• Published 8th Oct 2023
  • 350 Views, 20 Comments

A Slave From Ponnheim - reedman

An enslaved human has magic. That's certainly a problem for the slave owners of the world.

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Leaving Germaneigh

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 1

I’m not sure why I chose to write in a journal. Perhaps all those incident reports I had to write on Nebel are to blame. It’s fair to say that the reports were a place to collect my thoughts. This writing tool for non-unicorns was a good purchase to continue my efforts. A new officer has already been assigned to spy on Nebel and Sternenblick. I suspect he was ordered to watch me as well. Some of the officers claimed I was becoming pro-human the day I left the police force. Perhaps they are right. I’m still spending my spare time with them in the hoofball stadium. I have plenty of bits saved up to cover my bills until I need to find a new job. I have it easy right now. Today, Sternenblick told me that her father has been trying to talk to her as of late. He has tried to convince her to bring Nebel back to their house. Apparently, Prinz Fiesling is interested in buying Nebel from his legal owner. Without me, his highness seems more intent than ever at containing the human he deems a threat.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 2

I visited my parent’s grave today. Hadn’t been there in awhile. Not since this whole business with Nebel started at least. It was probably for the best at the time. Only now do I realize the xenophobic rhetoric I was raised around. As a foal, my grandfather would tell me stories of the police joining the slave catchers when it was legal for police to do both jobs. As an adolescent, I would overhear my father complain about anti-slavery activists taking away what he called his fun. That was around the time a police officer could no longer be a slave catcher. My mother would take me to the local slave auctions, hoping for a bargain on a slave to foalsit me when I was younger. Even after they died in the house fire, I carried those negative thoughts with me. Only after spending time with a human half my age did I understand how wrong I was. Nebel never had a father to teach him right from wrong, yet I was the one who needed to learn. Never had a mother to watch over him, but Sternenblick filled that role well. I wonder if fate itself is giving me a chance to do something right. My gut says to have my saddlebags packed.

StahlHuf Journal Entry 3

There were guests at the stadium today. Sternenblick was talking with some ponies I never met. I asked Nebel what was going on. Apparently they’re apple growers from Flankfurt. They have cousins all over Equestria. They were sending a massive batch of Ebbelwoi overseas tomorrow. The three of us were welcomed to stow away on the ship. I pulled Sternenblick aside and asked her if she was serious about this. One doesn’t just leave their whole life behind on a whim. She told me the thought of what Prinz Fiesling would do to Nebel outweighed the fear of leaving. The thought scared me too. There was no telling what he would do to the human he disgusted. The others said they were taking the train to their ship tomorrow morning. It was so sudden, but there was no denying it was important. The officer spying on us was certainly reporting this to the captain. I told her if she was serious, to pack a saddlebag whatever she could carry. We would stay in the hoofball stadium for the night, then leave at first light. I need to go get my saddlebags, and go to my parents’ grave to say what will probably be my last goodbye for a while.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 4

Getting to the ship was eventful. We each had an apple for a quick breakfast. We knew we would have to be fast, so Nebel was levitated onto my back. One of the few times I was thankful humans were small enough to carry. Nebel was scared a pony would order him to speak on where we were going and expose us. I told Sternenblick that his Rune of Silence might have to be used. She loathed that thought of using the ISORs, but we all agreed it was the best for now. She activated it, and ordered him to only speak when she or I permitted it until we were on the ship. His neck rune glowed, and that was that. The walk to the train was going well. Crossing paths with Chief Hoofstead was interesting. He said he would delay announcing the warrants out for our arrests to give us an hour’s head start. He has no control over the slave catchers, but it’s one less issue to deal with. He thanked me for my years of service, then we parted ways. The only part that was challenging was when Schnellverkauf approached us at the train station. Nebel was sat between Sternenblick and I. He was absolutely shaking as his legal owner came up to us. He tried to give an order for the human to stand up, but the businesspony’s daughter already blocked Nebel’s hearing with magic. It was a bit discomforting to hear a father say he wasn’t above putting a bounty on his own slave and daughter. How much did Prinz Fiesling offer to make him act like this? Thankfully, he left as our Ebbelwoi shippers walked up. No further incidents at the train station. We all got our tickets, and Nebel was taken to the slave cart with the other humans. Sternenblick hated the idea of him there, but keeping him with us in the normal train carts would draw attention. The two hour ride to the docks was mildly stressful for her. Once we got to our stop, we had to be quick. The docks were always crawling with slave catchers. We got questioned a bit, but they got called to a group of slaves attempting to steal a ship. We got to our Ebbelwoi-filled vessel. They plan to cast off once the last of the barrels are loaded. I asked them how long it would take to get us to our destination. It would be tricky when we get there. While slavery is illegal in Equestria’s borders, slave catching is perfectly legal. A negotiation that Princess Celestia had to make to continue trading with the rest of Equus. The shippers told me it would take two days of travel before docking at Baltimare. That’s if sailing conditions are perfect. I just hope we can get to our destination before a bounty gets to the ears of Equestrian slave catchers.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 5

Not that far out to sea when we saw it. Prinz Fiesling’s airship flying above us. The three of us were already heading below deck luckily. It was an intense few moments as they flew past. A pegasus had flown down from the airship to buy a bottle of Ebbelwoi for the prinz. A sale was made, and the pegasus flew off. I know why the prinz is flying in the same direction we are sailing. I wonder how large the bounty will be for Nebel. No sense worrying about it now. He’s enjoying the sight of the open water through the window below deck. Sternenblick and I are going over a map of Equestria. We’re trying to figure out the best route to Canterlot. Our first option is to take a train from Baltimare, straight to Canterlot. Although that runs the risk of encountering slave catchers. They stick to port cities mostly to catch runaways like Nebel. Option two is to follow the river west, and then north to Canterlot. We would have to stock up in Baltimare. Nebel would have to hide out if a bounty was out on him. It would be a walk taking a few days. It was most likely that the prinz would have a hefty bounty out before we got there. Neither of us liked it, but it would have to be option two. A chat with the ship’s captain gave some relief. He agreed to let Nebel stay on the ship while they unloaded. He told us of a port market, which would save us some time. While I’m sure a young mare like Sternenblick could make the walk quite easily, I’m not in the same shape I was twenty years ago. I’ll power through. For him.