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#IsThisTheRealLife - Is This Just Fantasy?

Is This Just Fantasy?

Code Word: #IsThisTheRealLife

A cold wind blows on the horizon as the intrepid hero Sir Lintsalot makes his way over the ridge overlooking the rock and stone castle where the beautiful Princess le Flour is being held.

“I say, the wind is quite chilly today,” Lintsalot mutters to himself. He turns to look down the hill behind him. “Squire Rocky, are you coming? We have a Princess to save!”

“I’m comin’ I’m comin’,” a deep voice echoes up the hill as Rocky moves into view. He ambles up the hill next to Lintsalot, huffing loudly. “It’s not as easy as a hill as it looks, ya know.”

“Indubitably,” Lintsalot says. “Now then. We must find a way into the castle. You know a lot about rocks, my dear Squire. What do you make of it?”

Rocky peers down the ridge and nods. “I think we might be able to get in through the back, Boss. Weak rocks back there. We can break through.”

“Excellent, my dear pile of rocks,” Lintsalot says. “Let us be on our way. We do not wish to leave the Princess waiting.”

The two make their way down the ridge and quietly move to the rear of the stone tower where Rocky taps quietly at the outer wall before nodding.

“Here’s the weak point,” he says, tapping again on the wall hard as a hole opens up in the side of the tower. “See?”

“You are quite resourceful, my faithful friend,” Lintsalot says.

The two step into the tower, finding themselves at the bottom of a long spiral staircase. Ascending the stairs, an eerie quiet comes over them both. After several long moments of sheer silence, they reach the top of the tower.

In the middle of the wide open room is a large cage. Sitting inside the cage is the grand Princess le Flour.

“Brave Knight Lintsalot! ‘Vat are you doing here?” she cries out. “You must run! Before ‘ze–”

Before the princess can get another word in, a large form wraps a stony tail around the cage, silencing her. A dragon made completely out of rock glares at the knight and his squire with burning coals for eyes. Riding on top of its head is the dastardly evil Mr. Turnip.

“Hello there, Sir Lintsalot,” Turnip says.

“Mr. Turnip,” Lintsalot says. “I should have known you were behind all of this. You did always covet the Princess.”

“Actually I’ve been waitin’ for you,” Turnip replies casually. “I’ve had my eye on you for a while now.”

“Me? Why? I thought you captured the princess to marry her!” Lintsalot exclaims.

“She is rather nice, but I have been lookin’ for you,” Turnip says. “I have a dark truth to impart upon you… I AM YOUR FATHER.”

Lintsalot is taken aback. “That’s… that’s improbable! I’m a ball of lint and you’re a bucket of turnips! How does that even work?”

“Okay fine, maybe I’m not. But I still have an offer for you. You can join me, and we will be the most powerful couple in all of the realms!” Turnip says triumphantly.

“That seems anti-climatic doesn’t it?” Lintsalot says. “This feels like a children’s story! None of this makes any sense whatsoever!”

“What are we going to do, boss?” Rocky says. “This doesn’t feel right to me!”

“I can’t make a decision! This entire thing is a farce! Right? Right?!” Lintsalot cries out.

What should Lintsalot do?!

> Join Mr. Turnip and become the most powerful villains of all the realms. (Villain)
> Realize this entire story is made up by Pinkie Pie. (Chaos)

“No, no! I have realized how much I love you, Mr. Turnip!” Lintsalot says, shaking the feelings of insanity from his lint. “I shall join you!”

“Excellent, dear Linty,” Mr. Turnip says. He bounces on the dragon and it releases the cage, allowing Princess le Flour to leave. “Go, Princess. Warn your friends that we are coming for them.”

The Princess shrieks and runs down the stairs as Rocky tries to run after her, leaving Mr. Turnip and Sir Lintsalot alone.

“Now, my dear. Let’s cause a little villainy, shall we?” Mr. Turnip says.


(+1 Page for Villains)

“No, this isn’t right! This entire thing is a complete and utter farce! We are just playthings for a cruel and uncaring goddess!” Lintsalot shrieks loudly.

All of the imaginary friends drop to the floor immediately, wrapped in purple magic.

“Really, Twilight?” Pinkie says. “If you’re not going to play properly, you could at least just have said no instead of joining in anyways.”

“Sorry, Pinkie. I’m not very good at using my imagination I guess,” Twilight Sparkle replies with a sigh. “I didn’t mean to make it not fun.”

Pinkie smiles brightly and pulls Twilight in for a hug.

“That’s okay, Twily! I still love you!” she says, planting a kiss on Twilight’s cheek before bouncing away.

(+1 Page for Chaos)

Author's Note:

I really wanted to do a story with Pinkie's imaginary friends, that also slightly turns into some Pinkie-Twi shipping in one of the endings.

It was goofy and fun for sure.