• Published 12th May 2023
  • 156 Views, 2 Comments

Hearts and Hooves in Handcuffs - gidget

When a criminal unicorn and the town's sheriff start to fall in love, chaos ensues.

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A robbery in Boonbrook

Ah yes. The small town of Boonbrook, Equestria Never heard of it? exactly. It's a hotspot for crime. Delinquents hang around here often; however, there's a certain Pegasus that they all have to look out for. the town's committed sheriff, Blitz. One of the only ponies even willing to attempt to keep things in line, the brave mare tries to keep things in order as best she can. Unfortunately for her, with every criminal she captures, it feels like two more pop up. And today was no different. There was a new stallion on the scene: a mad, power-hungry engineer named Tinker. No one knew where he came from. It was as if he had just popped up to cause trouble out of nowhere, and today was proving to be one of Sheriff Blitz's most intense heists.

It was a sunny, peaceful day for most, but not for her. She flew through the sky at a rapid pace behind the earlier-mentioned stallion. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't catch up, not even with wings. It was almost as if he were using some spell or invention. It was not completely unlikely, to be honest; not only was Tinker a skilled inventor, he was great with magic. The summer breeze blew on Blitz's face as she chased after the other pony, gliding through the air to get to him.

"Halt, in the name of the law!"

The mare cried, but it was no use. She wasn't sure if Tinker could hear her. They were making it over to a town not far from Boonbrook, Ponyville. It had started as a small town but was now where Princess Twilight and her friends lived, making it much more well-known. And to no surprise, Tinker was headed straight to the friendship castle. Surely it had good security? However, Blitz didn't recall the princess having guards, and knowing Tinker's skills of planning and analyzing, it was likely that Princess Twilight was out. After all, the two had a bit of a history. Before they knew it, the chase halted as Tinker arrived at his destination, and just as Blitz feared, it was the castle. She landed next to Tinker, stepping a hoof down on his tail to stop him in his tracks.

"The games are over, Tink. Come back to Boonbrook and stop whatever you're doing."

She bellowed, trying to assert dominance over the stallion. Tinker just chuckled.

"Tink? how cute. Have you really even thought of pet names for your favorite little lawbreaker? I admire you, truly, but I have business here that you can't get in the way of."

He snarked before his horn lit up with light blue magic, and he teleported inside the castle.

"Oh, sweet Celestia..."

Blitz murmured to herself, rising to her hooves to follow him inside the friendship castle. Her hooves clopped against the cold palace floors as she ran to find Tinker, but he was nowhere in sight. A thought crossed Blitz's mind: why, what had Tinker even come to steal? She shuddered at the thought. Surely there were precious things inside the castle—good loot for a unicorn like him.

She walked around the imposing palace before her ear flicked as it picked up a peculiar sound.


She raced towards the sound and swung open the door with her hoof frantically. And of course, there was a scroll in Tinker's hoof.

"Would you look at that? "You made it just in time."

He smirked, putting the scroll in his bag.

"What is that?"

Blitz questioned him, coming closer as he lowered her eyes, ready to strike at the perfect moment. Tinker simply continued on, looking all smug.

"It's a powerful spell, and I'm going to learn it. then I will be truly unstoppable. "No more pesky ponies like you to get in my way."

Now that Tinker was distracted by his explanation, Blitz ran forward and tackled him, or at least tried to. Tinker swiftly teleported away, just in time. Blitz looked around before spotting him behind her. She tried jumping on him again, but the same thing happened. He just teleported to a different location.

"Trust me, Blitz, I can play this cat-and-mouse game all day. or you can give up. "Take your pick."

Tinker offered coyly, and Blitz scraped her hoof angrily.


but before Blitz could jump on him again, a third pony entered the room.

And it was none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle herself.

Twilight spread her imposing alicorn wings, looking down at the two sternly. She lowered her eyes and stepped closer slowly.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Twilight asked, stopping the criminal and the sheriff in their tracks. Tinker looked nervously over at Blitz before giving him a maniacal grin.

"We're thieves, here to steal."

Tinker lied, trying to get Blitz in trouble along with him. Her eyes widened as she picked up on what Tinker was doing.

"We are not!" I'm a sheriff, and I was trying to stop him, princess. I'm sorry! "Truly, I just wanted to help."

Blitz pleaded her case, but Twi wasn't buying it.

"likely story! You'll both be going to jail; you can try and tell them your story there, but I'm not going to listen."

Tinker smirked at Blitz, chuckling. If Blitz was going to get him in trouble, he was dragging her down with her.

And the next thing they knew, that was exactly what happened.

The two were put into handcuffs and taken to the ponyville jail; as usual, Tinker was being a smug bastard. He looked at the cop who was taking him and Blitz, who had been begging the entire time to be let go. But Boonbrook was small enough of a town that she wasn't registered as a sheriff in their documentation, so Tinker ended up getting away with his lie.

"You ever think about how they're called handcuffs? What a weird name! I mean, what even is a hand?"

The cop just narrowed their eyes at him.

"no? Tough crowd, eh?"

He nudged Blitz playfully, and Blitz just rolled her eyes.

"Get your hooves off me, Tinker."

Tinker chuckled and backed off, walking down the street with her. The two were forced into a cell. Blitz sat on the floor, looking defeated.

"Aw, cmon, why the long face?"

Tinker asked jokingly.

"This is all your fault."

Tinker couldn't help but feel a little bad. The mare looked quite sad after all. He grumbled and sat far away from her.

Blitz analyzed the room. The concrete floors were cold to the touch, and the prison bars made her feel like she was being put on display to be laughed at. It was all so scary and new. But something caught her eye...

A poster for a pony that had been wreaking havoc on ponyville. They were wanted, with a large reward attached to their name. That's when an idea crossed the mare's mind.

If she could prove her detective skills by catching the crook, they would surely set her free.

She stood back on her hooves, her confidence rising.

"What's gotten into you?"

Tinker asked, raising a brow.

Blitz pointed to the poster proudly.

"I'm going to solve a case and prove my worthiness."

She said this, smiling.

"And I'll be helping you."

That caught Blitz off guard.

"Is this another trick?"

Tinker shook his head.

"Nah, I know that pony well. Where better to get information than from a fellow criminal?

Blitz looked at him, sighing.

"What's the catch?"

Tinker smirked, rising to his hooves and getting in the mare's face.

"You'll have to let me off the hook. Deal?"


She hesitated before agreeing, reluctantly shaking hooves with Tinker. This was about to be an interesting case. The two would have to put their differences aside to get what they wanted.

Little did they know they would be doing much more than that.

Author's Note:

this is my first story here! heres the first chapter. im pretty new to fanfic so feedback is appreciated! hope you enjoy :)

Comments ( 2 )

Love the story!:heart:

thank you! cant wait to start work on the next chapter

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