• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 1,082 Views, 13 Comments

The Mage's Brother: Redux - NightShadow-z

Night Shadow tries to make the most of his new life in Equestria

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Chapter 1

Celestia’s sun slowly rose over the horizon, casting light across the city of Canterlot, the capital city of Equestria. It was a special day for a certain household, as it was the day for new ponies to take the entrance exam into Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.

The sun slowly made its way through one of the windows of the house, gently casting light upon the occupant of the bed, who was currently covering themselves under their midnight blue blanket, spell books of all different kinds strewn about the floor and desk of the room.

A gentle knock came from the door of the bedroom before a gentle voice called out to the occupant currently asleep in the bed.

“Night Shadow. It’s time to get up honey.” Twilight Velvet told her son. “Today’s the day you get to take the entrance exam to be enrolled in the same school that your big sister is in.”

The blankets on the bed started to move as Night Shadow, a seven-year-old unicorn colt, poked his head out from under the covers before yawning, hearing his mother’s hoofsteps start to recede down the stairs.

After rubbing his eyes a little bit, Night gently slid out of his bed and walked into the bathroom so he could brush his coat a bit and splash some cold water on his face to help him wake up. Staring into the mirror for a bit, he let the water drip off his chin as he wanted to make sure he looked at least awake before heading down to eat breakfast. His smokey blue coat was still a bit fluffier at his chest, a trait that his older sister, Twilight Sparkle, seemed to adore whenever she came back for a visit, and his jet-black mane and tail were just as messy as ever since he could never get them to look anything but, no matter how much he brushed it, but, his older brother, Shining Armor, told him that most ponies just had naturally messy manes. Looking into the reflection of his own eyes, he was met with the deep purple orbs that always greeted him whenever he looked into a mirror, yet both of his siblings seemed to find them beautiful in their own way.

Technically they weren’t really his siblings, at least not by blood. He had been adopted by Night Light and Twilight Velvet when he was an infant. Though he did still have some memories of his old life. He used to live on a planet called Earth, but he had somehow died there. He could never remember how he died, or any other memories of his old life, but, he honestly didn’t care. He loved his parents and his siblings and wouldn’t trade his current life for anything.

Once he was happy with how he looked, he dried off his face before trotting down the stairs where he saw his father sitting in the living room reading a magazine. “Morning, Dad.” Night Shadow greeted, smiling as he sat on the couch across from his father.

Looking up from his newspaper, Night Light smiled at his son in greeting. “Good morning, Night Shadow. Did you sleep well?” He asked.

Night Light was a light blue unicorn stallion with a darker shade of blue mane and tail and golden yellow eyes. His mane curled back toward his forehead at the end while his tail was more like a wavy stream. His cutie mark was two crescent moons, one inside of the other and facing each other.

Night Shadow smiled sheepishly before shaking his head. “No, I was too nervous last night to get any sleep, so I may have stayed up a bit longer than I should have going over every spellbook that I could.” He answered, gently rubbing the back of his head with a hoof.

Night Light chuckled warmly, nodding to his son. "Twilight was just like that when she took her entrance exam four years ago." He replied, rubbing the colt's head. "You probably don't remember that since you were only three at the time."

Night Shadow tilted his head in confusion, letting his father know that he was correct. “Really?” The colt asked. “I always thought she was pretty level-headed.”

Night Light laughed a little at that. “That’s because she never showed that side to you whenever she came home to visit.” He explained. “She wanted to be a big sister you could look up to.”

“I’m always going to look up to her. She’s the best big sister in the whole world!” Night Shadow replied happily, smiling up at his father.

Twilight Velvet giggled as she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, smiling at Night Shadow. “That’s good to hear. We know how much she adores you.” She told her son before motioning toward the kitchen. “Now, come on, it’s time for breakfast.”

Twilight Velvet was a light grey, almost white unicorn mare with a purple and white striped main and tail with glacier blue eyes. Her mane was flat at the bangs with a slight triangle cut near the left end and curled back on itself at her neck, while her tail was flat with a similar triangle cut near the front end of her tail. Her cutie mark was three differently sized purple stars arranged in a triangle formation.

Night Shadow smiled and got up from the couch before following his mother into the kitchen, ready to start his day.

Night leaned back in his chair, letting out an airy sigh before glancing at the mess that was on his desk, magic textbooks, sheets of paper, and ink stains were spread across the surface. Had it already been ten years since he aced the entrance exam? The young stallion glared over at the previously opened scroll that rested just behind the book he had been reading, Celesita’s royal seal clearly visible on the parchment.

Why was she summoning him now? Was it because ponies had been making fun of his cutie mark? Looking back down at his flank, he remembered how he had gotten it. It was also when he'd discovered a rather peculiar ability of his, which he'd kept secret ever since.

Five years after he'd started at Celestia's School, the school bullies had decided to lock him in a broom closet. It had been the latest escalation in their advances against him, as one of the fairly few blank-flanks at the school. They had cast an advanced locking charm on the door, making it as if it were a part of the wall itself- and he hadn’t known the counterspell, nor any other magic that would help him get out. On top of that, he was pretty sure they'd put a silencing spell on the door or something because he'd yelled and begged but nobody had come.

Then... his panicked, twelve-year-old mind had started to grab at straws, and he'd shadow... dived, for lack of a better term. He'd been absolutely terrified when he'd had the dubious feeling of diving into an inky black liquid of some sort- a 'liquid' he now believed to be the substance of a shadow, however that was possible. He had thrashed about, fear overwhelming his senses. He’d continued to struggle towards the surface until he finally managed to pull himself out of whatever he had thrown himself into, just outside the closet and with a cutie mark adorning his flank.

The bullies had gone to bullying him for his cutie mark, which looked like it wasn't a real mark but simply a shadow cast on his flank by a magic circle drawn on glass, but he'd decided that research had to be done before he could allow himself to be bothered by them again. Plus, his mind still hadn’t calmed down from the experience he’d just had.

A month later, he'd come to the horrifying conclusion that the shadow-dive had been strange and unusual, making him believe that he was just as much of a freak as the bullies said he was. He'd later experimented with it in private, even named it- shadow magic - because that's what it looked like - but he would never tell anyone about it.

Yet, it seemed like they'd found out anyway. Or guessed, perhaps, with what his cutie mark looked like. Lately, the bullies were accusing him of using Dark Magic to attack them from the shadows- something he'd never done, dark magic or not- and it seemed like he wasn't going to be able to defend himself.

How could he prove that they were making unfounded claims?

And of course, he was terrified that it may actually be dark magic. Perhaps he should show somepony what he could do, just to be sure? No, no, he could never do that. That thought was always much too... terrifying.

Taking a few deep breaths, he stepped off the chair he was on before making his way towards the door, only stopping to gaze at the news article he had framed on the wall there, the picture showing Twilight with five other mares standing next to Princess Celestia and the recently returned Princess Luna. Now he had two siblings he was overshadowed by: his older brother, a Captain in Princess Celstia’s Royal Guard, and now his older sister, a national hero. And what did he have going for him? Being the only late bloomer to ever enroll in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, then having what was possibly the worst cutie mark in existence.

He slumped his head down as he let out a sigh, wondering if his siblings truly didn’t care what his cutie mark was. But, given how everyone else had reacted when they saw it, he couldn’t exactly blame them if they were disappointed in him. After all, who would want a freak for a brother like him?

Shaking himself out of whatever downward spiral he was sending himself on, he continued towards his room’s door before stepping outside to greet one of the school’s student dormitory halls, which was surprisingly empty, save for the occasional royal guard or maid making their rounds.

Steeling his nerves, he began his trek toward the castle, wondering if the Princess was going to expel him. Or worse.

Staring up at the ever-impressive ornate gold doors that led to the throne room, Night couldn’t help but feel a sense of overwhelming dread start to take root in his bones, shaking him to his core. He was half hoping the Princess would’ve forgotten about his summons, but, unfortunately for him, those feelings were dashed in an instant when the two unicorn guards - pure white stallions and golden manes and tails in gold armor - ignited their horns, opening the doors for him to enter.

Shaking slightly, he made his way into the throne room, unable to keep himself from staying low to the ground, in case he needed to throw himself to the floor and beg for mercy. He doubted it would actually come to that, but, with all the negative scenarios that were playing out in his mind at that moment, he didn’t want to take any chances, no matter how small.

Stopping a little more than twenty feet away from the throne itself, he glanced up at the ruler of Equestria.

Princess Celestia was a pure white alicorn with a multicolored main and tail that reflected the early morning light of a sunrise, her soft magenta eyes which usually held kindness and compassion now showed concern while she wore a contemplative expression. The golden horseshoes and jewelry that adorned her body glistened from the light of her sun as it made its way through the stained glass windows, depicting important events from the birth of Equestria.

He quickly bowed his head, not wanting to see the current look on her face turn into one of disappointment.

“You wished to see me, Princess Celestia?” Night asked, unable to keep how nervous he was from showing in his voice.

“Yes, I did.” The Princess of the Sun replied, sounding calm, if only for the moment. “It has recently come to my attention that there are quite a few allegations that have been put forth against you.”

Night gulped, feeling a lump form in his throat, as his mouth felt dry. “Y-Yes, Your Majesty. I am quite aware of these accusations.” He managed to reply.

The alicorn sighed, shaking her head. "I have been hearing things, not only about these rumors but from other sources, as well." She explained, her voice sounding regretful. "I've been getting reports that you are being bullied by your fellow classmates."

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty," Night replied, keeping his eyes locked on his hooves still. "It has been going on since I enrolled."

Princess Celestia sighed airily. "Do not worry, my little pony," She started. "I already knew these allegations against you were false. You're not the type of pony who would attack a fellow classmate."

Shocked at hearing her words, Night raised his head up to look at the white alicorn, seeing a soft smile now adorning her face.

"I am, however, curious as to the type of magic you use." She continued. "You're cutie mark is also rather strange, leading me to believe that it depicts something far different than the Dark Magic everyone is accusing you of."

Looking back at his cutie mark, he nodded before returning his gaze to Equestria's ruler.

"I can explain everything to you, Your Majesty," Night started. "However, it may be a long story."

Comments ( 13 )

More good

Glad to see this back, let's see where it goes.

Comment posted by CorporateColonel deleted Oct 22nd, 2023

either way, ignoring the previous comment i made to the VCCL bot-looking message, i shall say i will be keeping track of this story. keep up the good work.

A very good first chapter we need more of the story

This is very good. I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you. I'm working on Chapter 2 now. I'm gonna be taking a little extra time per chapter just to make sure I don't rush anything and that everything makes sense between chapters

You're welcome.

And always remember:

Keep your dreams alive. Understand that achieving anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember, all things are possible for those who believe.

Here's a song that will make you do whatever it takes. Enjoy!


Um, will he have an element when he along with the others defeat Nightmare Moon and have a part to play in the relevant events throughout the show?

Great story so far and I hope the progress with chapter 2 is going well and I wish you a good say

No, he will not have an element of harmony. He's moving to ponyville after the events of nightmare moon, but, the events of the show will be changed a bit to fit his presense

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