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Episode 3 - Prologue

The Tardis traveled off, its newest inhabitant bearing a mind racing with possibilities, and prospects.

A bit of wondering about the limitations, about the exact nature of what it might be like. What it might feel like? What might be encountered?

She was surprised then, when the ship was put into a resting state, as if it had landed. The Professor wearing a distinctly smug expression upon doing so. Beckoning her to follow, while heading over towards the door. Suri pondering if they had already landed somewhere. Where they had landed.

She imagined a city of a size she couldn't comprehend. Of a nature she struggled to grasp. Yet, as the doors opened, her expectations weren't met. Instead, some part of her mind that she didn't know was there, was left dumbstruck.

Instead of being a place like a city, or a location, she was left staring out at a sphere. A mass of lands, and clouds, with forests and oceans. Darkness around it, mingling in with starlight. Countless colors and hues in the backdrop of this place the grand sphere was suspended, spinning ever so slowly.

"What...is this?" Suri inquired.

"That Suri, is your planet. Your world." The Professor told her, taking a seat. "I got a good look at it awhile ago and thought, blimey, that's gorgeous. Maybe you'd like to see it, and now, here we are. Consider it further proof for the 'space' part of time and space, if you'd like."

Suri was silent for a moment, processing it. This was...her planet. The world. Everything. And the door was open, looking out at it.

She suddenly wondered. "W-wait, isn't...space like totally empty or something?"

"It's a vacuum, devoid of most anything, and yet filled with everything, ironically enough. It's also a fairly terrible way to die, despite how media often portrays it." The Professor commented, before adding. "Before you ask, Lovely, The Tardis, she generates a field of breathable air around us. Adds a bit of pressure, and presence. Essentially turns herself into a miniature planet to keep us safe. So, long as you don't go diving out without a harness, or a suit, you're completely safe."

As The Professor had been talking, Suri slowly came to sit down. She wasn't completely certain how to respond to it. She gave herself time to stare down at the world she'd once known. Processing the sight of it, the size of it. Realizing, honestly, and completely, for the first time...how infinitely small she had been. How small everyone was.

Every city, every monument. Every grand structure she had ever seen, or heard about. They couldn't even be witnessed from up here. It was as if, they didn't exist. She struggled with the idea that even the gods weren't visible, at least, not in a physical state beyond the sun and moon, and stars.

"Wow. I mean...okay." Suri gave a nod. "Heh, I uh, expected space. No I...I thought I expected space. B-but it uh...that's a weird feeling in my gut."

"It can be a little much the first time." The Professor told her, seated beside her. "That's why I figured I'd be gentle."

"Oh...shut up." Suri snickered.

"What?" The Professor asked. "I mean, I think it's good to ease into these things. You don't want to overstimulate someone on their first go. That'd be a terrible experience."

The raw existential dread faded some. As Suri turned to face her counterpart. Squinting at the blue mare.

"Seriously...do you not realize how you sound sometimes?" She asked.

"I think British. Maybe Scottish." The Professor added. "I'd ask, but I doubt they exist here." She pondered. "Oh, maybe I'm Irish...na, I don't think I am. I'd like to be Irish though. Never been Irish before. I bet it'd piss off my past lives...or they'd try to steal a piece of it."

"I'm in a box...floating in space, with a crazy alien." Suri snickered, smiling some. "That's...just a wild sentence."

"So am I, if you think about it." The Professor replied with a playful smile.

"What are you, exactly?" Suri asked her.

"Didn't I cover this?" The Professor asked.

"Yeah, I mean, time lord, alien, alternate reality...apparently?" Suri was having some trouble with that one still. "And yet, it somehow feels vague. Like...where are you from? What does 'Time Lord' even mean, really?"

"Welll, I'm from a planet called Gallifrey. It's not exactly around here." The Professor told her. "It was a brilliant little gem of a planet on the edge of my own universe, once. Thriving civilization, close to the vortex, so it had a 'lovely view' heh."

Suri pondered. "That's...so, there are seriously other like...realities?"

"Sure. Once upon a time, they used to be quite easy to travel to." The Professor responded. "Admittedly, I'd never seen this one before. And, only really got here due to...an incident. Not quite intentional."

"Okay." Suri managed to muster. "Just give me a moment. I'm...trying to really let it sink in." The blue mare smiled. "Enjoying my reaction?"

"It is a bit amusing to me. But, I mean, it could be a little more enthused." The Professor replied.

"Is that right?" Suri laughed some. "Maybe that's because you're going so 'gentle' hmm?"

"It's alright, nobody ever gets it completely correct." The Professor told her, adding. "Then again, we're all biased to our own way of doing things."

Suri hummed. "Well, what's correct look like then?"

"You want me to run through the whole thing?" The Professor asked.

"If you can." Suri replied, adding. "Give me an opportunity to watch this time."

"Well...okay." The Professor got up, and cleared her throat. "Here, goo stand by the console. The big central thing there, with the wobbly bits. You're going to be playing me for a minute."

Suri got up, and started over. "I don't know if I can ramble enough to make that happen."

"Nobodies perfect." The Professor responded. "But you could make a passing imitation if you reallly tried."

Suri couldn't help but smirk, heading over to the console. "Hello, my stalwart compatriot. Here, I have whisked you away to my magic space box. Which also moves through time." She declared, mimicking her accent. "I'm quite proud of it, and my many long ramblings. Considering the nature of birds, and screwdrivers, and evil spirits. In fact, I'll bring these things up in most conversations. Now, behold, and be awed, by the magnificence."

The Professor took a moment, and closed the doors, pretending to turn around. Her expression one of fear, and awe. As she stepped, and looked around.

"By the goddess!" She declared loudly. "Is it bigger?" She asked, turning and looking around. "On the inside?" She stepped, and leaned against the wall some, covering her mouth in 'awe.' "Than it is...on the outside?"

Suri snickered. "Really, hadn't noticed?"

"My entire understanding of physical space has..." The Professor started to walk through, looking up and around. "has been transformed!" She said with a wave of the hoof. "Three dimensional Euclidian Geometry has been, torn up, thrown in the air, and snogged to death." She stepped near the console. "My grasp, of the universal constants of physical reality, has been changed..." She drew near to Suri, and ended with. "forever."

Suri stifled a laugh. "That's how you want someone to respond to this?"

"Every time." The Professor responded.

Suri nodded, and stepped over to the door. The Professor watching, curiously. The pink mare opened the doors, and then closed the doors. Turning, she gasped.

"It's...it's...smaller on the outside." Suri said, strolling back up.

"That is just...cruel and unusual punishment." The Professor said, the other mare stepping up, and tapping her on the nose. "Clever though."

"Thank you." Suri replied, before asking. "So. Space and Time...where are we going?"

"Well, considering this is your first outing, I thought I'd leave it to your discretion. Past, present, future. Space, your version of Earth?" The Professor offered a little shrug. "Up to you if you want to decide. Or, I could."

Suri considered it for a moment, and said. "You know what I really wanna see?"

"Lay it on me slick." The Professor replied, before adding. "Ooh that was...terrible, hated that. Never doing that again."

"I wouldn't recommend it." Suri stifled a chuckle. "But uh, what I wanna see is the city of tomorrow." She made a waving gesture. "L-like the uh...poster I had."

"Future city hmm?" The Professor began to adjust some things on the console. "What do you think, Lovely, anywhere of interest?" The Tardis made a little churn. "Oh that sounds fascinating."

"Wait so we're going to a future city, like really?" Suri inquired, seeming moderately excited. "What's fashion like in the future?" She asked. "Is it all like, big hats, big jackets, that kind of thing?"

"I'm not entirely certain." The Professor admitted. "I haven't exactly been to the Equestrian future. Future in space, certainly, but this'll be a new one for me." She saw the hopeful expression, and snickered softly. "Alright. We're going to do a little scan, find somewhere that seems...safe to visit. Something interesting."

"Awesome. I need to...take a shower." Suri looked around, and asked. "So uh...where would that be?"

"That's correct, I never showed you that. No worries. Come along." The Professor motioned. "There are also baths if those are more your style."

"I mean, do I have time for a bath?" Suri inquired.

"Suri. This is a time machine." The Professor reminded her.

"Y-yeah well...you know what I meant." Suri let out a little huff.

The two headed off to prepare for their trip. The Tardis displaying the period of time as safe to travel to, the screen briefly flickering, showing it as 'extremely dangerous' and back to safe again.

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