• Published 23rd Jun 2023
  • 270 Views, 2 Comments

Walking in circles - Izac45

The mane six is stuck in a loop

  • ...

Walk around in circles

Author's Note:

For better enjoyment I recommend listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z1NR9IQICo while reading pls enjoy. MLP is made by hasbro and music by soul coughing

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight was in her castle library finishing her latest book. "Wow what an interesting subject hmm I think I remember that certain subject from another book...." Twilight pondered and thinking if there are any similarities with that subject "Well I better find that book!"

Twilight stood up from her desk and started trotting right past to another section of the library passing along the desk. and as she walks she sees all sorts of books that she may or may not have read already and made mental notes to reorganize the library later.

Twilight then walked pass a familiar looking desk "Hmm That's wired!" Twilight hummed while walking past the desk 'Probably Trixie's lessons with Starlight' She thought remembering the last time Starlight tries teaching Trixie to teleport objects to her.

Next she walked past another familiar looking shelves and rows of books until she walks past the desk again. "I've got to talk to Trixie about that." Twilight talked out loud.

Then as she walked a strangely familiar rows of books and desk she decided to stop and take a better look at the book. "Wait that's the book I read but how did it get there?" Twilight then decided to continue walking again with another familiar books and desk and then finally says.

"Wait where am I?"


Rarity was in the gem cave with Spike wearing their light hats were gathering gems she could use in her new sets of clothes "Thank you for accompanying me to another gem hunt Spikey-wikey."

Spike with heart eyes said "N-No problem Rarity I'm always happy to be your bodyguard!"

Rarity giggled "Oh and how a brave dragon you are." Spike began stuttering. Now come along we need to get back to the boutique!" Rarity declared.

Rarity and Spike began walking left out of the cave passing the giant ruby and they began chatting a bit.

"You know you know today there are no bats in this cave today." Spike pointed out.

"Hmm now that you mention it the bat's are awfully absent today.... Were they migrating somewhere?" Rarity pondered.

As they walked they passed by the ruby Spike asked. "What is this new design your thinking about?" asked Spike.

"Hmm I'm not sure but all I know is that Discord commissioned this outfit!" Rarity said.

"Wait discord requested it?" Spike asked surprised as they walked past the same ruby.

"Yes I was surprised my self. He said it's a gift for Fluttershy for their next tea party." Rarity said.

A few minutes later they walked past the same ruby for the fifth time and Spike finally stopped and asked. "Umm Rarity have you seen this ruby before?"

Rarity stopped and inspect the gem but shrugged and said. "It's probably just a coincidence there is bound to be the same giant gems around.

Rarity and spike continued walking and Spike said "But I'm telling I did see that ruby over and over again it's like were going in a circle." Spike explained.

Rarity was about to speak to Spike only to come across the same ruby and upon inspection it recognize the ruby.

"Umm Spike where are we?"

Applejack and Rainbow dash

Applejack and Rainbow dash are at the orchid getting ready for another race between them.

"This will be the final contest for the day let's settle this tie once and for all!" Rainbow dash declared.

"Just don't come cryin when ah beat ya!" Applejack explained.

Earlier before this race they made a bet to see who can win more and the loser will have to clean the other's room for the weekend. So far Applejack won the tree tipping and Apple eating contest. Rainbow dash also won the cider drinking and apple catching making them tied and they decided to finish this with a race.

Applejack Laid down the red ribbon line between the trees and sets the rules for the race. "No flyin and no tail pullin." Applejack declared.

Rainbow dash giggled. "Like I need my wings to beat you." She said with confidence.

The two racers then walked to the right side of the line readies their stance and they both count down. "Three" they slowly raised their flanks " Two" They are tapping their hooves. "ONE"

And their off left past the line! Applejack took the lead followed up by Rainbow dash but is quickly catching up and Rainbow dash took the lead with Apple jack catching up behind.

"You won't beat me I'm faster even without wings." Rainbow gloated.

"Don't count me out just yet!" Applejack proclaimed and goes side to side to Rainbow dash. Both not noticing they went past the same starting line.

Rainbow and Applejack and are neck and neck until Applejack started overpassing Rainbow. This did not go unnoticed and tried to cut Applejack off but she was already ahead blocking Rainbow's attempt to overpassing AJ once again not noticing the line the crossed once again.

Applejack then went further ahead of Rainbow. Rainbow shakes her head and decides to get more serious and ran faster trying to catch up.

Applejack than started too look around to see how far se went until she saw the red ribbon line she laid down on the start of the race she went full stop and quickly inspect it. Rainbow dash finally caught up but just as she is about to overtake Applejack but notices she slowed down causing Rainbow dash to slow down as well, As much as she likes winning she won't take that win if it's unfair.

"Hey what's wrong?" Rainbow said a bit out of breath.

"Hey Rainbow didn't we just past the starting line at this race?" AJ asked. Rainbow dash then looked at the ribbon and recognize it as the same line they both crossed at the start of the race.

"What's going on?


Fluttershy has finished setting up a birdhouse in the middle of the forest.

"Ohh I hopes these poor lost birds enjoy this house until they are ready to fly back out."

Fluttershy hummed while walking right past the birdhouse. She closed her eyes while thinking what treats should she feed to her animal friends back in her cottage unknowingly walking past the same birdhouse as she opened her eyes again.

She continued walking until curiously she saw a birdhouse curious she walked towards the birdhouse and recognize it as the same birdhouse she built.

"Oops I must have been going the wrong way." Fluttershy blushed and began walking the opposite direction away from the birdhouse.

"How long was I walking there?" Pondered Fluttershy and as she walked she noticed another birdhouse and immediately recognize it as the same same birdhouse she walked away from.

Fluttershy was startled and was staring upwards to see if any birds are around to at least assist her.


Pinkie Pie

Pinkie was in her party planning cave updating important information on a birthday celebrant filling in notes on their allergies and disabilities. She was satisfied with the notes and started hopping right past cabinet and humming on the way.

Pinkie didn't noticed she hopped past the cabinet again then pinkie stopped hopping, opened her eyes and started walking she looked up thinking walking past the same cabinet.

'Hmm why does this feels so familiar?' Pinkie thought to her self that is until she sees that she was walking towards the same cabinet and stopped and laughed a bit.

Unlike the others Pinkie Immediately recognize the issue.

"Ohhh I have wander in a loop again. Good thing I know what to do."

Twilight pt.2

Twilight approached the desk this time from the opposite direction and she is staring to freak out.

"Ok d-don't panic I can get out of this I just need to think." Twilight sat back the chair and began thinking. 'I've been walking past the same rout 15 times. There's got to be a way out' Twilight thought of using books to help book mark placers she's been but ends up looping to the same book she started with then she used Clairvoyance to see if there is any hidden routs but found nothing so she only have one spell left.

"Of course teleporting why didn't I think of that?" Twilight then closes her eyes and uses her magic to poof out of the looping room.

Twilight was relieved to finally be out of the room she sighed and opens her eyes but alas she is on the same desk with same books. "N-NO NOOO IT CAN'T BE!" Twilight panics and teleports again and again. After five attempts her mane becomes messy and her pupils are uneven.

Twilight screamed.

Rarity and Spike pt.2

Rarity and Spike were walking on the opposite direction five times and each time they kept walking to the same ruby everytime.

Rarity then spoke up to another plan. "Spike I think we need to split up."

Spike then looks at Rarity worried "But what happens if we both end up lost and never see each other?"

Rarity then said "Nonsense Spiker-wikey it can't be worse than the situation now besides." Rarity then leaned closer to Spike and said "If one of us escapes we can find somepony to help us."

Spike reluctantly agrees. "Please be careful Rarity." Spike said and they both walked off away from each other in hopes of finding a way out separately.

Spike walked and thought to himself 'ohh man I really hope rarity is ok.' just then the light in Spike's flash light helm is starting to blink and eventually go dark. "No-not now!' Said as he took of the helmet and desperately try to make it shine again.

Rarity was walking in her direction and was thinking to herself 'There has to be a way out of here!' Rarity thought 'I just hope Spike made it out ok.' Just then her light began flickering and eventually go dark. 'Oh nonono!' She uses her magic and shakes the the hat to try to fix it.

Just then Spike and Rarity trips on something and fell to the ground as they reorient themselves they both felt something soft on their lips but it's too dark to see what it was.

'Oh no is there a bat here after all?' Rarity thought panicked.

'W-What is this?' Spike also wondered.

Their questions were quickly answered as the lights of their hats quickly lights up and in both Rarity's shock and Spike's surprise they were accidentally kissing.

Rarity pulled out immediately puts on her hat and asks. "Spike are you ok?"

Spike just nodded wordlessly, Blushed and quickly looked for his hat.

Rarity coughed and asked. "S-so did you find something?"

Spike shook his head.

Rarity sighed "Well let's keep going then." They walked back together on the path.

All spike was thinking was and even though it was an accident all he was repeating in his mind was.

'OMG I kissed Rarity.'

Applejack and Rainbow dash pt.2

It's been 15 minutes since AJ and RD called a truce and began looking for a way out no matter which way they go they end up on the same red ribbon their latest plan is to split up to find another route but so far it proved fruitless.

"Nothing?" Rainbow asked once again seeing Applejack.

"Notthin." Applejack replied.

They got tired and sat down taking a break from all that walking and decide to think.

After a while Rainbow then suggested. "AJ How about I fly up and look for somepony to help?"

AJ nodded at the idea and suggested. "Rainbow can ya get Twilight?"

Rainbow just nodded and flew up and away Rainbow then spots Twilights castle and began flying towards it but as she does she was meet with a flash and she closed her eyes the flash is gone and she opened her eyes to see that she is back on the ground with AJ and the ribbon.

Both AJ and Rainbow twitched eyes and yelled out.


Fluttershy pt.2

Fluttershy was quickly flying around growing more and more panicked as she loops around at the same birdhouse over and over again.

Finally she went down lied down on the floor and broke down wander if she'll ever get out and started to cry and just as she continued to cry a portal opens up and Fluttershy quickly noticed it. She stands up and whipped the tears.

Fluttershy wanders what this leads to and considering that everywhere she went will eventually lead back to the same spot. She is willing to take ANY way out.

So she threw caution to the wind and went through the portal and then it closes.

Pinkie Pie pt.2

Pinkie was........................................................................................................................................................ Wait where is Pinkie Pie?

Twilight conclusion

Twilight went crazy mode rubbing her book while waving back and forth with a few other books in front of her.

"It's okay Twilight were here for ya." Twilight said mimicking Applejack.

"Yeah we'll be with ya till the very end." Twilight said mimicking Rainbow dash.

"Yes yes I'm so so luck to have friends like you AJ, RD." Twilight hugged the orange and rainbow book. "Oh and you Shinning." She said pointing towards a big brother book. "And you my princess." She said to a Celestia magazine.

Twilight laughs uncontrollably until somepony smacked her. Twilight looked behind her and sees Pinkie pie.

"Wow and I thought I have issues." Pinkie said. then Twilight was touching Pinkie to make sure she wasn't hallucinating she then hugged her tears of joy.

"Oh Pinkie it's been so long since-"

"It's only 30 minutes Twilight." Pinkie reminded and Twilight blushed.

"Now come on the others need us!" Pinkie declared dragging Twilight.

"Need us for what?"

"You'll see."

Rarity and Spike conclusion

"Oh Spike we've been walking for ages and I'm so exauhsted." Rarity said as she decided to sit beside the ruby. "Oh Spikey-wikey will we ever get out of this cave?

Spike Sat behind her and said. "We mustn't give up we will find away."

They both sat around resting and Spike pondered 'I kissed Rarity even though it's an accident but... no this time I might as well go for it.' "Hey Rarity."

"Yes darling?"

"In case we cannot get out there is something I want to say." Rarity stared in silence and listened in as Spike began to work his courage to speak. "I-I've always L-"

"OHHH YEAH" Pinkie crashed through the Ruby surprising Spike and Rarity.

"P-Pinkie what are you-" She was interrupted by Twilight. "Darling what are you doing here."

Twilight was about to answer but then Pinkie interrupted. "Alright two down now for the last two." Pinkie proclaimed as she started galloping away "Come on follow me I know the way!"

The others follow and all Spike as was thinking as followed suit was....

'Well I guess the moment has passed.'

Rainbow dash and Applejack conclusion

Getting desperate AJ Dug a hole while Rainbow waited only for a flash to appear and reveals AJ. "Darn it now what?"

"I-I don't know let me think of something."

"I got a plan." Pinkie suddenly popped out surprising AJ and RD.

"How did-" Was all RD said as Pinkie dragged AJ and RD out of the loop.


"More tea Fluttershy?" Discord offered.

"Oh why thank you Discord." Fluttershy accepted as the tea poured upwards to the teacup.

As the Fluttershy drank the tea Pinkie, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack and Spike burst through the door.

"Wait how did-" Pinkie interrupted discord.

"I learned how to get here since the last time I visited your realm Discord *cough*seecomicsforreference*cough*"

"For land sakes Discord why did ya send us on the loop?" Applejack asked.

"Umm it's a prank?"

"You call that a prank?" RD said enraged.

"Oh come now it was funny." Discord looks at Fluttershy. "Well mostly funny" Still feeling sorry for Fluttershy.

"Well since everyone was here do you want some tea?" Fluttershy offered.

Considering the day they had they deserve a little rest. So they accepted and had tea.

"So Pinkie how did you get out of your loop?" Spike asked.

"Let's just say...... it wasn't the first time in a loop."

Comments ( 2 )

yeah pinkie, you had enough of loops in manga vol 2 with star dancer.

That was a good story.

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