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Crimson Stars

Starlight steps out the wagon, her head aching after listening to Trixie ramble all day and night about the show she has in Manehatten. Starlight groans out loud, rubbing her temples. “I should’ve just paid for the train instead... But nooo I just HAD to take that wagon... Ugh...” Never the less Trixie still seems to be in high spirits despite the bumpy ride. “The great and powerful Trixie is delighted to perform in such a prestigious city such as Manehatten! Oh how far the great and powerful Trixie has come! It truly brings a tear to the eye.” Trixie wipes a fake tear from her eye.

Starlight sighs and rubs her sore eyes, contemplating her life with a tired look on her face. “Today’s gonna be a loooooooooooong day....” Trixie snorts. “Starlight, don’t be a grumpy bum! Today the great starlight and the even greater Trixie shall. Be. FAMOUS!” Starlight yelps as Trixie forcefully pulls her hoof with magic. “AHH! I did not sign up for this!” Starlight is dragged inside a shop and lands square inside a chair. Starlight eyes roll in circles after being thrown around like a ragdoll. Trixie looks Around looking for something while talking. “The great and powerful Trixie’s assistant shan’t be so drab in comparison! First a marvelous cloak!” Starlight barely gets anytime to catch her breath before her neck is wrapped around cyan cloth with magenta.

Starlight barely could utter a word before large starred wizard hat is forced on her head, obscuring her vision. Trixie seems proud of her work. “Tadah! I turned a bland looking pony into a magnificent mage!” Starlight removes the comically large hat. “For Celestia’s sake! How do you have this much energy! … And why in the name of Luna’s stars is this hat this huge? I didn’t even know they made cloth this big...” Trixie raises an eyebrow at Starlight’s obliviousness. “Don’t you know that larger the hat, the stronger your magic becomes?” Starlight stares unamused. “Well with this hat I think I could destroy the universe, So I think I’d like to go for a smaller one.” Trixie thinks about this for a bit. “Good idea. We can’t destroy the universe before our show!” Starlight rolls her eyes in response and replaces her hat with some much more reasonable And makes sure to pay the clerk before leaving.

Starlight fixes her hat to make sure it’s in the right place. “Okay we should probably head to the theatre now. I don’t think it’ll leave a very good impression on us if we’re late” Trixie nods but pauses instead of following starlight. “The great and powerful Trixie isn’t going to be making her entrance by walking! We must upkeep our reputation! We shall show up like true magicians! Using magic!” Starlight raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know... Kinda seems dangerous. I mean there’s a reason we’re only allowed to teleport when we have visited the place before.” Trixie scoffs at the idea. “As the great Trixie once said, no pain, no gain!” Starlight is thrown off guard when Trixie suddenly teleports them both.

They both end up upside down infront of the theater. Starlight coughs as Trixie lands ontop of her. “*cough* *cough* ow...” Trixie gets up having been cushioned by starlight. “See we arrived just fine!” Starlight manages to stand up fixing her hair and dusting off the cloak while giving Trixie a stink eye. “For you...” however before more shenanigans can ensue. Both of them are suddenly approached by a pair of royal guards wearing a ebony armor with a slight purple hue, their ordinary solar crests instead holding that of the moon. “Are you two, Miss Starlight and Miss Trixie?” Trixie nods excitedly, her eyes glowing when somebody mentioned her by name. “Yes! It is I THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE! AND MY ALSO MY NOT AS GREAT AND POWERFUL ASSISTANT, STARLIGHT!” despite Trixie’s great enthusiasm, the guards doesn’t seem to care. The guard who initially asked the question motions to the other. The other guard nods and lights his horn scanning them both. “Okay, all clear. You may go in.” The royal guards leave as quick as they came.

Trixie seems more concerned then excited now. “Well... That’s as some very cold fans.” Though Trixie isn’t saddened for too long. “Atleast I’m popular enough to be known by name!” Starlight just looks into the distance where the guards now have started patrolling. “I’m pretty sure those are the new guards that Princess Luna brought in. I heard from Twi that after the changelings and all the villains we’ve had, Luna got really pissed of at the guard’s uselessness and put her guards everywhere in Equestria. Though I didn’t expect them to be... So serious” Trixie however seems dismissive as ever. “Well it isn’t important. It isn’t our problem and we shouldn’t care! We have a show to run!” Trixie starts trotting inside the theatre. Starlight hesitate before following with a slight smile. “Yea, let’s start on that show shall we?”

Meanwhile... By the train station a unscheduled train from The crystal empire slows into the terminal. Many of the ponies present are confused at the empty and unlisted train. A couple of the security guards peer inside, finding nothing but the dark unlit hall of the train. One of the security guards enter the train to investigate more. Although he didn’t get much time to do so before a maroon sword penetrated the security guard’s abdomen, painting itself dripping bright red. The chainsaw teeth lining the blade kicking in as it turns the guard inside out. The other security guards who didn’t yet enter reel back in surprise. As they see their co-worker get shredded to pieces, blood splattering everywhere. In pure terror and as a last resort to protect themselves the remaining two security guard’s attempt to taze whatever was inside the train.

The tazer’s bolts accelerate forward, only to let loose a few sparks and bounce off onto the floor. Their yellow light illuminating the metal shins of the machine, The machine’s wings unfurl, the yellow and blue lights along it’s figure flicker on revealing it’s whole form. Gold plates shaped into it’s chassis, painted blue steel and raw iron made up the bipedal robot. The sword inside the dead security guard stops as it finishes drinking up blood. V1 slides out it’s sword, now slick with blood. The 2 remaining security guard’s shiver in fear. The curious ponies behind the guards begin to crowd, unknowingly walking closer to their doom. V1 throws it’s sword without any care, it lodges itself In the first guard’s chest. Churning his insides into mush. The machine spins the gun into it hand and just as quickly fires it’s revolver shattering the second guard’s skull into a Gory firework of pinkish red paste.

The crowd behind the now brutally murdered guards scream in fear. As they realize what just happened. Some are frozen in fear while others flee for their lives. In the end it doesn’t matter for V1 cuts through the ponies with it’s blade like a farmer cutting through his wheat. V1 grabs one child in particular. Using both of it’s hands to crack open their chest and splay their ribs. Spraying itself with blood from arteries newly opened, for the machine’s metal and circuits had no remorse, it’s processors simply noting the higher potency of nutrients in the blood compared to an average. Adding a slight change to it’s targeting system to focus on younger prey.

The machine’s information gathering subroutines were interrupted as a strong kick hits it’s side. Throwing V1 into the wall with tremendous force. The machine’s armor plating cracking at the seams. V1 flips back on it’s legs, looking back at it’s attackers. A few royal guards stare down the machine, their jet black armor in comparison to the gold and purple metal he encountered in the last combat zone. V1 fires a shot, one of the guard generates a shield that deflects the heated plasma while the other goes in for another attack.

The guard raises a Warhammer from his side smashing it against the machine’s chest. V1 is uncharacteristically taken off guard by the attack and slides back from the impact. The machine expected little resistance from it’s past data analysis but keeps it’s ground. V1 draws it’s yellow arm, the encrusted horn lifting up as magic swirls around it. An ethereal glow surrounding V1. It doesn’t have much past data on the weapon so it chooses a simple route. The machine disappears in a bright red flash. The guard was taken it back not expecting the machine to be able to use magic. V1 reappears behind the guard mid-air, slamming onto the floor with enough force to send the guard flying into the air. Before V1 could come up with a follow-up attack, it is hit by slam against the machine’s spine

Throwing V1 to fly into the ground. It claws into the ground pivoting hard towards the guard, the machine pulls out it’s sword and strikes it against the guard now infront of V1. The guard remains steadfast, as their hooves grind against the floor from the force of the machine’s attack. V1 however didn’t wait for a counter attack, quickly drawing it’s revolver point blank at the guard’s head. The guard’s head is obliterated into a faucet of blood. V1 however had no hesitation in letting every drop of blood spray on itself. The machine’s metal frame dented form molding into shape as the blood quickly dries and gets absorbed into the metal surface, once the guard’s body spurts out it’s last, it collapses on itself. V1 turns to face the two royal guards. One having newly recovered from being thrown up and the other charging a magic attack. The unicorn guard let’s loose a homing missile straight towards the machine. Instead of dodging V1 slams it’s blue fist against the missile sending it back towards the unicorn who manages to roll out the way but not fast enough to not take a lot of damage from the parry, their armor charring into flakey metal.

V1 notices it’s own fist charring from the parry. It notes to limit it’s parries against these new guards. V1 lunges forward with it’s blade towards the unicorn but is blocked by the other guard with the handle of their Warhammer. The machine activates the chainsaw function. Serrated tips beginning to violently tear the metal handle of the guard’s Warhammer. The Warhammer is cut in half leaving the guard wide open for V1 to plunge it into the guard’s neck. The guard’s throat lets out a gurgling noise before falling over. Leaving the charred and battered Unicorn who manages a tiny spark towards the machine that fizzles out before falling onto their knees. V1 approaches the unicorn plunging it’s sword into the unicorn’s chest. The tubes attach them self to the heart’s arteries, sucking up every drop of blood, oxygenated or not into V1’s frame.

Without any more wasted seconds, V1 slips it’s sword out, reattaching it into it’s back and walking past the dead guards and into the streets. However a barricade of guards and police wagons face the machine. V1 revs it’s sanguine blade, charging the piercer revolver in the other hand. V1’s multi threaded processors more then happy to partake in a little warmup.

Starlight collapses on the couch backstage as Trixie follows beside her. " Oh my god.... That’s was the longest and loudest performance ever! You didn’t tell me it’s gonna take a whole hour, Trixie!” Trixie raises an eyebrow. “I wasn’t gonna pass on a lifetime chance just because you can’t use magic for one hour!” Starlight huffs. “I could if you let me sleep during the carriage ride instead of annoying me 24/7. Plus my back’s killing me.”

Trixie sighs. “The great and powerful Trixie acknowledges that she might’ve been a wee bit too excited and appologizes for my actions. Even if it was for a perfectly reasonable excuse.” Starlight smiles slightly despite being tired. “Well, apology accepted. But we aren’t staying in your crinkly carriage at the night. One more night and I’m sure my back will split in half.”
Trixie seems appaled. “How could you?! Trixie’s carriage is the best in all of the lands!... Except the wheels.” Starlight rolls her eyes. “Come’on, you owe me don’t you?” Trixie sighs “fine, just this once for my great and powerful assistant!”

They’re both interrupted by the sound of large boom in the distance. Starlight falls off the couch in suprise. “Holy macaroni!” Trixie looks into the general direction. “Hmm? Somepony must’ve put on that universe destroying hat.” Despite being facedown on the floor Starlight gives Trixie the side eye. “I was joking when I said that, but never mind that we should probably go see that was.” Trixie flips her hair and fixes her hat. “Onwards, we go, my assistant!” Trixie goes outside the theatre, expecting to see a crowd of ponies but is met by a wave of cloudy smoke.

Starlight catches up behind Trixie. “*Pant* Trixie.... *Pant* never do that again.” Trixie doesn’t reply to starlight, instead seeming in awe. “Oh my GOODNESS! THIS IS THE BIGGEST SMOKE BOMB I’VE SEEN!” Starlight face hooves herself. “Classic Trixie...” Trixie looks around peering Into the smoke “the great and powerful trixie must add this to her catalogue!”
Starlight looks around and notices that there’s no pony around what was previously a crowded street and tries to stop Trixie. “Trixie? Where is every pony? I mean we were just having a show with a couple thousand ponies. They can’t all be gone yet, right?”

Trixie turns to face starlight, blinking as she takes in starlight’s words. “The great and powerful Trixie acknowledges that you be right about that. It is quite odd for the great and powerful trixie’s show’s aftermath to be... So barren.” Starlight nods. “I think we should get the guar-” starlight is interrupted as a head of royal guard rolls in between her and Trixie. Trixie stares at the head. “Th-that is a prop... Right?” Starlight looks down at the blood pooling under it. “I... Don’t think so...”

The dissonant whining of motors echo through the quiet streets. Starlight’s eyes widen as she takes a step back, staring into the smoke, lights beginning to flare from the smoke. Trixie leaps behind, shaking like a leaf in a storm as she cowers behind starlight. The machine steps out from the fog. Dried bony dust present on it’s once blood stained arms. Trixie whisper behind her. “R-run?” Starlight gulps at the sight of the intimidating machine Infront before making eye contact with the shivering pony behind her. “Run.”

V1 slashes at the air, cutting through the fog and at the unfortunate ponies. Though it’s effort wasn’t rewarded with blood as the two ponies make a run for it. V1 raises it’s revolver with the fluidity of air as the unicorn pair run off. Starlight takes a look back, recognising it’s weapon from the several books she read from sunset’s human world. Starlight focuses her magic into a barrier over the both of them. The machine’s shot bounces off the shield, producing a small crack.

V1 decides to close the distance by whiplashing onto a nearby streetlight, the machine’s hydraulics charging midair as it swings by the streetlight. V1’s red arm dig into the side the street’s walls as it’s legs align itself to leap forward at the two running ponies. Trixie looks back this time to see the machine getting ready to charge itself at them. Instead of running harder and faster, trixie does the smart thing by shrieking like a little filly and latching onto Starlight’s hoof. Causing them both to fall and roll on the floor unceremoniously as the machine whizzes by their head with a revving sword. It uses it’s blade as a anchor to halt it self not too far away from the ponies.

Starlight and Trixie get up not too soon after. Starlight realises that with the machine so close by and ready to attack, running is no longer an option. “I don’t think we can run anymore...” She mutters as the machine rises up to it’s feet. Trixie snaps her head back at starlight “noway you are proposing that we fight that thing. The great and powerful Trixie isn’t great enough to beat that mechanical nightmare alone!” Starlight has a sudden idea. “Hey? Do you still have some of your smoke bombs?” Trixie raises an eyebrow “the great Trixie never forgets her smoke bombs... But... Why do you need it in a situation like this?!” Starlight shakes her head but explains regardless “that thing only attacked us through the fog when it got close enough, so it must be blind in the smoke” the machine rips it’s blade out off the asphalt road. Starlight panics as the machine gets ready for another attack. “Trixie quick throw a smoke bomb!”

Trixie rummages through her cloak taking out rubber ducks and confetti before coming across a few of her trademark purple smoke bombs. Acting quickly Trixie throws the bombs at the machine. V1 reacts to the blunt force projectiles approaching it, reacting by shooting the bombs with it’s gun. V1 immediately regrets it’s decision as it’s whole view becomes grey smoke. It attempts to swat away at the smoke, but unlike the fog it’s not as easily swayed. While V1 is distracted by the annoying smoke, it’s chest is met with a burning flash of magic that instantly melts the gold.

The machine falls on one knee as it’s hand goes to cover the exposed mainframe now leaking molten gold. It raises it’s head to scan the smoke further only to be done dirty with a blast of flame into it’s camera, scorching the lenses and impairing the machine’s sight further. The machine shakes the scorched camera on it’s head before a hoof kicks out from the smoke slamming into it’s wing, bending it out of shape. V1 rises it’s hand to whiplash out of the smoke Only for a arc of electricity to hit it’s side again in it’s exposed slot. The high voltage immediately short-circuits most of the hydraulics and circuits within the machine Causing the machine to fall on it’s knees completely, its blade falling to it’s side.

The smoke eventually clears as two tired unicorns stand over the smoldering body of the machine. Starlight let’s out a sigh as her horn’s magic fleets away. “Was... That it?” Trixie however was holding a fistful glitter, having expected to have to throw up a cloud of glitter at the machine’s lenses to blind it when the smoke cleared. “Hey... Atleast we lived, right?” Starlight sighs as she wipes the sweat out of her brow. “We got lucky that thing couldn’t see through smoke... And we need to get this thing to Twilight before it wakes up. Maybe she and her friends can turn it into stone like the rest of the villains..” starlight looks back at the empty streets behind her. “Let’s just hope it didn’t do too much damage back there...”

Author's Note:

For those confused, I thought to make starlight stronger then Cadence a good reason. Since starlight was able to go toe to toe with Twilight sparkle in her Alicorn form, even if the Twilight that starlight faced is weaker then the Twilight we have after Starlight's reformation I would think starlight could easily if not atleast be on the same level as Cadence. Plus I think this would be more interesting then a total blood bath... Even if I feel like the power leveling is all over the place. But it does make sense, since the machine without constant blood can only take a few hard hits before dying.

oh and uhhh.... sorry about the several month long absence, school and writer's block is one hell of a concoction. so have a cute pic of Twi for being patient (If anyone is idiotic enough to wait for my shitty story lol)

Ps: any errors you report are greatly appreciated! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 4 )

DIE! Thy end is now!
CRUSH! Prepare thyself.

Oh no, it's too bad that he isn't technically a living being

Finally someone else made an ULTRAKILL crossover

what if V1 had a full arsenal from Ultrakill?



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