• Published 18th Dec 2023
  • 262 Views, 8 Comments

Full Friendship's Magic #2 (A Pie's white lie) - Reykatan

The Pie cousins lived together as promise, but one pies lie follows her wherever she went.

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Scroll of Modesty Chapter 11: The Offered Change

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Pizza pie! Where are you? Pizza pie!

"Twilight and the others looked around Ponyville for Pizza pie. They searched every corner of the village, but she was nowhere in sight. Almost an hour passed, and they all gathered at the old tree library.

Ahhhggg!! This is pointless! We can’t find her anywhere!

Easy Rainbow, she couldn't gone that far.

Twilight’s right Rainbow, she might be just hidin somewhere. "Applejack stood up stretching her hooves." Right, I’ll go on and check at Sweet Apple Archers.

I-I’ll try checking at my house. She probably goes to pick up colours. . .

Ok Fluttershy. I’ll head back to the castle to check on Starlight and Spike at the gathering. Rarity, try going at Sugar Cube Corners. Pizza pie probably went home.

I’m on it Twilight.

And Rainbow dash, you should stay at the train station and wait for her there, Just in case.

Sigh . . . Alright fine. If she turns out to be as stubborn as Pinkie pie I'm dragging her back with me.

You take this delicately Rainbow. Don't make it difficult for us.

I was just joking Twilight sheesh, lighten up.

Now, We’ll meet back at the castle after an hour.

Got it.

The ponies split up and resume their search. Princess Luna watches them from above, as she overheard their conversation earlier, and decided to search for the mare herself. She tries her luck to search the Ever Free forest since she is nowhere in the village. As Luna soars above the trees, she immediately spots the mare washing her mane, while the dye stains the river flow.

I'M SO STUPID!! . . . What was I thinking?! Coming here, looking like this!! . . . A painted cutie mark, matching mane . . . Of course everyone will find out!

"Luna quietly swoops down and hides behind the bushes. Curiously listening to the mare."

Maud was right . . . I can’t be someone I look up to. “She looks down, staring at herself in the river.” All that time . . . That promise . . . And I made it like it was all a joke! "She splashes the river with her hoof, distorting her reflection." I made Pinkie hate me. . . I humiliate her in front of everyone . .

. . . . . .

Because . . . I broke our Pinkie promise . .

. . . . . .

T-There's no reason to stay anymore. . .

Quitting so soon little pony?


Luna emerges out of the bushes and walks towards Pizza pie.” Forgive me for eavesdropping but it seems that you are in distress.

Yo-Your P-Princess Luna. I-I mean, your highness. "Pizza pie bows to Luna, with her head touching the ground." It's an honor to be in your presence.

Please stand, No need to show formality. "She lifts Pizza pie's face and looks at her." Now, what troubles you?

Well . . . . Not that you didn’t see what happened at the ballroom-

You kept such a secret from your cousin.

Y-Yes . . . I walked around with a fake cutie mark and didn't tell Pinkie. I was going to, it's just l . . . I-I'm too ashamed to say anything. . .

Is that also why you avoided Discord the whole night? Fearing he would tell your cousin?

That’s right Princess. . I, wa-wait, you know about Discord's-

Yes, he told me. And your encounter with Tirek as well.

Oh . . . Did he also tell you that I was spared out of pity because I didn't have a cutie mark that time?

Yes, but that is not why I'm here. I was curious to know, why haven't you found your cutie mark yet?

To be honest, I'm not sure either. I'm already good at a few things but not enough to get me one.

Do the things you're good at interest you?

Well . . . No. I've done modeling, but just for helping at papa's restaurant. I also learned how to bake, but still nothing.

Hmmm . . "Luna rubs her chin and is puzzled." Seems to me you're not interested in your father's way of raising you.

No that's not it! I love my papa, it's just that, it doesn't make me happy.

Happy you say?

Yes. But, if none of it can get me my cutie mark then, maybe there's something wrong with me.

That's unlikely. "Luna circles Pizza pie. Observing her." But why the sudden change of look?

. . . . It's actually a promise we made years ago. . .to be just like Pinkie . .

Promise? "Luna curiously replied." to be like her?

Yes . . . . I was in a dull place, just being my Papa's price filly. When I met my cousin, she had that smile that brightened anyone's world. To me, it's like seeing myself from her. How I used to be if Mama was still around . .

. . . . . .

Then, Pinkie told me that there's a chance for happiness and I took her advice. After she headed home, I was determined to try looking for my cutie mark again. But . . .

But? . . .

The years I spent looking, I just couldn't find it. No matter what I tried. So I thought, if I can't find it at home, maybe I can find it somewhere else. So I moved to my uncle's rock farm and asked my other cousins for help.

Then, how did that conclude to look like your cousin?

I-It's the last thing I could try. If I can be like Pinkies, maybe I can get a cutie mark much like hers.

You're confusing destiny with happiness. And that's not how you get a cutie mark by mimicking-

Even so!

. . .

I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. . . but that's the only thing I want to do. Even if I can't get a cutie mark that way, at least I can fulfill our promise.

By choosing Happiness over Destiny?

I couldn't care less about my destiny. I just want to feel happy again. . .

Hmm . . . I understand how you feel.

R-Realy? . . I knew you understand-

But you were naïve.


A pony’s destiny is marked as a pony’s purpose. It what makes you who you are. To imitate someponys' identity for your feelings' sake is not the right way.

But I don't understand. . . . If my destiny can't make me happy, even being like the pony who saved me, then what is it?! You tell me! . . . . I've wasted my time looking, and I feel like I'm not even close!

That is up to you to find out-

Please . . . Just tell me what to do. . . . I can't take that I don't know anything . . .

I'm sorry, but I can't help you find your cutie mark. . .

. . . . .

Princess Luna paused, looking at the confused mare. She couldn't do anything but confront her wrongdoings. But suddenly, an idea came to her. A way to solve this matter, but cautious to get her involved. Luna continues to look at Pizza pie, sensing loss in her heart. She sets aside her doubts and decides to help.

But . . . . There is a way to bring it to you.

There is? Oh, please tell me Princess Luna what is it?

Well, the method may defy my role as the Princess of the Night. And it's extremely dangerous.

What method? Whatever it is I'll take it.

Then listen closely, it requires me to use a nonexistent magic which I possess.

Non existent? Is that even a thing?

It is, I used that method on myself once. It was the time when I was desperate for a better purpose. Everyone neglected and didn’t appreciate my gift of Moonlight, and my jealousy over my sister grew. I never imagined my thoughts on having a fair share of importance, would lead me to become something am not proud of. Becoming the Mare in the Moon.

Wait, Y-You were the Mare in the Moon . . . Nightmare Moon.

Seems the pony’s tale reached my homeland of Mitaly.

We had books in our libraries about it, but I didn't think it was real.

It is very real. And as I said, this method could get you your cutie mark and change you completely. But like all changes, it requires sacrificing something in return.

Something? Like what?

It can be anything. It could mean losing a part of you, as I lost mine long ago.

. . . .

So think this through Pizza pie, once you decide, there is no turning back. I’m offering you this for your sake, for gaining your cutie mark, for claiming your lost destiny. So what is your response?

Sacrifice a part of me? . . .She stares down at the river seeing her reflection. Recalling all the years flown by, and her past attempts trying to fulfill their Pinkie promise.

I-I can’t believe this . . . You lied? . . .

Who would’ve thought one day I could ever meet a mare that hasn’t found her cutie mark.

I used that method on myself once. It was the time when I was desperate for a better purpose.

You don't want your cousin to know about this now do we?

This method could get you your cutie mark and change you completely.

You can't bear the fact you can't find your cutie mark that fits you, so you just painted one!

But like all changes, it requires sacrificing a part of you.

You can trust me on our promise cousin.

I'll look forward to it.

Our Pinkie promise . . . . "With a spark flashing in her eyes, she turns to Luna and replies to her with eagerness." . . . . . Let’s do it.

Back at the tree castle, the ponies sat at the entrance stairs. Exhausted after an hour of their search.

Oh, I'm beat. My hooves are all sore from all this walking. "Rarity checks her hooves and leans on Applejack." This requires a whole day at the spa with a full-on pedicure.

You can worry about your hooves later Rarity, Pizza pie is still missing.

I got you girls some refreshments. "Twilight and Spike come out the entrance with drinks and snacks." So any luck finding her?

Nothin Twilight. She’s aint at Sweet Apple Acres or at every Apple tree for that matter.

Um . . . S-She didn’t pick up her pet at my cottage either. Colours is still with Angel. . .

I've been waiting at the station forever. I got bored and so I tried to look all over Ponyville from above, but no sign of her anywhere!

Why thank you Spike. “Rarity grabs a drink with her magic.” A lady such as myself mustn’t get dehydrated.

Wow, If this isn't serious, Pizza pie could probably win a game of hide and seek.

Yeah, no Kidding. “Rainbow dash snags a drink from Spikes's hand.” You know, for a mare who hides her blank flank, she sure knows how to stay hidden.

I don’t get it either. I mean, how can somepony haven’t gained a cutie mark yet?

I don’t know Applejack, this is all new to me as well. It’s strange . . .

Um . . . do you think she didn’t feel like finding her cutie mark Twilight?

Seriously Fluttershy? No pony is that lazy. I mean who doesn’t want to know what their awesome talent is?!

Correct Rainbow. "said Rarity rasing her glass." Plus, a Mitalian pony like dear Pizzaniac wouldn't do so. If it were true, then she wouldn’t be a successful spokesmare. Which comes to question. Twilight, how come she didn't gain a cutie mark from modeling?

Yeah, she should've had it from that. And by the looks of it, Pizza pie hides a ton of secrets more than Granny Smith could hide all her cider recipes.

I know what you girls mean. She's quite a mystery to us, and the only one who knows Pizza pie that well is Pinkie. Even she didn't know about her cousins secret.

"They all ponder, thinking of any explanation that comes to mind."

Welp, I don’t know about you guys but you’re not getting answers by just sitting here. C’mon, let’s get inside.

We can't Spike, not that Pizza pie is out there somewhere.

I know Applejack, but at least rest up a little. After that, I'll join in the search too.

You're right Spike. "Said Twilight." We still have the gathering going on. We'll find her again after this.

The ponies looked at each other and nodded. They went back inside the castle. As they make their way to the ballroom, Discord is waiting for them at the entrance. He waves at the ponies as soon as he sees them.

So, did you girls find your missing pony?

Not now Discord, we don’t have time to deal with your sarcasm.

Yeah, we’re beat. It'll be nice if we don’t hear from you until the party's over.

Wow, harsh. I guess I'll take that as a No then.

Oh . . Don’t mind Applejack and Rainbow dash Discord. We’re all just tired of looking for Pinkie pie’s cousin. . .

Ah yes, Fluttershy I understand. Still, it was quite a scene made by Pinkie's cousin.

We're pretty surprised ourselves. I don't suppose you had anything to do with it?

WHA-? Me Twilight? I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just as surprised as you.

Are you sure ? . . . "Twilight looks at Discord suspiciously." Because Pinkie told us, how Pizza pie acted strange when she met you at the bakery.

"Discord nervously looks away." Oh, that. You know me, new ponies are intimidated when they see the spirit of chaos first hoof. I mean, Pizza pie did.

Hmmmm . . . . Well alright, I guess you have a point.

Oh, good. So I'm guessing you're planning on what to do with the mares blank flank problem.

Not right now, but-

"Fluttershy tugs on Twilight's wing." U-Uh . . Twilight, I have a suggestion. Why not just help her get a cutie mark. . .

Great idea Fluttershy! "Discord pulls in Fluttershy next to him, pinning her a medal." I suggest we ask those little cutie mark crusaders, since they handle with cutie mark problems before.

Yeah, Twilight. Maybe Applebloom could come up with somethin for Pizza pie's case. Good thinkin Fluttershy.

It's nothing really . . . Besides they share their stories with me, about how they helped fillies with their cutie marks.

Indeed, Sweetie Belle as well. If that's the case we'll just need to find dear Pizza pie then.

As soon as you're all well-rested. Then will start looking for her again. "Twilight then turns to Discord, while carrying Fluttershy." And as for you, seeing that Fluttershy once again covered for you, make sure she isn't wrong about it.

Oh, this again? Sigh . . . . Not to worry Twilight, I swear on my word I had nothing to do with-

Suddenly a loud sound interrupts them. All the guests were startled and ran outside the castle. They saw a bright orange glow from a distance, reaching the night sky. All the creatures were amazed by its luminous colors then faded away as it came.

What on Equestria was that?

I think it was like an aurora.

At this region? That's impossible.

Indeed.Discord was puzzled by the mysterious light he just saw." I'm guessing this has something to do with Luna. But what is she planning?

Discord? . . . "Fluttershy pulls on Discord's claw, curiously staring."Discord?

Huh? Oh, sorry Fluttershy.

You were spacing out . . . Is something wrong?

Nothings wrong, I'm just baffled at it.

Oh, but what do you think was that?

I don't know, everyone here assumes it's an aurora.

Whatever it was, it was very close to here. C'mon girls, I know you just got back, but we better check where the light's coming from. "Twilight turns to Discord." You're coming with us Discord, just in case if it's something unusual.

Well, I suppose it can't be helped. Lead the way, Your Highness.

"The ponies followed Twilight and rushed outside the castle, with Discord accompanying them. Heading towards the mysterious light direction."

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The next day

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"The ponies and the cutie mark crusader are at Sugar Cube Corners, sharing their plan with Pinkie pie, regarding her cousin's problem. Expecting her to comply.

The girls and I talked last night, about how to solve both your problems.

Uh,huh .

We agreed that we'll let the cutie mark crusaders help Pizza pie's cutie mark problem.

Uh,huh . .

Based on their times helping other ponies with their destiny, I guarantee they're perfect for the task.

Uh, huh . . .

Once she got her cutie mark, the two of you could live up to your promise, just it should be. Doesn't that sound great Pinkie?

Uh, huh . . . .

Uuuhhhgggg!! “Rainbow dash face hoofs, irritated from seeing Pinkie’s dull face.” Hey Pinkie, Didn't you hear what Twilight said?!

Rainbow, please. “Twilight tugged Rainbow from the shoulder.” You have to take this gently.

She's not even listening! I mean just look at her!

. . . . . “Pinkie pie sits in the corner, barely moving out it. With her mane straightened and grey in color. She turns to her friends looking worried then turns back facing the wall. Mr. and Mrs. Cake walk in, offering everyone some snacks.

Oh dear, what are we going to do with our Pinkie pie?

Without her focus, we can’t speed up our orders. She usually takes care of most of the decorating, delivering, not to mention, looking after Pumpkin and Pound Cake.

Pumpkin and Pound Cake pull Pinkie pie’s tail, trying to cheer her up. She responds by patting their mane and turns back sighing.

Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Cake, we'll help get back on her hooves.

Um, excuse me Twilight. “Sweetie Belle pulls on Twilight’s mane.” How are we going to help Pinkie pie again?

Well actually, you three are going to help her cousin with her cutie mark.

Funny, I haven't seen Pinkie's cousin yet. What's she like?

Really? “Scootaloo knocks on Applebloom's head.” She’s the mare who slips at the punch table at the social gathering.

Wait, so that's what all the commotion was about?

Please girls, let’s not talk about that when Pinkie pie’s around.

Sorry . . .

So it's true, Pinkie's cousin looks like her, without a cutie mark. "Applebloom leans behind Twilight looking at Pinkie pie." But why?

Sadly it is. But I won't get into detail, your only job is to help, that's the major objective.

Well, don’t you worry about it Princess Twilight, we'll take the task, or our names aren't Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The Cutie Mark Crusaders!

Thank you girls. You three is just what we need to solve this matter.

Yeah, great. Problem solved. “Rainbow dash cuts in the conversation.” But, aren’t we all forgetting somepony. Somepony important?

"They all paused, cluelessly staring at Rainbow dash."


"The ponies started to panic and search around the bakery, while Pinkie remain still and unfazed. They turn to her as Twilight grabs Pinkies shoulder."

Pinkie pie did she come home last night?

She shook her head and replied.” No she didn't. . .

What? “said Rainbow dash grabbing Pinkie's other shoulder.” What do you mean?!

I said she's not here. . .

You mean to say-


We were so distracted by that mysterious light last night, we forgot all about her!

While the commotion is happening in the bakery, Pizza pie nervously stands outside, hearing their conversation. She hesitates, scared to go in and face her disappointed cousin.

I can’t believe you’re not even worried about your cousin! This isn’t like you.

Rainbow dash, stop it. You're not helping.

Indeed. You've been grieving about it since last night. Why can't you be more considered-

ARE You serious Rarity?! So you want me to be considered, fine! “Rainbow dash pulls Pinkie towards her.” You know what Pinkie? This whole mess is basically your fault.

Rainbow what are you doing-

So what, she copied your mane and painted herself a cutie mark, she did all that just to show you how she means to you!


And what did you do when you found out?

I said, that's enough-

"As Twilight tries to stop Rainbow dash, Applejack grabs her hoof, shaking her head."

You best let her say it as it is Twilight.

But Applejack-

You yelled at her in front of everyone and watch her storm out crying! So we're the ones looking for her all night and all because you were too stubborn to listen to her!

"Pinkie pie stares at Rainbow dashes tired face then looks behind her and sees her friends. Twilight walks up and set Rainbow dash aside, while Pinkie face the floor."

. . .

Rainbow's right Pinkie. She did lie about herself, but she's still your cousin. And no matter what, that won't change.

. . . .

And besides dear, it took her the courage to leave her home and find her own happiness. Which is you Pinkie.

. . . . .

Find it in your heart of yours to forgive her sugar cube.

Pinkie’s ears slowly raise, she wipes her tears and smiled, as her color fades back.” Y-You're right Twilight, Rarity, Applejack . . . And I'm sorry Rainbow, and everypony. . . I had you all worried about me. . . I should've never said those things to her, I'm a terrible cousin . .

No, you’re not darling. “Rarity pats Pinkies shoulder.” In fact, Pizza pie is very lucky to have such a cheerful cousin like you.

Yep, I was the first pony whoever felt your cousinly love Pinkie, And Pizza pie gets to have that all to herself.

And wherever is Pizza pie right now, I’m sure she thinks the same way too. . .

You see Pinkie pie, You shouldn’t blame Pizza pie or yourself. No matter what it is, It can be solved by understanding each other. Family problems are no different from friendship problems, you should know that Pinkie.

I guess I let my anger took over me. . . I really wanna make up to her but, cousin's still there somewhere, sad and alone . . . "Pinkie pulls Twilight face close to her." Ooohhh Twilight, we need to find my cousin and fast!

Don’t worry Pinkie pie we’ll find her, even if it takes-

The front door suddenly burst open and startled them. A bright light shines outside, yielding their eyes. Then a silhouette slowly appears and walks towards them. As the room clears up, to their surprise, its Pizza pie standing in front of them. They all gather around her, showing their relief. Pinkie pie stares at her, surrounded by their friends. Still weighed down by her guilt. They look at each other and smiled gently."

Oh, we're so glad that you’re back.

Thanks Twilight-

Heavens Darling, don’t scare us like that.

Sorry Rarity, I didn't mean to-

W-We were so worried about you. We thought you were lost . . .

Not exactly lost Fluttershy, but-

Where the heck have you been!? Do you have any Idea how long I've waiting at the train station?! We thought you run away!

Run away? Why would I-

Rainbow! Pizza pie just got back, this ain't the right way to approach her!

No, Applejack its ok-

Well, how about you doze off at the station bench and see if you like it-

While Rainbow dash and Applejack were bickering, Twilight notice something different about Pizza pie. She sees something popping out her mane. As she looked closer, she couldn't believe her eyes. The other ponies noticed as well and were stunned.

P-Pizza pie, What's that on your forehead? Is that a-

Oh this? I can expla-

What's what on her forehead? "Pinkie pie walks in, pushing aside her friends and gets up close to Pizza pie."

C-cousin wait-

"Pinkie pie lifts her cousin's mane and to her surprise. Its a unicorn horn, attached to Pizza pies forehead. Everyone was shocked to see it. Pinkie pie looked at her curiously and in disbelief.

Cousin, where did you get that?

Uh . . .”her mouth dries, her sweat falls on her face. Pizza pie tries to think of an explanation, while Pinkie pie suspiciously glares at her.” It’s actually . . Uh . . . Well, you see uh-

First, the fake cutie mark and now this?

Pinkie let me explain-

You made ?!

. . . I- “Pizza pie looks at the other ponies as they look away. She looks back to Pinkie pie, still glaring at her, waiting her reply." Pinkie . . . A-A lot of things happen last night, but first. I . . .

. . . .

I wanted to say I'm sorry, for lying to you all this years. . . I should've put much effort on myself, I should've prove to you that I've change.

. . . . .

And I . . . . I was given a chance. So now, this is-

Pinkie pie grabs her cousin and hugs her tight. Her tears falls on her cheeks, trembling in joy.

I don't care anymore . . . I'm just glad you didn't leave me. After everything, I said to you last night. . . I-I was afraid, that we won't be the same anymore . . .

Cousin. . . I would never leave you, especially how far I've come just for promise. If only I fulfill right. . .

But you did, you being here is just the Pinkie promise I expected.

"After hearing her cousins words, Pizza pie tears up and hug back Pinkie pie." Thank you Pinkie . . .

"The sibling bond between the Pie cousin is healed. Twilight and her friends were still surprised to see, Pizza pie came back with a brand-new look. The questions were flying over their heads, eager for an explanation. But seeing Pinkie pie smiling again, they look at each other. Agree to set it aside, and let them have their moment."

Welp, so much for a cutie mark journey. "Said Scotaloo as Sweetie Belle and Applebloom then glares at her."

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~ End of chapter 11

Author's Note:

After struggling to find her destiny, finally, a chance was given to her by an Alicorn her cousin helped reform. With the help of a mystery ritual, written in a glowing scroll. The once-look-alike mare had gotten her cutie mark. Along with an unexplained unicorn horn.

What magic lies behind her new form is anyone's guess.