• Published 3rd Aug 2023
  • 544 Views, 19 Comments

Roomies - Panda the fazbear128

After Sunny Starscout's Lighthouse got destroid she moves in with Izzy Moonbow. Where, she find's has a crush on the lavender unicorn but she's unsure of what to do she's scrared that she'll ruin there ever so blosming friendship. What will she do?

  • ...

Talking somethings out

Sunny finished the rest of her shift but her thouts were all over the place. Pipp, also noticed this and after Sunny closed the cart down Pipp walked over to her, and they started talking.

"Hey Sunny! Whats up?" Pipp asked giving Sunny a soft look.

"Well... a lot acually. I don't wanna bore you with the details though!" Sunny looked away embarresed.

"Girl, it wont bore me at all! Come on tell me, im interested!"

"Okay, but promise me you're only gonna make a judgment after I tell you the whole thing and don't tell anypony else!" Sunny could bearly look in Pipp's eyes out of embarresment.

"Promise!" Pipp looked intreaged.

"Okay, so on my lunch break I went to visit Izzy, everything was going great untill Izzy asked about the Lighthouse. I answered then we both stayed silent, and when I needed to leave I went to Izzy and out of nowhere I kissed her on the cheek!" Sunny pressed her hoofes to her face. "Sweet Celestia I'm such a mess up!"

"Oh... Sunny you're not, but I think you should just talk to her! I mean it would be a great time to finally tell her how you feel! Plus you already did it so you have to talk to her about it. Beacuase she's not gonna forget in a few hours that's for sure!" Pipp said

Sunny looked between her hoofes at Pipp her face was beat red still. "You think so?"

"Yes, it's better to be honest then for Izzy to think you're being distant and don't want to be her friend." Pipp placed her hoofes on Sunny's shoulders.

"You know how Izzy is not good at reading social ques do to her... not so friendly past social life, so Sunny it's now or never!" Sunny looked unsure at Pipp, but she knew she couldn't just pretend that the kiss didn't happen. 'I mean what would I tell her, hey Izzy, remember the kiss well I don't!' Sunny thout.

"Yeah, you're right Pipp! I will get going thanks! Bye Pipp!" Sunny put her skates on and started skating to Briddlewood.

"No problem bye Sunny!" Pipp waved goodbye as she also went back to her home.

Meanwhile Izzy laid in her bed she couldn't be any happier, she just wanted to talk to Sunny about it and tell her about her crush. "She kissed me, she acually kissed me, she is so pretty and she kissed me! Well yes, it was only on the cheek but still! The prettiest most amazing mare I met kissed me!" She smiled as she squeeled into her pillow.

*knock* *knock*

"Sunny's home!" Izzy practicly jumped out of bed, and flew down the stairs.

Sunny was still really scared how Izzy would react to her after the kiss, but to her suprise instead of angry Izzy awating her, she got a huge bear hug.
"Hey Izzy! Can we talk?" Before Sunny could even blink she found herself inside her bestfriends cottage. They set down on the couch to Sunny suprise Izzy didn't look the least bit angry, infact she beemed with happiness.

"Ok it's time I get this of my chest." Sunny started "For I while now I've wanted to tell you something really important, that might change your view of me and..." Sunny's face was beat red she knew she needed to tell Izzy now how she felt or a another chance may never present it self.

"You see I was really scared to tell you beacuase, I didn't want you to hate me and you told me tht Briddlewood hates... And I also wanted to do it in the best way..." Sunny felt her throat clench as muttered every word out. "Sunny do you want to go out with me? Oh sorry, I will let you say it if that's what you wanted to say. Hehe..." Izzy interupted her face complete with her own blush. She just needed to finally say it, she couldn't contain herself any longer.

"Yes I do!" Sunny felt a huge relief as the unicorn asked the million bit question, she felt more comfortble. "Ok here I go... Izzy Moonbow do you want to go out with me?"

"Yes yes yes a million times yes!" As Izzy that she also pounced on Sunny. Though she had one more thing on her mind, other than the overwelming happiness.

"Sunny I have one more question." Izzy looked at her new marefriend Sunny just smiled at her.

"What's up Izzy?" Sunny asked Izzy sighed and the question. "Can we still live together? I mean after the Lighthouse is fixed. I don't think I say this enough, but you made me so happy in these past two months, in fact this is the happiest I've been in so long! And I wouldn't be able to accept being separeted from you!"

"Aww Izzy you're the best thing that's ever happend to me! And the Lighthouse does have an extra bedroom, but I think you could also sleep in my room if you want to that is!" Izzy teared up and cuddle Sunny before responding.

"I would love that! I love you Sunny!" Before Sunny could respond Izzy kissed her on her cheek. Sunny blushed before responding. "I love you too Izzy!"

They cuddled for a bit, before Izzy realised that Sunny was probably really hungry after all she got home an hour ago.

"Sunny are you hungry? What do you want for dinner?" This cut Sunny by a bit of suprise but she got too cut up in finally confessing to her new marefriend and the fact they were cuddling, but she quickly responded.
"Well now that you mention it, I could go for something to eat."

"Hmm... then I'll make it suprise!" Izzy's smile grew as she spoke.

"What if... I help you! After all you've been cooking for me for two months. And I cooked for you twice, it only seems fair!"

"Yay! We get to cook together! Come on we still have to choose what we will make!" Izzy frolicked to the kitchen. And Sunny flowed suit.

'That mare is perfect!' Sunny thout

They choose a native unicorn dish to make, it was extremly fun doing it together. Though they made a bit of a mess, the out come was well worth it.
"Hahaha Izzy you're coverd in flour!" Sunny observed Izzy put her floury hoof on Sunny's snout, witch made Sunny's snout twitch, and both of them blush and then Izzy said. "Well now you also have flour on you!" The two mares burst out laughing they ate dinner and then cleaned up after them selfs.

After dinner they went, and got ready for bed. When Sunny laid down, she realised now that her and Izzy were together they could maybe cuddle only if Izzy wants to that is.

"Hey Izz, can we cuddle?" Sunny blushed as she asked Izzy the question, but instead of an answer Izzy just scooted over and started cuddling her.

"Hehe and scoup!... Of course we can cuddle! Goodnight Sunny!"

"Goodnight Izzy!"

This is the comfiest Sunny ever felt. Not to mention she finally got to confess to Izzy! And Izzy liked her back this is the best day of Sunny's life, and also the best day of Izzy life.

And Izzy doesn't feel fear about Sunny moving out anymore, since she now knows wherever Sunny goes, she can come with her.

Author's Note:

Okay hi! Now you might be a bit suprised between the short wait period between these two chapters. The truth is, I already wrote up the chapters in notepad I just tweeked them a bit and realeased them.

Now the second thing you might have noticed is the tag change from commedy to drama that is beacuase, Roomies was originaly a comedy where Sunny and Izzy were already together, but that changed really early on (I just didn't think the idea was all that interesting) I just forgot to change the tag.

Third thing I finally made them confess to eachother! That scene took inspration from The Owl House. Specificly the season 2 epsisode "Knock knock knocking on Hooty's door" where Amity and Luz finally confess to eachother. If you watched the show you can see witch part was the most inspaired.

Anyways sorry for the rambaling, hope you enjoyed this chapter! :twilightsmile:

Also guess who was just watching "Knock knock knocking on Hooty's door" when she wrote this lol.:rainbowlaugh: