• Published 30th Nov 2023
  • 226 Views, 3 Comments

MLP The New Guardians - Star Shild

Six ponies must come together to stop the latest threat to equestria.

  • ...

The Monster of Everfree part 2

"When I was just a young foal, I wondered what the world looked. like I heard ponies around me talking about things they saw. I wanted to see how beautiful a sunset was. Know I wasn't helpless I got around just fine, but I wanted to see my friends and family to know how beautiful the world was".

"One day I was off alone in the woods I enjoyed lying on the branches of the trees in the cool shade".

The young pony was fast asleep as he lied there a clocked unicorn pulling a wagon full of potions and rare artifacts. As the unicorn walked by one of the wagon's wheels rolled over and broke a branch waking up the blinded Pegasus.

"who's there" The young Pegasus stood up then perked up his ears then flew down to meet the mysterious unicorn.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the everfree forest"?

"Don't worry my little pony I'm just a humble magic merchant hoping to make the world a better place". Please tell me is there something your new friend the magic merchant can do for you"?

The Pegasus stood there for a minute he knew what he wanted to ask him but didn't want to saw knowing that what he wanted was something no magic could give him.

"Oh, I see know It must be hard to go through life feeling all those stares of ponies mocking you just because you lack an ability, they take for granted. Not to mention going your entire life not even knowing what your parents look like. What would you say if I could grant you your wish"?

"I don't know everyone else said that nothing could give me back my sight not even magic".

"I have potions and artifacts long since forgotten and I have something that will change your life".

The cloaked pony searched his wagon and pulled out a bat shaped medallion wear this and you will be able to finally see the world.

The young pony took the medallion and put it around his neck. Suddenly the bat medallion started to glow the young pony suddenly became dizzy and after a few seconds of stumbling he fell to the ground.

When the green pony woke up, he opened his eyes hoping that he could see. Sadly, the pony wasn't able see anything as he walked home with his head hanging low, he heard a scream.

"What is that thing"? A voice called out the young pony lifted his head up quickly wondering what was going on suddenly he felt a hoof on his shoulder.

"I got it everyone come lend me a hoof".

The young pony squirmed trying to get free when he finally managed to get out the little pony ran as fast as he could to his house. Before he made it there, he heard his mother and father talking he ran to then and hugged them as tight as he could with tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong little one"? His mother asked stroking her son's mane as they looked closer fear began to overtake their faces.

"Who are you why do you look like our son"? The father asked the know confused child the pony walked slowly backwards.

"Their it is hurry get the freak". The mob of ponies chased the pony forcing him to take flight towards the forest. The little pony flew as fast and as high as he could eventually crashing into a tall tree.

As the pony came to, he started to rub his head as he did, he realized his ears wear pointier than usual. He examined the rest of him he noticed a few more changes.

"Well, well, well hello again my little pony I didn't expect to see you again this soon".

"You you're that merchant who gave me that weird medallion I thought you said it would make my eyes start working".

"Thats wear your wrong what I said is that it would allow you to see the world and know you truly do.

"What do you mean I'm still blind and now I'm some kind of freak".

"Is that so? You mean that the ponies you thought wear your friends attacked you just because you wear different? Well surly your family stood by you they wouldn't shun you know that you changed".

"I don't get it why did you do this to me"?

"You wear upset because you couldn't see all the beauty in the world but know I've shone you that the real world is ugly and full of hate. every pony lies and says they like those who are different just to make themselves feel better, but they don't actually care about you. really you should be thanking me I've traded the fake love you wear given with real fear you will be giving".

"No this isn't what I wanted". The young pony shouted as a black smoke covered the cloaked pony making him vanish.

"Wait wear are you are you still hear wear are you, wear are you"?

"So, know you know why I'm like this and know that you stopped screaming why don't you just get all your insults out of the way then leave my forest".

"I, I didn't know I'm sorry that happened to you did you ever go back to talk with your family".

"I did and it was the same as last time and it was the same no mater wear, I went. Eventually I came to ponyvile and found the everfree forest a place the ponies wear just as afraid of as they wear afraid of me".

"I've allowed you ponies to enter and even that zebra live hear but now thanks to these creatures being taken more and more are coming and I'll never be alone. So, know I want you out of my forest and for you to tell everyone to never step hoof in my forest again".

"Wait you mean you know where the missing ponies are? Thats why me and my friends are here the princess asked use to find out what happened to them".

"Fine then I'll make you a deal I'll show you wear the missing creatures are and when this is over you get your princess friend to make sure that no one ever enters my forest again".

"All right then you have a deal."

Deep in a cave within the everfree forest Sunburst was thrown in a prison with other creatures chained up.

"Great how's Starlight supposed to find me in the middle of no wear".

"Technically we aren't no wear we are in this cave".

A gray male pony with brown hair walked up accompanied by a female gray pony with pail purple hair.

"Mud Brier, Maud you got captured too what were you doing in the everfree forest".

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