• Published 30th Nov 2023
  • 226 Views, 3 Comments

MLP The New Guardians - Star Shild

Six ponies must come together to stop the latest threat to equestria.

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The Monster of Everfree part 1

Deep in Everfree forest a green pony with brown main and tail was sitting on a rock asleep. The green pony started to wake up and looked forwarded.

"Ah you're her my favorite reader. Oh, wait your someone else oh well sense you're hear how about I tell you, my story".

The pony stood up and shook his head to reveal he had pointed ears, pointed teeth and bat like wings. "Don't worry I'll tell you all about this to".

In ponyvile behind a castle made of gems there was a school for pony's, dragons, griffons and all other creatures to learn the value and magic of friendship. In the head mare's office, a purple unicorn with a darker purple mane with a blue stripe down the middle was sitting at her desk with piles of paperwork.

"What am I going to do What am I going to do"? The door to her office opened and a bright orange unicorn stallion with a blue cape walks in.

"Starlight is everything ok. Oh, Sunburst yah we have problem this upcoming semester is going to be even bigger than before. Isn't that a good thing now even more creatures can learn about friendship. Yes, but with applejack working on the farm rarity dealing with her three boutiques fluttershy with her animal sanctuary and pinky with both her party planning and sugar cub corner we don't have any teachers and you may be smart enough to teach three classes, but you can't teach three at once. Yah, you have a point, so I guess this means we need new teachers".

Suddenly a green flame flew in front of starlight then a scroll emerged from the fire.

"It's from twilight she wants us to check out the everfree forest there has been reports of a monster living their".

"Um yah it's the everfree forest. Yes, but twilight seas that ponies have been going in there and coming out with little to no magic. Wait there's something else that can drain magic I thought only Tirek could do that. Thats why we need to get to the everfree forest and see what's going on.

The two ponies ran out of the office to check out the problem at the forest when a light blue pony walks in front of them.

"Starlight glad I caught you Trixie has a great and emergent Ishu she needs to discus with you about the new school year. Not know Trixie Sunburst and I need to get to the everfree forest or there won't have another school year.

So, the two ponies ran off again they started their search with the one creature that knows more about the everfree forest than everyone else.

"Zacora, we need your help have you seen anything out of the ordinary around hear well more than usual. The problem you seek I have nether seen nor hear but I have an idea of how a pony may disappear. Please tell us what you know. I will tell what I can when I was back in my homeland. When I was inspecting our tree of harmony it revealed to me a great calamity".

The zebra told them that many moons ago there was a great evil one that wanted nothing more than to destroy all the trees of harmony.

" From wear this creature came I cannot say but I can reveal its name Maldacore . Why does he want to destroy the trees and if that is what is all he wants why is he hear we don't have a tree anymore. Just as the elements were the only thing that could defeat discord Thay could stop this dark lord. WE have to worn Twilight if some pony is after the trees of harmony again, she needs to know.

The two ponies headed back to the school when the orange heard some rustling in the trees.

"Starlight wait did you hear that. Hear what come on Sunburst we need to tell Twilight about Maldacore. I know it's just that I think I heard something. We came here because ponies were going missing right what if Maldacore is the reason for that and he's here right now".

The two ponies stood back-to-back to each other as the trees started to rustle again. The two started to get nerves as the they could see something moving but it was too fast for ether of them to see. suddenly the wind started to pick up and the two ponies started to get swept up by the wind and caried away and landed at the end of the everfree forest back in ponyvill.

"don't come back this forest belongs to me leave and never come back. Who was that? said the orange pony as he looked at his purple friend. I don't know but it seems we found out what's happening to the missing ponies their being taken by those mysterious winds from Maldacore. Sunburst you need to go and let twilight know what is going on. Ok but what are you going to do while I'm gone. I'm going back in there to find wear the others are being held".

It seems some of the ponies are starting to catch on to me well it doesn't matter once I find the six then there will be no power in all equestria and beyond that can stand up to me and as for the rest of you rejects, I hope you are all comfy hear because you all are never getting out.

The green bat pony sat on his rock as he heard a sound and looked up and spoke.

"Hey, your back oh I get it you couldn't wait to see the part when I come in the story". The pony waited for a minute then started to frown.

"All right all right I can't even see you and I can tell how unamused you are. Fine let's just get back to the story".

The purple pony started to walk into the everfree forest using her horn to shine a light to see. A sudden rustle in the trees caught her attention she turned around quickly and fired a magical beam at a branch. After the branch fell a squirl leaped out of the leaves.

"Oh sorry. Know what am I going to do I don't even know who or what I'm looking for".

"Starlight are you there where are you"?

The purple pony heard a familiar voice coming towards her.

"Starlight I'm so glad I caught up with you. Sunburst what are you doing here I thought you wear going to tell twilight what we found out. Don't worry I ran into Trixie I told her what was going on. I'm sorry Starlight I just didn't want to leave you hear all alone. All right then let's go and try to find out where the missing ponies are".

The two ponies started off again they traveled deeper into the everfree forest they eventually heard a strange noise and went to investigate it. They walked up to a bush and peeked through to see what was making the weird noise. they saw a shadowy figure they could not make out what kind of creature it was all they could make out was the creature wasn't any bigger than they were, and it seemed to have wings.

"What do you think it is? I don't know he could be the monster Maldacore Zacora told use about. If it is than we need to be quiet well sneak up on him and".

"Who in the hoof if that"? A voice came from behind the two ponies as they turned around, they saw a light blue pony wearing a purple hat and cape standing behind them.

"Trixie what are you doing here? Get down before he sees us and. You three what are you all doing here"?

"I warned you to never come back to this forest so know I'll send you all somewhere you'll never come back".

The creature flew high into the sky as the three unicorns tried to shoot him down, but the winged creature was too fast for the ponies to hit.

"Don't worry every pony the great and powerful Trixie will subdue that horrifying beast".

The blue pony shined a huge light and aimed it at the shadowy figure. As the bright light faded the light blue pony was no wear to be seen.

"Wear, wear did Trixie go"? The three creatures looked around to see where she was but could not see her.

Suddenly a loud sound was herd from above them. The creature finally stopped moving to see what was making that sound and when he did, he saw a light blue bluer crashing on top of him bringing them both to the ground.

"Trixie are you ok? A tinny fall like that cant faze the tant and growelful Triskie". The blue pony said with a dazed and confused look on her face.

"Well at least you caught him but is this really the monster Maldacore". The three ponies looked down at the creature and saw it was a green Pegasus pony with brown mane and tail.

"Wait your just a pony why are you"? Before the purple pony could finish, she and the others took a closer look at the pony and saw that he had bat like wings and pointed ears.

"Ahhhhh what is that he really is that monster Maldocar. Thats Maldacore Trixie and I don't think so he looks like a regular pony just a little battier". The purple pony walked up to the bat pony a little nervus and spoke to him.

"Um excuse me are you the monster Maldacore or? Monster I am a monster a creature made from the darkest part of the everfree forest I am the monster of everfree. So, you're not Maldacore well sorry then this was a big misunderstanding".

"Then there is no big monster. Um are you two forgetting the scarry vampire pony right Infront of you".

"We don't know if he is really a monster or if he's even the on pony napping all the missing ponies. Please tell use do you know anything about what happened to".

When the other ponies turned to look back at the green pony, they saw that he was gone.

"You see he was the monster we wear looking for and know he's probably trying to capture even more ponies".

"Trixie I already told you we don't even know if he's. Wait a minute what are you even doing here I thought Sunburst sent you to go get princes Twilight".

"Yah that's right what are you even doing here? Well actually you told me to let her know what was going on and I did. I sent her an urgent letter telling her everything Sunburst told me. Because I knew you Starlight wouldn't want to challenge this monster without your closest friend. Also, I still had an extremely important question about the upcoming school year".

"And that extremely question that you risked getting vital information to the princess is?

"Well since all the students will be coming to me for all their problems and guidance, I was wondering should I wear this purple suit that screams mature authority, or this lose shirt and shads that say I'm one of you and I'm here to listen".

"Awh". The purple pony said as they both slammed their hoofs into their faces".

"Let's just keep looking around well ether find that bat pony or the missing ponies.

"All right every pony split up if you find anything signal the others". As the three ponies ran off Starlight started to worry about what was going on with the princess. "I hope you get here soon Twilight".

"I'm worried spike I haven't heard from Starlight since I sent her that letter".

"Don't worry Twilight Starlight knows what she's doing I'm sure she'll find the missing ponies".

"That just it Spike I didn't tell Starlight everything it's not just ponies that are going missing there have been reports of all different types of creatures going missing. I don't know what's going on, but I hope nothing bad happened to her".

As Sunburst looked though the forest, he heard a voice. "Come to me". Sunburst looked around to see who was talking to him. No matter where he looked, he couldn't see any pony around then he started to get lightheaded. "Come to me". Sunburst suddenly started to walk forward no longer in Controle of his body.

Starlight used her magic to clear away the branches as she was clearing the way she heard a voice calling to her.

"Come to me come to me. Who said that wear are you"? We are a force with only one goal to destroy to destroy all friendship and unity between all the alliances in equestria".

Starlight turned to see who was talking to her. When she did, she saw an earth pony standing not too far from her.

"Don't tell me you're this Maldacore monster I've heard of. Maldacore yah convincing that zebra that that legend was real was a great way of hiding what was really going on. No, I am one of the pony's you unicorns Pegasus and earth ponies forgot and abandoned I am a Thracian pony".

"Help me Starlight"! The light blue pony was running trying to escape the Thracian pony chasing her. She tried to hit the pony trying to catch her with a magic blast but while trying to hit her she tripped on a nearby branch.

"Wait no you don't want to do this not to the great and powerful". The pony stopped as the other pony came closer her eyes glowing suddenly Trixie found herself unable to move. The Thracian pony walked towards Trixie when a loud scream appeared out of no wear putting the Thracian in a daze and snapping Trixie out of her trance.

Suddenly a green streak flew past the pony and grabbed Trixie carrying her away. When the two of them was far away he sat her down and tried. Trixie then looked at the pony and realized it was the bat pony they saw before.

"Help help the monster has me". The bat pony put his hoof over her mouth to stop her from screaming. Calm down listen your friends are in trouble know I'm going to remove my hoof so don't scream ok.

The bat pony lifted his hoof and spoke to Trixie. Ok then listen up I'm going to tell you everything.

To be continued.