• Published 4th Jul 2023
  • 1,005 Views, 5 Comments

This Counts As Loving Yourself, Right? - King Ice

Someone just confessed their feelings to Twilight. Sugarcoat of all people. Someone like her shouldn't have any jealous girlfriends to deal with, right? Surprisingly, she does. And it's herself. Wait, what?

  • ...

I Want You

Twilight had always found socializing to be a challenge. Even now, forming connections and engaging in conversations didn't come naturally to her. However, she was grateful to have a supportive group of friends who guided her through the process. Without Sunset and the others, she would likely still be confined to her room, immersed in her studies and scientific pursuits.

If she still had so much trouble with friendship, then it was only natural that she would struggle with romance even more, right? That was why she was absolutely freaking out and pacing in her room! She would have been screaming if Spike wasn’t already asleep! Speaking of, she was beginning to think she wouldn’t be able to sleep at all!

Why would she freak out about romance now of all times? She never even thought about the subject before! The reason was simple and evident in her opinion… She never thought in a million years that she would even have a shot at love.

The prospect of flirting with strangers was already daunting for Twilight, making it nearly impossible for her to take the initiative. Additionally, she never anticipated anyone making the first move toward her. While she didn't consider herself unattractive (her self-esteem was relatively stable), she also didn't perceive herself as strikingly beautiful. She regarded herself as average at best, it only made sense that guys or girls would rather flirt with her friends (who were so much more pretty-looking than she was).

In conclusion, Twilight was not prepared to enter the dating scene, nor had she ever envisioned herself being in a situation where she would be flirted with. Surprisingly, she was perfectly content with this state of affairs. The idea of having a romantic partner or people showing interest in her didn't bother her at all. In fact, she was entirely at ease with not having a lover or not being the object of affection for others. For Twilight, there was no pressure to pursue romantic relationships. There was nothing wrong with that, was there? Even if she found some people attractive, she wasn’t interested in them or there was no love at first sight anyway.

Yet, something happened which went against all her calculations and expectations. Someone had asked her out! Thankfully, it wasn’t someone from her main group of friends because she didn’t know how she would have handled it, and it would have been awkward. Even more so since she didn’t have feelings like that for any of them.

One of the problems was that she didn’t have these kinds of feelings for the person that asked her out either! And of all people, it was Sugarcoat that asked her out! Considering their background, you couldn’t really blame Twilight for not having feelings for the other girl, but she still couldn’t just reject her, could she? She didn’t want to break someone’s heart, after all!

Why did Sugarcoat even like her?! She showed no signs of ever liking her before! She just walked up to her in front of the whole school (important to note it was in front of Canterlot High, so Sugarcoat literally missed a day at Crystal Prep for this) and confessed right here and there, then asked if she wanted to date her. Twilight didn’t even think someone could be so blunt about this!

You don’t have to give me your answer now, but I would appreciate it if it was quick, so here’s my number,” That was what Sugarcoat had said before leaving the school grounds.

Thus, Twilight was now staring at her phone with her texting app open on Sugarcoat’s contact. She knew she could wait a day or two more, but she didn’t need time to think. She already knew she wanted to reject her! The problem was that she didn’t know how! She wrote a few messages, but always erased them before even thinking of hitting the send button. None of them were good enough! Maybe… Maybe she could date her? Sugarcoat would get tired of her at some point! Then they’ll break up, and everyone would be happy!

“What should I do…” She sighed as she let herself fall on her bed, her head hitting her soft and comfortable pillow. It reminded her that it was late, and she was sleepy. Maybe she should just sleep on it. A good night’s rest could help her choose her words… Before she even knew it, she slowly let go of her phone and drifted asleep.

When she opened her eyes, she didn’t find herself in a dream. She knew it wasn’t a dream because she had been there before. The world was pink and empty except for the floor she was standing on and the furniture she was surrounded by. It resembled her own room in a way.

Midnight Sparkle’s lair… Because of course, a super friendship beam wouldn’t destroy her. Instead, she was trapped in Twilight’s mind, which made sense since they were technically the same person. She tormented Twilight a lot in the past and tried to take over her body, but since she failed so many times, she calmed down. How surprising.

Sunset didn’t know how to get rid of her either and told Twilight that she was possibly here because she still felt guilty about what she did in the Friendship Games. Sunset suggested that she should try to accept that it happened, forgive herself, and love herself so that Midnight would disappear.

At some point, Twilight just told Sunset that Midnight was no more because she didn’t want her to worry.

“What a pleasant visit!” A snarky voice cut her off from her own thoughts.

Twilight spun around, only to find Midnight Sparkle standing triumphantly next to her bed. The usual wicked smirk adorned her face, her flowing hair defying gravity, and her wings majestically spread open. With her glowing eyes and horn emanating a radiant light, Midnight Sparkle presented an imposing figure. While Twilight had grown accustomed to this sight and was no longer afraid, any ordinary person would likely be terrified in her presence. They might also take notice of certain assets that Twilight herself lacked. However, she vehemently denied any inkling of jealousy that might have arisen from this observation.

“Don’t talk as if you weren’t the one to bring me here! What do you want?” Twilight crossed her arms in anger. “Torment me again?”

“Oh, please! I haven’t done that in years!” Midnight complained with an eye roll.

“It’s been 7 months,” Twilight replied flatly.

“Ah, so you admit I haven’t tormented you in a long time!” Midnight exclaimed in victory.

“Well… Time is relative. I don’t consider…” Twilight began only for Midnight to cut her off.

“Look, we literally played chess yesterday,” Midnight snapped her fingers, summoning a chess board. “If you stopped being in denial, you would realize that I’m not such a bad roommate to share a mind with,” She smirked while Twilight bit her lower lip.

“T-That’s because I was bored! And… I was interested to see how I would fare against myself!” Twilight huffed while blushing in embarrassment.

“I’m the one who suggested we play, and you didn’t seem very hesitant to accept,” Midnight argued while chuckling. Before Twilight could even retort, her evil counterpart opened her mouth again. “But I didn’t bring you here to play chess or to convince you to steal all the magic in the world,” She said in a more serious tone. “Although, if you want to do either of those things, then I’m all for it!” She added excitedly while Twilight raised an eyebrow in an unimpressed manner. “Ahem… As I was saying… You’re here because we need to discuss our future with Sugarcoat,”

Twilight widened her eyes in surprise.

“Okay, first of all… What do you mean by “we”? Secondly, Why do you care?”

“Do I need to remind you that we are the same person? Which answers both of your questions,” Midnight responded. “Reject her,” She ordered, making Twilight scoff.

“How do you know I wasn’t going to do that in the first place?”

“Because I am literally in your head. I know what you’re thinking! And dating her because of pity would do no good to either of us,” Midnight answered as Twilight looked away and crossed her arms in defiance.

“M-Maybe it wouldn’t have been because I would feel bad breaking her heart, but it won’t last anyway! And… And maybe I will start liking her… at some point…” Twilight fiddled with her fingers.

“Oh, no! You’re going to reject her, block her number, and never talk to her again!” Midnight protested as Twilight stepped back.

“Oh, so after trying to get rid of my friends and ruin my life, now you’re deciding who I should date or not?” Twilight shouted, only making Midnight grunt in response. “And… Why are you speaking like a jealous and possessive girlfriend?” She inquired, which seemed to elicit a quick reaction from the other girl.

“That’s not how I sound at all! I am above those pesky feelings!” Midnight furrowed her brows, then levitated toward Twilight. “Sugarcoat is simply not good enough for us or even for you specifically,” She argued.

“Oh? So now you care about my well-being? Who exactly would be good enough for us, exactly? Honestly, I feel like someone confessing to me is already a miracle, so I can’t be too picky,” Twilight exhaled tiredly as she stepped away from Midnight.

“See? That’s your problem. You lack confidence. If you had any, you could have been the most popular student in Crystal Prep. And Cinch wouldn’t have pushed you around either!” Twilight looked away, not willing to remember her previous principal. “Now that I’m here, we not only have the brains, but the confidence, too! That’s why we only deserve the best!”

“And who do you consider the best? I have a hard time imagining you liking anyone. I think the best person out there is Sunset, but I don’t have feelings for her, and she doesn’t have any for me either,” Twilight argued, only to wince as Midnight pretended to gag.

“Don’t remind me of Sunset Shimmer! Of course, she wouldn’t be good enough either! Besides, her advice on how to free yourself from me is utter nonsense,” She spat before breathing out and calming herself. She smirked as she levitated even closer to Twilight. “Do you still not get it? The only one perfect for you… is me. And the only one good enough for me is you,” She revealed with a seductive smile, making Twilight gasp.

“W-What?! You’re joking, right?” Twilight stepped back, only for Midnight to grab her hands and pull her closer.

“Do I look like I’m joking?” She chuckled while Twilight’s blood was swiftly going up her face.

“But we’re literally the same person! Kinda…” Honestly, Twilight didn’t know anymore.

“And that’s why we’re perfect for each other… We complete each other,” Midnight argued before completely embracing Twilight in her arms and wings, keeping her from fleeing. “Why are you surprised? It’s not like I was hiding it. Why do you think I stopped trying to take over your body? Why did I stop trying to manipulate you? Why did I want to play chess with you or just talk? Did you already forget how you used me as your personal diary?”

“I… I didn’t think…”

“Because we are the same person, there is nothing you can’t tell me. Of everyone in the world, I am the only one who completely understands you. And you are also the only one who understands me… Because no matter how much you want to deny it, you want magic, too. And of course, you want me,” Midnight whispered as she grabbed her chin and slightly lifted her head so that their eyes could meet. Without surprise, Twilight was a blushing mess.

“T-There’s no way I would want you! It’s… It would be weird! And you’re evil, too!” She denied as Midnight snickered in amusement.

“You don’t believe that at all… When was the first time you actually felt attracted to someone?” Midnight asked and before Twilight could answer, she whispered in her ear again.” Sexually, at least,”

“Well…” Twilight stammered while her evil version snickered.

“Never. Until you met me. And as I said, it’s no use hiding it. I am you, after all. I know your deepest secrets and desires. Only I do,” Midnight continued as Twilight’s cheeks couldn’t even get any redder. “You look at my legs and chest every time you come in here. As for my horn, you always wonder what it would be like to touch it… among other things. We have a dirty mind, don’t we? And let’s not forget about my wings, you think they look powerful. You already imagined being in their embrace,” Midnight spouted all of Twilight’s secret fantasies about her, uncaring of how embarrassed it made her. “See? I told you I knew everything about you,”

“Is this… another attempt at manipulating me? I’m not giving you my body!” Twilight shouted as Midnight let out a soft chuckle.

“Oh, I want your body, but not in that way. I don’t care about my goals anymore because you will probably accomplish them anyway thanks to… ugh… The magic of friendship. Now, I want you,” She explained while running her hands across Twilight’s body and making her breathe more heavily. “You’re not even hiding how much it excites you!” She laughed.

“I don’t like it… one bit!” Twilight retorted in denial as Midnight slid a hand under her shirt, making her squeal in surprise.

“Think of it this way… Sunset told you that loving yourself will free you from me… I’m sure this should count as loving yourself, shouldn’t it?” She purred while Twilight widened her eyes and nodded excitedly.

“O-Of course! All… All you’re doing is running into your demise! I mean, if it helps me get rid of you… Maybe we could try…” Twilight stuttered while her eyes were doing their best to avoid Midnight’s.

“How cute. You jumped at the first excuse to get in my pants!” Midnight snickered.

“No, I didn’t!” Twilight attempted to deny it before finding herself on her double’s bed. “Wait… Are we about to…?”

“We will,” Midnight assured her while slowly climbing on top of the bed. “But on the condition that you reject that idiot Sugarcoat… And any other person that asks you out. We’ll only love each other, after all…”

Twilight, not in control of her movements anymore, dumbly nodded while her clone got closer and closer until their lips met.

She opened her eyes alarmed and panicked, her body drenched in sweat, and her breath ragged. As she found herself in the familiar surroundings of her own room, she gazed up at the ceiling, momentarily blinded by the piercing rays of the sun. Despite the discomfort, she paid no mind to the sun in her eyes, her attention consumed by a more pressing matter. Ignoring her glasses resting on the nightstand, she swiftly reached for her phone and unlocked it without thinking.

Without a moment's hesitation, she directed her gaze towards Sugarcoat's contact and swiftly composed a brief message, a simple "No," without even elaborating. Once she had sent the response, she switched her phone to silent mode and flung it onto her bed.

“Twilight… Did you have a nightmare again?” Spike tiredly rubbed his eyes with the back of his paws.

“Spike. I think I’m a freak,” Twilight stated as the small dog rolled his eyes.

“I already told you that dreaming about prime numbers invading the world doesn’t make you a freak, Twilight…” The dog replied before yawning.

“No. I am a freak. I am a freaky freak,” Twilight insisted with bloodshot eyes and an emotionless tone. “And I think I like it,”

“Not even gonna ask,” Spike sighed as he went back to sleep.

Comments ( 5 )

“Not even gonna ask,” Spike sighed as he went back to sleep.

:twilightsmile: Wise decision.

But seriously. Why Sugarcoat? Better than Sunset for sure, but still.

Honestly, not much thought behind it. I wanted it to be someone from Crystal Prep, and I thought Sugarcoat was pretty random, which would explain Twilight's confusion

Any of the Shadowbolts could fit that description honestly. But it makes sense.

Why isn’t there a Sugarcoat tag?

She doesn't really appear in the story

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