> Fractured Steel > by Serina > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Son Rises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My dear Brother, I can hardly believe it, but I've been accepted into Celestia's Royal Guard! Although I'm not officially a guard just yet, I can almost taste the honor that will come with it. The journey to get here has been filled with rigorous trials – training sessions that challenge both body and mind, interacting with the public to hone our communication skills, and, of course, learning the intricate art of addressing the royals. But I'm prepared to put in the effort; I know deep within my heart that this is a path worth walking. There's a sentiment among some of the other stallions that they doubt my abilities. They might see me as a mere peasant, underestimating what a Hooves can achieve. But mark my words, dear brother, I will shatter their misconceptions. I'll prove that the Hooves family is capable of greatness beyond measure. Every time I step onto the training grounds, I'll carry the pride of our lineage with me. I promise to write to you as often as my demanding schedule allows. Training sessions seem to stretch endlessly, filling my days with lessons that push my limits and expand my horizons. Tomorrow marks my first real training session, and while excitement courses through me, there's a thread of nervousness that accompanies it. The weight of responsibility settles upon my shoulders, a constant reminder of the honor I've been entrusted with. Speaking of responsibilities, how is Dad faring? I recall our discussions about my plans to take over the blacksmithing business from him once I've settled into my role as a guard. Your talent for crafting armor is unparalleled; I can only imagine how splendid it must be to see your creations gleaming even as the guards march through the darkness. The captains speak of your work with reverence, boasting about the elegance and strength of your armor. They're quite lucky to wear such masterpieces. Dad's older pieces will still find use, particularly for recruits like us, or so I've been told. Please let Mom know that her cooking and her warmth are sorely missed already. Oh! I must confess, I haven't had the privilege of meeting the Princesses just yet. But rest assured, when I do, I'll be sure to recount every detail to you. Princess Celestia, in particular, must be a sight to behold up close. Though I do wonder if it's considered improper to stare at them for too long. The last thing I want is to incur their disapproval. And I'm with you on the matter of punishments – I'd rather not find out firsthoof. The night grows late, and tomorrow heralds an intriguing and demanding day. I must prepare myself and gather my strength for what lies ahead. As I lay my head down to rest, know that thoughts of you and our family's unwavering support will be my guiding light. Your brother, Bronze Armor > Youthful Escapades > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Brother, I hope this letter finds you well amidst your new endeavors. It's heartening to see that you haven't let the excitement of your new role overshadow your connections back home. I can imagine the demanding regimen you're immersed in, and I admire your determination to excel. Observing the guards patrolling the town, I can't help but sense their unwavering dedication to their duty. I understand the need for professionalism, but I trust that you'll find a balance that allows you to fulfill your responsibilities without losing the genuine warmth that defines you. The essence of our family lies in the authenticity of our connections, and I believe your presence will remind the guards of that very spirit. Mom's recounting of our youthful escapades never fails to elicit both amusement and mild mortification. While I appreciate her attempt to draw fond memories from the depths of the past, I agree that we should both be grateful she hasn't revealed too many of our escapades to the townsfolk. It's curious how she attributes my occasional flushed face to the heat of the furnace rather than the embarrassment she unwittingly inflicts. Dad's resilience is reassuring. I'm glad he's gradually accepting his need for rest, even if his stubbornness hasn't wavered. Working together has been both challenging and rewarding; I'm grateful for his guidance and contribution. The rhythm of life here has certainly shifted in your absence, leading to a quieter, more focused environment. The town may be missing your presence, but they're comforted by the thought of your eventual return, clad in resplendent golden armor – a sight that seems beyond the realm of possibility yet brims with hope. The past holds an assortment of memories, some more whimsical than others. It's a testament to our tenacity that we tried every conceivable approach to infiltrate the mysterious realm beyond those castle walls. And yet, here you are, standing at the precipice of that very realm. It's both surreal and inspiring. I await your insights about the path you now tread, eager to hear how you're adapting to the demands of your training. I hope the rigors don't daunt you, my strong-willed brother. The thought of you returning home incapacitated after your first day is a scenario I can't help but chuckle about, although I earnestly hope that fate spares you such an experience. Mom's concern and love remain unwavering, as anticipated. She's eager to send you some of her renowned cookies, a gesture of care that she believes transcends distance. She also entertains thoughts of visiting, her enthusiasm for your presence akin to the passage of months rather than a solitary day. Her affectionate nature is as consistent as the sunrise. I anticipate your response and the opportunity to share more about the developments back home. Until then, Thunder, keep your determination alight, your spirit genuine, and your heart open to the journey that unfolds before you. Your Brother, Onyx Haze > Foreboding Sunsets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Brother, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I must admit, I'm writing to you today with a mixture of exhaustion and determination that's left my body aching in places I didn't know could ache. The training session was, for lack of a better term, a formidable ordeal. Ponies barking orders, the intensity of physical demands – it's been quite a shock to the system. I assure you, I never knew that every muscle could protest so vehemently against even the simplest of movements. It's an experience that's truly put my limits to the test. The training regimen seems focused on honing a variety of skills. From running to jumping, ducking to dodging, it's a comprehensive approach to preparing us for the role we're destined to take. Yet, I must admit, the thought crossed my mind – when will we truly require such combat skills? The Princesses have upheld a peaceful realm for years, and threats have been but a whisper in the winds since the days of Discord. However, I've realized that my perspective was narrow; it's easy to underestimate the potential for upheaval. Oh, but don't misunderstand me, dear brother. I'm not swayed by momentary discomfort. In fact, as much as my body protests, my spirit is resolute. The pursuit of this path is worth every ounce of effort. The camaraderie among my fellow recruits, a gray unicorn named Dust Storm and a blue pegasus named Funnel Wing, lends an air of shared determination. Our conversations during lunch reveal their backgrounds in a section of Canterlot I've yet to discover. Their presence reminds me that we're all embarking on this journey together. My doubts have been laid to rest as I've come to realize the multifaceted nature of a guard's responsibilities. It's not merely about patrolling; it's about safeguarding a realm's harmony and being prepared for whatever challenges may arise. The training regimen has a purpose, a profound one that extends beyond the present tranquility. Tomorrow's focus is on balance, a skill that holds potential for both practical use and symbolic significance. I'm eager to see how this training unfolds, even though a small part of me fears I might land flat on my face during the process. Thank you for your understanding regarding Mom's concerns. She's always had a special knack for expressing her love and worry in equal measure. Dad's persistence in his craft is endearing, yet I share your sentiment in wishing he'd prioritize his health instead of slaving over the irons. I'll certainly reinforce the importance of rest to him. As for you, my dear brother, remember to take care of yourself as well. Even the strongest among us can succumb to heatstroke. May this letter find you in good spirits, and may the bond that unites us remain unwavering. Your Brother,  Bronze Armor > Whispers of Shadows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Brother, I trust this letter finds you in good health and spirits. It's been a while since we last corresponded, and I've been eager to share some thoughts that have been occupying my mind. I hope that amidst your duties as a member of Celestia's Royal Guard, you're finding moments of fulfillment and growth. Lately, the town has been awash with rumors of grumbling disputes among the Princesses. Whispers of tension have been circulating, hinting at disagreements that might be lurking beneath the surface. It's a curious development, one that seems to defy the unity and harmony that have long been associated with the Princesses' rule. I can't help but wonder what might be causing such unrest, and how it might affect the stability of our realm. On another note, I've noticed a peculiar shift in the nights. It's as if they've grown a tad longer, if only by a few minutes. I'm not sure if it's a mere trick of perception, but I find myself spending more time under the stars, observing their subtle dance across the velvet expanse of the sky. However, there's something disconcerting about their dimming glow, a change that prompts me to contemplate the state of our world. In particular, I've found myself wondering about Princess Luna. It's well known that she governs the night, steering the celestial bodies through their graceful journey. But with the stars appearing somewhat subdued, questions arise about her well-being. Is she facing a challenge that's impacting her ability to fulfill her role? Or could these changes be symptomatic of a deeper and more intricate shift within Equestria itself? I write to you not seeking answers, for I know that your role is primarily focused on the safety of the realm and its inhabitants. Still, as you navigate the duties of the Royal Guard, I thought it prudent to share these observations with you. Knowledge is a precious resource, and the insights you gain from your vantage point might offer a perspective that can help shed light on these enigmatic changes. Please take care of yourself amidst the uncertainties that surround us. While my musings might seem rooted in the mysterious, I am certain of the strength and resilience that runs through our lineage. I hope to hear from you soon, to learn of your experiences and perhaps to glean a fragment of understanding from your unique position. With the utmost respect and warmest regards, Your Pondering Brother, Onyx Haze > Whispers of Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Onyx, I hope this letter finds you well. Your words, filled with thoughtfulness and maturity, have been both a source of pride and a reminder of the bond that unites us. I appreciate your insights and observations, as they serve as a testament to your keen awareness of the world around you. The rumors of disputes among the Princesses are indeed concerning. While my role within the Royal Guard focuses primarily on the realm's safety, I am not immune to the currents of change that ripple through our land. It's unfortunate that such tension has emerged among those who have long represented unity and harmony. However, it's important to remember that even the wisest and most steadfast individuals can experience differences of opinion. I believe that the Princesses' shared commitment to Equestria's well-being will guide them through these challenges. Your observations about the nights growing longer and the stars dimming have not escaped my notice either. While I am not privy to the specifics of celestial mechanics, these changes raise intriguing questions about the delicate balance that governs our world. Princess Luna's role as the guardian of the night is indeed integral to maintaining that balance. Whether her well-being is directly linked to these shifts remains uncertain, but I share your concern for her and the broader implications of these changes. Please know that despite the demands of my duties, your thoughts and insights are deeply valued. It's clear to me that you possess a wisdom beyond your years, and I am grateful to have such an observant and thoughtful brother. As I navigate my responsibilities within the Royal Guard, I will keep an eye on developments that might provide clarity to the mysteries you've highlighted. In the meantime, take care of yourself and continue to approach the world with the same curiosity and thoughtfulness that have characterized your observations. Our bond remains unbreakable, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to exchange further insights and perspectives. With the sincerest of wishes, Your Brother, Bronze Armor > Change of Guard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Bronze Armor, Your words always bring comfort and guidance, and I am truly grateful for your thoughtful response. Your insights shed light on the complexities that govern our world, reminding me of the multifaceted nature of every situation. While it's disheartening to hear of the tensions among the Princesses, your perspective reassures me that challenges are a natural part of leadership. As you wisely pointed out, their shared commitment to our realm will hopefully guide them toward resolution. I must admit that the situation with the nights and the stars continues to perplex me. Your acknowledgment of these changes adds weight to my observations, and I can't help but feel that there is more to this puzzle than meets the eye. The world around us is in a state of flux, and while I can't offer solutions, I am determined to keep my senses attuned to any further shifts. On another note, there's an unusual development within Canterlot that I thought you should be aware of. I observed during my time there to sell wares that the day guards are increasing their patrols, even during the night in the market area. This seems to be in conjunction with the regular night guards, which is a departure from the norm. It's a perplexing situation that has sparked curiosity among the townsfolk. I wonder if this could be a response to the rumors of disputes among the Princesses or if there's a more elusive threat that has yet to reveal itself. In our own household, life has taken a somewhat unexpected turn. After I returned from the market, I found that Dad had been plagued by hay fever, a condition that he rarely succumbs to. To date, it's left him quite under the weather, and I've taken a step back from my smithing work to assist Mom in tending to him. While my anvil might miss the rhythmic sound of hammer meeting metal, family takes precedence, and I believe we're helping him recover more swiftly. Mom sends her warmest regards and a heartfelt wish for your swift return. She's taken on the role of caretaker with her usual dedication, but she longs for your presence and the comfort it brings. I share in her sentiment, eagerly anticipating the day you return to visit. Your strength and guidance are sorely missed, and I believe that your presence will bring a sense of reassurance to us all. As always, I look forward to the continuation of our correspondence. Your perspective is invaluable, and your words provide a beacon of understanding amidst the mysteries that surround us. With gratitude and affection, Your Caretaker Brother, Onyx Haze > Faithful Servant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Brother, I hope this letter finds you and the family in good health. Your words of concern and observation are always welcome, and I am grateful for the connection your letters provide, bridging the gap that distance has placed between us. It's indeed intriguing to hear about the unusual increase in patrols by both the day and night guards within Canterlot. While I share your curiosity about the reasons behind this change, my current role within the Royal Guard has not yet afforded me insight into the matter. However, I will keep a watchful eye on any further developments that may shed light on this situation. In the realm of my duties, I've been entrusted with an important task. My commander has requested additional weapons and armor for the day guard due to a shortage. It appears that the need for these resources has arisen unexpectedly, possibly related to the increased patrols you mentioned. As such, I am including the supply request in this letter. I know you will be working diligently to fulfill this order, ensuring that our fellow guards have the necessary equipment to perform their duties effectively. I apologize for the short notice, but the commander was rather insistent, and we are at the mercy of being a main supplier of militant steel. I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. While my time and attention will be devoted to my everyday duties, please know that your letters remain a cherished source of strength and connection for me. Your observations and insights continue to provide valuable perspectives on the world beyond the castle walls as I ponder their meaning. I also wanted to express my gratitude for your dedication to our family during Dad's bout with hay fever. You and Mother's decision to prioritize his well-being showcases the loving and responsible nature that defines you. Please convey my warm regards to him, and I hope he's recovering steadily. I shall visit as soon as I am able and finished with my training. As always, I eagerly anticipate the day when I can return home and reunite with our family. Until then, please stay safe and rest easy that your brother is keeping Canterlot Castle safe, even if he is simply a guard. Your Brother, Bronze Armor > Fire Up The Forge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Brother, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Your response brought me a sense of reassurance, and a small chuckle, knowing that you are ensuring the safety of our fellow ponies and the realm is truly admirable, but perhaps I should take some training courses as well if the safety of Canterlot is put solely on your shoulders. However, I must confess that the sudden need for such a substantial increase in equipment has left me with an uneasy feeling. The number requested exceeds the current count of day guards, and it raises questions about the circumstances driving this demand. Is there a forthcoming situation that necessitates such a significant surge in armament? I can't help but wonder about the forces at play and what might be on the horizon. Nonetheless, I understand the importance of the task at hoof and the need to fulfill the order. I will employ all my skills and craftsmanship to create the best weapons and armor possible, ensuring the guards are well-prepared for any situation that might arise. It is my hope that this surplus will provide a sense of security and confidence among the day guard. On a lighter note, Dad's hay fever seems to be subsiding gradually. Mom's care and his willingness to rest have been instrumental in his recovery. I've taken on a more active role in the household to ease Mom's load while she tends to Dad, hopefully, my return to the forge shall not be too hard on them. Their continuous hope through these pains in life are reminder of the importance of family support during times of need. I eagerly await the day when we can discuss these developments in the same room. Your insights and guidance have always been a source of strength for me. Until then, please stay safe and vigilant as you carry out your duties. Your Now Very Busy Brother, Onyx Haze