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The Terrible Truth Comes Out...

I opened the door to reveal what I had previously found in her cottage, it all came pouring out from her mouth, and face. "I DIDN'T MEAN TO TELL A LIE BIG MAC HONEST!" Fluttershy yelled while tears flowed down her face."I WAS SO JEALOUS OF YOU SEEING SUGAR SPRINKLES!!!" Big Mac obviously didn't believe her and broke up with her, claiming that I was his. Everypony didn't seem to like her after losing her cool on everypony. Even Rainbow Dash never lost her cool sometimes.

Heading back to my house, I said to Big Mac. "Why in the hay would she do that?" "Because, she saw my eyes when I heard that beautiful voice of yours the other day." "Oh." I replied quietly. I felt a sudden kick on my forehoof, I looked down to see nothing, I shook my head and though it was just my imagination, then, there it was again, I looked to the side of me to see Big Mac's hoof retracting from something, me. "Big Mac, are you playing hoofsies with me?" "Yep." He replied smoothly.

Back at Fluttershy's cottage, she was on the ground, bawling her eyes out. "Ok, maybe I can get over this..." She waited for a few seconds... "NO I CAN'T GET OVER IT I STILL LOVE HIM!" She tried to run into her room, crashed into a wall, shook it off, and continued to run upstairs, still bawling. "Maybe a pomegranate will help me feel better." She said, flying out of her window and picking one off of her tree. It would keep her occupied for a while.

"Why do we have to!?" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash as Pinkie Pie was planning a party with her. "Because, she's still new, AND I LOVE THROWING PARTIES!!!" She exclaimed while picking up the invitations, and heading out the door, "Plus, I might get her married..." Falling flat on her face, tripping over a rock.

Back at my house, I received the party invitation for getting together with Big Mac. Applejack had a smile on her face, though she wouldn't know how Fluttershy would act to this. When we arrived at the party, Big Mac was grinning, showing off his pretty, new girlfriend. "WOW!" Said the other colts, staring at the cute couple. "There so perfect for each other." Rarity said. "But I must make her dresses later, OH MAYBE SHE WILL LET ME PLAN HER WEDDING DRESS TOO!" She thought to her self.

Excitement was taking over town, this would be the most spectacular party Pinkie Pie had thrown yet. She jumped on the boom-box thingy, and a awesome hip-hop song started playing. "Okey-dokey-lokey everypony, let's get our groove thangs on!" She jumped over to a colt and spun around him. "YEE-HAW!" Applejack yelled as she ran past everypony, swinging her favorite rope. "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!" Rainbow Dash squealed as Soarin past by her screaming at the top of his lungs, "RAINBOW DASH, BE MY MAREFREIND!" Soarin grabbed her hoof and flew back to her house, having whispered something into her ear softly.

Pinkie Pie was hopping along, singing the pony pokie. "Ya put your left hoof in, ya put left hoof out, ya put your left hoof in and ya shake it all about, ya do the pony pokie and ya turn your self around, that's what it's all about!" She did the rest, afterwards, humming and doing the dance. Rarity came up to me and gave me a look, the, "I'm so happy I could explode!" ,kind of look. "Why so happy, Rarity?" Big Mac said. Her look snapped from the look earlier to, "OMG WHAT!?" A kind of look everypony knows. She ran off to her house, having so many ideas rushing through her head.

Fluttershy was walking through the dark streets of Sugar Cube Corner. it smelled like alcohol and cupcakes. "That's funny, Pinkie Pie doesn't drink..." Fluttershy thought to herself as she took another big breath and entered the party.

Bottles and bottles of scotch and whiskey covered the floor with part of the liquid still in them. Everypony was stumbling around the room, Pinkie Pie bought the alcohol and saved it for a special occasion like this pony's party. Big Mac and me were dancing, still sober, but drinking a bottle of whiskey together. Caramel was by Fluttershy.

"How many times will I fail to ask her to go out with me? The first few times I found out she was dating Big Mac, he would've killed me. So, IT'S NOW OR NEVER!" He thought as he walked slowly towards her, his heart pounding, he was wondering if she would burst out crying if he had asked her two hours ago. No one minded that she was at the party, they had forgave her after a while, and that posting of the pomegranate covered Fluttershy picture. Very sexy. He tapped her with his hoof on her skinny bodice. She screamed quietly and turned around.

"F-Fluttershy?" Caramel shyly asked. "Yes, Caramel?" Fluttershy said with a caring voice. "W-Will you- *gulp* -be my marefriend?" Fluttershy thought for a while, his eyes on hers, their eyes met. "YES!" Fluttershy screamed louder than usual.

"Mac, will you excuse me for a second?" I said still sober, I walked past all the drunk ponies on the floor, sprawled out like meatballs on spaghetti. I went into the bathroom and opened the letter Applejack had given me that one day.

Dear Sugar Sprinkles,
I'm happy to say that Big Mac likes you, and I said 'Watch out for the signs' that meant that Big Mac will try to make the
MEGA move before proposing, kiss and then rape. the first signs are,

1. he will sit on the floor and stare at it
2. he will not eat or drink until you do.
3. he will read you a bed time story and then climb in with you to rape you.

He told me to write these warnings so you can avoid the rape.


I thought to myself "Oh my..." I walked out of the bathroom and the party was over. "Oh well, at least the drunks are gone." I walked home and threw the note on my desk, I walked to my bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on my robe, then went to bed.

Comments ( 1 )

Wow I didn't see that coming. Now I want to see how she continues on after this. Keep it going.

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