• Published 8th Oct 2023
  • 360 Views, 20 Comments

A Slave From Ponnheim - reedman

An enslaved human has magic. That's certainly a problem for the slave owners of the world.

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Interesing Times at the Castle

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 26

Despite how nervous he was, Nebel was willing to go back to testing. Casteer was excited. With no Prinz Fiesling in sight, he hoped we could go back to observing his levitation. With four days until the emergency meeting, there isn’t much they can learn in that time. I know their true desire was to observe Nebel’s teleportation. I don’t blame him. It’s an extremely advanced spell. It’s unpredictable. The fact that he was able to use it with zero training is impressive. It makes me question the limit of his abilities. Although such a question is best answered by the professionals. The best thing I can do now is emotional support. Despite being a unicorn, Sternenblick finds herself doing the same. The future of humans is in Nebel’s hooves. Well, hands.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 27

There are moments where I regret opening my mouth in any capacity. This was one of them. Nebel was sitting alongside me and Winger while Casteer was putting together a test for maintaining multiple levitation spells. He asked me if I had heard from the Smith family. I told him that we hadn’t spoken since we parted ways. Princess Celestia had granted them some land between the Everfree Forest and the mountain. I was saddened, since I never got to properly thank them or say my farewells. While I wished I could, I knew that it would have to wait until we were safe. We were suddenly enveloped in light. The three of us were floating in a white void. As quickly as it happened, we were in the physical world once more. We were no longer in the castle courtyard. It was a forested area. I didn’t have much time to take in my surroundings. Nebel collapsed. I heard a familiar voice call out to us. It was Seed. We had teleported right by where they were building their new home. His family was out collecting supplies while he watched the home. The two of us quickly got Nebel out of sight within the mostly-built house. I told Seed that Nebel had collapsed from a teleportation spell. Winger wanted to stay by Nebel, but I told him that getting word of our location to her highness was just as important. He agreed, and flew off. Seed was worried that a Royal Guard would bring unwanted attention. I agreed, and will stay out of sight until help arrives.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 28

The unwanted attention did make an appearance. A few minutes after Winger left, a group of ponies emerged from the woods. There was a small hole in the wood I could peek through. Given the gear they were carrying, they were definitely slave catchers. A mix of unicorns and pegasi. A unicorn mare was in charge. Seed approached her, and they introduced each other. Her name was Erra. She asked if they had seen any humans running around the past couple days. Seed said yes, but they were already taken by changelings. Erra found that interesting. She commented that the changeling encampment at the mountain’s base was cleared out two days ago. She told him that there was a particular human in the area by the name of Nebel, with a half million bounty on them. His two accomplices also had bounties of a hundred thousand bits a piece. It was enough bits for her entire crew to retire on, and she really wanted it. Seed wished her good luck on her search. Erra said she wasn’t leaving yet. I saw her crew of slave catchers begin to encircle our hiding place. Nebel had yet to awaken. I took a moment to hold him close to me. I didn’t care what price I would pay, I refused to lose him. I readied myself to attack the first pony to show its face in the home. As a hoof was pressed to the door, there was a flash. I looked out the hole once more. It was Princess Celestia. She gave Erra a cold stare, and told her to leave. After the coast was clear, I brought out Nebel. I thanked Seed for all of his help. I wanted to say more, but her highness wanted to get us back to the safety of the castle. Now I sit by a resting Nebel. I write this entry as I wait for Casteer to get his parchment and quill. He wants a detailed report on the teleportation.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 29

Given the distance he teleported, Casteer said estimated that Nebel would be asleep until morning. Nebel’s exhaustion from using the spell didn’t surprise him in the slightest. For unicorns, their bodies have to adapt to processing magic. It takes a few years, and the case was most likely the same for Nebel. Although it seems my report on the teleportation might of confirmed a theory the mages had worked on. They believe they had figured out the source of how Nebel casts spells. It was based on his ability to [THE REMAINDER OF THE ENTRY HAS BEEN REDACTED BY ORDER OF PRINCESS CELESTIA!]

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 30

The sunrise marked the days remaining down to three. Casteer wanted to test yesterday’s theory. Given how sound it was, Princess Celestia permitted it. Now I got to watch Nebel teleport short distances. There were airships that would fly overhead throughout the morning. I would overhear what countries they would be. The king of Saddle Arabia was one of the first. I wondered how many slaves he had brought with him. I remember ten years ago when the king had visited Ponnheim. Had slaves that would carry him everywhere, and do everything for him. Even if the king had brought slaves, he wasn’t letting them off the airship. He was arrogant and racist, but not an idiot. He most likely gave them orders to never set foot on the soil. Given they would be freed the moment they did, I expect as much from all the foreign airships. The impromptu airship port was getting quite full. Winger told me that guards had observed Prinz Fiesling speaking to numerous dignitaries. I don’t know what he’s planning, but I fear the worst. More ponies of influence learning about Nebel was bad. I had served Ponnheim Police long enough to know the lengths everyday ponies will go to keep their hold over humans. I don’t know how far royalty of any country would go, and that terrifies me.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 31

Had a surprise at lunch. Princess Celestia told us that Prinz Fiesling had invited her to dinner on his airship for some authentic Germaneigh cuisine. Apparently, I was invited to join her. Sternenblick immediately objected. She expressed concern that I would be taken prisoner as soon as I set hoof on the airship. Princess Celestia told me that if Prinz Fiesling tried such a thing, she would teleport me to safety. She gave her word she would protect me the whole time we were there. I elected to go. I thought of it as a chance to gauge how desperate he was becoming when it came to Nebel. If anypony were to cross lines in the case of Nebel, it would be him.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 32

I had found it hard to write all day. The dinner had kept in my mind. I knew I would be safe, but I worried about what would happen. It was a concern I continued to have as the Royal Guard escorted the princess and myself to the temporary airship dock. Some of the airships had more windows than others. I could see dignitaries of numerous countries eating dinner. Their slaves carrying liquor bottles half their size. Two or three of them having to work together to pour a glass for their owners. I watched with disgust as they would be laughed at by their pony masters for their struggle. The only thing keeping myself contained, was the thought of their smug faces being wrought with shock as their hold over humans slipped away in just a few days. Prinz Fiesling had greeted us at the entrance to his airship. As we entered, I had felt every guard from the homeland stare at me. They all still saw me as a traitor. I would be lying if I said I felt no fear. I just had to remember that Princess Celestia gave me her word I would be safe. I hate saying it, but the food was pleasant. I severely disliked being served by his enslaved humans. Seeing ISORs again up close was something Prinz Fiesling wanted me to go through. Princess Celestia tried her best to keep the conversation on the excellent Germaneigh cuisine. His desire to push my buttons was too strong to be distracted. The subject was quickly shifted to Nebel. He asked if any parts of the castle had blown up yet. When he got a no, he looked at me with a smile. He asked the princess if the human’s little mind had broken yet. He was asked to elaborate. Princess Celestia shared my shock when Prinz Fiesling had told us the answer. The primatologists back at Ponnheim University had continued their experiments on some of his own slaves. Although he had them use far more extreme measures to induce magic through trauma. The process had unlocked their full magic, at the cost of their sanity. They had to be chained up with nullstone because of it. The primatologists hypothesized the same fate awaited Nebel. Prinz Fiesling asked her if she was ready to punish Nebel with such a fate. He looked at me. He spoke of how humans were given purpose because of ponies. If it wasn’t for us enslaving them, they would just be naked creatures running about the wild. Serving us was their true and only purpose, and it would be monstrous to deprive them of that. Princess Celestia told him he was wrong about everything. Humans were intelligent creatures. Being smaller made no difference in being equal. As for Nebel, the Royal Mages had no measured limit to his magic. I was unaware of how truthful this was, but the look of frustration from Prinz Fiesling was worth it. Though she might have slipped up when she brought up the good work the Royal Mages had put into Nebel’s mastery of his power. He quickly asked if the mages would be sharing their findings with the public. As the two delved into a more political conversation, a thought ripped through my mind. He had slaves with magic, and he asked for information on the understanding of magic in humans. An enslaved human with magic, and the ISORs that forced them to obey any command given. Was Prinz Fiesling weaponizing humans?

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 33

Before the two of us went to bed, I shared my concerns with Princess Celestia. The thought of humans being turned into weapons against their will was concerning. She told me that Germaineigh would be investigated after humans were freed. Once the laws made humans our equals legally, she would have the legal grounds to launch investigations of that variety. Such an answer made sleeping much easier. Sternenblick and I had a chat before breakfast. I shared the conversation I had with Prinz Fiesling last night. I could see her concern for Nebel going mad, and told her we could discuss things with Casteer later. Though all she did during breakfast was talk to Princess Celestia about plans for Nebel after the meeting of the world leaders. Her highness admitted that she wanted to keep Nebel guarded in the castle. Although she told us where we wanted to go was our choice. It was a sufficient answer for us. We elected to go for a walk after breakfast. The castle had a nice royal garden, and we thought it would be nice to visit. Winger told me that the captain of the guard would catch the occasional castle staff member sneaking a nap in the garden. I can see why. It’s so peaceful out here. A nap in this grass sounds wonderful.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 34

That was unpleasant. I found myself yanked awake by Nebel when he pulled me with his magic. It was a surprise attack. Assassins. Masked. Sternenblick tried to make a bubble shield big enough for the four of us, but the assassins were too quick. One arrow had already grazed her, which left a deep gash. Three pegasi with crossbows. One of their arrows had struck were I slept. Now they were shooting as many as they could at the shield. Every single one of them was focused on Nebel. One of the assassins had pulled something out of their saddlebag. A thick black crystal. Nullstone. The shield dissipated as soon as the crystal touched it. Without hesitation, I jumped in front of Nebel. Winger put his speed to the test. He shot into the air above us, and blitzed one of the assassins. They dropped to the ground. However, the other two were quick to respond. They shot at him in retaliation. One arrow bounced off his armor. The other did not. Winger dropped out of the sky. He was crying out in pain, as the arrow had been shot with enough force to penetrate his armor, and him. I saw two blasts of green rush by my head. The other two assassins were knocked unconscious from the force of the blast sending them into the castle wall. The garden was suddenly filled with Royal Guard. One of them shouted for a healer. Both Nebel and I ran over to Winger. He was trying to keep a brave face, but it was clear he was in pain. I looked to Nebel, and I tried to think of ways to comfort him. However, he was distracted. His hands were glowing their magical green. It was different this time. It was like he was listening to them. As if his magic was telling him something. With a wave of his left hand, the arrow was gone. Disintegrated before our eyes. With his right hand, Nebel pressed it over the wound. The glow intensified. Most of us had to look away from it. When we looked back, all was quiet. Winger’s injury was gone. Even the hole in his armor was gone. Nebel had healed him. Nebel stumbled back, and I caught him with my forelegs. He was extremely disoriented, and passed out. From the stares of the guards, I already knew. Two days until the world leaders meet, and it would all probably be filled with Casteer wanting every little detail.