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Blood Red Steel

Steel wakes up slowly, memories and the pain of his current state flooding in as he gains a grip on reality. He looks down at himself. His armour torn apart, turned useless and Shrapnel deep inside gut, but luckily missing any vital points. Steel shrugs of the armour sand attempts to get up on his hooves but braves through the pain. As Steel gets a hold of his blurry vision, his surroundings become clearer.

The blue marble floor is coated in his own dried blood. his now dead friend laying a few meters from him. Steel almost ran into his friend but with his injuries only managed a slow shuffle. Steel looks down at Scarlet, her face unrecognisable with the giant whole in it, a pool of blood and grey matter around her head. He would have stopped here to mourn her death, but he knows that he's on a timer, he has to find help before his injuries get to him. With that last thought, Steel turns his back on his friend, silently vowing to come back later to give her a proper funeral.

Steel climbs down the stairs, each agonizing step causing him to grit his teeth. He limps by the barracks, the room coloured a maroon red from the dried blood, lifeless corpses on the floor. Steel feels more and more of his hope for rescue vanish as he looks over every dead body, a single dominant though echoes in his mind. "Are they all dead?" Steel immediately banished the thought and limps towards a first aid kit, slumping against the wall for support as he pries the metal box open.

Inside he finds bandages, morphine, rubbing alcohol and various other tools. He immediately goes for the morphine to dull his pain. Steel takes the plastic tip off and Injects it into the vein on his hoof. The fast acting drug, quickly begining to numb his pain. He takes out the rubbing alcohol removing the cap and applying it against his wounds. Steel cringes as the alcohol causes a burning sensation on his injuries but the pain being quickly snuffed by the active morphine in his blood. He wraps up his self medication by sealing the wound with a whole roll of bandages.

Once steel finishes he gets back up on his hooves, feeling much better now and determined to locate help. He begins walking downstairs again, each step now a numb sensation. He depends downward. Occasionally finding a massacred room caused by the blood drinking machine that knocked him out. Every dead body steel finds, makes him more hopeless. But her dosen't stop his journey down. Eventually after what felt like hours of walking, he reaches the ground floor of the castle.
What he sees terrifies him to his core.

The princess of the crystal empire laid bare on the floor, bruised and beaten, her face charred and bloody and where her horn should be is now a entrance to cadance's inner brain. Steel walks up to her body, fear filling his heart. He thought the princess, the last powerful being in this entire kingdom would've destroyed the beast... But he was severely mistaken. There's only one possibility left.... It had escaped the castle and entered the city, where it could then go on a genocide to exterminate every pony in the kingdom.

Steel looks up at the door that's half open, behind it, thousands lay dead mere metres from the door spreading outward into the street, doors ripped wide open off it's hinges, throats split open, fillies splayed apart. It's too much. The monster that did this, it clearly took it's time with this blood spree. Unlike the efficient deaths of the guards, these deaths maximised pain. Steel stood there, processing all the death. He covers his face up, struggling to keep himself from breaking into pure terror.

His heart pounded like thunder as he navigated his way through the maze of corpses. Trying to keep his eyes off their bodies and bone sticking out the floor like obstacles. Steel manages his way out of horrific maze, trying to keep the horrors of what he saw out of his mind as he slowly stumbled his way to the mail office. Opening the door, and looking for anything that he could use to send a message. Radios and old computers litter the office space, but turned into electric junk due to the lack of electricity in the building. Steel finds a old telegram tucked away in the corner.

Dusting it away and thankful it was still connected to it's old line that sends the message all the way to mainland equestria and hopefully to canterlot. Steel sighs, grateful he didn't skip the class on learning morse code. Steel puts his hoof over the telegram. Taking his time to remember the code for each letter and then putting his hoof into action. Four taps and pause, one tap and pause, one tap then one long tap afterwards two taps and pause, 1 tap then 2 long taps finished with one tap and pause.

Steel let's go off the telegram, sighing as all the adrenaline keeping him awake has worn off long ago. Tired from the constant horror and walking. Slumping against the wall, He slowly lets himself drift to sleep. Letting the world fade away, his dead friend, the people he swore to protect and his destroyed home. All of it slipping away as Steel closes his weary eyes.

Meanwhile in canterlot. A young guard sits by himself. Bored out of his mind since he was forced by his peers to tend to the telegram at night. Although nobody uses the darn thing anymore after dragon mail became popular, celestia insisted atleast one guard to stand by one at all times. The guard impatiently taps his foot, waiting through the monotonous night when the telegram made a click printing a short series of dashes and dots on a piece of paper.

The young guard couldn't make any sense out of it so he chocked it up to the telegram being old and crumped up the piece of paper, throwing it to the wayside

Author's Note:

Yes, this is 100% shameless filler, did you really think I gave 2 random guards actual names for no reason? And if you want to know what steel sent then solve the morse yourself. Is this me being annoying? Yes, absolutely and I don't regret a single bit of it.