• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 260 Views, 7 Comments

The five wishes of Rainbow Dash - Kawat3ngusan

After she buys a strange amulet, Rainbow Dash discovers she now has five wishes. But what happens when she makes the wrong wish?

  • ...

The fourth wish

The fourth wish

By now it was half past three, the whole gym was full of students, the Rainboom were already playing a song, Rainbow Dash was worried and kept looking around to see where the talent scout was.

"Where is him? Where can he be?", Sunset asked Dash
"Dash? Where's your pendant?"
"it’s around my neck, why?"
"Because if the talent scout does not shows up you will have to ask your wish now"
"But Thunderlane will take the four o'clock train, why the hurry?"
"Dash, are you serious?"
"I just want to play and then I'll ask the wish".
Dash saw a man entering the gym, he had sunglasses and a tuxedo and he started talking to Principal Celestia.
Rainbow Dash came down from the stage and went to talk to the man.
After a while she returned to the stage and spoke to her friends.
"Girls, I managed to convince him to hear us play, if we start now we can impress him", Applejack nodded
"Ok then, let's start playing", Sunset looked at her watch,
"It's only thirty-five minutes, but after the song you have to express the wish for Thunderlane"
"I'll do it, I'll do it, but first let's play".
And so Rainbow Dash, along with Sunset, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie began to play.
However Rainbow Dash was worried, because she saw that Pinkie was weak.
When she looked at the talent scout he saw that he did not seem impressed.
After the performance, Rainbow Dash decided to do another one, but Sunset said no

"Dash? Look, there's not much time left of Thunderlane's departure"
"We will play Shake Your Tail, we will do in a few minutes, even after I ask the wish that Thunderlane will forget the evil things that I did to him, what do you say?"
"Would not it be better to ask that he stays here as we said?"
"Yes, but ... did not you think that Thunderlane could never forgive me for how I treated him?"
"What do you mean?", Rainbow Dash made a sad expression

"That I feel guilty for not telling him I like him, okay?"
"Why do not you tell close to him , or maybe by the phone?"
"Because ... I can not tell you, I'm ashamed"
"Still with your pride?"
"Come on, just one song, and then I'll make peace with Thunderlane, I swear to you"
"All right, go ahead with Shake Your Tail".
The girls played the song, but Dash saw that Pinkie was sleeping, so she called her, Pinkie woke up and collided against Fluttershy, she threw the tambourine and hit Rarity, and then Rarity crashed at Applejack, it was a mess, Dash and Sunset were embarrassed . I
n the gym the laughter of almost all the students was heard, the talent scout looked at his watch and left.
Dash ran after him to beg him to stay.
The man was not impressed, especially after the scene, but Rainbow Dash tried to insist on listening to another song.
Sunset helped the girls get settled, and gave a drink to poor Pinkie, the latter apologized, but Sunset knew it was not her fault.
After a while, Rainbow Dash returned with the talent scout, and managed to convince him.

"Dash? And your promise?", Rainbow Dash showed the pendant to the friends that had a single stone, the girls were surprised.

"Dash? Does that mean you have expressed a wish for Thunderlane?"
"Yes, if you do not mind, I should make a call to Thunderlane".
Dash took her cell phone and called Thunderlane. Sunset and Rarity wanted to listen.

"Thunderlane? Where are you? At the station? Because I want you to ... not leave, you ask me why ... I want to talk to you alone, maybe in a romantic restaurant, just you and me , maybe tonight, I swear just you and me, because ..... because you ..... ", Rainbow Dash could not speak, then Rarity stole the cell phone and spoke in her place.
"Thunderlane? Rainbow wants to tell you that she loves you, she loves you madly, she's crazy about you and she does not know how to tell you, so now you can make peace tonight", Rainbow Dash was embarrassed, she picked up her cell phone and spoke with Thunderlane , what he said to Dash was "Okay, see you tonight, I can not believe you like me, bye Dash."
Dash blushed, she wanted to strangle Rarity, but she had to think about playing with the band.
So the girls played again, and they played two songs, the talent scout this time seemed impressed.
At the end of the performance, the man complimented the band, in fact he did much more, he asked the girls to perform another performance in a club in Canterlot, and he gave Dash his business card.

"We did it Dash, or rather your wish came true"
"Er ... which wish?"
"To become famous, and you did not even have to use the pendant"
"Er .... yeah ", Applejack was happy for her friend,
"Now ya can also ask that ya can return our talents, right?"
"B-b-but .... is not better to wait for tomorrow?"
"Because .....", Sunset saw something strange, Dash seemed hesitant, as if she was hiding something.

"What's up Dash?"
"If I ask to cancel the wishes, even Thunderlane's one would vanish, and we will return to fight"
"Oh, she's right", Fluttershy asked
"And how do you do it now?"
"Please let me and Thunderlane talk to each other tonight, and then I will use the last stone to bring things back as before"
"Ah believe it can be done", Rarity agrred with Applejack
"I think so too, and then you'll need a nice dress for your date tonight, right?", Sunset was happy
"And finally you two will openly declare, I'm proud of you, Dash"
"Thanks, now if you do not mind, I should go and talk a little bit with that gentleman"
"Dash? Can I tell you exactly what you asked as a wish?"
"Ehm ...... that me and Thunderlane make peace"
"Great, it seems logical"
"And then tonight I will try to persuade him to stay". T
he next day the girls asked Dash how the appointment had gone, and Dash answered happily.

"The truth is that I and Thunderlane think about getting engaged next month, but we would also like to think about how to manage our time together"
"And then what happened?", Rarity demanded curious
"Have you kissed too?"
"Go easy girls, and then yes, or rather it is he who kissed me", Applejack was curious too
"So you made peace?", then Twilight asked
"And now will you give us back our talents?"
"I will do it tonight, because after all we have a concert, right?", Sunset explained
"But we can not play with Pinkie as she is, do you know that this morning she could not even hold a glass?"
"Don’t worry, we'll be fantastic, Pinkie will not even have to use the sticks".
Eventually Dash was so insistent that she convinced all of them to play.
They had to play in a Canterlot club attended by various people.
Dash was excited, but not all of them shared her energy.
Fluttershy was nervous

"Oh my goodness, look how many people, I do not think I can stand the pressure"
"How do ya feel 'Pinkie?"
"A little stunned, but I want to look great, and then we can not disappoint Dash, no?", Twilight spoke
"I'm sure you can do it, and then Dash promises to cancel his wishes, right?", then Rarity
"I can not wait to perform, do you think that among all those people there can not be a fashion expert?", Dash said another thing
"For the moment we think about the concert, then we'll think about what to do if we're really famous, are you with me?", Sunset agreed with Dash,
"We are with you Dash, after all we are friends, right?"
"You Pinkie, do not force yourself too much, we'll think about not making the drum sound too bad".
And so the girls went on the stage, Rainbow Dash gave a cry of encouragement for her band and the audience and then they started playing.
After a song the whole audience seemed in ecstacy, but then during the second song there was something wrong.
It was not just Pinkie Pie playing slowly, but something else caught Sunset's attention.
Sunset felt that Applejack was playing her bass badly, and after a while it was Rarity playing her keytar badly. Sometimes the audience began to whistle, while others left the club, and things got worse during the third song, Fluttershy could not keep her tambourine in her hands and Sunset herself began to play too badly. In her mind, Sunset began to scare.

"What's going on? Is not it possible for me to play this way, it's like my body does not follow my mind?".
The audience seemed increasingly angry, so Dash made a very strong guitar stroke, she performed a crazy strumming and even did somersaults on the stage, then she began to sing, and suddenly the audience seemed to forget the discords of before.At the end of the songs, Dash posed to the audience, it was a hit. The girls went out of the way worried, even Twilight was.

"What happened to girls?", Sunset explained
"I do not know, it's like I can not remember how to play", Appleajck was worried too
"The same goes for me, it's like I've forgotten everything I've learned with my bass, yet I have everything in my head", Rarity tried to find an explanation,
"Maybe it's stage fright, maybe it was not a good idea this evening", Dash calmed the girls
"Do not worry about girls, luckily I saved the evening thanks to my intervention"
"You know Dash? Maybe your wishes are influencing other people too, it's better if you cancel them"
"But ... I did not express any wishes about your musical talents, because ....", at that moment, a man asked Rainbow Dash to follow him, it was the same talent scout came to high school.
Sunset wanted to go with Dash, but the man said he wanted to be alone with her.
But Sunset wanted to know what he wanted from Rainbow Dash, but since Dash and the man entered in a dressing room she could not do nothing but listen with an ear at the door.
Unfortunately Sunset could not hear much, except for a scream of joy of Rainbow Dash, Sunset decided to return to the other girls. After a while Rainbow Dash returned to them, with news.

"Girls? You have no idea what the talent told me"
"And what?", Rainbow Dash answered with a happy tone, she also had the stars in her eyes.
"It's absolutely awesome, he says that my show liked so much, that would make me do a contract, he says that my talent must be shared with the public all over the world"
Twilight was happy with the news,
"Oh Dash, how nice", but Applejack was not happy,
"Wait ... And he did not tell ya anything about us?" Dash answered this with a sorry tone.
"To tell the truth, he has not talked about you, but only about me", Sunset understood,
"I understand, obviously we did a bad show", Pinkie was worried
"Does this mean that we will split up even before we start?", Fluttershy calmed her
"Good Pinkie, we must be happy for Dash, she deserves it, after all it was her dream to be a star"
"Exactly, and then she succeeded in such a short time, without even using the pendant"
"Do you want to stop thinking about my pendant?"
"By the way, I think now you have to cancel your wishes"
"I will, I will, but now I have to go with Thunderlane", Applejack asked her
"Ah yes? And where?"
"A while ago I called him, I need to go to his house tonight, I need him tomorrow morning to accompany me to the address given to me by the talent",
"What place is it?"
"A recording studio, if you like you can come too," at that moment Pinkie Pie fell to the ground.
The frightened girls went near her, Applejack took her by the head.

"Pinkie? Pinkie? How are ya? How do ya feel?", Rarity touched Pinkie’s hands,
"Oh my, her hands are cold", Fluttershy tried to speak to Pinkie
"Pinkie? Pinkie? Pinkie speaks please," Pinkie replied in a trembling voice,

"I ... c-c-cold ..... take ...me..... home ....", Sunset was worried and turned to Dash.

"Dash? Please, cancel the wishes, please, look Pinkie how she is"
"I don’t ... I can not"
“Why you can’t?"
"I have to .... I absolutely have to audition tomorrow, maybe Pinkie is just sleepy"
"How can you be sleepy if her hands are cold?"
"I want .... I want .... my mother ... and my sister .... Maud .... take me to my mother", Rarity tried to carry Pinkie,
"Sunset? It's better if we bring Pinkie straight home, I do not think it's time to fight "
"All right, but remember Dash, I do not forgive you".
Sunset and Rarity took Pinkie away, charging her on the shoulders, the other girls followed, none of them wanted to say goodbye to Rainbow Dash, Twilight wanted to tell her something, but then she left without saying anything, Dash knew they were mad at her, but then she heard a voice calling from outside.
Dash went outside and saw that it was Thunderlane, he had come to get her with his motorbike, so she put on her helmet and got on the bike. They left immediately for Thunderlane's house, but he asked her something.

"Dash, what happened? I saw your friends take Pinkie away, she looked pale"
"She was ...... she was just tired, I think it's flu"
"Ah, poor Pinkie"
"Do not think about it, do you want to play a game tonight with the console?"
"Sounds like a good idea, do you want to sleep together?"
"Actually ..... I am tired and I would like to fall asleep immediately after eating"
"Oh, it's okay, in fact, even if we've got together now, it does not seem right to be romantic"
"Ehm .... yeah"
"But yesterday we did not even kiss each other"
"Do not complain about that, Thunderlane, and think about driving"
"Ok, ok, I'll shut up"
"So I like you".
At Pinkie Pie's house, the girls stayed there to check on her friend.
Unfortunately, poor Pinkie was so exhausted that she seemed to have run a marathon.
Her sister Maud was surprised to see her sister so reduced, she knew that Pinkie always had energy, yet that girl who was tired in bed was her sister Pinkie.
Sunset did not want to explain to Maud about the history of the Rainbow Dash’s pendant, as he was afraid of her reaction, even though it was hard to know how Maud got angry.
Sunset used the excuse of a disease to justify Pinkie Pie's illness and went into the room with the others.

"Pinkie? How are you?" Pinkie Pie opened her eyes slowly and answered with a faint voice.
"Where is she? .... Rainbow Dash?"
"It's at Thunderlane's house, it looks like tomorrow will have to go to a recording studio"
"I'm ... happy ..... for her ... because she did it ..... and she's with Thunderlane".
The fact that Pinkie was not angry with Rainbow Dash but even happy in Sunset created a bad shadow of anger. Sunset stayed in the kitchen with Twilight, while the others stayed in the room with Pinkie.

"I can not believe what Rainbow Dash did"
"Come on, don’t get upset"
"How I can’t if I saw what happened to Pinkie Pie?"
"I'm sure that Dash did not really want to behave like that, maybe she was just scared, tomorrow we'll ask her calmer to cancel the wishes, she still has a stone"
"Yeah, but what if she use the last stone for herself?"
"It will not"
"But the first three stones she had asked for wishes by mistake, what if she did it again?"
"But now she did not do it, did not she ask to make peace with Thunderlane?"
"Yes, it's true", at that moment Applejack arrived in the kitchen.

"Howdy girls,"
"Oh Applejack"
"Even you can not sleep?"
"Yes, Ah hope that tomorrow Rainbow Dash will solve everything, it is not the kind of girl that betrays her friends", Applejack opens the fridge and is surprised

"But who needs so much whipped cream?", Sunset laughed
"Eh, eh, you're not the first who ask", Twilight asked to Sunset
" Sunset? What happened when you played?"
"What do you mean?"
"Suddenly you started playing badly one after the other", Applejack was thinking,
Applejack: "Do ya know that Twilight is right? It's as if we've lost our talent one after the other"
"All of us all ...... all except Dash"
"What do ya mean?"
"Do you know that Dash seemed hesitant when I asked her what she wished?"
"Ya know that now that you make me think it's true, it almost seemed as if ...."
"... She was lying?"
"Yes, exactly"
“I’d better make a phone call to Thunderlane".
Sunset immediately called to Thunderlane with her cell phone.

"Hello? Thunderlane?"
"Yes? What's up Sunset?"
"Where is Rainbow Dash now?"
"In my bed that sleeps, a beautiful day awaits her tomorrow"
"Listen, did you feel like you wanted to stay here in Canterlot today when you were leaving?"

"No, I really wanted to leave"
"And why did you stay?"
"Because Dash called me to say she wanted to talk to me, she wanted to tell me something important"
"And what did she say to you, she loves you? What will you be engaged next month?You kissed her?", Sunset did not hear any response, and then he answered.

"What are you talking about? What did Dash tell you?
"It's what she told us"
"She did not tell me she loves me, we talked, she told me she needs me, that if I behave like a mature boy then she will be my girlfriend and when I tried to kiss her she put a hand on my mouth and told me that it was not the time for her, she said it was still early to kiss us because she still does not trust me ".
"........ Ok, all right, tomorrow try if you can convince Dash to come to Pinkie Pie's house, because she and I have to talk"
"OK, then goodnight"
"Wait, if Dash is in your bed, you sleep with her?"
"No, I sleep on the couch, she said it was too early because we could sleep together"
"All right, bye." After ending the phone call, Sunset sat upset by the words of Thunderlane.
Applejack demanded her,
"What's up Sunset?"
"Dash lied", Twilight was surprised
Twilight Sparkle: "How?"
"Things have gone differently than she told us, in fact I think maybe she did not even use the stone to keep Thunderlane". Twilight and Applejack were surprised to hear those words.

"But if so, which wishe could have expressed?"
"Maybe I have an idea".
The next day at Thunderlane's house, the atmosphere was certainly not happy.
Thunderlane just prepared breakfast for Rainbow Dash without even talking to her.
The dialogue with Sunset had made him doubts.
Thunderlane looked strange to Dash, but she did not notice, she just ate and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Thunderlane went to the bathroom door to talk to her, knocked and Dash opened the door just a little.
"Yes, Thunderlane? Do you have to come in?"
"No, I want to tell you something"
"What did you tell to your friends about us?"
"What should I had to say?"
"Sunset told me you told them we'll be together and that I kissed you, did you lie to them?" Dash was quiet for a while, then sighed and answered.

"It 's true, I lied, but the truth is that I do not want others to think that I'm a bad girlfriend, in fact I wish you and I could be .... be ..."
"To be what?"
".... Good friends, boyfriends but good friends"
"Thunderlane listen, now I have to take a shower, and then we have to go to the studio, we'll talk later, okay?"
"All right, but no jokes". Dash closed the door, Thunderlane sat in the kitchen thinking.

"I do not know, it seems almost as if it were troubled, maybe we are running too much? And yet ... yet ....". After half an hour, Rainbow Dash washed, dried her hair, got dressed and went to Thunderlane.

"Come on Thunderlane, we have to be there for half past eleven," but Thunderlane did not seem happy.

"Do you love me?"
"What question is it?"
"I want to know right away, what do you feel for me? Why did you lie to your friends? The other night you seemed so sincere when you asked us to be together at our dinner"
"Well .... ehm ... ..."
"I want an answer right away"
"Can not we talk about it in the car?"
"If you do not tell me the truth I do not take you to that studio", Dash was surprised and angry at the blackmail of Thunderlane.

"What's this, now you're also going to make threats?"
"Dash, I want you to be honest, do you love me or not?",
Dash sighed and answered immediately

"Of course I love you Thunderlane, it's just that I still do not trust you, you used a pendant to please me, you lied to me, you lied to your best friend"
"Does this mean we're still just friends?"
"No, that is, yes"
"But do you prefer me as I am now or as I was before?"
"Before you were very cool, but now it's you, that is my best friend"
"But I do not want to be just a friend for you". Thunderlane took Rainbow Dash by the hand and looked her straight in the eye, she blushed.

"Dash? It's a life I wanted to tell you that I love you, and that same night at the restaurant you broke my heart, and the other night you gave me another chance, but now I want to know if there's hope for the two of us to be engaged? "
"And how ..... how can I make you understand?"
"Do you really want me to believe you?"
"Of course I want it"
"Then kiss me", Dash blushed even more.

"W-w-w-w-what? K-k-kiss us? I told you it's still early to do it"
"But the cool Thunderlane you kissed him several times"
"Yes, but ... I was so proud of you ", Thunderlane moved away and spoke in a more serious tone of voice.

"Dash, I do not want another broken heart, if you do not kiss me it means that you lied to me then, and that you do not care about me, I can also be mature, but at least I stopped lying to you, so if you want go to the studio go with your bike "
"But I can not, I should go to my house, and I would be late, and it's already half past ten."
"Your business, if you care so much, hurry up and go"
"I can not do it". Thunderlane sat on a chair and put his arms crossed, Dash did not know what to do, she wanted to pout him but there was no time to argue.

"Let me understand well, all you want is a kiss on the mouth?"
"Like that we gave when we were young"
"We promised not to talk about it anymore"
"But now we are big, I do not ask you anything but a kiss Dash, if you want me to trust you, then kiss me". Rainbow Dash sat on Thunderlane's legs and put her arms around his neck, Thunderlane was surprised, Dash had a determined look.

"Okay then, I'll give you the best kiss of all your life", so Dash kissed Thunderlane, it was a firm kiss and both closed their eyes and hugged and after seven seconds broke off.

"Wow, this was really the best kiss I ever had"
"Now do you believe me? Do you trust me?"
"And I like you as I am?"
"If you promise not to do the baby anymore, then you can be good too"
"Then I'm going to get the car, my love," Thunderlane got up and kissed Dash on the forehead, took the car keys and began to close the windows and doors of the house, while Dash went down the stairs.

"Umpf, it's too easy to please him, my dear Thundie, I’m the leader in this couple". Dash stood next to Thunderlane's car, heard the cell phone ringing in her bag, she picked it up and saw that Sunset was calling, but did not answer the call, rather she just turned off the phone. After a while, Thunderlane came in and opened the door to her, then climbed up and left.
Meanwhile in Canterlot's high school, Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy were in the music room to discuss about Rainbow Dash.

"Nothing, not an answer", Fluttershy was thinking
"Maybe they’re too far?"
"No, I think ...she turned off", Rarty was worried
"Do you mean that Rainbow Dash did not answer you on purpose?"
I think so, I do not really understand what's happening, Rainbow Dash seems to have changed in recent times"
"Look, I know it sounds stupid, but do not you think it must be the pendant?"
"What do you mean?"
"Maybe the pendant changes the personality of the wearer, Dash has always been loyal, but since she has the pendant, indeed since she expressed her first wishes seems to be another person", Fluttershy seems to agree to Rarity
"Maybe Rarity is right"
"It's a good theory, maybe it's true, but there's only one way to find out." Sunset left the courtroom, but before leaving, she recommended one thing to the two friends.

"You two wait Twilight, I have to go looking for that lady".
Fluttershy and Rarity stood there waiting, Fluttershy took her tambourine to play a little, but after only two gestures she made it fall immediately.
"Poor Fluttershy, and poor us"
"I'm sorry for Pinkie Pie"
"At least there is Applejack with her, now we just have to wait for Twilight to return from her exam." After half an hour, Twilight entered the music room accompanied by Spike, the poor girl looked afflicted, Rarity and Fluttershy went near her.

"Twilight? How did it go?"
"Honey, what rating did you get?". Twilight sat down on a chair and sighed.
"I took 30", Fluttershy and Rarity were amazed.
" 30? It's not possible", Spike spoke
"And he would have taken even less, she was about to forget to put the name"
"Oh my goodness"
Twilight tried to explain,
"Apparently, the more I study, the more I forget about other things, at this rate I will forget about everything I've learned throughout the year", Spike added another sentence,
"Think about that the other time she did not even remember where her house was", Fluttershy and Rarity were shocked,
"Oh poor Twilight"
"This means you're getting worse"
"Oh I hope that Sunset will return immediately".

Sunset turned to different neighborhoods to find Mrs. Marta's van, luckily she found it near a landfill site.
She went near the van and knocked.
Madame Marta opened immediately.
"Yes, who is it? Ah, it’s you, Sunset"
"May I speak to you, Mrs. Marta?"
"Did you come to trade?
"No, actually ....."
"Your friend made a bad use of the pendant?"
"Come in, I made some tea".
Sunset entered the van and saw that the interior was better than the outside, hanging from the ceiling there were glass decorations that reflected the sunlight with different colors, and on the floor there was a sort of parquet and in the center a Japanese table with various cushions as chairs. Marta took the pot, poured the tea into a small cup and handed it to Sunset.

"Tell me Sunset, what did Dash do?"
"Let’s say ... in the beginning ....". Sunset told the whole story to Mrs. Marta, who listened to everything in detail.
"Mmm, I felt the magic in your friend, and in fact it seemed to me Equestrian magic even if not natural"
"Can you help me?"
"Yes, I can, wait". Mrs. Marta went to rummage in a chest and after a while she gave some candles to Sunset.

"Listen to me, Sunset, your friend has asked wishes in a superficial way, asking for the intelligence, strength and energy of your friends she made a trouble"
"What do you mean?"
"See, the pendant can fulfill the wishes, but it can also transform good qualities into negative qualities, as in the case of Rainbow Dash her loyalty has become disloyalty"
"You mean ... she became bad?"
"I don’t know what she wanted now, but if it was a selfish wish, and if it was tied to your musical talent, even if asked by mistake her soul became greedy, she could not even use the last stone to put things back",
Sunset was startled by those words.
"But it can not be, Dash can not do this"
"As long as she wears the pendant around her neck, she is free to follow only her mind"
"And what should I do?"
"Only Dash can use the pendant, however, as long as she remains with you, it will not happen serious things, however keep these candles"
"What are they for?"
"If your friend Pinkie Pie gets worse before Dash fixes it, then turn on one of these candles and she'll be better"
"But you have to try to convince Dash to use her last stone, because otherwise it will be too late, and I could not even remedy"
"Thank you very much, Mrs. Marta.

Sunset went to Pinkie Pie's house, and when she entered in her room she lit a candle near her bed.
“Pinkie? How are you?" Pinkie was dazed, but she could talk,
"I ... I ..., I’m feeling better, do you know?"
"Well, but maybe it's better if you do not move out of bed, if by chance the candle should finish light another one "
"But you leave me alone?"
"No, there's Applejack with you, she and now, poor girls, she's sleeping in the corridor, but you do not worry, if you want I'll stay here with you"
"You know, I feel so good that I would like to play some table games, would you like to join?"
"Yes, why not?".
Pinkie took some board games from her closet, she woke Applejack and together with Sunset they all played. Turned into the afternoon, Sunset had forgotten to make a phone call, so she left the room and called Rarity with her cell phone.
Unfortunately Rarity had no good news, when Sunset felt that the Twilight votes had gone down she worried. She then decided to call Thunderlane to find out where Rainbow Dash was.

"Hello? Thunderlane?"
"Yes, Sunset?"
"Where are you? On the way back?"
"Well ... to tell the truth no, and maybe not before tomorrow morning". Sunset made a surprised expression at the answer.

"What does it mean? Why tomorrow morning?"
"See, the incredible happened, when Rainbow Dash played in the recording studio, an agent came who heard her and wanted to offer her a contract"
"And will she have to go to him tomorrow?"
"No, she has already accepted and already signed, and tomorrow she will have to sing along with a band"
"But she can’t, she must return absolutely, and then how will she do with the school?"
"Well .... she intends to give up"
"What? Give up?"
"The agent said that if tomorrow she will sing as she did today, she will have a private professor, it seems that the guy knows his business"
"Thunderlane? You have to bring Rainbow Dash here, to Canterlot, now"
"But now she's in front of a jury, and it seems they like her"
"I do not care, you have to tell her to come here"
"Ok, ok,".
Angry, Sunset closed the call and sat down in a chair.

"What a crazy girl".
In the recording studio, Rainbow Dash was playing in front of a microphone supervised by some agents. Thunderlane came in and asked to talk to Dash. Unfortunately, it was not possible for him to talk to her until she had finished. After recording, Dash was enthusiastic, and Thunderlane could finally talk to her.

"Dash? Sunset called, and she said I have to take you to Canterlot right away"
"But are you kidding? Tonight that agent invited me to a party at his house, he thinks we can meet someone famous people"
"But Sunset was angry, it was certainly urgent"
"Thunderlane? This is an opportunity to be taken, we can not miss"
"And your friends?"
"Would you feel better if I spoke with them?"
"Then let me talk to Sunset". Rainbow Dash went out of the building for a while to come back after ten minutes, she did not seem to look worried.

"So what did she tell you?"
"That I have to come back with them, but for tonight they do not talk about it because they are all busy doing a slumber party"
"What, but she told me ....."
"Thunderlane? Will you do me a favor?"
"Yes, of course"
"Let me talk to Sunset, you do not have to worry"
"You sure?"
"Of course", Rainbow Dash hugged Thunderlane and kissed him passionately, then added another word.

"You and I will go to that party tonight, we'll have fun, we'll meet some people, and then tomorrow you'll bring me back here to play"
"But then we will have to talk to your parents, and we will also have to find a place to sleep"
"Quiet, I'll call my father, and then that agent offered us to sleep at his villa"
"Oh, how kind"
"For tonight we will be just you and me Thundie, if I sleep hugged to you?", Thunderlane blushed,
"Oh ... er ...... yes, it's okay"
"Ok, but no worries, whatever is, you have to wait for tomorrow"
"Now let's go to that party, but you do not make me look bad"

That night was special for Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane, but the poor boy felt out of place because he was in a villa with a lot of famous people and several distinguished guests, which caused embarrassment to poor Thunderlane, he was so tense and so worried about making a bad impression at Rainbow Dash that he could not eat anything at the buffet, so he just sat on an armchair in the living room, playing tetris on his cell phone. The dear Dash not only ate several snacks from the buffet, but did not stop for a second, she went to talk with the different celebrities, and was always accompanied by the agent.
Thunderlane did not know how to behave, but one thing was certain, that Dash was happy.
The party continued for a long time until half past eleven, and Thunderlane often received the call from Sunset Shimmer, but he promised to Dash not to answer, so he never answered.
When midnight arrived, Thunderlane saw that Dash was not around, and many people were gone, he thought to get up and look for her.
He asked the agent where she was, and he said he had left her with a band to play in a soundproof room in the villa.
Thunderlane went to that hall, but he found only a few guys from that band, so he looked elsewhere, and in fact found Dash.
But he found her in a closet while kissing a blond boy, they were both hugging each other and kissing each other's lips.
Thunderlane was shocked, and went off luckily they did not hear the door closing.
That scene had troubled Thunderlane and so he went back upstairs to drink something.
Thunderlane drank several aperitifs, to avoid getting drunk he also ate pretzels and peanuts.
He was trying to hold back the tears, because he did not want to be seen in that state, but he thought that Dash had an explanation for that behavior.
After about ten minutes Rainbow Dash returned to him happy.
Thunderlane wanted to talk to her, but she hugged him and kissed him.

"You know Thundie? I liked you tonight, you did not behave badly"
"Oh, thank you"
"You know, I talked to that agent, and maybe I thought of something"
Rainbow Dash: "That maybe I should need an assistant"
"... An assistant?"
"Yes, one who takes care of me, one who helps me with my stuff, someone who does services for me, a driver, a handyman, and maybe my bodyguard."
Thunderlane did not understand what Dash wanted to say, so he took courage and tried to tell her about what she had done with that boyfriend before.

"Dash? Can I ask you something?"
"Yes, but first I would like to ask you if you like"
"Huh, what?"
"To be my assistant"
"I thought I was your boyfriend, and not your assistant," Dash smiled, hugged Thunderlane stronger, then flipped him over and then laid her head on his right shoulder.

"Listen to me, Thunderlane, if you do as I tell you, we could get engaged even now if you want," Thunderlane swallowed and blushed.

"Yes, and as my assistant you will always have to accompany me, twenty-four hours a day, indeed you will be paid to be near me"
"But ... I do not want money from you, and then you thought about the school and your friends?", Rainbow Dash looked Thunderlane in the eye with a smug smile, kissed him again on the lips and stared at him closely.

"Do not worry, I'll talk with my friends, if you agree to be my assistant we could spend more time together"
"Alone, and if you do the good guy I'll fill you with kisses until you faint"
"Are you sure?"
"If all goes well tomorrow, that agent would like to give me a house of my own, we will go to live together"
"If you behave well, both as an assistant and as a boyfriend I will not only fill you with kisses, but we could also sleep together, even if you will behave even more well I promise you that next year we will get married". Thunderlane could not believe what he had heard.

"Seriously, do you really want us to get married, so soon?"
"Do you prefer some stupid rock star takes me away from you?"
"By the way, what were you doing in that closet with that guy?"
"So ..... did you see me?"
"Yes, and it was not nice"
"Do not worry, he was just a little drunk, we just kissed, I love only you, Thundie Thundie", Rainbow Dash blinked, and Thunderlane could not do anything but blushing and let it go.
"All right, then I believe you"
"But you'll never ever have to talk to my friends, let me talk to them"
"All right." Dash pulled away from Thunderlane and sat down on the couch.

"Listen, I'm sleepy, you can go and ask the agent if he can lend us a blanket or something warm, I'd like to sleep here on this couch"
"Do you really want to sleep here on this sofa?"
"Yes, so we can sleep hugged," Thunderlane blushed again.
"Damn, then I'm going to ask if he has a quilt." Thunderlane left, Rainbow Dash instead picked up her cell phone, and saw various calls and various messages from Sunset.

"Ugh, Sunset, I'm busy, now I'm writing, I'm ... sick ... I'll come tomorrow ... I have a bad cold ... I'll come to Canterlot tomorrow ... me and Thunderlane are staying at a friend's house ... dot ". Rainbow Dash replaced her phone and saw that Thunderlane had returned with a quilt.

"That gentleman really is very kind, Dash now I'll put the quilt on you and we can sleep together, eh?"
"Thanks, now could you bring me a pillow and something to drink? I'm thirsty"
"I'll go right away, honey"
"Be quick, I'm still cold and I would like to warm myself hugged to you, and then I need a goodnight kiss"
"So I hurry up, honey", Thunderlane went to get something to drink for Dash, she laid down on the couch, and smiled again

"Thunderlane you are so naive, a great present is waiting forfor me".
Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash slept hugged on the couch that night, after a long time Thunderlane thought he would finally have the most beautiful girl in the world by his side, he would not mind if she became selfish, as long as he would always be near her .

Meanwhile in Canterlot the situation was not the best, Sunset was at Pinkie's house and always tried to contact both Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash, but never got any answer and it ended up making her worry even more.

"But why? Why do not they call? I thought that at least Thunderlane was smarter than her, but why he gave her that pendant? In fact, why I broke into each other?", Applejack replied
"They do not answer yet, do they?"
"I called both and sent messages, but nothing"
"What should we do if the candle goes out?"
"Madame Marta gave me five, so if that will be consumed I have four of them"
"But can not do anything for me and Twilight?"
"Only Dash can solve it, and it would be better if she does it right away"
"Do ya know that I still can not play my bass?"
"Then there is no doubt, definitely it’s Dash’s fault", Pinkie spoke
"So girls? Who's going to move the pawn?"
"It's up to me", while Pinkie and Applejack played, Sunset went into the corridor to reflect on what to do

"If it gets worse, I'll have to remedy personally, even if I have to drag Dash here by force she will have to make up for the trouble she has caused".
The day after, Sunset, when she went to school, she saw Twilight's parents from Celestia's office. Twilight was sitting outside the office waiting for them. Sunset approached Twilight to talk to her.

"What's up Twilight?"
"My parents ...... came to talk to the principal"
"Why? Oh .... I guess for your votes"
"Not only that, it's been a while since I can not speak well with others"
"What would that mean?"
"I do not remember certain names, some addresses, it's not just a fact of homework, even if mom is very worried about my last results"
"And what are they going to do?"
"They think ..... they think that maybe it was a mistake to change school", Sunset reacted with a frightened expression,

"Oh no, they will not want to get you back to the Crystal?"
"Maybe, but I do not want to, I do not even want to blame Dash, because she did not do it on purpose, but I do not ... oh, I do not know what I should do".

After a while Twilight’s parents came out of the office and did not have a satisfied face, they just asked Twilight to go home without adding anything else, Sunset was sad for what Twilight had said, apparently the bad performance of Twilight it had worsened so much that her parents had been called by the school. Sunset did not know how to act, if Twilight had gotten so bad it was because of Rainbow Dash. She went into the music room to get away and there he found Rarity using her keytar.
"Hey Rarity?"
"Oh, hi Sunset"
"How's your music?"
"It's useless, as if I had never learned to play"
"Did you ... know about Twilight?"
"Yes, and I guess she told you that she risks going back to her old school?"
"Yes, and I do not know how to solve it"
"And Pinkie how is she?"
"A little better, but she can not leave her room, the candles that Mrs. Marta gave me will not last forever, and if we kept them on for sure in a week they will consume"
"Can not she give you others?"
"I had thought about it, but when I was in front of the dump this morning, her van was gone, and I would not know where she is now"
"Then we must call Dash, she must cancel her wishes"
"I tried, but neither she nor Thunderlane respond to my calls"
"Maybe we should go directly to them, the longer she passes away the worse happens, is not it?"
"In fact, Madame Marta told me that as long as Rainbow Dash stayed with us, no serious things would happen"
"So if she stays out of town….."
"You know what? I try to call Thunderlane again".

Sunset was not convinced what to do, but tried again to call Thunderlane. And strange thing; this time he answered.

"Yes, what is it?"
"Finally, but do you know how many times I called? And I called Dash?"
"I know, but the fact is that she told me I did not have to answer you"
"Why ever?"
"Because she told me it would be her to talk with you"
"Well, he did not"
"What's that supposed to mean? She told me you had a slumber party"
"What?". So Thunderlane discovered the bitter truth, Rainbow Dash had lied to him.
Sunset also told him that he would have to go right away because her wishes were hurting her friends and the more time passed, the things would get worse.
"I ... I can not believe she lied to me"
"The pendant if used in a bad way, can corrupt the person who wears it, it is natural that she may have lied to you"
"But ... she wants us to go to live together"
Thunderlane told about everything that had happened the other day and also about the future plans made by Rainbow Dash. Sunset got angry at everything she heard.

"Thunderlane? Now you do me the favor of bringing Dash here, and to make her cancel her wishes, and immediately"
"But if I do .... if I’ll do, she will not want to know me anymore, she will hate me, right now that she was thinking about our future together, and next year we would also be married"
"But do not you understand? You do not understand that she's lying to you? Probably it's the pendant that makes her say those phrases"
"I have to ... I have to go"
"Thunderlane? Do not you dare to close or ....", unfortunately Thunderlane broke off the call.

"I can not believe it, he did it"
"What are you going to do?"
"He did not even tell me where he was, he’s out of town, but who knows where"
"For the time being, it's better to try to convince Twilight's parents not to let her be transferred and then we must also take care of Pinkie"
"Not to mention Applejack, she can not stay at Pinkie's house forever, she also has farm work"
"If she always feel weak I doubt she will work on it again"
"You're right, I think I should track Mrs. Marta."
Meanwhile out of town, Thunderlane was watching the bands that were playing on an outdoor stage.
He was a little worried about what Sunset had said, but he was also confused between having to be honest with Rainbow Dash and being chased away from her forever.
After a while it was Rainbow Dash to go on stage, the girl had been already awesome afternoon with her music, and now she was literally rampaging on that stage. Thunderlane was happy to see her play, but even more to see her smile, because he always cared about her and only about her.
After two hours all the audience there had been literally fascinated by the girl's music, so much so that everyone asked for an encore.
Rainbow Dash had to decline, she was tired from singing too much, she went behind the scenes to wipe her sweat, Thunderlane handed her a lemon tea to quench her thirst. And then the agent arrived to congratulate her.

"Thank you very much, it was absolutely fantastic", Thunderlane agreed with her
"You deserve it Dash"
"Thank you, Thunderlane, what are we going to do now?". The agent had a proposal to do for Rainbow Dash, she would have to stay with him to sing the whole week. Thunderlane tried to decline
"But…to tell the truth ......", Dash asked Thunderlane to wait, the agent wanted to talk to her again in private. Once again Thunderlane felt aloof. After a long time, Rainbow Dash returned to Thunderlane to talk to him.

"Thundie? We should go in a place if you don’t mind"
"Oh, actually I should talk to you"
"You will do it later, I have good news for you"
"And which one?", Dash spoke with an angelic tone and smiled,

"It's a surprise, a wonderful surprise for you"
"O ..... ok?", Thunderlane certainly could not replicate to such beauty, he only blushed and then left in the car. But driving this time was Dash. Thunderlane did not know where she was taking him, and he didn’t even know how to tell her about Sunset, he shut up and looked at the window, sometimes there were some boys and girls who greeted them, they were some of those in the audience concert. After a few turns around the neighborhoods, Dash stopped in front of a house with an automatic gate. Dash took a remote control and opened the gate, then after parking the car she came down, Thunderlane was still confused.

"What's this place?"
"This is the surprise for you, but also for me"
"What's the surprise?"
"It's our new home, you silly ", Thunderlane was amazed, he did not believe his ears.

"N-n-new….our new home?", Rainbow Dash went near Thunderlane and hugged him tightly.
"My agent said I would have to stay here all week to play here in the city, but it was not a good idea to stay at his villa, so he gave us this house," Dash broke away from Thunderlane and opened the door of the house, it was certainly not a villa but it was bigger than the houses of both of them.

"Think, you and I will live here under the same roof, I'll have to play here in the city, and then my agent wants us to go on a tour"
"A tour? And where?", Rainbow Dash re-embraced Thunderlane and spoke to him closer, he blushed again, for the first time he wanted to stay away from her.

"First I will play in this city for a week, I will play in different places, but my agent has many more projects for me, he wants me to tour for the country and since I need someone to take care of me, you're the best candidate, have you forgotten it? "
"But it only happened yesterday, do you already have this planetary success?"
"Do you want to pick me up?"
"So, to enter into our new home, as if we were married"
"O .... ok". Thunderlane took Rainbow Dash by the arms and carried her into the house, but first he closed the door. The interior was beautiful, there were two bedrooms, a spacious living room with a giant TV, a gym, two bathrooms, a kitchen with the latest hob and several furniture.

"It's beautiful, but will we really live here?"
"Do you lean me on the sofa gently, please?"
"Immediately." Thunderlane leaned Dash on the couch, he wanted to let her rest, but she held him tight and kissed him on the lips, he closed his eyes and hugged her. After the kiss, Dash looked back into Thunderlane's eyes.

"You're not happy with me, Thundie? Did not you want us to go and live together?"
"Er .... yes, but I did not think it would happen so soon"
"You are the only one I trust, I need a boyfriend and an assistant, and since I already talked about it last night, I would like to know if you like the offer?". Thunderlane sat up, and Dash leaned against him.

"What will your father think? And your friends?"
"Leave them alone, let's just think about the two of us, I'll take care of the success, and you'll think of the house"
"But what should I do with my father? I should have worked in another workshop, do you know that?", Dash kissed Thunderlane again on his lips,

"Do you prefer me or your job?"
"You, I prefer you," Rainbow Dash stood up and stared excited at the room.

"This will be our home, you will be my assistant as well as boyfriend, I will become a famous rock star and next year .... you and I will get married"
"Wow, since when are you so detailed and romantic?"
"And this will be our children's room", Thunderlane blushed,
“Had you not imagined us as a family?"
"Well ..... yes .... but we are not running a little too much?". Rainbow Dash threw herself into Thunderlane's arms and rested her head on his chest, she was happy and excited.

"Oh it will be wonderful, we'll have a girl, a pretty girl"
"Oh ... er ...... yes, as beautiful as the mother ......"
"Do not you think that you and I could be a nice family? Oh Thunderlane, I can not wait to spend all my life with you".

Thunderlane could not believe the words that had come out of the mouth of Rainbow Dash, finally his dream of being with her was realized, but he continued to think that things were going a little too quickly. However he took courage and tried to tell her about Sunset.

"Dashie? I wanted ... I wanted to tell you something, before, Sunset called me and she said .....". At that sentence Rainbow Dash immediately detached from him, looked at him with a stare full of anger.

"Did you talk to Sunset? Did you dare talk to her even though I told you not to do it?"
"Dash, listen, what she told me"
"Thunderlane? Did you talk to Sunset?"
"Yes, but listen, Sunset said that Twilight ....."
"You talked to Sunset, did you disobey me?"
"Yes, but you told me the other night you spoke to them, and instead you lied to me".

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and turned angry, then she went into one of the bedrooms. Thunderlane followed her. He found her in a bed completely hidden in the sheets and was crying. Thunderlane sat on the bed and tried to talk to her.

"Dash? Dashie? Do not do that"
"Why ....... sniff? You said that ... sniff, I lied to you, but you're ... sniff ... you lied to me"
"I did not want to do it, but it seems that you do not already care about your friends anymore, I just wanted ....."
"So .... sniff, do you think .... sniff .... I’m stupid and selfish?"
"No, no, no, it's not true, I did not say that"
"But ... sniff ... you told me the other time"
"It's true, but I'll take care of everything, please do not do that Dashie." Thunderlane put his hand under the blankets and stroked the head of Rainbow Dash, she came out of the blankets still with tears, then she wiped them with a handkerchief.

"Do you know that you're beautiful even when you cry? I'm sorry for making you angry," Dash spoke to Thunderlane in a melancholy tone.

"Thunderlane? But do you love me?"
"Of course I love you"
"From one to ten how much do you love me?"
"One to ten? One million of millions"
"Even so much?"
"Dash, I love you, I’m crazy about you, you're the only thing more precious that I have, that's why I wanted to leave Canterlot, because I cared only about you, and if I've always been a mess is because I always think of you, but you ... you make me a mature boy, you make me feel mature, when I'm with you, I do not care about anything else, just about you "
"You are so sweet"
"I know, and if you want to change, I'll stop"
"Maybe a little bit, I need a flatterer, one that stimulates me, and then you and I will have to get engaged"
"I would have never hoped that this year you and I would have been a couple"
"But you have to promise me something, actually a couple of things"
"What would they be?"
"First you must swear that you will accept these conditions"
"Okay, I swear on my parents that I will accept"
"First, you will behave like a mature boy, and that you will do everything I will ask you, doing home services, or taking me to concerts"
"Second, do not you dare talk to my friends anymore"
"But Dash ...."
"Thunderlane? If I find out you've phoned or interacted with only one of them, I swear you'll never see me again"
"What? But Dash, listen .....", But she was not willing to listen to him, actually she proposed a kind of ultimatum.

"No kisses, no hugs, no romantic dinner, no girlfriend and especially no wedding"
"But do you see that you do not want to deal with them?" Dash shrugged her shoulders.

"If you care more for them than for me, you can also go away, it will mean that I will find another assistant and maybe another boyfriend".
Thunderlane felt between two fires, on one side he would have to report the message of Sunset, but on the other if he did he would miss the opportunity that Dash had given him to be her boyfriend. With his saliva in his throat he hugged Dash and spoke to her.

"All right", Dash was still back when Thunderlane hugged her,
"Okay what?"
"I promise you that I will not talk to any of them anymore, I swear, even if you will keep them away from you," Rainbow Dash turned, kissed him on the lips and hugged him happy.

"So I like you, my love"
"Wow, you called me my love"
"But you have to give me your phone, so to avoid future temptations"
"All right." Thunderlane gave her cell phone to Rainbow Dash, then the girl started playing the guitar, he sat on a chair to listen to her, but after a couple of strophes there was a rumble.

"Wow, what was it?"
Dash replied embarrassed,
"Er ..... I think it was ..... it is my stomach that grumbles"
"I believe it, it's all day that you're going off, you have not eaten anything but a sandwich for lunch"
"You're right, would you prepare something good? Thunderlane? Please?"
"But I think the fridge in the kitchen is empty"
"We can call take away service, do not you want a pizza?"
"Do not tell me that you will offer?"
"Actually I have no cash, my agent has not paid me for the evening, so I was hoping you would cook something, but if the fridge is empty"
"Do not worry about that, my love, I'll see if there is any pizzeria around, so I'll go personally, for the food I'll try to find some other store, there will also someone around here who sells fried chicken or maybe oriental cuisine"
"You're very sweet, but do you have any money?"
"Of course I have them, leave it to me tonight I'm going to get you something, then I think I'll pass by some ATM to withdraw some money, otherwise I can not do the shopping". Dash got out of bed and kissed Thunderlane on his lips.

"How tender you are, never stop being like that"
"Wow, I could get used to these kisses"
"It's just to give you the charge, now go that I have the belly that growls"
"I’ll fly".
During the following five days, Rainbow Dash had to sing in different stages of the city, Thunderlane always followed her, took care of her bringing her to the workplace and her agent, and also acting as a driver, and most of the time he had to help Rainbow Dash not to be seen by crowds; because despite Rainbow Dash was still an emerging artist, she already had a huge array of fans. When they returned to their home, Thunderlane had to take care of Dash as a babysitter caring for a child.
He had to do the shopping, to cook, to do the laundry, to prepare the bath tub, to clean the house, and when the evening was too tired, he had to pick her up in his arms and put her to bed.
Thunderlane also had to sleep in the next room, since Dash had asked him that they could not sleep together, at least until they got married.
Thunderlane knew that Dash was starting to behave like a self-centered girl, and he thought that success was already changing her, but he could not rebel, first because he did not want to risk losing again the most beautiful girl in the world, second, because he cared for nothing but her, and would have accepted anything she had asked for.
But when Thunderlane lay down in bed, he thought back to the fact that it was the pendant that made her behave like that, but he certainly could not tell Dash anyway, so he preferred to let go and enjoy the present. That Sunday night, a boy band played at a sports hall, and after some songs, the leader of the group called Rainbow Dash, who sang a song with the group, but then the audience complained because they wanted to hear Rainbow Dash sing a his song, and so Rainbow Dash satisfied them.
From behind the scenes Thunderlane watched the whole concert, could not believe that it was already more than a week that Rainbow Dash had already become famous, and it was almost seven days that they lived together.
At one point Thunderlane went to get a lemonade in a can, because Rainbow Dash always liked to drink something fizzy after a long performance. When he went near the dispenser, he took the drink and when he turned he saw two people he did not expect to see, Sunset and Rarity. The two girls were angry, he got scared.

"Sunset? Rarity? What ... what are you doing you two here?"
"Do you know we tried to contact you?"
"You know that neither you nor Dash have ever replied"
"And you know that if we did not know about this concert we would never know where you two were?"
"Girls, I know, I know, but I can explain, no, if Dash knows that I've even seen you, she will chase me away"
"Why ever?"
"She made me promise that if I had even talked with you she would have left me, I had to give her my cell phone too"
"So she will not return immediately, indeed we want to know immediately what happened here"
"Okay, I'll say it all, but do not tell Dash"
"Do not worry, we're here for her, certainly not for you".
So Thunderlane told everything that had happened in those days, from the villa party to their little cohabitation, he left out no details about the promises that Rainbow Dash said him.
"And that's all", Sunset and Rarity were quite surprised by those words and did not hide their anger.

"Thunderlane, are you crazy? Do not you think it's strange that Rainbow Dash said that stuff?"
"No ... or rather I did not want to think about it anymore"
"But she reasons, she speaks to you in a sweet and romantic way, asks you to go and live together, to work for her, to get engaged, to marry you and even to have a family, this is not the Dash we know"
"And tell us a little, did she ever thank you for what you do for her?", Thunderlane blushed

"Oh, she did better, she never filled me with kisses in all my life if not now, she often hugs me and kisses me on the mouth, even when I have to do a simple service she gives me a kiss on the cheek"
"And what makes you think?"
"That ...she loves being with me?"
"Thunderlane? Wake up, she's using you", Thunderlane did not mind Sunset's affirmation,
"What? Using?"
"Sunset is right, she's using you because it’s comfortable for her, it's enough for her to kiss your mouth and be happy all day"
"Do you ever tell her something important and she kisses you?"
"Well ...... yes, it happened above all when I mentioned you Sunset"
"Do you see it? To make you shut up, she has filled you with false promises, and she knows that it's enough for you to kiss to leave an argument"
"This is not the Dash we know, it's the pendant that changed her"
"It's not true, she loves me, she loves me, everything is false, she and I are living together, and next year we'll get married"
"But try to open your eyes Thunderlane, she does not love you"
"Yes she loves me, those kisses that gives me are sincere"
"All right, since you do not want to believe us, we're going to talk to Dash"
"Yes, let's go".
Sunset and Rarity left, Thunderlane was shocked, in his heart he knew they were right, but he did not want to rage against Rainbow Dash.
Thunderlane decided to go to Rainbow Dash to give her the drink.
But she was not on stage, so Sunset and Rarity were looking for her.
They decided to look for all three together, but it was not even in the changing room.
Thunderlane had first noticed that the band leader was missing on stage, so he became suspicious.
He ran like a marathoner to the band's changing room and in fact his presentiment was right.
Thunderlane would have wished that what he was seeing was not true, Rainbow Dash and the band's singer were hugging and kissing near a locker.
Thunderlane closed the door quietly so as not to be heard, he began to cry and ran into a bathroom.
Sunset followed him and spoke to him on the other side of the door.

"Thunderlane? What's going on?", Thunderlane rubbed his face with the water from a sink, and in a sad voice answered Sunset.
"You were ... sniff, you were right Sunset"
"About what? Did you find Dash?"
"Yes, I found her, and I found her .... sniff, hugging and kissing .... sniff ... that stupid singer ......... sniff .. ..exactly how ... sniff ..... they did in the villa ... sniff ..... "
"Thunderlane go out immediately, we have to talk to you". Thunderlane came out of the bathroom in tears, Sunset wanted to talk to him clearly.

"Thunderlane? You have to listen to me"
"Sniff ..... agree"
"Now we're going to talk to Dash, we have to adjust the facts a little bit, what we ask is that you bring her back to Canterlot, no matter how"
"But ... why?"
"In case she do not want to hear our reasons you will have to take her to Canterlot, it is likely that if you take off the pendant she could come back sincerely, it is not certain, but it is still an option"
"But she will hate me, and she will not want to deal with me anymore"
"Thunderlane? You want to stop thinking about yourself? What you saw before was not Rainbow Dash, it's all the fault of the pendant, it changed her, the same pendant that you gave her"
"So ... all this mess, did I do it?"
"Exactly, and therefore you are responsible"
"All right, I promise to take her to Canterlot, tomorrow."

Sunset knocked on the door of the band's changing room, to open it was Rainbow Dash, who was surprised to see her two friends, with the lie of coming for the concert decided to ask her what plans she had for the future, so Dash accompanied them in her changing room to speak alone.
Rainbow Dash settled on a chair and wiped the sweat.

"Oh girls, you can not imagine how excited I am, I'm singing in front of millions of people, I even have a fan club"
"We are happy for you Dash, but do you think you can sing to Canterlot too?"
"To tell the truth, my agent has not scheduled a stop in Canterlot, but I could do one after my tourneè"
"Which tourneè?"
"I will go around the country, and I will play in twelve different states, you do not know how happy I am"
"Do you have to go back to the stage, Dash?"
"Only for the grand finale, I have to play Awesome as I wanna be, I finally have the success I deserve"
"Yes, with our talent".
Dash wondered why the Rarity's phrase and why she used an authoritarian tone.
"I do not understand Why this outburst?"
"Dash? Have you ever wondered why you already have such a success?"
"Because ... I’m amazing?"
"No, I'll tell you, and it took me a lot to figure it out," Sunset looked closely at Rainbow Dash, who leaned back in her chair.
"Tell me the truth Rainbow Dash, the fourth wish you did not use it to ask that Thunderlane stays, right?"
"Well ... I ..."
"Tell the truth, what did you want that time, what did you ask for as a fourth wish?"
"I don’t know, Sunset, I do not remember"
"Yes, you remember". Sunset looked even more closely at Rainbow Dash, and eventually the girl gave up.

"It's okay, I confess, I was scared, I did not want that talent scout to go away, so I accidentally told him ....."
"... That you wished to be a famous rock singer? Is that so? Did I guess?" Sunset was right, Rainbow Dash felt guilty.

To be continued……

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust and Hasbro