sound and then the front panel came off and he began messing with the machinery contained inside.

“EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!” A chorus of voices chanted from back the way they had come.

“Um, Doctor?” Ditzy said, looking over her back.

“Not now, Ditzy, nearly got it!” He said, making a shooing motion with one of front legs before continuing whatever it was that he was doing. Ditzy turned away from his and trotted back to the corner and cautiously eased her head out just enough so that she'd be able to see down the hall.

“TAR-GET ACQUI-YERD! FIRE-RING!” Ditzy ducked her head behind the corner again just in time to have shots hit the corner and melt it. She 'eeped', fell on her flank, and scrambled backwards twelve inches.

“Doctor, we need to go! NOW!” She said. She stood up and bit into his shirt and tugged him back.

“No! I'm nearly finished! I just need to flip this little lever!” He pushed her away and did so, and then grabbed his screwdriver, stuffed it back into her bag and began galloping to a door on the opposite side of the dead end they stood in. Laser shots impacted the wall. Ditzy waited a moment, and then followed. One shot burned through the hair of her tail, but she otherwise escaped.

“Ack! My tail!” Dizty exclaimed, looking at the smoking remains.

“It could be worse! Keep ru- er, galloping! We need to find another elevation shaft!”

“But won't they just come in too and shoot us?”

“The Dalek's weaponry is deadly, but their fatal flaw is that they can't shoot anything directly above, or below them. If something is behind them they can spin around, but flying up horizontally or down is something I've never seen them do.” In my reality He didn't add. Hopefully that was another hing about them that had not changed along with their solar system still being here, and they would not use the billiard-shot idea on them. I suppose there could be another reason for it being reflective..

Shots flew past their bodies, striking walls, the floor, and the ceiling, and even grazed The Doctor's shirt, much to his annoyance.

“Drat, I liked this shirt!” He muttered, and turned a corner, and ran into another Dalek! The Doctor began to slow out of instinct, fearing that he was about to be shot, but Ditzy hopped into the air again and grabbed him, lifting him up over the Dalek even as it shot at him.

“Which way, Doctor?!” She yelled to him, scared, as they came to a crossing, beating her wings faster and doubling the speed she'd had on hoof. He had no idea, but he gave her an answer anyway.

“Left!” She darted to the left as more shots flew past them from the surprised Dalek that had just finished turning itself around. “Right!” He said at another crossing. Ditsy's eyes caught sight of another opening without a door and guessed that it was another elevation shaft and dove in, flapping her wings hard to lift them up four floors.

Ditzy began to sweat from her efforts and began taking deeper breathes but continued to carry him as they zoomed through the halls, zipping past enemies and multiple doors until at last coming to the door they'd entered through. It was guarded.

“Ditzy! Drop me and buck their eye stalks! That's their armor's one weakness! Blind them!” The Doctor commanded. Without thinking Ditzy dropped him and did exactly that. Their shields dissolve bullets, but something as primitive as brute force might still hurt them. Please, if there's a Maker out there, let it work!

Trusting The Doctor but heart filled with fear, Ditzy flew at them faster without the Doctor weighing her down and rolled through the air, dodging the shots fired at her, ducking under and then above them until she was right in front of them, where she pulled up, spun around, and kicked the blue lenses with both legs at the same time as hard as she could. She heard the sound of breaking glass and both of the trash-can looking-things began shrieking that they could no longer see.

Feeling proud of herself, Ditzy gave them another kick on their domed heads while The Doctor joined her.

“Fine work, Ditzy Doo! If I had a medal I've give it to you, but since I don't how about I just get us out of here?” Ditzy saluted and then they made their escape to the TARDIS where he leaped at the controls and dove back into the time stream once more.

While the TARDIS rocked back and forth and The Doctor grinned at their successful mission Ditsy took the box of muffins she had stuffed into her mail bag out and ate one from it. We ruined the Bad Guy's files, I blinded two of them, neither of us are hurt (other than my tail), and no food was wasted. All in all, I'd call this a good day!

& & & & &

“But, if you successfully destroyed the information they had on where Earth was, how come you needed to take Jacob to fight them again later?” Twilight asked when The Doc stopped for a drink of tea.

“Do you really want me to spoil it now, or would you prefer to wait? It will be explained in due time, trust me.” He said before again lifting a teacup carefully to his mouth and sipping. Jacob joined him in having tea, but he used a small thermos instead of a teacup. Twilight looked at the other girls, whose expressions varied. Some of them shared her curiosity, others did not. Trixie seemed more interested in Jacob than in the story itself. She kept looking him over, her eyes looking as if she were dreaming while awake. Ditzy had left an hour ago, saying she had mail to deliver that was a bit overdue in some cases.

“No, I suppose I can wait. I used to hate it when somepony told me how my favorite books ended before I'd read them.” The Doctor nodded, a small smile on his face. “Another question though,” He nodded once again. “Why is it that when you tell your part of the story you do it in third-person, and Jacob tells his in first-person?” The Doctor turned his head to look at Jacob and shrugged.

“I don't really know. I suppose it makes it easier to tell our parts apart that way.”

“But you're both speaking separately. How is that hard to tell apart?” The Doc pointed at a book in Jacob's hands. Jacob also held a pen in one hand.

“You see that? He's writing what I say down in it so as to combine it with his own journal in the future. I've read from his travel journals before, and when he writes about his own actions he does it in first-person so it seems as if he's talking to the reader directly. If I talk in first-person it messes him up. It would not be the first time it's happened.” He stopped and considering the last sentence a moment. “Actually, technically, given the time period we're in now, it would be, but from our point of view it's not.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Twilight turned her head to look at Jacob, who was writing furiously. “Hey Jacob?” She called to him. He looked up, looking surprised. “Can I read your journals sometime? I'd like to know what I've missed.”

“I'm sorry, Twilight, but without permission from Celestia I'm going to have to say no.” Twilight's eyebrows rose.

“Celestia knows what you've been doing?” Jacob made balancing motions with his arms.

“Not yet, but she will know some in a few years when Luna gives her my rough-drafted journal, and then she will again when she sees me again in a hundred and ten years. If Celestia gives me permission then I'll gladly let you read them.” Twilight looked excited all of a sudden, like a child waking up on Christmas morning. She was probably considering adding it to her library collection.

The Doctor set his empty tea cup down and stood up again and announced that he needed to use the stallion's room and promptly trotted out of the cave.

“So, what have I missed while I was away?” Jacob asked the girls.

“Well, in my case,” Twilight began. “not very much. I'm still studying and taking care of the rebuilt library, and that's about it.”

“You forgot to mention your boyfriend, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie objected. Twilight blushed. “He's the nicest Pony-guard I've ever met! He even responded when I said hello to him!” Recalling the unfriendly indifference the guards often showed any who greeted them besides the princesses, Jacob had to smile. He already knew that he and Twilight would marry and have a few kids, but pretended to not know.

“Really? A guard with a personality?” He turned his gaze back to Twilight. “Don't let such a rare breed as that get away, Twi.” He looked at Applejack. “How's business? If I recall, the last time I was in the right time they flew off the carts almost faster than you could buck them!” Applejack nodded and looked proud.

“We ain't never had so much money pouring in! One of ya'lls people suggested a sellin' method of lettin' folk pick their own fruit and then sellin' it by the pound instead of the single apple on a cart. Its saved us so much effort and tine on the farm, and the children love it and treat it like a game!” Her expression soured. “Though there's been more'an few times we've had to throw a few thievin' varmints off the premises for eatin' without payin'!”

“Well, to borrow a phrase from my world, you can't have a garden without needing to pull up a few weeds. I'm glad that things are doing better now.”

“You should come by sometimes. I know Applebloom and Big Mac wouldn't mind havin' ya over!”

“As long as your cider is as good as I remember, I'd have to be a fool not to.” He said with a grin.

“Say, uh, do ya think you could perhaps give me a few business hints from the future?” She asked, leaning forward and lowering her voice even though everypony (and Dragon) could still hear her. Jacob laughed, as did every other Pony. Spike's mouth was full, so he couldn't.

“Sorry, Applejack, but that'd be cheating, and worse, it could screw something up in your family's future. I may not always be around, but I do care about what happens to you and your kin. I will say this, though. You'd be proud of them if you ever met the future generations that I have, and Sweet Apple Acres will be in your family for centuries to come.” AJ sniffed and smiled again.

“What'd I miss?” The Doctor said as he re-entered the cave.

“Nothing, Doc. Feel better?”

“Much! Shall we continue?” He asked, looking at the girls. “There's still a bit more to tell before we ran into Jacob.”

“Certainly, but I must ask first, Doctor,” Rarity said. “You said that that shirt I made for you- which, I don't recall actually making one for you- was damaged. How then is it that it looks perfectly fine now?”

“Simple! It was given to me by you!” Rarity blinked.

“I'm sorry?”

“Well you see, in the future, I received a vacuum-sealed package that came with a note from you that scolded me for damaging the first shirt you'd made for me along with its replacement! The note said that it was me at this time that told you about it, hence how you knew that I would be needing it in the future. Thanks for that, by the way.” He winked at her and she smiled and tilted her head upward a bit and in a way that moved her hair out of the way to allow her full face to be seen.

“You're welcome, my good Doctor. But what about the first suit?”

“Ah, yes.” The Doctor stopped and thought for a moment, as if wondering if he should really tell her. “Do you recall a certain brown Pegasus that also had a sand timer for a Cutie Mark?” Rarity thought for a moment, and nodded, looking puzzled. “That was me.”


“I know, I'm not a Pegasus now, but for a brief time, I used to be. I'd explain it, but it would probably just make your head hurt. It has that effect on most people, or Ponies in this case.” He sat down on a stool this time rather than a table and got as comfy as he could. “Shall I continue?”

* * * * *

The TARDIS popped back into the Galaxy that Earth was in next to a star that was very close igniting. Another four years and a 'spark' and it would become another beacon of light in the blackness that was empty space. At the moment though, it was a cloud of mostly-green and blue gases and some dust.

“Oooh!” Ditzy said as she peeked outside. “So pretty!” The Doctor nodded, also smiling, though more at her delight than at the beautiful sight near them. The look of wonder and joy that came into the other races' eyes when they saw for the first time the near-infinite wonders of space was his delight. He had been around for a very long time, and there was very little (from a matter of perspective) that he had not yet seen at least once, and to borrow an Earth phrase: 'If you've seen one Academy Award movie, you've seen them all.' There were literally millions of forming stars all throughout the universe in various stages of it, and other than the rare sight of a joint-forming that usually resulted in a smaller star orbiting a larger, nebulae had nearly lost his interest.

Ditzy continued to watch as several wisps of gas were slowly being pulled into the larger cloud like the smoke of a cigarette wafting through a room into portable air filter (though Ditzy herself would have had no idea what a portable air filter looked like).

While Ditzy watched the Doctor removed his shirt and placed it on a chair in the bathroom and took a shower to wash what of the Dalek atmosphere out of his hide and hair that had clung to him. He had a more advanced version of a shower stall elsewhere in the TARDIS, but there were times that he preferred what both the Humans and Equestrians called a 'proper shower' to a simple decontamination scan.

When he had finished and stepped out he toweled off just enough so that he'd not leave a trail of water in his wake, and then headed back up to the control room. Ditzy was nowhere to be found and for a moment he panicked and ran to the door. To his relief it was closed and secured. Still, this left the question as to where it was that Ditzy had gone to. He trotted to the steps and checked the first level down, which was a juice room. Inside was a very extensive collection of various fruit juices from all over the universe, some of which, ironically, were toxic to him, and many other races that he's encountered and traveled with. He couldn't recall personally having ever used it for anything at all, and Ditzy was not in it, so he went to another room, this one full of-

“Plants?” He was not overly fond of plants, but he supposed this would explain where Ditzy had gotten the mint leaves for the tea she'd made the other day. Or other decade, depending on how you look at it. he thought with an amused expression, and trotted amongst the rows of flora. “Ditzy? Are you in here?” He called, but he got no response. He had been about to leave when he heard a crash coming from the other end of the room. Crashes being fairly common with Ditzy around, he wasn't worried, but he went to check on her anyway.

The Doctor blinked in surprise at the sight of seeing Ditzy rolling around on the floor. He raised an eyebrow as she rolled over to him and stopped against his forelegs. He looked down at her and she stared up at him with a dumb smile on her face and waved a hoof at him.

“Hi, buddy!” She said in a happy voice.

“Ditzy, did you eat anything in here a moment ago?” He swept his gaze around the room, not that probably he'd know it if she had taken anything. Plants weren't really his specialty.

“Eeyep!” She pointed a hoof at a cluster of orange-cream colored mushrooms with pink bumps on them. They were shaped like small pancakes on stalks. “They smell like fresh-cut alfalfa, and taste like strawberries! You-” She tried to sit up and then fell back onto her extended wings again. “you should try one!” She rubbed her stomach. “Tasty!” The Doctor sighed at the realization that his assistant was high and lifted her up and slung her over his back. “Yay!” Ditzy clopped her hooves together and then poked him in the side as he carried her out of the plant-room. “Giddy-up, Doctor!” He rolled his eyes and ignored her, carrying her to one of the bedrooms and with some effort got her onto it. It was a very large bed, in fact one of two that was still Human-sized in length. It used to be his bed, but given his new form and how small it made him feel in it, he had recently moved to one of the others that had altered when he'd entered the Mythica world.

As he turned to leave Ditzy grabbed (again, still don't know how with no fingers) his tail and stopped him. “Doc, thank you.” She said, still with that dumb smile, though it was less dumb now and held gratitude.

“For what?”

“For picking me to travel with.”

“And thank you for agreeing to come, Miss Doo.”

Twenty three hours later (some of which he'd spent sleeping himself) Ditzy was back to normal and had made use of the swimming pool four levels down while The Doctor snoozed away. When she was finished she climbed the steps, hopped to the ground, extended her wings, and shook off like a dog, flinging droplets of water everywhere. She then grabbed a blue towel off towel rack and dried herself off more thoroughly and then hung it on a hanger.

Ditzy sighed contentedly, feeling absolutely wonderful after her nap and swim and trotted up to the control room, expecting to see The Doctor standing before the controls like she normally did after a nap, but found that he was not there. Ditzy looked about the room a moment, then approached the control console herself. The Doc had given her a basic overview of controls in case of an emergency situation, but she had never actually tried to use it herself before, nor did she intend to now. She just wanted to get a closer look at them.

If I had to guess, I'd say that it's meant for more than one Pony to pilot. It looks like it's supposed to have at least three. I wonder why he travels alone? Although she and the Doc had been traveling (what felt to them) more than four months, she knew very little about his past. Every time she brought it up he got a really sad look on his face when it did not become completely blank.

Occasionally he'd say something about his home in passing or someone he'd traveled with in the past, but rarely was it that he'd go into detail. She guessed that he was much older than she was even if his body didn't look it because of how she felt she might lose herself if she looked him in the eyes for too long. Her mother had once told her that the eyes were a window into the soul if you knew how to look, and when Ditzy looked him in the eye she felt as if she were falling in the vast open sky but was falling up instead of down. In a way it scared her, but she also wanted to know what it was that he kept locked up so tightly that no one else could see it.

“I call him my friend, but he knows far more about me than I know about him.” Ditzy thought aloud. She tapped the control console with the edge of one hoof, not trying to press anything and not really having a reason for the action. “Doctor, I can tell you're lonely. If you weren't then you probably wouldn't have brought me along with you.

“As much as I'd like to think that I'm special in some way, you've told me time and again that big historical events can not, or should not, be altered. When I'm with you I disappear from the time-line. Nothing seems to have really gone wrong, which means that if I were to die right here and now the worlds at large would not miss me.”

“But I'd miss you.” The Doctor's voice came from the top of the staircase. Ditzy jumped and looked at him, blushing slightly at her monologue being discovered. The Doctor slowly crossed the room towards her. While he did he continued to speak. “Your friends back home would miss you. Your relatives would miss you. The Ponies whose mail you deliver would miss you.” He came to a stop before her and gave her a small smile.

“History is full of beings with names that will be remembered until the end of time, Ditzy, but those beings could not have become famous without the events and now-forgotten-by-scholars beings that came before them that shaped the world they lived in first.

“Each time we interact with someone or somepony we change that someone or somepony, and they change us. Sometimes it is a big change, and sometimes a small or even infinitesimal one, but the changes do occur. A smile and a cheerful greeting on a gloomy morning or afternoon can alter a mood from grumpy to also being glad.” He placed a hoof on Ditzy's shoulder and she looked at it a brief moment before once more looking into his bottomless eyes.

“You may not be a princess, a magician, or an artisan, but in some ways you impact the worlds around you more than all three of those. Believe me, Ditzy, you would be missed.”

Sadly, their 'moment' was wrecked when when the TARDIS suddenly shook for half a second, and then settled again. Curious, the Doctor removed his leg from Ditzy and went to the controls to examine them.

“It would seem that we've landed somewhere. You didn't touch anything while you were up here alone, did you?” He sounded curious, not annoyed, to her relief.

“Well, I touched the side of the console, but I didn't push any buttons or anything.” Ditzy admitted.

“What was you emotional state when you did?”

“I was a little sad. Why?”

“I've told you this before, but the TARDIS is a living ship, and it seems to be able to at times sense moods. If you felt sad and it liked you, which I can’t imagine why it would not, it would do something or go somewhere that would cheer you up.”

“Well, I've always liked the saltwater beaches!” She offered. “Except for when I fall asleep and then a crab pinches my wings or a seagull steals my food, that is.” She frowned a little at the thought. The Doctor's face became a grin.

“Well it's been a long time since I've been to any salt-water beaches, and we did just save the Human race. What do you say we reward ourselves and build a sandcastle?” Ditzy hopped up and down like Pinkie Pie a moment, then blushed and said that it sounded fun.

“But Doctor!” Ditzy complained as they followed the Asian woman out into the wilderness, taking care to not be seen (or heard). “We came here to relax! Why are we following that Human?”

It had started out fun enough, and they had appeared in the early morning before many people had begun arriving, so they had fun-in-the-sun for several hours and had stopped to have pretzels and slurpees for lunch, but when he caught sight of a Human with angled narrow eyes and dark hair he tapped Ditzy on the shoulder and said that he was going to follow her. Not wanting to be left by herself, Ditsy reluctantly followed him, leaving their sand sculpture of a mailbox behind.

“Because that's no Human.” He said seriously, not really explaining anything.

“What?” Ditzy asked as dry dead grass crunched under hoof.

“No Human has that kind of scanning technology, and won't for more than a thousand years. She's something else.”

“Scanning technology? Where? I don't see it.”

“It's in one of her pockets. I want to see what she's up t-” The Doctor froze as the woman whirled around with a gun in her hand, pointing it first at him, then at Ditzy.

“Alright, who are you two, and why are you following me?” She demanded in a suspicious voice, her eyes narrowed. Both the Doctor and Ditzy raised their front hooves up in the air in a form of surrender. Rather than answer her question, however, The Doctor stared at her gun in shock.

“Is that a Nicca 396 emergency laser pistol?!” He outburst, incredulity heavy in his voice. The woman blinked and for half a moment she lowered her weapon, and then realized what she was doing and raised it again, her face even more suspicious now.

“How could you know that?! The locals of this world don't have a weapons technology level outside of what the Humans call the 'Middle Ages', and the Humans have yet to weaponize laser technology!”

“Doctor, why do you look like that?” Ditzy asked him. The Doctor leaned his head towards her slightly, his eyes wide.

“Her weapon is one that only my people used during the Time Wars against the Daleks in my home Reality. It was keyed to work only with our biology, meaning that if any other race touched it, it might as well have been a toy.” Ditzy understood now.

“So, does that mean she's like you? A Time Lord?”

Reading Ditzy and The Doctor's lips, the woman gasped loudly and dropped her weapon, staring at the pair of Ponies before her. The Doctor and Ditzy looked at the woman who stared The Doctor in shock.

“Given her reaction Ditzy, I'd say that's a very real possibility.”

Yeah, focusing on the Doc and Ditzy this time around. I've noticed as I keep writing Ditzy's name that I keep almost calling her Derpy. Let me know if I goofed anywhere.