• Published 1st Sep 2023
  • 180 Views, 13 Comments

Fractured Steel - Serina

Amidst royal conflict, two brothers, torn apart by duty and loyalty, navigate a kingdom on the edge of war. Through exchanged letters, their story unveils the events preceding Princess Luna's imprisonment, redefining their world.

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Foreboding Sunsets

Dear Brother,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I must admit, I'm writing to you today with a mixture of exhaustion and determination that's left my body aching in places I didn't know could ache. The training session was, for lack of a better term, a formidable ordeal. Ponies barking orders, the intensity of physical demands – it's been quite a shock to the system. I assure you, I never knew that every muscle could protest so vehemently against even the simplest of movements. It's an experience that's truly put my limits to the test.

The training regimen seems focused on honing a variety of skills. From running to jumping, ducking to dodging, it's a comprehensive approach to preparing us for the role we're destined to take. Yet, I must admit, the thought crossed my mind – when will we truly require such combat skills? The Princesses have upheld a peaceful realm for years, and threats have been but a whisper in the winds since the days of Discord. However, I've realized that my perspective was narrow; it's easy to underestimate the potential for upheaval.

Oh, but don't misunderstand me, dear brother. I'm not swayed by momentary discomfort. In fact, as much as my body protests, my spirit is resolute. The pursuit of this path is worth every ounce of effort. The camaraderie among my fellow recruits, a gray unicorn named Dust Storm and a blue pegasus named Funnel Wing, lends an air of shared determination. Our conversations during lunch reveal their backgrounds in a section of Canterlot I've yet to discover. Their presence reminds me that we're all embarking on this journey together.

My doubts have been laid to rest as I've come to realize the multifaceted nature of a guard's responsibilities. It's not merely about patrolling; it's about safeguarding a realm's harmony and being prepared for whatever challenges may arise. The training regimen has a purpose, a profound one that extends beyond the present tranquility.

Tomorrow's focus is on balance, a skill that holds potential for both practical use and symbolic significance. I'm eager to see how this training unfolds, even though a small part of me fears I might land flat on my face during the process.

Thank you for your understanding regarding Mom's concerns. She's always had a special knack for expressing her love and worry in equal measure. Dad's persistence in his craft is endearing, yet I share your sentiment in wishing he'd prioritize his health instead of slaving over the irons. I'll certainly reinforce the importance of rest to him. As for you, my dear brother, remember to take care of yourself as well. Even the strongest among us can succumb to heatstroke.

May this letter find you in good spirits, and may the bond that unites us remain unwavering.

Your Brother,
Bronze Armor