• Published 8th Oct 2023
  • 359 Views, 20 Comments

A Slave From Ponnheim - reedman

An enslaved human has magic. That's certainly a problem for the slave owners of the world.

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Rough First Days

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 15

True to their word, the locals got us some breakfast. Their kindness was something we were grateful for. As we all packed up, I could see Nebel was still nervous. He told me he wasn’t sure what he should do to prove to the princess that he has magic. I told him that levitating something everypony would see would accomplish that. In retrospect, I should’ve been far more specific. We all made our way to the market. Princess Celestia made her weekly check-in for runaways there. Seed said they would show off their seed collection, and see if they could sell some of their extras for a few more bits. I was content with Nebel relaxing on my back. It was nice to actually relax for once. No need to keep an eye out for slave catchers, or changelings. Sternenblick and Nebel chatted about their dream home. The biggest detail? Him having a massive bed. The talk was cut short, as the princess could be seen in the sky. Her Royal Guard pulling a small carriage. Her subjects excitedly surrounded her. I figured we could wait for the crowd to die down before approaching. Before I could relay my thought, I heard the familiar glow. Given he still had his ISORs, I could’ve ordered him to not do it. I was too shocked in the moment when I saw Princess Celestia levitate over to us in a green glow I knew too well. She scanned the crowd for the source, and I don’t think I ever saw eyes go that wide before. Stunned silence. Not just from the princess, but everypony else. Only the rushing wind. He quietly apologized, then introduced himself. She regained her composure, then greeted him. Sternenblick blurted out an attempted explanation about the three of us needed asylum, and how Nebel had magic. The princess got closer, and asked Nebel for his hands. He held them out, and a golden glow surrounded them. Her eyes widened again as she realized the magic was truly his. The crowd started to shift towards us. The first magical human. I told the princess that getting the three of us to the castle would be prudent. She snapped out of her shock, and now it was our turn to be levitated. The three of us were put onto the carriage. She told the crowd she would be back later. We were flown back to the castle, and now I’m just writing as Sternenblick gives a far more detailed explanation.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 16

The morning went well. After our situation was properly explained, Princess Celestia granted us asylum with no hesitation. She had then excused herself to tend to the subjects waiting at the market. I had the forethought to mention the Smith family, and Seed’s desire for a place to settle his family. Seed helped make the last leg of our trip far more bearable, so it was the least I could do. A shame I never got to give him a proper farewell. While we waited for the princess to return, we were approached by a number of ponies in white cloaks with golden outlines. Unicorns. The Royal Mages. One approached us. A red stallion with a bushy mustache. Older. He went by Casteer. Princess Celestia gave him a brief explanation, but he wanted to see for himself. Nebel had nervous written all over when the mages encircled us. It’s easy to forget that humans are smaller than ponies. His perspective was likely not a comfortable one. I told them that he didn’t feel comfortable performing magic until his slave runes were removed. Casteer understood, and told the other mages to step back. While I had never seen ISORs being implanted, I knew it wasn’t a pleasant experience for humans. Seeing Nebel’s eyes light up was wonderful. He had simply stared at his wrists as the ink dissipated into the air. His smile appeared, and it got so wide. Sternenblick and I couldn’t help ourselves. We both wrapped our forelegs around him. For the first time, Nebel was free.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 17

Nebel was levitating one of the other mages for Casteer to watch when Princess Celestia returned an hour or so later. She couldn’t help but chuckle as her head mage had the look of a foal that saw their first rainbow. As they were preoccupied, I asked the princess what her plans were for Nebel. She told me she had a simple plan. She had already sent word to the world leaders to call for an emergency meeting. All she told them was that a new magic-capable species had been found. Once they saw that it was a human, every law ever written in regards to human enslavement would be undone. Equus had very few international laws. One of them was that you could not enslave a magic-capable species. Emergency meetings take about a week or so for all members to arrive. In that time, she would have the Royal Mages test Nebel’s magic to learn as much as they could. I brought up the bounties all three of us had, especially Nebel’s half-million bits bounty. She let me know that as long as we weren’t dragged onto a Germaneigh airship, she could protect us. Foreign airships of world leaders are considered their legal territory. She would also make sure Nebel had a guard with him at all times. I asked why she had brought up an airship specifically. It turned out that Prinz Fiesling was in Canterlot. A clearing on the northern end was being used as an airship dock. He claimed to be on vacation, taking in the sights. She would restrict his castle visitation to official legal matters only. It meant he would have to schedule his visits at least. I had more questions about Nebel’s bodyguard, but they could wait. We had guestrooms to get to, and baths to take.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 18

It’s no surprise to me that Nebel chose to room with Sternenblick. A lot of new stuff happened in a short period. He probably wants at least one thing familiar. With Casteer’s upcoming ideas, I fear it will be the tests back at Ponnheim University all over again. The added stress of being the only one that can free all humans does not help him. I’m glad that our guestrooms are across from each other. I told him he was welcome to talk to me whenever he needed it. At first I thought that as soon as I got him to Canterlot, my part would’ve been played. Although now that I’m here, I feel different. I think that my part in this journey is far from over. Despite the wealth of knowledge and experience around him, I still feel that he needs me in some way or another. I can’t say parental instinct, but I do feel a need to watch over him. Perhaps it’s the guilt I feel over my fellow ponies taking his parents away before he had a chance to truly know them. Maybe by filling that missing role, I can wash away that guilt. At least I hope it does.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 19

I never thought I would have dinner with the princess of Equestria before. I never expected to experience it in my lifetime. Yet, there I was. Nebel had a cooked fish. We had rose salads. I used dinner to bring up our run-ins with changelings. Princess Celestia looked annoyed at what I said. She said that she lost a lot of humans to them. The temptation for a quicker path to freedom was far too alluring to humans. She didn’t blame them, as most were exhausted enough from a lifetime of slavery to take the first chance at freedom they could find. She relented that as long as the humans were as safe as the changelings claimed they were, she could find some solace in the situation. Some of her military leaders saw it as the changelings creating a shield of innocent humans to hide behind in case of violent acts against the crown. She knew it was nothing more than them wanting a simpler source of love to feed on. Although a magic-wielding human could be seen as beneficial to their queen. She told us she would make sure the castle guards would be on the lookout for changeling activity. I was grateful for her assurances. I don’t know what changelings would want with a magical human, and I don’t want to find out.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 20

Last night was probably the first time since this whole thing began that I had a full night’s sleep. Knowing that the castle guards were on patrol had put me at ease. I got to meet Nebel’s bodyguard after breakfast. A pegasus by the name of Winger. One of the princess’ fastest fliers I was told. He’s one of the younger guards. Finished his training only a year ago. He seems content with carrying Nebel on his back wherever they go. The saddle on his armor seems to fit Nebel well enough. He came off as quite the positive type. I asked more about him. His parents had helped a baby human that was going to be sold, despite it being a year old. The human’s mother was already sold off. Winger’s mother was pregnant with him at the time. They pretty much cloud-hopped all the way from Prance over the ocean. His parents chose to adopt the human after getting to Equestria. Barely a week after getting asylum granted, was he born. He told me that he loved having a human for a big brother. His parents had raised him to believe that ponies and humans were equals. Even if they were smaller and weaker, it made no difference in that they should be treated the same as anypony else. I think Princess Celestia definitely made the right choice in our bodyguard. I’m liking this Winger a lot.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 20

I’m feeling deja vu. The Royal Mages are going through the same tests the primatologists were back at Ponnheim University. Levitate small objects, ask questions he’s not educated enough to understand, repeat to my silent annoyance. At least they believe Sternenblick’s story about Nebel’s magic. They seemed to have a theory about why he hasn’t learned new spells. They believe that his first use of magic was in response to a traumatic event. Thinking you’re about to lose the only friend you ever had would certainly meet that description. They hypothesized that different events of similar emotional trauma would potentially unlock more spells. Both Sternenblick and I immediately objected to any possible tests with that thinking. Casteer gently reminded us that the distance between hypothesis and experimentation was vast. He told us while they would theorize on things like inducing trauma, they would actually never go that far. Since Nebel could well be the only magical human in the world, they had to handle him carefully. This could be the only chance they had to study magic in humans for all they knew. I’m glad he listened to our concerns.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 21

So we had a minor incident after the testing resumed post-lunch break. We had been testing in a windowless room about all day. While a new levitation test was being put together, Nebel told me how he wished the tests could happen outside. I was going to tell him that we could go for a walk after the test, but I didn’t have the chance. In a flash of green light, Nebel was gone. I don’t think I ever shouted his name so loudly before. Winger had immediately realized the human on his back was gone. Casteer heard my shout, and the guards scrambled shortly after. Both the Royal Mages and Sternenblick sensed it was teleportation, and that Nebel didn’t go far. Nearly every guardspony was running about the castle grounds. The next five minutes felt like hours. Imagine my relief when he was spotted in the castle courtyard, unconscious. Winger flew out the door. Sternenblick and I galloped as fast as our hooves would carry us. There he was. Right in the center of the courtyard. He had started to stir, and looked extremely disoriented. Casteer told us a first time teleportation is rough for a pony. We couldn’t imagine how Nebel was feeling. Casteer suspended testing for the day, and had a mage levitate Nebel to his room. Sternenblick and I stayed right by his side. I did my best to explain to Casteer what happened. He was unsure how boredom related to activating teleportation. Although he decided that testing outside would hopefully prevent future incidents.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 22

Princess Celestia told us she heard about the teleportation incident as we ate dinner. She was glad Nebel was alright. Sternenblick shared her confusion that she and Casteer had over it. His magic was initially triggered by trauma, but the teleportation was triggered by boredom. Princess Celestia agreed it was quite the conundrum, and that Casteer had his work cut out for him. I agreed, and hoped Nebel would be able to get his magic better understood before the world leaders met. Princess Celestia wasn’t worried, as all Nebel had to do was show any form of magic for slavery of humans to be undone. While she was right, I still had my fears. Half a million bits is a lot. Enough to make anypony desperate. I’m scared how desperate some of these ponies might become over the next six days.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 23

Morning wasn’t too rough. Although we were given a heads up by Princess Celestia that Prinz Fiesling was coming today. He had requested a meeting shortly after we arrived yesterday. I fear he knows about us. Although Princess Celestia quickly reminded us that we were granted asylum, and were under her protection. Nebel and Sternenblick are scared. I feel just as terrified. The thought of him being so close to us. It does not settle with me. Although I have to keep a brave face. I can’t and won’t let Prinz Fiesling see us intimidated. I know how desperate he was to snuff out Nebel’s existence back in Ponnheim. Knowing that Nebel is all that stands between him and the status quo of human enslavement, Nebel’s safety is top priority.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 24

It was right before our lunch break when I saw him. Nebel was levitating a few small rocks when Prinz Fiesling entered the castle courtyard. Winger saw him as well, and quietly stepped between us. I whispered over to Sternenblick, and her horn sparked for a moment at the sight of him. I told her that we did not want to give him the pleasure of a violent reaction. Nebel froze up at the sound of his voice. I watched the rocks tumble to the ground. He looked at us with a smug grin as he greeted us. Nebel cowered behind me. While we had Winger, Prinz Fiesling had a slew of guards with him. He asked Sternenblick and I if we were ready to hoof over Nebel. He even offered us full pardons in exchange for him. I knew I shouldn’t have asked, but I had to hear him say it. I asked what he would do with Nebel if we did. Prinz Fiesling stared Nebel down as he answered: end him. As he walked away, Casteer reminded us that we had an entire castle’s worth of ponies at the ready to protect all three of us. It was reassuring in such a stressful moment.

Stahl Huf Journal Entry 25

The remainder of my day was spent in Sternenblick’s room with Nebel. Our encounter with Prinz Fiesling had him far too scared to leave the room besides for meals. Princess Celestia was told of what happened after her lunch meeting with Prinz Fiesling. She was furious, and made the decision to ban him from the castle until the emergency meeting. She assured Nebel several times at dinner that he would be safe. I think hearing it from royalty helped him. I don’t know if he’ll be ready to get back to practice tomorrow. I regret asking Prinz Fiesling what he would do with Nebel. I can’t change the past. I just have to protect Nebel to ensure a better future.