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#Crystalsss - Crystalsssssss


Code Word: #Crystalsss

You’re walking through the woods of Bridlewood when suddenly you come across the most curious of sights. Two unicorns are standing in the middle of the clearing and they appear to be arguing about something. One of them you recognize as Izzy Moonbow, one of Sunny Starscout’s best friends. The other… you wipe your eyes and blink as you realize it’s King Sombra, scourge of the Crystal Empire!

“Okay, now I’m not saying that you’re wrong, but it’s definitely pronounced ‘crystals’!” Izzy shouts at the evil unicorn.

“No… it’s ‘criiiistallllssss’, you have to accentuate it,” Sombra replies angrily.

“You’re making it sound weird on purpose!” Izzy says. “Just sound it out with me. Crystals.”


“No… crystals.”


“Okay now you’re just embellishing it to make me mad,” Izzy says with a frown. “It’s not very funny, Mister Sombrero.”

“I assure you, Miss Moonbow, I mean you no offense,” King Sombra replies. “My name, however, is King Sombra.”

You watch for another good five minutes trying to decipher what is going on here before finally the two realize you’ve been watching them. Izzy’s eyes light up at noticing you.

“Oh hey! You’re [USERNAME], right?” she says.

You nod. “Is everything okay here?”

“Oh yeah, we’re just having a little discussion about crystals,” Izzy says. “Sombrero is a big fan of crystals, but he just can’t say it right, isn’t that right Sombrero?”

“I have told you repeatedly that my name is Sombra. And it’s pronounced ‘crisssstaaaalllllssss’ for the last time,” King Sombra says. “I came here to steal all your criiiiistaaaallllsss and I am tired of this silly game.”

“See what I mean?” Izzy says. “[USERNAME], you gotta help us out here. I’ll make a bet with Sombrero here. If I’m right, he has to leave and I get all the crystals I want in this clearing. If he’s right, I give him all the crystals he wants. Deal?”

Sombra thinks for a moment and then looks at you, grinning widely. “Deal.”

“Okay, [USERNAME]. Which one of us is right?”

> Izzy is right. (Chaos)
> Sombra is right. (Villain)

“Sorry, Sombra, but Izzy is right. You can’t embellish the word like that, it’s just pronounced ‘crystals’,” you say.

Sombra frowns, but nods. “Fine. You win. I will leave.” His horn glows and suddenly he disappears into shadow.

Izzy pumps a hoof and grins. “Alright! Now to use these crystals in a new unicycling project that I’m sure everypony is going to love! It totally won’t explode and cause property damage!”

She bounces away leaving you to think What did I just unleash?

(+1 page for Chaos)

“I always kind of liked how you pronounced the word, ‘criiiiistallllss’, Sombra. You’re right on the money,” you say.

Izzy glowers at you and sighs. “Okay okay, you can have all of the crystals, Sombrero.”

She bounces away as Sombra takes stock of the crystals in the clearing. He grins a toothy grin and uses his magic, lifting all of them into the air as they form into what appear to be soldiers made out of pure crystal.

“Now then. I must take my leave and march my new army upon the inhabitants of this silly forest!” he says triumphantly.

You watch in awe as he and his soldiers disappear into the forest.

(+1 page for Villains)

Author's Note:

Okay I had this really dumb idea of Izzy and Sombra arguing over the pronunciation of crystals, and here it is.

If you notice throughout this one, I have Sombra intentionally change the pronunciation each time because it messes with Izzy and he knows it. Izzy counteracts by calling him Sombrero the whole time.

Classic Izzy.