• Published 3rd Aug 2023
  • 544 Views, 19 Comments

Roomies - Panda the fazbear128

After Sunny Starscout's Lighthouse got destroid she moves in with Izzy Moonbow. Where, she find's has a crush on the lavender unicorn but she's unsure of what to do she's scrared that she'll ruin there ever so blosming friendship. What will she do?

  • ...

Izzy's thouts and Sunny's move

Sunny had to leave beacuase of the smoothie cart so, Izzy had to find something to entertain herself, and she quickly found that thing.

Writing in her diary! She started levatating a pen, and started writing

"Dear diary!"

"This past month was amazing! Sunny is just the coolest roommate ever!" Izzy said out loud as she wrote in little notebook covered in glitter.

"Ever sience she moved in I've been so happy!" Izzy looked up, put down the pen and started wispering. "Maybe I don't want her to leave... I don't want her to leave..." Izzy teared up a bit.

"I mean she's so funny, smart, super helpfull, kind... and not to mention pretty.... extremely pretty..." As Izzy said that she started blushing a bit.

Izzy looked at her mirror her face was beat red. "Huh... why is my face so red, and my tummy feeling so wierd?" Izzy was confused, she never felt this before. She started thinking her blush slowly disapering.

"Maybe I should tell Sunny how im feeling, but what is she will hate me if I tell her? I don't know myself what im feeling, I mean what if this is bad? I can't risk losing my best bestfriend!" Izzy didn't wanna risk her amazing friendship so she choose not to tell her.

Izzy put the diary away, she didn't feel comfortble writing after that. She laid down on her bed.

"Well, that was a dud! But what was that, why did I feel like that? Is that okay?" Izzy sighed, she went to her bookshelf grabbed a romance book she hasn't read in a while. She laid back down on her bed and she started reading.

As she read further in her book she realised the main character whom fell in love, shared those wierd feeling Izzy felt realising she could awfully realate to the character.

"Hmm... could I... be in love with Sunny?" Izzy started thinking about it. "Maybe, I should wait a bit before making assumptions! Yes I will wait for a bit and, if I still feel this way about Sunny... then I will go talk to her!" Izzy swore to herself that she keep that promise.

After she read the book she started making some lunch for herself and Sunny, if she comes by for lunch.

Izzy decided to make spaggheti. She sung until she heard knocking. She went openend the door Sunny was standing there.

"Hey Izz hopefully you don't mind me dropping by!" Sunny visibly looked exusted.

"Silly filly you're, my roommate of course I don't! And I see you've been rushing again haven't you?" Izzy was blushing a bit as she said that.

"Yeah break time, and the distans between Bridlewood and Maretime Bay are tuff obstacles" Sunny doesn't need to rush but she wants to spend more time with Izzy.

"Don't you, own the smoothie cart now? Thous you make your own break time?" Izzy looked quizicly at the tired Sunny.

"Well, yeah I do but that doesn't mean I can just change the break schedule!" Sunny said well that much is atleast true. She placed her saddle bag on the floor next to the door. "The customers know this schedule and constantly changing it would be rude, besides I still made it!" Sunny said still needing to catch her breath.

"Well then, sit down im making spagehetti!" Izzy frolicked back to the kitchen.

'Wow that mare is perfect!' Sunny thout as lovestruck smile spread across her face. For her watching what Izzy did was just mesmarising! She wished she had the courige to tell Izzy how she really felt especially after considiring what Pipp said.

"Hey Sunny did you hear me?" Izzy asked that seemed to have snapped Sunny out of her trans.

"Oh, sorry Izz could you repeat that please?" Sunny quickly looked up she despretly hoped Izzy didn't see while she was thinking.

"Hahaha you zoned out didn't you? Don't worry, happens to best of us! Anyways I just wanted to ask how Pipp's doin' and what's up with her sallon?"

"Yeah I zooned out, anyways construction just finished next week Pipp can open up the sallon! And as you may have guessed she's pretty extatic about it!" Sunny smilled as she explained.

"That's amazing can't wait to go to Maretime bay and check it out!" Izzy returned Sunny's smille.

Izzy, went and checked on the spaghetti it was done. She levateted two plates, made the table and served up the food.

They had to wait a bit, beacuase the spaghetti was still hot. So they talked for a bit more.

"So when is the Lighthouse getting finished?" Izzy ofcourse didn't really want to know the answer since it meant that Sunny was gonna move out, but she still curios.

"In roughly about two weeks..." Sunny tried sounding as enthusiastic as possibly could but, she also didn't want to move out. The little idea she proposed to Izzy, seemed more and more imposible.
Sunny figured out they weren't remodeling, they're just fixing they're mess so Canterlogic will have it's good name back.

Thus she'll only have two bedrooms, she could try getting Izzy to move in with her with some stupid little white lie, but she can't even ask out the unicorn mare for Twilight's sake. How could she posibly ask Izzy to move in with her? Her fears would simply get the better of her, she wouldn't even be able to stutter out the sentence.

Izzy's thouts weren't much better, she wanted to go with Sunny. She doesn't even care about the cottage and the art in it, nor the promise she made to her mom anymore, if Sunny were to just ask her to go with her she would leave the cottage behind in a wingbeat.

They ate in relative silience after the question mostly, beacuase both of them were lost in their own trail of thouts, and beacuase they couldn't think of anything to say to eachother. If anypony were to walk in on this they could only say it was really awkward in there, do to all of the pent up emotion.

Sunny's phone started beeping signifying that she needs to get going, or she'll be late. She wiped her mouth grabbed her saddle bag and walked over to Izzy.

"Hey Izzy, I just wanted to say... thank you for everything you're an amazing friend!" Sunny said

Without thinking Sunny leaned in and kissed Izzy on cheek. Then got moving as Sunny closed the door Izzy muttered out a "N-no problem y-y-you too!" Izzy's face beat red, her eyes sparkled with delight as she pressed her hoof to her cheek. Now she definetly knows she's in love with Sunny.

As Sunny closed the door and started walking, the realisation hit her like truck of what she has just done.

Sunny face was beat red she put her hoof on her mouth and started thinking, on one hoof she had to talk about it and fear that Izzy might hate her for it but, on the other hoof Izzy might like her back, And she got to kiss Izzy!

Let's just say today was an interesting day for both of them...

Author's Note:

This chapter I wanted to focus a bit more on Izzy! Beacause I wanted to establis how Izzy's feeling.

And let Sunny make her first move hehe... :pinkiehappy:

So yeah hope you enjoy!