• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 274 Views, 5 Comments

Winter Sun Under Moon Rising - David Silver

Princess Celestia is with Princess Luna at a holiday play. To attend is expected of the royalty, but Luna is still new to this modern expectation. Just sit and enjoy, right? It doesn't look very difficult, as royal duties go.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Luna walked alongside Celestia, dressed in one of her finer dresses. "Do we truly need to adorn ourselves so finely, to sit quietly in a darkened room?"

Celestia gently nudged against her sister. "Be at ease, sister mine. The idea of performances is not a new idea, especially around the holidays."

"No..." Luna looked about at the other ponies joyfully chatting and sipping drinks in the lobby of the opera house. "But ours were usually earlier, which meant I didn't attend many."

To keep a place lit past the setting of the sun was an expensive task, all those moons ago. "Now they..." Luna looked up at a light, glowing silently. "They use magic, or electricity... Which is magic with another name. Why do they call it that?"

Celestia chuckled gently as she nodded at a pony standing vigil beside a door they were passing through. "Times certainly have changed... Electricity is a magic, but not a pony one." She raised a hoof. "Invented by the minotaurs first, then shared with the creatures of the land, el--"

"Sister." Luna frowned at Celestia in a scowl. "I did not ask for an entire sermon on the topic. Very well, the lights glow with minotaur magic then."

Celestia snorted softly. "If that is easier..." That wasn't the answer she was going for, but she didn't argue it. "With it, we can control light and darkness. Which means we can enjoy things after sunset."

"I appreciate that part." Luna circled around Celestia, taking the seat with her cutiemark on it. They were in a regal and isolated box above most of the others. "It is good to be treated as proper royalty."

Celestia settled into the seat beside Luna, arranging her wings comfortably. She gazed out at the opulent opera house, filled with ponies in their glittering finest. Music and chatter created a merry din below.

"Indeed, times have changed in how royalty is regarded," Celestia mused. "Once, we were distant figures - now there is more...connection expected. More visibility and approachability."

She turned her head to Luna with a sympathetic smile. "I know all this can still seem absurd after so long away. The modern pace and customs taking adjusting to."

Luna harrumphed, fussing with her dress. "I do not know why common ponies suddenly feel so entitled to gawk at us during a supposed night of entertainment. Are we now court jesters, on display?"

Celestia chuckled. "Not quite. But our public does feel more...invested, shall we say, in our lives and duties." Her tone grew reflective. "After the long isolation, I cannot say I mind the increased closeness. But the scrutiny takes acclimation."

She gestured to the milling elite. "Just enjoy the play tonight and pay the stares no mind. We need not entertain beyond our presence...and perhaps the occasional wavering smile."

A soft knocking drew both their attentions to a wall of their booth. But no pony was there to be the source, or anything else.

Celestia hiked a brow. "Who is it?"

"It's me," squeaked out a small voice. "May I open the door, um, ma'am?"

Luna rolled her eyes. "Mine sister is Her Majesty. Her Royal Majesty if one wishes to be proper. Doest thou wish to be proper?"

"Yes, ma'am!" The door swung open, revealing a smiling colt. They were wearing their best, but they were from a middle-class family, so their best was not of noble or royal design. A bit scruffy, he regarded them with wide eyes glimmering with awe and a mild trembling of excitement. "Hello, Your Royal Majesty."

Celestia smiled at the little unicorn colt. "Look at you, so adorable... Do you know Luna?" She gestured to her. "She is my sister, which makes her also a royal majesty. Now... Little one, you can call me Celestia, if you'd rather."

"Thank you." He dipped his head, then stepped inside to kick the door behind himself. "Nice to meet you both!"

Luna inclined her head. "He looks lost. Where did his guardians go? Surely they should be minding him, before he gets them arrested for harassing royalty."

"Luna." Celestia gently motioned for Luna to calm. "Modern times. We don't arrest parents because their foals are curious. We haven't told him he's not welcome." She gestured the colt to come closer. "And this little cute thing is very welcome."

Luna eyed the colt warily as he approached. His wide grin seemed far too casual and presumptuous, given the august company.

"Yes, well..." Luna cleared her throat, sitting up straighter. "I suppose some harmless foalish curiosity can be...indulged. So long as it does not become a nuisance." She tilted her head inquisitively. "What brings you to disturb our box, little one?"

The colt bounced eagerly on his hooves. "I just had to meet the princesses! Mom said you helped save Equestria a bunch and I think that's really cool!"

He peered avidly between them. "So do you really control the sun and moon? How do you get them to move? Is it hard?"

Luna blinked, taken aback by the rapid flurry of questions. Before she could respond, the colt barreled on excitedly, "Oh! And is your horn magic stronger than other unicorns? How many spells do you know?"

Celestia gave an amused chuckle. "So inquisitive! Well, let me assure you our magic is quite potent after all these centuries of practice." She winked. "As for solar and lunar machinations - such matters are rather complex for young colts, are they not?"

The foal shrugged, nonplussed. "I guess. But magic sure is neat! I wanna learn all kinds of spells when I'm older."

Luna's smile grew a little softer. "Colt." She rose to her hooves. "Do you see this?" She pointed a hoof at her rump.

"Your butt."

Luna blinked. "I refer to the thing adorning my 'butt'." She frowned at the colt. "Don't be rude."

"Sorry, Your Royal Majesty." He bowed with the title, which seemed to please her. "I also see your cutiemark."

"Yes, that." Luna sank into her seat. "A pony's mark is their destiny. Mine is the moon. My magic is at its most powerful when I consider the moon, the night, and such things. Do thou understand?"

"Ooooo." He curled to look at his complete lack of mark. "I can't wait to get mine! It'll be so great. I bet I'll be able to do something amazing." He pressed a hoof on either of his temples, as if overwhelmed with what magic might be coming to him.

Celestia chuckled fondly at the colt's antics. As Luna attempted explaining cutie marks and destiny, his youthful exuberance refused to dim.

Eventually Luna huffed, crossing her forelegs as the foal peppered her with more questions about night magic.

"You must forgive Sister," Celestia interjected gently. "She is still growing accustomed to such casual modern interactions." Her tone turned wistful. "For eons, foals were seldom permitted near Canterlot royalty, much less our private opera boxes. It heartens me deeply to see that has changed."

She smiled down at the colt. "Run along now, little one. The play will start soon and your family is likely worried for you. But I appreciate your fearless curiosity." Her voice softened further. "Cherish each day as your talents reveal themselves in due time."

After the colt scampered off with a grin and wave, Luna shook her head bemusedly. "I shall never fathom your affinity for such brazen, informal exchanges."

Celestia's gaze remained fond. "Perhaps not. But they remind me what we work to defend in this modern age - joy, closeness, community." She nudged Luna's shoulder. "We shape the land and sky so all ponies can thrive, not just nobles."

Luna grimaced, but a spark of insight lit her eyes. "Hmm...a fair point. Their carefree chatter once grated mine ears. Now, it charms in small doses." She lifted her chin. "Very small doses."

"About that." Celestia brought her hooves together silently despite the metal that clad them. "I have a treat for you, after the show."

"Truly?!" She sat up, looking ready to ask more, but the lights dimmed. She looked around with surprise as the music began, and with it, the show itself.

Every attempt she made to speak to Celestia was made with a gentle shushing sound. It was time to watch the show.

Luna fell back with a huff, trying her best to focus on the ponies on the stage, playing out some ancient tale... "I was there when this happened," she grumbled to herself, watching it play out. "And it wasn't like that."

"Forgive them." Celestia nodded to the performers below. "I was there too... Time makes stories... drift, for better word. The lessons are timeless, and the ideas stand firm despite it."

Luna's ears flicked back, eyes narrowing at the overly-dramatized play unfolding below. "Hmph. I suppose allowing some creative license prevents total dullness." She waved a dismissive hoof. "Just so long as they do not distort history too ludicrously."

Sinking into her seat, Luna tried focusing on the colorful costumes and lively songs rather than nitpicking inaccuracies. As the first act ended, she glanced sidelong at Celestia. "Very well. I shall reserve further critique and attempt appreciating this as...simple entertainment."

She paused, curiosity resurfacing. "But Sister, you must tell me of this 'treat' you hinted at! A new star-gazing tower? A moonlight dessert feast?" She tapped her chin. "Or perhaps a ball where I am the guest of honor, projecting my finest constellation illusions across the night sky?"

Celestia laughed brightly at the eager speculations. "Patience, dear Luna! Enjoy the final act first - your surprise awaits after." She leaned in with a playful smile that crinkled her whole face beautifully. "I will say this gift is entirely, as they say, up your alley. It fits what you are comfortable with."

Luna's excitement redoubled as the next act began. What in modern Equestria could her sister have planned? She watched the remainder of the play with renewed focus, imagination running wild.

"Psst!" came a quiet but harsh hiss.

Celestia perked an ear. "Is that the sound of a little colt where they shouldn't be?"

Luna's horn glowed as she willed the door open, causing the colt to fall into their box. "Little one, you are now trespassing. The show is underway, and this is not where you belong."

The colt scrambled to his hooves. "Apologies, Your, um, Royal Majesties. Please, can I watch with you?"

Celestia looked ready to welcome to colt, but Luna reacted faster with harsh words and a glowering glare, "Impudent little thing! Where are your parents? I have stern words for them."

Celestia held up a hoof, but the conversation moved on without her. "Sorry. I don't... know."

Luna blinked at that response. "You don't know? Did you lose them?"

The colt rubbed at his cheek. "Sorta... A long time ago... I live at an orphanage."

Luna cringed anew. "Oh... Oh..." She looked to Celestia for help in the suddenly awkward situation.

Celestia waved the colt closer. "We didn't know. That is out mistake. We're making noise though. Sit here, between us, and let's enjoy the rest of the play."

"Yay!" He managed to get out both excitedly, but quietly as he hurried between the princesses and flopped down on his haunches to enjoy the rest of the play with the two.

Celestia brought down a wing, folding it over the colt in the darkness. He had no complaints, and she didn't seem to mind having the foal there.

When the lights began to return, the colt bounced up to his hooves. "I can't wait to tell the others. You two are the best princesses!" He ran off before either could respond.

Luna shook her head at the spot the foal had been. "We are the only princesses I'm aware of. Are there more?"

Celestia shook her head. "The only I'm aware of at the moment. Now... I promised a surprise."

As the sisters stepped into the moonlit night, Luna's anticipation thrummed through her. All around, well-dressed theatre patrons mingled at the opera house entrance. Celestia gave no hints about her mysterious gift as they walked. But her twinkling gaze held profound warmth and meaning that Luna found as moving as any words.

They turned down a quieter avenue, away from the crowds. Luna's curiosity overflowed at last. "Please, Sister! I have savored this suspense long enough. Tell me, what surprise have you prepared that tap-dances so delightfully on my memory and sentiment?" She raised her chin challengingly. "I will not weep!"

Celestia's smile had become slightly more impish. They passed under a flowering archway, entering a small courtyard of night-blooming jasmine and moonflowers. Their perfume filled the air, sparkling in the midnight blue light. Celestia's horn gave a faint golden glow as she summoned something from thin air.

In her magic's grip, a simple oakwood box hovered. Etched across the lid were constellations.

Luna took the box in her magic and flipped it open with wide eyes. "What is... this?" Inside was a little silver artifact that looked like a sleeping pony beneath a moon. "It's quite charming... What does it... do? Or is this for aesthetics? It's lovely, if so..."

"You sound disappointed." Celestia nudged against Luna, chuckling. "But it's more than that. That is a secret, a trick I've held, but never got the grasp of. I am the day, you know that."

"I am the night," finished Luna. "The moon seems clear enough. How...? Stop teasing me!"

"Very well." Celestia's magic grabbed the charm and hung it over Luna's neck. "You will need practice, but, with this, you will learn to press into the dreams of our little ponies."


"Truly." Celestia pointed to the dangling jewel. "You will serve all of Equestria as the guardian of their dreams. In time, I think, you won't even need that. This is a trick only you could master, but I think one you will quickly."

"Truly..." Luna felt over the charm slowly with a hoof. "Sister..." A tear beaded in her eye. "You truly thought this through for me and mine satisfaction. That th--you would see to me... I... I felt so alone." Her words failed entirely, sniffling and overwhelmed.

Celestia hugged her sister close with one arm, nestling against her until it seemed ready to pass. "You are welcome, sister mine. This is our kingdom, to be watched over by us both. Happy Hearth's Warming."

Author's Note:

Happy Hearth's Warming, everypony. Done for Jinglemas and for that reason alone.

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Comments ( 5 )

now I am imagining a semi-sequel where Luna adopts the orphan colt, always good stories,

A heartwarming Hearth's Warming story. Thank you very much for the gift! Just the warm fuzzies I need from our two resident alicorn sisters! :twilightsmile:

You sure found this in a hurry, and I'm glad you liked it! I tried to go right by your prompt.

Heh, I only saw it because it was in the feed for stories added to Jinglemas. Been adding them to my read later list, and saw that this was for me. :rainbowlaugh:

Either way, thank you again! It was right up my alley and what I was hoping for!

Very heart warming. :pinkiehappy:

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