• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 2,708 Views, 42 Comments

MLP: A Favor Returned - WorldWalker128

In the first story, Equestria was attacked. Now it's Earth's turn. Contains Doctor Whooves and Jacob

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

(Year: 2019, Modern Day)

I yawned and sat up from my bed. What had once been my guest room in the royal palace had eventually become mine and Trixie's official quarters. Trixie was already up and active, and was eating her breakfast.

Once the war was over and things had once again settled down I took her to a buffet restaurant on Earth and told her to pick whatever she wanted to try. That had proved to be a mistake as she wanted to try out her new taste buds and digestive system on everything, starting with the junk food. She filled a plate with several different cookies and cakes and even got a waffle cone of ice cream. I stood nearby to answer her questions as to what was called what and sighed inwardly. Sure enough, when she finished her plate off she groaned and leaned over to lie on the empty chair next to her. She did not throw up, but neither did she ever want to want so much junk food in one sitting again. Later on the following day after she felt better she tried out a bit of scrapple, scrambled eggs with shredded cheddar cheese and cinnamon raisin toast and fell in love with it. Ever since then at least once a month she'd eat it (though we had to import the scrapple from Earth given that pigs were sentient here and neither of us felt comfortable bringing up what was went into it to the locals).

My own breakfast was waiting on the writing desk for me. It was mostly fruit, some scrambled eggs mixed with chopped hot peppers, and a few vitamins. Vitamins and dietary supplements had been one of the more popular items that came in from Earth for all the Ponies that had wanted to cut back a bit on their food intake but still wanted to be healthy.

“If you don't hurry up and eat it it's going to get cold.” She warned.

“Okay, momma Trixie.” I said in a sarcastic, though not unfriendly way.

I was now thirty one, and Trixie was sixteen, though you wouldn't know it from looking at us because for some reason that neither of the royal sisters knew, using magic somehow regenerated our cells Not only that, but because using magic burned a lot of calories, (which only encouraged Trixie to enjoy the various foods my world had to offer) that also meant that we had to stay in good physical shape so that our bodies would be as efficient as possible with our energy intake, which only made us healthier.

“By the way,” Trixie said after she swallowed another mouthful of her food. “Your biggest Pony-fan was the one that dropped off your food. She also left you a note under your plate.” Trixie looked as if she were trying really hard not to laugh, but her face was still all grin. For some reason Trixie found the strange (and irritating) attraction that Golden Rosa had for me extremely entertaining and had even once had gotten her to help play a prank on me after one of the yearly celebrations of our victory of the siege of Canterlot. I had underestimated the potency of Equestrian liquor, and stumbled out of the party room leaning heavily on my staff. I don't recall ever actually making it to my room or what had happened in between then and getting into bed, but when I woke up I had a splitting headache, and a guest under my covers, and most of my clothes were missing. At first I was confused, (and in pain) and wondering where the heck I had lost my pants and shirt, and then I saw that the person in the bed was not a Human.

When I tore off the covers the red and blond mare opened her eyes and smiled at me and complimented me on my 'night-time activity skills' and asked if I was ready for round three. I screamed in horror (and then grabbed my aching head. Screaming when you have a hangover is a BAD idea) at what I had supposedly done, and Trixie fell out from the behind the door frame of the bathroom laughing, and then Golden Rosa started laughing too. That was embarrassing enough once I found out the truth, but then miss Rosa bragged about the prank to the other servants, and within the week I was the laughing stock of all of Canterlot. I even now still occasionally got the line 'So, pick any good roses to scent your covers lately?' since that day.

Expecting another proposition from the Pony, I groaned and pulled the note out from under the plate and broke the plain wax seal and unfolded it. There were no words, just a single large symbol in the center, and a set of six dice surrounding it like the six points on a hexagon that all had sixes facing up. The symbol was my family's symbol.

“What?” I said, puzzled. I turned the 'note' over and saw nothing, and flipped it back. I sniffed the paper to see if it had been scented by anything, but it was just ordinary, non-factory-made paper. I shrugged and set the paper next to the tray and took a sip from my freshly-squeezed (with magic) orange juice and savored the tangy flavor. Yesterday it had been apple juice, and purple-grape juice the day before. Fresh juice is better than bottled any day! I licked my lips and took another sip. Trixie gave me a funny look and shook her head while rolling her eyes.

“You'd think that you'd never have had fresh juice before with how you're drinking it! We've only been having it for the last eight years!” I frowned.

“You like raisin-toast, and I like fruit juice. I don't mock you for eating it almost every day with your breakfast, so don't make fun of me.”

“Fair enough. So, what was on the note?”

“Nothing important, really. Just my family's symbol and six dice.” Trixie raised an eyebrow, curious.

“No name or message?” I shook my head. “Huh. I wonder who sent it?”

“Beats me.” I sat on the stool in front of the desk and ate some of my food before continuing our conversation. “So, are we actually going to spar today like we're supposed to, or are we going to play hooky and go see the Wonderbolts show later instead?” Trixie shrugged.

“Nah. Except for that one time where Rainbow Dash invited us to take part in it their shows of late always seem to revolve around out-performing your people's flight technology, which they always do. Let's go to the beach instead while the weather's still good. You can buy me an ice cream cone!” She said with a smile.

“You can buy your own ice cream!” I objected in a raised voice, annoyed. Almost every time we went anywhere it was me who paid for everything. At first it had been because I was the one that had a job and other than making and selling fireworks she didn't, and later it was out of habit. I lowered my volume to inside-voice again. “You and I may not age as quickly as other people do because of us using magic all the time, but as you're so fond of saying, Trixie, you're not a kid anymore. Why don't you buy me some ice cream this time instead?”

“Hmm...” Trixie rubbed a finger on her chin and set her plate down. She walked over to me and leaned forward until she was invading my personal space. “Nah, you can do it!” She gave me a cheerful grin with her eyes closed then stood back up straight again. I gave her a look and then turned back to my food. Frustrating female! I thought as picked up one of the fruits and bit into a red apple. It was, unfortunately, not from Sweet Apple Acres, as they were only recently starting to produce apples as they once had before the war and Ponies bought them up almost as quickly as they could be harvested from the apple trees. Which reminds me, I haven't visited Ponyville in a few months. I wonder how they're doing? I set my apple core down on my plate and reached for a pear next. Not liking the taste of pear skin I used my knife to peel it away and bit into it.

“Ugh!” I spit it out onto the plate and Trixie turned her head away from the mirror she had been looking into while brushing her hair. She gave me a questioning look. “It looks ripe, but if it is then I'm a Pony!” I tossed it back onto the plate. It bounced off and rolled to a stop at the end of the rectangular tray.

“Try the banana instead.” Trixie suggested. The banana was the only thing left on my plate that was not a vitamin. It's color was bright yellow with only a few small brown spots. I ate that fruit with no problem, and then also took my vitamins and drained my juice. “Better?”

“Much.” I glanced at the discarded pear. “That's the last time I'm going to eat those things when they're imported from Earth.”

“Out of season?”

“Beats me, but I've never had a bad fruit from your world except those Bryse Berries from Everfree.”

“Didn't that juice make you hallucinate?” Trixie asked. She had been there for some of it, but only the last two minutes or so before I threw it up outside of one of Zecora's windows.

I had been helping her as a test subject for a new potion (or as far as Human Doctors were concerned, medication) to help people see more clearly without the need for glasses. So we waited until a very foggy day came up, and then she had me drink some juice from them (along with some other things she'd mixed in). I saw through the fog like Superman saw through walls, but a few seconds later I also saw things that weren't there. Things (evil clowns) that made me scream like a little girl and run off into the woods. Zecora had to chase after me to get me to come back, and after knocking me out dragged me back to her house. When Trixie appeared outside the house to look for me I had been securely tied to a tree stump and Zecora had gone back inside to mix up something to counteract what she'd given me. Not knowing what had happened, Trixie untied me and shook me awake. Seconds after waking up again I grabbed my stomach and ran into the house, thinking it was my bathroom at home (on Earth) and puked out of a window, thinking it was my bathroom sink. Zecora had not been happy with Trixie for releasing me, and even less happy with me for barfing right next to her house, but not long after it was out of my stomach my body cleaned it out of my system and I could see straight again.

Never again! I'll let the more adventurous types try out new medicines in the future! I stuck out my tongue and made a disgusted sound, recalling the bad taste.

“So, are we going to the beach, or what?” Trixie asked, picking up her wand and using it as an extension for her arm to pick up a large towel on its end. “The day isn't getting any longer, you know.”

My reflections on the past and as well as my meal finished, I nodded and stood, and began gathering my things.

Trixie took a deep breath of the salty air, as did I. Warm sand was beneath our feet, gulls called above us, the sun's rays shone on our skin, and a few Ponies and people had set up umbrellas and eventually-to-be picnic lunches here and there out of reach of the rolling surf. It was all very nice, and so very cliché.

“Ahhh!” I let it out, followed by Trixie. “I love the smell of sea air!” I took another breath of it.

“You can love the air.” Trixie said and started walking away. “I'm going to go change into a swimsuit.” She headed to one of the small huts used for changing and knocked. Nopony (or person) was inside, so she opened the door, walked in, and shut it. I had come wearing my swim trunks, so the only thing I needed to do was take off my shirt and drop my stuff on the sand. It was not hard to find a spot as summer was pretty much over already. This day had been one of the warmer ones all week, though undoubtedly the water was still plenty warm.

As I began to apply sun block to my bare skin a Human woman looking like she was in her late sixties wearing a red bathing suit came up to me and asked if I'd be so kind as to help her put sunblock on her back. It felt a little weird being asked that by a stranger, but she seemed to have come to the beach alone, and her eyes held no hidden or creepy agenda, so I said I would and did so.

“Ah, thank you, sonny.” She said when I finished. It had taken less than ten seconds. “I've not had anyone to help me do much of anything in a long time. It's good to know that there are still some people in this world that will- oh wait, it's two worlds now, isn't it?” I nodded, smiling. “These worlds. Here,” she reached into a bag that she was carrying and began digging around in it. I tried to tell her that I didn't want anything in return, but she insisted that a kindness, no matter how small, should be rewarded. To my puzzlement, she handed me a small blue bag made of...Actually, I have no idea what this is! It was blue, and smooth like fleece, but tough as leather. Curious, I poured out the contents into my hand. Six common white dice. To my surprise, all six of them faced up as sixes. Recalling the six dice that I'd seen on the 'note' from earlier, I widened my eyes and raised them to where the woman stood and took a step back and looked around me in all directions, including up when I saw that she no longer stood in front of me. There were no footprints leading away from me, and in fact, I did not see any Human footprints leading to me either.

I poured the six dice back into the bag and looked at the other side. On the other side in golden stitching read two words: 'Fortuna's Gamble'.

I was still staring at the words when Trixie came back from the changing hut. She asked me a question that did not register in my brain, and she waved a hand in front of my face, which brought me back to Ear- Mythica.

“You awake?” She asked. I jumped and stuffed the bag into a pointless pocket on my swim trunks. I'd remove it before I made a run for the water, but for the moment my pocket would do.

“Y-yeah.” I replied. “Um, Trixie, you didn't happen to see an older woman standing in front of me a moment ago, did you?” Trixie gave me a concerned look.

“Are you feeling alright? You didn't eat more of those Bryse Berries while I was gone, did you?”

“No, but I could have sworn that...” I shook my head. I must have imaged it. “oh never mind. Let's go swimming.”

__ __ __ __ __

A lovely young Asian woman watched the two Humans race one another for the water, playfully shoving one another before diving into the surf and swimming outward. Unlike Trixie, she had seen the older woman, and she knew that whomever she was, Human was not it. A Human's eyes would not have seen it, but there was a shine to her flesh as if it were only an illusion of some kind. What the Human male had been touching, she did not know, but the same shine that had been part of the supposed-Human's skin also was on the bag of dice she'd given him.

She tapped two fingers to her lips and stood up from her fold-able chair and walked over to the pile of things that the pair had left behind. Glancing at them briefly to make sure they were not paying any attention she opened the pocket he'd dropped the bag into and found- Nothing? She checked all corners and folds of the pocket. There really is nothing here...other than dust, that is.

“Hey!” Someone said angrily from behind her. She turned and looked to see an angry five-year old Human child standing next to an earth Pony foal, who also glared at her. “Get out of their stuff!” He picked up a handful of sand and threw it at her. She coughed and blinked, staring at the pair in surprise. When she did not move he picked up another handful and pointed at the water where Jacob and Trixie had gone. “They're here to have fun, and you're stealing from them! Don't you have any idea who that man is?! If it wasn't for him, I'd have never met Dune!” He pointed at the foal next to him. “If you don't leave right now, I'll call one of the guards!” His pointing hand became a fist.

“Alright, alright! You win!” She said, and zipped the bag shut again and rose. “I'll go back to my spot, and I won't bother theirs again.” Both of the children watched her suspiciously and continued to watch her until their parents called them back for lunch.

True to her words, she stayed at her place and waited and watched for the same two to come up from the water, and then waited for them to leave before getting up again to follow them. Whoever that was that gave him that bag must have some sort of plan in mind for him. Most alien races don't bother with the Human race as all except as playthings or medicinal testing. She stopped briefly at the place where the woman had stood and waved an energy scanner in the air. No readings that would indicate anything scientific or magical. Impossible, unless this is an energy source that my people never found and had time to study before their demise. She turned her head to watch the two walk off the sands and onto a boardwalk.

Putting her scanner away, she turned and followed them out to where several bicycles and carts of various types were chained to poles and bike racks. There were also several clusters of lockers where the two briefly stopped and removed a rod lined with silver in a coil fashion like a huge candy cane. She frowned when the two vanished in a flash of light. There was, of course, a way for her to track where they had gone, but as with all magical traces done with her tech, it would take time for it to pinpoint their destination (because it needed to analyze the specific magical frequency first so it could match all future traces of it), and if it was outside her ship's tracking range, then it would only give her a vague direction to head in. As it was, she was only a few miles from being outside it's range radius. I really need to find some way to increase its range!

She was not much of a mechanic, but with her ship being able to repair itself on its own there had never been much need to learn. Now she couldn't learn unless she was willing to stoop to being taught by Humans, whose tech level was far lower than hers and would be for more than a thousand years. Well, for most of it, anyway. A bare handful of her people's tech they would be replicating in the next several decades or so now that they would be having magic as a power source. Once they discovered how to replicate it, that was.

Her device made a beeping sound and she looked down at it to discover, much to her annoyance, that wherever the two had gone, they were indeed beyond her ship's range. That's what I get for grabbing a Timux instead of a scout ship when I fled that dying orbital station! I guess I'll just have to go get it and fly it closer.

& & & & &

“Woah, woah, woah! Hold on!” Rainbow Dash said, interrupting the Doc. “I thought you said that you had not been there for all of it! How could you know about that lady if you weren't there?”

“Well you see, we have these incredible little things on our heads called 'ears'.” he wiggled his own. Rainbow Dash scowled at him. “All we need to do to use them properly when another person is trying to tell us something.” For a second, Rainbow Dash looked like she was going to slap him, but then she sighed.

“I guess I walked right into that one. But could you at least stop being so dramatic and actually tell us the names of people or ponies so that we don't have to figure out which she you're talking about when there's two shes?”

“Alright, fine!” He humphed. “The Asian woman is The Shield. Are you happy now?”

“You made that up!”

“No, really! That is her name!” The Doctor insisted. “Everyone in my culture has a name that has a meaning behind it! Not unlike your culture, Rainbow Dash. It's just that my TARDIS translated what the actual word was from my language so that you understand its meaning.”

“There's nothing his TARDIS can't do!” Ditzy said cheerfully, then her face became a mild frown. “Well, everything except bake its own muffins. Or make food at all, for that matter!”

“Or tea.” The Doc said followed by a sigh.

“Or a functioning toilet!” Jacob added.

“I told you already, it's not that it doesn't work, the tank just needs to be filled with water manually!”

“Are you kidding me? You're from an uber-advanced race of aliens that can bend time and space, but you don't have toilets that refill themselves? Our race solved that problem over a thousand years ago!”

Fluttershy raised a leg and the Doc nodded.

“Yes, yellow and pink Pegasus?”

“Um...I was....I was just wondering...did you ever find out why the moon broke apart?” The Doc nodded.

“Yes, but it's a rather upsetting explanation. Are you sure you want to know why?” Fluttershy thought about it a moment, then shook her head.

“Not if it's sad.” The Doc nodded and then suggested that everypony take a seat because there was quite a bit more to tell. Spike left briefly and came back holding a bowl full of gemstones which he happily began to munch on. He asked if anyone else was hungry, but other than Ditzy, who'd brought her own food, no one was. The Doc asked if anyone had any other questions at the moment. There were none.

“Alright then, where was I?” The Doc tapped his forehead a few times as if to jog his memory. “Ah yes, I was getting back to myself and Ditzy!”

* * * * *

(Year 2119)

The TARDIS popped into regular time flow again, still near the moon, but this time on the opposite side of it. Ditzy looked at the radar and saw several gray dots, but no red. She asked The Doctor what they meant, and he explained that gray dots were machines that had no sentient life forms on board.

“They're probably cell phone or television satellites. They're nothing to worry about.” He said calmly before walking to another section of the multi-sided control console. He watched a video screen and nodded. “This is two years before the invasion event. I'll see if the TARDIS can detect any non-Earth technologies like that ship we saw before. Or perhaps 'after' would be a better word given tat now we're before the-”

“Ugh!” Ditzy said, rubbing her head with her front hooves. “You're making my head hurt again! Just do the scan!” The Doctor gave her an apologetic look and he stopped talking and 'did the scan'.

A few minutes later he announced that no alien tech was detected (outside what should have been there from an assortment of crashed ships hidden in secret Human testing facilities, and none of those matched the ship they had seen). So either they're not here yet, or they came over from Mythica, or they have a very good cloaking device. The Doc checked the date. If the dating was correct (and there were times that he wasn't sure that it was) they had popped back in four years previous to the demise of Earth. Would that be far enough? Knowing Humans and their unwillingness to believe an early warning, no, but perhaps this can be averted another way...

The Doc brought a map of the universe in his Reality up on screen and began looking for the Dalek home world. He found it and entered the coordinates into the machine so that they'd appear near the eleventh planet rather than the twelfth. In his own Reality, the Dalek home world had been destroyed due to his efforts by indirectly causing their sun to go supernova, but perhaps that had not been the case here. If it had not, then they just might still have the majority of their forces stationed there, which would mean that if he could infiltrate it- I'm suddenly wishing that I was 'The Ninja' instead of 'The Doctor'- then he could alter the files so that Earth was not in them- And hope I'm not discovered.- and then make their escape! I wish I had gotten to know Houdini better! With all he'd been through in the past, this should be a cinch! If we don't die just minutes after appearing in that galaxy it will be a miracle!

“Um, Doctor, why are you making hurt faces over and over? Are you feeling okay?” Though he'd not realized it, The Doc had made pained expressions every time he'd had internal monologue while forming a plan.

“I'm fine, Ditzy. Just making a plan.”

“Well, while you make a plan, I'm going to go make lunch. I'm starving!”

Contrary to most assumptions about Ditzy, she was not going into the food preparation room to produce her trademark muffins. Instead, she made a fruit salad, and poured chocolate syrup on it. A lot of chocolate syrup. She made another for her host, and then carried the two back and set on on an empty space (actually, the only empty space) on the control console and sat on the floor and promptly dove into hers. Chocolate covered the front of her muzzle and mouthfuls of fruit chunks and more liquid chocolate coated the inside of her mouth. “Nom wan nom nom!” She 'said' before stopping to swallow. She let out a small burp, said “'Scuse me!” then went back to eating.

After a few minutes of listening to her eating 'dialog' The Doc became curious and looked into his own bowl of fruit salad. (He identified it by a little sticky note she'd pressed to one side of it.)

Salad? This looks more like soup! There is no way that the healthy value of the fruit offsets the unhealthiness of all that chocolate! He looked over to where Ditzy was now licking her bowl clean. If that doesn't make her sick, I'll be shocked. He thought as he tried to scoop a chocolate-drowned piece of fruit. He missed and he let the chocolate drain out of the frog of his hoof and then tried again. I miss having fingers! He thought mournfully. It had not been the first time he'd thought or said that, and unless the moon really was made of cheese (which could explain how Luna had not starved to death up there) he doubted that it would be the last, either.

“What's wrong, Doctor? Don't you like Chocolate-covered fruit?” Ditzy asked.

“I have no problem with fruit covered in chocolate, but this fruit is drowned in it.” He replied.

“Does that mean...” she sniffed and her eyes became a little teary. “Does that mean that you aren't going to eat it?” She gave him sad-puppy eyes and he suddenly felt very guilty, though he had no idea why.

“Not at all, Ditzy,” He tried to reassure her. “I just meant-”

“WAAaaah!” Ditzy threw her head back and wailed. The Doctor flinched and took a step back, feeling awkward, and looked down at the bowl. Some pieces of fruit had floated to the top, but most were buried beneath the chocolatey surface. He lowered his face to just above the surface, hesitated briefly, then plunged his nose into it and proceeded to eat the contents. It wasn't until the bowl was half empty that he realized that Ditzy was no longer crying and looked up from the bowl, chocolate running down his muzzle. Derpy was no longer crying, and in fact looked as if she had not been at all. Instead, she looked her normal happy self. Did I just get scammed? It feels like it.

“Well?” She asked eagerly. The Doctor had to admit that even though it was much sweeter than he liked, it was not bad and there was more fruit slices in it than he had originally thought. Rather than soup it made him instead think of cereal.

The Doc lifted his dripping head from the bowl and nodded.

“It's good. Though might I make a suggestion?” Ditzy nodded. “Next time do a chap a favor and let me decide how much chocolate to add, would you? I like fruit- well, with exception to pears- and I like chocolate, but not in this amount. But thank you, Ditzy.” Ditzy looked a little embarrassed and nodded and said that he was welcome.

“So what's the plan, Doctor?”

“'The plan' is to go to the Dalek home world and corrupt their files so that Earth is not in their database.”

“Corrupt their files?” Ditzy asked, picturing a filing cabinet.

“Yes.” He said. “We appear near their home world,” If it's there in this reality. “sneak past their defenses, infiltrate their star chart archives, and then release a virus-” Ditzy now pictured the trash-can thing wearing a doctor's operating mask and sneezing. “into their systems and hopefully cause permanent damage to them, thus removing the majority of what had been mapped of this galaxy and, if nothing else, delaying them from finding Earth for another century or so.” By then he was hoping that he would have had enough time to come up with a more permanent solution.

“Doctor, I don't think this plan is going to work!” Ditzy said, stating the obvious. Where they had appeared they were safe enough, but there was a cloud of the same ships they'd watched decimate Earth surrounding it.

“Nonsense!” He declared confidently, and walked down a set of steps into a room below. Ditzy, curious, followed him. The sound of a crash came from below and ran galloped the rest of the way down to see a tennis ball bounce by her face. She slid to a stop and looked to her left where the Doctor's hindquarters stuck out of a pile of junk. While he dug through it his tail waved back and forth and Ditzy, face turning pink, looked the other way until his head suddenly popped back up again with an object in his mouth that on one end she recognized as a microphone. On the other end was something shaped like a flower pot.

“Yeph! Nowf week cang gek crew no pocklem!” He said around the metal bar in his mouth.

“And a microphone will help us how?” Ditzy asked, one hoof facing upwards.

“It's not just any microphone! This little wonder has a built-in voice and appearance changer! I just spin the dial to select a race that's already programmed into it and- presto!- I look and sound like a Dalek!”

“But Doctor, what about the TARDIS? It won't change that too, will it?”

“Not at all, but that's where you come in, miss Doo!”

“Me?” Now her hoof was pointed at herself.

“You'll be acting as my prisoner.” He explained as they walked back up the stairs to the control room. “I'll claim that I captured this vessel and you, the pilot of it, and say that I'm taking you to be studied to determine where your world is.”

“That's brilliant, Doctor!” She exclaimed, impressed. “But there might be one problem.”

“Really? What's that?” He asked as he set the flower pot microphone down on the ground and, with some minor difficulty, extended it up to his height.

“What happens after we land? Will the microphone still hide what you are?”

“Nope! That's where it gets interesting!” The Doctor said with a crazy look as he flew the ship right up to the cloud of Dalek ships.

“IDENTIFY YOURSELF!” A screeching metallic voice 'greeted' them from the TARDIS' console. The Doctor cleared his equine throat and pressed a button on the console just below the speaker that the voice had come out of. True to what he'd said would happen, The Doctor's voice was altered.

“I AM RET-URNING FROM A SCOUTING MISH-SHUN! I HAVE CAPT-CHAD THIS VESSEL AND ITS PIE-LAT! REQUSTING PERMISH-SHUN TO LAND FOR PRISONER INTERRO-GATION!” The Doctor released the button and coughed and ran his tongue over his teeth. “Just hearing myself speak like that puts a rather unpleasant taste in my mouth!” He said to Ditzy. “Bleh!” He stuck his tongue out.


The Doctor clapped (or perhaps clopped would be a better sound description) his hoofs together.

“All-RIGHT!” He exclaimed loudly. “Now for the rest of our little impossible mission!”