• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 159 Views, 1 Comments

Paws with Purpose - Serina

Fluttershy struggles to find a dog a loving home due to the city's stringent regulations, creating a challenging road ahead for them both.

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A Furry Promise

Nestled on the outskirts of Equestria, in the small town of Ponyville, there lived a gentle soul named Fluttershy. She was known far and wide for her remarkable ability to care for all creatures, great and small. Fluttershy's heart knew no bounds when it came to helping animals in need.

Fluttershy's sanctuaries have become renowned throughout the years. Many could now be found in all of Equestria. One of the first, known as the "The City’s Haven," was a haven indeed for the poor creatures of one of the most bustling cities. Nestled in a serene corner of Canterlot, it was home to a diverse array of animals from all walks of life. From rabbits to raccoons, squirrels to skunks, every creature had found refuge under Fluttershy's loving care.

One sunny morning, as Fluttershy was busy feeding the birds outside her sanctuary, she couldn't help but notice a particular pup sitting in one of the kennels. The canine had a warm, gentle gaze and a wagging tail that seemed to reach out to her. She had named him Bagel.

Fluttershy approached Bagel's kennel and knelt down, extending her hand for him to sniff. "Hello there, Bagel. Are you a good boy?" she whispered softly. Bagel responded with a delighted bark and a wag of his tail, his eyes filled with hope.

Bagel had been at City's Haven for several months now, and despite his friendly nature and impeccable behavior, finding him a forever home had proven to be an uphill battle. The reason for this challenge lay in the strict breed restrictions imposed by Canterlot on housing. Pitbulls, along with a few other breeds, were often deemed ineligible for adoption due to these regulations.

Fluttershy had tried tirelessly to convince potential adopters that Bagel was different, that he was a loving and loyal companion just waiting for the right family. Still, she faced rejection after rejection. Her heart ached for Bagel, who deserved a loving home as much as any other dog.

Fluttershy's efforts to find a loving home for Bagel, a sweet and gentle pitbull, were nothing short of remarkable. Every day, she would spend hours with Bagel, making sure he felt loved and cherished despite the constant stream of rejections. It was as if she had taken it upon herself to be Bagel's unwavering source of hope.

She would sit beside his kennel, talking to him in soothing tones and gently scratching behind his ears, all the while trying to understand the reasons behind the adopters' apprehensions. Bagel, with his warm, expressive eyes, would look back at her with a mixture of gratitude and sadness, as if trying to convey his longing for a family to call his own.

Fluttershy was well aware of the stereotypes and misconceptions that surrounded pitbulls. She knew that Bagel's breed often faced prejudice due to the actions of a few, and it frustrated her to no end. Bagel was a shining example of the fact that breed did not determine a dog's temperament or worthiness of love.

She made it her mission to educate potential adopters about pitbulls, dispelling myths and sharing heartwarming stories of pitbulls who had become loving and loyal family members. But no matter how much she tried to change their minds, some people couldn't see past their preconceived notions.

The rejections stung Fluttershy deeply, but she never gave up. She knew that Bagel deserved more than a life in a kennel, and she was determined to find him the perfect home. She reached out to local shelters, rescue organizations, and even tried online platforms to spread the word about Bagel's need for a family.

Despite the challenges, Fluttershy's resilience and love for Bagel never waned. She took him for long walks in the serene woods outside of the city, where they both found solace in the beauty of nature. Bagel's tail would wag furiously as he explored the trails, and for those moments, it felt as though he was a carefree pup again, unburdened by the weight of rejection.

One evening, after another day of disappointing news, Fluttershy decided it was time to seek help. She knew exactly where to turn—Princess Twilight Sparkle, one of her dearest friends and the guardian of all things just and fair in Canterlot.

Fluttershy approached the towering spires of Canterlot Castle, her heart pounding with both hope and trepidation. She was granted an audience with Princess Twilight and, with a deep breath, she began to share her concerns.

"Princess Twilight," Fluttershy began timidly, "I have a favor to ask, and it's about Bagel, the pitbull at my sanctuary. He's been waiting for a forever home for so long, but the breed restrictions in Canterlot make it nearly impossible for him to find one."

Twilight Sparkle listened carefully, her brow furrowing with concern. "I understand your predicament, Fluttershy. I wasn’t aware of the breed restrictions in the city, it was something established long before my reign.” Twilight waved a royal guard over to her before turning back to Fluttershy, I imagine it can be quite challenging for certain dogs. I'll do what I can to help, Guard?."

The guard saluted, “Yes! My Princess?”

“Call a meeting with the Canterlot’s City Council.” Her brow furrowed. “Immediately!”

The guard bowed and raced out of the room to call for the Canterlot's city council. As the council members gathered in the majestic chamber of Canterlot Castle, Fluttershy, with Bagel by her side, made a heartfelt plea for a change in the city's housing regulations.

"These dogs," she said, her voice steady but filled with emotion, "deserve a chance to find loving homes just like any other breed. Bagel, here, is a shining example of the love and loyalty a pitbull can offer."

Twilight Sparkle, as a wise and caring princess, spoke in support of Fluttershy's plea. She argued passionately for a revision of the breed restrictions, emphasizing the importance of evaluating each dog individually rather than making blanket judgments based on breed stereotypes.

After a lengthy and thoughtful discussion, the council members, inspired by Fluttershy's dedication and Twilight's wise words, reached a unanimous decision. Canterlot would no longer impose breed restrictions on housing. This groundbreaking change was met with cheers and applause from the gathered crowd who had heard about the meeting through whispers spreading like wildfire throughout the town square.

Fluttershy couldn't contain her joy. Tears of gratitude welled up in her eyes as she hugged Bagel tightly. "You did it, Bagel! You and your kind will now have a chance at the loving homes you deserve."

Twilight Sparkle smiled warmly at Fluttershy. "It was your unwavering compassion and dedication that made this change possible, Fluttershy. You remind us all of the importance of kindness and empathy."

Word of Canterlot's decision quickly spread throughout Equestria, and other towns followed suit, eliminating breed restrictions on rental housing. It was a victory for not only pitbulls but for all dogs and their potential adopters.

One day, while Fluttershy and Bagel were out on a walk, they stumbled upon a kind-hearted family who had heard about Bagel through one of Fluttershy's online postings. The family was hesitant at first, but Fluttershy's earnestness and Bagel's gentle demeanor won them over. They decided to give Bagel a chance.

Fluttershy watched as Bagel timidly approached the family, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. As they knelt down to pet him, Bagel's tail began to wag with a joyful abandon. It was a moment of pure magic, as if the universe itself had conspired to bring Bagel and his new family together.

Tears welled up in Fluttershy's eyes as she witnessed the happy reunion between Bagel and the family when they came to finish the adoption process at her Sanctuary. She knew that Bagel had finally found the loving home he had been waiting for, and her heart swelled with joy and relief.

The family, grateful for Fluttershy's unwavering dedication, promised to provide Bagel with all the love and care he needed. As they walked away with Bagel, Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a bittersweet mix of emotions. She was overjoyed that Bagel had found a home, but she would miss him dearly.

Bagel's adoption served as a powerful reminder to everyone in Canterlot that love and kindness could triumph over prejudice and stereotypes. Fluttershy's tireless efforts had not only changed Bagel's life but had also opened the hearts of those who had initially hesitated to welcome a pitbull into their family.

As she watched Bagel disappear into the distance with his new family, Fluttershy couldn't help but smile. Her sanctuary, the Animal Haven, continued to thrive, filled with hope and the promise of more happy endings for animals in need. And she knew that, with her unwavering dedication, she would continue to make a difference, one animal at a time.

Fluttershy's Animal Haven flourished, with more and more animals finding their forever homes. As for Fluttershy, she continued to be the voice for the voiceless, championing the rights of all creatures in need. Her story, a tale of compassion and change, served as a reminder that one caring heart could make a world of difference. In the end, it was the kindness of Fluttershy and the wisdom of Princess Twilight that brought about a brighter future for all the animals of Equestria.

Author's Note:

This story serves as a poignant reflection of a hope shared by many—that one day, breed restrictions will become a thing of the past. In my own life, I've encountered the harsh reality of these restrictions, which have made it exceptionally challenging to find suitable housing for my rescued pitbull, my fur child.

The impact of breed restrictions isn't limited to adopters; it also profoundly affects shelters and rescues. Families who wish to move to newer apartments with better amenities often find themselves trapped in a difficult dilemma. Either they must give up their beloved canine companions or be forced to search for housing that accepts their breed of choice. These restrictions can lead to shelters overcrowded with many of the same dogs whose breeds are restricted.

The consequences of these limitations ripple through communities, causing families to make heartbreaking decisions and dissuading potential adopters from considering certain breeds due to these barriers. The story of Bagel, the pitbull, highlights the broader issue, shedding light on the need for change and the hope that someday, every dog will have the opportunity to find a loving home without breed-based discrimination standing in their way.

Comments ( 1 )

Personally I found the whole thing stupid because pits are not worse than other breed when it comes to behavior. And maybe they have more power but they like all breeds have to choose what to do with that power.

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