• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 1,314 Views, 42 Comments


Raven Inkwell figures out the real reason why Discord was easily forgiven for his crimes and plans to expose all the lies that have been told.

  • ...


Author's Note:

This is an extension to the original chapter 2. If you had read the original chapter, know that the changes made all starts after the talk about Trixie.

There are indeed new things that hadn't been seen yet, so make sure you check it out, so you won't get confused in the upcoming chapters.

I apologize for all the inconveniences I been making with this story.:pinkiesad2:

Raven was snap out of her rant and back away when a small, orange, female dragon landed next to Fluttershy; who was also surprised to see who it was that came to her aid.

"S-Smolder?" Fluttershy said as her student helped her up to her hooves. "What are you doing here?"

"It Looked like you needed some help to knock little Ms. High and Mighty, off of her pedestal." Smolder said with a smile.

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, Smolder! You shouldn't get yourself involved in this."

"And you shouldn't be letting her get to you and bully you into submission. You're stronger than this Fluttershy!" Smolder encourage.


"No buts! You didn't just instantly forget why you're standing here did you?"


"Than don't let her get you down like that. Remember you're here to show her why Discord should be forgiven. So don't tell me you given up on him."

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, of course not!" She said with determination.

Smolder smiled. "Good! Cause one of the best things I've learned at the school is to never give up on your friends and you and the rest of the mane 6 taught me and my friends that and so much more and it's because of what you and the other teachers taught us is why everycreature came here to help." Smolder said as she gestures to the surrounding crowd. "And remember Fluttershy you're not alone, you have many supporters who believe in you and Discord, and we believe that you will get him forgiven despite how much the odds are stack against you."

Fluttershy was no fool. She knew the odds were stacked against her. Raven was clearly prepared for something like this even though she didn't know the outcome, after the L.O.D. were defeated. Throughout the years the wielder of the Element of kindness stood by her friends and face many impossible odds and this was no different. Still believing in her friend the yellow pegasus stood firm and calm, taking Smolder's words to heart and not letting the unicorn mare before her get to her and after a letting out a deep breath she and calmly said.

"I will continue to fight for my friend and no matter how hopeless the situation is I will stand by him to the end. I pinkie promise, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She said as she did the gesture.

Everycreature commended Fluttershy on her bravery to continue her fight against Raven, no matter how great the odds are against her. Seeing her stand up for a friend despite his faults. Her friends spoke out, giving Fluttershy their support along with others who are on her side, like the rest of the members of the young six who also gave their support; well all except for one of them. So many creatures shouted their encouragements to the kind yellow pegasus as they all cheered for her success.

Raven wasn't at all phased by Fluttershy; wanting to continue the debate. But she was annoyed by everycreature's ignorance. Rooting for Fluttershy and Discord as if they forgotten all about her previous statements on how that draconequus is far too great a danger and can't be trusted. Well, she's just going to have to remind them. This fight isn't over yet. Raven still has one final piece of evidence to present. One that will seal Discord's fate without a doubt.

As the cheers died down. Rainbow steps up to stand next to her longtime friend and said.

"I'm rooting for you, Shy! Even if Miss smart flank does prove Discord's guilt." Rainbow places a comforting hoof on Fluttershy shoulder. "I'll remain by your side through thick and thin."

Fluttershy smiled and hug her fillyhood friend, Rainbow hug back. "Thanks Rainbow!" They broke the hug. "Thank you everyone, and I promise, I will make sure Discord is forgiven for all he did no matter what." She said with determination.

All of Fluttershy's supporters applaud for her. Raven just rolled her eyes at all this.

"That's what I want to hear!" Rainbow said. Proud that her shy friend was staying strong. "Kick her flank, Shy and then we can celebrate two victories at Joe's Doughnuts."

Fluttershy nodded then turned her attention back to her opponent. Her heart once again full of determination to save her B.D.F.F.E.T.T. (Best Draconequus Friend For Eternity Times Two)

"Kick my flank, you say!" Raven said smugly. "Get Discord forgiven, stand by her side no matter what......HA, how ludicrous."

Smolder steps forward to speak. "What's your deal?" She asked. Angry at Raven's ongoing attitude.

"My deal, is that all of you who support this mare are just as blind as she is." Raven answered. "Like her, you're trying to ignore everything that monster had done. Trying hard to avoid the truth and pure logic staring you in the face."

"She's right you know!" Said a familiar voice from the crowd.

Everyone turned their attention towards the voice as the creature step forward revealing themselves.

"Ocellus!?" Smolder said in shock.

Ocellus walks up to stand beside Raven before speaking again. "You guys are completely in denial. As Miss Inkwell said. You're avoiding the truth."

Smolder snorted. "And what is it that you think that we're trying to avoid?"

"EVERYTHING!" Ocellus bellowed. "You all are literally avoiding everything Raven said and presented. She had proven multiple times that Discord is a great danger to us all, that needs to be stop before he does something else that could indeed get somebody seriously hurt." Ocellus let's out a sigh. "As Miss Inkwell just said a moment ago. Chrysalis wanted revenge on Starlight. Discord knows that she does, and he still chose to give Chrysalis the chance to have her revenge, and who knows what she could have done to her."

"Chose!? What do you mean chose? Discord didn't choose to be betrayed." Smolder argued.

"OF COURSE, HE DID!" Ocellus argued back. "As Miss Inkwell said before. There's just absolutely no way he couldn't have known."

Smolder eyes her friend suspiciously. "Ok hold up, time out. What are you doing? Why are you defending her? Aren't you on Fluttershy's side?" She asked.

Gallus steps up to speak. "Yeah, Celly. By the sound of things, you seemed to be taking Raven's side."

"I mean you are on Fluttershy's side like the rest of us, right?" Silverstream asked nervously.

Ocellus looked around at all her friends, each one awaiting her answer. She then turned her attention back to smolder and Fluttershy. She took a quick glance at her kind teacher and a longer one at Discord before closing her eyes and letting out a deep sigh.

Ocellus slowly opened her eyes, looked at Smolder with a serious expression and said.

"Yes! I am taking Raven's side on this." She answered.

The rest of the young six, the mane six, and the princesses gasped in shock at the changeling's decision. As for Raven herself, Ocellus actions piqued her interest.

"W-Why the heck would you take her side?" Smolder asked.

Ocellus opened her mouth to speak but stop herself for a moment before giving an answer. "Because of her logic and evidence." She answered. "I agree with everything Miss Inkwell had said up to this point about Discord's crimes."

"Crimes!?" Smolder said annoyed. "You mean crime as in singular. As in his crazy plan that backfired in his face which I may add he made up for." She argued.

Ocellus face hoof herself. "Have you forgotten that Raven listed all of Discord's crimes earlier?"

"I for one can’t see how anyone could be pardon so easily after committing multiple serious crimes against Equestria. Because of Discord's so-called plan. He broke out criminals from their prisons, conspired with said criminals, treachery, treason, terrorism, manipulation, sabotage, aiding in the destruction of property, necromancy, because Sombra was basically dead. Foalnapping, enslavement, and the destruction of a cultural relic and since he is the one who started all of this in the first place because of his plan to help Twilight.” Raven rolled her eyes at that. “He is 100% responsible for everything the four villains did. The crimes I just listed are highly serious offences that he committed.

"Discord committed multiple serious crimes with his plan and he's also responsible for everything the L.O.D. did, since he was the one who started the group in the first place. And I also agree with Miss Inkwell saying that his one act of bravery, isn't anywhere near enough to make up for all the damage he's caused, and I too am going to make sure he pays for his crimes in full."

"Wait, what!?" Smolder said in confused shock.

Ocellus choosing to stand on her side got Raven's interest but with the statement the young Changeling just presented got her full attention, especially when she looked up to her and spoke.

"Miss Inkwell!" Ocellus said in a serious tone. "I wish to join you in taking down Discord!"

"WHAT!!!" Smolder shriek. "Ocellus why?"

Ocellus turned around to face her friend. "I have nothing against Fluttershy. I understand she's just fighting for her friend, but that's the problem. She's letting her friendship with him blind her to the absolute truth that Discord is basically a war criminal now as well as ignore all the times he'd lied and pulled stunts like this in the past. The same goes for everyone else who knows him. They refuse to see how he's clearly taking advantage of their friendship with him as well as their way of forgiving others to get himself out of serious trouble." Ocellus let out a sigh. "I'm sorry Smolder, but I'm not just going to sit in the background and watch Discord casually get away as if he'd did nothing wrong. I hope you and I will remain friends after this is all over. I have my reasons for doing this and I know you want to know what that is, but I don't want to talk about it right now. Also, if you're going to partner up with Fluttershy than its only fair if Miss Inkwell haves someone by her side to."

Ocellus turns her attention to the unicorn mare. Looking at her with a strong serious, determine look in her eyes. Raven doesn't need to be a changeling herself to know how Ocellus was feeling. She noticed it when the young one stop herself from fully answering Smolder's question about why she's taking her side, and how she looked at Discord. The look in Ocellus's eyes was more than enough to tell Raven everything she needed to know without using words. It was like she was staring into a mirror. She understood exactly what was wrong with her in more ways than one. In a way Raven shared her pain, she's just happy that this kid didn't have to experience it the same exact way she did; because of him.

"So, Miss Inkwell may I join you in your fight to take down Discord?" Ocellus asked. "I promise I won't be a liability."

Raven put on a sincere smile. "I know you won't Ocellus and I would be happy to have you by my side and please just call me Raven."

Ocellus smiled and nodded before sitting herself beside her partner.

Over where the rest of the mane six sat Applejack spoke in a low voice. "Uhhh, Twi are we really going allow those two to join in on this?" The farmer asked.

Twilight sighed. "I know it's weird and we should stop them but remember it was because of them and a few of our other students that brought everycreature here to help us."

"I supposed you're right, darling! I just hope this won't ruin their friendship." Said Rarity.

"I doubt it!" Said Rainbow Dash. After returning back to her friends. "You heard Ocellus. She doesn't want this to ruin their friendship and after what you and I went through because of our differences we still remained best friends despite that."

Rarity nodded. "You're right Rainbow! I'm just worrying myself for nothing."

Back in center of the crowd. Everycreature eyes was now focus on the two duos' as they stared each other down.

"So, Miss Shy do you except this new turn of events of having a partner?" Raven asked.

"I still don't like it but if these two are determined to help than who am I to stop them." Fluttershy answered.

Raven nodded. "Then we are in an agreement; probably the only one we'll ever have but we'll see. Now I think it's about time I pick up where I left off before I was interrupted." She said before glaring at Smolder.

Smolder glared back. "Why!? So, you can get back to harassing Fluttershy. Seriously, what is your deal?"

Raven raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I want to know, what your real reason for doing all this is?" Smolder asked. "Ever since the start of this debate, you have been a cruel, cocky, self-righteous SMART ASS!!!"

Fluttershy gasp. "SMOLDER! Language, young lady!" She said sternly.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy but someone had to say it!" Smolder apologize.

"Still, that's no excuse for such language." Said Fluttershy.

"Oh, just let her speak her mind Miss Shy!" Raven suggested. "After all, if I was given permission to speak freely, I don't see why not extend that to everyone involved in this debate and besides I'm willing to bet she speaks such language in front of her friends, and they don't care."

Ocellus nodded. "She does and we don't, the same goes for Gallus sometimes and the rest of us accept them despite that. After all we spent enough time together to really get to know one another, so no harm no foul."

Fluttershy let out a defeated sigh. "I understand what you mean Ocellus. Rainbow and Applejack are the same way and the rest of us treat them no different...... Fine," Fluttershy turns to Smolder. "Just at least try to keep the swearing to a minimum, please."

Smolder saluted. "Will do, Fluttershy!" Both females turned to face Raven. "Now what I wanted to say is why are you so hung strung on wanting to make sure Discord is punish? I can't shake the feeling that you have some ulterior motive, a personal reason why you're fighting so hard for."

"I don't know what you mean!" Raven said nonchalantly. "I'm just trying to open all of your eyes to the truth that Discord is still and will always be a monster who will bring doom to this world if he isn't stop."

"You're lying!"

Everyone turned to the one who spoke.

"You're lying, Raven!" Said Celestia. Stepping up to stand next to Smolder. "Something about Discord is clearly bothering you and I can see it in how you been acting. The Raven I see standing before me now is not the Raven I know."

"What are you talking about, Celestia? I'm still the same mare I've always been. I haven't changed at all."

"Yes, you did. You have changed Raven, I noticed it for years now, and I know you been trying to hide it." Celestia sighed. "You and I have been close friends for a long time, so I know when something's bothering you. For the past five years you haven't been acting quite like yourself, I thought I knew why at first but remembering how distant you've been towards Discord and seeing how you're acting towards him now, tells me that something bad happened between you two and I for the life of me don't know what it is."

That last part caught everyone by surprise. What exactly was Celestia talking about?

Smolder speaks. "I knew it, I had a feeling there was more to this than you been letting on." She snarls. "It was clear from the start; I can understand your reasons for why you think Discord should be punish, after all he did do a bad thing but even after Princess Celestia showed why she and the others forgave him you've been pushing really hard to make sure your point gets across. Not to mention how angry you were when he wasn't being punished, and I don't see why you would be that mad unless there was a reason for it. Like you have some kind of personal grudge to settle with him!"

The crowd surrounding the debaters began murmuring to themselves about what Smolder just said, she was right after all. Everyone remembered how angry Raven was when she first called out for everycreature to stop leaving, as she then explained what Discord did. Sure, anyone can understand why she needed to expose his part in the L.O.D. but why was she so angry when she was told he was pardon for his crimes? Why push so hard to ensure all his wrong doings were revealed? Some creatures even noticed the death glare she gave the draconequuss, so why does she hate him so much?

Raven adjusted her glasses then calmly spoke. "Whatever you think you believe about me Ms. Smolder, I assure you they are false." Smolder snorted, not believing the unicorn words. "I have no grudge against Discord, I just learned what he did and trying to make sure he is punish for his crimes, like any other criminal. It's not my fault you all refuse to see reason and blindly ignore all he has done."

"You see! That's what I'm talking about. That right there is proof on how much you changed. Because the Raven I know wouldn't want someone to be punish so badly." Said Celestia.

"What!?" Raven said confused.

"Remember 6 years ago. When we talk about Twilight's Magic Duel with Trixie?"

Raven nodded. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Would you mind sharing your memories of the events?"

"What for? That has nothing to do with what we're talking about. You know, Discord."

"True, but that doesn't mean it doesn't serve a purpose. As Smolder said you are far too hung up on wanting Discord punish, when the Raven I know would never do such a thing and that memory will remind you why that is." Celestia explained. "So, I asked again, will you please share your memories of that event?"

Raven was hesitant to do so. She really didn't want to waste time on unnecessary detours but didn't really have any reason to refuse. So, she decided to play along, for now.

"Fine, Celestia, I'll humor you. Go ahead and show everyone what you want them to see."

"I'm not doing this for them." Celestia lit her horn. "I'm doing it for you."

Raven rolled her eyes before turning to her partner. "Sorry Ocellus. It looks like we're going to have to put things on hold for a while."

"It's ok, we'll get Discord after this." Said Ocellus.

And with that Celestia cast the memory spell on Raven and a giant screen appeared above the glasses wearing unicorn.

"As I said, this memory takes place six years ago about a week before I asked Fluttershy to reform Discord." Celestia said to the crowd. She than played the memory and everyone sat and watched as the events played out.

(Raven's memories, Canterlot Castle, Six years ago, The Throne Room)

It was just another day in Canterlot Castle. Celestia was going through yet another huge stack of paperwork that her assistant/good friend "Raven Inkwell" had brought to her to go over and sign.

It was tedious work but also important, and a necessity when you are the co-ruler of an entire country. It's nothing The Sun Princess can't handle, after all she does haves a little over a thousand years of experience so something like this doesn't bother her that much but she would be lying if it wasn't still annoying to deal with.

It didn't take too long to finish signing the papers it was just same basic stuff she have to deal with, no biggie. Once she was done Celestia let out a satisfying sigh of relief.

"Finally! That's the last one!" Said Celestia. As she added the last signed paper to the large pile, as well as the pen which was all being held in Raven's magic as she levitated everything closer to herself.

"It wasn't that bad, Princess!" Said Raven, smiling happily. "There was a lot less to sign than usual."

"Yeah! I only had to sign 500 instead of the usual 5000!" Celestia said jokingly.

Raven chuckled at the little joke, before clearing her throat, and regaining her composer. "Well! I should head on and get these documents taken care of." Raven bowed her head. "Thanks for all your hard work, Princess."

Celestia chuckled. "Raven!? I told you before, you can just call me Celestia in public! You and I known each other for a long time now and became good friends, you don't have to be so formal with me anymore on duty as well as off!"

"I know, but I think its best I should remain professional when in public!" Raven adjusted her glasses and put on a sly smirk. "Besides I don't wanna make anypony jealous!"

Celestia snickered for a bit before bursting out laughing at Raven's little joke. Raven soon joined with her in laughter as well. The throne room was empty besides the two of them and the two Royal guards standing at the foot of the ramp leading to the throne, but they weren't bothered by the two mares change in character, after all this isn't the first time they seen the two joke around.

Everypony who works in the Castle be them staff or guards already knows about the friendship between Celestia and Raven, so the unicorn doesn't mind dropping her professional act in front of them. She mainly keeps it up in front of The Nobles, visitors, and guests, be them high status or not. Despite all this she still prefers to be formal when on duty, it just felt right to her is all.

After the two mares laugh for a bit, they both calmed down enough to speak.

"Oh Raven! You truly have changed a lot from back when you first became my assistant!" Praised Celestia with a smile. "I'm glad you're able to open up to me like this."

"And I have you to thanks for that!" Said Raven. "It makes working for you enjoyable and I'm happy to have you as a friend."

Celestia nodded. "As do I! So is their anything else that's in need of my attention?"

Raven shook her head. "Not anymore, its been an easy day so far and with these papers now signed, you have completed all your Royal duties for the day."

"Well then I guess I can just enjoy the rest of the day and you don't have anything else to do after you take care of those documents, right?" Celestia asked.

"That's right!"

"Then after you're done, you wanna meet with me for some tea later?"

"But of course, I wouldn't miss one of our tea times, I'll meet you in The Royal Tea room after I'm done taking these to Mrs. Scroll in the archives!" Raven said gesturing to the large stack of papers.

Celestia nodded. "Very well!" She then stood up from her throne and began walking towards the main doors. "I'll have everything ready by the time you arrive."

"Then I'll see you again soon!" Said Raven as she headed towards the throne room side entrance, opened the door and left.


Raven was trotting down the large halls of the castle to deliver the signed papers all while humming a soft happy little tune to herself, everypony she'd pass by greeted her with a smile and she did the same for them.

"Hey Raven!" A maid greeted as she walk bye.

"Hey Sandy!" Raven greeted back.

"Good Afternoon, Ms. Inkwell." Greeted a Royal guard, standing at his post.

"Good afternoon to you too, Silver Wing!" Raven said passing by.

Raven continued her walk as more and more ponies greeted her happily. Everypony in the castle knew Raven for she had been Celestia's assistant for many years. When she first started, she was really shy, nervous, and afraid to disappoint the princess. But thanks to the sun monarch encouraging her, Raven was able to do her job without worry. She would always remain professional at all times but spending so much time with someone like Celestia help the unicorn mare open up more and more and freely express herself.

Throughout the years of working in The Castle, Raven had made many friends among her fellow staff, and help those who were new to working in the castle get over their nervousness the same way Celestia did for her. Everypony who knew her would tell nothing but good things about her, she wasn't perfect (no pony is) but she always does her absolute best for her job, friends, family, and fellow ponies.

Raven was always sweet and kind, yet strong, smart, and confident, she's also very helpful, always willing to lend a hoof to anyone who needs it. Because of her kindness and selfless attitude. The castle staff secretly planned a surprise birthday party for their glasses wearing friend and with the help of both The Princess and Raven's close friends, and family. She didn't even see the surprise coming at all. The day she walked into the dark ball room only for the lights to suddenly turn on and everyone yelling out-


Will be a day she will never forget, as all her friends, family, co-workers, and even Princess Celestia was there to celebrate. Raven could only cry tears of absolute joy of the wonderful sight of everyone she knew was there to wish her a happy birthday. It was one of the most happiest day of her life and it reminded her how thankful she is to have such great friends and a happy life.

After walking through the large halls and taking a few shortcuts, Raven eventually made it to the Archives, where she delivered the papers to Mrs. Scroll who happily took them. The two chatted for a few minutes until Raven realize she had to go, not wanting to keep The Princess waiting too long. Mrs. Scroll nodded in understanding and let Raven go, both mares saying their goodbyes before Raven left and began heading towards the royal tearoom to meet Celestia.

As she walked down an empty hall, she was just about to pass by one of the many rooms until.

"You know what everypony saying about Princess Celestia?" Asked a stallion voice, coming from inside a room with its door left slightly ajar. The second Raven heard what was said her ears perked up, and she stop dead in her tracks, before the door and listened.

"Oh yes! That how a thousand years of peace made her so lazy she won't even lift a hoof to help stop any threats to Equestria no matter how small." Answered a mare. "She just sends those six mares to do it all for her. Is she insane!?"

"I surely think so! I mean I get they were the ones who defeated Nightmare Moon and saved Princess Luna with the Elements of Harmony and all but where was she during that whole event?" Said the Stallion.

"It was said that she was captured by Nightmare Moon!" Answered the Mare.

"Captured?! HA! I don't believe that for a second!" The Stallion argued. "Especially if you think about it, everything that happened that day was weird and suspicious."

"Yes! Just as weird it is to send six regular, untrained ponies to face a Giant Fire Breathing Dragon by themselves! I mean what in Tartarus was she THINKING? I know Dragons don't eat ponies and eat gemstones, but that doesn't mean that Dragon could have hurt them or worse!"

The Stallion sighed. "And yet they still got the dragon to leave and saved Equestria from being covered in smoke for a hundred years."

The mare rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes! They always been saving the day again and again but that doesn't excuse Celestia's laziness. Give me one good reason why she doesn't lift a hoof to help or better yet take care of these problems herself? Isn't it her job as a Ruler to protect her country? Heck, before her theirs the Royal guard but she sends six civilians to protect us!? WHY?"

"Maybe there's a reason! Something she sees that we're not! We can't deny their accomplishments; Nightmare Moon, The Dragon, The Changelings, Discord, King Sombra, and every crazy disaster Ponyville gets into!"

"I swear that town was built on top of some native graveyard and Nightmare Moon's return woke the spirits and they curse that poor town!" Explained the mare.

The stallion shrugs. "Eh! At this point I'm willing to believe anything, since it is crazy how many troubling disasters that town haves and it all started after Nightmare Moon's return. So far, the only place that comes close to Ponyville's disaster records is Canterlot, and this city only had two of its own disasters!"

"The Changelings and Discord!"

The Stallion nodded then turn to look at the clock on the wall. "As much as I would love to continue this conversation our break is over, and we should get back to work."

"Agreed, let's go!" said the mare, as she and the stallion got up from their seats and headed straight to the door. Before they reached it Raven quickly hid around the corner of another hallway not far from one of the many employees break rooms, where she heard the two talking.

After hiding she peek around the corner to see a stallion butler and a mare maid exit the room and trotted in the opposite direction away from Raven.

When the coast was clear. Raven let out a breath, she didn't know she was holding, after which she couldn't help but think about what she just heard. This isn't the first time Raven heard these rumors, they started circulating around Canterlot ever since Discord's defeat by The Mane 6 and grew that much worse after Sombra's defeat.

Almost everywhere she goes there's a chance Raven will hear ponies talking about Celestia being lazy and leaving the defense of Equestria to six mares who never faced a world destroying threat before Nightmare Moon. Sure, their accomplishment in protecting the land is noted but it doesn't mean they were letting Celestia off the hook for not helping at all. Even if she could no longer wield the Elements anymore, she could still help by joining in the fight especially since not every threat required a rainbow laser to the face.

"So why doesn't she help? Why does she always have The Mane 6 do all the protecting?" These thoughts plague Raven's mind ever since she first heard the rumors. She usually pushes them out and forget about them for a time, not wanting to think anything bad about Celestia and don't want to believe what everypony was saying about her being "lazy" but no matter how much she believes in the Princess, Raven couldn't help but question The Sun Monarch's actions, which made Raven sick to her stomach just thinking about it. She would never question the Princess for she had earned the love and trust of all her subjects and would always protect her little ponies from dangerous threats so they can live their lives in peace.

But despite knowing all that Raven still couldn't get what the butler and maid said out of her and as much as it pains her to think it, there's just too many things that didn't make sense and Raven's great curiosity was telling her to go tell Celestia about the rumors and hear her side of the story on things. After all she must have a logical explanation to all this...... right.

Raven took another deep breath and exhaled before finally resuming her walk to meet Celestia for tea. As she walked, she thought about how she's going to bring up the matter of the rumors to The Princess. Will she answer her, would she lie and create vague but convincing story to hide that she is lazy? Raven shook her head at that last thought. Celestia is her friend, they known each other for years, so she wouldn't lie to her, after all "Honesty" is one of the elements of harmony and a part of what makes friendship magic, but even with that revelation Raven was still too scared to even ask her Questions.


(The Royal Tea Room)

Celestia just sat at her table reading a book as she waited for her friend's arrival. A unicorn maid had just finished making the tea and preparing snacks, setting the Tea pots, cups, and a tray of small sandwiches down on the table before bowing and leaving the elegant looking room. It was around this time that a knock was heard at the door. Celestia smiled, closed her book and levitated it back in its place on her bookshelf before saying.

"Come in, Raven!"

The door soon opened revealing Raven Inkwell with a cheerful smile on her face. She steps inside and use her magic to close the door behind her as she trotted up to the table and took her seat across from Celestia.

"I hope I haven't been keeping you waiting for too long, Celestia?"

"Of course not, Raven. The Tea and food were just brought in as you arrived." Celestia said as she used her magic to lift the teapot and pour both herself and Raven a cup before setting the pot down and levitating one cup to Raven and the other to herself.

They both grab their cups in their magic and took a long sip of the warm, freshly made tea and let out a relaxing sigh at the same time after finishing half their cups. Both mares giggled at their synchronized drinking for a bit before Celestia spoke.

"So, what should we talk about today?" Celestia takes another sip of her tea. "Any particular topic you want to discuss?"

Raven just barely caught herself from coughing up the sandwich she ate when she heard that question. It made her wonder if the Princess knows that she wants to talk about the rumors before remembering that Celestia always start their conversations like this, so it's just a coincidence that Raven heard more rumors just before her teatime with Celestia.

But that doesn't mean that Raven didn't want to talk about the rumors, she really wanted to know why Celestia doesn't help Twilight and her friends but the fear of questioning the Princess still grips at her tightly. She felt like her old self from when she first started working as an assistant to the crown. Too nervous and scared to disappoint her Princess, so Raven decided to tread familiar ground.

"Has there been anything new going on with Twilight?" Raven asked.

Celestia chuckled. "You really do love hearing about Twilight's tales, do you!?"

Raven smiled. "Of course! Ever since she moved to Ponyville, there has always been some interesting stories from her and it always been so much fun hearing about them. She may have been like a daughter to you, but she was like a little sister to me! We have so much in common, studying, organizing, sure she haves me beat for her love of books but she made me feel like a foal again when I found out she loves to make forts out of books too!"

"Which explains why I caught the both of you playing inside that giant book fort you two build together!" Celestia said with a sly grin.

Raven face instantly turned red after being reminded of that old memory. She remembered how embarrassed she was for anyone, especially Celestia to see her, a full-grown mare acting like a little filly.

Raven gave a light chuckle as she rubs the back of her head. "I know it was silly of me, but I never had somepony else besides my sister, who shared the same interests and I just, even for a moment wanted to feel like a kid again!"

"I understand!" Said Celestia. "I too have moments where I would wish to return to the simpler times of my foalhood. Not having to worry about the responsibilities of both adulthood and being a ruler." Celestia levitated two sandwiches up to her mouth and ate one of them.

"A vacation would be nice to!" Raven added. "I know I can get vacation days, but such a luxury doesn't apply to you all that much, since you always have to be here running the country. Even with Luna's return not much has changed in that category." Raven then ate another sandwich and refilled her cup of tea and drink some of it.

Celestia nodded and swallowed her second sandwich before speaking. "True! I hope someday I will be able to take some time off and enjoy doing some of the things I always wanted to try." Celestia refills her tea and takes another sip. "Ahhh, anyway enough about all that, you wanted to know what Twilight been up to. Hmmm!" Celestia taps her chin trying to think of a subject. "So, which one do you want to hear about. The one where Pinkie Pie created an army of clones of herself, and they ran amok through Ponyville or Twilight's magical duel with Trixie?"

Raven was surprised when she heard the former. "Pinkie Pie created an army of clones of herself?"

Celestia simply nodded as she sips her tea.

"How? Why? What happened to the clones?"

"Magic mirror pool that lies in an underground cavern in the Ever Free Forest, Pinkie heard of the legend as well as the chant she used to create a clone. She did it simply so she can be in more places at once so she wouldn't disappoint any of her friends who separately asked her to hang out with them." Celestia takes another sip of her tea. "And the more friends who asked for her the more clones she created with the help of the other clones she made, but then the clones continued to clone themselves, creating a small army and to figure out which one is the real one and send the others away. Twilight had them watch paint dry and if anyone of them got distracted they get blasted back to the mirror pool until only one Pinkie remained."

"Is it possible to send the real Pinkie to the pool?"


"But what if-"

"I assure you Raven," Celestia interrupted. "The test was a success and the Pinkie Pie still standing is in fact the real one."

Raven let out a sigh of relief. The thought that Twilight might of banish the real Pinkie was just too horrifying to think about.

"But how do you know this Pinkie is the real one?"

"As much as I believe in Twilight that doesn't mean she could have made a mistake and banish the real Pinkie Pie. So, after Twilight sent me the letter about what happened I had to make sure that this Pinkie was real. So, I went to Ponyville to provide a test of my own that will guarantee if she was real or fake."

"And what was the test?" Raven asked.

"To see how the Element of laughter would react to her. The Elements can only be used by its chosen wielder, not even a clone can fool them. So, if the Element reacted negatively, it would of darken and banish the clone away itself, if acted positively it would glow a in bright soothing light thus proving that it's the true wielder is wearing it, which it did."

"And if that Pinkie was a clone, how would you get the real Pinkie back?"

"I wouldn't but I know the Element would. We just needed to take it to the mirror pool, and it would use its connection to the real Pinkie and pull her out, unharmed."

"Well, that's good but even better that they got it right the first time around."


"I just have one last question!? Are the girls sure they rounded up every single Pinkie Pie and didn't miss at least one?" Raven asked.

"Of course, they did! How couldn't they?" Celestia exclaimed. "I mean what, you think one of them somehow managed to escape capture, sneak out of Ponyville without being noticed and started a new life for herself someplace else?"

(3 years later)

(Present day)

Celestia laughed, albeit nervously. "That's crazy, I mean they were practically mindless drones with nothing but "fun" on their minds! They're not even sentient."

Raven laughs a bit nervously too. "Yeah, because if they were, you might as well say that Twilight practically committed mass murder and denied those Pinkies the right to live."

Although both mares laugh at the thought of the clones being more than copies. The nervousness in the way they laughed indicated that they don't fully believe their own words and this conversation was starting to get a little too dark for their liking.

"Anyway, Twilight sealed the mirror pool by using a boulder to block the entrance. Ok, ok! Now let's talk about something else.... anything else!" Celestia said eagerly.

"You read my mind! So, tell me about this magic dual Twilight had with Trixie?" Raven asked. Taking another sip of her tea and eating another sandwich.

"As it turns out Trixie wanted revenge against Twilight for showing her up back at her last visit to Ponyville." Said Celestia. "She used a powerful ancient artifact called the alicorn amulet that grant its wearer great power but corrupts them the more they use it. Trixie defeated Twilight with ease and banish her from ponyville."

"But why? All Twilight did was protect Ponyville from an Ursor Minor and it was those two colts that brought it into town! So why does she want revenge on her for? She didn't do anything to her!" Said Raven.

"Trixie blamed Twilight for her misfortune and humiliation after she left Ponyville. Word about what happened spread quickly to other towns and when she visited them to do her shows they only laugh and made fun of her!" Celestia said sadly. "Ponies would vandalize her wagon, dirtied it with eggs, tomatoes and the picture of a crudely drawn Ursa minor, complete with a baby bottle, as well as an "X" across her cutie mark sign on the wagon."

Raven gasp in both horror and disgust. "That's horrible!" She said angrily. "I get that she lied about vanquishing an Ursor Major, but that's no excuse to treat her so bad." Raven sighed. "I'm still upset about how Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity treated her that day. Getting all mad about how she was boasting about being Great and Powerful!" Raven groan in annoyance. "I mean seriously she's an entertainer for crying out loud!" She exasperated by throwing her forehooves in the air. "It's her job to entertain ponies, even if she was being serious about being better than anypony else, who cares! She was just trying to make the show fun for everyone, it's clear she had no bad intentions, she was just doing her job. I mean seriously had those three ever seen a magic show before?"

"You're absolutely right, Raven! Trixie is a stage magician and she's not the only one! I've seen many magicians during my time, and they too would boast about how great they are, and the audience should never take that too seriously as it's all a part of the show. What those three did was inexcusable." Celestia lit her horn and a magic screen appeared between her and Raven. "I still have the memories of the event that Twilight shared with me and imagine my absolute disappointment in those three for the way they acted for what was just a show." Celestia played the memory.

"They took what literally every stage magician does far too seriously." Said Celestia. "They were the ones who kept antagonizing Trixie for absolutely no reason. The same would be said of Spike if Twilight hadn't stop him from speaking out. I understand why he wanted Twilight to show off Trixie, but he wanted it done for all the wrong reasons and despite Twilight's reasons for not going through with it. I'm still very proud of her for not going up on that stage to be a true show off."

Raven nodded in agreement. "Most definitely. The only true showoffs in that scenario are Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash and not only were they the true showoffs, but they were also true hypocrites." Raven lit her horn to play the rest of the memory.

When the memory finished, Celestia made the screen disappear.

"I mean seriously, just what in Tartarus were they thinking. They were literally talking so much shit about Trixie being a showoff and yet those bucking idiots decided to interrupt her show, go up on her stage, just to show off their own talents............ They were literally doing what they were reprimanding Trixie for, and they tried to make her look like the bad guy. Well news flash you bucking morons, she wasn't. Trixie was the victim. She was just an innocent traveling stage performer who came to your town to put on a show for you all. She meant no harm in anything she said. She was just doing her job. No more no less, and I don't give a damn if she was being serious about being all great and powerful. As I said earlier. Who. The buck. CARES! Nothing she said should be taking seriously. I swear if you took those three assholes to see a murder mystery play. They would actually believe a real actual murder had taken place and called the police, thus interrupting the show and ruining things for everypony." Raven let out a sigh. "I applaud Trixie for showing those three off the way she did. After all they attacked her, and she had every right to defend herself, for she did absolutely nothing wrong."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "Indeed, she wasn't. Those three and Spike should be ashamed of themselves for how they treated Trixie. That poor mare didn't deserve the hate they gave her, as you said she did nothing wrong. Sure, Trixie may have lied about defeating an Ursor Major but she didn't know that two colts would also take her words just as seriously, go into the forest and lure one into town.....Thank goodness it was just a baby though. As talented as Twilight is with magic, there was no way she could defeat an Adult Ursor, even with the help of her friends if it was on a blind Rampage."

That last bit got Raven's attention as her ears perk up. "Would you have gone and help them it that were the case?" She said nervously.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at Raven sudden question. "Of course, I would!" She answers as if it was obvious. "No doubt Twilight would of quickly send me a letter asking for help and I would be there in a heartbeat! Just like when Spike sent me a letter asking for help when Twilight went crazy during that lesson zero event!.... What made you think I wouldn't?" Celestia asked somberly.

Raven froze up, as she began to sweat lightly. She was afraid something like this would happen. What the hay was she thinking questioning the Princess morals. "Good job, Raven. You offended The Princess. For someone so smart you're so stupid, stupid, stupid." Raven quickly thought before answering Celestia's question.

"I-I mean no offense, Princess!" Raven said nervously and scared as she taps her forehooves together. "It was just a slip of the tongue, of course you would have gone to help Twilight if she needed it." Raven chuckled nervously while putting on an obvious forced smile. "I'm sorry for bringing it up!" Raven takes another sip of her tea. "So, what happens next in the story?" She said trying to change the subject.

Raven's nervousness did not go unnoticed by Celestia. Sure, it was clearly obvious from how she instantly reverted back to her old self, to calling her Princess instead of using her real name whenever she gets like this. Although Raven have indeed changed and become more confident and carefree over the years, there are still times where she would start acting like the shy, scared, little mare when the two of them first met and this usually happens when something's bothering her.

Celestia knew immediately that something on Raven's mind was getting to her the second The Sun Princess asked what the unicorn wanted to talk about. The way she tried to hold back a cough after just taking a bite of the small sandwich, made Celestia realize that there was clearly something Raven really wanted to talk about but tried to play it off by wanting to talk about Twilight as they usually do during these tea times and the way she acted after asking her that earlier question about helping Twilight all but confirms it.

Celestia had a pretty good idea what Raven wanted to talk about, and she wanted to bring it up but decided against it, for now. She didn't want to push her friend and make her feel even more uncomfortable than she already is, so Celestia decided to drop the subject for now and wait for the right moment to bring it up. Until then, she will just continue her story.

Celestia cleared her throat. "Well! By using the power of the amulet, Trixie easily defeats Twilight in their duel and banish her from Ponyville, she then created a giant glass dome and sealed the town inside and enslaved its citizens."

"She enslaved the entire town?" Raven asked in shock. "That's terrible! I understand she's angry at how ponies treated her but that's no excuse to punish Ponyville for it?"

"It's no doubt that the news of her mishaps started in Ponyville and spread to the other towns one way or another, because of this she deemed Ponyville to be responsible for her misery."

"But still she doesn't know how the rumors spread or who spread them! For all we know a pony visiting Ponyville that day told the story to his friends when he got back to his town." Raven suggested.

Celestia shrug. "True! But I guess we'll never know." She said while refilling her cup of tea.

"So, what happened next? What did Twilight do and how was she able to stop Trixie?"

"Twilight went to Zecora for help, while she was training her magic with her, the mane 5 and Spike was able to find a book telling them about the alicorn amulet and because of its magical lock only Trixie can take it off. So, they sent Fluttershy to go find Twilight and deliver the news to her."

"How was she able to get pass the dome?" Raven asked.

"With the help of some beavers!" Celestia answered. "She hid inside a log they were carrying and alerted Trixie to their location by smacking the magical dome with their tails. Seeing the problem, Trixie let the beavers out with their log and a small flock of birds had to carry a very scared Fluttershy to where Twilight is, she then told Twilight about the amulet."

“What was Fluttershy even afraid of?” Raven asked.

“The Everfree Forest!” Celestia answered. “But she did brave it, so she can tell Twilight what was going on, so she can come up with a plan.”

"It must have been very hard for Twilight to come up with a plan to defeat Trixie and get her to take off that amulet?" Said Raven

"Actually, it was super easy, barely an inconvenience!"

"Oh, really!"

"Mmm, hmm! Thanks to Zecora's wisdom all Twilight needed to do was use her friends, so she immediately came up with a plan and sent Fluttershy back into Ponyville to tell the others!" Celestia takes another sip of her tea.

"How did Fluttershy get pass the dome again without alerting Trixie?" Raven asked.

That question gave Celestia paused as she tried to search her memories for an answer. "Huh! I don't know! Twilight never said how Fluttershy got back inside the dome, only that she wrote down her plan on paper, gave it to her, and she left......maybe she got back in the same way she got out!?"

"That would be suspicious as well as weird! Why would the beavers want to bring a log back into town? Sell it at the market?" Raven questioned. "Trixie may be corrupted by the amulet but that doesn't mean she's stupid."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you Raven, maybe you should ask Fluttershy the next time you see her!"

"Ok, I will!"

(Memory paused)

Celestia turned to Raven with a questioning expression. "Raven! Did you ever ask Fluttershy how she managed to get pass the dome?"

Raven rubs her chin in thought. "Huh! You know I never did ask her. Fluttershy!?" Raven turned around to face her opponent in this heated debate. "I know you and I are enemies right now but let's put all that aside for the moment and can you please tell me how you got pass Trixie's dome the second time?" Raven asked nicely.

"Yes Fluttershy! How did you do it?" Asked Celestia.

Fluttershy shrug. "It wasn't anything special, I just dug under it!" She answers.

"You dug under it?" Raven asked.

"Well not by myself, I asked Mr. and Mrs. Gopher for help! They're very strong diggers so making a simple tunnel large enough for me to fit through was no problem since they didn't have to dig far." Fluttershy rub the back of her head. "Although I had to take a quick bath afterwards."

"Huh! Well, thank you for sharing Ms. Shy!" Raven turned back around facing the screen.

"Uhh, you're welcome!" Fluttershy said a bit nervously. She didn't know exactly how to react to how nice Raven was acting right now. She was more use to the mean version she grew to know since this whole debate started it and it made the yellow pegasus wish that it was the nice Raven she was dealing with instead of the mean one.

"Now don't take my moment of kindness too literally, Ms. Shy," Raven adjusted her glasses. "I just wanted an answer to a simple question, no more no less. You and I are still enemies in this debate, and I still plan on showing you all why Discord should be punished."

Fluttershy let out a depressing sigh. "I know!" She whispered in understanding, knowing full well that despite the Raven she'd been watching in the memory isn't the Raven sitting before her now.

With nothing more to say Celestia lit her horn and unpaused the memory.

"Ok, I will!..... Whenever that will be. It's not like I'm so desperate to know, that I would go to her house and ask.” Raven shrugs. “So, anyway let's get back to the story. Earlier you said that Twilight was able to defeat Trixie with hardly any trouble.... How did she do it? Give me details!”

“Oh, right! When Twilight and Trixie first dueled. Twilight didn't pay much attention to the amulet Trixie was wearing. Thus, believing Trixie was doing advance spells on her own. After she was banish from Ponyville, Twilight seeks help from Zecora. Who trained Twilight in the art of magic. Later that same day, Fluttershy arrived and told Twilight about the alicorn amulet. Now knowing exactly what she was up against. My faithful student knew her magic wasn't anywhere near powerful enough to take on Trixie. She will definitely lose if she tries to take her on again, but Zecora said these words of wisdom to Twilight.

Zecora: Twilight Sparkle, much work have you done. You learned all of my lessons; all but one. If Trixie's tricks have you in a fix, you must nix your magic and use the six.

Which Twilight figured out that she doesn't need magic spells to defeat Trixie, all she needed was the magic of friendship. Meaning she just needed her friends help. So, she came up with a plan to trick Trixie into taking off the amulet, and instead of explaining how she did it, I’ll show you.” Celestia’s closed her eyes to concentrate on casting her spell. Not long after a magic screen appeared between the two.

“How did you do that? It can't be the memory spell, you’ll need somepony who was there and has seen the events for that to work. Sure, you can use your own memories, but you were away in Saddle Arabia.”

“Indeed, I was. Sometime after her performance was done. Twilight told me what happened the day before. Wanting to see it for myself, Twilight allowed me to use the memory spell on her and you know once you cast that spell on someone or they cast on themselves and you watch their memories-”

“It basically becomes a part of your own memories, and you can bring it up again whenever you want. Like you did earlier when you showed the memory of when Trixie first visited Ponyville.” Celestia nodded. “I can't believe I forgot that.” Said Raven. “Anyway, start the memory. I want to see how Twilight beat Trixie.”

With that said. Celestia’s use her magic to start the memory.

When the memory finished. Celestia made the screen disappear. “And there you have it. Thanks to the help of her friends. Twilight was able to defeat Trixie and free Ponyville.”

Raven just sat in her chair, silent and unmoving.

“Raven!?” Celestia said a little worried. “Are you ok?”

“Y-yeah I’m fine, it's just....” Raven shook her head. “Before I give my final thoughts, I would like to see Twilight’s training with Zecora, as well as when she first came up with her plan.... If you have the memories of course?”

Celestia nodded. “I do!” With the light of her horn Celestia made two new screens appear. “There we go! The first shows the training, but the second one shows more than what you ask for. As it is a combination of memories from those mainly involved, that includes Trixie. As you know the memory spell isn't something you can control and pinpoint direct accuracy on the exact memory you want, you can only take what it gives you.”

Raven nods in understanding. “I understand Celestia, it might not be a bad thing for the second memory to be longer than intended. I might still learn some valuable information.”

“As long as it helps you!” Celestia said, before lighting her horn and playing the first memory.

When the first memory finished, Celestia made the first screen disappear and immediately started the second.

Once again Celestia made the screen disappear. “Did that help you at all, Raven?”

“Yes, but I need just one more bit of information. I want to see the first duel that Twilight lost. Once I have that, I can give you my full thoughts on all this.”

“Very well! It's a good thing Trixie was willing to share her memories with me.” Celestia made one last screen appear and played the memory.

With the memory done, the screen disappeared. Celestia took a sip of her tea before speaking. “Hmm, it seems Trixie knows how to do the memory spell too. So, Raven, what are your thoughts on Twilight’s victory over Trixie?”

“Well, if I’m being honest. I say it was kinda risky.” Raven answered.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at that. “What do you mean, it was risky?”

“Well, it's just that Twilight’s plan could have easily failed.”

“And how could it have failed? You heard what Twilight said about the magic of friendship.”

:trixieshiftright:Trixie: [upset] But... how did you do those spells? Nopony can do those spells!

:twilightsmile:Twilight Sparkle: You're right. Not even me. Zecora taught me so much about magic while I was in exile. She even taught me when not to use it. My magic alone wasn't powerful enough to take on the Alicorn Amulet head-to-head, so I needed to use a different kind of magic – the magic of friendship. I also knew that the only pony who could get the amulet off your neck was you.

Raven cringe in her seat. “Yeah, about that. I don't see how friendship had anything to do with why they were able to beat Trixie. In fact, it had absolutely nothing to do with it.”

Celestia sat their stunned at Raven’s accusation and she wasn't the only one.

For there were some who are watching the memory, who were just as shock if not more after hearing what memory Raven said.

:rainbowhuh:”What the hell did she mean that friendship had nothing do with defeating Trixie?” Rainbow asked angrily.

“What exactly do you mean, when you said friendship had nothing to do with it?” Asked Celestia. “It was because of the magic of friendship that they were able to defeat Trixie.”

Raven shook her head. “That's where I have to disagree with you Celestia. Just because Twilight came up with a plan involving her friends help, doesn't guarantee that they will win in the end. It all depended on what Trixie choose to do and if she chose differently than what she originally did, Twilight would have lost and all that talk about friendship saving the day wouldn't mean anything.”

“Ok, now I'm confused!”

“Allow me to explain.” Raven takes another sip of her tea, before setting her cup down on the table. “Let's start from beginning. For what we know about Trixie, is that she isn't as great and powerful as she makes herself out to be. She isn't good at casting real spells, which is why she can only perform stage magic and we got to see the extent of Trixie's magic compared to Twilight’s when they each took on the Ursor Minor.” Raven lit her horn and made her own memory screen appear. “Now, watch and see just how weak Trixie’s magic truly is.”

Raven made the screen disappear.

“And what are you getting at, by showing that Trixie’s magic is weak?” Celestia asked.

“Because it tells us just how much the Alicorn Amulet helped her.” Raven adjusts her glasses. “For what I’m able to tell from speculation. The Amulet obviously gives the wearer, mainly a unicorn, a huge increase in their magical potential. The best way to describe it, is that it increases our mana. The more mana a unicorn have, the more capable we are at casting spells. Take Twilight for example, she was born with a large mana pool, so doing something as advance as the teleportation spell is simple for her to pull off multiple times before she gets tired. As for unicorns with an average mana pool can only do it once before tiring themselves out, any higher and they can do it more times but there's always a limit and those with even less can't teleport at all.”

“You're correct about all that, after all I teach it at my school, but what does any of this has to do with Trixie and the amulet?”

“Simple, for you see, a unicorn can have a large mana pool but haves no knowledge about advance spells, just as a unicorn can have the knowledge but haves a small mana pool. I remember a colt named Sunburst who went to your school. I was in the same grade as him. He was very smart and knew so much about magic from all the books that he reads, his only problem was that he was incapable of performing them.”

(Three years later at the crystal empire)

(Present day)

“What I’m trying to say is that Trixie, must have an average mana pool, and doesn't haves the knowledge to perform advanced spells, but with the aid of the amulet and what knowledge she does have. She's able to cast even the greatest of high-level spells with ease. Basically, the Alicorn Amulet is as Twilight said, a cheat. A cheap way for weak unicorns to become stronger at the cost of their sanity.” Raven shakes her head in disappointment. “Twilight should consider herself lucky that someone like Sunburst wasn't the one with the amulet, he would have been a far greater threat if he had it. It's clear the amulet’s power is only limited by your knowledge of magic or even your imagination, who knows, but what we do know that it is thanks to Trixie lack of knowledge is part of the reason why she lost her duel but before I get to that, we still have a lot more to go over first."

Raven takes another sip of her tea.

“Now, riddle me this? What was Twilight’s back up plan incase Trixie did not try to take the fake amulet? What if Trixie decided to continue the duel instead?”

Celestia just sat there in her seat in silence. She didn't have the foggiest idea what Twilight would have done if Trixie had chosen to continue the duel, and she wasn't the only one.

Twilight and her friends who are watching Raven’s memory were just as speechless. Mainly Twilight for the thought about Trixie making a different choice didn't once occur to her.

“Just as I thought, she didn't have one. Like I said earlier, just because her friends help, doesn't mean she was automatically going to win. So that (and pardon my language) bullshit lesson Zecora tried to throw in at the last second just to make herself feel important in some way doesn't mean anything.” Raven scoff. “Twilight Sparkle, much work have you done. You learned all of my lessons; all but one. If Trixie's tricks have you in a fix, you must nix your magic and use the six. Oh please, Zecora didn't even know about the amulet until Fluttershy showed up. Unless you're saying that the whole time, she been training Twilight. She somehow already knew and wasted all that time with pointless training, when all she had to do was tell Twilight to use her friends to help her trick Trixie.” Raven rolled her eyes. “Yeah right, I bet she really was trying to help Twilight increase her magic, but when Fluttershy came and told them about the amulet. Of course, there was no way Twilight could ever match its power, plus only the wearer can take it off, so just so she doesn't feel useless, she immediately thought of a plan and hid it behind some wisdom from the wise lesson and Twilight was too dense to see it.”

“Remember the whole point to Twilight’s plan was to make Trixie believe that the alicorn amulet wasn't as powerful as she thought it was and hope that Trixie would be stupid enough to fall for it.”

:trixieshiftleft:”WHAT!!!!” yelled Trixie. She turned her attention to Twilight, who notice her glare and sheepishly tried to avoid eye contact, which only made Trixie angry. She sure had a lot she wanted to talk to the purple alicorn about as well as four others.

“And boy was she ever.” Said Raven. “I mean how could she not notice that she was being trick? If she was just a bit smarter, she would have saw the obvious clues that Twilight was playing her from the start.”

“And how would she, exactly?” Celestia asked.

Raven lit her horn and made an image appear. “First would be how Twilight goaded Trixie into a second duel.

“She had no reason to challenge Twilight again, but her love for magic is what got her to agree in the first place.” Raven adjusts her glasses. “Now if Trixie was smart enough to realize that Twilight was obviously and not very subtly, playing her. She wouldn't had agreed to the duel and just went back to ruling Ponyville and Twilight’s plan would have failed before it even started.”

“Well, I can't argue with that!” Said Celestia. “If Trixie chose not to give Twilight a rematch. Then there's nothing else she could do.”

“Well, there is one thing she could do but will get to that later. Now let's continue on, shall we.” Raven lit her horn and the image change. “Now let's talk about the statue that AJ and Rarity just happen to be standing in front of.”

“Unfortunately, we don't know what happened between when Trixie agreed to the second duel and its start, but no doubt Twilight was secretly told, showed, or led to the statue where,” Raven changes the image. “The others were already hiding behind.”

“Which would indicate that Twilight was the one who chose the location of the duel and Trixie followed. Now this situation could have gone any number of ways. Like what if Trixie chose the location? What if she decided to have the duel right then and there where she agreed to the rematch and since this is Trixie we’re talking about, of course she would want an audience, show she would either A: Teleport everypony in town to hers and Twilight’s location or B: Broadcast their rematch around town.”

Image change.

“We saw Trixie use the memory spell, and there does exist other types of video spells, like the recording spell, where you can use your magic to record things like a movie camera and play them back on a magic screen.

(Two years later.)

(Present day)
“So, of course there exist a live broadcast version of the spell. So, if Trixie decided to do either one of those two things,”

Celestia continues “Then once again, Twilight’s plan fails before it could even have the chance to begin.” Celestia change the image.

“They were out on an open field, outside of Ponyville. If Trixie had decided to have the duel right then and there, then Twilight couldn't do her aging spell trick at all, she could only do the duplicate and instrument one.”

“And that's not all!” Said Raven.

:rainbowhuh:”SWEET MERCIFUL FAUST THERE'S MORE!!!!!” Rainbow yelled in frustration.

“If Trixie did choose the location, and Twilight tries to change it, then that would only raise suspicion.” Raven takes another sip of her tea. “I know Trixie may not be the brightest, but she isn't that stupid. It wouldn't matter where the duel was happening, but if Twilight was pushing to have it take place in a certain location, I have no doubt that Trixie would start to get suspicious. Which lead to our next bit, the first round of the second duel.”

Raven uses her magic to grab the teapot and quickly refilled her cup before setting it down.

“Now, it's without a doubt, that Twilight expected Trixie to start the duel with the ageing spell, which was exactly what she needed for her plan to work, but what if Trixie started the duel with another high-level spell that Twilight couldn't do? It was never said or mentioned that was the only advance spell she knew, so once again Twilight’s plan instantly falls apart before she could do anything, since she has to be able to do the exact same spell that Trixie did.”

Raven continues. “Now for the next part and this one's important. What if Trixie saw through Twilight’s tricks?” Sips her tea.

Celestia sips her tea. “Let me guess! You're saying since everything Twilight did was basically stage magic, aka not real magic! Trixie, who is a stage magician, probably could have seen passed Twilight’s simple tricks.”

Raven nodded. “Exactly,” Raven chuckled. “Wow I just realized, just how big of a hypocrite both Twilight and Zecora are.”

“What do you mean?”

“Twilight said that Zecora taught her so much about magic. She even taught her when NOT to use it. And yet Twilight did use magic throughout that entire duel. A simple smokescreen spell still counts as using magic and Twilight wasn't supposed to do any magic. Kinda defeats the purpose of the lesson, huh!” Takes a sip of her tea.

“I see what you mean Raven, but Twilight needed to cover her friends so they can do their parts without being seen.” Celestia counters.

“True, but it still doesn't change the fact that she still used magic.” Raven counters back. “It doesn't matter how small and simple the spell was, it's still counts as using magic and Zecora’s final lesson clearly stated that she shouldn't do ANY magic, which means Twilight had to fight that duel without lighting her horn once.”


“Raven, you do remember it was a magic duel, right?” Celestia asked.

Raven nodded. “Oh, I’m very much aware of that obvious fact.” She said while swirling her teacup around with her magic. “The question is, were both Twilight and Zecora aware of it when they thought of this ingenious plan of theirs to fight in a magic duel and not use magic at all? Not only that but everything Twilight along with the help of her friends, still counts as using magic.”

“But it was stage magic!”

“But magic none the less. There were no rules stating in that duel, that you had to use actual real magic, just as it wasn't said that you couldn't use something or someone to aid you. Trixie had the alicorn amulet and Twilight had her friends.” Raven takes a sip of her tea. “It may have been a duel between real/enhance magic against stage/fake magic, but it was still magic, just different forms of it, just as the magic of friendship have different forms as well. One is when everyone works together in harmony and the other shoots a giant rainbow laser.”

Celestia sighed, knowing she had no way to counter Raven’s logic. “Ok, fine, you win! Let's just get back to what you were talking about Trixie seeing through Twilight’s tricks.”

“Very well! As I was saying before. Twilight’s plans would have failed if Trixie was smart enough to notice the many flaws to her supposed spells and with the mistake, she made while performing her fake age spell could have easily tip Trixie off.”

“And what was Twilight’s mistake?”

“Doing the age spell more than once. In both duels Trixie performed the same spell once per duel.” Raven lit her horn and made an image appear. “The first time she did it she turned Snips into an infant and Snails old.

Image change.

“And in the second she turned them both into infants.”

Image change.

Raven continues. “Now as for Twilight she supposedly turned both AJ and Rarity into fillies.”

“And that was enough. She only had to do the spell once and only once, but instead she decided to get cocky and show off, by doing the age spell more than once, which wasn't necessary at all and flat out put her whole plan at risk. Again! I'm not saying that Trixie had to be a super genius but if she was just a bit smarter and had a keen eye, she would have noticed the major flaw to Twilight’s age spell and the gender-swap spell she did only add to the pile.”

“And what exactly is this flaw?” Celestia asked curiously.

:rainbowhuh:”YEAH! You bucking smart ass! Tell us exactly what was wrong with Twilight’s age spell plan.” Yelled Rainbow.

“How many different forms did both AJ and Rarity go through?” Raven asked.

Celestia took a moment to think before answering. “Excluding their normal forms. Applejack had three forms and Rarity had one.”

Raven nodded. Exactly, and do you see the problem with that?”

Celestia’s eyes widen in shock as she realized what Raven was talking about. “Applejack was turned into a filly, an old mare, and later a stallion. While Rarity was turned into a filly, twice.”

Raven nodded then lit her horn to make another image appear.

“We saw earlier that Twilight turned both AJ and Rarity into fillies, and after turning them back to normal, turned Rarity back into a filly again but kept AJ normal.”

Image change.

Raven continues. “Then she turned AJ old and then Rarity back to normal, before eventually turning AJ back to normal again.” Image disappears. “And let's not forget that the whole standing on the others back thing was also a stupid move. For the age spell changes a pony age, not their position. So, by doing that adds another reason how their trick could have been exposed. You didn't see Snips and Snails doing circus tricks when their ages were changed.” Raven shakes her head. “Nope! Both times the spell was cast on them they remained in the exact same spot they were standing after being transformed and you may think that the position change doesn't matter because of how small of an issue it is, but even the smallest detail can make a world of difference, and Twilight changing her friend's position like that while casting an age spell is very concerning, and another thing.

I still can't wrap my head around, as to why Trixie thought that Twilight casting the age spell, multiple times in a row, like that was impossible. Just how the hell is that impossible? All Twilight did was cast the same spell again and again. No doubt Trixie could do it to if she actually tried.” Raven rubs her head in frustration. “And that's not even the worst of it.”

“And what is?” Celestia asked.

“The fact that Trixie was actually impressed by it. She literally said with absolute surprise, that what Twilight did was impossible. It is not impossible for somepony to cast a spell like that, multiple times in a row.”

(4 years later)

(present day)

“I mean seriously, it's literally the real reason why Trixie was fooled so easily. Impressing her is like impressing an infant.” Raven levitates her teacup. “Sure, levitating something might not be enough to amused someone like Trixie, but what if I did this!” Raven preceded to move her teacup around through the air. Up, down, left, right. She even made it orbit around her head a few times, before stopping. “And for my final trick. Watch as I The Amazing Inkwell, turn this full cup of tea upside down and NOT spill a single drop of it, behold!” Putting a little extra magic into her levitation spell. Raven slowly turned the cup upside down and as she said, not a single drop was spilled. “Ta da!”

Celestia couldn't help but laugh at Raven's antics. “Oh, come now Raven, you're just levitating the liquid along with your cup to keep it inside. Any unicorn can do that.”

Raven turns her cup right side up and place it back on the table. “True, but if Trixie never seen nor done such a simple trick, no doubt it would wow her, because she's just so easy to impress.”

:trixieshiftright:Trixie stared at the screen with great disdain as memory Raven made fun of her. “Trixie, is NOT that easily impress!”

”Could of fooled me!” Raven scoff. “Oh, wait it didn't, because I can actually use my brain.”

:trixieshiftright:Trixie glared at Raven angrily. Obviously mad at the glasses wearing mare for insulting her intelligence. She wanted to say something in retort, but Starlight stops her by placing a hoof on her blue friend shoulder, calming her down. For now!

“Now, back to what I was saying.” Said Memory Raven. “Trixie being so amazed by Twilight doing the age spell in rapid succession, was just stupid. There was literally no reason to be amazed by something like that and as I said earlier, Trixie could no doubt do it if she actually tried. The Alicorn Amulet is clearly capable of doing something so simple and not only that. Twilight casting the same spell like that repeatedly isn't going to earn her any bonus points. We already saw Trixie do it twice, so what the heck does doing it multiple times in a row actually gives her?”

Celestia sighed. “Absolutely nothing. Twilight only did what she did to amaze Trixie, it was understandable that she was surprised to see Twilight perform the age spell the first time, but it really made no sense why Trixie was so mind blown by Twilight doing the same spell repeatedly. It's not like turning AJ and Rarity into two separate ages was anything new, since that was exactly what she did when she first used the age spell on those two colts.”

Raven nodded in agreement. “Now, I know that the age spell bit alone isn't enough to call Twilight out, but it's still something to keep in mind as the duel continued.” Raven smirk. “So, Trixie watch as Twilight did her duplication spell on Rainbow, made Pinkie play six instruments at once, and turned AJ into a stallion.”

“Wait, don't you mean ten instruments?” Celestia asked. “Twilight clearly said ten!”

“And Pinkie only played six in total!” Raven exclaimed. She then lit her horn and a new image appeared.

“Just count them yourself if you think I'm wrong. But you can clearly see there’s only six. The tuba, the drum, the tambourine, the accordion, the cymbals, and the banjo.”

Celestia counted the instruments Pinkie held and came to the conclusion that Raven was right. There were only six, not ten. “Then why did Twilight say ten if Pinkie could only play six?”

Raven shrugs. “Heck if I know! She was probably just throwing out a random number, it's not like Pinkie could tell her just how many instruments she was going to play before the duel."

"True!" Said Celestia.

Raven adjusts her glasses. "Now remember earlier when I said if Trixie was just a bit smarter and had a keen eye, she would have noticed the major flaw to Twilight’s age spell and gender swap spell?"

Celestia nodded.

"Now there's obviously no way Trixie would be able to figure out how Pinkie can play six instruments at once, but that doesn't mean she couldn't figure out the duplication spell, thus giving her two out of three ways to expose Twilight tricks and it's all thanks to one little mistake."

"And what would that be?" Celestia asked.

"Surely you notice that Twilight only casted her spells on her friends, right?"

"Of course, I did!"

"Can you name each one of them for me please?"

"Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow and Pinkie Pie!"

Raven nodded. "Exactly, and that's how Trixie could have easily figured out the duplication spell and here's why."

Raven changes the image.

"Now, Twilight casted spells on each of her friends."

Raven continues.

"The age spell on AJ and Rarity."

Image change.

"The duplication spell on Rainbow."

Image change.

"Making Pinkie Pie play six instruments."

Image change.

"And finally, The Gender swap spell on Applejack."

Raven makes the magical screen disappear. "Four! Twilight cast spells on four of her friends, and when you think about it, the gender swap spell could have been casted on the fifth, and yet she was nowhere to be seen." Raven smirk. "If Trixie was just a bit more observant, she would notice that a certain pink maned, yellow pegasus was missing and it's not like she didn't see her before."

Raven changes the image.

"She was watching the duel along with the others."

Image change.

"She steps up along with her friends to defend Twilight."

Image change.

"And even chase after Twilight along with the others, when Trixie threw her out of Ponyville."

Raven makes the magic screen disappear. Clearing the air once again. "And Trixie clearly saw her during the events of the first duel. So, it should be strange that one of Twilight's friends wasn't there to watch the second duel and give her support and as I said earlier, since Twilight casted spells on each of her friends, wouldn't it have made sense that the spell that turned AJ into a stallion, was instead used on this mysterious mare." Takes a sip of her tea. "And this mare being missing, creates yet another plot hole in Twilight's plan. That being the duplication spell itself. Since Trixie knows that the missing mare is a pegasus, and she was nowhere to be seen during the whole duel, and Twilight supposedly created a clone of Rainbow, who is also a pegasus, not to mention that disguises are a thing," Raven shrugs. "I mean seriously, it's not much of a riddle, since the answer is so obvious, and I figured with a riddle, the obvious answer is rarely the right one."

"For Faust sakes, Raven, I get what you're trying to say." Celestia said as she rubs her forehead. "You're saying that if Trixie had notice that Fluttershy was missing, she would have guessed that the second Rainbow Dash was just her in disguise. Which will help deduce that Twilight's age spell wasn't real. Pinkie is the only one she can't figure out, but she does have two out of three, and that's more than enough for her to come to the conclusion that the mane 6 were trying to trick her."

"Indeed," said Raven. "Twilight's plan was so full of holes, that I still can't believe it worked in the end." Takes a sip of her tea. "But you wanna know what bothers me more than that?"

"What!?" Asked Celestia.

Raven lights her horn, making another image appear.

"Twilight writes her whole plan down on paper and no doubt she recited it back to both Fluttershy and Zecora, maybe even spoke with Fluttershy to confirm some things. So anyway, my problem is, why didn't those two point out the plot holes in Twilight's plan? And it's not just them, the same applies to everyone else who helped with the plan." Raven rubs her forehead in frustration. "You can't honestly be telling me that everyone involved, was told what the plan is, and each and every single one of them didn't see the obvious plot holes? No one questioned about the what ifs and maybes?" Raven just shook her head in disbelief. "So, you're telling me that everyone, heard Twilight's plan and was like; yeah, this plan is 100% perfect. I don't see a single flaw that could easily turn the tables against us in a way that would completely ruin everything. We'll totally defeat Trixie straight up without anything going wrong."

"Well, that is exactly what happ-"

"Don't give me that crap!" Raven interrupted. She then made the image disappear. "Yes, it's true that Twilight's plan succeeded in the end, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't have failed. Remember, the reason Twilight and the others believed that they won was because they worked together, in other words, because they used the magic of friendship. Sorry but that's complete,

The reality of the situation, the true reason they won, was because Trixie didn't see passed Twilight's tricks, plain and simple. As I said many times before, if she was just a bit smarter, she would have saw through their schemes and just as Twilight could have thought of a better plan that would give her a more guaranteed chance of winning without the risk, hell there actually is a way she could of easily beat Trixie without doing her stage magic plan."

"And what might that be?"

"Force Trixie to take her amulet off." Raven shrugs. "It's that simple."

"And how perse could Twilight do that?" Celestia asked. "Only the wearer can remove the amulet."

Raven put on a confident smirk. "Remember earlier, when we first started this conversation? Remember what I said after you showed me the memory of Twilight's rematch with Trixie?"

When the memory finished. Celestia made the screen disappear. “And there you have it. Thanks to the help of her friends. Twilight was able to defeat Trixie and free Ponyville.”

Raven just sat in her chair, silent and unmoving.

“Raven!?” Celestia said a little worried. “Are you ok?”

“Y-yeah I’m fine, it's just....” Raven shook her head. “Before I give my final thoughts, I would like to see Twilight’s training with Zecora, as well as when she first came up with her plan.... If you have the memories of course?”

Celestia nodded. “I do!” With the light of her horn Celestia made two new screens appear. “There we go! The first shows the training, but the second one shows more than what you ask for. As it is a combination of memories from those mainly involved, that includes Trixie. As you know the memory spell isn't something you can control and pinpoint direct accuracy on the exact memory you want, you can only take what it gives you.”

Raven nods in understanding. “I understand Celestia, it might not be a bad thing for the second memory to be longer than intended. I might still learn some valuable information.

“As long as it helps you!” Celestia said, before lighting her horn and playing the first memory.

"And help me it did! Cause I remember one important detail about the amulet that Spike read out."

:moustache:"You can't just take the Alicorn Amulet off her neck; it has a magical lock! Trixie's the only pony who can take it off!"

"Only the wearer can take it off, due to the magical lock and considering how easily Trixie took the amulet off, tells me that it is in fact possible to force her to remove it." Raven takes off her glasses with her hoof. "It's no different than if you made me take off my glasses by hoof." Puts glasses back on, then adjusted them. "And I doubt the lock needs the wearers consent first before they can take it off, I remember this spy book I read once. The spy needed to get inside this one room, but the door was lock and can only be opened via hoof scanner, so he found somepony he could use, knock them out, and place their hoof on the scanner to open the door, simple."

Raven takes a sip of her tea. "So, basically all Twilight had to do, was grabbed one of Trixie's forehooves in her magic and made Trixie take the amulet off before she had a chance to react. It still counts as the wearer taking it off, since all Twilight is doing is making said wearer take it off, with their hoof. Twilight could have ended things back when she proposed a rematch. Catching Trixie with her guard down and thus she defeats her without any additional help from her friends, thus making her fake spells plan completely useless. But if you still want Zecora's teachings to be actually worth a damn. Then Twilight's friends could have done the same thing. They do have Rarity!"

Celestia sighed. "I can't argue with that." She said before taking another sip of her tea. "It probably was that simple for Twilight to beat Trixie, just as it was as easy for Trixie to beat Twilight." A thought pop in Celestia's head. "Which reminds me! Earlier you mentioned that despite her plans failing, there was still something Twilight could do to beat Trixie."

"Indeed, I did!"

"Then tell me! What is it that Twilight could have done to stop Trixie after her plan has immediately failed?"

"Wait for you to show up." Raven answered.

It was at that moment, Celestia remembered one important detail. "The Saddle Arabians visit." She sighed. "I asked Twilight to be the entertainment for them. The show was being held in Ponyville, so of course, I was going to be there and see the trouble Trixie was causing."

Raven nodded. "And no doubt, somepony like you could have figured out a way to stop her and have her take off the amulet." Raven shrugs. "Who knows, you probably would have simply made her take it off, like how I explained."

"Maybe," Said Celestia. "I guess will never know, and besides, I'm glad things went the way they did. If they didn't, things would have ended differently. It's because of how things went, that Trixie learned a valuable lesson. If things did go differently, then she probably wouldn't had learned anything."

Raven raised an eyebrow at that. "What do you mean? How exactly did things end? What happened to Trixie after she was defeated? Wasn't she arrested for her crimes?"

Celestia let out a small giggle before shaking her head. "No, Raven! Trixie wasn't arrested nor given any form of punishment whatsoever."

Raven eyes instantly grew wide as she screamed. "WHAT!!!!! What do you mean she wasn't arrested? After everything she'd done! She banishes Twilight out of town and enslaved its citizens. Sure, it was an extremely short rule and doesn't seem as though she'd actually hurt anypony." Raven let out a deep sigh. "I understand why Trixie did all the things she did. Despite the mean things I said about her during my theories. I don't think any less of her. She was going through a really bad time, thanks to the rumors spreading about her, so I get that she was angry, and she had every right to be. But the things she did was still wrong. So, how exactly did she get away with it."



Celestia nodded. "Here, I'll show you." With the light of her horn, Celestia made another memory screen appear. This one being a bit easier since she was actually there during this scenario. With everything ready, Celestia played the memory.

Celestia made the magic screen disappear, the second the memory ended.

"Now I know what you're going to say, Raven. Just because Twilight forgave her, doesn't mean that all of Ponyville did. After all, they were the ones who suffered under Trixie's tyranny. Well, let me tell you what happened after Trixie left." Celestia clears her throat. "After the festivities, Twilight told me everything that happened and gave me the Alicorn Amulet to hide and lock away. I'm proud of Twilight being able to forgive Trixie, but what happened with to her was small time compared to what the citizens of Ponyville had suffered." She sighs. "I did originally plan to go after Trixie and arrest her."

:trixieshiftright:Trixie gulp at that.

"But instead, I decided to give Ponyville a choice on if they wanted Trixie punish or not."

"And let me guess, they all chose to forgive her?" Raven asked nonchalantly.

"Well, not everypony, there were a few who wanted Trixie to pay for her crime, but the grand majority voted to forgive her."


"Yes, voted. Its a little something I came up with at the time. For you see I would simply create a bunch of magical screens the size and width of a sheet of paper, for every single pony in Ponyville. On the screen you have two choices,"




"Once a pony made their choice, the screen instantly disappear and whatever they have voted gets added to a magic pie chart, I kept hidden behind some curtains. After everyone has voted, I would raise the curtain to reveal the verdict." Celestia made an image of the pie chart appear. "Red for forgive, blue for punish, and as I said, the grand majority forgave Trixie. Thus, I did not pursue her."

Raven just stared at the chart, with a blank expression on her face. She really didn't know how to process what she was seeing. "H-how is it that so many ponies were able to forgive her, just like that?"

Celestia made the image disappear before speaking. "You can thank, Twilight for that! Truth be told, the whole town wanted Trixie to be punished. I remember everypony, screaming for it. But Twilight stood up in Trixie defense and was able convince majority of the town to give the showmare a second chance..... She knows they all been through a lot, but Trixie didn't really do anything all that bad."

Raven raised an eyebrow as she makes an image appear.

"She forced the two colts that worship her, to pull her around without the help of wheels!" Image disappears.

"And those same two colts, forgave her." Celestia countered. "They overheard Trixie when she spoke about the awful things that happened after her first visit to Ponyville and they felt responsible, since they were the ones who brought the ursor minor into town and Twilight told the citizens the same story..... Does it excuse what Trixie did to them... No, but it allowed them to understand why she did what she did and feel sympathy for her."

Raven sighed. "I guess you got me there! Still amazes me how so many ponies forgave her though."

"Then tell me Raven, what would you have chosen? Would you forgive Trixie or have her punish?"

Smolder snorted. "Let me guess, you rather see her pun-

"I would forgive her, no contest."


Present, Raven smiled. She couldn't help but chuckle at Smolder's reaction. "Thought you had me all figured out, did you." She thought.

"You would?" Celestia asked surprised.

"Of course, I would! Sure, I still be mad at Trixie for taking her anger and frustration out on an innocent town, but after learning what she's been through beforehoof, I'm more than willing to give her a second chance."

"Hmm, I'll be honest with you, Raven. I really expected you, to be on team punish."

Raven sighed. "I know, and I understand why you think that, my attitude the past 30 minutes, doesn't do me any favors, but know that team forgiveness, is and has always been more my style."

Smolder's jaw drop. She couldn't believe what memory Raven just said.

"Oh, and why is that?" Celestia asked.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you about it someday, but I'll at least tell you this. Rose Flower played a big part in why i'm such a huge believer when it comes to forgiveness. I still remember everything she thought me about it, a few years back."

"Sounds, interesting. I'll hold you to that promise. I would love to hear more stories about you two love birds." Celestia said with a smile.

Raven smiled back. "Don't worry, I will."

The two mares sat in silence for a few moments, enjoying their tea.

Celestia stop the memory and made the screen disappear. Before turning to face her friend. "Now do you see how much you've changed Raven."

"Changed!?" Smolder questioned. "See was just as of big a smart asshole back then as she is now."

"True, but that's just how she is." Said Celestia. "It doesn't change the fact that she's a good pony deep down."

Smolder had no counter argument to that. After all she could see the similarities between both herself and Raven when it comes to expressing your true self in front of your friends and despite your negative faults, they know that you are a good person.

Smolder turns her attention to Raven. "The princess is right. This whole time. I thought you were just a jerk but after seeing you in your past self, you were actually a pretty cool pony, someone I could respect if I got to know you more but the Raven in that video is nothing like the Raven I see standing before me now. You clearly have changed."

"As I told you before. I haven't changed!"

"Then why have you abandoned your morals?" Celestia asked. "You heard what your past self said. You were always the forgiving type. It was Rose Flower who taught you the value of forgiveness. I still remember the story you told me about how she taught you and how that lesson was ingrained into your very soul. So why won't you forgive Discord?"

"Simple, because he literally surpassed his forgiveness limits." Raven adjusts her glasses. "He keeps on making mistake after mistake after mistake and doesn't seem to actually learn from any of them. Talk to Fluttershy if you want a second opinion about learning the same life changing lesson a hundred times over, before it finally stuck. Discord is clearly no different. He to keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again. He lied on multiple occasions and his antics could have gotten someone seriously hurt." Raven turns her sights to Smolder. "Which begs the question as to why you're defending him?"

Smolder raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" She asked. Highly curious to hear what the glasses wearing mare had to say.

Ocellus speaks up. "Oh, come on Smolder, she's obviously talking about when Discord came to the friendship school to mess everything up for no good reason," she pointed out. "Remember, it was the same day he'd trick The Mane Six into going on that fake friendship quest just so he can freely mess around. He lied on two occasions and caused nothing but grief and trouble for Starlight and us students, he even put some of us in danger by sicking a bug bear on us." She said as she stomps her hoof on the ground to emphasize her point.

The crowd gasped in horror at what they just heard. They soon started murmuring about, how could anyone endanger children's lives like that. There were even those who were actually taking Raven's side as they voice their opinions, others were still on Fluttershy's side as they believed that there must be a good explanation and those on The Unicorn's side were jumping to conclusions, and there were those who were still on the fence about the whole thing, not entirely convinced which side they should choose.

The crowd grew silent when Ocellus resumed speaking. "And let's not forget one major important fact!"

"Which is?" Asked Smolder.

"That at the end of the day when Starlight "thought" she'd figured out Discord's problem, she wanted to make him temporary vice headmare and we the young six didn't like the idea of him being vice headmare, temporary or not and yes that includes you and to prove it," Ocellus turns to face Raven. "Do you think you can use your memory spell on me? I really want to prove my point just as well, if only I was present for all of Discord's mishaps, then I show everyone, everything he did that day!"

Raven smiled. "Actually, I can use the spell on multiple creatures at once. All I need is at least one creature who's been there during at least one of Discord's incursions and my spell will combine the memories together in a fluent motion. Any creature you know who have seen at least one of Discord's mishaps?" Raven asked.

"Well besides me, there's of course Starlight and Spike, and either Yona, Sandbar, or SilverStream would do!" Said Ocellus.

Raven nodded before turning to Spike. "Mr. The Dragon, you mind helping us out with our little project?"

Spike shrug. "Sure, I guess!" He said as he flew up to stand next to Ocellus.

Raven then turned her attention to the rest of the young six. "So, which one of you three wants to-" before Raven could finish her sentence, Silverstream flew up into the unicorn's face.

"Ohh me, me choose me, I want to get my mind read!" Silverstream said super excitedly.

"Ok! Just go stand next to Ocellus!" Raven pointed behind her.

Silverstream did as she was told and stood excitedly next to her friend.

Raven took a moment to compose herself before her horn begins to glow. She looks at the three creatures standing before her and asked. "Are you all ready?"

They all nodded and stood firm. Raven fired three separate beams at each of their foreheads and soon a giant screen appeared above them, and the events of their shared memories played for all to see.

Raven closes the screen the second the memories were done, making them disappear. Spike and Silverstream went back to their spots after Raven thank them and said they were free to go.

"And as an added bonus everyone got to see how upset the Mane six were after returning from the fake friendship mission that Discord trick them into going on, as I've mentioned earlier before!" Said Raven as she then turned to Ocellus and raise a hoof to her. "Good work Ocellus, I knew you and I would make a great team."

Ocellus smiled and hoof bump Raven's hoof. "Thanks Raven, I'm happy to help."

After the two finished their hoof bump, Smolder spoke. "Don't pat yourselves on the back just yet, now it's my turn!"

"And what could you possibly add," Ocellus argued. "You saw it yourself as well as remembered everything Discord did to us that day, so I don't understand why you want to defend someone who nearly hurt your friends!?"

"And you're right he did nearly hurt my friends and yes the Bugbear was going too far even though we weren't in any real danger cause Discord wouldn't actually hurt us."

"Tell that to Yona!?" Ocellus countered.

"Yeah! Mean bear bug, nearly hurt Yona if Pony teacher hadn't stop it." Yona said.

"Look I get it! But do you seriously believe that bug bear was actually going to hurt anyone or that Discord would have allowed such a thing to happen?" Asked Smolder.

"Probably not!" Ocellus answered. "But that doesn't excuse endangering others in the first place, which he always does. So, I asked again why are you defending him!?"

"Because of what Starlight taught us!" Smolder answered. "Don't you remember Ocellus she shared her story about her past with us and how her life became better after Twilight forgave her and took her in as her student. It was all a part of the lessons we learned about forgiveness and understanding, and by remembering she had to understand Discord's problem, she was able to forgive him as well, you saw it yourself in the memory. Yeah, I to didn't want Discord to be Vice Headmare even if it was temporary but I remembered everything we learned about friendship and being able to forgive your friends for their mistakes is a strong part of that and Fluttershy is here doing just that and I wanted to help her save her friend, after all we forgave him after he apologized for messing up the school."

"You see, right there. That's another issue you're choosing to ignore."

"What issue?"

"The fact that Starlight after being given a second chance. Didn't put that chance at risk. Not once. Sure, she did mind control the mane 5, when she first started her friendship lessons. But she didn't do it for evil purposes. She was literally just starting to learn how to deal with friendship again. So, of course she was going to make mistakes. But as I said. She didn't do anything to jeopardize the second chance she was given and kept that up all the way to now."

Raven speaks. "The same goes for another mare that Twilight is friends with. Her name is Sunset Shimmer, and she too was an awful pony who hurt a lot of people. But Thanks to Twilight and the new friends she made. Sunset saw the error of her ways, and not once has she ever done anything to jeopardize the second chance she too was given."

Ocellus continues. "It's just as Raven said moments ago. Discord had literally exhausted all his forgiveness points. He already jeopardized the second chance he was long since given on multiple occasions. Two of those occasions put the world at risk. Two times he became a traitor, and those was after he was given a second chance after his so-called reformation." Ocellus shakes her head disappointedly. "He was given a third chance after he betrayed Equestria to Tirek. Now you want to give him a fourth after this whole Legion of Doom fiasco that, may I remind you, HE STARTED! Just how many chances are you going to give him? How many times are you going to forgive him? What would it take for you all to see the giant elephant size writing on the wall, until you finally learn that Discord is literally taking advantage of you all? Like when he LIED about his reasons for causing trouble at the school in the first place. As I've mentioned before Starlight "thought" she knew what Discord problem was."

"And what make you think that Ocellus?" Asked Starlight.

"Think about it, you thought Discord felt left out when he was never asked to help with the school!" Ocellus shakes her head. "But now I can say without a doubt that you were wrong, and he was LYING!"

"And how was Discord lying?" Asked Starlight.

"Easy! He never showed up to apply for the job of Vice-Headmare that you were interviewing other applicants for!" Ocellus answered.

Raven spoke. "Which would have made sense for him to do, seeing how he just wanted to be a part of the school and help out!"

"Yet he never did, despite going to the trouble to get rid of the Mane six, which he only did so he can take over the school in the first place!" Said Ocellus.

"And don't even think for a second that he didn't know about you, Ms. Glimmer!" Raven added. "After all, do you really think that Twilight would have left the school without someone to look after it while she was gone?"

Ocellus continues. "It was obvious she was going to ask you to do it, like she always does, and besides if Discord really wanted to run the school himself for a day, why didn't he just send you along with the others? You've been called by the map before including Spike!"

Raven adjusted her glasses. "It's clear that he needed you there, so the school would remain open or else Twilight would have to close it for the day, and she would have to announce that to the students, which means-"

"That it would be difficult for him to convince us into breaking into the school when we know, we're not supposed to be there." Ocellus finished.

"So, in conclusion Discord didn't care about being a part of the school at all, he never did and still doesn't."

"He just wanted to goof around, and he couldn't do that with the Mane six there, especially you Fluttershy!" Ocellus said as she pointed to the mare in question. "Do you honestly believe he would have done the things he did if you were there?"

Fluttershy didn't answer.

Ocellus continues. "Of course not, and if Discord wanted to be a part of the school so badly, why didn't he just ask? He could have just talked to Twilight about it! You saw yourself in the memory Starlight, you literally said the exact same thing."

Raven speaks. "I mean she was the headmare and is Discord's friend so why do what he did and cause all that trouble and endangered us students just because he was never asked to be a part of the school, when all he simply had to do was talk to Twilight about it? But what did he do instead. He purposely gets rid of the one who runs the school and throws all his baggage on you. It would have made more sense if he did all that he did while Twilight was there. There was no reason for him throw all of his problems on to you. So, once again it is proven just how much of a liar, manipulator, and all-around asshole Discord is and once again you idiots keep letting him do this shit to you."

Ocellus nodded in agreement.

Starlight tried to say something. Anything to come up with a reason for Discord's actions but she couldn't. Cause no matter how hard she tried to; she can't deny that Ocellus was right. If Discord wanted to be a part of the school, he could of just talk to Twilight about it and if he really did care all that much, he would have at least showed up to try and get the job as Vice-Headmare, even if he didn't get the job, he could have made a great teacher after all he's always testing and teaching others in his own unique way so it would have been perfect. As she realized all this, Starlight bowed her head in defeat.

Raven speaks up. "I believe that's enough of this!" She says while adjusting her glasses. "As entertaining as this detour has been, I say it's time I reveal my final piece of evidence that will seal Discord's fate." She says before turning her attention towards the sun monarch. "I applaud your effort to remind me of my morals, when it comes to me forgiving others, Celestia, but I have to say that your effort was meaningless. As there is something you have completely forgotten."

"And what would that be?"

"The major difference between Trixie and Discord." Raven answers. "We all know that Trixie committed a terrible act, when she took over and enslaved Ponyville, we also know that Ponyville forgave her and that she was given a second chance." Raven adjusts her glasses. "Now tell me Celestia, had Trixie ever do anything to jeopardize the second chance she was given?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Allow me to answer that for you. No! No, she didn't. Not once has Trixie did anything to put her second chance at risk and she's not the only one as there are indeed others. Such as Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, the changelings, and even Stygian. All each who had done evil deeds in the past and were both forgiven and given a second chance, and not once, NOT. ONCE, has any of them did anything to jeopardize their second chance. They all each learned that friendship is magic and did nothing to turn against it for any reason. And yet Discord clearly didn't get the memo. As I stated before, Celestia. He committed TREASON against the crown twice. First with his betrayal when he sided with Tirek and the second is this L.O.D. plan of his." Raven made another image appear.

"You, yourself was enraged at what Discord had done."

Image disappears.

"And don't forget. Through his plan alone, he committed multiple crimes against Equestria. As I told you before. Because of Discord's so-called plan. He broke out criminals from their prisons, conspired with said criminals, treachery, treason, terrorism, manipulation, sabotage, aiding in the destruction of property, necromancy, because Sombra was basically dead. Foalnapping, enslavement, and the destruction of a cultural relic and since he is the one who started all of this in the first place because of his plan to help Twilight. He is 100% responsible for everything the four villains did. The crimes I just listed, Celestia, are HIGHLY. SERIOUS. OFFENCES. That HE committed. And as the ruler of this country, you can't just ignore that. You can't just turn a blind eye to all his crimes just because he's your friend now. You do know that means you're being bias, right? Going easy on him because he's a friend or is it because he aided in the rescue mission to save you and all those who were captured by Chrysalis?" Raven shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. None of his good deeds matter when his bad deeds overshadows them all. I already proven with clear, undeniable evidence on just how much of a liar Discord is and I have one last piece of evidence that will prove once and for all, that Discord did indeed knew that the trio had the bell the whole time and when I do. I expect you to give a fair and unbiased opinion. Because as of now, Discord is neither your friend nor your awarded hero. He's a criminal who must be tried for his crimes just like any other. As I said before." Raven gestures to the statue of the three villains once again. "You can't just punish those three as well as Sombra, when you KNOW that Discord was the one who brought them back in the first place."

Silence. Nobody said a word as they waited for the Sun monarch to speak.

Celestia closed her eyes, and bowed her head as she contemplated Raven's words. Taking them more seriously as she knows that the glasses wearing mare was right. She can't ignore Discord's crimes; she can't be lenient with him. Raven wants her to take this seriously and give an unbiased judgement or else this would reflect badly in the eyes of the populace. No doubt many creatures are on Raven's side and agree with everything she had said and if Celestia just pardons Discord the way that she has, it would make everyone believe that anyone can get away with committing severe crimes as long as they are close friends with the mane group. No doubt Raven had thought of that and would definitely play that card if Celestia continues to defend Discord without a real reason. No doubt those on Raven's side will definitely speak out against her if she does. So, with a heavy heart, the princess of the sun, would have to do this by the book and remain neutral.

Celestia glanced over at Luna who was sitting next to her, giving the sun monarch a serious look before nodding. It was clear that they were on the same page, as they both agreed with Raven's terms to give an unbiased judgement.

Celestia turns her attention to her assistant. "Ok, Raven, you win. From here on out, we'll take the matters of Discord's crimes with utmost seriousness as we did the trio."

Luna speaks. "We'll also take everything you said and presented involving Discord and his crimes with the same seriousness and we'll give our judgement based on your findings."

Celestia continues. "You said you have one last piece of evidence that would prove that Discord did in fact knew the trio had the bell!? Then please, show us this evidence so, Luna, Twilight, and I will decide what to do after."

Twilight moved to stand beside her mentor. "Wait! Celestia!? You want me to help judge?" She asks. Not feeling comfortable with doing so.

Celestia nodded. "Indeed, I do, Twilight, you are a princess and soon to be the next ruler of Equestria, it is also your duty to give out fair and unbiased judgement to all those who break the law." Celestia let out a heavy sigh. "Even your friends."

As much as Twilight hated to admit it, she knows that Celestia was right. She can't step down from this, giving how severe the situation is. It would send the wrong message and the fact that Discord did what he did because of her would only make things worse, if he was granted unjust leniency. So, Twilight to sat on her haunches, ready to hear what Raven had to say.

Raven couldn't help but grin at the sight before her. All three equestrian princesses ready and willing to hear her out. This was it, the moment of truth. She was just one step away from seeing Discord pay for his crimes in full.

"Before I begin, allow me to thank you three for taking this seriously." Raven lights her horn. "Princess Twilight!? If you would be so kind, I would like you to think back to the day, five years ago, when Discord was given the task to capture Tirek. More specifically when he met up with you and your friends in front of the castle of the royal sisters before he left on his mission." Twilight simply nodded as she thought back to that day. "Now, without further ado, I present to you all my final piece of evidence." She said, addressing the crowd.

And with that Raven cast the memory spell on Twilight and a giant screen appeared above her.

She than played the memory and everyone sat and watched as the events played out, but Ocellus gave the memory more attention than normal. Studying it very carefully.

Raven notice this and it made her smile.

This is going to be fun! Raven thought.

(NOTE: Story wise. The memory ends at 3:20 because everything that happens after the transition to Tirek, clearly wasn't anything Twilight saw)

And with the memory done, Raven made the magic screen vanish, as she stood with a proud smile on her face. "And there you have it everycreature. You heard it from the snake himself. He admitted to eavesdropping on Twilight and with his powers he could do so in any number of ways. You even saw through these memories all the ridiculous things Discord can do. So, to say that he was easily betrayed by three of the world's most untrustworthy creatures, one who may I add had betrayed him once before is just not possible." Raven adjusts her glasses. "It's without a doubt that Discord planned to be betrayed. He wanted the trio to take the bell for themselves and drain his powers with it."

"Of course, that makes so much sense."

"What do you mean, Ocellus?" Asked Smolder.

"Well think about it. Do you honestly think that Discord was actually going to put himself on the front lines and fight Twilight?..... That would be as stupid as it is risky. Remember, Twilight is supposed to win the fight and no doubt the fight would have ended the exact same way it did against the trio."

Raven made another image appear.

"By using the Magic of friendship." Raven said.

"Exactly! We all saw what happened to the trio when they were hit by it."

"They were depowered." Raven answered.

(Click here: Raven played a loop of the trio being hit by the rainbow laser and losing their powers.)

"Exactly, so what do you think would happen to Discord disguised as Grogar?" Asked Ocellus.

"Well chances are that the elements might rid him of his disguise." Gallus suggested.

"Thus, exposing him in front of everyone." Sandbar added.

"And it would be very difficult for him to explain himself. Given the fact that he did betray Equestria once before." Added Silverstream.

Raven smiled proudly. "Indeed, it would, wouldn't it. There's no way Discord could get himself out of that situation if he was caught red handed like that. So, getting his magic stolen and confessing what he did, was simply a way for him to save himself from further trouble. He knows that no matter what, he will always be forgiven as long as he does something to prove how sorry he is. He's literally taking advantage of his friendship with everyone in order to get himself out of Major trouble. Just showcasing once again how truly manipulative he can be."

"Just like how he has been manipulating the evil trio." Ocellus added. "They didn't know that Grogar was Discord the whole time. As well as how he freed the mane five from captivity to make up for everything. It was Discord's knowledge about Tirek's daddy issues that led to him freeing them. But how and why does he knows about that."

Raven continues. "Discord's overly extensive knowledge is something to be questioned. For there are things he has knowledge of that he most definitely shouldn't."

Ocellus gasp. "Like the lock chest that sprouted from the tree of harmony?"

Raven nodded. "As you all saw in my final evidence. Discord knew exactly how to open the box. The fact that he gave Twilight the one and only book that contained the answers she was looking for and even bookmark the pages for her, proves it. Not even Celestia nor Luna knew a thing about the chest let alone on how to open it. Yet Discord who have been trapped in stone for over a thousand years, somehow knew how to open something that never even existed before. That doesn't make any sense."

Image change.

"The same goes for Grogar's bell. He also somehow knew how to use it and get his magic back. Which shouldn't be possible given how ancient it is."
"He probably used his chaos magic to give himself the knowledge." Ocellus suggested.

"Probably, I wouldn't put it past someone like him. Anyway, let's get back on track." Raven suggested. "So, Discord plan this whole time was to let the trio roam amok."

Ocellus nodded. "Indeed, just like he did with Sombra, but on a larger scale."

"By sacrificing his magic." Said Raven. "He literally pulled off the same exact stunt he did with Sombra."

"But since he already showed the Mane 6 that he was only pretending to be hurt, he can't pull the same stunt twice." Ocellus explained. "Which is why he plotted to have his magic stolen. Thus, removing himself from the board. Which is why he chose Grogar's bell. It can take away his magic and store it inside. In Celestia's memory. The trio couldn't even use Discord's magic, obviously Discord knew they couldn't even if they tried."

Image change.

Raven speaks. "Which explains why he never showed any concerns to them having access to his chaos magic."

Raven continues "He did all this so that Twilight and her friends can defeat the bad guys all on their own. Once again showcasing how manipulative he can really be."

Ocellus continues. "And of course, putting countless innocence in danger for the sake of a test." Ocellus shakes her head disapprovingly. "It's like you said Raven. Discord is always creating and are using dangerous situations just to teach Twilight a lesson and his L.O.D. plan is no different, heck it's even worse because he doesn't have his magic this time. So, the risks are even greater."

Raven sighed. "Indeed, they are. Discord was Twilight's safety net. He literally said so himself."

Image change.

"You just had an extremely good-looking safety net."

Raven continues. "So, in all honesty, if things did go too far or Twilight failed to save the day. Then Discord could easily make everything ok......... But that doesn't mean that the risks are nonexistent. After all, literally anything can happen. As I stated multiple times before. Discord's tests always put people at risk and who knows what could have happened during the trio's rampage since he purposely got rid of his magic."

Raven turned to face Celestia. While wearing a triumphant smile. "So, you see Celestia. I just proved to you that Discord can't be trusted, I proven that he's nothing but a liar and manipulator when it comes to his so-called lessons as well as how much of a danger, they are to those caught in the crossfire. So, after witnessing all that, what do you say now? After all the evidence I provided, clearly you can see that Discord should be punish for his crimes."

Celestia takes a moment to gather her thoughts before finally answering. "I admit, Raven, you did give a very strong and compelling argument." Raven's smile grew wider with both excitement and anticipation. "But I will stick by my word and pardon Discord for his crimes."

It was in that moment that Raven's whole world shattered in an instant. As her smile dropped and her excitement replaced with dread. "W-what!? BUT WHY?"

Luna steps forward. "You know exactly why. Because Discord literally risked his own life to give us a fighting chance."

Celestia nods in agreement. "And that act alone was more than enough for me to give him another chance. You say that Discord plotted to have his magic stolen, but I can't see why he would do such a thing if it means putting the world at risk as well as himself. Tirek could have hurt Discord in any number of ways. The fact that he fired a laser at him wasn't something Discord could have foreseen. In other words, it was a gamble on what Tirek would do. One chance to get the attack he needed as well as deflect it in time. So, again his act of bravery is why he's given another chance."

Luna speaks. "And before you say anything, Miss Inkwell. No, we're not being biased. We took a good hard look at all the evidence you presented and all you had proven is that Discord is a liar and a trickster. You failed to actually present definitive proof that Discord actually did plotted his scheme to such an extense."

Celestia continues. "You only gave us theories, nothing more. Just what-ifs and maybes. Nothing concrete or even directly related to the L.O.D. plan." Celestia stared at Raven with a stern glare, making the once proud unicorn, cower in fear. "Earlier you said that I need to be unbiased towards Discord and give a fair just judgement. Would it be fair if I punish him based on nothing but theories and not physical evidence? Just because your theories sound accurate and true doesn't mean that they can be used to condemn someone, not without actual evidence to back them up."

Luna continues. "And you Miss Inkwell haven't provided such evidence at all throughout your entire rant."

"B-b-but what about the trio getting the bell?" Raven stammered. Trying desperately to hold her ground. "You can't deny the absolute fact that Discord can easily spy on those three. You can't honestly believe that he just sat around and did absolutely nothing after sending the trio to that mountain." Though she admits that she doesn't have any definitive proof that Discord did know that the trio had the bell. It doesn't change the fact that he can spy on them from afar. That's what she's trying to get them to see. That it is simple for Discord to do such a thing.

"Well, Raven! This is Discord we're talking about." Said Celestia. "He's literally the embodiment of chaos. Most of the things he does never make any sense. Like when he stole the elements. He could have simply destroyed them or tossed them into another dimension beyond our reach thus guaranteeing his victory, but what does he do instead? He goes the extra mile of hiding them, giving a riddle to where they can be found, trapped the mane 6 in a maze, and one by one he warped their minds to make them the opposite of who they are just so they can't use the elements against him. He does all that when he clearly had much simpler ways to win. So, it doesn't surprise me at all that Discord didn't bother to keep an eye on the evil trio. It's literally in his nature to be chaotic. As he would say, 'What fun is there in making sense?'"

Celestia's explanation about Discord being chaotic began to win over the crowd. As they all agreed with the Sun monarch's words.

Raven was stunned, shock, downright flabbergasted. She couldn't believe that after all the evidence she had presented about Discord being a liar and a manipulator. It was all being completely ignored. They princess won't even humor the idea that Discord is playing them all. The royal assistant was losing ground fast, but she refuses to give up, she won't let Discord win. In her desperation, she quickly and frantically turned towards the one pony she believed who would definitely understand and called out to her.

"TWILIGHT!?" Raven yelled out in desperation. She absolutely refuses to let Discord get away again. "Clearly you must have your own opinion on all this. In fact, if anyone should have the final say about any of this, it's you. Discord did what he did because of you, you saw all the evidence that involves the many times he deceived and lied to you, just to teach you some sort of lesson and how each time he did, he puts innocent lives at risk. So, surely you can't forgive him for betraying both Equestria, as well as your trust, again. You already gave him a second chance, as well as a third. Surely you see that he doesn't deserve a fourth." Raven argued. Hoping beyond hope that Twilight at the very least see reason.

"To be honest Raven. I agree with Celestia." Said Twilight.

"........WHAT! WHY?"

"As she said. Discord risked his life to free my friends."

"THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE!" Raven bellowed. As she stood firm and unwavering. "As I stated before, your highness. Discord's one act of bravery does not outweigh his many crimes."

Twilight also stood firm and unwavering, along with her added regalness to boot. "Except it does. As Celestia stated. Discord literally put his very life at risk. It was a gamble, a one in a million chance that could have easily gone the wrong way. It's because of what he did and what it led to that I'm more than willing to forgive him."

"You can't be serious!? He doesn't deserve forgiveness!"

"And who are you to say that he does or doesn't?" Twilight questioned. "Who died and made you the sole decider on rather Discord deserves forgiveness or not? Sure, he did a really bad and stupid thing, but he did risk everything to make up for it and we owe him the benefit of doubt for giving of a fighting chance."

"A FIGHTING CHANCE!?" Raven screamed. She was downright furious by this point. "You call cleaning up the giant pile of shit that he himself made, a fighting chance?" Shakes her head disappointedly as she calmed herself. "You know what, Twilight, I was wrong about you, so very, very wrong. If pardoning Discord after everything he'd done is truly your decision" Raven adjust her glasses. "I can confidently say that you're not ready to take the throne, not by a long shot."



"You heard me." Raven said as she steps up to Twilight. Causing the purple alicorn reel back as the glasses wearing unicorn leaned forward into Twilight face, glaring at her. "You. Are. Not. Ready." She said before backing away. "It's obviously clear that you're not, you still got a lot to learn before you can sit on that throne and run this country. If you were to do so now, sooner or later you will bring this whole country to ruin. Thus, making your greatest fear a reality, remember?" Raven makes an image appear.

"Oh, Twilight. How disappointing."
"Equestria was in your care, and you let it be destroyed!"

"Exactly!" The Image disappears. "That's exactly what's going to happen to this land if someone, like you, so illy unfit to rule was to lead this country."

"What the hay are you spewing out now?" Asked Rainbow angrily.

"Yeah, Twilight is so ready to rule." Argued Spike.

"Not from where I'm standing, she's not." Said Raven. "Twilight taking the throne would be a big mistake and all of Equestria will pay the price for it."

"You're wrong. Twilight is so ready rule and Equestria isn't going to fall under her leadership." Said Spike.

"You think I'm wrong do you." Raven adjusts her glasses. "Well then, why don't I prove it to you. I'll show you and everyone here why Twilight Sparkle is not ready to rule."

Spike steps up to the challenge. "And I will show you that she is more than ready."

Raven and Spike stared each other down as if they were about to have a good old fashioned western showdown, waiting for the second high noon began. It was silent, only the sound of the wind blowing gently by could be heard. Everycreature watch with great anticipation, waiting to see what was going to happen next. Everyone just sat there around the two waiting for the first shot to be fired. The silence was finally broken when Raven spoke.

"A battle between two royal assistants." A wicked formed on Raven's face. "How interesting! Very well Mr. The Dragon, I accept your challenge, but before we do, I recommend we take a short break. Say, 30 minutes!? I could use a one after debating against Fluttershy and the princesses, and it would give you time a chance to come up with a good argument. What do you say?"

Spike crossed his arms. "Fine, and when we have our battle, I'll prove, no, remind you that Twilight deserves to sit on that throne and lead Equestria to a golden age that will last forever thanks to the magic of friendship."

Raven put on a devilish grin. "Oh, we'll see about that!" She said before turning around. "Until our upcoming match." Raven started to walk away, but before she could take two steps. Someone called out to her.

Everyone turned their attention to the source of the yell.

Raven sigh in annoyance. "What is it, now Miss Smolder." She said, back still facing the dragoness.

"Before you go. I have a very important question I want to ask you!" Said Smolder.

Raven sighed once more before speaking. "Sorry, but I'm off the clock right now." Raven started walking away again. "Whatever it is you want to ask me, can wait until after the break is over."

Smolder cross her arms as she stood defiant. "Fine! I don't need you to answer my question when I could just ask someone else." Hearing that gave Raven paused, as she turned around and stared at the orange dragon with a surprised confused look on her face. Smolder couldn't help but smirk smugly as she was able to get one over the smart-ass mare, even if it was a little, but one could wonder what would happen if the orange dragon push things further.

Smolder haven't forgotten what Celestia said when she mentioned that Raven had been distancing herself from Discord, which could only mean the two know each other and were close in some way but what was their relationship? There's was only one other pony who knew the answer to that question.

"Princess Celestia!" Smolder called out to the mare still sitting next to her.

"Yes!" Celestia replied.

"Earlier you mentioned that Raven been distancing herself from Discord, so I asked you, what was their relationship?" Asked Smolder.

"Well, you see Raven and Discord use to be-"

"I would rather you keep personal business that are not your own to yourself, Celestia." Raven interrupted. While glaring menacingly at the Sun monarch. "There's no reason to bring up such trivial things and I'm not in the mood to answer any questions at the moment, so drop it!"

"But Rav-" Celestia didn't even get to finish as Raven quickly bellowed with hate filled eyes.

"I SAID DROP IT!" Raven yelled in anger. Once again shocking everyone with her rage and causing everyone to recoil from the sudden outburst.

But that's not the only thing her anger did. Unknown to everyone else, the changelings felt a moment of slight pain the second Raven's rage burst out. It was quick, gone in a second but it still left a cause for concern, for this wasn't the first time every Changeling felt this pain today.

It happened earlier before the debate, when Raven was arguing with Celestia about Discord's pardon for his crimes and because Changelings can sense and feel other creatures' strong emotions, Raven's anger both back then and now couldn't be miss. Normally a changeling would have to be close enough to someone to feel their emotions, even then the emotion had to be strong enough to feel without a Changeling trying to sense it.

But Raven's emotions could be felt by every Changeling in the crowd no matter how far they were, and it worried them as to why the unicorn rage caused them a bit of pain in the first place as something like that have never happened before.

Even Ocellus notice the slight pain she felt from Raven's anger once again, but she didn't let it bother her, for she does remember from earlier that she also felt great sadness from her partner a very strong and deep sadness that made her want to cry even if she didn't know why. All she knows that it clearly had something to do with Discord, he must have done something horrible to Raven, when it happened, she could not say and the mare refusal to even talk about her connections with the Draconequuss is more than enough proof to say that something indeed did happen.

Thinking about it was probably the reason why Raven accepted her request to team up to take down Discord. She remembered how Raven looked at her with eyes of understanding and as smart as she is the unicorn mare knew exactly why Ocellus wanted to bring Discord down, they were both kindred spirits in a way. The only difference was that Discord did something to hurt Raven and almost done the same for Ocellus.

The young Changeling may not know what turned the once kind and happy mare she saw in the memory to the sad, rage filled one standing next to her, but there's one thing she did know, she understood her pain enough to know that whatever did happen to Raven could have just as easily happened to Ocellus and it's all because Discord never bothered to think about the possible consequences of his actions.

Raven let out a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down, but her anger was just too great to be calmed so easily. Raven knew she needed time to truly calm herself. So, without saying another word she turned around and walk away. Moving through the crowd as they opened a clear path for her to walk through.

Ocellus wanted to go with Raven but decided against it. Believing that the mare wanted to be alone. So, she just remained where she was until her friends stepped in to talk to her.

Smolder just stood there silently with her arms cross in deep thought. She was irritated that Raven refuse to talk about her past with Discord for she thought if she did then maybe, just maybe she could find a way to help the unicorn, after all helping others is a part of the magic of friendship and it was clear enough to Smolder that Raven was indefinite need of it, she just needed to understand why the mare is so angry at Discord, that also includes Ocellus as well, for Smolder can tell that she's hiding her true reasons for joining Raven's side and no doubt Discord is the cause. If only she could figure out what that is.

"Why, Ocellus? What is your reason for doing this?"

Comments ( 6 )

Poor Raven. That Celestia doesn't realize this

I'm going to be honest here discord can never be punished for anything he does It's the equivalent of punishing a tornado for destroying a town. Plus the only thing that could really stop discord is the elements of Harmony that would not work on him in the first place because he's not directly evil he's chaotic but not evil. End of a bunch of her arguments don't make any sense first of all he's not in a Equestria citizen. And if the information is right every pony is renting his land because he was the original inhabitant. In the argument you could have got hurt is kind of stupid discord can snap his finger and been reality there's no possible way anyone can ever get hurt if it really was part of discord's plan. On top of that the whole plan of rehabilitating discord was never to make him less chaotic It was the temper him. You're not going to change or tornado or hurricane or earthquake dislike you cannot commit evil with the elements of Harmony You can't blast random creatures and turn them to dust.

"They took what literally every stage magician does far too seriously." Said Celestia. "They were the ones who kept antagonizing Trixie for absolutely no reason. The same would be said of Spike if Twilight hadn't stop him from speaking out. I understand why he wanted Twilight to show off Trixie, but he wanted it done for all the wrong reasons and despite Twilight's reasons for not going through with it. I'm still very proud of her for not going up on that stage to be a true show off."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "Indeed, she wasn't. Those three and Spike should be ashamed of themselves for how they treated Trixie. That poor mare didn't deserve the hate they gave her, as you said she did nothing wrong. Sure, Trixie may have lied about defeating an Ursor Major but she didn't know that two colts would also take her words just as seriously, go into the forest and lure one into town.....Thank goodness it was just a baby though. As talented as Twilight is with magic, there was no way she could defeat an Adult Ursor, even with the help of her friends if it was on a blind Rampage."

Again, Spike really shouldn't be labeled anywhere near as bad as those 3.
He just wanted to see Twilight show too(and wasn't really malicious) and also more since his 3 friends(especially his crush) got humiliated(even though they brought it on themselves).
Celestia needs to take that back about saying Spike should be ashamed of himself. He is not anywhere near as bad as those 3.

Mr 0 #4 · April 7th · · ·

Honestly on the subject of Discord letting the legion of doom get the bell there is no way he is not guilty of something, either he did it on purpose like Raven said, or he negligently let an S class dangerous magical weapon be in the control of 3 of the most dangerous and unstable villains in equestria, like if he had kept even the slightest eye on them when it came to the bell things wouldn't have turned out so bad(heck its shown he can find out details as specific as Fluttershy's stare soon after being released, can find and eat Twilight's reforming spell before she can use it, but not bother to see if Traitor's 1, 2 and 3 aren't planning something), heck let them acquire the bell but replace it with a fake one that while it can power them up it can't drain him so he can still stop them if necessary(literally just have him in his Grogar disguise say that "you fools honestly think I could be harmed with my own magic"

I think overall blaming discord for his crimes are silly because Equestria as a society allows their citizens to get away with a lot. In the argument of people could get hurt is definitely dumb because ponies are impossible to injure. I can tell you a crime that every character has committed on the cell or irresponsible negligence at best. And this is not even the main cast. And this goes back the point is discord this following his nature as the spirit of chaos. Moving on to the crimes the villains to commit is silly eventually they would have got their stuff together Chrysalis would have either been captured or committed another evil act that would have put her in Tartarus cozyglow and tyrick will have broken out cozy glow could easily walk through the sale bars at any time. In service could have easily been tricked by chrysalis.. But what I'm more curious is what is discord's axle crime against Raven see keeps on trying to find other reasons to convict him of something other than telling them what did he do to her.

Now that this story is back, I honestly hope to GOD that this doesn't go on hiatus again!

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