• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 2,712 Views, 42 Comments

MLP: A Favor Returned - WorldWalker128

In the first story, Equestria was attacked. Now it's Earth's turn. Contains Doctor Whooves and Jacob

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The Hasbro stuff isn't mine, and the BBC stuff isn't mine. They know what it is they own better than I do because I'm not them. :P

Things do not always go the way we expect them to, for good or ill. When the Human race and the nation of Equestria were once more reunited through the efforts of both races in a time of desperation for Equestria, and in the end won out through the combined efforts of both races they began to reestablish the bonds that they had not shared since a time long-since passed. Both worlds entered a near-golden age over the course of the next forty years, and the events and beings that tied them together again found their way into history books and were called 'Boring!' by school children.

But which is worse, I wonder? To have a turn-point event in history called boring by an ungrateful child that takes interaction with another dimension and it's denizens for granted, or for that child to die in a war that Humanity as a whole was not ready for and to have both worlds destroyed by a race of beings unknown to all, save two?

MLP: A Favor Returned


“Hmm...something is not right here...how this be the correct planet?” A brown pony with an hourglass for a Cutie Mark muttered as he stared at the green display screen in front of him. According to his machine's records and the current date (2211), Earth should have been thriving, and magical-energy readings should be fairly common-place in the United Kingdom, and other places as well (though to a lesser degree). Instead, however, his ship was detecting almost no energy readings outside of that which nature caused on its own, and no life readings except for small plants, one or two animal species, and a few hundred variants of insects. “Definitely not right at all.” If not for his ALD (Astronomical Location Device) stating that this was indeed Earth and that the soil was not reddish, he'd think that he was in orbit around Mars instead. Or perhaps a dead world of the Nartox system.

“Um, Doctor? Are you sure that this is Earth in two hundred years?” A gray Pegasus mare with misaligned yellow eyes asked doubtfully as she looked out of the ship's door at the world they were orbiting around. “You said that we'd be seeing a bunch of flying ships out here, but I don't even see the moon anywhere! All that's up here are a bunch of big and little white rocks!” The Doctor's latest companion, Ditzy Doo was right: the moon as one big rocky sphere was gone. In its place a ring of variously-sized and shaped broken rocks or boulders or dust orbited 'The Earth' along with a few occasional bits of broken metal which the ship they rode in, the TARDIS, said were once satellites.

“I don't understand, they were thriving one hundred years ago! What happened?” The Doctor said he joined Ditzy by the door and joined her in observing the barely-alive world. The Doctor returned to the controls and examined the oxygen content to see if it was safe to land on the ground and take a short walk. It was. “Ditzy, close the doors. We're going down there.”

The TARDIS landed in what should have been London, but was now little more than blasted rock and crumbling ruins of the once-great city. The two Ponies stepped out and took a deep breath. The air was tainted with something, but neither of them knew what it was. It was not pleasant and evoked a sense of dread.

“Doctor, I don't think we should be here. I have a really really bad feeling.” Ditzy said, looking around nervously.

“I feel it too, but the TARDIS said that there's nothing here but a few small animals and some bugs. We're perfectly safe.”

“If you say so...” Ditzy neither looked, nor sounded convinced, her misaligned eyes still roaming their surroundings. The pair of them walked away from the ship looking for any sign of what could have caused the world-wide mass-extinction. Certainly Humanity had the capacity to do this to themselves, but most of their world was in a state of peace. Why would they suddenly decide to nuke their own planet and kill everything? It just doesn't make sense. A tumbling newspaper rolling across the ground in the wind caught his eye and he galloped over to it before the growing wind could blow it away. Holding it down with his hooves The Doctor scanned the faded lettering a few times and then flipped it over and gasped at a familiar image that he prayed he'd never see in this universe. He looked about for the date on the paper and upon seeing it spun and galloped back towards the TARDIS, passing by Ditzy and yelled at her to hurry and follow him. Ditzy looked at the newspaper once more blowing around in the wind and then looked back at him and also galloped to catch up with him. When she came through the doors he was already working the controls and starting his machine again.

“Doctor, what's wrong? What did that newspaper say?”

“Ninety years ago this planet was attacked by a race of beings that I'd hoped would have taken a different path than those in my own universe or at the very least have died out. They came and destroyed Humanity, man, woman, and child, along with most of the life on this poor, unprepared world.”

“What?! Then, what about my world?!” Ditzy cried. “Are they all dead too?!” The Doctor froze before he could throw a lever and looked up at her. His face was very, very serious. He recalled the day that princess Luna rebuilt the gateway between worlds because he had watched it from the cover of the trees as she and several Humans stepped through into the Equestrian world from the Earth side. Four years later she had altered the gateway so that Humans no longer needed a Unicorn or Alicorn's help to open it. All they would need was an open palm placed into a hand-shaped groove. If all of the Humans had been wiped out, then the killing-race that had swept over Earth like an unending, blood-stained hurricane probably would not have gotten in. He said as much to Ditzy, who, though still looking a bit worried, was a little relieved.

“Either way, I need to know when they first arrived. If we can find that out we might be able to go back farther and warn them of what's coming early.”

“But Doctor, I thought you said that we couldn't get involved in big historical events! Won't doing that wreck the future or something?”

“Ditzy, if Earth's killers are allowed to roam the galaxy at will, then this universe has no future but death. Hold onto something, this is going to be a rough ride.” The Doctor cautioned before he again reached for the lever and pulled it down. The TARDIS tumbled, leaned, and rocked its way through the time-stream until finally arriving at its destination, if just a tad bit later than he'd hoped for.

Alarms screamed and eight red dots appeared on the ship's radar in front of where Ditzy stood.

“Um, Doctor? Are the red dots bad?” the Doc jumped to where Ditzy stood and yelled 'yes'.

“Red dots are always bad! The green dot is us, and-” A bunch of small red lines began flying towards the green dot and when they touched the TARDIS once more shook, but this time control panels shot fountains of sparks from them and the lights dimmed briefly. The Doctor dove back at the controls, hooves a blur, flipping two colored levers in one of the six sections, then jumped to another, pressing various buttons and spinning a wheel with a knob that fit ever-so-conveniently into the hollow of his hoof.

From where Ditzy stood (or rather hung from the control console) the green dot now was moving away from the red lines and dots, some of which gave pursuit.

“Doctor! Get us out of here!” Ditzy yelled over the racket that the alarms were making and losing her grip on the console as they were once again hit by something.

“What do you think I'm trying to do?!” He yelled back, bopping a whack-a-mole- mole on the head.

Suddenly another fast moving dot came up on the radar, this one yellow, but neither Ditzy nor the Doctor saw it, being occupied with other things (in Ditzy's case, trying to grab hold of something as she slid across the floor first one way, and then the other, and in the Doctor's case keeping them moving and avoiding as many shots as possible). Several of the red dots vanished from the radar screen, and the three remaining red dots turned away from pursuit of the TARDIS and began chasing the yellow dot instead.

A few minutes later the TARDIS was safely away from the enemies and was now orbiting the for-the-moment-intact moon.

“What the heck just happened?!” Ditzy said loudly, picking herself up from the floor. Her mane was a mess, and her hide a little singed where sparks had hit her. “I get that those guys probably the ones that destroyed Earth, but why were they attacking us? We're not from Earth!”

“Like I told you before, Ditzy, my people and theirs went to war back in my reality. Chances are, the same thing happened here, meaning they'd still see us as enemies, but they'd have probably have attacked us anyway.”

“You keep calling them 'them' or 'the killers', but what are they really called?” The Doctor frowned and tapped a few buttons on the console. An image of an object shaped loosely like a large cylindrical trash can appeared on the screen. Three shafts stuck out from the front of its body, each of a different length. The shortest had several ridges along it and a hole at the end, and was at the same height as it's longest arm on the body, which appeared to have a black suction-cup (or maybe a toilet plunger) at the end, and the second largest near the top of its domed head. If it could be called a head, that is. The whole body appeared to be made of metal, with no wheels or legs of any type to be seen. The majority of the body beneath the two metal arms had half-spheres on it a few inches apart from one another and were colored golden. Most of the body overall was a bronze color. The shafts were silver, and at the end of the shaft on the 'head' was a blue light that glowed like a strange eye. Ditzy looked at it, puzzled. It certainly didn't look very dangerous. Strange, certainly, but not dangerous.

The Doc pushed another button and an audio clip less than two seconds long played. The audio clip said one word: “EXTERMINAAATE!” The voice, like the body, sounded metallic, but unlike the body, sent a chill down her spine. There was malice in its voice, artificial as it sounded.

“They might be called something different here, but where I'm from, they call themselves the Daleks.”

__ __ __ __ __

Elsewhere the ship that had been the yellow dot on the TARDIS' radar screen zipped into the Solar System's asteroid belt, determined to make its escape now that the TARDIS ship was no longer being pursued. The ship took a hit from its Dalek pursuers and leaned to one side as one of its stabilizers shorted out. The pilot spun the ship into a wild barrel roll that took it dangerously close to ripping off its wings on two asteroids orbiting the sun close together. The two remaining Dalek ships (one had been destroyed when the pilot performed a loop and got behind them, buying the pilot time to get in a lucky shot) blasted through the large space rocks and continued their pursuit, shooting at every asteroid that came between them and their prey. The pilot, grinning, dove into a dense patch of smaller asteroids that any other pilot would have grimaced at the prospect of going through and dropped two mines. When the Dalek ships came barreling after the ship, blasting every stone that was too large for their shields to dissolve in time to prevent impact, the mines were tripped and one ship exploded. The other was knocked off course by the concussive force and and crashed into a rock as big as itself. Though not destroyed, it was heavily damaged, and the pilot spun around in one motion and fired twin laser cannons at it. One twin-shot and the shields were disabled. Another, and it became a temporary ball of flame.

“Woo! Eat that, Daleks!” The pilot of the ship whooped in triumph under its helmet before an ringing alarm in the ship began to go off. “What?!” The pilot looked at a power cell reader to the left. It read that it was nearly drained and getting lower by the second. “No, no, NO!! Don't cut out on me now, buddy! We just won! Don't tell me a little scratch like that did you in!” The alarm went from a ringing to a screeching that made the pilot's head hurt. “Alright, alright! I get it! Emergency Temporal Space Shift, now!”

The ship vanished from its location and reappeared above a primitive planet whose land shape was vastly different from the third planet that the pilot was so familiar with.

“Ah yes, I remember this world! It's been a very long time since any of my people came here! I wonder if anything's changed since-” A jolt shook the ship and the pilot placed its hands on the controls before it, readying the ship for landing on the world below until it could regenerate back to top form again.

The pilot landed the ship inside a large underground cave that had not been visible from the air and would otherwise not have known to be there had the ship's instruments not detected it. The pilot landed inside and carried a ladder out of its ship and once on the surface gathered vines and brush that grew wild in the area and made a pile near the hole. The pilot climbed down to the ship one last time and took several things out of it, and put several things in, mainly the jumpsuit it had been wearing, and the helmet. Once the helmet was removed it revealed a Humanoid woman that appeared to be of Asian descent, of average height and weight, with dark hair reaching just below her shoulders. Her eyes were gray, and she wore casual clothing from the twentieth century (T-shirt, shorts to the knee, white socks, casual but practical boots, and her hair had a scrunchy holding her hair in a ponytail). From her ship she pulled out two canteens holding enough water to last her for two days in hot weather, and longer in cooler weather. She also had a hiking backpack that held a few assorted odds and ends, including an emergency laser pistol that could fire thirty times with one charge, and a Sonic Screwdriver. Finally, she removed a violin case from her ship and exited the underground cave, and took great care to conceal it, including adding a roof that could support her weight. She even jumped up and down on it a few times to test it. Satisfied, she set out from the location. A day later she would find a wide field of long grass, and another half day later, she would stay with a few Zebras and stay a single night with them before moving on the next day.

It would take her ship several weeks before it was ready to fly again safely, and a few months before it would be capable of accurate time travel again.

Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky and run into the pilot of that TARDIS and get him to cut my wait short by taking me forward the time needed for the ship to fix itself! In the meantime, I'll just go wherever my feet take me. She took a deep breath of the naturally recycled and unfiltered air of the planet and smiled. It was delicious after spending so much time in a star ship. She sighed and looked down, her enjoyment spoiled by an unpleasant memory. I just wish everyone else was alive to share it with me... Her sadness faded and again she smiled. At least I know I'm not alone in this dual-dimensional galaxy anymore!