• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 446 Views, 1 Comments

A Dark Adoration - Serina

Nightmare Moon convinces Luna to embrace her inner darkness before seeking the affection of her subjects. Luna's heart becomes ensnared in a perilous struggle, setting the stage for a tale of longing and transformation.

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Dreaming of Nightmares

Luna felt the fresh tears sliding down her cheeks as she quickly galloped up the stairs toward her chamber. She kept replaying the words of her loyal servants begging her sister, her own flesh and blood, to talk with her about not attending the castle games this year. She felt new tears blossom in the corners of her eyes as she remembered the pony's question, the look of annoyance in their eyes, and most of all her sister’s response.

Luna had been returning from the kitchen apple in hoof, even princesses get hungry before proper eating times, when she heard voices coming from the visiting hall. Strange visiting hours were to be done an hour ago. She approached the oak door, laying a hoof on the handle and opening it to let a sliver of light through the dark hallway. She pressed her face between the door and it’s frame where she saw a large brown stallion and a pink mare.

The stallion bowed in front of the throne, “Your Highness, I wish to discuss troubling matters with thou.”

Celestia turned from her scroll and placed it in a basket next to the throne, “What does thou seek Starfall?”

The stallion shuffled his hooves slightly, “You see it has come to the attention of the royals that uh-”

The pink mare cut the stallion off, “We believe that Princess Luna’s participation in the games is unnecessary.”

Celestia raised her head and eyed the two ponies that stood before her, “Dost thou saying my sister is not needed in the royal games Cotton Mellow?”

“No, Your Majesty only her participation in the games these past years have the royals whispering. They believe she does not take her place as a princess seriously. Perhaps you should suggest she take your place at the throne this year, unless your highness has some royal duty she can give the young Princess?”

Celestia showed no signs of emotion, “I shall speak to her about it, leave me be.”

Simultaneously they bowed, “Yes your majesty.” They quickly left the throne room, back to the guard's quarters, and only when the door closed did her sister release a held-back sigh.

Luna's heart ached as she overheard the conversation between the stallion, Starfall, and the pink mare, Cotton Mellow. She retreated from the door, her ears pinned back in distress. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried, she could never escape the shadow of her sister's radiance.

Feeling the weight of her loneliness pressing down on her, Luna made her way to her private chambers. She paced back and forth, her mind filled with thoughts of how unappreciated her night truly was. It was a beautiful night, her night, but no pony seemed to enjoy it. How dare the royals not believe she takes her duties as a Princess of Equestria seriously. How could they assume such nonsense?! Still, she longed for the love and admiration her sister received from every corner of Equestria.

That night, as Luna lay in her bed, she felt her heart racing as she slipped into the realm of dreams. Her dreams took her to a realm beyond the waking world, where she found herself in a moonlit garden. Amidst the tranquil beauty of the dream, a figure emerged from the shadows, a mare with a dark and enigmatic aura.

"Luna," the mare said, her voice like a haunting melody.

The shadows seemed to grow darker, and a chill ran down her spine. She could feel an unsettling presence lurking nearby. She stopped in her tracks, her hooves trembling.

"Who's there?" Luna called out, her voice quivering.

A haunting, melodic laughter echoed through the dream, sending shivers down Luna's spine. "Luna, my dear, I've been waiting for you."

Luna's heart pounded in her chest as this strange mare stepped closer, her eyes glowing like the night sky.

"I am Nightmare Moon, the embodiment of your deepest desires and emotions."

Luna's eyes widened as she gazed upon Nightmare Moon's ethereal form. There was something undeniably captivating about her, a magnetic pull that Luna couldn't resist.

"You... you're me," Luna stammered.

"In a way," Nightmare Moon replied. "I am the part of you that you've kept hidden, the part that longs for love and acceptance."

As Luna stood there in her dream, her heart racing with fear and longing, Nightmare Moon moved closer, her presence exuding an uncanny allure. Her voice took on a soft tone, like a gentle whisper on the night breeze.

"Luna," Nightmare Moon began, her eyes locked onto Luna's, "I see the torment that has plagued your heart for so long. The loneliness you've endured, the longing for love and acceptance—these are feelings I understand intimately."

Luna couldn't tear her gaze away from Nightmare Moon, who continued to draw near, her touch sending shivers through Luna's ethereal form.

"You've watched as Celestia's light has shone brightly, while you, the ruler of the night, have been cast into the shadows," Nightmare Moon murmured, her hoof tracing a delicate path along Luna's neck. "It's as if your own beautiful night is eclipsed by her radiant day. But you need not suffer any longer, my dear Luna."

Luna's breath caught in her throat as Nightmare Moon's words resonated with her deepest insecurities. She had always felt like the forgotten sister, the one who ruled over a world that ponies often slept through. It was a weight that had grown heavier with each passing year.

Nightmare Moon continued to close the gap between them, her presence enveloping Luna in a comforting embrace. Luna felt an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and a strange, magnetic pull towards the enigmatic mare.

"I can offer you the love and acceptance you've been denied," Nightmare Moon whispered, her voice like a siren's song. "But you must learn to love yourself first, Luna. Embrace the darkness within you, for it is a part of who you are. Only then can you truly be free."

Luna's eyes glistened with tears as she absorbed Nightmare Moon's words. They resonated with her on a level she had never experienced before. She had always yearned for love, for ponies to appreciate the beauty of her night, and here was someone who seemed to understand her pain.

“H-How? This isn’t real.” Luna shook her head, tears now staining her fur-lined cheeks.

"Let me show you.” Nightmare Moon’s horn enveloped them both in a dark aura, and suddenly everything around them changed. In the dream realm, Luna and Nightmare Moon stood together amidst a shimmering sea of stars. Luna's eyes were wide with wonder as she beheld a vision of ponies and creatures from all corners of Equestria coming together, gazing up at the night sky with admiration and awe.

“Look, Luna," Nightmare Moon whispered, her voice a soothing melody. "They accept you. They appreciate your night."

Luna's heart swelled with hope as she watched the vision unfold. Ponies smiled and pointed at the constellations she had crafted, and their laughter filled the air. It was a beautiful sight, one she had longed to see in the waking world.

"I... I never thought this could be possible," Luna murmured, her voice trembling with emotion.

Nightmare Moon gently placed a hoof on Luna's shoulder, drawing her attention. "It is possible, my love. You have the power to make this a reality. But first, you must embrace your true self, the darkness, and the true power within you. You must embrace me"

As Luna gazed into Nightmare Moon's eyes, she felt a deep sense of connection and trust. It was as if they were two halves of the same whole, destined to be together. Yet, even as the vision of acceptance played out before her, doubt gnawed at the edges of her mind.

"But what if it's not real?" Luna asked, her voice tinged with fear. "What if they're just visions, and I'm fooling myself? What if they reject me when I reveal my true self?"

Nightmare Moon leaned closer, her gaze unwavering. "Luna, trust in me and trust in yourself. These visions are a glimpse of what can be if you embrace your true power. The path to acceptance may be challenging, but I will be with you every step of the way."

The vision of ponies accepting Luna had filled her with hope and determination.

However, as her mind began to stir with the first light of awakening, the dream realm started to fracture. Bright cracks appeared in the starry expanse around them, like fault lines in a fragile dream. Luna's eyes widened in alarm, and she turned to Nightmare Moon.

“I have to wake up," Luna said, her voice trembling with fear. "The dream realm is fading."

Nightmare Moon's expression darkened as she realized their time was cut short. "Return to me Luna, I can show you how to harness the pain you feel into power. Those visions are your, no, our future."

Before Luna could respond Luna found herself opening her eyes. She sat up quickly, throwing her blanket off of her bed. She looked around at her room in the castle, nothing seemed out of place and yet, it felt different, a darker hue.

She needed to find out what Nightmare Moon meant. Could ponies really learn to appreciate her night? Could she be loved more than her sister?

As the nights passed, Luna found herself returning to the dream realm to meet with Nightmare Moon. They talked and shared their innermost thoughts and feelings. Luna felt a growing connection with Nightmare Moon, one that filled the void in her heart. It was a forbidden and dangerous connection, but Luna couldn't turn away from it.

One night, as they strolled through the moonlit dreamscapes, Nightmare Moon spoke words that resonated deep within Luna's soul. "Luna, you must learn to embrace the shadows before you can expect others to love you. Embrace the darkness within you, for it is a part of who you are."

Luna's heart ached with longing, and she nodded in agreement. She knew that Nightmare Moon was right. She needed to find a way to be comfortable in her own skin, to accept her role as Princess of the Night, and to appreciate the beauty of her own creations.

As Luna began to embrace her true self, her subjects started to notice a change in her. She became more confident and self-assured. She took pride in painting the night sky with stars, crafting constellations that filled the hearts of ponies with wonder. Slowly but surely, her night began to gain appreciation.

But as Luna grew stronger, so did Nightmare Moon's influence. She whispered in Luna's dreams, urging her to use her powers to assert herself and demand the love and respect she deserved. Luna resisted, but the temptation gnawed at her, and she found herself torn between her duty and her growing attachment to Nightmare Moon.

One night, Nightmare Moon laid a hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “I have something to show you. This… will be difficult, but it is for your own good.”

The dark alicorn revealed a tantalizing vision to her. In this dreamlike vision, Luna saw herself standing resolute and powerful, her mane flowing like an ethereal river of night. Across from her, her sister, Princess Celestia, no longer herself, stood transformed into a formidable foe, radiating the blinding brilliance of the sun.

Nightmare Moon's voice whispered in Luna's mind, "You have the strength to defeat her, Luna, to claim your rightful place as the true ruler of Equestria's day and night."

Luna watched as the dream's vision played out, her heart filled with a mixture of desire and trepidation. She had always yearned for her subjects' love and admiration, and the thought of surpassing her sister's power was enticing.

As her sister and Luna clashed in the dream, Luna could feel the raw energy surging through her, the darkness within her responding to Nightmare Moon's call. She fought with newfound strength and determination, pushing Celestia, no, this monster back, her radiant form faltering in the face of Luna's newfound power.

But even as Luna gained the upper hoof in the dream by sealing her sister in the sun, she couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that came with it. Banishing her sister, even in a dream, was a disturbing notion, and the consequences of such an act weighed heavily on her heart.

As the vision continued, Luna realized that Nightmare Moon's influence was growing, twisting her desires and motivations. The line between her quest for love and the thirst for power began to blur, and she found herself torn between her sister and the alluring darkness that had taken hold of her.

In the waking world, Luna's turmoil deepened, and the fateful confrontation with her sister’s monster loomed ever closer. The dream vision had planted a dangerous seed within her, one that threatened to engulf her in a tempest of darkness and light, with no clear path to redemption.

On the night of the full moon, as the planets aligned only once in a thousand years Luna stood on the balcony of her chambers, gazing at the moonlit landscape. She watched as her subjects extinguished their lights and all was quiet, no pony there to appreciate her night. Nightmare Moon's voice echoed in her mind once more. "Luna, it is time to show them your true power. Let them see that you are not to be underestimated."

Luna hesitated, her heart pounding with uncertainty. She knew the consequences of giving in to Nightmare Moon's desires, but the longing for love and acceptance still burned within her. Luna’s fear of Celestia deepened. She needed this power, she needed to embrace the darkness within her for the betterment of her subjects and herself. With a heavy heart, she made a fateful decision.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a pale silver glow over Equestria. Luna stood alone, her eyes fixed on the celestial sphere she had raised into the heavens. It was a night like any other, but tonight was going to be different. Luna could feel a growing sense of unease, a darkness gnawing at the edges of her mind.

As Luna raised her head to survey the night, she noticed that the stars seemed to shimmer with an eerie, otherworldly light. The sensation sent a shiver down her spine, and she took a step back. Her heart raced as she realized that something was happening to her, something beyond her control.

The night sky turned dark and ominous as Luna unleashed her power, creating a celestial display that filled the land with fear and awe. The moon covered the sun creating a hellish glow across all of Equestria. Stars fell from the sky, lighting the lands ablaze. Shadows cast by the city's ponies began to converge, swirling and melding together into a nightmarish form—a shadowy pony monster with eyes that gleamed with malevolent darkness.

This monstrous creation, born from the collective fears and anxieties of the ponies, began to rampage through the once-peaceful streets of Canterlot. Its form twisted and contorted with each step, becoming more grotesque and formidable. Buildings crumbled in its wake, and terrified ponies fled in all directions.

Many Ponies ran in fear, some whose homes remained hidden, cowering at the power of the night. Even Princess Celestia herself was unable to stop her sister's rampage. Luna had become a prisoner of her own desires, and Nightmare Moon's influence had grown too strong. She had fallen into a darkness that threatened to consume her, and the consequences of her actions were catastrophic.

As the nightmarish night continued, Luna's heart ached with regret. She had been manipulated by her own creation, twisted into something she never wanted to become. And as she looked upon the frightened faces of her subjects, she realized that she had lost everything she had ever wanted: love, acceptance, and the admiration of her ponies..

And so, in the midst of the chaos and despair she had created, Luna stood alone, a tear escaping her eye, knowing that she had succumbed to the darkness within her. She had become the very nightmare she had once feared, and there was no turning back.

A sudden surge of power coursed through Luna's body, and her form began to change. Her once soft and ethereal mane twisted and contorted, transforming into a flowing, ethereal cascade of dark, indigo waves that billowed like a midnight storm. Her coat darkened to a deep, obsidian hue, and her wings expanded, their feathers sharp and angular like the blades of a crescent moon.

Luna's eyes glowed with an eerie light, their vibrant colors fading into a haunting shade of blue, mirroring the endless depths of the night sky. Her horn elongated and twisted, taking on a wicked, spiraling shape.

As the transformation continued, Luna's heart ached with a sense of loss and despair. She could feel herself slipping away, as if she were being consumed by an all-encompassing darkness. She tried to resist, to fight against the transformation, but it was as if her very essence was being rewritten.

And then, in a final, chilling moment, Luna's voice changed. “N-No…” She whispered before her voice was truly gone. It had deepened and took on a sinister tone, filled with malice and power. She let out a haunting, echoing laugh that echoed through the night, a laugh that sent a chill down the spine of any who heard it.

The transformation was complete. Luna was gone, replaced by Nightmare Moon—a dark and malevolent force, born from the depths of Luna's despair and longing. She stood there, her eyes cold and calculating, her heart now consumed by darkness. The night would never be the same again, and Equestria would soon learn the true power of their Princess of the Night's darkest desires.

Comments ( 1 )

I was thinking of this the moment I finished reading the story:

"And all will know the wonders of my dark and jeweled sky,

When all the world is wrapped in an eternal lullaby!

So say goodnight to this, the final setting of the sun!

Tomorrow dawns in darkness, the nighttime has begun!"

- The Moon Rises, by Ponyphonic

Song (with stellar animation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqNRBs1O_fA

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