• Published 3rd Aug 2023
  • 544 Views, 19 Comments

Roomies - Panda the fazbear128

After Sunny Starscout's Lighthouse got destroid she moves in with Izzy Moonbow. Where, she find's has a crush on the lavender unicorn but she's unsure of what to do she's scrared that she'll ruin there ever so blosming friendship. What will she do?

  • ...

The first week

Sunny Starscout has only lived with Izzy for week but she started noticing something she might have catched feelings for Izzy.

Sunny was making breakfast for the both of them as a form of 'thank you.' And, beacuse she likes cooking.

"Breakfast is ready!" Said Sunny

"Mmmh Sunny what are you making cause it smells absolutely amazing!"

"Thanks Izz Im making scrambled eggs with bacon!" Sunny said while grabbing a plate and putting some scrambled eggs and bacon on it and hoofing it Izzy.

Izzy started speaking with her mouth already full.

"Mmmhh Sunny this tastes amesing!" Izzy said with her mouth full

"Thanks Izzy, but you should not eat so fast the food's still hot!" Sunny said while sittng down at table with her own plate. While watching Izzy she couldn't stop to think how cute she was.

"Hehe sorry Sunny the food is just so good I can't stop myself! Hey Sunny after breakfast do you want to go for a walk around Briddlewood?"

"Yeah sure Izzy sounds fun!"

After they ate breakfast they got ready and went to walk when Sunny over heard to unicorns talking.

" Chealsy have you heard about those two unicorn stalions?" Said unicorn #1

"Yeah I have Loren hope the jinxies get them soon for being so disgusting!" Replied unicorn #2

"What's they're problem?" asked Sunny

"Well I don't know if you heard two unicorn stalions got together, and Briddlewood hates pride couples! It's one of there many wierd taboo's." Izzy explained

This almost made Sunny break down. She noticed she had a bit of crush on Izzy. In her mind endles sanerios of her telling Izzy she has crush on her and Izzy breating her played down. Before she even got the courge to ask Izzy

"But why?" Cried out Sunny

"It's been around since I was born, or even longer. I don't really know why. Most unicorns accepted it. And the unicorns who didn't got shamed. I guess it's it's just the way it is."

That did not calm Sunny down she was even more scared. Does she tell Izzy about her crush? She can't. What if she doesn't want to be her friend anymore? Sunny couldn't risk it. She had to keep her mouth shut for the they're frienships sake!

"But I don't really care love is love unless you harm some pony!"

"I don't really care about any wierd Briddlewood taboo's really." Izzy said looking a bit more serious. "It's stupid old folk lore, well most of it anyways."

That seemed to have calmed Sunny a bit down. Maybe I do have chance! She thout.

"Well they sure do love they're taboo's!" Sunny said trying to make small talk.

Izzy laughed at the observision "tell me about it! Most unicorns who want change are leaving already! I'm only staying really beacuse I promised my mom that I wouldn't give away the cottage plus most of my 'uniclyled' stuff is there and to help you out."

"Izzy I shouldn't be one of the resons that you're forced to keep the cottage! I, could have just stayed with Hitch if im an iconvience!" A part of Sunny was angry at unicorn for not telling her. And the other part, understud why she didn't.

"Sunny you're not an iconvience!" Izzy said looking at the earthpony."... quite the oppisite acually." Izzy said with a more quiet tone. "The cottage hasn't felt that lively sience mom.... unfortunetly left."

"Can... can I show you something in my cottage?"

"Sure Izzy anything you'd like."

They walked back to Izzy's cottage. Where she used her magic to open up the door, and levite out a small box.

"Can I trust you to keep this a secret between the two of us?" Asked the unicorn

"Hoof to heart!" The earthpony promised.

Sunny look at the box and noticed it was the 'Family pictures' box she noted a week ago.

Izzy oppened it up and layed the pictures out in order. Some of them were of past relitves of the Moonbow family tree hower most of them were of Izzy's achivements.
Such as her being born, learning to walk, going to school for the first time and many more.

"Why are you showing me this Izzy?"

"It's beacuse most of these used to hung in my room when I was little filly." Izzy levitetated one picture up. "This picture is of my parents. My dad passed away before I was born. So, it was me and my mom against the world until..... she also passed away. After that I removed the pictures off the wall they just brung me nothing but sorrow. A week after removing the pictures a latern came by with a note attached to it." Izzy explained.

Sunny was tearing up a bit listening to Izzy.

"You already know this but, the note said I have friends in Maretime Bay. I made it my mission to get to know where Maretime bay was, and who sent the note." Izzy said also tearing up a bit.

"And... I did. Sunny the time I spend with you are the happiest times of my life! You are definetly not an iconvience." Izzy said hugging Sunny.

"I hade no idea you felt this about me Izzy!" Said the blushing earth pony still hugging the unicorn.

"I do Sunny, you are my very best friend. Now come on, I don't like this sad mood in the room let's do something fun!" Izzy said while using her magic to pack the box back up and put it back in the closet. Sunny thout sure it stung a little to be called a friend, beacause it felt like she was friend zoned, but she was happy that Izzy atleast likes her as a friend.

"Okay what do you have in mind Izzy, im listening!"

The rest of the day was pretty good after all that emotinal build up. The two mares got ready for bed. And wished good night to eachother.

"Goodnight Sunny!"
"Goodnight Izzy!"

Izzy quickly fell asleep.... while Sunny was wondering should she tell Izzy how she's feeling? After all she can't keep it all in that could hurt her and Izzy..... Right? And Izzy said Sunny made her super happy, so what does she do? looked over to Izzy who was sleeping peacefully. "I don't know what to do should I tell you? Or... should I not?" Sunny wispered to not wake Izzy up. Izzy just grumbled in her sleep.

"You're right Izzy, I will sleep on it some more."

Author's Note:

Now we are getting to interesting things .:rainbowkiss: Sunny and Izzy has to be one of my favourite ships ever. And this is my first fic ever. So come with me on this journey.

Again sorry for any grammer mistakes english is my second laugaue.