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Back To Old Feathers

V1 walks down the stairs seeking for more potent blood. But finds only empty halls and rooms. Eventually however the machine picks up the sound of cards being ruffled. V1 walks as silently as it's metal hydraulics would allow. Coming upon a large room, the machine peers inside, slipping a metal hand on the doorframe and looking over the beds stacked across the wall and guards roaming the room. most of the guards are at the centre table playing what appears to be poker while some read books on their beds. V1 steps in the room with a heavy metallic step. Every guard turns to look at who walked in the room. Most of them freeze, some gasp, others look in confusion.

V1 takes a look around the room. The machine's aperture shaped lenses glossing by every guard. V1 slides it's revolver out of one of it's wings. One of the guards speak shakily. "Who gave the tin can a gun?" All the guards are on edge. Some grab their spears, others charge their horns with magic in anticipation. V1 takes a coin out of its arm. Freshly made from the blood of it's last victim. V1 flips the coin into the air. The guards look up at the coin in mild suprise and fascination.

V1 raises it's revolver towards the coin. calculates the trajectory, timing and reflection angle as the barrel aligns to the coin. The revolver crackles as the plasma like projectile leaves the tip. The focused plasma hits the coin separating into two beams and towards two dumbfound guards. All in the span of less then a second.

The room falls into panic as 2 guards instantly die. Most of the guards hit the ground to avoid getting shot while the guards that were closer to the machine charge towards the machine. V1 dashes forward, punching through a guard's chest with it's bulky red arm, Ripping out their sternum with ease. A Pegasus flies in fast try to hit the machine with a spear with all his momentum only for it to scrape the paint. V1 acquires the Pegasus's position and uses the freshly ripped sternum to slams the guard into the wall, Shattering the sternum which end up embedding into the Pegasus's flesh. A earth pony jumps from behind grabbing onto V1's metallic neck, In response. The machine violently slams his back into a wall until the earth pony on it's back is a mushy blood soaked imprint on V1's back.

The machine rips the bloody remains of it's back only to be met with magical bolt to the machine's chest plate. The sudden EMP like blast messes up with V1's hardware long enough to let a guard fire another magical bolt. However this time it's met with the other end of the machine's blue arm. Parrying it straight back, instantly vaporising it's caster. Another unicorn summons a shield around the remaining guards so they can flee in time to warn others. V1 dashes forward, hitting the translucent cyan wall. The machine beats down on it with no mercy. Using it's revolver and red arm in combination to shatter the shield.

V1 lunges at the unicorn guard like a hungry predator. Using it's left arm again to plunge deep inside the unicorn's chest to grab their beating heart and remove it. V1 lathers itself in blood with the heart. Once the machine was coated blood red, V1 crushes the heart's shriveled husk, and observes the once plentiful room now empty and coloured a deep red. Only a few of them escaped when the unicorn held up that shield. V1 makes a calculated guess that It's highly likely that this new species of sapient equines will call reinforcements. Which will bring more blood to machine's foot steps, V1 considers this outcome, satisfactory.

Princess cadance fills out various forms and paperwork late into the night. Cadance rubs the sleep out of her eyes and a bit sleepy at having to stay up late into the night. Normally her husband dealt with most of the paper work but this time shining armour is over at canterlot for the holiday with his family, and cadance isn't one to force her husband to stay. So she will gladly take up this duty for a couple days till her husband is home. Cadance is interrupted from her work by a guard that slams into her room with heavy breaths, blood splattered on their fur, their eyes distressed. "PRINCESS! A INTRUDER IS IN THE WALLS OF OUR CASTLE! THEY HAVE ALREADY DESTROYED THE FIRST GUARD BARRACK! IT'S ONLY A FEW MINUTES BEFORE THEY GET UP TO THE TOP FLOOR! WE NEED TO EVACUATE YOUR HIGHNESS NOW!"

Princess cadance is taken it back by the sudden intrusion of her guard and their news. "Wait just one person has destroyed a whole guard barrack and got in the castle unnoticed?! We can't just leave! If this threat could take that many guards, it could easily destroy this whole kingdom if I'm not there!" The guard looks back trying to make sure the machine hasn't gotten up here yet. The sound of gunfire and yells becoming louder as the machine climbs higher. "Princess, we can't stay! Your safety is of the up most importance and we can't compromise that!" Princess cadance seems worried about the sound that's getting louder but glares at the guard with determination. "You will, show me the intruder. And I will take care of it. I'm not letting anyone get hurt under my watch!"

The guard grits his teeth but gives in, sighing resignedly. "Okay, your highness. I'll lead you to the intruder, Follow me, quickly or the defences will already be gone before we arrive!" The guard takes off and cadance flies close behind. "So this, intruder, What is it? What should I expect?" The guard huffs with his ragged breath as he runs but still responds to his princess. "Some kind of... metal beast, your highness. It tears through our forces and takes a dozen hits but comes back just as strong, I haven't seen anything like it, princess."
Cadance shivers at the description. "It sounds terrifying, but I will put a stop to it, it can't possibly handle the power of a alicorn, no matter how strong this... Thing is."

After several minutes of walking V1 finds another barricade of guards. Several magical blasts and arrows fill the machine's field of view, getting tagged in it's HUD. V1 raises It's bulky red arm, a shockwave is let loose from 2 barrels ontop it's wrist. The various projectiles in the air immediately invert their trajectory, flying back at the barricade, some guards get hit by arrows and magic while simultaneously breaking apart the furniture that was stacked to make the barricade. The remaining uninjured guards spring into action throwing all their spears at V1 with their magic as a last hail mary.

V1 spins up the revolver in it's hand, Calculating the perfect reflection ray for the plasma bolt to take before firing it. the plasma bolt ricochets dozens of times between the spears destroying all of them before flying towards the machine. V1 throws a coin at the bolt, and it bounces back, killing a few more guards with various headshots before the plasma fizzles away and letting the dead guards fall over dead. suddenly V1 is hit by point blank magical bolt. V1 is thrown off balance, the machine's servos recalibrate quickly but not fast enough to avoid a telepathic slam from the unnoticed unicorn, causing V1 to hit the wall.

The machine throws it's arm forward in retaliation, a grappling hook shooting out, penetrating the unicorn's neck and getting stuck in their wind pipe before the grapple hook violently yanks back. Ripping the unicorn's neck into shreds while bringing the guard closer to the machine. The unicorn guard's maw was met with the charging barrel of V1's revolver. The plasma bolt disintegrates the unicorn's head into bloody mist before V1 rips the grappling hook out their neck and locking the grapple back into it's original place.

Princess Cadance and her guard finally reach the floor of the intruder. the halls coated in blood of her guards but the metal beast on the wall with a tired unicorn guard nearby. Cadance blinks. Cadance was about to say something before the machine leapt out the wall, throwing a wire with a sharp point that forcefully tore the unicorn's neck before pulling them close enough to blast their head into smithereens. Spraying grey matter and bone shards on the ceiling.

The horrific bloody sight almost made cadance puke. "D-dear celestia. What is that thing?! It killed that poor unicorn with no hesitation..." The machine turned it's head towards the two at the end of the hall. It's deep blue metalwork, stained with blood and charred spots. It's armour patchy with gold plates. Yellow lights and the sliver glint of it's wings giving the machine a ominous aura. V1 raised it's revolver indiscriminately to end the alicorn princess.

Cadance's sight is filled with a flash of blue. She flinches covering her face with her wing. Yet the blast doesn't come. She looks over her wing to see the guard that was next to her now Infront of her, and sporting a large smoldering crater in their chest, melted armour dripping into the floor. The guard looks at cadance, coughing up blood. "Kill that bastard... For everyone's sake." Letting out a raspy groan before falling to the wayside, his eyes becoming blank as the life leaves his body. The sight of this guard, that cadance never knew just sacrifice their life for her made her heart wrench. But their last words, it also filled her heart with rage at this metal beast that took so many lives.

Cadance's eyes filled with tears and magic. Her eyes glowing a deep cyan. "You... You will pay for every single pony you killed today." Cadance's horn is surrounded by her cyan aura, lightning crackling around it as cadance looks towards the metal abomination with hatred. V1 looks at the enraged alicorn with interest. It's sensors picking up the insane amount of energy being produced by the mare. The machine holds onto it's revolver's grip tighter, pre charging it ahead of time as the machine and the princess stand still for a duel.

Cadance makes the first move summoning several cyan magical bolts mid air before sending them towards the machine at high speed leaving after images as trails behind them. V1 moves quickly, opting to dodge the bolts only to discover that they homed in to it's position. luckily the machine manages to dash out of range and parrying one of them towards cadance. The alicorn dodges the blast by teleporting behind V1. Bucking her hind legs into the machine's chest. V1 is sent flying, scraping against the ground, regaining it's balance by digging it's bulky red hand into the floor.

In cadance's blind rage she charges in with her guard down. Leaving her wide open for the machine to release a Shockwave point blank into her gut. The alicorn is thrown back but quickly uses her wings to gain air over the machine. The machine cocks it's red arm, discharging the used shotgun rounds. Cadance summons her magic to charge a large laser and Shooting it towards the machine. V1 runs and dashes rapidly. Calculating the best way to attack it's target while suppressing cadance with stray revolver shots. V1 throws up a coin, jumping to match it's height before punching it towards the alicorn. The coin hits her forehead and bounces higher up into the air, stunning her long enough for the machine wrap it's grappling hook around her waist.

V1 grapples towards cadance, the coin now level with cadance's forehead by the time it has closed the distance. Using it's fist to slam the coin into the alicorn's forehead and send her into the ground. The machine attempts to land a punch with it's red fist on it's way down. Cadance's horn sputters she uses her magic to get back on her feet quicker. "ENOUGH!" cadance grasps V1's neck. Taking flight again and breaking through the ground. Using V1 as a shield as the alicorn goes through the floors of the castle. Every single floor that passes by slamming into the machine's back with concrete and rebar. V1's armour wildly bending and deforming at every floor being slammed down on it

the machine however refuses to just take the punishment and uses it's fist to punch into Cadance, giving her a beating as she responds in kind. V1's wings unfolding to slow their fall while it's arm beats cadance consecutively without fail. Cadance's punches slowly become weaker as the machine draws more blood from her face, nose bleeding and eyes getting blurry as the machine unrelentingly beats her face into a pulp. Once they reaches the bottom floor, V1 grabs her head. Flipping them upside down so that the alicorn takes the full brunt of the final slam.

the room is filled with the sound of cadance's back breaking and her scream. Cadance lies their in pain. Thinking of her loved ones. Tears of fear fill her eyes as she looks up at the monstrous machine. With her suffocating breath she managed. "Please... Don't kill me... What did ponies ever do to you?" V1 looks down at the begging alicorn that made a mess of his armour, now begging at his foot. The machine coldy raises it revolver, charging it. Cadance sobs as death incarnate get ready to end her. V1 pulls the trigger. The shit mutilates cadance's face beyond recognition. A burnt charcoal coated crater now replacing her face, forever silencing her.

The machine pulls out it's red arm. It's claws on cadance's horn. Digging deep before pulling out, straining the machine's hydraulics. It's effort rewarded by a fountain of blood, letting the blood soak it and bending the deformed metal into place. Once the blood fountain dries up, V1 looks down at the pink horn. Scanning it. The machine detects the potent amount of magic still present within the horn, much more then the unicorn horns it encountered on the guards. V1 calculates that it could prehaps use this for a potential weapon. The machine shoves it into the sheath of it's wing. Keeping the revolver in it's metal hand before going towards the front door. V1 pushes it open to be met with thousands of concerned crystal ponies from the sounds inside the castle. V1's central processor "loves" the idea of thousands of defense less blood bags, so it charges it's revolver for one last massacre.

V1 finishes up the last pony by turning their ribs inside out, like how a butcher fillets a fish. Drenching itself in blood. The machine gives the area one good scan, with no life in sight, it's done with this place and heads for the train station nearby. At the train station the machine sees a familiar sight. A lone yellow terminal by itself next to the train door. V1 consults the terminal. Uploading the battle data since it's last. V1 gets a time of 30 minutes, 7,867 kills and a style of 97,608 for a total rank of P. As a reward the terminal awards it with a sum of 500,000 points in addition to the already present 679,216 points in V1's bank.

V1 browses the terminal, disappointed to find it's old weapons to be unaccessible. But 2 new weapons now available. A yellow fore arm part capable of sucking up magic of killed ponies to charge itself and teleport up to fifty metres. and a red serrated sword that can extract more blood out of a target. Each for 350,000, though the yellow arm oddly requires the horn it just got in addition. Regardless V1 accepts the purchase. Giving up it's pink horn. The 2 items materialise before the machine. The machine equips the new arm part into it's forearm, the pink horn of the alicorn encrusted into the arm like a jewel. V1 observes the shine of it's new red sword, metal tubes that go from the sword's edge to the grip, letting V1 direct access to fresh blood. V1 slides the sword behind itself letting it magnetically attaching to V1's back. V1 turns off the terminal and gets on the train. Getting into the cockpit and pushing the lever all the way forward. The train lurches as it accelerates forward. V1 sits on the chair wiping off the shriveled organs left on it's armour for it's next encounter

Author's Note:

Hot damn, I should give other authors who write 2 to 3k words each chapter regularly credit. It's a lot harder then it looks. And yes I'm letting the machine get stronger, with new weapons. But so are the ponies. Oh and yea, the terminals are here. Why? Well if you know the ultrakill lore you would. So go play the damn game, and don't miss the secret levels.