• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 622 Views, 1 Comments

Masked Sunlight: book 1 - DeltinMotionTermin

Stun Spots, a wander pony that decided to settle in Ponyville. Where he will meet six ponies that he would consider to be his best friends and a certain Sun princess that he may have a crush on.

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Chapter 1

Sounds of hooves and the rustling of my wagon was all I could hear as I traveled on the dirt roads of Equestria. Whistling a little tune to pass the time as I walked. My sights drew themselves behind my back towards the worn down wagon with scratch purple paint, checking to make sure all of my belongings were on my personnel.

"Alright, so I got my brush, toothpaste- oh but I'm running out. Still got the masks and keepsakes, my bits, documents, posters, and toys - " my left hind leg got stuck on a rock, making me trip. Face planting myself to the ground. Damn it hurts so bad!

Groaning in pain I slowly began to rise up, shaking myself out of a daze. As I began to recover, my heart quickened with fear. I quickly raised my hoof towards my horn, prodding for any type of damage the fall may have afflicted.
On my horn was a ring. A silver ring with a pink heart shaped gem. My eyes laid upon the ring. I sighed in relief and continued to stare at the ring with relief.

"Oh thank goodness! Mom and Dad would've killed me if I broke you little one." The ring glowed with a dim pink light then faded back to normal.

Getting back on my hooves and continuing to walk forward, this time being more aware of my surroundings.

Going onwards I soon hear the wildlife in the far distance near a dark forest.
Loud roars, hissing, and stomping so strong I could feel it from where I stand. I gave it a quick glance then brought my attention back to the road.

"Yea- no." I began to pick up speed to keep my distance away from the forest.

15 minutes later I began to grow weary. My breathing became more sporadic the more I continued. I stopped to a halt, taking a seat on the ground to catch my breath. My legs are sore from the constant travel.

"Man, I really should've booked a room but I really need to save bits for a shop." I decided to lay down and look at the blue sky.

It looked much brighter here than any other locations like Manehattan to name one. My fatigue was beating me, and after a few moments my eyes slowly began to close itself and the darkness soon took over.

Suddenly a pink light was taking form and with each second, grew brighter and brighter.

"ARGH! TOO BRIGHT! TOO BRIGHT!" I shouted as I shot back up and covered my eyes protecting myself from the blind light.

After a few seconds I lifted my hooves from my eyes and slowly blinked to regain my sight. The alarm that was my ring still glowed with brilliance. I turned my head in wonder pondering the significance of its sudden shine.

“It has never done that before! Little flickers here or there but never to this magnitude!” I tried covering the ring with my hooves, attempting to lessen the brightness.

The gem however shines ever bright. There wasn't anything I could do that could turn off the glow. So I hoped that it would turn off eventually, waiting for 5 minutes isn't working.

"Okay, what the FUCK are you doing!? You never did this before why are you do-" Before I could finish I spotted a house a few hundred feet away from me.

The house was pretty small but pretty well made. With white walls and a yellow roofing.
Looking around from where I could see, there is a tower. There seems to be a building that reminds me of a gingerbread house or a cake. Actually there is a cupcake on top of it. Certainly a bakery. All the way in the back I think I see a farm in the distance. I guess that is where I smelled the apples from.

"Oh thank goodness finally. A town!" I sprinted towards the town with gusto.

I reached the entrance to the small town. For its simplicity it looks very pleasing, much better than the more busier towns I've seen in my honest opinion. I took a deep breath to get a feeling about the place. The smell of fresh grass, cake and apples is very prominent here. It has such a good smell, I wouldn't smell this in the morning!
Before I could admire more of the town I felt something within me. Happiness. A bit too much happiness.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The screeching was getting louder and louder. Approaching closer, coming right at me!

I ducked to the ground as a speeding pink rocket rushed past me. When it spotted me, the pink bolt shot right back to me. I was going to duck again, until it came to a complete stop.

It was a pony. A mare. A very pink mare, with a poofy mane and tail, her cutie mark has 3 balloons 2 blue and 1 yellow. She also has bright blue eyes. She started to give me a really big grin, like a really REALLY big grin. How is she even doing that?! She gave an elongated gasp, and within a blink of an eye she was gone. All I could do was scratch my head in confusion. What did I even witness? Although that hair does remind me of-

“Never mind. I need to focus. I need to find the mayor around here.” I started scouting around for somepony to talk to.

One pony caught my eye. She is a purple pony with two highlights on her mane, 1 light purple and the other pink. With a cutie mark that has a big star with 5 smaller stars surrounding it. Next to her is. . . A lizard? Well it has green spikes running down its spine and his scales are purple. Maybe I should ask them.

“Excuse me, Mam? Sir?” I called the two individuals, both looking towards my direction. I was feeling a little nervous, it felt like I was interrupting something.

“Um, is there anything you need Sir?” the purple pony asked me with a little waver. She must be a little nervous too.

“I’m really new to this town and I need a little help with directions. Do any of you know where the mayor is? Or y’know where her office is?” I started to rub my left hoof on my right foreleg. Both the lizard and pony looked at each other.

“Spike?” the purple pony questioned the lizard. So the lizard’s name is Spike.

“Oh, uh you should try going to the town hall, it shouldn’t be hard to miss. It’s a big tower near a pony fountain.” Spike pointed at said fountain.

“Thank you! If you don’t mind, may I have your names?” I asked the pair.

“I am Twilight Sparkle,” the purple pony named Twilight Sparkle answered. “And I’m Spike. A dragon!” The purple drake puffed up his chest proudly. I shook both their hoof and claw respectively.

I was taken aback at that little revelation. I was not expecting a dragon to be right in front of me. Or around here in general, a very rare occurance! I’m not gonna lie, I was a little excited. A real dragon right in front of me? How cool!

“Wow that’s actually pretty awesome! I’ve never seen a dragon before. Only heard about them in passing.” I admitted. Spike seemed pretty proud that he made a good first impression. Twilight Sparkle however rolled her eyes.

“Okay Spike, come on we need to hurry, we don't want to be behind schedule.We also don’t want your head to get any bigger.” Twilight said, she seemed in a hurry. I could feel something anxious in her, and a bit of an annoyance.

“Oh right! The checklist.” Spike pulled out a list of what seems to be for an errand. He then turned towards me.

“Sorry, we never got your name?” I tapped my head forgetting to introduce myself.

“Right, My name is Stun Spots.” I introduced myself to the two purple pairs, giving a little small bow.

“Anyways, we are a bit running behind schedule and we need to do our work and oversee these festivities.” Twilight told me, trying to nudge Spike to wherever they are supposed to go. Festivities? I can see why everyone seems busy today.

“Well I don’t want to hold you back on your duties. Thank you for giving me directions. We should talk again sometime!” I waved to them as they walked away.

“See Twilight I told you it wouldn’t be that hard.” Spike said to Twilight with an ‘I told you so’ attitude. They were soon too far for me to hear the rest of their conversation. I laughed a little thinking how they act like siblings.

I started heading towards the town and started to scout out for a pony who looked pretty important. Usually they wear suits and ties. You can never go wrong with ties. I eventually found a pony that matched my percieved description. She is wearing a blue tie, she also has gray hair and glasses too!

I started walking up my way to her while also observing the pegasi and earth pony decorating the halls and calling the pony I was looking for, mayor. This must be a really important festival.

"Hello Miss Mayor?" I called out to the pony that I assumed to be the mayor. She turns around and makes eye contact with me. “Is there anything you need? Oh and just call me Mayor Mare.” Well she seems nicer than the other higher ups i’ve seen and heard. Nice already on a good start.

“Yes, you see I am looking to open a shop or if no place is available, build one.” She seemed a little stressed, must’ve been very busy with the festival.

“Sorry, I am really busy. This is the 1000th year of the Summer Sun Celebration, so we have our hands full. I could book a meeting when the festivals are over. However, you might have to wait for that either tomorrow or the day after that.” She explained to me. I could only sigh at the news but I understood the reasoning.

“That’s okay. But can you tell me What is the Summer Sun Celebration is?” She looked at me and was baffled about my lack of knowledge. Kinda makes me feel dumb.

“Oh, I thought this was common knowledge. Well the Summer Sun Celebration is the celebration of the banishment of the Nightmare Moon, and our savior being Princess Celestia!” She explained.

Wow, I really have been living in my own little world. So a Princess named Celestia Banished a person named Nightmare Moon. I mean with a name like that you are probably asking for trouble. You’d think I would be hearing this everywhere. Maybe I have been working too hard to notice. I really need to pick up a history book.

“Well thank you very much for the info! I will let you do your things. Sorry for interrupting your business.” I gave a quick bow and started to head off.

“Oh don’t worry about it. I hope you are going to join the festivities since you are going to stay for a while.” Mayor Mare said, I stopped and looked back at her. “Oh, uh sure I will join.” I said taking in the invitation. I was starting to pack my belongings.

“Well I hope you have a wonderful day! Also watch your left.” the Mayor warned. “Huh? My left-” A sudden force ripped me away from the town hall and was dragging me to who knows where with my items left behind.

I soon arrived at a tree that was a library and everything was silent and dark. I looked around me trying to get a grip of my surroundings. While I couldn’t see much I do feel excitement. A bit too much of it. Which only means one thing.

“WHAT THE F-” A hoof clamped town to my mouth as I was trying my hardest to speak out. “Ssshhhh. Not yet we gotta wait.” The pink menace spoke. Wait? Wait for what?

A few moments later I began to hear chatter. It seems that there's a lot of people in here just what are they doing? Some I hear are chattering about me saying something about a 'Triple Welcome To Ponyville Party' or something along those lines. Soon muffled voices from the outside can be heard. The door opened then slammed shut and steps began to approach us.

"Huh. Rude, much?" It was Spike, he seemed a bit irritated. "I'm sorry Spike" That was obviously Twilight. "But I have to convince Princess Celestia that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time!" Twilight exclaimed.

Those words struck a chord. Nightmare Moon, returning? So that's why she's been so anxious! But how in hell is she gonna return? Jump out of the moon? Yeah I'd like to see that happen.

"SURPRISE!" yelled everybody excluding me. Because I was still dazed.

I jolted out my thoughts as I was dragged next to Twilight and Spike. With everypony surrounding us. It was a little foreboding to say the least.

I couldn't really make out what that pink pony was saying. But what I did get from it, well tried was that her name was Pinkie Pie, and Twilight doesn't have friends she wants us to be friends. Again that's all I could comprehend.

After Twilight accidentally drank a hot sauce bottle and ran upstairs, 5 mares started to approach me.

"So who are you?" the rainbow haired one asked. "I'm Stun Spots. It's nice to meet you." I said, giving them a little bow. "My my, what a gentle colt you are! My name is Rarity. A pleasure to meet you Stun Spots" Said the white mare with the purple swirling mane.

The Orange pony with the cowboy hat started to approach me.

"The name's Applejack. Nice to meet ya. Though there's no need to bow, sugarcube. We ain't royalty." Applejack raised her hoof for a shake that I gladly returned.

"Sorry, force of habit. I was traveling across Equestria and bowing was the most greeting thing to do at some places.." I rubbed my head in embarrassment.

“Well anyway, the name Rainbow Dash!” the rainbowed one offered her hoof for a bump which I soon delivered.

“I- I’m Fluttershy.” the mare with the pink hair and yellow coat whispered. I could barely hear her. But I felt like I was going to like her. “She said her name is Fluttershy. And I’m Pinkie Pie!” The spastic pink pony shouted with glee. Something tells me I’m either gonna love her or hate her, no in-betweens.

“Well, I’m not sure what to say” I was kinda getting a little nervous, mostly because most eyes were on me.

“What is it that you do, Stun Spots?” Rarity asked. “I make and sell masks. I even collected some rare ones.” I happily answered. “Masks?” all 5 questioned me. Rarity seems to be really interested in it.

“Yes. I make masks. Any kind really. I make most of them myself. Just give me a commission and I’ll deliver!” I said with a smile.

"That is a very interesting profession if I must say. Do you have any samples to glance at?" Rarity asked politely. “Sorry but I left my stuff at the townhall.” I said to Rarity, while also giving a little glare at Pinkie Pie. She in return gave me a nervous laugh and a little shrug.

“Well that’s quite alright dear. Later you can give me a little tour.” I gave a little nod to her.
Rarity’s eyes slowly made her way up to my horn where my ring was. She seemed a bit captivated by it. Actually all of them were.

"If I may ask another question. Why is there a ring on your horn? Are you in an engagement?" The question embarrassed me a little. I could tell the others were wondering the same. Although they did seem to mind my privacy, which I wasn't really that concerned about. What would I need to hide?

"No no no, I'm not married. This ring was actually given to me by my parents. When I was born. Though I was told to never take it off or it can't be forced off of me." I recited. Rainbow found this information hard to believe.

"So you wouldn't mind if I had a Crack at it?" Rainbow Dash challenged. "Rainbow, don't-." Applejack tried to scold Rainbow Dash. But I gave a little smirk and accepted the challenger. "Sure, knock yourself out." I dared her.

Rainbow flew right to me and put her hoofs on my ring. She gave it a big tug, but the ring didn't budge a centimeter. Rainbow Dash made several more attempts, but to no avail. Rainbow Dash soon lowered herself to the ground.

"Y-yeah, damn th-that thing is stuck there. Phew." Rainbow Dash said tiredly, wiping some sweat away.

~Ring, Ring~

"Oh the Summer Sun Festival is soon! LET'S GO EVERYPONY!" Pinkie shouted to everypony. All the ponies present began to move out of the library.

Before I could join the others, a door opened upstairs and somepony started walking down. It was Twilight. I could tell she seemed a little defeated and the anxious feeling isn't getting any better.
She moped along towards the exit. All I did was stare with a little frown on my face. Man she must be having the worst day. After she left I soon began to follow.

I soon reached the town hall where many ponies gathered. I saw Rarity on the balcony. Maybe she's there to reveal the princess.
I then spotted fluttershy near a flock of small birds. The rest are either on the ground or watching above.

Mayor Mare was announcing something but I could not focus because of Twilight's fears becoming stronger and stronger. I saw her head turn up towards an opening of the halls towards the moon.
My eyes soon began to follow. When my eyes laid upon the moon I saw some stars approaching the moon. Is that supposed to happen?

When the stars collided with the moon. An imprint that has always been there from what I remembered, disappeared. Is this what Twilight ment? I shook my head in disbelief and returned my attention to Mayor Mare.

"I introduce to you, the pony that raises both the sun and moon each and every day. . . Princess Celestia!" Mayor Mare signals Rarity to pull the curtains. Rarity does so, revealing . . .nothing. Oh no.

Everypony gasped as no princess was shown. They started to panic. Near me, I could feel fear. Twilight's fear.

"Nightmare Moon" Twilight utters. I looked up at the balcony and saw a mist of blue smoke. The smoke began to get bigger and transform into the shape of a tall pony with horns and wings. With a flap of its wing its true form is revealed.

This is Nightmare Moon? A tall, daunting pony with a blue yoke, helmet and shoes. Her blue eyes slitted with a piercing gaze.

"Oh my little subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your sun-loving faces." Nightmare Moon said with venom in her voice. I can really feel the hatred and rage coming from her, like fire spreading through a forest.

Rainbow tried to interrogate Nightmare Moon but was held back by Applejack. Pinkie Pie was guessing who she was, I can't even comprehend how she can still act calm and happy all of the time.

"Do you not know who I am? Have not even a single one of you sun licking ponies never seen the signs of my return?!" Nightmare Moon questioned us. Honestly she seems more upset that we don't know who she is. But Twilight knew who she was.

"I've seen the signs. I know who you are! You're the mare on the moon - Nightmare Moon!" Twilight called out. "Well well well, somepony who remembers me. You know why I am here?" Nightmare questioned Twilight Rhetorically. "Y-you're here to . . ." Twilight wasn't going to answer. She knew what Nightmare Moon was going to do.

I was getting a little scared so was everypony else. The feelings I've been feeling are in all directions at once. Pinkie being a happy ball of energy isn't helping either.

"Remember this day, little ponies, for it will be your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" Nightmare Moon laughed with evil, thunder roaring at her beckon call.

How did I get roped into this? I just wanted to make a mask shop.

Author's Note:

This story is just for me to get my creative juices flowing. Like making a seemingly boring character. And how to make that interesting. Also To work on my writing more since, it's been so long that I have written any type of story, in general.

So I do hope anyone that reads this, enjoy! :scootangel:

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