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#WhoDoesntLikeMusicalTheatre - A Musical!

A Musical!

Code Word: #WhoDoesntLikeMusicalTheatre

“So… I understand that you’re down on your luck,” the ancient voice says from the darkness.

“That’s being generous,” the other pony in the tent replies. “I lost everything. My entire career, my prestige. Down on my luck? More like luck is down on me.”

“Ah, well,” the other voice replies. “So you’ve come to me for help? You seek fortune?”

“I want to know what I have to do to be rich and powerful again. I want to do something that will knock the socks off of all of Equestria,” the pony says. “I want everything and I want to know how to do it.”

“I see,” the voice says. A hooded figure peers forth out of the gloomy darkness, two yellow eyes piercing the pony. “Mr… Svengallop was it?”

The pony pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “That’s right. I used to be one of the most powerful managers in all entertainment,” he says. “Until I lost Coloratura.”

“I did hear about this,” the hooded figure replies. “I have a thought, my dear Svengallop, on how you might regain your prestige. I have seen the future. I know what is to come.”

“Tell me then,” Svengallop says angrily. “Tell me what the future holds.”

“I see… a musical,” the hooded figure replies with glee.

“What the hay are musicals?” Svengallop asks.

“Well… it appears to be a play where the dialogue stops, and the plot is conveyed through song.”

“Through song?”

“Yes…” the hooded figure says.

“Wait, so an actor is saying his lines and out of nowhere he just starts singing?” Svengallop says, putting a hoof to his chin.

“Yes!” the hooded figure exclaims.

“Well that is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard! Who on Equestria is going to sit there while an actor breaks into song? Svengallop starts to speak and then breaks immediately into song.

The hooded figure chuckles. “Surprisingly, ponies are going to love every bit of it.”

“Seriously?” Svengallop says, raising an eyebrow. “Why would they ever love such a silly thing?”

“Because…” the hooded figure starts to say before pulling off his hood revealing the twisted draconequus underneath.

It’s a musical!
A super-show!
I promise it’ll entertain you, so here we go!
We’ll be singing songs,
And writing wrongs
Our plucky little hero will find out where he belongs!

Svengallop sighs loudly. “I don’t know, I find it hard to believe ponies would actually pay to see something like this.”

“I can tell you much more if you’d like, all you have to do is sign the contract and the greatest musical ever told will be yours,” the twisted form of Discord replies, producing a withered old page.

Svengallop studies the page for several long moments, his eyes widening. The power of such a thing could propel him to new heights! Should he sign the contract? Or take it for himself?

> Svengallop signs the contract, releasing the power of the musical. (Chaos)
> Svengallop takes the page and rewrites his own history as the world’s greatest entertainment manager. (Villain)

Svengallop signs the contract with a grin as the page glows brightly. All around the world suddenly seems brighter, more full of life.

“Yes! I get it now!”

We’ll… do…. A musical!

“No kidding,” Discord retorts.

A musical
That super-show!
And now we’ve got a musical so here we go!

“Now you’ve got it!” Discord cheers as he joins into the song. Dancers appear from out of nowhere flanking the two.

And then you got yourself a musical!
A pony-wony-ony-ony ony-usical!
With a little Dashie style and a big fake smile, some snazzy moves, some jazzy hooves, I swear that I’ll
Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye if it isn’t a doozy!

“Take it from me!” Discord shouts out. “They’ll be flocking to see!”

A super-duper big hit won’t quit till I hit the final bit and make all the bits musical!

(+1 pages for Chaos)

Svengallop snorts. “A musical? That’s what I need to become rich and famous again? That’s the most preposterous thing I’ve ever heard!”

Discord grins widely. “Well, I did say it was a long shot.”

Svengallop growls and grabs the contract page out of Discord’s paw with the intent of ripping it up, but something stops him. The page is… it’s powerful magic! Svengallop’s mind is filled with dreams of power and control.

“Oh dear,” Discord says, snapping his fingers and disappearing.

“Yes… with this power I can become the greatest entertainment manager of ALL TIME! I’ll even be able to control WEIRD AL YANKOVIC!” Svengallop says triumphantly, holding the page aloft. “MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

(+1 pages for Villains)

Author's Note:

One of our core tenets of the project was that everyone has a favorite character. So of course, I wrote about Svengallop.

This one was pretty dumb, but it was super fun to write.