The five wishes of Rainbow Dash

by Kawat3ngusan

First published

After she buys a strange amulet, Rainbow Dash discovers she now has five wishes. But what happens when she makes the wrong wish?

This fanfiction is set in the world of Equestria girls and after Equestria Girls: Friendship games.
Rainbow Dash buys a strange magic amulet, and soon discovers she now has five wishes.
But there are always side effects, and when she makes the wrong wish, Rainbow will discover that means for her.
A Thunderlane x Rainbow Dash fanfic or ThunderDash fanfic

The star

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The 5 wishes of Rainbow Dash

The star

At Canterlot's high school, a highly acclaimed event was about to arrive, but above all very hated: the spring exams were coming. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight were chatting in front of the school.

"Three more weeks and then we start, Twilight"

"I can not wait, they say these tests will be really difficult"

"And you know what that means?"

"Total revision?"

"Yes, and all together". While they were talking they also saw their other friends who were heading to the entrance.

"Hey girls, how’s the mood?", Applejack answered

"And ya ask, don’t ya know that there are the exams next month?", Rarity was worried,

"It's a disgrace for me, I will not have time to study spring fashion", Rainbow Dash walked next to them,

"Is that a problem for you? My parents told me that if I do not get better grades they will not allow me to attend clubs after school", Fluttershy was not afraid

"I do not see what the problem is, my votes are good", Pinkie appeared in front of them

"It is also mine", Sunset was thinking, then she spoke

"Something tells me that it's just me and Twilight to be excited for these tests", Dash breathed

"They should not allow such a torture at all, after all we have just rested from the winter holidays", but Twilight had an idea

"Well, girls, so what do you think if we all get together in the next few weeks to study?", Rainbow Dash made a strange face to the Twilight proposal.

"Wait, do you mean to study together, in the same room? With the books, the notebooks and all the rest?"

"Yes, and there will also be a blackboard, we will be at my house"

"So we'll spend the afternoon studying?", Sunset said another thing

“Actually the two of us were thinking about sleepovers, it could be fun to be together in the evening studying, right?" Pinkie Pie was excited and hugged Sunset and Twilight

"Yes, it will be great, think of all the beautiful games we will play, mathematical game tables, desserts with names of different languages, pinatas to split", Dash liked that

"The idea of the pinata is the only one I like"

"Inside that there will be sheets of the capitals of the world"

"Damn it", but Sunset corrects Pinkie

"Pinkie? That was not what we meant, with the concept of pajama party with study"

"Oh, does that mean we will not play, we will not eat sweets, and we will not have fun?" Pinkie made sweet little puppy eyes at Sunset,

"Nooo, actually we were thinking about…...", Twilight liked that ideas

"No, but it can be a nice idea for what Pinkie proposed, certainly some changes will be good but I'm sure that studying will be more fun"

"Are you sure?"

"I think so", Pinkie Pie threw confetti in the air,

"Yes, Pajama party with studyyyyyyyy", Rainbow made an angry face,

"I hate studying, I can not wait to graduate and be able to work into the world of sport and music", Appleajck questioned her,

"How do ya feel about working into the music business without a proper education?"

"With a talent like mine there is no need for things like education".

The seven girls heard the bell and entered the classroom. The day for the dear Dash passed slowly, being the one less good for study. Unfortunately for her this time she would have liked to go over with her friends because her title as president of all the sports clubs was in danger. At the end of the lessons the girls meet outside.

Twilight asked them for attention,

“So girls, when will we be able to start?", Dash was not happy for that question,

"Certainly not today, I have to talk with my baseball team and also with the soccer team", Rarity teased her

"What is it? Do you want to enjoy your last moments with your classmates?"

"Very funny, I just have to talk to them and that's it"

"I would love to know what will you say to them"

"We'll talk later".

Rainbow Dash walked back to the courtyard, she had to spend a moment near the school warehouse to get the soccer ball, when she turned the corner she saw a boy who was leaning against the wall. The boy was dark gray skin and had a light blue and white mohawk hair, wearing jeans, a yellow shirt and a red jacket over it. It was Thunderlane, a childhood friend of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh Thunderlane, what are you doing here?"

"Here ... I ......"

Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash were friends since childhood and Rainbow Dash considered him as the only boy in the school as a very best friend, and they used to meet sometimes to challenge with video games, also he was also one of his best strikers in baseball. But even they knew each other for a long time, Rainbow Dash ignored something about Thunderlane, he had a crush on her since they were little, but had never managed to declare it, he often waited near the courtyard to confess her the secret, but since he met her again in Canterlot's high school he had not yet succeeded. And now, as usual, he was there in front of the most beautiful girl in Canterlot silently.

Rainbow Dash waved to him in front of his face

"Hey Thunderlane, are you there?

"Eh? What?"

"You shut up for a minute, you just said I and then stopped", Thunderlane felt embarrassed and tried to talk to her, he put a hand behind his head and blushed embarrassed.

"Oh sorry ... is that ....

"Did you want to train together?"

"Uh ... yeah"

"There's no need to embarrass you, we always do it, come with me"


Rainbow Dash took the soccer ball and began to dribble.

"So what do you want to do?"

"I ... I do not know, do you want to try to make shots to goal?",

Rainbow Dash took the ball and immediately fired a shot that ended in the goal, with a grin she turned to Thunderlane.

"Ok, but do not hope that I will go easly because we are friends"

"F ..... for me is fine".

Thunderlane got in the goal, and here that Rainbow Dash started running across the field, running in different directions to confuse Thunderlane, but he was determined to ward off the blows, when Dash was close she kicked to the right and he threw in that direction, but Dash made a feint so she shot to the left and scored. Needless to say the girl's reaction, she slipped on the field and shouted her victory.


Thunderlane was on the ground, and he felt a little demoralized, but he got up and then spoke to her.

"Hey Dash?", Rainbow Dash gets up and goes towards him,


"How about doing another couple of shots?"

"Thunderlane? Honestly you really need more training, maybe you're not good as a goalkeeper, but after all I prefer to keep you warm for baseball"

"Give me another chance"

"All right, all right, how many shots do you want to do?"


Dash knew well that Thundelane had never been good with the parades, and it seemed strange that he even wanted to score five goals,

"Five, are you crazy? Do you want to ward off five goals?”

"Yes, I want to ward off five of your goals"

"Thunderlane? I honestly do not want to disappoint you but you can’t do it, and now I'm sorry but I have to go and talk to the rest of the team",

Rainbow Dash was leaving the field, but Thunderlane had not finished with her yet, so he swallowed and called her back.

"Dash? Come back, I'm going to train",

Rainbow Dash stopped and turned of him, and began to walk towards him,

"Are you going to train, and why, do you want to think about training your baseball arm?"

"No, I want to ward off five goals, I want to make a bet", having been friends as children, Thunderlane knew very well Rainbow Dash and knew that she never backed a bet when her athlete’s pride.

"Ah yes, let's hear what you bet?"

"If I can ward five goals, you come to dinner with me", Rainbow Dash blushed at that phrase,

"Are you going crazy? Do you want me to go out for dinner with you?",

Rainbow Dash was close to him a few inches, Thunderlane could not believe it, he finally made a proposal, but then returned to be hesitant.

"Er..…that is ..... if I win you .... you will come to dinner ..... to dinner with me"

"I do not understand Is It a date?", Rainbow Dash looked closer to Thunderlane and he started both to sweat and to blush,

"N-n-no, it's not an date, it's just that ...... I thought you would like it if we were ... come out together to talk a little bit between us"

"So it's date"

"No, it's not"

"Thunderlane, that does not interest me, I have to go and talk to the team, also in the next days I'll have to study, if I do not get good grades my parents will not allow me to participating in club activities"

"Perfect, then we could study together, would you like to come to my house? Just tell me the subjects you do not find easy to repeat"

"You tried, but I will study with my friends, and then sincerely what would they think if they saw me with you at your house?"

"But what is the problem? We will only go to study, as we did in the past"

"Thunderlane? Be more mature, we were in elementary school, middle school, now we're in high school, do you want to understand that we've grown up?"

"And our going outs together to the games room?"

"I can do those with my friends, you do not have any friends?"

"Yes, I have them, my classmates but ...."

"Then study with them"

"Listen, I'm studying, and after all, I'm in the class of guys who have chosen to do two consecutive years"

"Do you think I’m a donkey?"

"No, it's just that .....", Rainbow Dash turned and left,

"... It's just that I have to leave now, we're going to see again, maybe," Dash left without looking back, Thunderlane stood in silence, then put his hands in his hair and screamed .

"Aaaaaah, stupid, stupid, stupid, and I was almost inviting her to go out together, why I'm so clumsy?".

Thunderlane left the schoolyard, took his motorbike and left. At that moment he felt depressed, since he and Rainbow Dash had met again in high school their friendship was beginning to dissipate, at the beginning they met again to train with the team, but he would have preferred to train only with her, the only possible moment to be only two of them was after school, in the hope that he would meet her in the courtyard before the others. Thunderlane had no intention of returning to his home; so he stopped in a fast food and bought a hamburger and a drink, but when he sat down at a table he did not start eating right away, instead he started to look out and then after sighing he took a picture from his wallet, it was a photo of Rainbow Dash playing football, he leaned on one elbow on the table and stared at the picture. After a minute Thunderlane felt that there was someone staring at him, it was Sunset Shimmer, Thunderlane got scared, but Sunset quickly calmed him.

"Hey, easy, I did not mean to scare you"

"Sunset, what are you doing here?"

"Well, Pinkie has insisted so much to let us taste the new hambuger with mozzarella, and so we all came here"

"All here, is there even Rainbow Dash?"

"Yes, there is also her, or rather in a while she will come, and it is not made of paper like yours",

Thunderlane took the photo away from the table and immediately hid it in a pocket of his jacket, and with an embarrassed face told a lie to Sunset.

"It's not like you think, it's ..... it's a surprise for her, I'm taking pictures of her for a poster dedicated to her"

"Seriously? And do es sheu knows that you photograph her?"

"Er ..... no, otherwise what a surprise it would be?"

"You know you can’t take photos of people? What would Rainbow Dash think of you if she knows?"

"Please leave me alone, how much do you want for your silence?"

"Are you in love with her?",

Thunderlane felt as if his heart had stopped to start again soon after, he tried to invent an excuse to send away Sunset, but she crossed her arms and looked at him with eyes as if trying to read his mind, he confined himself to sweat and sit on the chair, then put his hands in his hair and answered with a whimpering voice to Sunset.

"Leave me alone, I'll give you any money but do not say anything to Rainbow Dash," Sunset snapped his fingers as if to be right.

"I knew it, you're in love with Rainbow Dash," Thunderlane took his hands off his head and stared at Sunset closely,

"Yes, all right? I'm in love with her since we knew each other when we were little, are you happy?"

"Hey calm down, what's this outburst?"

What do you care about? "

"Dash is my friend, and it seems to me that you and I have never had the opportunity to speak"

"Yeah, I never had the opportunity to talk to you after the accident, or rather since you wanted to submit us to your slaves",

Sunset blushed with shame, in fact she had never been to that with Thunderlane.

"It's true, in fact I do not know you well yet, I just know that you were one of Flash's best friends"

"I'm still one of his best friends, but I'm often busy with my job"

"Really? And what's your job?"

"Leave me alone, I'll take the stuff and eat it at home,",

Thunderlane takes the ordered food, pushes Sunset away and leaves the fast food.

"Hey, what manners", Sunset notes that at that moment Rainbow Dash was coming, and he was entering the fast food with her eyes on his cell phone, and exactly at that moment Thunderlane comes out, so the two collide.

"What the hell .... Thunderlane?

"Oh .... Dash?"

"Why do not you look where you're going?"

"Sorry, sorry I'm sorry, I did not do it on purpose, I was thinking without looking"

"Well, pay more attention"

"Yes, of course, I'm sorry",

Once again, Thunderlane had made a bad impression with Dash, then he left. Rainbow Dash went to the table of her friends, in the meantime also Sunset had sat down.

"Hey girls, then what do we want to do"? ", Pinkie Pie was playing with straws, and then put a menu sheet in the face of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh Dashie, you should taste the new hamburger with mozzarella is a Korean specialty, it is very good"

"I agree Pinkie, then I'll take the burger, but get this sheet off my face." All seven girls ate, Twilight took a piece of her burger and gave it to Spike, who was in the backpack .

"I must admit this hamburger is really delicious", Rarity smiled,

"But is not a cure for health", Twilight answered,

"So girls, we want to talk directly now about how to set ourselves up for the big review?", Sunset smiled too,

"I would say to start with the subjects that each of you has difficulty", Applejack stand up

"I would say mathematics and French", then Rarity,

"I have no problems with French, Je parle francais tous les jours", then Fluttershy,

"I'm in a hurry .... um, let's say a little good with math, but I'm not good in history", Pinkie answered,

"I get along very well with math, and also with geometry, and my grades in Spanish, French and German are excellent", Sunset did not belevied in Pinkie,

"Yes, of course Pinkie, right"

"Do not you believe me? Here, look at my last semester grades",

Pinkie Pie took a piece of paper on which her grades were written and gave it to Sunset, and there were written the votes she had said.

"Damn Pinkie, how can you be so good in languages?", Pinkie sipped a drink and then responded.

"Oh it's easy, I have a friend in Italy who loves languages very much and once a year she comes here to Canterlot and we spend time together"

"Ya never told us you had an Italian friend"

"Her name is Gianduia, she lives in Florence, she works in a bakery, and during the year she often travels several times, this winter she went to Korea and bought me several souvenirs, and the next time she’ll come to visit me she will give them ", Twilight speaks about the other subjects,

"Speaking of other things, Rainbow Dash what are the subjects that you do not like? "

"Let's see .... history, geography, French, Spanish, German, mathematics, geometry ....", Applejack teased her,

"Don’t ya first tell all?"

"What a nice punchline",

After a while all seven girls got out of the fast food, to head to the library, Rainbow Dash declined as he had the training with the team, Sunset Shimmer told the others that she would go with her, and that they would start to study all together from the day after. Rainbow Dash took to the courtyard to train with his team, she noticed that Thunderlane was not there, but decided to start trying some throwing and a few strikes, Sunset got comfortable on the bench to watch her and her team. After a while, Dash went to the bench to drink and wipe away the sweat. Sunset approached her to talk to her.

"Listen Dash? Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Tell me"

"But you must be honest"

"All right, I'll be honest"
"You ... do you have a crush on some guy?"

"Of course not, I'm not the kind of girl who wastes time with some silly romance "

"Are you sure, is not there some guy interesting?"

"No, there's nobody"

"And tell me, what's your relationship with Thunderlane?"

"What does Thunderlane have to do with it now?"

"Well, he's a nice guy, and then ... well, I do not know anything else,"

"What a strange taste you have in boys"

"No you do not misunderstand me, is that I often see you two talking together"

"The two of us? Ah, but the two of us are just friends"

"Friends? How much friends?"

"What would you say?", Rainbow Dash was a little surprised by Sunset's question, and she went back to her drink, Sunset thought she wanted to know more about Dash and Thunderlane.

"That ..... I did not know you had a boyfriend,", at that answer, Rainbow Dash spat out the water she had drunk, then looked into Sunset's face.

"But how do you think that he is my fiancé? What made you think it?", Sunset thought only later that perhaps her question had been rushed and inopportune.

"Well ... he's your friend, is not he?"

"Exactly, it's just a childhood friend, it's not my boyfriend"

"But it seems that he is often close to you"

"Do I have to repeat it? We are childhood friends"

"And how did you two meet?"

"Why are you asking me these questions?"

"I will explain it to you only if you tell me how you met Thunderlane"

"Tell the truth, are you in love with him?"

"No, of course not, but I was thinking that maybe you like him," Rainbow Dash sat down on the bench and wiped the sweat with a towel.

"I'm pleased with Thunderlane, but what are you going to think about?"

"Why? Do not you think he can be in love with you?"

"I do not think so, not after what happened in December"

"Why, did something happen between you two?"

Rainbow Dash stared at Sunset, who was frightened.

"First of all, there is nothing between the two of us, in fact it is already so much if I speak to him"

"But it seems to me that you get along, I did not even know you had a boyfriend ... that is, a boyfriend as a friend", Rainbow Dash spoke in a calmer tone

"Well, it all started when I was four years old and he instead was five, at the time he was a shy and scary child ..."

"It seems to me that even now"

"Yeah, he's not really changed, however it all started in the courtyard of our old school, there were bullies that tormented him, you should have seen him, those three bullies made fun of him because he always used to cry"

"Oh poor thing"

"In fact I felt sorry, it was there when he cried, and those bullies pushed him into a sandpit, and began to throw sand in his clothes and in his face"

"Oh poor man"

"Already at the time I was good at getting by with my strength, and so ......"

"Let me guess, you hit the bullies and save Thunderlane?"

"Exactly, it was easy, I beat them all three in a moment, and then I helped Thunderlane get up, that day I made a friend"

"What a beautiful story, I would say almost romantic"

"And stop it"

"And then what happened that day?", Rainbow Dash stretched out on the bench, using his gym bag as a pillow,

"Thunderlane and I became great friends, in fact it is very difficult for a boy and a girl to be friends"

"So you grew up together?"

"You can say that, me and Thunderlane have always been playmates, we went to the same schools to high school"

"So is he your best friend?"

"Actually no more, I would rather like him to leave me alone"

"But why? And yet I saw you working out together," Rainbow Dash stood up and grabbed a baseball bat to train her arms, and while she was swinging in the air she kept talking to Sunset.

"So you spied on us?"

"I did not want to do it, I just wanted to talk to you, but then I saw you with him and I thought you'd rather stay alone"

"A little bit alone? I would rather stay in a narrow room with the company of a jaguar rather than with Thunderlane"

"Wow Dash, it did not seem you hate him so much"

"The fact is that since we arrived in high school we lost sight of ourselves, unless it was about training, but now I think our friendship is over"

"Why?", Rainbow Dash stopped swinging and yelled at Sunset

"Why? Why do you want to know why? Because Thunderlane is immature, he's childish, awkward, sloppy and overly compliant"

"Oh, gee"

"Do you think I could be with such a guy? He also embarrassed me more than once in my life"

"What would you say?", Rainbow Dash blushed and stared at the ground,

"Last summer we went to the beach, I was changing in the cabin, when he enters without knocking, I had never felt so ashamed"

"Oh my"

"I just gave him a slap and did not talk to him all day, but since he was the one who brought me there me and paid everything, I forgave him"

"And then, what else did he do wrong?"

"When there were judo contests, I had to face the champion in charge, my parents were not there, but my friends did"

"And Thunderlane? He was not there?", Rainbow Dash sat down and started talking again with an angry tone.

"Maybe there was not, that madman had brought a megaphone and kept screaming Come on Dash, You can do it, Dash, I believe in you Dash"

"I do not think he wanted to do a bad thing, he just wanted to cheer for you"

"The trouble is that security started to chase him, and he ran from one side of the gym to the other continuing to shout sentences of incitement on me, until the security took him out and beat him"

"What a story, why did you never tell it to me?"

"Because it was embarrassing, I lost my concentration and risked being expelled for his behavior"

"So you lost?"

"No, I won, because after all the words of Thunderlane heped me"

"And you got angry with Thunderlane anyway?"

"No, when he came out I found him full of bruises and he also had a scar"

"You seriously did not tell him anything?"

"No, he was there in front of me asking me to apologize for his behavior, that he was late and to get noticed he took a megaphone that was near the jury table, and that he wanted to invite me to play bowling to get to forgive, so I forgave him and accepted his invitation"

"It does not seem bad to me"

"Wait, do you really want to know what he did last December?"

"Oh, it's true, what happened?"

"The fact is that I wanted to introduce Thunderlane to dad, he has always been very possessive towards me, but he did not say anything since he was just a friend"

"So your father did not complain that you brought a boyfriend for the holidays?"

"I did not introduce him as a boyfriend, I took him to my parents to let him spend Christmas with us, nothing more, the fact is that Dad was arranging luminous decorations to a tree he had in the gardwn of his old house"

"And what happened?"

"See, Thunderlane is able with electronics, but he had a stupid idea"

"And which one?"

"Creating an audio system coordinated with the decorations, in this way the decorations would shine in time to music"

"Ah, what a nice idea"

"Bad instead, because that idiot Thunderlane made a mess and fired the tree"

"Oh heavens, have you hurt yourself?"

"No, luckily Thunderlane had a fire extinguisher, and luckily the fire did not do any more damage"

"But I do not think he did it on purpose"

"The fact is that dad was very angry, fortunately it was not my boyfriend otherwise my father would have killed him, fortunately mom was sympathetic to him"

"So ... is this why you're angry with him?"

"Believe me, I would not want to be angry with Thunderlane, but I had to drive him away from home"

"So he spent Christmas alone? Without his family?"

"He has a family, but since I invited him, his family did not take him with them"

"And for such an accident, such a beautiful friendship must end?"

"What do you know about it?"

"Dash, but you want to be mad at Thunderlane forever?"

"Of course not, it's my best friend and ... I honestly do not see why I should like a childish idiot like him"

"Ah yes, and if you like a boy, what kind would you like?"

"What kind do you say? I do not know, I think an athletic type, a tough guy, very tough, determined, who might not always agree with me, as long as it is not a whiner, in other words, the opposite of Thunderlane"

"Interesting, and you feel a bit, but do you know Thunderlane what is his job?"

"Oh, he works in the workshop near my house, I often go there because he repairs my motorbike, everyone at school has their vehicles repaired by Thunderlane, including his friend Flash Sentry, even though I do not never pay, he always says it was just nonsense. "

Sunset left Rainbow Dash at his training, and returned home. Before getting home, Sunset saw the workshop described by Rainbow Dash, and decided to check. It was a fairly large workshop with different tools and various machines. And right next to one of these machines was Thunderlane who controlled the hood of a car, Sunset called him and he turned to her.

"Sunset, what are you doing here?"

"So this is your job? Are you a mechanic?"

"Yes, maybe it's not a clean job, but I can earn well, keep my studies and get to the end of the month"

"Could I talk to you for a moment?"

"We have not already talked to fast food?"

"I know, but I would still like our speech to be cleared"

"Nothing to do, get away from working," Sunset turned but stopped and used a sarcastic tone of voice

"Too bad, because Rainbow Dash just confessed what she thinks of you", Thunderlane stopped, and looked in the direction of Sunset.

"What did he tell you?", Sunset turned with a small smile,

"Now you want to talk?"

"What did she tell you about me?". Sunset sat on a chair and told Thunderlane everything Rainbow Dash had told her, Thunderlane listened as he finished working on the car.

"Do you know what she thinks of you?


"That you are immature, childish, clumsy, and compliant", after those words Thunderlane stopped working and went into the back of the workshop, Sunset followed him, and found him sitting near a desk, he was staring at photos of him and Rainbow Dash. Sunset turned back to him.

"Are those old photos?"

"Dating back to last year"

"You seem best friends"

"But what do you want from me?"

"I do not really know, it's like I've seen Rainbow Dash in a new way, and she's my friend, and in a way it's like you're my friend too"

"Are you playing the part of the the guardian angel?"

"I know it sounds stupid but ... I'm just trying to help you, I'm sure you and Dash are still good friends"

"What would you do? Apparently I will never like to her, I tried "

"So why do not you change?"


"Yes, for Dash, do you know that she likes tough guys?"

"Well, I'm not like that, and I hypothesized it"

"She would like an athletic boy, tough, determined, who did not always agree with her, and not a whiner"

"Did she really say that?"

"Yes, would you manage to become like that? For Dash?", Thunderlane stared at the pictures and thought aloud.

"Quick, athletic, no whiners, and not condescending, eh?"

"What will you do?", Thunderlane smiled and wandered Sunset.

"For Dash I can do it".

The following day the girls began to discuss where to go to study in the afternoon.

Twilight spoke for first

"How about my house?", but Rarity said

"Why do not we go straight to Pinkie's house?", Pinkie agreed

" We will have fun", Applejack said

"This is the problem",Flutteshy answered

"Er .... and if we try at my house?"at the end Sunset had the right answer

"So let's go to Twilight's home, it seems to me the quickest and least distracting choice", Rainbow was not happy,

"I honestly do not see how deciding the right place could help us"

“Who is that guy?", Rarity pointed to a guy on a motorcycle, it was Thunderlane, but he did not have his usual look, he was wearing a leather jacket, ripped jeans, a T-shirt with Pure Rock writen on it, he was wearing sunglasses and a baseball bat in the right hand. The seven girls stared at him as he walked toward them, then when he stopped near Rainbow Dash he stared at her and spoke to her in a firm tone.

"Hey, Dash?"

"Thunderlane? Are you really..…you?"

Yes, it's me, I wondered if after an avalanche of those boring lessons you'll be doing two shots with the ball, or maybe playing baseball"

"Well, I really should be studying with my friends"

"Look, I do not want a no as an answer, it means that you'll study later, no? To be sincerely today I feel fit and ready to beat you, or do not you feel because you're afraid? "

"What? I'm afraid of you? Not at all, after the lessons I'll give you a good lesson"

"We'll see, we'll see, for the moment, prepare to cry for defeat"

"You will cry"

"Then after lessons, Little Dashie," Thunderlane gave a small kiss to Dash's cheek, and as he entered the school, Dash touched his cheek, the other girls stared at her.

"Dash? Was that Thunderlane?"

"Yes, but ... I do not know what happened to him, it seemed so ....."


"Different and interesting, I really want to see what he will do after school, as far as I'm concerned, maybe it's just one of his attempts to get attention," Rainbow Dash came in, while the girls talked to each other.

"Who was that?",asked Twilight,and Rarity answered

"Ah, it's true you and Sunset do not know him, that's ... actually it was Thunderlane", Applejack continued

Applejack: "He's an old childhood friend of Rainbow Dash, they've known each other since they were young",Sunset was surprised

"Wait a moment? Did you all know him?",Pinkie happly said

"And to be honest between us, that's not the real Thunderlane"

"Yeah ... it looked…..looked .... ..."

"Sure of himself, a tough guy?"

"He looked like a thug rather than anything"

"Yeah, Thunderlane does not behave like that"

"Is not that by chance you know his secret?", Applejack answered

"What? That he has a crush on Rainbow Dash?"

"Did you know?",Pinkie Pie laughed

"You silly, we knew it well, until the two of them didn’t fight last winter", Fluttershy replied

"They didn’t fight Pinkie, it's just that Thunderlane burned Dash's father's tree"

"Did you know that too? Was it just me who did not know anything?", Rarty explained to Sunset

"See Sunset, the fact is that none of us wanted to interfere with each other, and then Thunderlane had to do it alone"

"Yeah, do ya know what an advantage it would have if we helped it?"

"But I helped him", Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack were surprised.

"What have you done?"

"Sunset, have you helped Thunderlane?"

"Wait, is it because of your help that Thunderlane came all dressed up like that?"

"I felt sorry, and I wanted to help them, I do not know why I did it, but I wanted to help them"

"But this is not good"

"Fluttershy is right, you had to let Thunderlane do it by himself"

"I was not thinking of doing such a serious thing"

"But maybe Sunset is right, we should have helped them"

"Pinkie? Look, Rainbow Dash is not the kind of girl who likes romance"

"Who knows, maybe Sunset did well", Pinkie said

"Now I feel guilty, I just wanted to help that poor boy"

"Who knows what you have unleashed". After the lessons Rainbow Dash went with Thunderlane to the baseball field for some training.

"Then Thunderlane? Why this change of look?Is it by chance a way to get attention? "

"Not at all, it's just my way of expressing myself, why, do you have something to say about it?"

"No, it's that ..... for the first time I see you sure of yourself"

"You know what's new, so we want to do some practices? Or do you prefer to talk again?"

"Let's have a couple of launches".
Sunset was worried about Thunderlane, so she began to spy on him and Dash. But there were no news, it seemed a normal training session between two friends, at one point they stopped. Rainbow Dash hugged Thunderlane and headed for the school entrance, Thunderlane followed her, but Sunset wanted to talk to him on the sidelines.

"Thunderlane? Look, you do not think you have ... how to say ..... exaggerated?"

"Not at all, your advice worked, acting like a tough and determined guy and Rainbow Dash finally noticed me"

"Oh, so it was not a bad idea, our other friends said they never helped you because you had to do it by yourself"

"And they were wrong, now I and Dash are more than united, in fact I invited her to dinner at my house"

"But we must study"

"What a pity, if we study today we could not have fun", Dash waved from far to Thunderlane, he ran to her immediately, put on his helmet and turned on the bike. Sunset tried to stop them.

"Wait Dash, today we had to study all together"

"Damn, this is true"

"Leave Dash alone, you'll study another time, you and I have another program for tonight"

"Ah yes? And which one?"

"First, at the cinema to see an action film with shootings, second, to take a drink at the bar and then we go to the Thai restaurant to eat noodles so hot to make you twist your guts, of course we will take noodles take away and we will eat them at my house "

"What a program, do you want me to stay at home with you?"

"Let’s be clear, Dash, you’ll sleep at my house tonight, and I do not want to hear no, of course?"

"Clear, all right"

"Hello Sunset, and do not call us". Thunderlane and Dash left, and without another word.

Sunset could not believe what he had seen and heard, her advice had worked too much, and what is worse is that Rainbow Dash seemed happy with the change of Thunderlane. An hour later Sunset went to Twilight's house and of course had to explain Dash's absence. After the fact, the girls, except Twilight, were amazed and spoke to them in almost unrelenting voices.

"Damn, it can not be the same Thunderlane", explained Rarity

"It can not and should not",answered Applejack

"We hope it will not continue like that, otherwise he will not allow Rainbow Dash to study", replied Pinkie

"And her parents will not let her go to her clubs anymore" said Fluttershy, Twilight thought aloud,

"Not to say something Sunset, but ... did not you use magic?"

"No, I did not use the magic, I only advised him to change for Dash, but I did not expect him to change that .....", Appleajck stood up

"Well, it will be better to call them, Ah call Dash", Applejack went into the corridor to call Rainbow Dash with her cell phone, she came back two minutes later angry.

"Ya can’t believe it, ya can’t believe it"

"What did Dash answer you?"

"She told me that they were going to see a war movie, and that Dash said she was happy with the change of Thunderlane, then Thunderlane arrived and he offended me, saying he thought Ah would interrupt their date, and then he turned off the phone, how rude",Rarity calmed Applejack

"All right, as for today we have to do without Dash, congratulations Sunset"

"I just wanted to help them".

The day after the girls saw that Rainbow Dash had come with Thunderlane, they took advantage of the fact that Dash had to arrange her locker to talk to her privately away from him. Sunset was the first to talk to her.

"Dash? Can I tell you something?"

"What is it?"

"Does not this sudden change of Thunderlane seem strange to you?"

"In fact, yes, but for the first time I'm happy for him, he's finally sure, decided, mature and with that look I have to admit it's interesting too",Rarity explained to her

"But if Thunderlane was pretending, if he did it just for you?"

"What do you mean?",Applejack and Pinkie talked to her,

"Thunderlane is not like that, he is ... is ... how to say?"

"Sweet, sensitive and shy?"

"In other words, a hopeless immature", Fluttershy replied

"This is ... a little exaggerated"

"Listen, girls, yesterday I and Thunderlane did a good game of baseball training, and for the first time he was not distracted, indeed he was concentrated, and usually he does it only as much as I shout at him, but this time he did everything by himself "

"Oh, so what do you think of him?"

"If this goes on, maybe I know who with i’ll go at the prom this year "

"Does that mean you like Thunderlane?", Dash dropped a book and made a frightened and flushed face.

"As if I like it? No, I do not like it, it's just that I want it to be ... my knight, I want all the eyes of the high school to be on me and on him, the best of the team, that's all ",Applejack and Pinkie teased her,

"You would not say that with that face"

"Ooooh, Dash has a crush on Thunderlane, Dash has a crush on Thunderlane"

"I do not have a crush on Thunderlane",Twilight calmed her,

"But what's the problem, Dash?"

"I do not have any ...", Dash stopped and saw a pink envelope in one of her books, she opened it and started reading it.

"What is that Rainbow Dash?"

"I would say it’s the letter of a fan of mine"

"Oh, do you have a fan?"

"It seem so, and listen what he writes, My sweet Dashie you are the light of my eyes, I could never live without you, you're the most beautiful girl in high school, and I admire you very much, I'm in love with you, I’m lost for a lifetime, there is no day that I thank you because you were born, you have beautiful magenta eyes, fragrant hair, and an angelic voice, you have a contagious energy and I would love to know you and talk to you closely because you you are my special angel and I would like you so much that you can one day be my girlfriend ",Rarity exclaimed,

"Ooh, how sweet, who is it that sends to you?"

"I do not know, it has my fan n ° 1 signed"

"Who knows maybe it's just Thunderlane"

"Why do not you ask him?". At that moment Thunderlane arrives and talks to Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Dash? After school, would you like to come to my house? Maybe you and I will be alone"

"Thunderlane? Is this letter yours?"

"What letter?", Rainbow Dash gave the letter to Thunderlane, he read it immediately and after he got angry.

"Who is your number one fan? Eh? Is it by chance someone from our team? Or some other guy you know?"

"Do you mean that you did not write it?"

"Not at all, the Thunderlane doing these things is not available anymore, now I'm like this and you have to accept me for what I am", Rainbow Dash blushed and hugged Thunderlane.

"Oh Thunderlane, what beautiful words", Then Thunderlane took the letter and tore it, throwing the pieces on the ground.

"Here's what I do with the letter, you're my Dash, and no other idiot will have to look at you"

"Oh? Wow Thunderlane, how about studying together in your house?"

"I hate studying, I'd rather go around together and then maybe put my lips on you, Dash"

"Can you wait here for a moment?", Dash closed the locker and went with Thunderlane next to the girls' bathroom. Sunset and Rarity followed them, to see what they did.

"Thunderlane? What do you think of me?"

"What I think, Dash? You're the most beautiful girl in school, and I will not let anyone take you away from me, because you're mine"

"And ... what do you think of the studiying?”

"What should I think? I already have a job, I do not care about a piece of paper when I manage to make some nice money and I hope you can understand"

"Wow, I've never seen you so interesting, I would say that ...."


"If you want to stay in your house, you and I will kiss?"

"Kissing, why? Do you like some romance?"

"Have not you ever received a kiss from a girl?"

"No, and sincerely the only lips I'd like are yours Dash", a second after Rainbow Dash wrapped the arms around Thunderlane's neck, giving him an intense kiss, Thunderlane was amazed, and then wrapped his arms around Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile Sunset and Rarity looking from behind a corner looked impressed. After a while Dash broke away from Thunderlane, and she smiled at him.

"Then I will come after class to your house, but if my father asks me, I will tell him that I have been to my friends to study"

"Very well, I'm going to class, ah, another thing", Thunderlane tickled Dash's back, she threw him away and then he left.

"Hey, go easy, do not spread your hands"

"Check your pockets", Dash checked the pockets of the skirt and when she took out her hand she saw that there were some keys, Thunderlane had not tickled her but had only put the keys in his pocket.

"What are these keys?"

"I's a copy of my house keys, you know the way, see you this afternoon", Thunderlane greeted her with a wink. Rainbow Dash smiled, then put the keys of Thunderlane in her bag, and before going to class she found Sunset and Rarity in front of her.

"Dash, does Thunderlane's behavior seem normal to you?"

"And then you did not say you did not have a crush on Thunderlane?"

"It's true, it's true, but I would say that this Thunderlane likes to drive me crazy, or rather I can say certainly that at the end of the month, he and I will already be engaged". Sunset and Rarity gasped at those words, but Dash simply dismissed them with just a greeting. Another afternoon passed and Rainbow Dash was not part of their study group, but it did not end that day, in fact in the following days, Rainbow Dash spent more time with the new Thunderlane than with them, and the girls were worried about their friend .

"It's already been a week since Rainbow Dash is not with us", said worried Fluttershy,

"If this continues, Dash will never pass the exams",Twilight was worried too, and then it was Rarity’turn

"And her parents will stop her from spending time at the clubs".then Applejack and Pinkie exclaimed

"Ah can not really believe she prefers to be with Thunderlane that with us"

"Things have gotten worse since Thunderlane found those letters", Sunset was thinking about a solution, when Pinkie said those words,

"But how? More letters?",Rarity explained to Sunset,

"Yes, apparently the so-called number one fan of Dash continually puts letters in her locker, so Thunderlane decided he would never leave her alone",Applejack and Twilight spoke,

"Apparently Dash is really going to get engaged with him"

"I'm sorry to say Sunset, but I'm afraid that giving that advice to Thunderlane you have unleashed a mess"

"At least they do not spend all the time on their own, since Thunderlane has changed, they spend a lot of time playing football and baseball",Applejack was mad about that,

"But that does not change, both he and Dash will not pass the exams if they avoid the studies"

"It will be better if Iìll talk to them both immediately". Sunset was determined to talk to Thunderlane about the matter, so she took the motorbike and drove off. Luckily, she did not have to go far, because there was a small flea market in the Thunderlane neighborhood, and Sunset noticed a van that sold lucky charms, and in front of that van there were Dash and Thunderlane.

Sunset went near them and tried to talk to him.

"Thunderlane? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"What is it?"

"Oh hello Sunset, did you come to see this flea market?"

"Actually I should talk with you two"

"About what?"

"Can not you wait a minute?"

"No, it's important"

"Let me talk to you, Dashie, you look at what you like"

"Okay, then", Sunset took Thunderlane away from the van, and tried to make him think.

"I hope it's important, I wanted to take advantage of this market to be alone with Dash"

"Thunderlane? But do you realize what you're doing?"

"What, I gave her a better boyfriend?"

"No, you're keeping away her from studying, and next month we'll have exams, and you too"

"Exams, what are they for?"

"If Dash does not pass these exams, she may have to repeat the year, and her parents will not allow her to attend her clubs"

"You can understand, it's not the end of the world"

"But you do not care if she has an education? And you do not care about finding a job?"

"I already have a job, I'm a mechanic, and if Dash does not find work I told her that I can host her in my house, even if her parents do not agree"

"What are you talking about, what kind of speech is it?"

"Look Sunset, you told me to change and I did, and now that Dash is finally interested in me you want all this to end?"

"No, I did not say that ....", Sunset noticed something on Thunderlane's neck, stared at him and saw that it was a lightning-shaped pendant, took it in her hand and Thunderlane began to complain.

"Hey, stop, what are you doing?

"What's this? I never saw you wear it," Thunderlane pulled away from Sunset and shook the pendant with his hand.

"As if you knew me well, you never even spoke to me, when you did it you were involved in my love affairs", Thunderlane was returning from Rainbow Dash, but Sunset stopped him by pulling his sleeve.

"Thunderlane? Where did you get that pendant?"

"I got it from that old lady, she has a lot of amulets and lucky charms in that van"

"How come I feel some magic in that pendant?", Sunset left Thunderlane's sleeve, and he revealed a secret to her.

"You want to know the truth? The old lady had sold me this amulet long ago, she told me that if I had worn it I would have had more confidence in me, and since I wore it I have not taken it off"

"Does this mean that is that pendant that makes you behave like that?"


"And Dash knows it?"

"No, she does not know, and then I do not think she would believe me"

"I knew it, it could not be true that you had changed, in fact you only wore that pendant, I bet you did when I gave you that advice"

"Yes, it's true, and you know what? Since I did it, Dash likes me, I'm not making a mistake with baseball, I'm not making mistakes in football, when I'm at my place, we read and kiss, you have no idea how long I had dreamed of telling her my feelings "

"But not the way you wanted"

"What do you mean?"

"That she is in love with the fake you, and not the real Thunderlane"

"Do you think I've ever tried? She would have ever loved the real me?" No, that's why I will never take off my pendant, and now I'm sorry I'll go to her. " Sunset had not finished speaking yet, so she yelled at Thunderlane from a distance.

"Is that so eh? Would you like to lie to her, staying with you by a lie?", Thunderlane stopped, But Sunset continued,

"Of course, she loves the tough, irresponsible Thunderlane, the rock and roll lover, doing nothing but lying to you and yourself, do not you care about losing your identity? After all, you did not say you were best friends? ", Thunderlane turns back to Sunset, and this time he is screaming.

"What should I do? Crying all my life?" She never forgave me the Christmas tree incident", Sunset approaches again to Thunderlane.

"You know, you should have come along with her a long time ago, maybe she would have forgiven you, you were declared before"

"No, and then his father hates me"

"Why? Now he accepts you?"

"No, he does not accept me, in fact, when he saw me he did not want to see me again, but Dash does not care"

"So you want to lie to her for your life?"

"Exactly." As they argued, Rainbow Dash called Thunderlane to come back to the van, Thunderlane rushed to her.

"What's up, Dash?"

"There's a pendant that I like to have, will you buy me it?"

"Which one?"

"The one there", Dash pointed to a star-shaped pendant in a window, it was yellow and on the five points there were some stones that looked like diamonds.

"Oh, it's so cool", Rainbow Dash took Thunderlane for a hand and she looked at him with sweet eyes

"Thundie? Come on! Do you buy it?",

"Sure, I'll buy it right away," the old lady who owned the van heard their sentences, an old lady with glasses and blond white hair, Thunderlane turned to her.

"Excuse me, madam, how much is that star-shaped pendant?"

"It's fifteen dollars"

"Wow, fifteen dollars?"

"Oh, it costs so much because it's handmade, and then because it's special"

"In what special sense?"

"See, dear girl, the fact is that this pendant has been worked on a shooting star, and is said to exhaust the wishes of those who own it"


"Yes, as long as you say I wish ..... or I would like ... and the star will grant your wish"

"Oh how nice, can I ask for anything I want?"

"Yes, but you can ask only five wishes, as five are the tips of the stars"

"Oh what a pity"

"That’s nothing, come on Dash, I'll buy it "

"Oh thank you, Thundie, how I love you".

Thunderlane paid the pendant, the old lady took it from the window and gave it to Rainbow Dash, who immediately put it around her neck, and then looked at herself in the mirror.

"I have to admit it, I'm not into these things, but I like it a lot", Sunset approached the couple and looked at the merchandise, she could perceive a little magic in some of those pendants, but felt a more powerful magic, and it came from the Rainbow Dash star pendant. Sunset asked the old lady for more information about the pendant.

"Tell me madam, does that pendant have any side effects?"

"Excellent deduction my dear, in fact I was going to illustrate it to the girl"

"Dash, come and listen"

"What's up?"

"Dear girl, you must know that the desires have positive but also negative aspects"

"What do you mean?"

"That you must always pay attention to what you want, because it could turn into something bad for you and for those around you"

"Got it? You have to pay attention to what you ask"

"So, could I have negative wishes?"

"It depends on what you ask, you just have to reflect on what you really want, and not on something superfluous, just so you can be happy"

"As you can see these pendants can be dangerous if used in the wrong way, is not it Thunderlane?", Sunset looked at Thunderlane, but he turned the other way

"Remember, if you are not satisfied, keep a stone, and thus you can cancel your wishes"

"All right, I'll remember it". Thunderlane paid the pendant and Rainbow Dash hugged him, while Sunset wanted to continue talking to the lady.

"May I ask you a question, madam?"

"Tell me"

"How come these pendants are magical? And why do I perceive a magic that reminds me of ......"

".... Your dearest Equestria?", Sunset made a face astonished, then put her hands on the counter and spoke in a low voice with the lady.

"But how? How did you understand it? Do you can read my mind?"

"I do not need it, I immediately perceived the Equestrian magic in you, dear girl"

"My name is Sunset Shimmer, and I am .... actually I was Princess Celestia's favorite pupil"

"And you can call me Marta"

"Are you ... by chance a unicorn? And how did you go through the portal?"

"Do you think that the statue of the high school is the only passage?"

"Is there another portal?"

"Of course not, I created it together with my sisters"

"Sisters, are you a unicorn?"

"No my dear Sunset, I am an Anguana, and I am in this world to sell my amulets, believe me, it is much easier to sell them here than at Equestria"

"Anguana? I do not remember any Anguanas at Equestria"

"Of course, because we are creatures of Europone, and sometimes the oldest of us come looking for our Anguana friends of your world"

"There other Anguanas here at Canterlot?"

"No, there are in Europe, I am here because I followed the magic of the amulets"

"Did you follow the magic of the amulets?"

"It is not the people who choose the amulets but the opposite"

"But do not you think it's dangerous to sell magic amulets in a world without magic?"

"Actually it's that pendant that has chosen your friend, I could not do anything but go along with it"

"Like you did with that guy's pendant?"

"He needed a push, but you will see that it will not last, that pendant is not destined to last, in the coming days it will exhaust its magic"

"Even that one of my friend?"

"Only when it ends its desires"

"But ... then does that mean it works?"

"Now excuse me, but I have to close the shop". Sunset would have talked again with Mrs. Marta, but she had already lowered the gate, and it was useless to knock, partly because the owner started the van and left. Sunset went to Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane, the two were talking about the soccer match of the afternoon.

"So, what about this scheme, Dash?"

"You know, I like it I did not know you understand it"

"Um, guys? Can I talk to you?"

"Yes, tell us Sunset"

"I would like to talk to you about your behavior". And so Sunset finally said what she wanted to say before, about the fact that they were not studying and the trouble they would have both. Dash and Thunderlane stopped to look at each other, then looked at Sunset, she thought she had their attention, but she was wrong.

"I'm sorry Sunset, but we have to do, Dash and our team today plays to prepare for the spring rounds"


"Sorry Sunset, but now that Thunderlane plays like a pro I decided to anticipate the matches, and I'm sure that soon he and I could compete as a new high school couple"

"So, do you want to be my girlfriend, Dash?"

"If I want to? Ask me when we will win the next cup and we will go to the prom together"

"Great, can I already buy you a ring?"

"Take it easy, first we win, and then decide if our story can be public". Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane left on their motorcycles, Sunset had failed to make them reason. When the following day she returned from the others unfortunately she did not have good news, so all six decided to talk with the couple. But they found them busy with a baseball game, so Sunset, Applejack and Pinkie went to the Dash team's bench to try and talk to the captain. Rainbow Dash had put Thunderlane as a launcher, and she made gestures from afar.

"Come on Thunderlane, throw that ball as hard as you can, I believe in you", Thunderlane nodded from afar, and when he threw the ball it was a big surprise for the team, the challengers and the small public that was looking, since he threw the ball so hard that nobody saw it coming, so he made an home-run giving a point to the team. Rainbow Dash made a happy cry for the friend's launch. Applejack and Pinkie were as surprised as everyone in attendance.

"Since when Thunderlane launches so well?It's usually good but this was an epic launch"

"Maybe he’s magic like us too?"

"You got it, Pinkie"

"What do ya mean, Sunset?"

"Thunderlane has a kind of magic pendant around his neck, it seems that gives confidence to whoever wears it, he bought it from an old lady"

"A pendant for trust?"

"Whoever wears that pendant becomes more confident, very more confident",Pinkie was surprised,

"Ooooh, then this explains the change of Thunderlane"

"The other thing is that Rainbow Dash does not know, when I found out I tried to make him reason, but he says he wants to keep it again because Rainbow Dash prefers him as it is now"

"Well, but this is not fair"

"In fact, I'm going to ask Dash if I can talk to him for a moment". Sunset asked Rainbow Dash to speak to Thunderlane, at the first moment she said no, but she decided to do it to anyway, and so they exchanged places.

Thunderlane arrived,

"Did you see me Dash am I or not your best hitter?"

"Exceptional, never like these days I see you are concentrated and so strong"

"So do you really want to send me to the bench?"

"Just for a while, Sunset has to ask you something"

"Oh no, you again? But why don’t leave us alone?"

"Mind how you talk, she’s still my friend, you rest, I go into the field," Dash dismissed Thunderlane with a kiss on the cheek, Thunderlane touched his cheek and blushed, Dash hid her blush covering her cap. Then Thunderlane went to a place to talk to Sunset, along with her Applejack and Pinkie wanted to talk to him.

"So what's up? Do you want to stop worrying about my business?"

"Thunderlane? Why did not you tell me that the pendant would lose its power?"

"What ... I ... I did not know anything"

"Liar, you knew that, Madame Marta told me it yesterday, and yet you were going to make it last longer"

"I know, I know, but the fact is ... since the Christmas incident I started to suck at baseball, I needed it"

"To cheat? Already it is bad that you lie to Rainbow Dash, now you use the pendant to play better?", Applejack was mad,

"This is lying to an exaggerated level", Pinkie nodded

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, you're lying to Dashie"

"Did you tell them too?"

"Thunderlane? Give me your pendant right away", Thunderlane clenched his pendant with his fist.

"Never, it's mine, and you can not take it from me", Applejack pointed Thunderlane

"But do ya realize that ya behave like that just because it's thanks to that pendant?"

"I know, but have you seen that Dash gave me a kiss? Since I wear this pendant I have improved my performances, Dash and I are united again, when we are alone in my house I do not stutter, nor do I behave stupidly, awkward, she finally loves me, you can not understand "

"Thunderlane we know, but what will happen if the power of the pendant is exhausted at the wrong time? What if you return to behave as before? Did not you think about it?"

"You have to take off that pendant"

"I will not do it, and now excuse me, but I have to return to the field," Thunderlane did not take long steps that Sunset screamed at him.

"All right, then you know what I'm saying? I did not want to do that, but because of your selfishness Rainbow Dash will not to pass the exams, you know what I do? I'll tell the truth by myself." Thunderlane stopped and turned to Sunset.

"You can not do it, I need it, if I had to lose Dash, I think I would go crazy"

"And do not ya think that if she knows that you used a magic amulet to change, ya can not get angry? Would you prefer to hide the truth from her?"

"And being a failure again? She didn’t like me before, I would never have wanted to be my girlfriend, and you knew I had a crush on her", Applejack felt sorry,

"Thunderlane we're sorry, we're sorry we did not help ya, but we wanted ya to do it alone, if I realized ya were so desperate we would have helped ya, I swear"

"But if you do not tell the truth to Dash today, then we will do it". Thunderlane took off the pendant and stared at it, he had a resentment and felt depressed as he usually was, and a tear escaped to him, then he turned back to the three girls.

"Can you give me until tomorrow? I beg you and I swear I'll tell her," Sunset sighed and then answered,

"And so be it, until tomorrow"

"I swear to you, not one more day, tomorrow we'll have another match, just give me time to prepare the right context to tell her." Thunderlane put the pendant back on his neck and returned to the field. Sunset sat on the bench with Pinkie and Applejack. The latest gild questioned,

" Sunset? Does that pendant have the magic of Equestria?"

"Yes, the old lady who had that van told me it came from Europone"


"I did not know it either, it seems that it is the Equestrian equivalent of Europe, and she said she was an Anguana, but I never heard of it, and I did not even have time to send a message to Princess Twilight "

"Ooooh, an Anguana", Sunset was amazed at Pinkie's sentence.

"Do you know the Anguanas, Pinkie?"

"It is said that they are creatures related to water, and that they are benign or malignant witches, they have half the body, goat, reptile or fish and live in the high Alps of Italy, sometimes it is also thought that they trade with human beings "

"How do ya know these things?"

"My friend Gianduia knows a lot of legends of Europe, after all she knows all the legends of the old peninsula, in fact I wonder if there is a pony of myself, maybe exist a pony version of Gianduia, I think it might be a unicorn or a pegasus? "

"Well, that explains why I perceived magic in that lady”

"So there's a malignant creature here at Canterlot?"

"No, she was sincere, I do not know why but I perceived that she was good, she did nothing but sells amulets and luchy charms, and said that it was the amulet who choose its owner," Sunset remembered only then the star-shaped amulet of Dash.

"Now that I think about it, Thunderlane bought an amulet for Dash in that van"

"Does it mean that Dash also has a magic amulet?"

"Yes, but the old lady told me that the amulet can realize wishes"

"Oh how nice, I want one too." At the end of the game the whole team managed to make a good game, Dash joyfully embraced Thunderlane, and then ran to embrace her friends. Thunderlane thought of talking to Dash at the time.

"Dash? Can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course, whatever you want"

"Tomorrow we'll play another game, and I wondered if you'd like to go to dinner with the restaurant afterwards"

"The whole team? I don’t know if....."

"No, no, just you and me, Dash, just you and me"

"No offense Thunderlane, but I would like to spend some time with my friends, after all we are always going out together "

"Dash please, I absolutely have to talk to you, that's why I need you to be alone"

"Er ... okay fine, then tomorrow night we'll see ok?", Thunderlane went to his motorbike to go home, but Sunset and Applejack wanted to tell him one last thing.

"Thunderlane? It’s a very mature thing from you"

"Do you know that after dinner she will hate me? She has never appreciated my true me"

"Listen Thunderlane, whatever happens, she can not hate you, you're best friends for a lifetime, and it's hard not to see you as a couple"

"But she only loves the new me, she first saw me as a friend, then the tree accident happened, and then she did not want to know me anymore"

"Thunderlane? You are doing the right thing, if you would have continued like this both you could not have passed the exams, and then do not worry, we will talk with Dash"

"Whatever will happen between ya, we’ll ask her to forgive ya, and maybe she will accept you as you are"

"The fact is that when I'm alone with Dash I can’t stop thinking of her, and I feel weak, and that's why I do not give the best of me"

"It's normal, but let's face it, she has her flaws, don’t you think?"

"It's true"

The next day there was the other game, Thunderlane as usual wore the pendant, and was determined to win. Dash had her friends cheering for her, and in fact the game was exceptional. Thunderlane at the launches was always phenomenal, and even at the strikes, but at one point in the middle of the game there was a hitch, Thunderlane got a strike.

"But what?", Dash from far away shouted to encourage him.

"So you do Thunderlane, let's take advantage of it, and then hit"

"Thanks Dash, I will not miss the next one". But Thunderlane also missed the second ball, Dash encouraged him again, but when the third was missing, Dash brought him back on the bench, Dash's friends also arrived.

"Thunderlane? What's wrong with you? What are you doing?"

"I ... I ... I do not know it's just ...", Sunset approached,

"Maybe he’s just a little tired, Dash you're pushing him to the limit"

"Um ... it's true, then it's better if you rest Thunderlane, in fact you've always giving the maximum", Dash returned to the field, Thunderlane instead did not understand what was happening, while Sunset had doubts.

"Can I touch your amulet?"

"Go ahead, as long as you do not cut it off", Sunset touched the amulet with her fingers and understood that she had thought well.

"My, my, just as I suspected"


"The magic of the amulet"

"What's wrong with it?"

"It’s ... it's running out", Thunderlane made a frightened expression at the words of Sunset,

"What would you say that you it’s running out?"

"The magic of the amulet is fading"

"No, no, no, not now, not right now"

"I think you've waited too long"

"That's why I'm starting to feel weak, and now how do I do it?"

"It’s time you will have to play only with your strength"

"I can not do it"

"What did I tell you? What would have happened if you had waited longer?"

"I was wrong, I know, but now it's done, I swear to you that I'll tell her tonight"

"Do not you think it's too late now?"

"And what do I do? I have tell her the truth now that we're going to win?"

"If I were you I would do it ". Unfortunately, despite the presence of Rainbow Dash in the field, after a while the game came in a draw, and it was just after a while that Dash called Thunderlane back to the field.

"Excuse me Thunderlane, but I need you to do me one last favor, you absolutely have to make me an home run so we can win"

"Dash listen, I have to tell you something, it's very important"

"You'll tell me tonight, at our dinner"

"No, no, I must tell you now"

"Later, now go and beat". Thunderlane did not make it, Dash did not let him talk, and now he was there in front of the public, his team expected a home run but he could not do it, due to the ineffectiveness of the pendant. And then the opponent launcher throws the ball, Thunderlane used the club, but misses the ball. From the Dash bench he shouted at him.

"Come on, what do you do? You want to stop playing?" "Strike that damn ball," Thunderlane began to sweat, he tried to hit the second ball harder, but unfortunately made another strike. Rainbow Dash began to lose patience, got up from the bench and screamed at him.

"THUNDERLANE? If the next ball you don’t throw it into the orbit, I swear this is the right time I will never speak to you again, in fact I will never look at you again"

"Ok, ok". Thunderlane felt even more under pressure, for him it was over now. When he saw the opposing ball coming, he thought the time had come for him.

He tried to concentrate on Rainbow Dash, because if he failed she would never say him hello. But just when all hope was over for him, he managed to hit the ball and not only with the strength given he managed to do a home run. From the bench Dash shouted for happiness, Thunderlane ran as hard as he could, and even managed to get past the bases until the last, the team had won. Rainbow Dash hugged Thunderlane tightly.

"I knew you would not let me down Thunderlane, I knew it"

"Er .... I did it for you"

"What did you want to tell me before?"

"Er ... what time do I have to come get you?": "We'll be at half past eight"

"Then ok".

When all the teams withdrew from the field, Thunderlane went off to his motorbike to go home. In the parking lot he found Sunset and Twilight waiting for him.

"What do you want? And you Sunset? Do not you just have already have been right?"

"I'm not here to rage, Thunderlane, just to wish you luck"

"More than luck, I need a new lucky charm, because now that I and Rainbow Dash are going to eat, she will not want to meet me anymore"

"You must not feel downcast”

"What do you know about that, Twilight? You're still a new student"

"I know I do not know much about love but .....", Spike poked his head from Twilight's backpack.

".... But it did not take long to meet her new friends"

"Spike? Be good," Twilight pushed Spike into her rucksack with a wave of her hand. Sunset approached Thunderlane and put a hand on his shoulder.

" Anyway, Thunderlane, you do not have to feel downcast, you just have to be yourself and Rainbow Dash will not get mad at you"

"But then you do not understand that it's just because I've always been myself that Dash never cared about me?", Sunset turned away, but continued to talk,

"It's true but maybe if you talk to her in the right voice and open-hearted she will not be mad with you"

"After all, are you or not best friends?"

"Dash hates romantic things, and hates sweet guys, so she will never want me as a boyfriend"

"And you do not say romantic phrases, try to be yourself but with a tough tone, as you would have been before"

"But first I was tough because I had the pendant, and only with that thing she adored me"

"You do not need a pendant because Dash could notice you, maybe you just get more involved"

"If you care so much for Dash, promise me to be more confident"

"And ... if she will not accept me?", Spike put his head back outside the Twilight backpack

"Oh boy, you're really pessimistic", Twilight looked wrong Spike, Sunset immediately interacted with Thunderlane.

"Thunderlane? If by chance your evening does not fit, we'll talk to Dash"

"Ok ... okay". Before Thunderlane left, Sunset asked him to give him his cell phone number, then he drove home. Thunderlane had plenty of time to take a shower, cut the beard, deodorize and wear a good dress, even bought flowers. He was all excited, but the words of Sunset were for him a great warning to remain calm. When the time came, Thunderlane took his car and went in front of Rainbow Dash's house, tried to remain calm, but his hands were already sweating, fortunately he had brought handkerchiefs and also an air freshener. And here he heard Dash's voice. Thunderlane saw her as an angelic vision, her hair tied in a ponytail, she wore a rainbow dress, and a blue skirt, a purple belt, pink ankle boots and purple sleeves covered her arms. Thunderlane saw her coming down the stairs as if it were a slow motion movie scene. When Dash stood in front of him, she smiled at him. Thunderlane did not know what to say to her, but when Dash looked at him again with her sweet magenta eyes, he had to stop playing dumb.

"Wow, you're beautiful, you're a masterpiece, Dash"

"Thanks Thunderlane", Rainbow Dash looked at Thunderlane's car intrigued.

"So this is your car, I've never seen it before" "

"Oh right, it's true, I forgot that I never showed it to you, not that it was needed"

"So where do we go"?

"At a good restaurant, it's not near, but not very far, so we can also talk about the way back"

"I can not wait, I'm hungry after that good game". Thunderlane opened the door at Rainbow Dash, then stepped into the driver's seat and turned on the car. Thunderlane also gave flowers to Dash.

"I got you some flowers, Dash, they will not be as beautiful as you, but I could not come here empty-handed," Dash took the flowers and nodded, but did not seem happy.

"They are beautiful but .... you're strange tonight, Thunderlane"


"You look different, as if you were not you", Thunderlane realized that not having the pendant was not as tough as recently, and sought a solution to Dash's suspicion.

"Er .... because I thought it was better for once to give the respect you deserve, you will also be a girl out of the ordinary but still remains a girl"

"Um ... I do not know, it seems strange to hear you say it, I would have preferred to tell me a few phrases less mawkish, I do not like someone to compliment me for my dress or tell me that I am a splendor, and not even that you bring me flowers, not to mention that you have also opened the door, so much knight ", Thunderlane had become even more nervous, then he asked her a question.

"Dash? Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"If I had lost to the game, would you have come to dinner with me anyway?"

"Are you kidding? If it wasn’t for the good work you have done and for the fact that now you had become a real tough guy, I would have never wanted to speak to you again, and that's why I forgive you this staging of the false gentleman ". For once Thunderlane's worries were true, in his mind he thought it would be the last night with the girl he loved. When they arrived at the restaurant, Thunderlane parked the car, and then they both set off in the room. It was a fairly elegant restaurant, Thunderlane told Dash to wait for her, as she had to talk to the room manager about the table he had booked. Thunderlane returned to Dash to take her to their table. It was a table next to a window, as soon as they sat down they saw what was on the menu, but Thunderlane wanted to think about what to say rather than what to eat.

"So, I take a great appetizer, then I think that some excellent spaghetti will be ideal, and maybe some excellent spicy chicken, and you Thunderlane?"

"Here ... I ...... anything is fine with me"


"Um, I meant, I take spaghetti and chicken, too, and maybe drink, take some sparkling water, do you want a dessert?"

"No, I do not like dessert"

"Ok then". Thunderlane called the waiter for the orders, at one point the hand menu fell, but then he immediately picked it up from the ground.

"Is there something wrong with you, Thunderlane?"

"What? No, no, all right"

"Listen, is not that you could behave as usual?"

"But I'm doing it"

"No, you're behaving like the usual Thunderlane, I want you to behave like that hard, because you’re embarrassing me"

"Oh .... ok then"

"You do not have to tell me ok, you should be angry, or say no," Thunderlane pretended to clear his throat and tried to take a serious look.

"I meant, if you stop acting as a little girl, I can also tell you ok"

"That's even better"

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"You had to talk to me"

"Er ....." Thunderlane was embarrassed, he wanted to reveal his feelings to her, but he did not know how to do it without ending up seeming clumsy.

"Remember when we were kids?"

"Of course I remember"

"I know it sounds stupid, but I'm so nostalgic about those times"


"Do you remember how we met?"

"Yes, the kid ... I mean when I was weak and fragile, but if I had been like I am now then I would have spread all the bullies"

"But I am grateful that you were shy and awkward"


"Yes, because I made a new friend," while the starter arrived, and while they were eating they kept talking.

"So .... do not you mind how I was before?"

"A little bit, if you had not been so weak, fragile and pathetic I would never have come forward, in the sense that I would never have been interested in you"

"So ... did you like how I was before?"

"Maybe once, because I liked having a friend to talk to". The evening luckily had no other hitch and the two friends kept talking, Thunderlane just had to be careful not to look awkward. Unfortunately, without knowing it, he asked a question that he would never have wanted to do.

"Dash? So if I stop being hard, would not it be a problem for you?"

"No, I want you to stay that way, I really love the tough Thunderlane"


"I want you to stay that way, in fact we will be a fantastic couple, both in the field and in social life, you and I will be unbeatable, because you will always give the best of yourself"

"Wait ... Does that mean you prefer me now just because I'm good? Just because I help you win?"

"And for what other reason? To have you as a boyfriend?"

"But ..... but you said we'll be engaged"

"It's like that, all the high school will know about us, but in spring, and then even at the prom, but this time we'll have to look like engaged only in public"

"What do you mean?"

"Thunderlane? For heaven's sake, you're a great guy, but even if we kissed those times at your house, I started thinking, we two will have to increase our fame in high school, so you and I will be known as a winning couple, but I want us to be friends, I do not think you're sorry, are you? "

"So ... are you using me only because it makes you comfortable having me in the team?"

"Sure, but what's wrong? It looks like you're taking it badly." Thunderlane could not believe what Dash had said, she was only using him for personal needs, at this point he felt he had to confess immediately what he had to say.

"Dash? There's one thing I have to tell you absolutely, actually…. right away, Dash "

"What is it? You're strange tonight, you act like you did before"

"Like the real Thunderlane?"

"Exactly, and it's something I do not like"

"Dash, I'm still the same"

"What do you mean?"

"Listen to me well", Thunderlane quickly got up from his chair, but he did not notice that a waiter was passing close with a tray of spaghetti and wine, so he bumped the waiter and unfortunately for the poor Dash the plate and the bottle poured out on the dress, staining it. She jumped up from the chair.

"Aaaah, my dress, I put it only once"

"Oh Dash, I'm sorry, I'm mortified, I did not do it on purpose, let me clean you up," Dash slapped Thunderlane.

"Don’t you dare touch me, now I'm going to clean myself in the bathroom," Dash went into the women's bathroom, unfortunately she could not clean all the stains, and when she came out of the bathroom Thunderlane was waiting for her, but she was certainly not happy to see him.

"Dash listen"

"But do you know what you're doing, Thunderlane?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about"

"Listen, take me home"

"But Dash, it's important"

"I do not want to know anything, I just want to go home". Thunderlane went to pay the bill, then accompanied Dash to the car and left. Thunderlane as he drove noticed that Rainbow Dash was angry and had her arms crossed and did not look at him in the face, every time he looked at her she looked away.

"Dash, it's very important that I tell you, could you listen to me?"

"No, and I wanted a good cake to end the evening"

"But you said you did not want it"

"Instead I wanted it, they had a nice choice of sweets and because of you I could not have the dessert now and you even stained my dress"

"I'll pay you the laundry, I promise you"

"I do not want your pity, but maybe maybe it's the least you should do"

"Excuse me"

"Excuse me? Since we have been dating you have never apologized, but what have you got tonight?"

"Wait, I have an idea", Thunderlane got out of the car, leaving Dash inside.

"Hey, and now where are you going? I'm not going to walk by foot, what an idiot." After seven minutes Thunderlane returned and handed something to Dash, it was a waffle with chocolate cream, strawberries and coconut powder, all wrapped in napkins, Thunderlane had gone to buy it in a nearby kiosk.

"What's this?"

"It's dessert, it's your favorite dessert, is not it?" Dash was hesitant, but she took the waffle and ate it with joy.

"Even if you remembered my favorite dessert I'm not going to forgive you for what happened tonight, you'll still have to wash my dress"

"I know, I know, can I talk to you now?"

"Let's hear, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"So ... do you know that lightning-shaped pendant I usually wear?"

"Yes, so what?" And so Thunderlane finally confessed, he revealed to Rainbow Dash of his change and his confidence, as well as the exhaustion of the magic of the pendant. When they arrived near Rainbow Dash’s house, and yet she had not said a word, Thunderlane was worried.

"Dash? We're here," Thunderlane saw that Dash's eyes were closed and crying, and she was clutching her knuckles on his knees.

"Dash? Dash please do not act like that”, Thunderlane touched her on the shoulder, but Dash slapped him

"Don’t touch me"

"Dash", Rainbow Dash took off her belt and immediately left the car, Thunderlane stopped her immediately.

"Dash? Dash? Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"


"I just wanted you would like me"

"I liked you when you were a tough guy, and now you're back ... as ... an idiot"

"Dash, I'm sorry, this is me, I'm sorry for tonight and for the Christmas tree and for who knows how many things"

"Thunderlane? You know that now because of you I'll have to study really hard for the time wasted with you?": "But you did not mind when I was a tough guy"

"Yes, because you were not a useless child"

"So you judge me, I do my best"

"And your best is not enough, and now let me pass or I'll call my father", Rainbow Dash was about to open the door, but Thunderlane took her by the shoulders and stopped her

"Dash? I'm sorry I lied to you, but I'm like this, I'm careless, but just because I'm in your company, I'm in love with you Dash, and I've been like this since we're kids, I wish I could have been more of a friend for you, and I would like you to accept me as I am "

"No, I want a real boy, a mature man, not a child"

"Ok, then I'll change for you, I'll be tough, I'll give my best, I'll be a real athlete, I'll be the mature boyfriend you want"

"I do not want you to change"

"And why?"

"Because you are spineless, you would never be able to become as you were with the pendant, but also for another reason"

"And which one?". Rainbow Dash took Thunderlane by the arm, and with a judo move pulled him by the jacket and threw him on the road to the ground, then she looked him in the face.

"I would never have been your girlfriend, you're useless, weak, pathetic, mawkish, childish, spineless and you're also a damn whiner", Thunderlane got up from the ground.

"Dash, wait, I can change for you, please give me a chance"

"No, come back to me when you stop using the pacifier"

"And the dress?"

"I do not care, I'll wash it"

"At least we can study together", Dash could not take it anymore so she gave him another slap.

"Leave me alone, I never want to see you again, I hate you Thunderlane, I hate you, I hate you, I never want to see you again or talk to you, I'll drive you away from the soccer and baseball team, and never again give to you the word, because from now on I will never speak to you again, you are a liar and a child, goodbye ". Rainbow Dash closed the door of the house violently, poor Thunderlane he just had to go home. He was depressed, but never as he had ever been in his life, because at that moment his best friend as well as the girl he was in love with had told him all those horrible phrases. He started driving the car and began to cry, he would have liked that moment had never come.

"How I would like ... sniff ... to return to the times when ... sniff .... we were small and ... sniff ... we were friends". Thunderlane returned home all dejected, he was so depressed that he threw himself on the bed without even changing. His gaze settled on the photos he took at Rainbow Dash during the training sessions he held on the bedside table.

"Dash? I’m sorry I lied to you, but apparently there would have been no story between us."

The next day, Dash finally managed to study the afternoon with her friends, but none of them asked her about the appointment. Rainbow Dash was desperately trying to memorize everything, but now it was only a few days away, and the time to organize herself did not have it.

Sunset stand up,

"Good, who wants to take a break?", Dash relaxed her arms and legs on the chair.

"It was time, I could not take it anymore, I can not take it, Pinkie, please can you bring some snacks?"

"And snacks let it be", Pinkie Pie took from her pack lot of potato chips, tortillas, mini pretzels, various sauces and various drinks.

"Help yourselves", Dash took some snacks,

"You know, I'd like to have the space in my gym bag like Pinkie has it for her backpack", Applejack nodded,

"Impossible to imitate Pinkie, she is unique and rare, I do not think there is any girl like her in the whole continent", Pinkie smiled,

"No, unless you go to the old continent"

"What do ya mean?"

"My friend Gianduia manages to be much more organized than me and she manages to bring with her a lot more things than me", Rarity was surprised,

"You always talk about her as if you were two sisters"

"Silly Rarity, Gianduia and I are greatest friends in the world, and we behave the same way", Sunset smiled at the words of Pinkie, then stared at Rainbow Dash crunching chips and timidly spoke to her.

"Speaking of friends in the world, Dash, how was your appointment with Thunderlane?", Dash stopped crunching the chips, then opened a drink, took a sip and then answered Sunset.

"Let's make one thing clear, it was not an appointment but just a meeting between friends, and then it was embarrassing"

"Embarrassing? Why?" Thunderlane acted badly? "

"Very bad, I've never been so embarrassed in all my life", Twilight questioned

"But what exactly did he do to you?"

"It was him", Sunset wante to know more

"And that's the problem?", Rainbow Dash rose from her chair and slapped her hand on the table.

"Listen, if you care so much about that slacker, why do not you go out with him?", then Fluttershy and Pinkie spoke,

"Oh no, you did not fight the two of you?"

"Is it for the accident of the Christmas tree?", Sunset understood

"Or because did he tell you about his pendant?", Rainbow Dash stared at Sunset, she was surprised and angry.

"Did you know? Did you know about his pendant? Did you know it was his pendant that had changed it?"

"Dash, stay calm, yes it's true I knew it, but I only discovered it the day I saw you next to the van"

"And why did not you tell me anything?"

"I did not tell you anything because I wanted Thunderlane to tell you the truth, and it was only in the penultimate game that we discovered that the pendant was running out," Rainbow Dash sat down, and folded her arms.

"Nice friends you are, now because of you yesterday I had the worst night of my life"

"But why do not ya tell us what went wrong? What happened between you two last night?"

"Do you really want to know?". So Dash told her friends about the evening, but she went over the details and did not talk about how she left Thunderlane. Her friends were puzzled by her reactions.

"All right, Thunderlane can have a carelessness, but I do not see why you were so angry"

"It's strange that you think so, Rarity, I would like to know if he had ruined a dress what would have been your reaction"

"It's true I definitely would be angry, but that guy was just opening up his heart, Dash"

"So go and comfort him",

Sunset spoke,

"And what did you say after you left the restaurant?"

"It's none of your business, but now I'm going to study at home, see you tomorrow", Rainbow Dash immediately picked up her things and went away angry.

Her friends looked at each other.

"But what happened to Thunderlane?"

"Knowing him, maybe he is crying at home "

"It's all my fault", Sunset got up from the chair guiltily

"Do not say that Sunset"

"No, it's true, if I did not get involved with Thunderlane's business now he and Rainbow Dash would still be friends"

"Honey, you can not blame yourself, it's Thunderlane who never had the courage to declare himself to Rainbow Dash"

"The fact is that I felt sorry for him, he seemed so desperate, so in love, it's like ....."

"As if you wanted to act for the good girl? Doing the guardian angel?"

"The only contact I had with Thunderlane was in the past when I was with Flash, I often mistreated him, and I did not even know his name, so I thought I could forgive myself", then Fluttershy spoke

"We are actually responsible for all of this too, maybe we should have helped Thunderlane from a long time"

"We did not do it because we thought that Thunderlane could do it alone"

"I have to go to him, I have to ask him some questions", Twilight stopped Sunset,

"Excuse me Sunset, but do not you think he would be angry with you?"

"I could call him, but I'd rather go to him, he'd have to be in the garage by now." Sunset greeted the girls, and headed to the workshop where Thunderlane was working, and when she got there he saw Thunderlane working under a car, she called him and he stepped out from under the vehicle, but he was not happy to see her.

"Are you Sunset? What the hell do you want?"

"Thunderlane, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday"

"Why? Dash told you?"

"Yes, more or less, but I wanted to know from you what she told you, because she did not want to tell us everything"

"I'm busy and this car also needs a change of oil, let's say ... never again"

"But why do you behave like that? What did Dash tell you?"

"I have no time, go away".

Sunset came out for a moment, but soon returned to call Thunderlane.

"What is it? Let me work"

"My motorbike has something wrong, can’t you give it a look for a moment?" Thunderlane did not want to waste time so he sent her away, but Sunset could be stubborn when she wanted to.

"All right, then I'll tell your boss that you've refused a client's request"

"But if you never came here, you never brought anything to repair," Sunset smirked and crossed his arms.

"Then I'll start now"

"All right, I come to check". Sunset took Thunderlane out and saw that her bike was full of dents.

"Oh my goodness, what have you done?"

"let’s say I used a bit of magic to do a service to my motorbike, and then now needs to be repaired immediately"

"Then you could even repair it with magic"

"We do not have motor vehicles at Equestria, so I need your hands"

"All right, I'll fix it right away, but remember that it will cost you"

"I'll pay you, do not worry", Thunderlane brought the bike in and tried to repair every bruise, and in the meantime Sunset passed his tools and tried to talk to him.

"Tell me Thunderlane, what happened last night?"

"It was ..... the worst night of my life, I wanted to disappear into thin air"

"Do you want to talk about it? I mean ... I was just trying to help you, help you and Dash," Thunderlane sighed and then immediately took courage.

"Okay, listen ...." Unlike Rainbow Dash's point of view, Thunderlane told all the details of the evening, including Dash's plans and what he told him before saying goodbye. Sunset was upset at the end of the story.

"What kind of manners? Rainbow Dash was using you and you did not tell her anything?"

"It was also for this reason that I told her the truth, I can not believe she was not really in love with me"

"I absolutely have to talk to her"

"Better not, I've already made a lot of troubles last night, I would risk worsening the situation"

"You should talk to her instead, are you a man or a rabbit?"

"Said from a girl who once was a horse is a rather strange sentence"

"First point, I was a unicorn, and second, Dash should not treat you like that, or tell you those horrible phrases"

"What should I have done?" Being a tough guy did not do any good, being myself only infuriated her more, apparently there was no future for us "

"But you can not say that"

"Do not worry, I'll talk to her tomorrow, at least for the baseball squad." After a while Thunderlane got the Sunset motorbike back on track.

"I’ve made it, Sunset, like new"

"Wow, of course you have the magic in your hands, it's incredible that you're a mess"

"When it comes to repairing engines or creating things, I'm always the first to answer"

"How come this passion? And how did you work here if you have not finished your studies?"



"My father Construction Site, is a famous architect and foreman, and since I was a child he took me around on his building sites, he showed me a lot of cars and machines"

"Is your father who gave you this passion?"

"More or less, I often read his magazines about cars and motors when I was a kid, then growing up I asked him to buy me the set of construction games, and then growing up I started learning to repair several things, then three years ago my father spoke to the owner of this workshop who was an old friend of his school and here I am "

"You would say that you are lucky, you already have a job and you do not have to worry about the future"

"More or less"

"What do you mean?", Thunderlane made a melancholy expression,

"Dad would like me to get a job out of Canterlot, and in fact in recent years I traveled out of town to work in some workshops and some buildings sites"

"Seriously? Over the last two years? Maybe that's why I did not see you at the ball when Twilight, I mean the other Twilight defeated me"

"You can say it loud, when Dash told me everything I was surprised "

"When did Dash tell you?"

"Yes, I returned to Canterlot two days later, and Dash told me what had happened, and then she told me that I should have stayed"

"Why?", Thunderlane sat on a chair and blushed.

"Because ...... she asked me to dance with her two months ago", Sunset was amazed at that sentence.

"What, you asked her to dance?"

"Yes, when we were young, we promised that if we went to high school together we would have danced at the prom."

"Oh ... so you did not keep your promise?"

"Well, it was not the only one"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember the Dazzlings?"

"How could I forget them, since I have faced them too?"

"Dash asked me to be there on the day of the concert, but I could not be there"


"I had to go and do an internship in a workshop outside the city, but a bigger one, you see ... my dream is to open a workshop of my own, and that was fabulous"
"Wait ... did not you come to the concert, to work in a workshop?"

"Well, yes ......"

"And Dash how she acted?"

"I'll talk to you in front of a drink, come with me ......", Thunderlane got up from his chair and took Sunset near a dispenser, he took drinks, then sat down on a bench.

"Here ... the day after the concert she told me how things went"

/ In the past, after Rainbow Rocks /

Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash were talking in front of high school, Dash was very excited after the performance of her group.

"And then there was this huge horse of light that hit them in face, and so their stones disintegrated"


"And when they started singing again they were out of tune, and an avalanche of BoooH covered them with shame"

"In their face, it should have been magnificent", Rainbow Dash looked at the ground with a sad look, and then she looked Thunderlane.

"Yes, but ... you were not there to cheer for me"

"But I did it for the auditions, I was always behind the scenes"

"Yes, but you were not at the concert"

"But I defended you, I often sent you those messages of encouragement on the phone, right?"

"Yes, and it made me feel better, but how come you were not under the spell of the sirens?"

"I do not know, I found them intoned like grunting pigs, it did not make me any effect"

"Well anyway, next year there will be the Friendship Games and I hope you will participate"

"I'll be there, if I pass the selections"

"If you give your best, you will do it," Dash punched with a friendly fist Thunderlane and he gave her a clenched fist.

/In the present/

"Dash never told us about this"

"She is very proud"

"But .. now that I think I did not even see you at the Friendship Games"

"Because I did not pass the selections, and I could not even cheer for Dash .... again"

"You were not present even in the audience?"

"No, my father took me with him, I had to help him fix the electrical system of a house under construction"

"And you did not keep your promise even that time?"

"No, and when Dash and I talked she was furious, she told me that my work was more important than our friendship, she did not speak to me for a month, then she forgave me by joining her baseball team , and always coming to her martial arts tournaments "

"Dash told me when you embarrassed her by screaming like a crazy man around the gym"

"The fact is that I was late, and I tried to show myself, so to make myself noticed I took a megaphone and I shouted"

"And then you were beaten"

"Yes, but I think it was worth it, since I then invited her to bowling"

"Can I ask you a strange question?"


"You're so good with repairs, how did you burn Dash's father's tree?"

Thunderlane looked down and then confessed the truth to Sunset.

"See, everything was perfect, but then I got distracted"

"Were you distracted?"

"Yes, I saw Dash looking at the tree, she was so pretty, she reminded me when she was small, she looked like an angel, as if time had come back, I liked watching her, she had magical eyes, and her smile then ..... so beautiful, I made her happy "

"Wait, did you get distracted because you've been watching Dash?"

"Yes, I did not notice a defective cable that burned and so I ruined everything, but luckily I brought a fire extinguisher, I always do it if it's about using cables"

"And then your friendship ended?"

"Yes, and you know, I've never opened her Christmas present, because it's the last gift she ever given me"

"But Dash does not know these things?"

"I wanted to confess to her last night but I did not do it, I never even told her that I took my revenge on those idiots who whistled on her in rehearsals"

"What did you do?"

"When they performed on stage for rehearsals, I sneaked out of high school, I had in my rucksack some tools, so I tampered the bikes and motorbikes I found outside"

"Wow, Thunderlane you have a wild side"

"It did not end there, I looked for Snips and Snails and took both of them for the pants, then hanged and tied them together with the belts and covered them both with the paint"

"Did you really do it?"

"Ask them, they talked to Principal Celestia, but luckily I only got a punishment"

"Dash should know this"

"And you do not know what I did to Trixie"

"What? What have you done to her?"

"With some iron I opened her locker, took her cloak and tore it off, and broke even her wands, then tampered the motor of the motorcycle, so she had to take it to the workshop, as all the students did I tampered the bikes”

"So you took revenge and earned money"

"And it did not end there, to Octavia and Photo Finish I sabotaged the engine of their cars, so they paid a lot of money to put them back in again, as for Photo Finish, I secretly put the camera under the car , so while I did a test I crushed the camera under the car "

"Thunderlane, wow, but you're a true hero"

"You should have seen the face of Photo Finish when she realized she had lost all her pictures, I've never heard so many bad words in German"

"Why?Do you speak German?"

"Ja, ich spreche Deutsch, Französisch und Japanisch (Yes, I speak German, French and Japanese)"

"In my opinion you should say all these things to Dash"

"No, I do not think so, she will not change her mind, but tomorrow I have to tell her something"

"By the way, how much do I owe you for the bike?"

"Listen, because we are friends, I'll give you a special price, in fact I will not charge you a full price"

"Did you do that with Dash?"

"No ... she never paid"

"What do you mean? That she never paid your job?"

"No, it's just that .... I never made it to ask her for money, so every time she took her bike to repair I always said it was nonsense"

"And how did you do with your boss?"

"Nothing, I paid for her, until he found out"

"And he threatened to fire you"?

"No, luckily he was in love too once, he had a crush on a girl and ... just like me he paid for the repairs here in the workshop, but he always told me that if I continued like this, Dash would always take advantage of me "

"However, you also have a reasonable boss, I feel I prefer to pay you the whole amount"

"Okay, but let's do a half now and the other half another time"

"You and Dash would be a nice couple, it's a pity that she's so stubborn"

"And yet that's why I like her".

The next day Sunset talked with the other friends about what Thunderlane had told her, all of which had been bad for the poor boy. Then, Rainbow Dash arrived with her bike, after parking it went to them happy.

"So girls, today we'll do a good job, because I'm sure we'll be able to memorize everything"

"Why this belief, Dash?"

"Simple motivation, then, what do you tell me?".

None of her friends answered her after what Sunset reported, but Dash did not care and went to her locker. Sunset and the others followed her. In the hallway she saw that Rainbow Dash was arguing with Thunderlane, and she looked really angry.

"How could you Dash?"

“How could I what?"

"How could you replace me?"

"Ah, that's why you're attacking me? For a simple reason"

"Which one?"

"You suck at baseball"

"It's not true"

"Really, you're a wimp"

"You did not have the right to replace me, you also replaced me with Snips, and he can not even hold the bat in his hand"

"But at least I know that he sucks, you lied to me"

"It's not true, I'm still a great hitter"

"I want you to be strong in everything"

"And do you think Snips can help you? Do you know how bad the team will go?"

"Listen .... I'm not interested in what you think of Snips, I've replaced you because I'm the captain and so you do not have to complain about what I do"

"You did not even warn me that you would do it"

"I'm sorry but you and I have nothing to say". Sunset and the others were watching the scene without saying anything, they could not even speak, Thunderlane left but wanted to say one last thing to Rainbow Dash.

"I know because you did it, because you do not want to talk to me anymore, and because you hate me", Rainbow Dash slammed the door of her locker and screamed at Thunderlane,

"I HAVE SAID THAT THIS IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS, AND LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU IDIOT", Thunderlane approached Dash, but she ignored him by staring her locker.

"I know, I was a fool, but you accused me of being an immature, and what you did is immature behavior"

"Do not you dare say I'm an immature"

"If I am childish you are a selfish little girl with a feeding bottle",


Rainbow Dash slapped Thunderlane, but he did not react, his only reaction was a grim look.

"Do not you dare to get closer to me"

"Okay, then this will be our last conversation," Thunderlane pulled an envelope out of his pocket and gave it to Dash, she took it curiously.

"What's this?"

"The money for the laundry, for your dress", Rianbow Dash opened the envelope, and it was full of money, a lot of money.

"They are too many for a stained dress"

"In fact they are so many because you can buy another dress"

"Look, I do not want your money"

"Well, you'll have to accept because I do not take them back," Thunderlane turned and sobbed,

"Goodbye Dash", Thunderlane went away from the hallway, ran away without being seen crying, but Sunset and the others knew he was sad. Sunset approached Rainbow Dash.

"Dash? What are you going to do?"

"I keep the money, obviously, worse for him, but I'm not going to have any debts with him"

"I meant what you will do with Thunderlane"

"And what should I do?"

"How could you drive him out of the team?"

"Because I'm the captain and I can decide who to team and not," Dash took the money from the envelope and put them in her backpack, then realized that there was something else inside, it was a half plastic ring, she held it in her hand, stared at it, and then put it in a backpack pocket.

"What's that ring?"

"It's none of your business, Sunset"

"Hey calm down", even the other girls had stood near Rainbow Dash to talk. And some of them were watching the contents of the Rainbow Dash locker. Rarity, grabbed a picture in the locker and looked at it with Applejack.

"And this picture, when did you do it?"

"Why you embrace Thunderlane, and why is there a title To my hero?", Rainbow Dash blushed and took the photo by the hands of the friends.

"But how do you dare to rummage into my things?"

"You seemed so cute when you were little, you never told us in detail about how you were meet by children"

"Yes, why do not ya tell us about that picture?". Rainbow Dash closed the locker violently and left, but her friends followed her quickly.

"Dash? Why so much hate for Thunderlane?"

"We want to stop talking about that idiot?"

"Dash, but you would never have said these things to Thunderlane"

"It's true, you were such friends, why are you so mad to him?"

"Do you want to do your own business, since when do you care about Thunderlane?"

"Because we had never been interested in your affairs once," Rainbow Dash turned and pointed at Rarity.

"Affairs? Me and Thunderlane were just friends, we have never been in love"

"Is not that by chance you have it with him because he was not present for you at the Battle of the Bands?"

"What is it, did he tell you that?"

"Maybe you're angry because he was not there at Friendship Games to cheer for you?"

"One more one less, I do not care about him, he no longer exists for me"

"Dash, can I tell you something? If you do not care more about Thunderlane, why do you wear the star-shaped pendant around your neck?", Rainbow Dash blushed, and gripped the pendant with a fist, then turned and walked straight into the classroom. Her friends did not know what to think.

"Maybe I should not have asked you that question", said Rarity,

"You know, I do not want to be wrong but I think Rainbow Dash was crying"

"Are ya sure? Dash crying?"

"It never happened," then Fluttershy spoke shyly.

"To tell the truth ...... it happened once", the other girls were amazed. Fluttershy whispered to them what she knew.

"But you do not have to tell her, because she told me in secret, I was putting some tools in the gym when she ..."

/ In the past, during the Friendship Games /

Fluttershy went into the gym put away some circles, when she heard a voice, she hid and saw that it was Rainbow Dash who was talking at the phone.

"So you will not be there, I know, working out of town, and maybe you will not be here before two days? I'm happy for you, Thunderlane, and I'm glad you found the time to call, no, I'm not angry that we promised that we would race together, yes, yes I understood, then we'll talk, I'll tell you later how it went ".

Rainbow Dash turned off the phone, then went next to a training bag and punched and kicked it, she seemed to be venting, Fluttershy tried to back away for not being discovered.

"Liar, liar, you're a liar Thunderlane, you promised me, and once again you do what you said, nice friend you are, I thought you were my best friend and instead you're just a liar", Fluttershy stopped, and saw that Dash had stopped beating the bag, Dash remained motionless, then got down on her knees, put her hands on the ground and began to cry. Fluttershy backed away but she hit some obstacles that fell and hearing that noise Dash turned. Rainbow was embarrassed, she never wanted to be seen by one of her friends in that state, so she got up and went near Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy? What are you doing here? How long have you been here?"

"Do not ... do not worry Dash, I will not tell anyone what you did, I promise", Dash was blushing, but she spoke calmly to Fluttershy.

"Can I tell you something? But you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone"

"I promise"

"I was talking to Thunderlane ..."

"Oh, well ..... and why are you crying?"

"Because ...... he will not come"

"Oh I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I did not know you cared so much that he was there"

"It's not like you think, it's that he and I have done a lot of things together, and he's the only guy I can talk to, we're great friends, and we've always been rooting for each other, but it is the third time says he can’t come, he preferred to go to work in a stupid workshop rather than being here to cheer for me

"I’m so sorry, Dash"

"No, I do not want to deal with him anymore, I do not want to talk to him anymore"



"I think you should understand that, Thunderlane maybe he made this choice not to spite you, maybe he's insecure ... as I often am, but the fact is that he's paying his school fees by himself, and then he's gone to live alone long before, so I think he needs a lot of money to keep going "

"Yes, it's true, I know this, it's just that since we are in high school our friendship is as if it had changed"

"Maybe because you've grown up now"

"You're right Fluttershy, maybe I should give him another chance"

"Now you’re reasoning"

"Do you promise that you will not tell anyone about my outburst?"

"No one, I promise".

/In the present/

Sunset was surprised about that story,

"Dash who reacted like that? Who would have thought it?", but Fluttershy was a little worried,

"But now I have broken the promise, and I do not know how I will sleep tonight", Rarity calmed her, and Applejack too,

"Do not regret Fluttershy, I have often thought that Dash has a tender side"

"In fact the friendship that she and Thunderlane had was really special, she spoke to him often, as if she did not care about what he thought of her", Pinkie smiled,

"It's nice that they grew up together, like a young couple of the best love movies", Twilight replied,

"And now it's all over, I can not say anything, because I'm the last one, but I'm sorry for you and especially for Thunderlane", then Sunset think

"I wonder how Thunderlane feels now".

To be continued........

The first wish

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The first wish

After classes, the girls decided to meet up in the music room to play a while before studying, they saw that Rainbow Dash was already there, and she was playing with her guitar.
Sunset approacched
"So Dash? Do you feel better? Would you like to play a little?", Dash answered with an angry tone,
"Only if you stop asking me about Thunderlane, otherwise I think we will not do anything"
"All right, all right, none of us will ask you about him, we just wanted to make you reconcile, but if you do not care about him anymore then it's okay"
"Good, then you can ask me anything you want", Pinkie came forward,
"Yeah, by the way ... you know a workshop where to repair the bikes?"
"Yes, it's the one close to my home, right where ......"
"Where ......?"
"Yes, the one close my house, I've always brought my motorbike, and I've never had to wait long, I've almost never paid much", Sunset replied,
"Or maybe you never paid?"
"What do you mean Sunset?"
"Since when did you go there how many times did you have to pay for the repairs on your motorbike?"
"I ....... I don’t remember", Applejack noticed that there was a letter on the ground near Dash, so she picked it up and read it.

"Hey Dash, what's this?", Dash took it right away.

"Leave it, it's my admirer's letter", Pinkie smiled,
"Oooooh, is your fan number one again?"
"Yes, and sincerely not even these are your business"
"What did he write?"
"Only some phrases, but above all phrases that speak about me, he says I'm fantastic the best, the fastest ..... hey", Sunset took the letter,
"Who knows who he is?", Rarity wanted to read it too,
"Who knows, maybe he's a guy in our class", Dash took the letter from their hands,
"I do not care who he is, but I like the things he writes about me, and I hope to be his idol for a long time, he's a sweet guy who always writes me some very motivating phrases", Applejack was hesitant,
"Ah thought ya did not like sweet guys"
"What's that got to do with this? I'll meet him, and then what's wrong having an admirer writing so many qualities about me?", Pinkie questioned,
"So that's how you would like a boyfriend?"
"Pinkie, I do not want a boy, I just need an admirer"
"Can you hug an admirer?"
"We want to play or study, because now it seems to me that we are wasting time"
"I have a better idea, tonight all at my house to study and then ....... a pajama party with study".
The girls played a little, then they went to Pinkie's house to study. And for the evening Pinkie had invented a special game, she had prepared two dozen of cookies with icing.
Twilight asked for those cookies,
"What are those cookies for, Pinkie?"
"It will be a special game, one of us will ask the questions, and then we will have to take the cookie with the answers written with the icing"
"Sounds like a good idea", Applejack smiled,
"So who is more prepared will eat more cookies"
"That's why I prepared some other consolation cookies with Retry written on , which are moooore delicious", Rarity seemed curios,
"Who taught you this game?"
"My friend Gianduia, the first time we had a slumber party here", Applejack crossed her arms,
"Ah wonder if this Gianduia really exists, ya never introduced her to us"
"Ooooh the thing is, she does not know anybody from here and she's extremely shy"

"Ah’ m starting to think if she's not your imaginary friend", Fluttershy said no,
"Oh no, it's all real, Pinkie showed me the pictures she and Gianduia made of themselves"
"Seriously? So she exists?"
"Well, I saw the pictures of two whole albums".
During the game, Twilight and Sunset were eating more biscuits, followed by Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity. The one who ate more Retry cookies was Rainbow Dash, and after having eaten several of them, she felt full, a little for the abundance, but above all because she could not answer.
Twilight talked to Dash,
"Dash? Do you want to answer another question?", Dash relaxed on the ground and touched her stomach.
"I prefer not, I do not think I can answer and then I think my stomach can not make it anymore", Sunset incited her
"But you have to try Dash, and then you have no more time to study"
"Let's face it, I'm a sucker, I will not pass the exams and my parents will make me leave the clubs, it’s all over”, Twilight could stand those words,
"Do not say that Dash", Rainbow Dash got up and went into the kitchen to drink a glass of milk, Sunset and Twilight followed her.

"Dash, you do not have to break down, we'll help you before the exams"
"It's useless girls, it's already a miracle if I get enough votes and I've never been able to remember what I was learning, and I'm only good at playing sports"
"Dash, it's not your fault we just have to find your method, everyone has a method to study"
"You are really nice for trusting me, but sometimes I would prefer to have half of your intelligence Twilight, so at least I would pass half of the tests"
"Do not talk nonsense Rainbow Dash, you will see that even with the last days we will stay close"
"Girls I don’t know how I would do without you". After more rehearsals and a few chats, the girls went to sleep, some of them slept on the bed, and some in the sleeping bags. Dash woke up for a moment, she was tense with the proximity of the exams, and tried to sleep. She looked around and thought she was lucky to have such special friends, then laid down again, looked at the ceiling and with her right hand tightened her star pendant.

"How I wish this pendant would work, beacuse I would like to make peace with Thunderlane, why did I fight with him?",

Rainbow Dash leaned on one side and began to cry. She put her hand over her mouth to prevent her friends from hearing her cry.

"Why? Sniff ..... why I feel like this? I never wanted to ..... sniff ..... get angry with him, but he lied to me ... sniff .... .and now ... sniff ... ", Dash wiped his tears with a handkerchief, trying not to make too much noise. Dash stared at Sunset and Twilight sleeping on the bed.

"I am happy with the confidence you have in me girls, but Thunderlane is right, I am just a grown up child and I am ignorant". Dash tried to close her eyes.

"How I wish I had at least half of the intelligence of Twilight, at least to not to disappoint my parents". In the end the days passed, and the day of the exams arrived. The girls met in front of the school to support themselves morally.

"So girls? All together?"
Twilight Sparkle: "Today we will make Shine Sunset, isn’t it Rarity?"
"Of course, I feel a little tense, but it’s ok, and you AJ?"
"However it goes, we will be united", Pinkie throws confetti
"Yes, all for one and one for all"
"Er ... Yaaaay". The girls saw that Dash had her eyes on the ground, so they tried to motivate her.

"Dash? Come on, do not do that, come on"
"Mmm?If you say so, but for me these will be my last days"
"Do not say that, it seems like ya have to face a dangerous mission in a jungle full of wild beasts"
"Well, more or less"
"Oh honey, do not be so pessimistic, relax"
"Why? I will fail these exams, my parents will force me to leave the clubs and surely they will not let me go out of my house, without being able to play sports, without seeing my friends, I will only stare at my books".
The girls were surprised by the phrase of Rainbow Dash, they had never heard certain words from her. But they still had to help her.
"Dash, listen, whatever happens, we will not leave you alone"
"We are your friends and we will never allow you to stay alone, whatever your parents will do to you, we will always come to visit you, in fact we will also help you to study at your house”, Twilight nodded,
"It's true, what kind of friends we will be if we leave you alone?",
Rainbow Dash looked up, wiped away the tears and smiled.

"Thank you girls, you don’t know what this means to me", Rarity gave a handkerchief to Dash,
Rarity: "Oh Dash, but since when are you so emotional?"
"Let's say I'm going through a difficult time", Pinkie Pie came out behind Dash and screamed.
"I know what do you need, a big hug", and all six girls hugged Dash, a hug meant a lot for her, especially if they were her friends doing it. By now the bell rang, and all the girls entered the classroom first.
Dash already felt bad before sitting down, while the professors put the sheets divided by lines, in this way there wasn’t the possibility of copying between close companions.
Dash looked at the paper in front of her, and after swallowing some saliva, she took the pencil and read all the questions, poor Dash did not know if she would endure this stress for all the week.
Seven days later, the results were finally posted, and our dear friends stood before the pictures of the results to see them. Sunset looked at every single name of her friends.

"So let's see... Twilight passed, Rarity too, even Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy", Rarity questioned,
"What about Rainbow?"
"Let's see... Rainbow Dash ... Rainbow Dash". Rainbow Dash was behind them, she was depressed, but Pinkie Pie hugged her to comfort her. Then Sunset shouted the result.

"Dash? You're passed", Rainbow Dash could hardly believe it, she left Pinkie and went to see up close.

"Seriously, did I make it?"
"And look at these results, history / 70, geography / 80, math / 80, literature / 85, and then German, French, Spanish all 90, congratulations Dash", Dash embraced Sunset.

"This means that I have overcome them, I am not a sucker, I did it", Dash embraced her friends one by one from happiness.
Applejack was surprised,
"But who would have thought it?", Twilight saw the results closely,
"Did you see Dash? You just had to believe in yourself"
"You were right, and yet I thought I had simply guessed", Pinkie asked curiosly,
"So if I ask you the capital of Finland, what do you answer me?"
"Easy, Helsinki"
"What if I asked you when Abraham Lincoln died?"
"April 25, 1865"
"How do you say in German What is the nearest station, please?"
"The sentence is Welches ist der nächste Bahnhof, bitte?"
"How do you calculate the area of the circle?"
"It is calculated by multiplying the radius by itself and the result by pi."
"The square root of 1465?
"38275312418 etc."
All six girls were amazed by Rainbow Dash's answers, she was also amazed.

"Wait ... Did I really answer Pinkie's questions, but how did I do it?", Twilight was happy,
"Dash, how beautiful, you have the soul of an intellectual"
"No, I've never had it, at least I think", Rarity replied,
"Wow Dash, how did you do it? When we repeated it seemed that you did not know anything"
"I don’t know, I think I also forgot about what Pinkie asked me"
"Ah yes? Let's see a little bit, if I ask you which are the regions Germany confine with?"
"Ah, that's the mistake for sure, in alphabetical order are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic , Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland, respectively," Dash was surprised again.

"What's happening to me?"
"Wow, what precision, hey Twilight, what do you think, according to you Dash has listed well?"
"Yes, she even listed them in order"
"I really do not understand, I did not even remember where Belgium was"
"Near Spain? This is easy, anyone remembers it"
"Silly Twilight, Belgium does not confine with Spain". Twilight made a strange expression, for the first time she had made a mistake.

"Wait a minute ....... what did I just say? I have to check now". Twilight took her backpack and looked for the geography book, in a hurry she dropped some notebooks and when she found the book she quickly turned the pages.

"So, Belgium, Belgium, but where will it be? On page 32 or on page 23?"
"It's on page 36, Twilight"
"Ah right, here it is, oh yes, it’s right .... I was wrong?"
"What's up sugarcube? Do ya feel good?"
"It's not possible I never make mistakes like that", Fluttershy consoled her,
"Maybe you're just a little tired after a whole week of exams"
"But I can not have made such a stupid mistake as remembering a country's borders, I never do it"
Sunset tried to calm Twilight,
"Oh come on Twilight, basically I would not complain because you've already got a nice 75 in geography"
"What….75?", Twilight went to check, read all the votes she had taken and was frightened.

"75? I? Taking 75 in geography?", Twilight saw the rest of the votes and then threw herself on the ground with her back to the wall.

"I can not believe it, I got low grades, it never happened to me", Rarity checked the results,
"But what do you say Twiliy? Look, you got 70, 80, 90"
"But not 100, I never take less than 98, I can not have the exams wrong, I need to check the exams", Twilight ran away to the classrooms of the teachers, Sunset turned to the others.

"I do not understand why you take it so, maybe the Crystal Prep had a different margin from ours"
"Perhaps she has demanded too much from her brain, after all it she is passed, isn’t it?"
"Well, I'm going girls, I'm going home"
Rarity: "Wait Dash?", Rarity called Rainbow Dash, who turned around.

"What's up Rarity?", Rarity approached Dash, looked at her, then asked her a question.
"Have you changed your look?"
"What, no, of course not"
"Well, please forgive me, it seemed to me", Dash was about to leave, but Sunset called her back, So Dash went near her to ask her what she wanted.

"What is it? Sunset? I would like to go home"
"Do you know who did not pass the exams?"
"Who? Maybe Flash?"
"No, Thunderlane". Rainbow Dash made a strange face to that answer.
"It's not possible, Thunderlane was not as smart as you and Twilight, but always took the sufficiency"
"Well, read here", Rainbow Dash read the votes of Thunderlane, there were no votes, all the boxes carried written Not passed. Dash was upset.
"But how is it possible? It can not be true"
"I do not know how his vote average is, but I did not think he was a boy who didn’t study", Rarity came forward,
"Maybe after Dash told him those things he could not study or concentrate anymore"
"Do you think it's my fault, do not talk nonsense"
"Why do not you try asking him?"
"I can not, I'm busy, I'm going to give the good news to my beloved parents, I want to tell them that their little heir has succeeded with their goal, I'll see you," Dash this time left, her friends remained talking to each other.

"Do you really think that Thunderlane did not concentrate because Dash mistreated him?"
"Who knows?"
"But then ya heard the words of Dash? Beloved, good news, since Dash uses words like that?"
"Anyway here it takes a good party for the success of the tests"
"This is a great idea Pinkie, but if you do not mind I should go and ask for something to Thunderlane". Sunset walked down the corridor to look for Thunderlane, but then she came across Flash Sentry, the boy was fixing his locker, Sunset approached Flash.

"Hey Flash?"
"Oh hello Sunset"
"I saw your votes, you were good"
"Just good, given that I am in the class of those who have chosen the joint years, it is a bit simplistic to say that I was good"
"Yeah ... listen, Thunderlane is in your class too, after all you're friends, are not you?"
"We have known each other for a lifetime, we are like brothers, but at the time you did not consider him, since you were still a horrible bully"
"Do you always want to remind me that?"
"Sorry, sorry, did you want to ask me something?"
"Yes, I saw that Thunderlane did not do it," Flash gave a sad look.
"Oh, I can not believe it, he really did it"
"Did what?"
"You see, about a month ago Thunderlane talked to his father about the possibility of having his own workshop"
"You mean his dream?"
"Yes, I see he told you"
"I spent some time with him, he's a little apathetic guy"
"Only when he thinks about Rainbow Dash"
"You ... did you know?"
"Of course, but what kind of a friend would I have been if I had spilled around?"
"And what did you say about his father?"
"His father, who is a famous architect, made a proposal, if he had passed the exams he could have stayed here in Canterlot", Sunset felt a chill on her back.
"Wait .... does that mean that Thunderlane had to get good grades?"
"Yes, but if he had not overcome, his father would have forced him to move out of Canterlot, as you well know Thunderlane has already gone to live alone, but now his father will take him away from here", Sunset was frightened, and looked closely at Flash.

"What's this? Thunderlane had not told me about it "
"He only said it to me, actually he wanted to say it to Dash but .... then she treated him badly
"But did Thunderlane was bad with the exams?"
"What? No, no, absolutely, maybe he was not the best student, but he always got good grades"
"So why did not he pass the exams?"
"See ..... I think it's Dash’s fault"
"Oh dear, did his story with Dash really stopped him from studying?"
"No, it is he who wanted to leave". Sunset made an expression of doubt, then reflected.
"Wait ... are you telling me that Thunderlane failed the exams on purpose?"
"I think so, he said that after that night at the restaurant with Dash, and his expulsion from the team, he thought he had no reason to stay in Canterlot, and so I think he failed the exams to leave"
"So will Thunderlane relocate? Will he leave Canterlot?" Leave the school? "
"Believe me, I really think he really cared about his story with Dash, it's a shame because so my teammates and I lost a great friend, and even a fantastic mechanic, I swear he was the best to be so young"
"It can not be true, and Dash doesn’t know it"
"I would not tell to her"
"Because she really does not deserve him, Dash is selfish, narcissistic, capricious, who knows what he did for her and she did not even notice, certainly the fault is also Thunderlane’s who did not say anything, but after all he was trying to open his heart that night at the restaurant "
"Actually ....".

Sunset took her motorbike and immediately went to Rainbow Dash's house, when she went there, she found Dash at the table with her parents to some of her uncles who were celebrating together with a giant pizza party. Rainbow Dash asked Sunset what she wanted, then Sunset called her aside.

"Dash you have to listen to me right away, it's very important"
"What is it? Honestly now there is my favorite pizza, and I would like to eat some slices"
"Dash, this is about Thunderlane"
" Him again? What's this time?"
"Dash? Flash told me that Thunderlane is relocating"
"What are you talking about?". And so Sunset told everything that Flash had told her. Sunset expected an indifferent reaction from Rainbow Dash, however, Dash turned her back, put a hand over her mouth, and sobbed.

"Why? Why did not he tell me about it? Why did not he tell me? Why he did such a stupid thing?"
"Dash, you have to ask him to stay", Rainbow Dash turned and yelled at Sunset.
"WHY SHOULD I DO IT?" "He wants to leave?" "Let him Do it, I do not care, after all he prefers his work to his dear friend, right?"
"Dash, but do you care about him?"
"No, I do not care about him, I prefer to leave, I do not care about him"
"It does not seem due to your reaction from before, and when you cried at the slumber party." Dash was amazed at Sunset's response.

"Wait ... did you hear me? I thought you were all sleeping"
"Not after I heard you cry and say those words, are you in love with Thunderlane?", Rainbow Dah blushed, and scratched her neck.
"No ... why should I be in love with him? He's just a friend, I'm just her friend"
"Dash, you can lie to me too, but you can not lie to yourself, look in the mirror, you're red like a pepper" "
"Do you want to leave me alone? I'm not in love with Thunderlane"
"But at least you care about your friendship, don’t you?"
"But I care about it"
"So how about if we go to him?"
"But .... my family"
"Dash? Thunderlane could go forever, we have to talk to him, maybe there's a chance that he will stay"
"All right, I tell my parents that I'm going out for a moment, but no word from Thunderlane with them, is that clear?" After saying goodbye to the parents, Dash went with Sunset to the Thunderlane workshop.
Luckily they found him there. Dash took off her helmet and went to him, Sunset was behind her as moral support. Dash called Thunderlane, he turned and was surprised to find her there.
"What are you doing here Dash?"
"Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Yes, but let's do it soon, I'm setting up a car"
"Let's go out, just you and me". Thunderlane followed Rainbow Dash out, Sunset thought of leaving them alone, but it was not a good idea, because after a few minutes they were arguing. Dash also slapped Thunderlane.

"Do you know why you did not tell me? I thought we could tell about everything"
"Why should I? In fact I was going to do it, you have no idea how many things I wanted to tell you that night at the restaurant"
"Ah, yes, how many things are you hiding from me, besides the crush on me?"
"I do not know, maybe I've already been with two other girls before you?"
"And when would you be with other girls?"
"Just before the second year, I already had two girls, Cloud Chaser and Blossom Forth, do you think you were the first?"
"So you lied to me when you said you were in love with me?"
"No, I did not lie to you, you were the first girl I loved"
"So why did not you tell me you already had girls?"
"What is it, are you jealous?"
"I'm not jealous at all, but anyway you did not tell me that you made a deal with your father, and that you would have moved"
"After what happened between you and me I thought it was better that I left"
"But is it that you made a stupid thing worse than a child? And then there was never anything between you and me"
"I will also be a child, but at least I do not give false hopes"
"You are just a child grown up, capricious and even a stupid liar"
"And you're vain, exhibitionist, you always want to win and you're never happy if others are not as gifted as you"
"If you and I were together, I would have been the strongest with spirit and muscles"
"What are you saying? Applejack beats you about muscles"
"Ah .... so now you compare me to Applejack? Now you have a crush on her?"
"No, but if I had, she would have treated me better than you," Sunset intervened to stop them from arguing, then quietly spoke to Dash.

"Dash? What are you doing?" Was that what you wanted to tell him? "
"It's him who started, he lied to me, and then he's the one who wants to leave"
"Dash? Please, I brought you here especially because you could speak to him, not to make you fight more"
"Ok, ok, now I'm calm".
Rainbow Dash spoke to Thunderlane with a calmer voice
"Thunderlane? I wanted to tell you that ....... you do not have to move"
"I'm sorry, but it's too late now"
"It's not too late"
"After making the right preparations, I will move to the end of next month"
"How can I convince you to stay?"
"Why do you care about me? You have never cared about me, how is it that I am important now? Maybe because you would exploit me again? Or why do you think it's convenient for you to repair the bike for free?".
Rainbow Dash had small eyes, then from the embarrassment she looked away because she could not look at Thunderlane in the face. Thunderlane spoke to her closely, and this time with a serious but melancholy tone.
"I was in love with you Dash, a lifetime, but you only cared about the cool Thunderlane, and not the real me, because you really hate him," Dash looked at him with rage.
"It 's logical that I hate him, because you have no confidence, and not even a bit of maturity, if I wanted to have a boyfriend like you I would have been a babysitter"
"Oh yes, and if I wanted a girl like you, I should have had a younger sister"
"Stop it"
"Do you really want me to stay?"
"Yes, I want you to stay"
"Then become my girlfriend"
"Again? No, you can forget it"
"Then take back everything you said about me"
"No, because I'm right, and you're wrong, and think we were great friends"
"You know, I think I wasted my time with you"
"And I did with you"
"You're stupid, you idiot, selfish, and if you do not draw attention to yourself you're not happy, little braggart", Rainbow Dash gave a strong slap to Thunderlane.

"How dare you talk to me like that?", Sunset decided to intervene again because the situation had heated up too much.
"Enough Dash, Thunderlane don’t listen to her, actually she does not know how to tell you that she cares about you, she loves you", Thunderlane calmed down after the words of Sunset.
"Seriously, Dash?", Rainbow Dash blushed, but then replied with an angry tone again.
"No, it's not true at all"
"Dash? What are you talking about?"
"It's all fake, it's all fake, I do not want to deal with a mama lover that does not know how to make the decisions by himself, and I would like you to leave even earlier because I can not stand you anymore, nor I want to see your baby face here at Canterlot "
"So in the end is this what you think of me? I thought we were friends, and I also defended you in the rehearsals of your band"
"You are a liar, if you really cared about my band you should have come to the concert, instead you have wasted time working in a stupid ramshackle workshop, with a stupid job without a future",

Thunderlane was angry at the words of Rainbow Dash, and this time he was the one who slapped. It was a scene that lasted a second and yet for Dash it lasted longer. Sunset herself could not believe what she had seen. Rainbow Dash touched her cheek, it hurt her to touch it, then looked at Thunderlane, her eyes were injected with rage, it was as if she did not recognize him anymore, she could not believe it, her childhood friend had beaten her. With a sad voice she turned to him.

"Thunderlane? How could you hit me?"
"Yes, and do you know what I'm saying? I hope to find a girl better than you, less picky and able to appreciate my efforts", Dash shouted again,

Rainbow Dash ran away from there, Sunset felt bad for the scene, then Thunderlane returned to the workshop to finish repairing the car. Sunset naturally followed him and spoke to him again, and this time with a tone to reproach him.

"But do you know what you did? Are you crazy?"
"Why? What did I do wrong?" She preferred to hate me, and now has one more reason to hate me " "Thunderlane? Why did you do that? You liked Rainbow Dash, do you know that?"
"All lies"
"No Thunderlane, it's the truth, I think she likes you as a boyfriend"
"So why did not she accept me before?"
"You know how Dash is, and you know how hard she is to admit her feelings, do you know what she said one night while we slept?", Sunset told Thunderlane of Rainbow Dash's words that she he heard the night of the slumber party, he stopped to think, but then he came back to thinking about the car.

"Do you know what you have unleashed? Now Dash is sure she will hate you"
"So she will not see me for a while, in fact I will not come to school anymore, so you do not have to worry”
"You’re surrendering like that? She really wanted to tell you not to leave, it's just that .... that she is made her own way, you did not say you liked her that way? "
"I thought about it, I prefer a girl who appreciates what I do, rather than an ungrateful one"
"It's not an ungrateful girl, you should have told her about what you did for her, how do you know if you've never told her?"
"From now she is the past, now I have to think about my present, and she certainly would not have wanted to be part of it"
"Maybe you should not have slapped her?", Thunderlane turned to Sunset and yelled at her.

"Do you want to stop meddling with the business of others? Why do not you try to think about you?
"It's not in my nature"
"Since when did you change, you became selfless?"
"I changed because a friend showed me the right path to follow, and altruism is a part of that road"
"So here a piece of wisdom, think of your business and live long, I no longer want to deal with that empty head of Dash", Sunset felt anger boiling inside, and in fact, she punched the stomach of Thunderlane, the latter slumped to his knees on the ground in pain holding his hands on his stomach.

"Ouch, what a pain, but why did you do it?"
"Because I thought you were a sincere and sweet boy, but apparently you prefer to give up and behave like a coward rather than to forgive Dash, you know one thing, you're right, get away from Canterlot, and if I find Dash in tears, I swear I'll be back and I'll give you another punch "
"No, for heaven's sake".
Sunset took her motorbike and left, looked around to see where Dash was. She found her sitting on the floor near the base of the high school statue. She stopped and approached her, saw that Dash was crying and that she kept touching her cheek where Thunderlane had hit her. Sunset sat down next to her to comfort her.

"Dash? How are you? Do you want to talk?", Rainbow Dash brought her knees to her chest and then wrapped her arms between her knees, and leaned her head.

"No, sniff, I do not want to"
"I know that Thunderlane was wrong, but you too should have told him the truth." Rainbow Dash sat down compound and looked at Sunset.
"What truth? What truth?"
"What truth? The truth is that you like him"
"I do not like him, and even if I liked him before, I do not like it any more, so if he goes away, I never want to know he existed"
"Do not say that, I'm sure you've both reacted just because you can not bear not having to see you again, and you're very close friends"
"I ... I do not want him to leave, but I do not even want to be wrong, I want his apologies"
"Do you know that I hit him on the stomach?"
"Yes, he slapped you, I gave him a punch," Rainbow Dash smiled and hugged Sunset,
"Oh thank you, Sunset, so he learns to behave like a fool"
"But I want you two to make peace, in fact he did not have to hit you, or react like that, maybe if I spoke to him…."
"No, better than not, I prefer that he goes away, if this is his way"
"Do you really want him to leave?"
"I can not do anything about it, it has already knocked me two or three times, so it's not the precious friend I believed, I want to forget him, it also accused me of not being strong enough, he compared me to Applejack"
"Well, Applejack is very strong, but you're very fast", Rainbow Dash asked with a melancholy voice at Sunset,
"Will you take me back home please?"
"Of course", the two girls got on the bike and left.

"Dash? Are you going to tell your father what happened?"
"No, I can not"
"Why? After all, Thunderlane deserves to be punished for the slap"
"You already did it, and then if I told my father, he would be able to kill Thunderlane, I would like to punish him not to kill him"
"Ah, ah, then do you care about his safety?"
"I would like to show Thunderlane that I can be stronger than any girl he knows"
"I think he knows it, he always said you were the best"
"Best? Not much, I would like to improve my speed, my technique, my strength"
"Come on Dash, do not say that, you're already great as you are"
"You know, I wish to be fast and strong, I would rather be much faster than now, maybe even stronger than Applejack"
"Dash, do not overdo it". At one point, Sunset stopped the bike, looked around and stood in silence, which made Dash worry.

"What's up with Sunset?"
"Did you hear it?
"I thought I saw a light, followed by the noise of a twinkle"
"I do not know, it seemed to come from behind us", even Rainbow Dash looked around, but saw nothing.
"Do you think it's some magical creature?"
"No, it was .... I do not know how to explain, now it seems to have vanished into thin air, it's better if I bring you home".
Sunset brought Rainbow Dash back to her house, the girl was happy to return to celebrate with her family. Sunset instead went around on her motorcycle, she was still thinking about that strange feeling felt near the high school, but when she passed by she found no trace of magic.

"But what will it ever be? It did not seem to come from a powerful force, nor from a magical creature, so what was it? "

To be continued…….

My Little Pony By Lauren Faust and Hasbro

The second wish

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The second wish

The next day, the girls were excited, Dash had an important baseball game in the afternoon, and all six of them sat in the closest places in the field.
Sunset was excited,
"Ok girls, let's cheer for Dash", Twilight was happy,
"After so much study I think that Dash deserves it", Pinkie stand up,
"Not to mention the banner I made for her, Rarity, can you help me open it?". Rarity helped Pinkie Pie with the banner, it was a white banner with the drawing of Dash's face made with markers, with a writing saying Come on Dash, you’re one of us.

"It's really a beautiful Pinkie banner"
"Thanks Rarity, I would have put a little more time and ribbons and glitters and confetti if I had prepared it before and not a few seconds ago", Applejack was surprised,
"Ya mean you did it just a few seconds ago?"
"Precisely, maybe I should wear a pouch with me, as Gianduia does"
"Why? What does Gianduia do?", Fluttershy spoke,
"Pinkie Pie says she always wears a pouch with her"
"That's right Fluttershy, because you never know when you need anything," Sunset smiled at Pinkie's words, then watched Twilight as she was reading a history book.

"You can also avoid studying Twilight, now we have to cheer for our friend"
"I know, but the fact is that I asked the professors to redo the exams"
"And ....?"
"They told me that it is not possible to repeat it just because I wanted to get more"
"Oh well, you'll do it again, what's the problem?", Twilight made a face scared at the words of Sunset.
"What's the problem? You ask me what's the problem? I did some tests last night at my house with my mother's supervision, and I got only a measly 90 out of 100"
"Yes, and I do not know how I made mistakes, in fact when I opened the math book and I did some exercises I discovered that I had skipped some steps"
"Steps? You mean that you skipped operations while you were calculating?"
"Exactly, if this continues, I do not know what will happen to me"
"Come on, it will only be a phase, you do not have to be scared, oh….. the game starts".
The game started very well, Dash's team immediately had an advantage towards the other team. However, Sunset noticed something strange though. When Dash was at the baseball bat, she always made a home run, and when she threw the ball, her shot could not be warded off, more than once whoever took the ball with the glove could fall to the ground.
Sunset and Applejack spoke to each other,
"Wow, Dash is strong today"
"Ah do not think Ah've ever seen her so charged". At one point it was Snips who threw the ball, but unfortunately he was a fool, so in the following round he earned points for the opposing team.
Rarity was worried,
"Poor Dash, she did not have to send Thunderlane away", Sunset nodded,
"In fact, but after what happened these days I do not think it's possible to call him back anymore", Twilight was sorry,
"I'm sorry for them again", Applejack was mad,
"If Ah meet Thunderlane Ah swear Ah'll give him a nice backhand", Rarity agreed with Applejack,
"I think Sunset did well punching him," Sunset could not tell the others what she had learned about Dash, that she was sure she liked Thunderlane. So she spoke to herself in a low voice,

"I just wish Dash could tell him exactly what she feels for him."
At one point in the game, Dash did another home run, and ran through the field, but she did not ran as she usually did, in fact she ran as fast as the wind, until she reached the goal and earn another point. Sunset and the others were amazed, as well as the rest of the audience.

"How is it possible?", Twilight was surprised,
"It almost seems ... almost ...", Pinkie was excited,
"Uhuuu, Dash seems almost magical", Rarity was thinking
"Pinkie is right, Dash runs as if she uses magic", Applejack questioned,
"How can it be?", Sunset was trying to find an answer,
"I do not know, but it's not normal".
Throughout the game Dash showed off her skills, and then she had a huge advantage for the team, at the end of the game, the team brought her captain in triumph.
Rainbow Dash was happy, even her friends were happy for her, even if they wanted to ask her something.
They found each other in the women's locker room, Dash had just taken a shower and was wearing a blue bathrobe when the girls asked her how she felt.

"How do I feel? In a very good shape, but did you see how fast I was, and how cool I was? It was the best game ever, I can not wait to do another one"
"Dash? Can I ask you something?", Rainbow Dash turned on a hair dryer to dry and made a curious face to Sunset,
"What is it? I hope it's not about Thunderlane"
"No, it's about the game"
"Ok then"
"Did you use the magic to win?", Dash was puzzled.
"The magic? Of course not, I did not use it, and I do not even know how I would have done it"
"Your performance today was not normal, you seemed almost full of magic, all that speed was not normal"
"But I did not use magic, I did not even have wings", Twilight nodded,
"Dash is right, she had no tail, ears or wings, so I do not think she was using magic"
"Mmm, but I do not think all this is clear yet", Applejack came forward,
"Sunset? Ah know that Dash would do anything to win, but believe me, using magic would not be in her style"
"Noe you’re talking Applejack, I knew you understood me"
"You did a great job Dash, give me five," Dash gave the five to Applejack, but the country girl got hurt.

"Ouch, what a blow"
"What's up, Applejack?"
"How bad, Dash how much strength do ya have in that hand?"
"I've always had it, why?"
"Sorry if I tell you but you hurt me"
"Have you become weak?"
"No, it's that you really gave me a big blow"
"It was only a five, not a punch"
"Okay, that's okay, but Ah have to go to the infirmary for a moment if ya do not mind", Twilight helped Applejack,
"Come Applejack, let me accompany you". Twilight and Applejack went away, the other girls stared at Rainbow Dash, while she dressed they looked at her with a strange look. Sunset talked to her,

"Dash? What have you done?"
"But I did not do anything, I just gave her a five", Rarity was confused,
"But it's not like Applejack to react like that, and it's not up to you to hurt a friend".
Rainbow Dash was offended by the words of Rarity, and after slipping on her shirt she fastened the star pendant around her neck.

"Listen to me girls, I did not do anything to her, I just gave her a five, I would never hurt her, why should I do .....", Rarity interrupted Rainbow Dash.

"Dash? But do you still have that pendant?"
"Yes, I still have it", Sunset questioned,
"I thought you did not care about Thunderlane anymore, and yet you still wear the pendant he gave you," Rainbow Dash blushed again, but tried to find an excuse.

"It's true, but it's my lucky charm, and then I like to consider it the only gift he gave me when he was really cool", Fluttershy spoke,
"Dash, but does he knows you still keep it?"
"No, he does not know, I do not want to let him know that I wear him, he would think that I would care about him and that he impressed me", Rarity saw something strange,
"Dash, but have you lost the pendant stones?"
"No, I have not lost them"
"But two of them are missing", Rainbow Dash took the pendant in her hand, Rarity was right, there were two nearby spaces without stone in the pendant, and she had not really noticed it.

"It's not possible, I did not remove them, in fact they do not take off, maybe I have lost them?"
"Now that I think about it, the other day I noticed something strange in your look, in fact, here's what it was, your pendant was missing a stone", Sunset was surprised,
"Are you sure Rarity?"
"Yes, I'm sure, a stone was missing from her pendant, but now there's another one missing", Fluttershy speculated,
"Maybe she lost it today at the game"
"It can not be, if it was dropped I would have noticed, at least I was not too focused", Sunset wanted to see the pendant,
"Can I see the pendant up closely, Dash?", Dash unfastened the pendant and handed it to Sunset.
Sunset examined him carefully, and saw that the stones were perfectly fused with the metal of the pendant, her fingers touched the parts where the stones were missing, it seemed almost as if the missing stones had never been welded, yet the others were firm.

"Dash, do you remember if the stones came off when Thunderlane gave you the pendant?"
"I remember, but the stones were perfectly set, and they did not take off at all, not even if I pressed with my fingers or crushed them"
"In fact, this pendant is magical, I'm not surprised if the stones did not come off, but why have they come off now?"
"I do not know, maybe it's not as magical as a wish pendant". Sunset, had an illumination, had almost forgotten the words of Mrs. Marta.

"Of course, now I remember, the old lady said that this pendant made wishes", Rarity disagreed,
"But please Sunset, will not you tell me that you believe it?"
"Yes, I believe it, that lady was magical, she said she was an Anguana coming from the equestrian version of Europe", Pinkie was interessed,
"So it was really an Anguana? I’ll communicate it to Gianduia tonight with the e-mail". Sunset stood up, held the pendant in her hand and spoke to Rainbow Dash.

"Dash? If I remember correctly, before the exams you wished to have at least half of Twilight's intelligence, right?"
"Er ... yes, I said it"
"And yesterday afternoon, when we were on my bike, you wished to be stronger than Applejack, right?"
"Yes, I remember this "
"Well, Mrs. Marta told you that if you had said the words I would like.... or I wish ... ... followed by a wish the pendant would have realized them". Rainbow Dash was amazed, so do Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

"What do you mean? It works?"
"How do you explain that you are able to answer questions you do not know? And how do you explain those high votes? Not counting your speed today, not to mention that you hurt Applejack without wanting it"
"So the pendant really works, did it realize my wishes?"
"It made two", Rainbow Dash took the pendant from the hands of Sunset and put it around her neck, she was excited by the diagnosis of Sunset "

"But it's too cool, I can ask for what I want, I can have high grades and not study, being quick without training, I could ask for what I want without asking my parents"
"Dash? Be careful, Mrs. Marta has advised me to tell you to be careful, because as she has often explained to you the wishes conceal side effects, and recommends you leave at least one stone"
"Side effects? If they do not show up, there's no problem"
"Dash? I know it will surprise you but I would like you to pay attention to what you wish"
"All right, all right, also because now I do not know what to ask".
Sunset came out of the room, and headed for the infirmary to see how Applejack was.
She saw that Twilight and Applejack came out of the infirmary, and the latter had bandages on the wrist of her right hand.
"Oh my, Applejack? How are you?", Twilight explained,
"Nothing serious, it's just a crippling, it will get better soon", Applejack was embarassed,
"The nurse asked me if by any chance Ah tried to lift something heavy, Ah was embarrassed to say that in reality this was the result of a five given to a friend"
"But now how are you?"
"Better, Ah'll be right back as before, after all Ah'm or not the strongest girl in high school?"
S"Well, I do not think you're the only one anymore"
"What do ya mean?"
"That ... that Rainbow Dash ...", Applejack spoke for a moment in the ear of Sunset to tell her something,
"Not to interrupt ya, but today Twilight is a bit strange"
"What would you say?"
"She did not remember where the infirmary was, in fact it seems that she felt lost, as if she did not remember the hallways", Sunset saw that Twilight was going in various corridors, as if trying to orient herself.

"Poor Twilight, maybe this fact of having taken low votes compared to her average has just stressed her"
"We'll have to be close to her, Ah'm going to her, where are the girls?"
"In the locker room together with Rainbow, they will reach us immediately"
"See ya later then"
"Wait Applejack, I had to tell you something"
"Ya will tell me later, when we all go out together".
After a while all seven girls went out, they were determined to take a trip around town to celebrate the victory of Rainbow Dash, and they thought to use the Applejack’s car that was more capacious, but since she had the bruised hand, it’s Sunset who drove.

"So girls, where are we going?", Rarity spoke for first,
"Why do not we all go shopping?"
"I would propose to go to the .... what ... what's the name? Hall?"
"Ya mean the mall? Ah would say it's a good idea", Dash was not very amused,
"Not that I want a new dress, but I would like to take a look at the sporting goods stores and maybe eat a great waffle".
For the girls it was a beautiful afternoon, all together went to various shops to observe clothes and more.
Dash especially stopped at the sports store, spent a lot of time watching the various stuff, as well as tennis rackets and winter accessories, then stopped to buy new sneakers.
Instead, her friends went to the Waffle Shop, a nice shop where they could eat waffles of all kinds. Sunset and Twilight began to see the various tastes, to keep her company there was also Spike who wanted a little taste. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy had already decided their tastes, but they did not think about the taste for Rainbow Dash.

"And now what taste should we choose for her?"
"Ah do not know, now that Ah think about it, we do not even know if she has a favorite taste"
"Let's have it with triple chocolate, you never wrong with chocolate", Fluttershy smiled,
"Eh, eh, Pinkie, this applies to you"
"Mmm, no, I always ask for quadruple chocolate", Rarity had an idea,
"Then we'll take one at random”,
"No, I have a better idea," Sunset interrupted her friends and picked up her cell phone. After a few minutes, Rainbow Dash returned. She had several bags below.

"Rainbow, honey? But how much stuff did you get?"
"I tried a lot of shoes, and I thought I'd take them all, I'll do a great job in the field with these wonders"
"Ya look almost Rarity"
"Nonsense", Rainbow Dash sat down next to Rarity and Applejack, and tried to see the menu.
"Which taste will I choose?"
"It's a surprise Dash, we've chosen the taste"
"So what's your taste?", Pinkie answered,
"I quadruple milk chocolate, with white chocolate and half a bar of chocolate" then Fluttershy,
"I am for the classic, and I preferred a waffle with berries", then Applejack,
"Ah a waffle cream and apples", then Rarity,
"I waffle blueberries and strawberries",then Sunset and Twilight,
"I chocolate and cream"
"And I ......", Twilight remained silent, did not remember the taste she had asked for.
"Oh my, I forgot, how did I forget it?" Spike came out of the backpack and spoke for her.

"Ice cream, cream and cocoa, Twilight"
"Oh sure", Rarity spoke,
"You're a little careless lately Twilight", Spike replied,
"Yet it never happened to her, she always had an excellent memory"
"What's happening to me? Am I losing my intelligence?", Dash answered,
"Do not worry Twilight, it is impossible that you have a lack of acumen, I think it's just a period of lack of concentration perhaps due to the fatigue of your muscular system". The girls were again amazed at the language of Rainbow Dash.

"Of course since ya passed that test ya developed a nice vocabulary"
"You know, and yet I do not even know what I said, but I know I said it", Pinkie spoke,
"Dash? Can you tell me how Australopithecus is spelled?"
"A-U-S-T-R-A-L-O-P-I-T-H-E-C-U-S, wow, I really said it", Twilight disagreed,
"It's not such a complicated word"
"And you Twilight? Can you tell me the spelling of Acetylsalicylic?"
"Of course, A-C-E-T-Y-L ....... S-A-L-I-N-D-R-I-C?"
"A-C-E-T-Y-L-S-A-L-I-C-Y-L-I-C, acetylsalicylic acid, commonly called aspirin"
"Wow, I think that Dash will be our new Twilight", poor Twilight was upset, both for the wrong answer and for the right answer from Rainbow Dash.

"How is it possible? How did I get it wrong?"
"Twilight do not take it, even after this date we’ll come to your house to help you study", Dash had another idea,
"Honestly, I'd rather try a few musical notes at Applejack’s house"
"Twilight urgently needs Dash, try to understand it"
"Okay, so today we study", but Twilight preferred the music,
"No, I would love to see you play, also because I have not seen the Applejack farm yet"
"Then ya are welcome Twilight, I'll show ya all the farm"
"It will be great".
Finally all the girls had their waffles, Spike got on Twilight's knees to get a few bites. All began to eat a piece, but Rainbow Dash was perplexed, the waffle that was in front of her was appetizing, but when she ate a little, was amazed.

"That's good ..... it's very good, but this is ....."
"What's up Dash?", Rainbow Dash was eating her waffle with taste, she was even crying.
"Girls, I do not know how you did it, but this is my favorite dessert, I love it"
"So your favorite dessert is a waffle?"
"Not just any waffle, but a waffle with chocolate, strawberries, cream, four pieces of banana and a sprinkling of coconut"
"So ya are a gourmet too?", Pinkie was surprised,
"Why did not you ever tell us your secret Dash?"
"To tell the truth, it's a secret that not even my parents know, because it's a secret that .....", Rainbow Dash stopped, stared at her waffle and saddened.

"What's up Rainbow?", Rainbow Dash stared at her friends sadly
"There is ..... there is only one person in the world who knows that this is my favorite dessert"
"Is it by chance Thunderlane?". In fact, before Sunset called Thunderlane to ask him what was the taste of Dash's favorite waffle. Since Sunset had remembered that Thunderlane had taken a waffle from their date, she thought she would take that same taste, and Thunderlane told all the ingredients.

Rainbow Dash got up from her chair and left, the girls were amazed at the reaction. Sunset got up and followed her. Sunset found Rainbow Dash sitting on a bench, went to her and spoke to her.

"Dash? But why did you run away?", Rainbow Dash had tears in her eyes, and turned to Sunset in an angry tone.

"How did you know that?"
"How did you know about my favorite dessert?"
"Here .... first I called Thunderlane ... he told me he gave you a waffle for your date, and he told me of your favorite taste"
"In fact, what he gave me that night was the same as I eat now"
"But why did you react like that?"
"And why do not you leave me alone?"
"Dash I just wanted ...."
"If you had not intromitted in my business now Thunderlane and I will still be friends"
"What?", Rainbow Dash began to cry more.
"And above all .... sniff, now he would not relocate"
"Oh Dash, but do you see that you really care about Thunderlane?"
"Of course I care, he's different from the other guys, he's not a narcissist, and he's not like me."
From those words, she understood an important thing.
"Wait .... then it means I was right, you like him?", Rainbow Dash blushed, looked the other way and with a finger she rubbed her head.

"I do not like him, it's just that I'll miss him"
"Dash, you're lying again, just like at home, and you've turned red, will not you tell me what I see is a reaction from someone who will lose a friend?", Rainbow Dash turned to Sunset and vented.

"Okay, I confess, I like Thunderlane, are you happy? I like him, I like him, it's not that I love him but I love being in his company", Sunset made a happy face to Dash's words.

"Oh Dash I knew it, I will not be an expert, but I knew that there was something sweet among you"
"I told you I do not love him"
"You can also lie, the important thing is that you have vented"
"But now he will leave, and it will be my fault"
"So why for once you do not tell him the truth, that is, that you like him and that you do not want him to go away?"
"Because I never feel comfortable talking about my feelings, and then because he's incredibly careless"
"But he loves you, he has a lot of pictures of you in his wallet", at those words Rainbow Dash was amazed, "Pictures?"
"Oops, he is ......"
"Do you know what, I'll call him"
"Oh well", Sunset returned to the table with the girls and sat down.
Twilihgt questioned
"How was, Sunset?"
"I managed to help Dash, now she's calling Thunderlane"
"Not to say anything, but do ya really think that to help Dash and Thunderlane it would be enough for her to eat her favorite dessert?"
"I think it's a good reason to make peace"
"I do not think so, I do not know Dash like all of you, but I do not think she's the kind of romance girl", Rarity answered,
Rarity: "She was never like that, but maybe because she is a tomboy, she has difficulty expressing her feelings"
"In fact it is so, but who knows, maybe now she and Thunderlane will make peace, after all I have done all the mess". After a while Rainbow Dash returned, but seemed more angry than before, and when she sat down, she devoured her waffle little by little.

"Dash? How are ya?", Pinkie come forward,
"Yes, Dash, you and Thunder have made peace?", Rainbow Dash got up again and this time she screamed at all her friends.

"I never asked you to take care of my business, I never told you anything about me, do you want to leave me alone?" The girls were scared by that reaction.

"Dash, what's wrong with you?"
"Yes, I thought you had clarified with Thunderlane"
"But no, I have not clarified anything, and then he is a fool, and I'm not in love with him, and you know something? I'm not hungry anymore." Rainbow Dash left, the other girls decided to stop eating, so they decided to pay and leave. Sunset and the others searched for Rainbow Dash. They found her near a drink dispenser who drinking a drink.

"Dash? Look, I ...", Rainbow Dash answered Sunset without looking at her face.

"Why do you care so much?"
"Why do you care so much that I and Thunderlane make peace?"
"I do not know, it's that he was sorry for me, or tenderness, but I think because I saw him in trouble and I wanted to help him"
"Well, now he's more angry than before, and he does not want to know me anymore"
"What did you say?", Rainbow Dash shouted and punched the distributor.
"THESE ARE NOT YOUR BUSINESS", Dash was frightened, because when she withdrew her fist she saw that she had left her mark on the machine. Her friends were scared too. Pinkie spoke for first,
"Damn Dash, I did not think you could get mad like this", Fluttershy said,
"Oh my goodness, you must be very angry", Dash was frightened for the fist, she touched her hand and spoke with a frightened voice.

"I do not ... I did not want to do it, I did not want to do something like that", Sunset replied,
"Maybe it's better to get away from here before anyone sees us", so did Applejack,
"Right, it's better to go to the farm and immediately".
The girls hurried to leave the mall immediately, got into the car and went straight to the Sweet Apple Acres farm. Applejack and Rarity saw that Rainbow Dash still seemed shocked by the gesture of violence from before, so they thought to carry out some rehearsals of the band to distract her. The girls settled in the barn as they usually did for rehearsal, Sunset leaned against the wall, Twilight sat on a chair with Spike sitting on his lap, so for the first time she could watch a Rainbooms song. The distraction worked; Dash just looked full of energy again, and she played the guitar as usual. At the end of the song, Twilight applauded.

"Fantastic, if only I could play"
"You can always sing Twily, like you did long ago ... I mean, the Twilight Princess"
"I do not know if I could ever sing in public"
"If ya do not try ya can not know, Twilight". Applejack heard someone calling her from outside, it was her brother Big Mac who asked for a hand to move boxes, so she went for a moment to help her brother.

"It was a good performance"
"Thanks Sunset, and I'm glad Twilight liked it"
"Listen, Dash?"
"I know you do not want to talk about it but ..... what did Thunderlane tell you?", Rainbow Dash sat down on a sheaf of straw, held her guitar tight and spoke melancholy.

"Here ..... the truth is that ...."
"When I called him I told him about the pictures you told me"
"I asked him about the photos, and he told me he had done them while I was training, so I got angry, I screamed at him, he got angry too, and then he turned off the phone”
"What? Dash, but you had to tell him not to leave and ....."
"I know, but I did not do it, then he got angry and I lost my patience and ..."
"And ......?"
"..... And he told me to have anticipated his departure at the end of the week". Sunset and the other girls were surprised by the news.

"Thunderlane will leave this week? Oh no"
"Dash, what have you done?"
"I did not tell him not to leave, because then ... I do not know, I did a stupid thing"
"I understand, maybe it's better if I talk to Thunderlane"
"No,Sunset, you do not have to tell him anything"
"Dash, if you can not tell Thunderlane clearly that you love him, well, then I'll tell him"
"No, he does not need to know it", Twilight spoke,
"Know it? Then you love it?", Rainbow Dash blushed,

"Er ... no, no"
"Dash, do you want to stop lying to yourself?"
"Lying to myself?", Rarity nodded,
"It's true, stop talking with your head and let your heart talk"
"Girls, leave me alone"
"Dash, do not worry", Pinkie Pie, did a somersault, got behind Dash, hugged her and told her about one of her plans.

"I know a nice way to make you rest, think, a nice walk on the beach, he meets you and you meet him, lots of colored balloons, signs with what you have to say, and of course the excellent smell of wildflowers, and maybe a mega-screen with the words you have to say, or rather that he will say in case you do not make it "
"Are you crazy Pinkie? So Thunderlane will think I love him". Pinkie Pie broke away from Rainbow Dash and took a Rainbow Dash and a Thunderlane doll from her hair and moved them with her hands.

"Look ... this is you with Thunderlane", Pinkie put the nearby dolls as if they were dancing.

"Oh Thunderlane you are my best friend, I confide you all my secrets I love you", then moved away the puppets.

"And this is you now, Thunderlane I hate you, I hate you, I do not love you", then Pinkie dropped Thunderlane's puppet.

"And this is you next week", Pinkie Pie clutched the Rainbow Dash doll and pretended to cry,

"Oh Thunderlane, how I miss you, I realized it too late, I want you back, please come back, come back", then Pinkie turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Did you understand Dash?"
"Pinkie? Since when do you have those dolls?"
"Silly, I always have my friends' puppets, including Thunderlane"
"Well, anyway I will not behave like that". Rainbow Dash got up and went out for a walk.

"Pinkie, I say you made it clear"
"Thanks, if you want I can do a little show with your doll and Flash"
"Personally I would rather not, between me and Flash I do not think there may be ...", Applejack entered the barn with his back aching, he entered and sat down.

"Girls, Ah can not believe it, for the first time Ah feel tired and only for bringing two boxes", Rarity was confused,
"You? Applejack? Already tired after such a simple task? Do not tell me you're already getting old?"
"Ah'm not getting old, Ah just feel like Ah do not have the strength Ah had in the past few days". Sunset began to think.

"You know Applejack, since when do you feel so weak?"
"Ah think ..... from today, it is from today that Ah feel a strange sense of exhaustion"
"Um ... this thing gives me to think, let me check something". Sunset went to the outside and saw something singular, then reported to her friends.

"Girls, do you know that Rainbow Dash is carrying three boxes on top of each other?"
"What did ya say?", The girls looked out and saw that Rainbow Dash was really carrying several cases.

"It's not possible, only mah brother can do that". Rainbow Dash replaced the crates and returned to the barn.

"You know girls? Do you want to play again?"
"Dash? Since when are ya able to transport so many boxes all together?"
"I do not know, I'd rather say it's been a while since I feel so strong, but I still can not explain how I did to destroy that dispenser", Rarity replied,
"Well, anyway, let's make another good one together". The girls played again, and then since it was evening, they decided to say goodbye.

"Well, girls, see you tomorrow, I would say to come back here", Pinkie was sorry,
"Oooh, I wanted to continue a little bit", Twilight replied,
"Next time I would like to try and sing"
"Great Twilight, and maybe I could find you a place like the band's voice"
"You love playing so much, eh Dash?"
"Dear Twilight, you have in front of you a future rockstar, one day I’ll be in the world of music", Applejack crossed the arms,
"And certainly without us"
"Oh come on Applejack, imagine if I can forget you"
"Rainbow Dash is our leader, and she will never leave us"
"Yes, but ... Ah have mah job here at the farm, Rarity, ya have your projects, so Ah do not think Rainbow Dash would take us with her," Pinkie Pie went to Rainbow Dash and hugged her tightly.
"Dash, oh no, no, do not leave us, please"
"Hey Pinkie, I will not abandon you for sure you are my friends", Rainbow Dash detaches from Pinkie and comforts her friends.

"Wow, Pinkie, sometimes I wish to have your energy, so I would never get tired, and then I would never stop singing, or playing, or running"
"Silly, my energy is not transferable, unless Twilight has created a device that sucks magic"
"Oh no, no, I've got enough of that stuff ...", Suddenly a rainbow of sparkle came out from the star pendant, the girls were amazed, including Dash, then the glow disappeared immediately. Rainbow Dash took the pendant in her hand.

"But ..... but ... but what happened?"
"Dash? Look at the pendant, now another stone is missing". Dash looked at the pendant and in fact Sunset was right, now there were only two stones set in the pendant.

To be continued………

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust and Hasbro

The third wish

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The third wish

Rainbow Dash was amazed at what had happened, and now she had seen it with her own eyes.
"Now the lost stones are three", Sunset spoke to her,
"Dash, you do not understand, you have not lost the stones, but you have consumed them"
"Consume? It means that they disappear on purpose?"
"Of course, whenever you make a wish, the stones disappear, one stone, one wish"
"But I did not say anything"
"Of course you did, you said you wanted the energy of Pinkie, after all you said I wish..., and therefore the pendant has satisfied you", Applejack came forward,
"Wait Sunset, do ya mean that thing really works?"
"I'll be more concise, Rainbow Dash long ago expressed that she wanted to be as intelligent as Twilight, and then the other day when we were on my motorbike she confessed that she wanted to have your strength, Applejack", Applejack started to think,
"And so ... she became strong and smart, so she cheated at the exams."
Rainbow Dash tried to justify herself
"I did not cheat at all, it was not my intention to use magic, I did not know that the pendant really worked"
"So that's why ya are strong, and that's why ya destroyed the dispenser"
"I repeat that I did not do it on purpose", Sunset talked again,
"Dash? I have to ask you something, first of all promise me that you will pay attention to what you say, then I want you to leave at least one stone, as Madame Marta asked me"
"Ok, I will, but now I have to go, I do not want to be late at home." Rainbow Dash greeted her friends and left with the motorbike. Sunset spoke for a moment with the others.

"There's one thing that worries me girls, it's just a theory, you see, Mrs. Marta told me that the wishes that Dash would have expressed would have some side effects", Rarity disagreed,
"I do not think so, Dash seems to me the same as before, in fact maybe it's even more selfish than before"
"What I want to say is that you do not think it is strange that Twilight started to not remembering the lessons that she knew very well before? In addition Rainbow Dash answered the questions that Twilight did not know the answer". Applejack thought with loud voice,
"Indeed it is suspicious"
"And then Rainbow Dash said she wanted to be stronger than you, Applejack, and you now seem to have difficulty using your strength"
"What would ya say Sunset?"
"I said it, it's just a hypothesis, but I think the pendant takes away something from you to give it to her",Rarity started to be afraid,
"Wait .... why would a wishing pendant do such things?"
"I do not know, it's not an artifact I know, but maybe that's why Madame Marta wanted to recommend to Dash to leave a stone", Fluttershy was scared about a sentence of Dash,
"Oh dear, do I mistake or she asked to have the energy of Pinkie?". The girls looked at Pinkie. Rarity was the first to speak to Pinkie,
"Pinkie, honey, how are you feeling, worn out, tired?
"No, I feel fit, full of energy, look". Pinkie Pie did a solo on the drums, she played fast and fast. The girls breathed a sigh of relief.
Applejack felt better after that perfromance,
"Good thing, Pinkie seems out of danger"
"It's just a hypothesis, but it worries me anyway, maybe it's better if some of us go to Pinkie’s house tonight", Rarity raised her arm,
"I'll go there, even if I can’t stand to see Pinkie Pie tired, it would be an anomalous thing".
So Applejack greeted her friends, Rarity went with Pinkie Pie, Sunset, Twilight and Fluttershy went away together in the car.
Twilight and Fluttershy chatted a lot on the way back, Sunset instead continued to be worried even while driving, the hypothesis that had pondered had only come to mind that day but she hoped so much that was false.
The next day, Sunset went to school thinking about Rainbow Dash’s pendant, but did not immediately see the other girls.
At one point, in a classroom, she saw Twilight busy with a test, and looked very exhausted while using the pen for the exercises.
Sunset thought about coming back later to talk to her.
Then in the hallway, she saw Applejack carrying chairs, and she looked tired.

"Do you need a hand, Applejack?"
"Ah would say yes, and to think that until yesterday Ah was able to bring five of these"
"Wait, I'll help you right away". Sunset helped Applejack with the chairs, brought them to the cafeteria, where they were missing. Applejack sat down and spoke to Sunset.

"But what's happening to me? And to think that before Ah could even lift a table by myself, but now if Ah try Ah think Ah would break my back"
"Why? Have you already tried to raise a table?"
"Yes, first, and it was not pleasant, Ah tried to take it with two hands, but Ah could just lift it off the ground"
"Incredible, is not it that you're getting weaker and weaker?"
"Why? Do ya think your theory is true? Do ya really think that Dash is fortifying while Ah am weakening?"
"Maybe it's really like that, but now I'm waiting for Rarity to contact me to find out if Pinkie is feeling well."
At that moment, Sunset's cell phone rang.

“Hello Rarity, did something happen to Pinkie? ………Good thing, all right, see you in class." Sunset breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that Rarity said that Pinkie was fine, so she and Applejack entered the classroom with the others.
Pinkie seemed to be normal, the same as always, Rainbow Dash instead seemed not to worry about anything, in fact she was staring at her pendant.

"Dash, what are you doing now?"
"Since Pinkie is fine, I'm thinking about what to desire later, perhaps achieving the diploma"
"I told you to pay attention to what you say"
"Relax, I did not say I would like ... or I wish ...., it's all right, as long as I'm careful about what I say nothing can happen".
Sunset was worried about Rainbow Dash's negligence, but for the moment she was still not 100 percent certain of her hypothesis.
After two hours of lesson, the girls had to go to the gym for a moment.
They had to prepare a party in the afternoon. And so all seven girls got busy with the preparations. Sunset and Twilight arranged decorations on a table, then Sunset turned to Twilight.

"How was your exam, Twilight?"
"Oh, how did you know I had a private exam?"
"I saw you in that class, and you seemed very busy"
"In ... in fact I was"
"I did that test for a check and it did not go very well"
"What do you mean?"

"I got 50". All the girls were amazed at what Twilight had said. Rarity went next to her,
"How is possible, Twilight? You get 50?"
"t 's so, yet many of those answers I knew until last night, I do not know what is happening to me"
"It must be the pendant of Rainbow Dash, I knew it"
"Nonsense, obviously she has not studied enough, after all yesterday we were always out"
"And how do you explain to me that Applejack is no longer able to lift heavy things?"
"She might be softened", Applejack got angry,
"Hey, who would be soft?" I'll show you who's soft, "Applejack went to Rainbow Dash, but the latter grabbed her by the arm and flung her away, luckily, Applejack ended up on the gym mats. The girls were surprised again by Dash's strength. Fluttershy was scared,

"Dash, what have you done?"
"I do not know, I made a judo move, but I did not want to make her fly that far, just throw her on the ground", Applejack stood up,
"Since ya have this monstrous strenght?Maybe Sunset is right"
"But why?" At that moment the girls saw that Pinkie Pie, who stood on a ladder, began to feel bad. Rarity called her,

"Pinkie, honey, what's wrong?"
"I ... do not ... I ... I know ..., my head is spinning, I feel like I have the flu," Pinkie slipped and fell off the ladder, but Rainbow Dash catched her before she touched the ground.

"What are you talking about, Pinkie?"
"Dash, is that you? We have to finish the decorations"
"Girls, I think you have to go to the infirmary", Sunset agreed,
"Let me take her and Applejack, you end up settling".

Sunset and Applejack brought Pinkie Pie to the infirmary, Pinkie was subjected to some controls, thermometer, blood pressure, breathing, but none of those medical examinations gave an answer to her sudden fainting. The nurse thought it was just simple fatigue, but decided to keep Pinkie in bed for a while until she felt good. Sunset and Applejack came out of the infirmary confusedly.

"This is not good, that nurse definitely does not know Pinkie Pie, it's not possible that Pinkie Pie and the word fatigue are in the same sentence"
"There's something I do not like in this thing, we'll come back to Pinkie, for now let's go to the gym”.
When the two girls returned to the gym they had a nice surprise, the whole gym was adorned with decorations, balloon sculptures , ribbons, and everything else, there was even a new disco ball.
Sunset and Applejack asked Fluttershy and Rarity what they had done.

"We did not do it, Rainbow Dash did everything "
"What? It's not possible, we've been gone, yes, no ten or fifteen minutes, how could Rainbow Dash have done all this?"
"It's the truth, ask her".
Rainbow Dash had a table in her hands that she was positioning and seemed happy.

"Girls, you can not imagine, I got so many ideas to decorate this place that I went as fast as a train, it was like everything was already in my head, then I thought to put this table there in the corner to put on it a tablecloth made of tissue paper of various colors, and then to put on it some swan-shaped napkins, even better, heron-shaped "
"You look really inspired by Dash"
"Now if you do not mind, I have to go immediately to the stationery shop nearby to get what we need, see you later". Rainbow Dash run out of the gym, but Sunset stayed to talk to the girls.

"Ah can not believe she was lifting that table with her hands", Rarity talked,
"But did you hear how she was thinking with her head and how fast she was talking?", Sunset completed the sentence,
"..... Pinkie Pie? Do you still think it's a coincidence?", Fluttershy spoke,
"Oh my, Sunset do not you tell me it's still fault of Rainbow Dash?"
"It is now clear, Mrs. Marta when she spoke of side effects she referred to these"
"So ya were right, it's because of Rainbow Dash that Ah'm not stronger"
"And that's not all, I think if it goes on like this, Applejack you will get weaker and weaker", Applejack got scared,

"Weaker? I mean, will Ah get weaker and weaker?"
"How do you explain that flight that made you do before? And then first Twilight confirmed my other theory"
"Which one? Sunset?"
"The more Dash will use her wishes the more you lose your faculties, you Applejack will become weaker and weaker, Twilight instead will become less and less intelligent"
"In fact, my votes are decreasing more and more, maybe it's like you say"
"But if Applejack loses her strength and Twilight her acumen, what will happen to Pinkie?"
"I would rather not think about it, but I think she could also lose her energy and creativity more and more". The girls were frightened of Sunset's verdict.

"We have to do something, what can we do?"
"Madame Marta said to leave a stone on purpose because Dash could cancel her wishes, so I believe that when we come back we'll ask her".
After a while Rainbow Dash returned with a lot of stuff bought at the stationery store, and she had news to give to the girls.

"Girls? Do you know something new?
"We'll have to ask you something Dash, we have to talk to you"
"First of all, do you know that a famous talent scout will come to the party?"
"Yes, I heard it from Principal Celestia, so I asked if we could perform for a couple of songs"
"Dash, it's not the moment"
"It's all right now, think about it, if we play with our full energy, maybe we could impress that talent scout, and maybe we could have a chance to play at a concert of our own"
"Dash, it's very nice but ....."
"Come on girls, get ready, go get Pinkie, while I'm going to get our instruments in the music room," and Rainbow Dash splashed off the gym again, and not hearing what her friends had to tell her.

"Oh damn, and now how do we do it?"
"We have to tell her that without Pinkie we can not play"
"She did not really want to listen to me, that girl I can not stand her"
"Dash is like that, Sunset”, Twilight talked,
"But Sunset is right, what will happen to us if too much time passes and Applejack and Pinkie will weaken?"
"I'll tell you after the concert"
"Do ya think Pinkie is reduced like that, she really can start playing?"
"You know what I'm going to tell you? Better not tell her, so it will be a fiasco without Pinkie being fit, at least Dash will learn to listen"
"Oh honey, you can not really say"
"No Rarity, Ah agree with Sunset, it is good that Rainbow Dash understand what is really important, if she or her friends". At that moment, Sunset's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Ah Thunderlane, is it you? After a minute, Sunset made a frightened face, the girls did not know what Thunderlane had told her.

"Oh dear, this can’t happening"
"What happened? Sunset?"
"Thunderlane said that .... he will leave the station today at four o'clock"
"Thunderlane will leave?", Fluttershy was shocked,
"Did not you say that he would leave in the week?"
"Yes, but apparently after yesterday's fight with Dash, he decided to leave Canterlot before, but ....."
"If Rainbow Dash will apologize, he will then decide to stay", Rarity was a bit angry,
"Yes, no, as if Rainbow Dash would apologize"
"She will have to do it if she cares about Thunderlane"
"And how do ya hope to make him understand?"
"I do not know, I just want that ....". At that moment Rainbow Dash returned with all the tools, set the stage and then went away again but this time because she had taken Pinkie from the infirmary.

"Girls, how about a good test, before the party?"
"Dash, we have to talk to you"
"Later, later, take your instruments first", the girls saw that Pinkie had trouble walking, but she sat down in the battery chair, Sunset spoke to her.

"Pinkie? How are you?"
"A little tired, but Dashie has already told me everything, so let's start"
"What, do you want to play despite your health?"
“For Dash it's important, and then we could all go together on so many tours if that talent hunters will take us"
"Talent scout"
"Anyway I will not hold back". Sunset got angry and shouted at Rainbow Dash.

"Now stop Dash, we have to talk"
"Later, let's decide what to play first"
"NO, now, we have to talk now", Rainbow Dash was frightened, given the expression of anger of Sunset she decided to shut up and listen to what she had to say.
So finally Sunset told her that her pendant was absorbing the qualities of her friends, the strength of Applejack, the intelligence of Twilight and the energy of Pinkie, and there was the danger that more the time passed, the more her friends would be worsened. Dash did not know what to say.

"But I ... I did not want this to happen"
"Well, dear Dash, but it's happening, so you'd better remedy"
"And how should I do?"
"It’s simple, use a stone to erase your wishes and it’s done", Rainbow Dash gripped the pendant with her right hand.

"But so, but if I do, I could not win with my team anymore"
"You certainly do not need the strength of Applejack to win"
“But I need Twilight's intelligence if I want to graduate"
"And to get your diploma, should you let Twilight lose all her intelligence?"
"No ... I ....."
"There's another thing to know about Dash, the party when it's held?"
"At three ò clock, but the talent scout will arrive at a quarter to four"
"Well, just listen to this news," Sunset spoke to Rainbow Dash about Thunderlane's phone call. The blue girl reacted very badly, stared at her pendant, and began to cry.

"He can not anticipate his departure until today"
"But he will, unless you apologize and ask him to stay in Canterlot"
"I'm not going to apologize, and I'm not going to skip the chance to play in front of a talent scout"
"So this means that you would let your boyfriend leave forever?"
"Thunderlane is not my boyfriend, and then there are always two stones left"
"Then you may wish that Thunderlane does not leave, and with the last stone you can ask to cancel the wishes", Rarity agreed,
"Hey, this is an idea"
"What, should I waste a wish for him?"
"But was not Thunderlane that gave it to you?", Applejack nodded,
"Yeah, in fact it's thanks to him if ya have it"
"So I think you owe him a favor," Rainbow Dash started to think, then sighed and turned to the girls.

"Okay, let's do it, what if I do not use the wish for Thunderlane?"
"Well, my dear, it means that we will not play"
"Are you crazy?", Applejack agreed,
"No Dash, Sunset is right, so if ya don’t want Thunderlane to stay here, none of us will play, especially after what ya did to Pinkie"
Rainbow Dash saw that Pinkie Pie was sleeping on the drums, so she began to think.

"Since you're not honest with yourself, and you can not tell Thunderlane that you love him, then I'm afraid you'll have to use the pendant", Rarity spoke to Dash,
"Dash? I know it's hard for you, but you have to look within your heart, if you do not do something you'll never see Thunderlane again", then Applejack spoke,
"And since ya can not do without your pride, ya can at least use your pendant", then Twilight,
"And then he is such a the gentleman and always loved you, did not you think about it?" Dash finally made another sigh.
"Okay, I will use the wish to ask Thunderlane to stay in Canterlot, but you must play"
"We'll play Dash, but you'll have to use the pendant to avoid Thunderlane's departure"
I will, I will, but woe to you if you do not play".

To be continued……….

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust and Hasbro

The fourth wish

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The fourth wish

By now it was half past three, the whole gym was full of students, the Rainboom were already playing a song, Rainbow Dash was worried and kept looking around to see where the talent scout was.

"Where is him? Where can he be?", Sunset asked Dash
"Dash? Where's your pendant?"
"it’s around my neck, why?"
"Because if the talent scout does not shows up you will have to ask your wish now"
"But Thunderlane will take the four o'clock train, why the hurry?"
"Dash, are you serious?"
"I just want to play and then I'll ask the wish".
Dash saw a man entering the gym, he had sunglasses and a tuxedo and he started talking to Principal Celestia.
Rainbow Dash came down from the stage and went to talk to the man.
After a while she returned to the stage and spoke to her friends.
"Girls, I managed to convince him to hear us play, if we start now we can impress him", Applejack nodded
"Ok then, let's start playing", Sunset looked at her watch,
"It's only thirty-five minutes, but after the song you have to express the wish for Thunderlane"
"I'll do it, I'll do it, but first let's play".
And so Rainbow Dash, along with Sunset, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie began to play.
However Rainbow Dash was worried, because she saw that Pinkie was weak.
When she looked at the talent scout he saw that he did not seem impressed.
After the performance, Rainbow Dash decided to do another one, but Sunset said no

"Dash? Look, there's not much time left of Thunderlane's departure"
"We will play Shake Your Tail, we will do in a few minutes, even after I ask the wish that Thunderlane will forget the evil things that I did to him, what do you say?"
"Would not it be better to ask that he stays here as we said?"
"Yes, but ... did not you think that Thunderlane could never forgive me for how I treated him?"
"What do you mean?", Rainbow Dash made a sad expression

"That I feel guilty for not telling him I like him, okay?"
"Why do not you tell close to him , or maybe by the phone?"
"Because ... I can not tell you, I'm ashamed"
"Still with your pride?"
"Come on, just one song, and then I'll make peace with Thunderlane, I swear to you"
"All right, go ahead with Shake Your Tail".
The girls played the song, but Dash saw that Pinkie was sleeping, so she called her, Pinkie woke up and collided against Fluttershy, she threw the tambourine and hit Rarity, and then Rarity crashed at Applejack, it was a mess, Dash and Sunset were embarrassed . I
n the gym the laughter of almost all the students was heard, the talent scout looked at his watch and left.
Dash ran after him to beg him to stay.
The man was not impressed, especially after the scene, but Rainbow Dash tried to insist on listening to another song.
Sunset helped the girls get settled, and gave a drink to poor Pinkie, the latter apologized, but Sunset knew it was not her fault.
After a while, Rainbow Dash returned with the talent scout, and managed to convince him.

"Dash? And your promise?", Rainbow Dash showed the pendant to the friends that had a single stone, the girls were surprised.

"Dash? Does that mean you have expressed a wish for Thunderlane?"
"Yes, if you do not mind, I should make a call to Thunderlane".
Dash took her cell phone and called Thunderlane. Sunset and Rarity wanted to listen.

"Thunderlane? Where are you? At the station? Because I want you to ... not leave, you ask me why ... I want to talk to you alone, maybe in a romantic restaurant, just you and me , maybe tonight, I swear just you and me, because ..... because you ..... ", Rainbow Dash could not speak, then Rarity stole the cell phone and spoke in her place.
"Thunderlane? Rainbow wants to tell you that she loves you, she loves you madly, she's crazy about you and she does not know how to tell you, so now you can make peace tonight", Rainbow Dash was embarrassed, she picked up her cell phone and spoke with Thunderlane , what he said to Dash was "Okay, see you tonight, I can not believe you like me, bye Dash."
Dash blushed, she wanted to strangle Rarity, but she had to think about playing with the band.
So the girls played again, and they played two songs, the talent scout this time seemed impressed.
At the end of the performance, the man complimented the band, in fact he did much more, he asked the girls to perform another performance in a club in Canterlot, and he gave Dash his business card.

"We did it Dash, or rather your wish came true"
"Er ... which wish?"
"To become famous, and you did not even have to use the pendant"
"Er .... yeah ", Applejack was happy for her friend,
"Now ya can also ask that ya can return our talents, right?"
"B-b-but .... is not better to wait for tomorrow?"
"Because .....", Sunset saw something strange, Dash seemed hesitant, as if she was hiding something.

"What's up Dash?"
"If I ask to cancel the wishes, even Thunderlane's one would vanish, and we will return to fight"
"Oh, she's right", Fluttershy asked
"And how do you do it now?"
"Please let me and Thunderlane talk to each other tonight, and then I will use the last stone to bring things back as before"
"Ah believe it can be done", Rarity agrred with Applejack
"I think so too, and then you'll need a nice dress for your date tonight, right?", Sunset was happy
"And finally you two will openly declare, I'm proud of you, Dash"
"Thanks, now if you do not mind, I should go and talk a little bit with that gentleman"
"Dash? Can I tell you exactly what you asked as a wish?"
"Ehm ...... that me and Thunderlane make peace"
"Great, it seems logical"
"And then tonight I will try to persuade him to stay". T
he next day the girls asked Dash how the appointment had gone, and Dash answered happily.

"The truth is that I and Thunderlane think about getting engaged next month, but we would also like to think about how to manage our time together"
"And then what happened?", Rarity demanded curious
"Have you kissed too?"
"Go easy girls, and then yes, or rather it is he who kissed me", Applejack was curious too
"So you made peace?", then Twilight asked
"And now will you give us back our talents?"
"I will do it tonight, because after all we have a concert, right?", Sunset explained
"But we can not play with Pinkie as she is, do you know that this morning she could not even hold a glass?"
"Don’t worry, we'll be fantastic, Pinkie will not even have to use the sticks".
Eventually Dash was so insistent that she convinced all of them to play.
They had to play in a Canterlot club attended by various people.
Dash was excited, but not all of them shared her energy.
Fluttershy was nervous

"Oh my goodness, look how many people, I do not think I can stand the pressure"
"How do ya feel 'Pinkie?"
"A little stunned, but I want to look great, and then we can not disappoint Dash, no?", Twilight spoke
"I'm sure you can do it, and then Dash promises to cancel his wishes, right?", then Rarity
"I can not wait to perform, do you think that among all those people there can not be a fashion expert?", Dash said another thing
"For the moment we think about the concert, then we'll think about what to do if we're really famous, are you with me?", Sunset agreed with Dash,
"We are with you Dash, after all we are friends, right?"
"You Pinkie, do not force yourself too much, we'll think about not making the drum sound too bad".
And so the girls went on the stage, Rainbow Dash gave a cry of encouragement for her band and the audience and then they started playing.
After a song the whole audience seemed in ecstacy, but then during the second song there was something wrong.
It was not just Pinkie Pie playing slowly, but something else caught Sunset's attention.
Sunset felt that Applejack was playing her bass badly, and after a while it was Rarity playing her keytar badly. Sometimes the audience began to whistle, while others left the club, and things got worse during the third song, Fluttershy could not keep her tambourine in her hands and Sunset herself began to play too badly. In her mind, Sunset began to scare.

"What's going on? Is not it possible for me to play this way, it's like my body does not follow my mind?".
The audience seemed increasingly angry, so Dash made a very strong guitar stroke, she performed a crazy strumming and even did somersaults on the stage, then she began to sing, and suddenly the audience seemed to forget the discords of before.At the end of the songs, Dash posed to the audience, it was a hit. The girls went out of the way worried, even Twilight was.

"What happened to girls?", Sunset explained
"I do not know, it's like I can not remember how to play", Appleajck was worried too
"The same goes for me, it's like I've forgotten everything I've learned with my bass, yet I have everything in my head", Rarity tried to find an explanation,
"Maybe it's stage fright, maybe it was not a good idea this evening", Dash calmed the girls
"Do not worry about girls, luckily I saved the evening thanks to my intervention"
"You know Dash? Maybe your wishes are influencing other people too, it's better if you cancel them"
"But ... I did not express any wishes about your musical talents, because ....", at that moment, a man asked Rainbow Dash to follow him, it was the same talent scout came to high school.
Sunset wanted to go with Dash, but the man said he wanted to be alone with her.
But Sunset wanted to know what he wanted from Rainbow Dash, but since Dash and the man entered in a dressing room she could not do nothing but listen with an ear at the door.
Unfortunately Sunset could not hear much, except for a scream of joy of Rainbow Dash, Sunset decided to return to the other girls. After a while Rainbow Dash returned to them, with news.

"Girls? You have no idea what the talent told me"
"And what?", Rainbow Dash answered with a happy tone, she also had the stars in her eyes.
"It's absolutely awesome, he says that my show liked so much, that would make me do a contract, he says that my talent must be shared with the public all over the world"
Twilight was happy with the news,
"Oh Dash, how nice", but Applejack was not happy,
"Wait ... And he did not tell ya anything about us?" Dash answered this with a sorry tone.
"To tell the truth, he has not talked about you, but only about me", Sunset understood,
"I understand, obviously we did a bad show", Pinkie was worried
"Does this mean that we will split up even before we start?", Fluttershy calmed her
"Good Pinkie, we must be happy for Dash, she deserves it, after all it was her dream to be a star"
"Exactly, and then she succeeded in such a short time, without even using the pendant"
"Do you want to stop thinking about my pendant?"
"By the way, I think now you have to cancel your wishes"
"I will, I will, but now I have to go with Thunderlane", Applejack asked her
"Ah yes? And where?"
"A while ago I called him, I need to go to his house tonight, I need him tomorrow morning to accompany me to the address given to me by the talent",
"What place is it?"
"A recording studio, if you like you can come too," at that moment Pinkie Pie fell to the ground.
The frightened girls went near her, Applejack took her by the head.

"Pinkie? Pinkie? How are ya? How do ya feel?", Rarity touched Pinkie’s hands,
"Oh my, her hands are cold", Fluttershy tried to speak to Pinkie
"Pinkie? Pinkie? Pinkie speaks please," Pinkie replied in a trembling voice,

"I ... c-c-cold ..... take home ....", Sunset was worried and turned to Dash.

"Dash? Please, cancel the wishes, please, look Pinkie how she is"
"I don’t ... I can not"
“Why you can’t?"
"I have to .... I absolutely have to audition tomorrow, maybe Pinkie is just sleepy"
"How can you be sleepy if her hands are cold?"
"I want .... I want .... my mother ... and my sister .... Maud .... take me to my mother", Rarity tried to carry Pinkie,
"Sunset? It's better if we bring Pinkie straight home, I do not think it's time to fight "
"All right, but remember Dash, I do not forgive you".
Sunset and Rarity took Pinkie away, charging her on the shoulders, the other girls followed, none of them wanted to say goodbye to Rainbow Dash, Twilight wanted to tell her something, but then she left without saying anything, Dash knew they were mad at her, but then she heard a voice calling from outside.
Dash went outside and saw that it was Thunderlane, he had come to get her with his motorbike, so she put on her helmet and got on the bike. They left immediately for Thunderlane's house, but he asked her something.

"Dash, what happened? I saw your friends take Pinkie away, she looked pale"
"She was ...... she was just tired, I think it's flu"
"Ah, poor Pinkie"
"Do not think about it, do you want to play a game tonight with the console?"
"Sounds like a good idea, do you want to sleep together?"
"Actually ..... I am tired and I would like to fall asleep immediately after eating"
"Oh, it's okay, in fact, even if we've got together now, it does not seem right to be romantic"
"Ehm .... yeah"
"But yesterday we did not even kiss each other"
"Do not complain about that, Thunderlane, and think about driving"
"Ok, ok, I'll shut up"
"So I like you".
At Pinkie Pie's house, the girls stayed there to check on her friend.
Unfortunately, poor Pinkie was so exhausted that she seemed to have run a marathon.
Her sister Maud was surprised to see her sister so reduced, she knew that Pinkie always had energy, yet that girl who was tired in bed was her sister Pinkie.
Sunset did not want to explain to Maud about the history of the Rainbow Dash’s pendant, as he was afraid of her reaction, even though it was hard to know how Maud got angry.
Sunset used the excuse of a disease to justify Pinkie Pie's illness and went into the room with the others.

"Pinkie? How are you?" Pinkie Pie opened her eyes slowly and answered with a faint voice.
"Where is she? .... Rainbow Dash?"
"It's at Thunderlane's house, it looks like tomorrow will have to go to a recording studio"
"I'm ... happy ..... for her ... because she did it ..... and she's with Thunderlane".
The fact that Pinkie was not angry with Rainbow Dash but even happy in Sunset created a bad shadow of anger. Sunset stayed in the kitchen with Twilight, while the others stayed in the room with Pinkie.

"I can not believe what Rainbow Dash did"
"Come on, don’t get upset"
"How I can’t if I saw what happened to Pinkie Pie?"
"I'm sure that Dash did not really want to behave like that, maybe she was just scared, tomorrow we'll ask her calmer to cancel the wishes, she still has a stone"
"Yeah, but what if she use the last stone for herself?"
"It will not"
"But the first three stones she had asked for wishes by mistake, what if she did it again?"
"But now she did not do it, did not she ask to make peace with Thunderlane?"
"Yes, it's true", at that moment Applejack arrived in the kitchen.

"Howdy girls,"
"Oh Applejack"
"Even you can not sleep?"
"Yes, Ah hope that tomorrow Rainbow Dash will solve everything, it is not the kind of girl that betrays her friends", Applejack opens the fridge and is surprised

"But who needs so much whipped cream?", Sunset laughed
"Eh, eh, you're not the first who ask", Twilight asked to Sunset
" Sunset? What happened when you played?"
"What do you mean?"
"Suddenly you started playing badly one after the other", Applejack was thinking,
Applejack: "Do ya know that Twilight is right? It's as if we've lost our talent one after the other"
"All of us all ...... all except Dash"
"What do ya mean?"
"Do you know that Dash seemed hesitant when I asked her what she wished?"
"Ya know that now that you make me think it's true, it almost seemed as if ...."
"... She was lying?"
"Yes, exactly"
“I’d better make a phone call to Thunderlane".
Sunset immediately called to Thunderlane with her cell phone.

"Hello? Thunderlane?"
"Yes? What's up Sunset?"
"Where is Rainbow Dash now?"
"In my bed that sleeps, a beautiful day awaits her tomorrow"
"Listen, did you feel like you wanted to stay here in Canterlot today when you were leaving?"

"No, I really wanted to leave"
"And why did you stay?"
"Because Dash called me to say she wanted to talk to me, she wanted to tell me something important"
"And what did she say to you, she loves you? What will you be engaged next month?You kissed her?", Sunset did not hear any response, and then he answered.

"What are you talking about? What did Dash tell you?
"It's what she told us"
"She did not tell me she loves me, we talked, she told me she needs me, that if I behave like a mature boy then she will be my girlfriend and when I tried to kiss her she put a hand on my mouth and told me that it was not the time for her, she said it was still early to kiss us because she still does not trust me ".
"........ Ok, all right, tomorrow try if you can convince Dash to come to Pinkie Pie's house, because she and I have to talk"
"OK, then goodnight"
"Wait, if Dash is in your bed, you sleep with her?"
"No, I sleep on the couch, she said it was too early because we could sleep together"
"All right, bye." After ending the phone call, Sunset sat upset by the words of Thunderlane.
Applejack demanded her,
"What's up Sunset?"
"Dash lied", Twilight was surprised
Twilight Sparkle: "How?"
"Things have gone differently than she told us, in fact I think maybe she did not even use the stone to keep Thunderlane". Twilight and Applejack were surprised to hear those words.

"But if so, which wishe could have expressed?"
"Maybe I have an idea".
The next day at Thunderlane's house, the atmosphere was certainly not happy.
Thunderlane just prepared breakfast for Rainbow Dash without even talking to her.
The dialogue with Sunset had made him doubts.
Thunderlane looked strange to Dash, but she did not notice, she just ate and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Thunderlane went to the bathroom door to talk to her, knocked and Dash opened the door just a little.
"Yes, Thunderlane? Do you have to come in?"
"No, I want to tell you something"
"What did you tell to your friends about us?"
"What should I had to say?"
"Sunset told me you told them we'll be together and that I kissed you, did you lie to them?" Dash was quiet for a while, then sighed and answered.

"It 's true, I lied, but the truth is that I do not want others to think that I'm a bad girlfriend, in fact I wish you and I could be .... be ..."
"To be what?"
".... Good friends, boyfriends but good friends"
"Thunderlane listen, now I have to take a shower, and then we have to go to the studio, we'll talk later, okay?"
"All right, but no jokes". Dash closed the door, Thunderlane sat in the kitchen thinking.

"I do not know, it seems almost as if it were troubled, maybe we are running too much? And yet ... yet ....". After half an hour, Rainbow Dash washed, dried her hair, got dressed and went to Thunderlane.

"Come on Thunderlane, we have to be there for half past eleven," but Thunderlane did not seem happy.

"Do you love me?"
"What question is it?"
"I want to know right away, what do you feel for me? Why did you lie to your friends? The other night you seemed so sincere when you asked us to be together at our dinner"
"Well .... ehm ... ..."
"I want an answer right away"
"Can not we talk about it in the car?"
"If you do not tell me the truth I do not take you to that studio", Dash was surprised and angry at the blackmail of Thunderlane.

"What's this, now you're also going to make threats?"
"Dash, I want you to be honest, do you love me or not?",
Dash sighed and answered immediately

"Of course I love you Thunderlane, it's just that I still do not trust you, you used a pendant to please me, you lied to me, you lied to your best friend"
"Does this mean we're still just friends?"
"No, that is, yes"
"But do you prefer me as I am now or as I was before?"
"Before you were very cool, but now it's you, that is my best friend"
"But I do not want to be just a friend for you". Thunderlane took Rainbow Dash by the hand and looked her straight in the eye, she blushed.

"Dash? It's a life I wanted to tell you that I love you, and that same night at the restaurant you broke my heart, and the other night you gave me another chance, but now I want to know if there's hope for the two of us to be engaged? "
"And how ..... how can I make you understand?"
"Do you really want me to believe you?"
"Of course I want it"
"Then kiss me", Dash blushed even more.

"W-w-w-w-what? K-k-kiss us? I told you it's still early to do it"
"But the cool Thunderlane you kissed him several times"
"Yes, but ... I was so proud of you ", Thunderlane moved away and spoke in a more serious tone of voice.

"Dash, I do not want another broken heart, if you do not kiss me it means that you lied to me then, and that you do not care about me, I can also be mature, but at least I stopped lying to you, so if you want go to the studio go with your bike "
"But I can not, I should go to my house, and I would be late, and it's already half past ten."
"Your business, if you care so much, hurry up and go"
"I can not do it". Thunderlane sat on a chair and put his arms crossed, Dash did not know what to do, she wanted to pout him but there was no time to argue.

"Let me understand well, all you want is a kiss on the mouth?"
"Like that we gave when we were young"
"We promised not to talk about it anymore"
"But now we are big, I do not ask you anything but a kiss Dash, if you want me to trust you, then kiss me". Rainbow Dash sat on Thunderlane's legs and put her arms around his neck, Thunderlane was surprised, Dash had a determined look.

"Okay then, I'll give you the best kiss of all your life", so Dash kissed Thunderlane, it was a firm kiss and both closed their eyes and hugged and after seven seconds broke off.

"Wow, this was really the best kiss I ever had"
"Now do you believe me? Do you trust me?"
"And I like you as I am?"
"If you promise not to do the baby anymore, then you can be good too"
"Then I'm going to get the car, my love," Thunderlane got up and kissed Dash on the forehead, took the car keys and began to close the windows and doors of the house, while Dash went down the stairs.

"Umpf, it's too easy to please him, my dear Thundie, I’m the leader in this couple". Dash stood next to Thunderlane's car, heard the cell phone ringing in her bag, she picked it up and saw that Sunset was calling, but did not answer the call, rather she just turned off the phone. After a while, Thunderlane came in and opened the door to her, then climbed up and left.
Meanwhile in Canterlot's high school, Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy were in the music room to discuss about Rainbow Dash.

"Nothing, not an answer", Fluttershy was thinking
"Maybe they’re too far?"
"No, I think ...she turned off", Rarty was worried
"Do you mean that Rainbow Dash did not answer you on purpose?"
I think so, I do not really understand what's happening, Rainbow Dash seems to have changed in recent times"
"Look, I know it sounds stupid, but do not you think it must be the pendant?"
"What do you mean?"
"Maybe the pendant changes the personality of the wearer, Dash has always been loyal, but since she has the pendant, indeed since she expressed her first wishes seems to be another person", Fluttershy seems to agree to Rarity
"Maybe Rarity is right"
"It's a good theory, maybe it's true, but there's only one way to find out." Sunset left the courtroom, but before leaving, she recommended one thing to the two friends.

"You two wait Twilight, I have to go looking for that lady".
Fluttershy and Rarity stood there waiting, Fluttershy took her tambourine to play a little, but after only two gestures she made it fall immediately.
"Poor Fluttershy, and poor us"
"I'm sorry for Pinkie Pie"
"At least there is Applejack with her, now we just have to wait for Twilight to return from her exam." After half an hour, Twilight entered the music room accompanied by Spike, the poor girl looked afflicted, Rarity and Fluttershy went near her.

"Twilight? How did it go?"
"Honey, what rating did you get?". Twilight sat down on a chair and sighed.
"I took 30", Fluttershy and Rarity were amazed.
" 30? It's not possible", Spike spoke
"And he would have taken even less, she was about to forget to put the name"
"Oh my goodness"
Twilight tried to explain,
"Apparently, the more I study, the more I forget about other things, at this rate I will forget about everything I've learned throughout the year", Spike added another sentence,
"Think about that the other time she did not even remember where her house was", Fluttershy and Rarity were shocked,
"Oh poor Twilight"
"This means you're getting worse"
"Oh I hope that Sunset will return immediately".

Sunset turned to different neighborhoods to find Mrs. Marta's van, luckily she found it near a landfill site.
She went near the van and knocked.
Madame Marta opened immediately.
"Yes, who is it? Ah, it’s you, Sunset"
"May I speak to you, Mrs. Marta?"
"Did you come to trade?
"No, actually ....."
"Your friend made a bad use of the pendant?"
"Come in, I made some tea".
Sunset entered the van and saw that the interior was better than the outside, hanging from the ceiling there were glass decorations that reflected the sunlight with different colors, and on the floor there was a sort of parquet and in the center a Japanese table with various cushions as chairs. Marta took the pot, poured the tea into a small cup and handed it to Sunset.

"Tell me Sunset, what did Dash do?"
"Let’s say ... in the beginning ....". Sunset told the whole story to Mrs. Marta, who listened to everything in detail.
"Mmm, I felt the magic in your friend, and in fact it seemed to me Equestrian magic even if not natural"
"Can you help me?"
"Yes, I can, wait". Mrs. Marta went to rummage in a chest and after a while she gave some candles to Sunset.

"Listen to me, Sunset, your friend has asked wishes in a superficial way, asking for the intelligence, strength and energy of your friends she made a trouble"
"What do you mean?"
"See, the pendant can fulfill the wishes, but it can also transform good qualities into negative qualities, as in the case of Rainbow Dash her loyalty has become disloyalty"
"You mean ... she became bad?"
"I don’t know what she wanted now, but if it was a selfish wish, and if it was tied to your musical talent, even if asked by mistake her soul became greedy, she could not even use the last stone to put things back",
Sunset was startled by those words.
"But it can not be, Dash can not do this"
"As long as she wears the pendant around her neck, she is free to follow only her mind"
"And what should I do?"
"Only Dash can use the pendant, however, as long as she remains with you, it will not happen serious things, however keep these candles"
"What are they for?"
"If your friend Pinkie Pie gets worse before Dash fixes it, then turn on one of these candles and she'll be better"
"But you have to try to convince Dash to use her last stone, because otherwise it will be too late, and I could not even remedy"
"Thank you very much, Mrs. Marta.

Sunset went to Pinkie Pie's house, and when she entered in her room she lit a candle near her bed.
“Pinkie? How are you?" Pinkie was dazed, but she could talk,
"I ... I ..., I’m feeling better, do you know?"
"Well, but maybe it's better if you do not move out of bed, if by chance the candle should finish light another one "
"But you leave me alone?"
"No, there's Applejack with you, she and now, poor girls, she's sleeping in the corridor, but you do not worry, if you want I'll stay here with you"
"You know, I feel so good that I would like to play some table games, would you like to join?"
"Yes, why not?".
Pinkie took some board games from her closet, she woke Applejack and together with Sunset they all played. Turned into the afternoon, Sunset had forgotten to make a phone call, so she left the room and called Rarity with her cell phone.
Unfortunately Rarity had no good news, when Sunset felt that the Twilight votes had gone down she worried. She then decided to call Thunderlane to find out where Rainbow Dash was.

"Hello? Thunderlane?"
"Yes, Sunset?"
"Where are you? On the way back?"
"Well ... to tell the truth no, and maybe not before tomorrow morning". Sunset made a surprised expression at the answer.

"What does it mean? Why tomorrow morning?"
"See, the incredible happened, when Rainbow Dash played in the recording studio, an agent came who heard her and wanted to offer her a contract"
"And will she have to go to him tomorrow?"
"No, she has already accepted and already signed, and tomorrow she will have to sing along with a band"
"But she can’t, she must return absolutely, and then how will she do with the school?"
"Well .... she intends to give up"
"What? Give up?"
"The agent said that if tomorrow she will sing as she did today, she will have a private professor, it seems that the guy knows his business"
"Thunderlane? You have to bring Rainbow Dash here, to Canterlot, now"
"But now she's in front of a jury, and it seems they like her"
"I do not care, you have to tell her to come here"
"Ok, ok,".
Angry, Sunset closed the call and sat down in a chair.

"What a crazy girl".
In the recording studio, Rainbow Dash was playing in front of a microphone supervised by some agents. Thunderlane came in and asked to talk to Dash. Unfortunately, it was not possible for him to talk to her until she had finished. After recording, Dash was enthusiastic, and Thunderlane could finally talk to her.

"Dash? Sunset called, and she said I have to take you to Canterlot right away"
"But are you kidding? Tonight that agent invited me to a party at his house, he thinks we can meet someone famous people"
"But Sunset was angry, it was certainly urgent"
"Thunderlane? This is an opportunity to be taken, we can not miss"
"And your friends?"
"Would you feel better if I spoke with them?"
"Then let me talk to Sunset". Rainbow Dash went out of the building for a while to come back after ten minutes, she did not seem to look worried.

"So what did she tell you?"
"That I have to come back with them, but for tonight they do not talk about it because they are all busy doing a slumber party"
"What, but she told me ....."
"Thunderlane? Will you do me a favor?"
"Yes, of course"
"Let me talk to Sunset, you do not have to worry"
"You sure?"
"Of course", Rainbow Dash hugged Thunderlane and kissed him passionately, then added another word.

"You and I will go to that party tonight, we'll have fun, we'll meet some people, and then tomorrow you'll bring me back here to play"
"But then we will have to talk to your parents, and we will also have to find a place to sleep"
"Quiet, I'll call my father, and then that agent offered us to sleep at his villa"
"Oh, how kind"
"For tonight we will be just you and me Thundie, if I sleep hugged to you?", Thunderlane blushed,
"Oh ... er ...... yes, it's okay"
"Ok, but no worries, whatever is, you have to wait for tomorrow"
"Now let's go to that party, but you do not make me look bad"

That night was special for Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane, but the poor boy felt out of place because he was in a villa with a lot of famous people and several distinguished guests, which caused embarrassment to poor Thunderlane, he was so tense and so worried about making a bad impression at Rainbow Dash that he could not eat anything at the buffet, so he just sat on an armchair in the living room, playing tetris on his cell phone. The dear Dash not only ate several snacks from the buffet, but did not stop for a second, she went to talk with the different celebrities, and was always accompanied by the agent.
Thunderlane did not know how to behave, but one thing was certain, that Dash was happy.
The party continued for a long time until half past eleven, and Thunderlane often received the call from Sunset Shimmer, but he promised to Dash not to answer, so he never answered.
When midnight arrived, Thunderlane saw that Dash was not around, and many people were gone, he thought to get up and look for her.
He asked the agent where she was, and he said he had left her with a band to play in a soundproof room in the villa.
Thunderlane went to that hall, but he found only a few guys from that band, so he looked elsewhere, and in fact found Dash.
But he found her in a closet while kissing a blond boy, they were both hugging each other and kissing each other's lips.
Thunderlane was shocked, and went off luckily they did not hear the door closing.
That scene had troubled Thunderlane and so he went back upstairs to drink something.
Thunderlane drank several aperitifs, to avoid getting drunk he also ate pretzels and peanuts.
He was trying to hold back the tears, because he did not want to be seen in that state, but he thought that Dash had an explanation for that behavior.
After about ten minutes Rainbow Dash returned to him happy.
Thunderlane wanted to talk to her, but she hugged him and kissed him.

"You know Thundie? I liked you tonight, you did not behave badly"
"Oh, thank you"
"You know, I talked to that agent, and maybe I thought of something"
Rainbow Dash: "That maybe I should need an assistant"
"... An assistant?"
"Yes, one who takes care of me, one who helps me with my stuff, someone who does services for me, a driver, a handyman, and maybe my bodyguard."
Thunderlane did not understand what Dash wanted to say, so he took courage and tried to tell her about what she had done with that boyfriend before.

"Dash? Can I ask you something?"
"Yes, but first I would like to ask you if you like"
"Huh, what?"
"To be my assistant"
"I thought I was your boyfriend, and not your assistant," Dash smiled, hugged Thunderlane stronger, then flipped him over and then laid her head on his right shoulder.

"Listen to me, Thunderlane, if you do as I tell you, we could get engaged even now if you want," Thunderlane swallowed and blushed.

"Yes, and as my assistant you will always have to accompany me, twenty-four hours a day, indeed you will be paid to be near me"
"But ... I do not want money from you, and then you thought about the school and your friends?", Rainbow Dash looked Thunderlane in the eye with a smug smile, kissed him again on the lips and stared at him closely.

"Do not worry, I'll talk with my friends, if you agree to be my assistant we could spend more time together"
"Alone, and if you do the good guy I'll fill you with kisses until you faint"
"Are you sure?"
"If all goes well tomorrow, that agent would like to give me a house of my own, we will go to live together"
"If you behave well, both as an assistant and as a boyfriend I will not only fill you with kisses, but we could also sleep together, even if you will behave even more well I promise you that next year we will get married". Thunderlane could not believe what he had heard.

"Seriously, do you really want us to get married, so soon?"
"Do you prefer some stupid rock star takes me away from you?"
"By the way, what were you doing in that closet with that guy?"
"So ..... did you see me?"
"Yes, and it was not nice"
"Do not worry, he was just a little drunk, we just kissed, I love only you, Thundie Thundie", Rainbow Dash blinked, and Thunderlane could not do anything but blushing and let it go.
"All right, then I believe you"
"But you'll never ever have to talk to my friends, let me talk to them"
"All right." Dash pulled away from Thunderlane and sat down on the couch.

"Listen, I'm sleepy, you can go and ask the agent if he can lend us a blanket or something warm, I'd like to sleep here on this couch"
"Do you really want to sleep here on this sofa?"
"Yes, so we can sleep hugged," Thunderlane blushed again.
"Damn, then I'm going to ask if he has a quilt." Thunderlane left, Rainbow Dash instead picked up her cell phone, and saw various calls and various messages from Sunset.

"Ugh, Sunset, I'm busy, now I'm writing, I'm ... sick ... I'll come tomorrow ... I have a bad cold ... I'll come to Canterlot tomorrow ... me and Thunderlane are staying at a friend's house ... dot ". Rainbow Dash replaced her phone and saw that Thunderlane had returned with a quilt.

"That gentleman really is very kind, Dash now I'll put the quilt on you and we can sleep together, eh?"
"Thanks, now could you bring me a pillow and something to drink? I'm thirsty"
"I'll go right away, honey"
"Be quick, I'm still cold and I would like to warm myself hugged to you, and then I need a goodnight kiss"
"So I hurry up, honey", Thunderlane went to get something to drink for Dash, she laid down on the couch, and smiled again

"Thunderlane you are so naive, a great present is waiting forfor me".
Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash slept hugged on the couch that night, after a long time Thunderlane thought he would finally have the most beautiful girl in the world by his side, he would not mind if she became selfish, as long as he would always be near her .

Meanwhile in Canterlot the situation was not the best, Sunset was at Pinkie's house and always tried to contact both Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash, but never got any answer and it ended up making her worry even more.

"But why? Why do not they call? I thought that at least Thunderlane was smarter than her, but why he gave her that pendant? In fact, why I broke into each other?", Applejack replied
"They do not answer yet, do they?"
"I called both and sent messages, but nothing"
"What should we do if the candle goes out?"
"Madame Marta gave me five, so if that will be consumed I have four of them"
"But can not do anything for me and Twilight?"
"Only Dash can solve it, and it would be better if she does it right away"
"Do ya know that I still can not play my bass?"
"Then there is no doubt, definitely it’s Dash’s fault", Pinkie spoke
"So girls? Who's going to move the pawn?"
"It's up to me", while Pinkie and Applejack played, Sunset went into the corridor to reflect on what to do

"If it gets worse, I'll have to remedy personally, even if I have to drag Dash here by force she will have to make up for the trouble she has caused".
The day after, Sunset, when she went to school, she saw Twilight's parents from Celestia's office. Twilight was sitting outside the office waiting for them. Sunset approached Twilight to talk to her.

"What's up Twilight?"
"My parents ...... came to talk to the principal"
"Why? Oh .... I guess for your votes"
"Not only that, it's been a while since I can not speak well with others"
"What would that mean?"
"I do not remember certain names, some addresses, it's not just a fact of homework, even if mom is very worried about my last results"
"And what are they going to do?"
"They think ..... they think that maybe it was a mistake to change school", Sunset reacted with a frightened expression,

"Oh no, they will not want to get you back to the Crystal?"
"Maybe, but I do not want to, I do not even want to blame Dash, because she did not do it on purpose, but I do not ... oh, I do not know what I should do".

After a while Twilight’s parents came out of the office and did not have a satisfied face, they just asked Twilight to go home without adding anything else, Sunset was sad for what Twilight had said, apparently the bad performance of Twilight it had worsened so much that her parents had been called by the school. Sunset did not know how to act, if Twilight had gotten so bad it was because of Rainbow Dash. She went into the music room to get away and there he found Rarity using her keytar.
"Hey Rarity?"
"Oh, hi Sunset"
"How's your music?"
"It's useless, as if I had never learned to play"
"Did you ... know about Twilight?"
"Yes, and I guess she told you that she risks going back to her old school?"
"Yes, and I do not know how to solve it"
"And Pinkie how is she?"
"A little better, but she can not leave her room, the candles that Mrs. Marta gave me will not last forever, and if we kept them on for sure in a week they will consume"
"Can not she give you others?"
"I had thought about it, but when I was in front of the dump this morning, her van was gone, and I would not know where she is now"
"Then we must call Dash, she must cancel her wishes"
"I tried, but neither she nor Thunderlane respond to my calls"
"Maybe we should go directly to them, the longer she passes away the worse happens, is not it?"
"In fact, Madame Marta told me that as long as Rainbow Dash stayed with us, no serious things would happen"
"So if she stays out of town….."
"You know what? I try to call Thunderlane again".

Sunset was not convinced what to do, but tried again to call Thunderlane. And strange thing; this time he answered.

"Yes, what is it?"
"Finally, but do you know how many times I called? And I called Dash?"
"I know, but the fact is that she told me I did not have to answer you"
"Why ever?"
"Because she told me it would be her to talk with you"
"Well, he did not"
"What's that supposed to mean? She told me you had a slumber party"
"What?". So Thunderlane discovered the bitter truth, Rainbow Dash had lied to him.
Sunset also told him that he would have to go right away because her wishes were hurting her friends and the more time passed, the things would get worse.
"I ... I can not believe she lied to me"
"The pendant if used in a bad way, can corrupt the person who wears it, it is natural that she may have lied to you"
"But ... she wants us to go to live together"
Thunderlane told about everything that had happened the other day and also about the future plans made by Rainbow Dash. Sunset got angry at everything she heard.

"Thunderlane? Now you do me the favor of bringing Dash here, and to make her cancel her wishes, and immediately"
"But if I do .... if I’ll do, she will not want to know me anymore, she will hate me, right now that she was thinking about our future together, and next year we would also be married"
"But do not you understand? You do not understand that she's lying to you? Probably it's the pendant that makes her say those phrases"
"I have to ... I have to go"
"Thunderlane? Do not you dare to close or ....", unfortunately Thunderlane broke off the call.

"I can not believe it, he did it"
"What are you going to do?"
"He did not even tell me where he was, he’s out of town, but who knows where"
"For the time being, it's better to try to convince Twilight's parents not to let her be transferred and then we must also take care of Pinkie"
"Not to mention Applejack, she can not stay at Pinkie's house forever, she also has farm work"
"If she always feel weak I doubt she will work on it again"
"You're right, I think I should track Mrs. Marta."
Meanwhile out of town, Thunderlane was watching the bands that were playing on an outdoor stage.
He was a little worried about what Sunset had said, but he was also confused between having to be honest with Rainbow Dash and being chased away from her forever.
After a while it was Rainbow Dash to go on stage, the girl had been already awesome afternoon with her music, and now she was literally rampaging on that stage. Thunderlane was happy to see her play, but even more to see her smile, because he always cared about her and only about her.
After two hours all the audience there had been literally fascinated by the girl's music, so much so that everyone asked for an encore.
Rainbow Dash had to decline, she was tired from singing too much, she went behind the scenes to wipe her sweat, Thunderlane handed her a lemon tea to quench her thirst. And then the agent arrived to congratulate her.

"Thank you very much, it was absolutely fantastic", Thunderlane agreed with her
"You deserve it Dash"
"Thank you, Thunderlane, what are we going to do now?". The agent had a proposal to do for Rainbow Dash, she would have to stay with him to sing the whole week. Thunderlane tried to decline
"But…to tell the truth ......", Dash asked Thunderlane to wait, the agent wanted to talk to her again in private. Once again Thunderlane felt aloof. After a long time, Rainbow Dash returned to Thunderlane to talk to him.

"Thundie? We should go in a place if you don’t mind"
"Oh, actually I should talk to you"
"You will do it later, I have good news for you"
"And which one?", Dash spoke with an angelic tone and smiled,

"It's a surprise, a wonderful surprise for you"
"O ..... ok?", Thunderlane certainly could not replicate to such beauty, he only blushed and then left in the car. But driving this time was Dash. Thunderlane did not know where she was taking him, and he didn’t even know how to tell her about Sunset, he shut up and looked at the window, sometimes there were some boys and girls who greeted them, they were some of those in the audience concert. After a few turns around the neighborhoods, Dash stopped in front of a house with an automatic gate. Dash took a remote control and opened the gate, then after parking the car she came down, Thunderlane was still confused.

"What's this place?"
"This is the surprise for you, but also for me"
"What's the surprise?"
"It's our new home, you silly ", Thunderlane was amazed, he did not believe his ears.

"N-n-new….our new home?", Rainbow Dash went near Thunderlane and hugged him tightly.
"My agent said I would have to stay here all week to play here in the city, but it was not a good idea to stay at his villa, so he gave us this house," Dash broke away from Thunderlane and opened the door of the house, it was certainly not a villa but it was bigger than the houses of both of them.

"Think, you and I will live here under the same roof, I'll have to play here in the city, and then my agent wants us to go on a tour"
"A tour? And where?", Rainbow Dash re-embraced Thunderlane and spoke to him closer, he blushed again, for the first time he wanted to stay away from her.

"First I will play in this city for a week, I will play in different places, but my agent has many more projects for me, he wants me to tour for the country and since I need someone to take care of me, you're the best candidate, have you forgotten it? "
"But it only happened yesterday, do you already have this planetary success?"
"Do you want to pick me up?"
"So, to enter into our new home, as if we were married"
"O .... ok". Thunderlane took Rainbow Dash by the arms and carried her into the house, but first he closed the door. The interior was beautiful, there were two bedrooms, a spacious living room with a giant TV, a gym, two bathrooms, a kitchen with the latest hob and several furniture.

"It's beautiful, but will we really live here?"
"Do you lean me on the sofa gently, please?"
"Immediately." Thunderlane leaned Dash on the couch, he wanted to let her rest, but she held him tight and kissed him on the lips, he closed his eyes and hugged her. After the kiss, Dash looked back into Thunderlane's eyes.

"You're not happy with me, Thundie? Did not you want us to go and live together?"
"Er .... yes, but I did not think it would happen so soon"
"You are the only one I trust, I need a boyfriend and an assistant, and since I already talked about it last night, I would like to know if you like the offer?". Thunderlane sat up, and Dash leaned against him.

"What will your father think? And your friends?"
"Leave them alone, let's just think about the two of us, I'll take care of the success, and you'll think of the house"
"But what should I do with my father? I should have worked in another workshop, do you know that?", Dash kissed Thunderlane again on his lips,

"Do you prefer me or your job?"
"You, I prefer you," Rainbow Dash stood up and stared excited at the room.

"This will be our home, you will be my assistant as well as boyfriend, I will become a famous rock star and next year .... you and I will get married"
"Wow, since when are you so detailed and romantic?"
"And this will be our children's room", Thunderlane blushed,
“Had you not imagined us as a family?"
"Well ..... yes .... but we are not running a little too much?". Rainbow Dash threw herself into Thunderlane's arms and rested her head on his chest, she was happy and excited.

"Oh it will be wonderful, we'll have a girl, a pretty girl"
"Oh ... er ...... yes, as beautiful as the mother ......"
"Do not you think that you and I could be a nice family? Oh Thunderlane, I can not wait to spend all my life with you".

Thunderlane could not believe the words that had come out of the mouth of Rainbow Dash, finally his dream of being with her was realized, but he continued to think that things were going a little too quickly. However he took courage and tried to tell her about Sunset.

"Dashie? I wanted ... I wanted to tell you something, before, Sunset called me and she said .....". At that sentence Rainbow Dash immediately detached from him, looked at him with a stare full of anger.

"Did you talk to Sunset? Did you dare talk to her even though I told you not to do it?"
"Dash, listen, what she told me"
"Thunderlane? Did you talk to Sunset?"
"Yes, but listen, Sunset said that Twilight ....."
"You talked to Sunset, did you disobey me?"
"Yes, but you told me the other night you spoke to them, and instead you lied to me".

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and turned angry, then she went into one of the bedrooms. Thunderlane followed her. He found her in a bed completely hidden in the sheets and was crying. Thunderlane sat on the bed and tried to talk to her.

"Dash? Dashie? Do not do that"
"Why ....... sniff? You said that ... sniff, I lied to you, but you're ... sniff ... you lied to me"
"I did not want to do it, but it seems that you do not already care about your friends anymore, I just wanted ....."
"So .... sniff, do you think .... sniff .... I’m stupid and selfish?"
"No, no, no, it's not true, I did not say that"
"But ... sniff ... you told me the other time"
"It's true, but I'll take care of everything, please do not do that Dashie." Thunderlane put his hand under the blankets and stroked the head of Rainbow Dash, she came out of the blankets still with tears, then she wiped them with a handkerchief.

"Do you know that you're beautiful even when you cry? I'm sorry for making you angry," Dash spoke to Thunderlane in a melancholy tone.

"Thunderlane? But do you love me?"
"Of course I love you"
"From one to ten how much do you love me?"
"One to ten? One million of millions"
"Even so much?"
"Dash, I love you, I’m crazy about you, you're the only thing more precious that I have, that's why I wanted to leave Canterlot, because I cared only about you, and if I've always been a mess is because I always think of you, but you ... you make me a mature boy, you make me feel mature, when I'm with you, I do not care about anything else, just about you "
"You are so sweet"
"I know, and if you want to change, I'll stop"
"Maybe a little bit, I need a flatterer, one that stimulates me, and then you and I will have to get engaged"
"I would have never hoped that this year you and I would have been a couple"
"But you have to promise me something, actually a couple of things"
"What would they be?"
"First you must swear that you will accept these conditions"
"Okay, I swear on my parents that I will accept"
"First, you will behave like a mature boy, and that you will do everything I will ask you, doing home services, or taking me to concerts"
"Second, do not you dare talk to my friends anymore"
"But Dash ...."
"Thunderlane? If I find out you've phoned or interacted with only one of them, I swear you'll never see me again"
"What? But Dash, listen .....", But she was not willing to listen to him, actually she proposed a kind of ultimatum.

"No kisses, no hugs, no romantic dinner, no girlfriend and especially no wedding"
"But do you see that you do not want to deal with them?" Dash shrugged her shoulders.

"If you care more for them than for me, you can also go away, it will mean that I will find another assistant and maybe another boyfriend".
Thunderlane felt between two fires, on one side he would have to report the message of Sunset, but on the other if he did he would miss the opportunity that Dash had given him to be her boyfriend. With his saliva in his throat he hugged Dash and spoke to her.

"All right", Dash was still back when Thunderlane hugged her,
"Okay what?"
"I promise you that I will not talk to any of them anymore, I swear, even if you will keep them away from you," Rainbow Dash turned, kissed him on the lips and hugged him happy.

"So I like you, my love"
"Wow, you called me my love"
"But you have to give me your phone, so to avoid future temptations"
"All right." Thunderlane gave her cell phone to Rainbow Dash, then the girl started playing the guitar, he sat on a chair to listen to her, but after a couple of strophes there was a rumble.

"Wow, what was it?"
Dash replied embarrassed,
"Er ..... I think it was ..... it is my stomach that grumbles"
"I believe it, it's all day that you're going off, you have not eaten anything but a sandwich for lunch"
"You're right, would you prepare something good? Thunderlane? Please?"
"But I think the fridge in the kitchen is empty"
"We can call take away service, do not you want a pizza?"
"Do not tell me that you will offer?"
"Actually I have no cash, my agent has not paid me for the evening, so I was hoping you would cook something, but if the fridge is empty"
"Do not worry about that, my love, I'll see if there is any pizzeria around, so I'll go personally, for the food I'll try to find some other store, there will also someone around here who sells fried chicken or maybe oriental cuisine"
"You're very sweet, but do you have any money?"
"Of course I have them, leave it to me tonight I'm going to get you something, then I think I'll pass by some ATM to withdraw some money, otherwise I can not do the shopping". Dash got out of bed and kissed Thunderlane on his lips.

"How tender you are, never stop being like that"
"Wow, I could get used to these kisses"
"It's just to give you the charge, now go that I have the belly that growls"
"I’ll fly".
During the following five days, Rainbow Dash had to sing in different stages of the city, Thunderlane always followed her, took care of her bringing her to the workplace and her agent, and also acting as a driver, and most of the time he had to help Rainbow Dash not to be seen by crowds; because despite Rainbow Dash was still an emerging artist, she already had a huge array of fans. When they returned to their home, Thunderlane had to take care of Dash as a babysitter caring for a child.
He had to do the shopping, to cook, to do the laundry, to prepare the bath tub, to clean the house, and when the evening was too tired, he had to pick her up in his arms and put her to bed.
Thunderlane also had to sleep in the next room, since Dash had asked him that they could not sleep together, at least until they got married.
Thunderlane knew that Dash was starting to behave like a self-centered girl, and he thought that success was already changing her, but he could not rebel, first because he did not want to risk losing again the most beautiful girl in the world, second, because he cared for nothing but her, and would have accepted anything she had asked for.
But when Thunderlane lay down in bed, he thought back to the fact that it was the pendant that made her behave like that, but he certainly could not tell Dash anyway, so he preferred to let go and enjoy the present. That Sunday night, a boy band played at a sports hall, and after some songs, the leader of the group called Rainbow Dash, who sang a song with the group, but then the audience complained because they wanted to hear Rainbow Dash sing a his song, and so Rainbow Dash satisfied them.
From behind the scenes Thunderlane watched the whole concert, could not believe that it was already more than a week that Rainbow Dash had already become famous, and it was almost seven days that they lived together.
At one point Thunderlane went to get a lemonade in a can, because Rainbow Dash always liked to drink something fizzy after a long performance. When he went near the dispenser, he took the drink and when he turned he saw two people he did not expect to see, Sunset and Rarity. The two girls were angry, he got scared.

"Sunset? Rarity? What ... what are you doing you two here?"
"Do you know we tried to contact you?"
"You know that neither you nor Dash have ever replied"
"And you know that if we did not know about this concert we would never know where you two were?"
"Girls, I know, I know, but I can explain, no, if Dash knows that I've even seen you, she will chase me away"
"Why ever?"
"She made me promise that if I had even talked with you she would have left me, I had to give her my cell phone too"
"So she will not return immediately, indeed we want to know immediately what happened here"
"Okay, I'll say it all, but do not tell Dash"
"Do not worry, we're here for her, certainly not for you".
So Thunderlane told everything that had happened in those days, from the villa party to their little cohabitation, he left out no details about the promises that Rainbow Dash said him.
"And that's all", Sunset and Rarity were quite surprised by those words and did not hide their anger.

"Thunderlane, are you crazy? Do not you think it's strange that Rainbow Dash said that stuff?"
"No ... or rather I did not want to think about it anymore"
"But she reasons, she speaks to you in a sweet and romantic way, asks you to go and live together, to work for her, to get engaged, to marry you and even to have a family, this is not the Dash we know"
"And tell us a little, did she ever thank you for what you do for her?", Thunderlane blushed

"Oh, she did better, she never filled me with kisses in all my life if not now, she often hugs me and kisses me on the mouth, even when I have to do a simple service she gives me a kiss on the cheek"
"And what makes you think?"
"That ...she loves being with me?"
"Thunderlane? Wake up, she's using you", Thunderlane did not mind Sunset's affirmation,
"What? Using?"
"Sunset is right, she's using you because it’s comfortable for her, it's enough for her to kiss your mouth and be happy all day"
"Do you ever tell her something important and she kisses you?"
"Well ...... yes, it happened above all when I mentioned you Sunset"
"Do you see it? To make you shut up, she has filled you with false promises, and she knows that it's enough for you to kiss to leave an argument"
"This is not the Dash we know, it's the pendant that changed her"
"It's not true, she loves me, she loves me, everything is false, she and I are living together, and next year we'll get married"
"But try to open your eyes Thunderlane, she does not love you"
"Yes she loves me, those kisses that gives me are sincere"
"All right, since you do not want to believe us, we're going to talk to Dash"
"Yes, let's go".
Sunset and Rarity left, Thunderlane was shocked, in his heart he knew they were right, but he did not want to rage against Rainbow Dash.
Thunderlane decided to go to Rainbow Dash to give her the drink.
But she was not on stage, so Sunset and Rarity were looking for her.
They decided to look for all three together, but it was not even in the changing room.
Thunderlane had first noticed that the band leader was missing on stage, so he became suspicious.
He ran like a marathoner to the band's changing room and in fact his presentiment was right.
Thunderlane would have wished that what he was seeing was not true, Rainbow Dash and the band's singer were hugging and kissing near a locker.
Thunderlane closed the door quietly so as not to be heard, he began to cry and ran into a bathroom.
Sunset followed him and spoke to him on the other side of the door.

"Thunderlane? What's going on?", Thunderlane rubbed his face with the water from a sink, and in a sad voice answered Sunset.
"You were ... sniff, you were right Sunset"
"About what? Did you find Dash?"
"Yes, I found her, and I found her .... sniff, hugging and kissing .... sniff ... that stupid singer ......... sniff .. ..exactly how ... sniff ..... they did in the villa ... sniff ..... "
"Thunderlane go out immediately, we have to talk to you". Thunderlane came out of the bathroom in tears, Sunset wanted to talk to him clearly.

"Thunderlane? You have to listen to me"
"Sniff ..... agree"
"Now we're going to talk to Dash, we have to adjust the facts a little bit, what we ask is that you bring her back to Canterlot, no matter how"
"But ... why?"
"In case she do not want to hear our reasons you will have to take her to Canterlot, it is likely that if you take off the pendant she could come back sincerely, it is not certain, but it is still an option"
"But she will hate me, and she will not want to deal with me anymore"
"Thunderlane? You want to stop thinking about yourself? What you saw before was not Rainbow Dash, it's all the fault of the pendant, it changed her, the same pendant that you gave her"
"So ... all this mess, did I do it?"
"Exactly, and therefore you are responsible"
"All right, I promise to take her to Canterlot, tomorrow."

Sunset knocked on the door of the band's changing room, to open it was Rainbow Dash, who was surprised to see her two friends, with the lie of coming for the concert decided to ask her what plans she had for the future, so Dash accompanied them in her changing room to speak alone.
Rainbow Dash settled on a chair and wiped the sweat.

"Oh girls, you can not imagine how excited I am, I'm singing in front of millions of people, I even have a fan club"
"We are happy for you Dash, but do you think you can sing to Canterlot too?"
"To tell the truth, my agent has not scheduled a stop in Canterlot, but I could do one after my tourneè"
"Which tourneè?"
"I will go around the country, and I will play in twelve different states, you do not know how happy I am"
"Do you have to go back to the stage, Dash?"
"Only for the grand finale, I have to play Awesome as I wanna be, I finally have the success I deserve"
"Yes, with our talent".
Dash wondered why the Rarity's phrase and why she used an authoritarian tone.
"I do not understand Why this outburst?"
"Dash? Have you ever wondered why you already have such a success?"
"Because ... I’m amazing?"
"No, I'll tell you, and it took me a lot to figure it out," Sunset looked closely at Rainbow Dash, who leaned back in her chair.
"Tell me the truth Rainbow Dash, the fourth wish you did not use it to ask that Thunderlane stays, right?"
"Well ... I ..."
"Tell the truth, what did you want that time, what did you ask for as a fourth wish?"
"I don’t know, Sunset, I do not remember"
"Yes, you remember". Sunset looked even more closely at Rainbow Dash, and eventually the girl gave up.

"It's okay, I confess, I was scared, I did not want that talent scout to go away, so I accidentally told him ....."
"... That you wished to be a famous rock singer? Is that so? Did I guess?" Sunset was right, Rainbow Dash felt guilty.

To be continued……

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust and Hasbro

The wrong wish

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The wrong wish

Dash finally confessed,
"It's true .... but I didn’t do it on purpose, I just wanted that talent scout to stay, I didn’t want to express that wish", Sunset was angry, and also Rarity, and as far as Sunset hoped so far that it was only a guess in reality had always been a certainty. Sunset turned away from Rainbow Dash and scolded her.

"I can not believe you did it, did you really wanted to be a famous singer? You cared more about being famous than Thunderlane stayed in Canterlot", Rainbow Dash got up from her chair and screamed,

"Listen, I do not really care about Thunderlane, it's not my boyfriend, he’s just a friend".
Sunset felt herself boiling again with rage, she wanted to say the things Thunderlane had told them, but she could not because otherwise Rainbow Dash would have driven him out.

"Listen to me, with whom you were before?"
"What, have you were spying on me?", Rarity made a curios stare,
"Spying? Why, you were hiding?"
"It's none of your business with who I was"
"You were kissing with that band's singer, right?"
“Okay, I met that singer at the villa party, he's cute, smart, he loves sports, and so we kissed in secret, both at the villa and here", then Rarity replied
"And you did not think what Thunderlane would think of all this? Do not you think you could break his heart?"
" I can tell him what I want, just a nice word, a couple of kisses, and he forgives me, me and that singer are not engaged, I'm not doing anything wrong"
"Yes instead, you're lying to that singer but especially to Thunderlane"
"Besides, you are taking advantage of Thunderlane's good faith, that poor boy who knows what he is doing for you and you are not only lying to him but you have also deluded him to marry him". Rainbow Dash made a surprised face, Sunset was frightened, only after Rarity noticed what had leaked.

"And you ... how do you know?"
"Er ... here it is ....."
"Thunderlane has not told you about us, I hope?" Rarity tried to stay calm and so she made up an excuse.

"Actually, we heard Thunderlane saying it aloud, we were eavesdropping "
"Have you eavesdropped?"
"Exactly", Rarity blinked at Sunset as if to say she had a good idea.

"Yes, it's true I made a lot of stupid promises to Thunderlane, all right? It's true that I promised to marry him and have a family of our own, but the truth is that I'm not going to separate from him"
"Yes, because it’s comfortable for you, is not it?"
"You have a boy who does everything for you, because you can manipulate him so much, do not you? In that case he is not a boy but a lackey"
"This is enough, now I call Thunderlane", Rainbow Dash opened the door and called Thunderlane, he arrived immediately, and closed the changing room’s door.

"I would like you to drive them away", Sunset was amazed,
"Drive away? Your friends?"
"A friend would not behave like you", but Rarity replied,
"And you then? Wanting to be famous you have drained our musical talent"
"None of us can play anymore, because our talents have been absorbed by you, like you absorbed Twilight’s intelligence, the strength of Applejack, and the energy of Pinkie, but you know how they are now reduced? "
"I've had enough," Rainbow Dash took Thunderlane by the arm and asked him again to send her two friends away. Thunderlane stared at the angry girls.
Rarity asked no,
"Thunderlane, no",then Sunset answered
"Reflect well Thunderlane, do not listen to her, reflect well what you do"
"I have reflected, and I have decided that I will protect her from anyone who stands in front of her"
"But Thunderlane?".
Thunderlane hugged Rainbow Dash and kissed her on the head, the girl calmed down, but then the truth was revealed in that gesture, Thunderlane had unlaced the pendant from Dash's neck and held it in his right fist, Sunset and Rarity were happy, Rainbow Dash whimpered to get it back, but Thunderlane held his hand higher so she would not take the pendant back.

"Hey, give me that, Thunderlane, give it back, what are you doing?"
"I'm protecting you, I'm protecting you from yourself", Sunset was happy from Thunderlane gesture
"Good Thunderlane, that’s the way"
"Thunderlane give it back immediately, are you perhaps agreeding with them two"?
"Those two are your friends"
"Thunderlane? If you do not give me back the pendant right away, I swear that it's over between us, or rather I quit you right away".
Thunderlane took Rainbow Dash by the shoulders and spoke to her with tears in his eyes and an angry tone.

"Oh yes? And then dismiss me, but the pendant comes with me, if you want it you will have to go with them to Canterlot", Rainbow Dash was frightened by that outburst,

"But Thunderlane? How can you say something like that? You gave it to me"
"Yes, and I regret it, because look at what it has transformed you, into a selfish, corrupt and capricious girl"
"What are you talking about? It's just the success that transformed me"
"It's just a week you're famous, but you've already act like a famous rock star, do you want to chase me? Do it, I really want to see how you manage to live alone, with your work, without parents, with the shopping, the kitchen, the laundry, and if you're sick who will take care of you? Not me of course, because I'm going back to Canterlot now, "Thunderlane broke off from Rainbow Dash, but she held him by the arm .

"No, Thunderlane, don’t go"
"I know why you do it, because I'm the only one who can take you with the car, well, good luck with the fans, I hope you’ll find a free taxi"
"No, Thunderlane, listen, I do not want you to leave me alone"
"You are not alone, there is that beautiful singer of the band with which you can be accompanied". Thunderlane pulled away from Dash's grip, Rainbow Dash was shocked, but before he touched the handle, she stopped him again.

"So ... have you seen us?"
"You told me that I was the only guy for you, you told me that we would be engaged, that we would get married, that you wanted we had a family, instead they were just words in the wind, you lied to me, and I have enough of your lies "
"But that singer does not count for me, I swear, how can I make you understand? I'm sorry I lied to you"
"I wish I could believe you, but now I have a broken heart, and much more than you did before, I'll hold the pendant". Thunderlane left, Rainbow Dash felt bad and began to cry.

"No Thunderlane I ... I love you", Sunset and Rarity noticed something strange in Dash, she got on her knees leaning against the door and crying, as if she had come back herself.

"Thunderlane come back .... I love you .... since you saved my life .... I ... I ...”, Sunset talked to Dash,
"Dash? Is everything all right?"
"Since you saved my life as a child, I ...... I love you ....", even Rarity notice something new about her friend,
"Dash, what's going on with you?" Rainbow Dash got up and sat on a chair, stared at the mirror and blew her nose. Sunset and Rarity approached and consoled her.

"Dash, do you feel good, now how are you?"
"Why? Sniff ...... why can not I tell him what I feel for him?"
"If you said this thing it means that you are really you"
"So it's true that the pendant has influenced you"
"But I was honest with him, I really wanted us to be together, I do not know how I told him that, but I really wanted us to go and live, get married, and have a family", Sunset and Rarity were very surprises because Dash was talking without the pendant around her neck, so she was sincere.

"Really ... have you ever really wanted those things?"
"Of course I do," Rainbow Dash took a comb, combed her hair and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

"Me and Thunderlane that we live together, in a house with a nice garden, maybe a swimming pool or a tennis court, and we would get married in a nice church in the mountains and with a nice wedding reception, and I would wear a nice white and blue wedding dress ", Rarity then asked
"Dash, but since when did you become romantic and a dreamer?", Rainbow Dash blushed, but she had not finished yet,

"And then we would go on honeymoon to Japan, and then he would take me to our new house, and we would talk about our problems, not a normal relationship, but we would always talk, cooked together, done the works at home, and ..... then we would have a baby "
"Ehm ... Dash?"
"Let her continue", Rainbow Dash took a pillow and hugged it, she was all red in the face and could not hold back her fantasies,

"Yes, a beautiful girl, with my eyes, no, her father's yellow eyes, my hair, my skin, with the passion of music of her mother and her father's passion for mechanics"
"Dash? Earth calls Dash?", Rainbow Dash pulled her head off her pillow and blushed again, threw her pillow away and stood up, but she spoke awkwardly.

"Ehm ...... that is .... Thunderlane is not ..... he's cute but .....", Rarity hugged Rainbow Dash and then stared into her eyes.

"Dash, Dash, oh Dash, but why have you never told us about your romantic side? You are an artist of And they lived happly ever after". Rainbow Dash broke away from Rarity and went back to normal.

"Because I hate being romantic, it's not for me, but there was only one guy in my life that made me heartbreaking, and that made me dream all these things, the only one that was both my friend and my playmate "
"Is it Thunderlane? True?"
"Yes, and I do not know how I would do without him"
"But how many things do you have to tell him yet? You even imagined your first daughter"
"Yes, but when I look at him .... I do not know, I feel like ... I can not do it, especially as I have dealt with him lately". Sunset tried to talk to Dash about the pendant again.

"Dash, can I talk to you for a moment? Do you know what have done to your friends?"
"Yes, I got your talents, but I did not think it would happen"
"All your wishes you desired without wanting, being intelligent, strong, energetic and famous, now I ask you to use the last stone to cancel them"
"But if I do ....... I know I'm wrong but ... I'll lose everything, my future with music, my fans"
"Is it worth having this at the expense of your friends' health?"
"What do you mean?". Sunset and Rarity told Dash about how her friends were, to whom she had stolen strengh, intelligence and liveliness by mistake.

"Twilight is getting lower and lower ratings, her parents would like to bring her back to the Crystal Prep, Applejack struggles to work on the farm, she even had to get a cane to walk, and Pinkie ..."
"And Pinkie?"
"See Dash, there's only one candle left for her, but maybe she'll be half right now"
"And when the effect of that last candle will end, Pinkie will return to feel bad, you must come to Canterlot immediately"
"I did not realize how superficial I was, all right, I'll come after the concert"
"Oh thank you so much"
"But you do not have to tell Thunderlane what I told you"
"Promised, rather ... when did he save your life?"
"Yeah, is it something between you two?"
"Ehm ..." Just at that moment, a guard opened the door to warn Dash that it was time for the grand finale.
Rainbow Dash immediately took her guitar and went straight to the stage.
It was an extraordinary success, she sang Awesome as I wanna be in front of that big audience, and then there were several flashing colored lights that lit up the stage.
At the end of the song, Dash took the microphone to thank the fans, the crowd was literally delirious, shouted more her name than the band one, then Dash looked in the direction of the singer and saw that he approached her. He spoke into the microphone in a clear voice to the audience.

"I want to ... I want to thank all of you, especially the band that allowed me to make this interpretation, and I hope you are happy with this beautiful evening".
From different parts of the audience were raised several banners with the name of Rainbow Dash, they were much more than those ones of the band, she felt like she was on the top of the world, but the next day she had to say goodbye to all this .

"I would like to thank all of you for being here, but I wanted to tell you that in life not only music matters, but also simple things like family, friends and love and I am lucky because here, in this place, there is a person who loves me, and he is a person close to me ".

At that moment the singer of the group hugged Dash, and kissed her on the mouth.
Everyone in the audience was in awe, they thought a new couple was born on that stage.
Dash broke away from the embrace, but the singer continued to hug her, but then she noticed behind a stage structure that was Thunderlane staring at her, she saw that he was crying, then he took a poster of the band and tore it in two.
Rainbow Dash then slapped the singer, the band members and the audience were amazed at the girl's reaction. She took the microphone in her hand.

"That's not what you think, he and I are not together, he's not the guy I was talking about".
The singer was sick, there was someone in the audience who was shouting whose identity was her boyfriend.

"The boy I'm in love with is a special person, he's always been my best friend, I told him lies and I never told him what I felt for him, because I'm stubborn and stupid and because .... he is my best friend, I would like him to know that I love him, that I love him crazily, and that I wish he was my boyfriend, but not that I want favors from him, only that it is my boy, but also my friend, and I do not care if he's a mess, but I would like him to forgive me if I misbehave with him and give me another chance to be his girlfriend, "
Dash looked to the right to draw attention to Thunderlane.

"Thunderlane? Can you come here on stage please?".
Thunderlane came out from behind the scenes, and a lighted enlightened him, with a little fear he went to Rainbow Dash.
When he looked at her, he was still angry, but Dash, red in the face and with an insecure voice, tried to clear through the microphone.

"Thunderlane, can you forgive me? I'm sorry I lied to you, and I'm sorry to have treated you badly, but the truth is that for me ... it's not easy to express my feelings, but those things I promised you ... I really thought of them ",
Thunderlane began to be less angry, indeed he saw that Dash seemed quite pained.

"I wanted to tell you that ... I do not want you to leave, nor that you are angry with me .... can you ..... can you forgive me?".
All the audience made a kind of tenderness, Rainbow Dash had the microphone in her hand and was shaking, but she felt stiff like a statue.
It is true that Thunderlane did not want to forgive her, but he was so touched by those words, as well as the fact that she had spoken in front at such an audience, who decided to forgive her at the moment.

"Okay Dash, I forgive you", Rainbow Dash blushed,
"Really? You forgive me? After all I did?"
"Of course I forgive you, it's true that you're stubborn and selfish, but you're like that, I do not mind your defects, indeed, they make you unique, and I would still go to live together if you like, or alternatively that we simply engage ". Dash hugged Thunderlane tightly and cried for joy.

"Thanks Thunderlane, thank you, I love you so much"
"I will never let you go again Dash."
All the audience applauded, Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane left behind the scenes, Sunset and Rarity were happy with their statement.

"Dash, we are proud of you, you finally told Thunderlane what you felt for him"
"Yes, and without the help of the pendant"
"I do not even know how I did it, I was so tense, but ... I was also afraid of losing Thunderlane"
"By the way, remember to express the wish"
"I'll do it right now, Thunderlane? Can you give me the pendant?"
"Of course."
Thunderlane unbuttoned his shirt, he had the pendant around his neck, and it had begun to worry Sunset.

"But ... Thunderlane? Did you wear it?"
"Well, I had to hide it, no?", Thunderlane took off the pendant and was about to give it to Dash.
"Now I will ask that my wishes be canceled".
Thunderlane stopped, he was about to give the pendant but then withdrew it.

"Wait ... this means you'll lose everything?"
"Yes, Thunderlane, but my friends are in danger, now give me the pendant"
"And how will you do with your fame and all that?"
"Why are you acting like that Thunderlane?", Thunderlane did not seem so convinced, Sunset had a bad feeling.

"Dash? Can you come out for a moment?"
"Ok, but why?"
"It's about us," Thunderlane and Dash came out of the changing room.
Rarity was surprised,
Rarity: "What's going on? What's wrong with Thunderlane?"
"I do not know, but maybe we should go away"
"Not before Dash expressed the wish"
"I know it sounds strange but I think Thunderlane ....", at that moment two security men entered the changing room and took the two girls away, Rarity started to complain, but both were taken out of the building .

"What manners, what have we done?"
"Yes, we were talking to our friend Rainbow Dash", Thunderlane went out for a moment to talk with the two girls, the two security departed.

"Thunderlane? But what happened?"
"I'm sorry girls, but I do not allow you to ruin the life of Rainbow Dash"
"What are you talking about?"
"She deserve all this, and you will not take it away"
"Are you crazy? Our friends need that wish"
"No, Dash needs it, if I let her cancel the wishes she would lose everything"
"What does your head tell you?"
"You have to leave her alone, let the two of us stay together"
"Thunderlane but what are you doing?"
"Let’s leave, Rarity, let's go, I understand". Sunset and Rarity left, but the white girl did not know what was going on.

"What are we doing? We were able to talk to Dash"
"Did you not notice anything"?
"That Thunderlane drive us out?"
"He seemed changed, and I bet it has to do with the pendant"
"I think the pendant is so powerful that it has infected Thunderlane"
"Are you sure?"
"Believe me, I felt very well the magic of the pendant, and it was evil"
"And how do we do now?
"We absolutely must prevent Thunderlane from giving back the pendant to Dash, otherwise she will come back to be selfish".
But unfortunately for the two girls, Rainbow Dash came out of a back door with Thunderlane, they were escaping from the fans, so they got into the car, and Rainbow had the pendant around her neck.

"Oh no, it's too late"
"No, let's go"
"But we can not make our way among the fans"
"We have to do it", Rarity and Sunset tried to make their way through the fans, but it was not easy because when they managed to get close to the car, Thunderlane started it.

"Oh no, we did not make it"
"Do not despair, Sunset"
"Why are you so optimistic?"
"Look here", Rarity pulled a piece of paper from a pocket.

"What is it?"
"Before in the changing room I found the receipt of a rotisserie, with the address of Rainbow Dash on it"
"Oh Rarity, what a genius"
"We have to find the address, so we'll talk again with Dash, and with Thunderlane". Rarity went to get her car and searched for the address of the house. After about half an hour they managed to find it.

"Well, here it is, now those two will hear me yell"
"Wait, if they know it's us we could be drive away, they could even call the police"
"And what do we do?"
"I know it's not a good thing to do, but I think we'll have to sneak"
"Do you mean ... climb up the wall?"
"I believe so".
Sunset and Rarity had to work hard to find the right place to climb the wall, and luckily they found it.
Sunset helped Rarity with the wall, the problem was not so much to get in, but that Rarity was complaining about the fact that she was getting her dress dirty. Immediately after they rang the bell. To open them it was Thunderlane.

"What are you doing here? And how did you get in?"
"The gate was open and if you do not mind we should talk to Dash"
"Why should I ever? You want her to give up her fame"
"No, we will not ask her, we just want to ask her about her tour"
"Seriously, is it a trap?"
"No, we just want to flatter it all here"
"If you think I'm so stupid ...". Dash heard the voices and told Thunderlane to let them in.
So the two girls entered the house, Rainbow made them sit in the living room.

"Tell me girls, what's wrong?"
"Thunderlane literally blew us away"
"Yeah, he should apologize"
"Why did he chase you away?". Sunset explained the matter, and Dash began to think, then turned to them.

"Well, I think Thunderlane did well", Sunset and Rarity were again worried because Dash had said that phrase with a careless tone.

"What do you mean?"
"If I wanted to cancel my wishes I would lose everything I have now, I am a rock star now and nobody will prevent me from becoming more and more famous"
"Dash, it's not you, it's the pendant that makes you talk, you have to cancel your wishes so your friends will return to normal", Rainbow Dash tightened her pendant with her hand.

"You're just jealous of my success, you're envious of how I became famous", Sunset got up angry,

"But look at you, it's almost a week you're famous and you already behave like a spoiled true rock star"
"And then remember that you owe your success to the fact that you have drained our talents"
"Thunderlane? Send them away now". Thunderlane arrived and asked the two girls to leave.

"Rainbow, you can not drive us, Twilight risks losing her intelligence, Applejack can no longer work without her strength, and Pinkie Pie becomes weaker and weaker". At that moment Rarity's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Rarity went off into a corridor, while Sunset tried to reason Dash and Thunderlane.

"Dash, think, you have to give us a hand, all this you do not deserve it"
"Ah yes, so I should not deserve this success?"
"No, because you did not deserve it, you only expressed wishes, and you did it superficially, you should think what is really worth for you, and that is your friends"
"Leave her alone, she stays here and even her pendant"
"Thunderlane? You know what you're saying?", At that moment Rarity went to Sunset with a shocked expression.

"What's up, Rarity?"
"Oh Sunset, it's horrible"
"It was ... ... it was Pinkie's mom, she said that a while ago the last candle was consumed and that Pinkie began to be pale again", Sunset was frightened by that phrase.

"Oh heaven, no"
"She also said that they also had to call an ambulance, because Pinkie could hardly breathe"
"Oh no"
"We must go immediately to Pinkie".
Sunset and Rarity came out, Thunderlane opened the gate for them and they left. But before leaving, Sunset said one last thing to Rainbow Dash from the car window.

"I hope you are happy Dash, your selfishness has sent Pinkie to the hospital, if you really are our friend you would give up your success, you should immediately fix your mistakes if you do not want Pinkie to end badly". Having said this, Sunset left immediately. Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane returned inside. Dash put herself on the bed.

"What a mess, and tomorrow I have to do another performance"
"Do not worry, Dash, it’s gone now"
"Would you do me the favor of doing a nice feet massage?"
"Oh sure, love"
"Please avoid calling me love". Thunderlane took a cream and started massaging her Rainbow Dash’s feet. She relaxed, but then she took her bag and started looking for something.

"Since you behaved so well tonight Thunderlane, I want to give you back one thing"
"What is it?"
"The half ring you gave me back". In fact she took the half ring from the bag that Thunderlane had given her back in the envelope with the money.

"Thank you for keeping it". But something happened, when Thunderlane took the ring in his hand he felt different.

"Thunderlane? Why did you stop massaging me?"
"What have we done Dash? Sunset and Rarity have gone away"
"I know, and think that they wanted me to give up my new life"
"But it does not work, you have to cancel your wishes, Dash "
"Thunderlane? Do you feel good? Why this change of mind?"
"I do not know but .... you have to do something"
"I'll do it, now I think I'll fall asleep"
"What are you talking about?"
"Thunderlane, now go to sleep, tomorrow is waiting for us another day before the tour"
"But how? How do you think about sleeping after what we did?", Rainbow Dash got angry at the tone of Thunderlane's voice.

"Go and sleep right away in your room and run"
"Ok, I'll go, but tomorrow we'll talk"
"Yes, but tomorrow I want you to wake me up with a good pancake and some cappuccino, goodnight".
Thunderlane did not understand why he had changed his attitude, but he had to call the girls. Unfortunately, he received no answer from either Rarity or Sunset.

"But what did I do? What did we do?" Thunderlane did not sleep that night, but when the morning arrived he had to make breakfast, so he got near the stove and made pancakes and cappuccino.
Dash arrived as soon as she smelled the pancake in her room, gave a kiss on the cheek to Thunderlane and then sat down to eat.

"Mmm, what a delicious"
"Dash? Can I tell you something?"
"What? I hope it's important"
"Do you care about me or your friends?"
"You, it's obvious"
"What if your friends are in danger?"
"Well, what do you want me to tell you? They treated me badly, so it was worse for them"
"But they did not treat you badly, I wore the pendant and I felt bad and the same has happened to you, you should cancel your wishes"
Rainbow Dash: "Do you complain too?"
"Look, I know it's hard for you, but I know how to say it in plain language." Thunderlane went to his room and took a guitar, then sat down at the table.

"What do you want to do?"
"A year ago I wrote you a song, and now that we are together, I want you to finally hear it".
Thunderlane sang his song in a safe voice and without making any mistakes, he had never been able to tell Dash about his song, but now he's doing.
Towards the end of the song Thunderlane was very happy.

"♫ My girlfriend's name is Dash, she's the most beautiful and the most loyal ♫ ........ So how do you think?", Rainbow Dash got up from the chair and looked at him closely.

"Thunderlane? This was ...."
"The most beautiful song you've ever heard?"
"No, it's absolutely the most disgusting, pathetic and cheesy thing I've ever heard," Rainbow Dash was horrified by the song, but Thunderlane was left in his judgment.

"But Dash?"
"Do not interrupt me, I told you that I hated romantic things, do not you? And you even wrote me this rubbish?"
"But Dash, until yesterday you told me those beautiful things, and in front of all those people"
"What are you talking about? I did not do anything"
"But yes, you told me so many romantic things, you asked me to forgive you"
"I do not know what you're talking about, but now I'd like you to go to my agent's office and immediately without a word"
"Ok, okay".
So Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash took the car and went to that agent's office.
Once there they saw that there were several journalists who wanted to take pictures, Thunderlane tried to cover Rainbow with a jacket. They managed to escape from the journalists, and found Dash's agent who wanted to talk to them.
He showed some magazines, they were all different but they all talked about the couple of the moment, that is Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane. Dash was incredulous, read parts of an article and was surprised, as if she remembered nothing of what had happened on the stage.
"But it's not possible, I can not have done it, I can not have said those things"
"But you did Dash, and you even slapped the singer"
"No, no, no, I liked him"
"But Dash? You asked me to ...", Rainbow Dash threw the magazine on the ground and became angry with Thunderlane.

"This is all your fault Thunderlane, because of you, look what a mess you made me do"
"But Dash? I did not do anything, you did everything by yourself, I swear"
"No, you just ruined my career, and now I do not know how I'll have to apologize to the singer"
"But Dash? And me?"
"You do not count for me, wake up, you're just my assistant".

Those words hurt Thunderlane harshly, never as now he understood that Sunset was right, Dash was really under the influence of the pendant, she did not want to speak to him and went to his agent.
The day was not quite quiet, as Rainbow Dash had to sing, but several journalists continued to arrive in the studio who wanted to interview her and unfortunately for Dash everyone was asking about her boyfriend.
But every time someone asked her that question she denied it. At lunchtime, Thunderlane brought Dash to eat something. All the way she did not look him in the face, meanwhile he felt bad.

"Dash? Do you want to eat spicy?"
"As you please, I have a stomach that grumbles, but do not you dare talk to me while I eat"
"I can always go and take everything in the car".
Thunderlane stopped near a Mexican restaurant, left Dash in the car, took tacos, quesadillas and drinks.
Then he brought everything into the car, but he saw that Rainbow Dash had left the car, she was making autographs for teenagers.

"Oh Thunderlane, finally, I'm hungry"
"Who are these?"
"They are my fans, and if you do not mind I'm signing autographs"
"Do you want to eat in the car or do we go straight to the house?"
"Since I can not see from hunger, what have you got me?"
"I took tacos and .....", Thunderlane had a bad surprise, did not realize that one of the two shoes was untied, so he tripped and the bag with all the food ended up on Dash, staining by the food, spicy sauce and drinks. Thunderlane felt sick, Dash was left with a surprised expression, the teenagers laughed, some even took pictures.
Thunderlane was embarrassed, tried to clean Rainbow Dash, but she slapped him and got angry.

"See what you have done, you good for nothing"
"I'm sorry, Dash, I did not do it on purpose, it was an accident"
"Meeting you was an accident"
“I-I ... I'll take you some other tacos"
"NO, now take me away from here right away."
Thunderlane got into the car and decided to bring Dash back home.

"Do you wish I’ll prepare something at home?"
"My hunger is gone"
"So I'll make you a nice hot bath, what do you think?"
"All right, but you owe me some tacos"
"I have an idea, I’ll call home service, I'll bring you some barbecue chicken, eh?".
Returning home, Thunderlane called the home service and filled the bathtub with hot water and put bath salts in it.

"Here Dash, now you can wash, now go to the bathroom undressed, and leave the clothes in the basket, so I’ll wash them immediately".
Rainbow Dash blushed, and snorted, but she did as Thunderlane required. So Dash dumped the dirty clothes in a basket outside the door, and so while she enjoyed her hot bath, Thunderlane took the clothes and put them in the washing machine. After an hour, Dash came out with a blue bathrobe, and went into the kitchen, Thunderlane told her that the delivery had arrived.

"Eat Dash, it's all for you". Without saying a word, Dash ate a few pieces of spicy chicken, looked at Thunderlane and motioned to him that she likes it. Thunderlane smiled.

"I'm happy, now I'm going to check if the clothes are ready, so I'll do the laundry for you and for me". Rainbow Dash felt guilty for what she had said to Thunderlane. After a while she went to the terrace where Thunderlane was hanging the clothes.

"Dash? Why are you still in a bathrobe?", Rainbow Dash did not have a pendant around her neck, so she was not affected by her selfishness,

"I wanted ... I wanted to apologize to you, Thunderlane"
"Ah, it does not matter, it was my fault rather, I wanted to know if you want to still be my friend"
“Actually ... I do not know what got me, I do not understand why I reacted like that, it's like I did not forget I told you I love you"
"Dash, do you understand it's the pendant?"
"It's changing me, is not it?"
"Yes, and now your friends are in danger"
"Listen .... can you call them to ask if they can forgive me?"
"I'll do it right away". Rainbow Dash went near Thunderlane and hugged him.

"You are a honey, I do not care if I lose everything, I need you, Thunderlane"
"Oh how nice". Just at that moment there was the sound of some flashes. Rainbow Dash appeared and saw some photographers in their garden photographing them. She was embarrassed and ran away into the house.

"Thunderlane? How did those paparazzi come in here?"
"I do not know"
"Let them go"
"I'll go right away". After a while, Thunderlane managed to drive them away. Then when he came back he saw Dash sitting on the couch.

"How did they get in?"
"Here ... I'm afraid I left the gate ajar". Rainbow Dash got up and got angry.

"But then you're just a fool, how did you leave the gate semi-closed?"
"Dash calm down"
"No, I'm not calm, since we're together I always have to live with your face, and since last night everyone here thinks we're engaged, and now those paparazzi have also photographed us embraced". Thunderlane saw that Dash had the pendant around her neck.

"Dash? Why did you put the pendant back?"
"Because it gives me safety, and then because it's my lucky charm"
No, you have to leave it, put it away"
"No, it's mine"
"You promised to help your friends"
"Leave me alone"
"But do not you want us to get engaged? Or friends?", Angry Rainbow Dash looked closely at Thunderlane.

"I would not be your girlfriend even if you were the last guy on this planet". With that said Dash went to her room and leaned against the door, but Thunderlane spoke to her from outside.

"Dash, I'm sorry, can I do something for you?"
"You have not caused me anything but trouble, you're a useless mess, go away"
"Do you really want me to leave you alone?"
"Since I've known you, I've never met a boy like you, you're useless, stupid, spineless, mawkish, messy, and no one but no girl would love you"
"Dash, but I love you, and this is not you talking, but the pendant", Rainbow Dash covered her ears not to hear Thunderlane,

"Shut up, shut up, don’t talk, I prefer to return to Canterlot alone rather than having you around, and tonight I’ll go back to Canterlot, and I don’t want to see you again"
"Okay, if that's what you want", Rainbow Dash threw herself on the bed and squeezed a pillow,
"And for once, be a man and not a child, oh how I wish I never have .... HOW I WISH YOU HAD NEVER BEEN BORN".

After the scream Dash threw herself on the bed and fell asleep in tears.
"I hate you, Thunderlane, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you".
Dash woke up after about an hour, she saw that it was five o'clock and she heard her cell phone ringing.
It was Sunset who wanted to talk to her.
“Hello? Sunset?"
"Dash, I know you do not want to deal with us, but I have to ask you to come here to Canterlot, right here, right now"
"What's up?"
"It's for Pinkie, she wants you"
"What does she wants?"
"Maybe it's better if I'm clearer, she's in the hospital"
"What do you mean in the hospital?"
"But Dash, have you already forgotten what we told you?".
Dash remembered the dialogue between her and Sunset, and after a long time she worried.

"Oh my, how is she?"
"She's sick, she's pale, I think if she continues like this ... oh I do not even want to tell you, I just wanted to remind you what should be important to you, if your success or your friends, and do not say that you prefer to be famous ".
At that moment Dash broke off the call, Sunset hoped that Dash would have been able to recover if she heard Pinkie Pie's voice, but unfortunately she did not have time to let poor Pinkie talk.
Sunset, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight stood next to pale-skinned Pinkie, who was standing on a hospital bed and breathing with a device.

Sunset was holding Pinkie’s hand,
"I'm sorry Pinkie, it seems that Dash does not care more than us", with a low voice the pink girl answered,
"It does not ...... nothing .... but I wanted to say goodbye ... because ... I’m not angry ... with her", Applejack was angry,
"After all she did, you're not mad at her?", Fluttershy calmed Applejack,
"Please Applejack, do not let her talk, Pinkie needs to rest", Rarity was angry too,
"Dash, you will pay for this, I can not believe you've became so selfish", Twilight tried to talk,
"It's the fault of the pendant, we should not blame her", Sunset get up,
"No, it's all my fault, if I had not intruded into her life, Rainbow Dash would never have had that pendant", Applejack then said
"Come on Sunset, we could not predict such a behavior by Dash", Rarity replied
"We should had".
After an hour, the girls had to leave the room where Pinkie was, as a doctor had to take her exams.
Sunset was worried for the health of Pinkie,
"I'm so worried, I wish Dash was here, I'd like she to express the wish to save Pinkie", Applejack replied,
"She should ask to cancel the wishes, Ah have to go around with a cane for walking ", then Twilight spoke,
"And I'm beginning to forget also how to pronounce some foreign words".

"Do not despair, I'm here," said a voice from the hallway, the girls turned, it was Rainbow Dash who was coming towards them.
All five girls were happy to see her, Fluttershy and Twilight hugged her, while Applejack, Rarity and Sunset were sulky, but Rainbow Dash was happy to be there and was sorry.
In a tone of submissive Dash turned to the other three friends.

"I ... I'm sorry for what I did, girls, I know you can not forgive me, but I ask you to listen to me if I tell you I'm sorry", Sunset approached her,
"Pinkie is in the room and the doctor is visiting her, you also chase us away"
"I know, and I wanted to tell you that I prefer to be an ordinary girl rather than being famous", Applejack turned to Dash,
"Why did ya come to this conclusion?"
"I do not know, when you phoned me, I felt like an impulse, I looked around and ..... I do not know, I felt alone, and I did not even have a car, I had to take the train and camouflage me not to meet fans and journalists, I do not know how to explain it, I felt like that, maybe it's not the life for me "
"Ya know, it seems a little strange, but now it seems you're talking as the loyal Dashie", Sunset agreed,
"A little too loyal"
"Do not worry, now I'll settle everything".
Dash took the pendant from her neck, closed her eyes and squeezed it in her hand.

"I wish my wishes to be canceled", the girls were happy with that phrase, apparently Dash was back to normal, but Sunset was not convinced, also because the pendant did not emit any light. Dash tried again, reconcentrated and tried again.

"Hey, what's going on? I wish my wishes to be canceled," but once again the pendant did not shine.
Sunset made a question to Dash,
"Dash? Did you bring the pendant around your neck so far?"
"Do you know that you could have made this wish also from the other city?"
"Yes, I know, but the fact is that I had to come here to apologize"
"And you did not behave badly, as a selfish I mean, since you had it around your neck?".
Sunset was right, Dash was acting well despite the pendant around her neck, how could it be since when she wore it she acted badly?

"Can I see the pendant?"
"Yes, here you are." Dash gave the pendant to Sunset. What Sunset said was scary.

"Dash? The pendant ...."
".... It's uncharged", Dash and the girls got scared.

"What ...... uncharged?" Sunset showed the pendant to Rainbow Dash closer and there was something she had not noticed.

"It means that it is without magic, have you noticed that the last stone is missing?", Rainbow Dash took back the pendant and began to sweat, she was shocked and surprised.

"B-but, but it's not possible"
"Have you used the last stone? What have you done?"
"I have not used it, I swear you, Sunset, I swear to you girls I have not expressed wishes"
"Due the use you have made of other wishes it does not surprise me if you have also expressed the last without wanting it"
"No, Sunset I swear, I have not expressed wishes", Fluttershy was panicing,
"Does this mean that it will not give us back the strength of Applejack or the intelligence of Twilight?"
"Neither the energy of Pinkie", Applejack added .
Dash collapsed on a bench in the hallway. By now her friends began to look at her again badly.
Rarity crossed her arms,
"I knew we couldn’t trust you, you became selfish, and now because of you Pinkie will not be able to heal", Twilight blamed Dash,
"How could you, Dash? Do you realize what you've done?"
"Girls, I swear I did not express wishes, that was my last stone"
Sunset Shimmer: "We would like to believe you, Dash, but we can not, not after how you behaved". Rainbow Dash saw that all her friends were now against her, so she felt sick and began to cry.

"Girls .... sniff ... I swear ... I have not done anything .... I have not expressed wishes ... yesterday I even argued with Thunderlane .... sniff ..... .he left with the car, without telling me where he went ... sniff, please, I do not even know how to apologize to him. "

Applejack looked Dash in the eyes, "The thing does not matter, and then who is Thunderlane?"
"Sniff ..... Thunderlane". Strangely, Applejack made an intrigued face.

"And who is he, your friend?". Rainbow Dash stood up

"I'm talking about Thunderlane, my childhood friend, I convinced him to work for me in exchange for some kisses, and now I don't know how to apologize to him"
Rarity was surprised,
"Wait ... did you live with a guy out of town?", Fluttershy’pupils became smaller,
"Oh my goodness, Dash, did you live with a stranger?".
The phrases of Rarity and Fluttershy surprised Rainbow Dash.

"But how? Don’t you remember who is Thunderlane?", Sunset nodded,
"Of course we remember", but Twilight said no,
"And who would he be?"
"Oh come on Twilight, Dash's best friend, you know, a Mohican hairdo, a nice boy, gray skin, the mechanic near Dash's house, how many times have we talked with him lately."
Applejack, Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy, they looked at each other and then each of them said that they had never seen or heard a boy with that name.

"How is it possible? How do you not remember him? Rarity, you and Sunset have talked to him the other night in my changing room"
"Dash you are enough mature to have all the guys you want, but what you say is false, the other night in your changing room there was not the guy you say, but only a bodyguard, and not even with that appearance"
"What are you talking about Rarity? We talked with Thunderlane, how can you not remember?
"What are you talking about? It's Rainbow Dash who called security".
At that moment the doctor had left the room, the girls asked about Pinkie's health.
Unfortunately the doctor did not have good news, Pinkie was getting weaker and weaker, and she was getting harder and harder to breathe.
Fluttershy began to cry, Rarity consoled her.

Applejack stormed against Dash.

"Ah hope you are happy Dash, I can not beat you because you have my strength, but keep in mind that you are responsible for Pinkie's health, and it's only your fault, don’t blame on non-existent people like that Thunder Line "
"But girls? Thunderlane really exists, how can you not remember?", Rarity had enough of Dash’words,
"Dash, please stop saying lies, rather you have to tell Pinkie that she will not be able to heal", Twilight was sad,
"I believe that since I can not get my intelligence back, I'll get to find a job in a fast food restaurant, or in a pet shop, at least I could keep Spike there".

Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Twilight left.
Rainbow Dash did not know what to think after that dialogue, but thought about going into the room where Pinkie was.
She went inside and there, near her bed, she also found Maud, when Dash saw how bad she was, she felt sick. She knelt by the bed and took Pinkie's hands. Dash asked Maud to leave them alone for a moment.

"Who is it, is it you, Dashie?"
"Yes, it's me and I'm sorry"
"Now ...... you're here .... now you can give me my liveliness"
"I can not .... I lost the last stone and I do not know how I did"
"Oh ... this means I will not get well", Rainbow Dash hugged Pinkie Pie,

"Pinkie? I'm sorry, forgive me .... sniff ..... I was selfish, and I realized it too late, and I also had a fight with my friends and with Thunderlane, oh how stupid I was"
"Come on ... do not take it, it happened ... I forgive you"
"How can you forgive me after what I did?"
"Because it can happen ... anyone would do like you"
"Oh Pinkie Pie, forgive me"
"Can I ask you a question, Dashie?"
"Yes, what is it?"
"Who is ..... Thunderlane?".

Sunset had been confused by the girls' reactions, it seemed they did not know Thunderlane, so she picked up the phone and called him.
A minute later, Rainbow Dash came out scared from Pinkie's room.

"Sunset? Sunset? I have to talk to you"
"Me too, about Thunderlane". Sunset and Dash came out of the hospital, leaving Maud to take care of Pinkie. Dash and Sunset sat down on a bench to talk even better because Rainbow Dash seemed upset.

"Summing up, you Sunset, you remember Thunderlane, right?
"Of course I remember him, and if I had not helped him to impress you, this whole story would never have happened"
"Well, the others do not remember him, and neither is Pinkie, and Pinkie remembers everybody, she even made him a car-shaped cake for his last birthday"
"A cake shaped like a car?"
"I asked Pinkie to make it to him, because he's a mechanic"
"Dash? Did you try calling Thunderlane on the phone?"
"No, I did not think about it, now I’ll call him".
Rainbow immediately took the phone, did not know what Thunderlane would have said, but had nothing to fear but worse.

"He does not answer ... it says... it’s a number that does not exist"
"The same thing that happened to me before, maybe Thunderlane had removed the number but this does not explain why the girls do not remember him", Sunset saw that Rainbow Dash was checking the gallery of the pictures of her phone, and she seemed worried.

Sunset Shimmer: "What's up?"
"The photos ... have changed"
"What?", Rainbow showed the pictures to Sunset, they were all taken in different places and not even recently and in each there was Rainbow Dash.

"What do you mean that they changed?"
"Look at this, I made it to the sea with Thunderlane, we took a selfie to capture the sunset behind us, but he is gone"
"What, does that mean that Thunderlane disappeared from the picture?"
"From one? He disappeared from all the photos I had in my cell phone, as if I had never done them with him"
"The thing is strange, let's go straight to school"
"Wait, can you go to school? I have to go to the building site where Construction Site works, he’s Thunderlane's father"
"All right, I'll take the bike". Sunset took the motorbike and drove Dash to the yard while she went straight to high school.
Once there, Sunset found Flash and some of his friends playing soccer.

Flash greeted Sunset,
"Hey Sunset"
"Hello Flash"
"Why are you running? Something is wrong?"
"More or less, I should check the registers of your class"
"I'm looking for Thunderlane"
"Thunderlane? Why do you look for him in our class?", Sunset preferred to explain after the situation to Flash. So Flash, although hesitant, helped Sunset check the records of his class.
Sunset consulted those of the recent school year and even those of last year. But the name of Thunderlane was not written anywhere.

"I do not understand, I can not find Thunderlane"
"Who is this Thunderlane?"
"Do not you remember? It's your friend, the one who works in the workshop, he's in your class, he did wrong the tests because of Rainbow Dash"
"There is no Thunderlane in my class, and I have no friends in any workshop"
"But it's not possible"
"Maybe it's in another class"
"No, it's in yours, he's also in Dash's team".
At that moment, Sunset remembered something else, the pictures of the teams hanging on the wall near the principal's office.

"I have to go to the principal for a moment if you do not mind"
"Ok, do you want me to accompany you?"
"No thanks, but I would like to know if any of your friends remember Thunderlane".
After almost an hour, Sunset came out of the high school, said goodbye to Flash and drove off to the building site.
But she found Rainbow Dash halfway, she entered Thunderlane's house and she was talking to a 30 year old lady, with dark blue skin and light gray hair.
After a moment, however, Dash greeted her and left. Sunset stood near the sidewalk and turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Dash? How did it go?", Rainbow Dash began to cry and hugged Sunset.
"It's .... sniff .... gone .... Thunderlane is gone"
"Oh, I was hoping you had more luck".
Sunset brought Rainbow Dash to a diner to drink a good smoothie.
They sat near the window and spoke.
Poor Dash was still crying, and Sunset handed her some handkerchiefs.

"I ... sniff ... talked to his father ... sniff"
"And .....?"
"He thinks I am crazy"
"Because he told me he never had a son named Thunderlane, that the only child he has is Rumble, which is the younger brother of Thunderlane"
"Does this mean that his father does not remember him?"
"Since I had Thunderlane's spare keys, I went to his house, but he was not there"
"And who was that lady?"
"That was Cough Syrup, the mother of Thunderlane, I tried to explain the situation but she said she has never had a child but Rumble"
"Well, even I did not get anything, Flash and his friends have no memory of him, I also asked the principal Celestia, but nothing, Thunderlane does not appear on the registers, nor on the photos, even on the photos of your teams ". Rainbow Dash was amazed again.

"It's like Thunderlane disappeared into thin air"
"Exactly, but maybe there's another place he's gone".
Sunset thought about playing one last card, the workshop where Thunderlane worked.
The two girls went there, Rainbow spoke to the owner, but unfortunately he did not know Thunderlane either. By now it was almost evening and Sunset brought Rainbow Dash back to her house.
The blue girl went to her room, she did not even greet her parents, Sunset justified her friend's behavior with a small stomach ache, and then followed her into the bedroom.
Dash leaned on the pillow and started crying again, Sunset comforted her.

"Why? Why he wasn’t there? Oh Thunderlane, but where are you?"
"Dash? I know it's just my guess, but ... isn’t that maybe the disappearance of Thunderlane is also linked to your last wish?"
"What ... sniff, you mean?"
"Didn’t you say you had a fight? Maybe you said something last night"
Rainbow Dash sat on the bed and blew her nose and tried to remember.

"Yesterday I just treated him badly, he was so nice to me and I treated him badly"
"Come on, tell".
Rainbow told Sunset everything that had happened, trying not to leave out any details.

"And then I fell asleep, but I do not remember anything anymore"
"We have to find Mrs. Marta, maybe she can tell us if anything has to do with the disappearance of Thunderlane"
"Do you know that there was nothing in his house, any object that belonged to Thunderlane has disappeared"
"In fact it seems that Thunderlane has never existed".

Suddenly Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, Sunset asked her what she had, but she reacted by putting her hands over her mouth and crying.

"Dash? Dash? What's wrong?", Rainbow Dash took her hands off her mouth and gulped.

"Sunset? Now I understand what may have happened"
"What, have you been reminded of an important detail?"
"Yes ..... when I was in my room, I screamed at Thunderlane and told him some bad things"

"And what?
"That he is spineless, mawkish, messy ....."
“You have already told him once"
"But then I screamed even worse"
"And what?", Rainbow Dash could hardly say the sentence in fear.
"What ....... that ...."
"What? Dash goes on, it can be important"
"That ....... I wished he had never been born".

At that sentence it was Sunset that dilated the pupils, then she closed her eyes, Rainbow Dash tried to explain.

"But I did not do it on purpose, I was angry and ......", Sunset spoke in a low, rebuking tone.

"Dash, what have you done?"
"I was angry with him and ......", Sunset reacted by slapping Rainbow Dash.
Dash got scared, Sunset got out of bed and looked at her in a bad way.
"Do you realize what you did?"
"Sorry, Sunset, I did not want to, I was just ......
"The pendant has changed you, but I did not think you could make a person disappear, especially if that person was your best friend"
"I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong"
"You have expressed wishes in a superficial way, and now your friends are paying the price of your mistakes, but who was most unlucky is Thunderlane, because you made him disappear, even worse, he never existed"
"Please, I would like to cancel my wishes, I want Thunderlane back"
"No, you always deluded that poor boy, what he asked you was a chance to be your boyfriend, but you would never have given him that chance, and when you told him you loved him you came back to be selfish because of the pendant”
"Please Sunset ... sniff ..... I want Thunderlane back"
"Unfortunately I do not know how to help you, and I am responsible for everything"
"I want him back, and I would like to tell him that I'm sorry"
"No, this time you will not have the help of any of us, do it by yourself, you have made Thunderlane disappear and you will have to pull yourself by this mess, goodbye".
Sunset left without greeting anyone, leaving poor Dash in tears.
By now she was successful, she had intelligence, money, health and strength, yet Dash did not feel happy, because in that day she had lost her friends and the only boy she loved.
Only her tears remained, she threw herself on the pillow and cried again.
"Oh Thunderlane ........ sniff .... what have I ever done to you? Sniff ..... if you were here .... sniff ... definitely ... sniff, you would console me .... oh ...... what did I do to you? "

To be continued.........

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro

The right choice

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The right choice

The next day, Sunset went to the farm with the other girls, they were there to help Applejack with the apples, since she could not do much.
Sunset had already explained everything to them about the last thoughtless gesture of Rainbow Dash.
Applejack was the first to talk,

"So….Sunset... are ya telling us that Dash used the last wish to make this guy disappear?"
"Yes, that's right, he was her best friend, besides he was in love with her",
Fluttershy questioned
"But how why nobody remember this Thunderlane, apart you and Dash?"
"Well, Dash because I think it is because she is the one who has the pendant, as for me because I think the pendant has had effect only to the people of this world"
Rarity replied
"So now she made this guy disappear, and are you also telling me that she has declared her love to him right in the middle of a crowd of fans?"
Twilight made a thought
"It does not look like our Dash"
"But it happened, but Rarity can not remember, since Thunderlane was never born"
Appleajck was mad,
"Well, she deserve it, finally she’ll learn a lesson". Twilight stopped picking up apples and talking to the girls.

"Girls, it does not seem right to say such a thing"
Applejack asked Twilight why that sentence,
"Why do ya say so Twilight? After all, now ya can not even go on with the studies"
"I know, but do not think about how she feels? Imagine losing all your closest friends, then there was only one person who believed in you and who always forgave you, and then you lost that person too ".
Twilight made a wise speech, all four looked at each other and thought she was right.

"What Dash did was a bad behavior, but I know what it means to be alone even if surrounded by friends, that's how I felt at the Crystal, but with all of you things have changed, now I feel part of a group and in this group I want Dash to be here, even if it means I will never have my acumen again. "
Sunset was not happy about what Twilight said,
"Twilight, it's really a good talk, but Rainbow can not get away with it after how she behaved"
"It was not her fault but the pendant’s"
Rarity agreed with Sunset,
"And She expressed all her wishes with superficiality"
"It's true she did not notice, but we will not have to try and stay close to her?"
Applejack came forward to Twilight
"I want to remind ya that she has also absorbed our musical talent, and then now she has health, fame, money, fans, so she can have what she wants, don’t ya think?"
"And who will take care of her, since Thunderlane is not there now?", Sunset was sad at those words, Twilight was right, even though Dash was now with her parents, she no longer has her dear friend .
"If this Thunderlane was so special to her, then can’t you imagine how she feels now? What kind of sensation of guilt does she has?" Sunset greatly appreciated what Twilight said, and so he went near her.

"Twilight, even without your intelligence you said some fantastic words"
"I do not believe it depends with my brain but with my heart, I only told what I felt like saying from my heart"
"Actually you're right, we have to give Rainbow Dash another chance, now I'll call her."

So Sunset took the phone and called Rainbow Dash, but her mother answered, who told Sunset that she was not at home, but added more.
Sunset turned off the phone to warn the girls.

"Girls? We have a problem",
Applejack stopped
"What happened?"
"Dash is not at home, and her mother does not know where she is"
Rarity was thinking
"Maybe ....... she is back out of town"
"No, Dash's mother spoke at the phone with her agent, he said that Rainbow had a performance in a square, but she did not show up," the girls worried after that news.
Rarity was surprised,
"What do you mean?"
"That if she is not at home, and she did not go out of town, then who knows where she will be"
Applejack sat on a chair.
"Perfect, now we'll have to look for her somewhere," but Fluttershy stepped forward

"Um ... I actually, maybe I know where Dash is"
Applejack spoke to Fluttershy,
"Are ya serious about that, Fluttershy? And where?"
"It's just a theory, but maybe she went to see Pinkie Pie",
Sunset thought that maybe Fluttershy was right,
"Probably, maybe it's better for me to go there, let's keep in contact by phone."
Sunset took her bike and headed for the hospital.
When she got there, she rushed straight to the room where Pinkie Pie was hospitalized, never as at that moment Fluttershy was right, Sunset found Rainbow Dash crying holding Pinkie Pies’hand.

Rainbow Dash raised her head, she was crying,
"Sunset? What have I done? That stupid pendant turned me into a stupid spoiled child, in fact I have always been, just as Thunderlane once told me"
"What are you doing?
"Maybe I can restore the energy to Pinkie if I hold her hands"
"It's a nice gesture, but I think you have to come with me".
Sunset immediately brought Rainbow Dash to the farm, but she could not look her friends in the face.
When they arrived there, the girls did not welcome Dash, and she tried to apologize.

"Girls, I'm sorry, I've behaved like a stupid and spoiled selfish girl, and I drained your intelligence, your strength and your health, and your talent, it's true that I didn’t do it on purpose , but I'm still responsible for your troubles, I know you will not forgive me, but right now I lost my best friend, even my boyfriend, even if you do not remember him, he was great and I would have I really wanted to spend my life with Thunderlane, because .... because he was the only boy I ever loved ".
After that confession, Rainbow Dash began to cry, the girls went to her and hugged her, and she was so amazed.
Applejack consoled her,
"Don't worry sugarcube, we forgive ya", then Rarity spoke,
"Yes, the fact that you are crying before us is already something", then Fluttershy
"We can‘t pouting, if we left you what kind of friends would we be?", And Rainbow started crying again,

"But ... sniff ... how can you do it after what I did to you? And what I did to Pinkie?", The girls broke away and Sunset explained them.

"Dashie, We know that you're sorry, but you do not have to throw yourself down, you have to react, we know you're sad and sorry, and even if you've acted badly, we're here to help you".
The girls sat around a table, Applejack offered them apple juice, Rainbow Dash cried again, but this time because she missed Thunderlane.

"I miss him so much, he was always there to cheer for me, it's true that sometimes he wasn’t there like at the concert, but Thunderlane was the only guy I loved, but also the only one that I didn’t want as a boyfriend "
"Why Dash?"
"Since Thunderlane is gone, I can also tell you the truth, Thunderlane and I had a special friendship, but actually I loved him, even before the high school"
"Too bad for your pride Dash, otherwise you would have been together for a long time"
It was not just for pride, I really loved Thunderlane, but I couldn’t ask him to be my boyfriend", Rarity was surprised
"Do you mean there was another reason?", Rainbow Dash cried again, but this time she was telling the truth.

"Because .... Thunderlane was my best friend, with him I could say anything, behave as I wanted, because he didn’t judge me, we were very best friends, and I .... sniff .... I didn’t want things to change ... sniff ... ".
The girls were surprised,
Rarity felt happy,
"Oooh Dash, how sweet, do you mean you didn’t want you two got engaged because you were afraid of losing your friendship?"
"Exactly, .... sniff .... what would have happened if Thunderlane would have been my boyfriend? We would have argued, and if we had a fight we would have left ... sniff ... and then not I would have seen more as my friend but ... sniff ... like my ex ". The friends softened again. Sunset hugged Dash and consoled her.

"Dash, oh poor girl, then you behaved badly with him not juyst because you could not tell him you loved him, but because you were afraid of losing him, right?"
"Yes, sniff ...... and think that I was able to tell him that I loved him .... sniff ..... and now he's not here ... oh I want Thunderlane back".
Sunset felt sick to see Rainbow Dash in that state, but there was something else she needed to know.

"Dash, you know, there'd be a couple of little things you should know about Thunderlane," Dash wiped his tears and listened.

"Sniff ... what?"
"Thunderlane could not tell you that night at the restaurant, and I promised him I would never tell you, but since he was never born, I think you should know the truth, so Sunset said to Rainbow Dash what Thunderlane confessed to her at the workshop, his vindictive gestures, the truth about the father's Christmas tree incident and all the rest.

"I think you deserve to know the truth, especially now that he is gone".
Rainbow Dash began to feel bad again, she ran away into the barn and started crying.
Sunset and Rarity followed her and saw her sitting on a sheaf of straw hugging her guitar case in desperation. They couldn’t see her in that state anymore, so it was Rarity who hugged her.

"Dash, you do not have to break down, you have to react"
"And how do I do Rarity? Sniff ..... I made the only guy that ….sniff .... I've ever loved ……disappear, and I've finished my wishes"
"Oh Dash, I've never seen you like this, I feel bad for you"
"Sniff ..... Thunderlane has always been on my side, and I did not know that he was so special ... sniff"
"From all that Sunset said, this Thunderlane had to be really crazy about you, Dash"
"Sniff .... The only time I confessed I loved him was on that stage, but then I ruined everything with that pendant".
The other girls also entered the barn, and all of them wanted to console Dash.
Twilight get close to Dash,
"Dash, you look like another girl right now", Applejack get close too
"Yeah, we've never seen ya like this before"
Fluttershy spoke
"It seems that this Thunderlane was your guardian angel
"Yes .... sniff ..."
"And although you had always treated him badly, he loved you". Rainbow Dash stood up, leaned against a wall and stared gloomily at the apple orchard.

"You know?" Thunderlane was definitely careless and mawkish, and certainly not a mature boy",
Dash turned and stared at her friends with more tears in her eyes,

"But he always made something for the trouble that he combined, it was this that made him special, he was sweet and he considered me the number 1, whatever trouble he did I’ve always forgave him, even when he was never there for me , he bought me to the laser games, he often bought me gifts, brought to the fireworks, to the bowling, and if I cheated in our video games competitions he would not get angry "

"Dash? About number 1, have you ever had more contacts from your admirer?"
"No, now that I think of it, since I became famous, I never received his letters again".
Rainbow Dash went for a moment to take her bag at the table and then returned to the barn. She started looking for the letters of her number 1 fan she had kept.

"But ... how strange, the letters are gone, but I had kept them in this pocket of the bag"
"Maybe Thunderlane found them and threw them"
"No, Thunderlane would never have put my hands in my stuff, he often respected my privacy, early in the morning when we were in the house outside the city, he always knocked on the bathroom door to know if I was inside"
"So this confirms the only theory"
"And which one?"
"Think about it, if the letters have disappeared is because they have never been written, and so?". Dash finally began to understand, her fan number 1 was none other than Thunderlane.

"But it's not possible, he ripped that letter in front of me"
"Dash? Do you know that Thunderlane always tends to write the letter R with a double spiral?"
"How do I know? I mean ... I never noticed it"
"Exactly like your fan did, I think Thunderlane ripped the letter off to make you understand that he wasn’t your admirer."
Rainbow sat down on a sheaf, put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin on her hands.

"I can’t believe it ... Thunderlane is ... my admirer number 1, in fact he has always been cheering for me", Rarity spoke to Dash
"I do not know what he wrote to you, but evidently he was afraid to tell you what he felt for you"
"Even after the bad date"
"In fact it was not so bad, he was the only one who knew of my favorite waffle taste, it is true that he was wimp that night"
"But he was because he wanted to confess to you, Dash"
"And I mistreated him, I threw him on the grass, I'm stupid".

"Dash, what's this?", Rainbow Dash went to Rarity, opened the guitar case, but inside there was not her blue guitar, but her old one.
Rarity asked Dash
"Is this your old guitar? What happened to the blue one?"
"The blue one ..... I never bought it"
"What do you mean?"
"You see, a few days before the music competitions, me and Thunderlane ...."
/In the past /
Dash was near Thunderlane's workshop, he was repairing her motorbike, while she sat in a chair and played a couple of notes.

"What are you playing?"
"Do not tell me you've never heard the Red Hot Chilly Peppers?"
"Of course I heard ‘em, they did songs like Arizonication, Give it Way, Tell me Honey ....."
"Ok, you know them, anyway I have to practice with different songs if I want to become a famous singer"
"If you do it, I swear I'll buy all your CDs"
"You're very sweet, is there any song you'd like to ask me?"
"So, just to practice"
"So ... why do not you play Deep Violets's Fog on the water?"
"Too easy, I'll play it right away". Thunderlane returned to Dash's bike, but after a few seconds he heard a strange noise.

"What was that Dash?"
"My guitar ... it broke a rope". Thunderlane stared at Dash's guitar closer, and made a negative comment.

"But why do you keep using this wreckage?", Dash got angry for that judgment,
"Look, this was my first guitar, I've always done my exercises with this guitar"
"How many years? Do you know that I remember you have this guitar from the middle class?"
"In fact, but I can not buy another one"
"Because I do not have the money, otherwise I would already have a new one, I would love to go to the shop where Vinyl Scratch works to take a look at the guitars that are there, but they cost a lot and I can not ask for money to my father"
"And you intend to play at school with this one?"
"And what should I do?"
"Well, find a job"
"I would do it but ... how long should I wait to put the money aside to get my guitar?"
"Oh, someone is in a hurry"
"Forget it, I already have to ask my father for money to repair my bike"
"Ah, but your bike is fine"
"What it means that it's okay?"
"I do not know why but your bike is very strong, it has no problems"
"What are you talking about?"
"That's nothing, I'll put it back on immediately and without costs"
"Wait ... you’ll fix it for free?"
"No, it's just nonsense, so I do not ask you for money, in fact I want to make you a little surprise".
Thunderlane took an envelope from a bag and gave it to Dash, she opened it and there was money in it.
"What's this?"
"It's that .... I had a scholarship"
"And why are you giving me your scholarship?"
"I want you to take it", Dash was puzzled by what seemed like a proposal.

"Why do you want me to take it?"
"I want you to use it to buy yourself a new guitar".
Rainbow Dash from a puzzled face became doubtful and then reacted a little badly.

"Thunderlane I can not, it belongs to you, it's your money, you can not give it to me"
"I'm not giving you all the money, just use what you need to buy a new guitar"
"But anyway I can not give you back the amount used, I do not have a job yet, I can not accept"
"Dash? You have to accept, and if you do not do it I’ll feel offended, and then it will mean that you will return them in the right time"
"No Thunderlane, I can not, do not insist"
"Then we do that, in exchange for that money you give me a kiss", Dash surprised and blushed,

"Are you crazy? Do you want me to kiss you?"
"Not on the mouth, on the cheeks"
"What kind of proposal is it? A kiss on the cheeks for some money?"
"Ok, ok, if you feel offended then we do so, I’ll give you the money and tomorrow morning you come and have breakfast with me on the Ferris wheel, what do you think?", Dash lit her eyes,

" Wheel? Breakfast? Do you talk about the wheel at Canterlot's amusement park, where you can have breakfast with waffles, pancakes, and all the rest?"
"And what's more, you can enjoy a beautiful view, if you accept, I'll pick you up at 8 in the morning in front of your house"
"But you’ll you spend more money?"
"But ... it's been a long time since we've spent time alone ... that is ... since we were young"
"Why are you doing it?"
"I understand, then let it go, honestly you do not need me to give them back"
"No wait .... I accept", Thunderlane hoped for that answer, and when Dash stopped him he thought it was a positive answer.

"Do you accept?
"Yes, I accept, a breakfast on that wheel I was hoping to do it for a long time, so I'm fine"
"Then here's the hand", Thunderlane held out his hand to Dash to shake it, she held it, Thunderlane was happy, then the unexpected happens, Rainbow Dash hugged him tightly and he blushed.

"Thank you Thunderlane, thank you very much, thank you a million, smack", Dash eventually kissed his friend, and then broke away and stared at him, he put his hand on his cheek and looked at her with wide eyes .

"So what?"
"My bike? How is it?"
"Oh yes, it’s fine, I'm going to finish it, but there was no need for a kiss"
"Listen, about the kiss we do not talk about it anymore, I would not like that ..... well that is" Dash acted instinctively for that kiss, but blushed, because she had long wanted to go on that Ferris wheel , but she was afraid of having made a bad impression with Thunderlane.

"All right, we will not talk about it anymore, what's the problem?"
" I like you so, give me a nice fist between friends"
"And fist is".
/In the present/

The girls felt sorry for the memory of Dash, she was crying and could not look at their faces.
Sunset was the first to talk,
"Oh Dash, that dear boy", then Rarity,
"Yeah, he was really an angel like Fluttershy said", Fluttershy replied,
"A guardian angel", Applejack spoke to Dash too,
"Ya really can be sentimental when ya want"
"The next day, Thunderlane took me to the wheel, and we ate several things, and we talked, I did not want to give him that kiss, I was afraid he thought I liked him", Twilight questioned a thing,
"So, your guitar ... is it Thunderlane who bought it for you?"
"Yes, that guitar was special for me both because I defeated Trixie by dueling in the shop, but also because I consider it a gift from my best friend"
"And the only thing he wanted was a kiss or an appointment".
Rainbow Dash put her hands in her pockets and pulled out a plastic ring, she stared it, Twilight approached her.

"Hey Dash? What's that?", Rainbow Dash saddened again.

"This ring ... had to be divided in half"
"Half?", Sunset remembered,
"Wait ... is it by chance the half ring Thunderlane had given you back?"
"Yes, and I had given it back to him the other night, but now that Thunderlane is not there, the ring has never been broken", Rarity thought that that ring was not special,
"Ah, what a garbage, it's just plastic, not a precious ring, it's just an insignificant pat", Rainbow Dash reacted badly to Rarity's critique,
"Oh sorry," Rainbow Dash sat down and stared at the ring with nostalgia, Twilight and Sunset moved close to her.

"Dash? Did this ring really matter to you and Thunderlane?",
Fluttershy questioned
"Maybe ... a childhood memory?"
Sunset thought,
"Was it a promise you made?", then Applejack,
"Or the relic of yer victory?", then Rarity,
"Or ..... your first kiss?". All the girls looked at Rarity for her guess.

"What kind of question is it? Rarity?"
"I.... I apologize", but the girls saw that Dash was not angry, rather she sighed and answered their curiosity.
"I ... I know that for you it will seem strange, but Rarity is right, indeed you are all right", the girls were again surprised.

"What do you mean Dash?"
"You and Thunderlane .... have you already kissed in the past, and on the mouth?", Rainbow Dash felt comfortable confessing with her friends, so she took courage, and even smiled.

"Yes, me too, like many girls,I had my first kiss, but when I was five years old", Rarity was surprised,
"Five years? Did you have your first kiss when you were just five years old?"
"Maybe it's a little late?", Rarity hugged Sunset,
"Oh nooo, I haven’t had mine yet, and Dashie has kissed her first boy at the age of five"
"Tell Dash, if you feel it"
"This is also a secret that I share with Thunderlane, nobody knows about my first kiss"
"So then it is Thunderlane who stole your first kiss"
"How many other secrets do ya have in store, Rainbow Romantic Dash?"
"Ok, tease me, but it's the truth, when we were young, at the time I was five, he was six, and we were at a wedding"
"A wedding?"
"Yes, we were in a church in the mountains, there were several people, including my family and the Thunderlane’one"
"Is this your memory of your future vision of marrying you in a beautiful church in the mountains?", Dash could not hide her blushed face,

"Yes, it's true, it's because of this memory that I wanted to get married in the mountains and in that church",
Twilight was curios,
"And continue, I'm curious, Dash",
And so was Rarity,
"Yes, what happened to that wedding?".
Rainbow Dash breathed and held her ring tight,
"Anyway on that day, Thunderlane and I were sitting next to each other, and we were with our families because the bride was a schoolmate of my mother, while the groom was a patient of Thunderlane's mother, it was a nice coincidence, do not you believe? "
"Yeah, but it was not the first time you knew each other, did you?"
"Logical, since we already knew each other from kindergarten", Twilight wanted to listen the story,
"When did you give the kiss, and the ring?"
"Here, the fact is this, I too like many girls I was fascinated by that celebration, and when we were at the reception I had started to fantasize on my wedding day", Rarity was amazed,
"Oh Dash, how romantic you are", Applejack was more surprised,
"Now I do not think Ah'll be able to see her as before", Twilight was still curios,
"That day Thunderlane, what did he tell you? Because did you tell him that, did you?"
"Yes, me and Thunderlane were walking in the garden of the restaurant and we went near a small pond".
/In the past/
Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash were children and they were all dressed up for a party, they were staring at a pond with some goldfish.

"Yes, Dash?"
"When we grow up ... do you think you'll marry?", Little Thunderlane blushed and tried not to look at the little Dash in the eye,
"Get married? ..... We are too young to think about it", little Dash thought she had said something stupid,
"Yeah, I'm sorry if I asked you," Thunderlane embarrassed and tried to clear up.

"No, no, it's not what you think is that ....."
"Do you think it was a stupid question?"
"No, absolutely, it was not, because I ... me ....."
"I ..... I think ...."
"Do you think what?", Rainbow Dash looked closely at Thunderlane, the boy blushed, and when he looked at her in her sweet magenta eyes the heart beat faster.
"I think if I got married ... I would do it with you"
"With me?".
Now it was Rainbow Dash who blushed, Thunderlane wanted to disappear, because he had said exactly what he felt for her.

"No, I'm sorry, I did not want to say"
"Does that mean ... do not you like me?"
"Of course I like you ... I mean ... you're my friend and I ... I love you"
"When we grow up ... we’ll get married?", Thunderlane gulped, then turned and took something from his pocket,

"See Dash, after what happened last year, I think we should always be together, like two best friends, just male and female, even my parents were dear friends"
"What are you hiding?"
Thunderlane turned and showed the little Dash a plastic ring.

"It's a special ring, an old lady gave it to me"
"Can I see it?"
"You must,"
Rainbow Dash took the ring in her hand, but when she touched it broke into two parts.

"Oh no, I broke it"
"Do not worry, to tell the truth, it was normal to break"
"What do you mean?"
"The old lady told me that if I gave it to the girl of my heart, the ring would be broken"
"The girl of your heart?"
"Yes, so I would have given the other half to her, and there is no other girl with whom I would like to share my heart if not you", Thunderlane took the two halves of the ring, one held him and the other gave it to Dash.

"Dash, I promise you that when we grow up I'll marry you"
"Oh, but ...."
"Maybe it's a little too much?"
"Your father hates me after that accident"
"Do not mind him".
Thunderlane sat on a bench and posed as a superhero pointing to the sky,

"I promise you and I swear to you that if you go on the altar, I will be next to you, I will never allow any other boy to take my place", little Thunderlane was serious, but Dash smiled at that oath.
Hearing Dash smiled, Thunderlane turned awkwardly, but he stumped and fell on the grass.

"Ah, what a blow, I hurt my ass," Thunderlane looked up and saw that Rainbow Dash had swollen cheeks, she was trying not to laugh at the fall of Thunderlane, but she burst into laughter, and Thunderlane embarrassed, then he got up from the ground and turned back. Rainbow Dash approached him and looked at him.

"Thunderlane? What's up?"
"I ... made a bad impression, and in front of you, I'm an idiot"
"No, what do you say?"
"I wish you would not look at me Dash, I'm too embarrassed"
"Come on, I liked your superhero speech"
"Listen, what we said let's not tell anyone, it must stay between us"
"I promise you Dash, nobody will ever know"
"And you promise me that even what I will do now you will not tell anyone?"
"What will you do?"
"A nice gift for you, but you have to close your eyes"
"Ok", Thunderlane closed his eyes and waited, he opened them immediately when he felt his lips touched, Rainbow Dash was kissing him on the mouth. Dash broke off after two seconds, she was red in the face and even a little embarrassed.

"I wanted to ..... I just wanted to see what a bride felt when ... when she kissed, do not believe that I kiss other boys", Thunderlane did not know what to answer, he swallowed and consoled her,

"No, I do not think so, in fact that was my first kiss"
"But your father does not have to know it, and neither is mine"
"I'll never regret it, I'll never tell anyone, it will be our secret"
"Ok, so all right? We can come back to our parents, because I do not want to miss the cake"
"Let's go then"

/In the present/
This time all the girls started crying, but Dash was red in the face.

Rarity, Twilight and Applejack spoke for first,
"Oh Dash ... sniff, what a beautiful memory, what a beautiful memory"
"Yes, sniff .... what a beautiful story"
"However, Thunderlane was a mess even as a child"

"What I do not understand is why the ring is there, since Thunderlane never existed I do not know why it's in my hands"
"It could be really magical, but I do not feel the power"
"Thinking back to these things is always hurting me, how could I express that wish?"
"Dash do not cry, I can not see you like that anymore",
Rarity agreed
"It's true, we have to do something"
"The only thing to do is looking for Mrs. Marta, but I do not know where to start".
Twilight saw that Rainbow Dash had started crying more than before.
"Hey Dash, do not cry, we'll help you"
"Thunderlane is ... sniff .... he always gave me a hand ... sniff .... he was always there ... sniff .... when I needed a hand and I .. ..sniff ... I never said thank you "
"Do not cry please"
"If he were here ... sniff ... he would console me ..... saying he would think ... sniff"
"Stand up, Dash, Thunderlane will not be here, but we're here"
"Oh girls, how stupid I am, and how emotional I am"
"Ya do not have to cry, even if you've acted badly, we'll be close to ya"
"Yes, because this is what the friends are for"
"He .... sniff .... saved my life"
"What did you say?"
"He has saved your life?"
"Yes..sniff .... as a child I saved him from bullies, but Thunderlane once saved my life".

"Seriously Dash?"
"Wait ... is it about the accident you were talking about when you were little?"
"Yes ..... sniff".
The girls moved into the farm kitchen, Applejack asked Granny Smith to make apple tea for Rainbow Dash.
Dash drank it all in one breath, then wiped away her tears.

"There's another thing I have to confess", Rarity and Sunset talked to each other,
"Never before Dash confessed like today"
"Silence, go on, Dash"
"A year before, when I was four, my father and I were in a bank, unfortunately at that time there was a robbery, there were only two robbers, luckily the police has been called immediately, but it was not a fortune", Twilight spoke,
"Yeah, who knows what a bad experience to witness a robbery"
"It was not just that, the two robbers took a hostage, and they took me".
The girls looked impressed.
"What do ya mean, Dash? Ya had this experience and ya never told us?"
"It was a horrible experience, I did not want to think about it again, also because .... I put Thunderlane's life in danger",
Twilight was curios,
"He ... was there in the bank?"
"No, but it so happened that the two scoundrels took me to a building site, they wanted to ask for a ransom, and for not letting me escape they tied my hands to a column and put a bandana on my mouth because I could not ask for help, in the meantime they were checking the stolen money "
"And Thunderlane?"
"As I said before, we were on a building site, and luckily all of Canterlot's building sites belong to Construction Site, Thunderlane's father, and sometimes Thunderlane went to play on his father's building sites when no one was there"
Sunset started to think,
"I begin to understand, he was there, right?"
"Yes, that time Thunderlane saw the two robbers who brought me inside, so he followed them sneakingly, freed me from the ropes with a small knife, and then we escaped from the yard holding hands"
Rarity spoke,
"How romantic"
"Unfortunately I slammed my ankle against some boards, so I hurt myself and the robbers heard us"
Fluttershy as scared,
“Oh my goodness, did they capture you?"
"No, Thunderlane picked me up in his hands, and we managed to escape outside, Thunderlane made me go to the other side of the fence, but when it came to him, those two caught him and beat him"
"Oh my"
"I felt sick, Thunderlane had carried me to save me, I felt helpless, but I took courage and managed to find two policemen, so they entered in the yard and arrested the two robbers"
"What a bad and horrible experience, Dash"
"But what happened to Thunderlane?"
"He was full of bruises, fortunately the policemen and my father immediately called an ambulance."
Dash stood up and stared at the window,

"Thunderlane was badly reduced, he was immediately taken to his mother's hospital, luckily he did not have anything serious, but because of that day, Construction did not want to know neither about me nor about my father"
"And what did Thunderlane tell you?"
"He had a arm in plaster and bandages on his head, I was sorry, but it was also nice, I went to his room and ...."
/In the past/

Thunderlane stood with her head on the pillow, Rainbow Dash had brought flowers and put them in a vase by the window, then she held his hand.

"Hey Dash, I did a stupid thing , eh?"
"What are you saying? You saved my life"
"Seriously? It seems to me I've made a mess"
"It's not true, you saved my life, and I'm indebted to you"
"But… saved me from those bullies"
"But this time there was really danger, those two were also armed"
"It's true, I should not have been acting instinctively, but I could not see you in danger"
"I really appreciate that, you're my best friend"
"My arm hurts, but what matters is that you're safe", Rainbow Dash gave a kiss on Thunderlane's forehead, he blushed, just like her.

"You know, this time I can say you're my hero, you'll always be", little Dash gave Thunderlane a piece of paper, then she left because her father called her.

"Get well soon Thunderlane, and thank you", when Rainbow Dash left, the little Thunderlane opened the leaflet and saw that there was a drawing made by Dash with the two of them holding hands, and with the inscription To My Hero, with a little heart in place of the dot on the i, he blushed again and leaned on the pillow happy.

/In the present/
Rainbow Dash cried again, and this time Fluttershy hugged her.
"Oh Thunderlane ... what have I done to you? Sniff"
"Oh Dash, vent yourself".
Sunset decided that thing was the last one, they had to put an end to all this.

"That's enough, it's time for action"
Twilight was surprised,
"What do you mean, Sunset?"
"No matter how long it will take, nor the sweat, we should look all over Canterlot till we will find Mrs. Marta, we will seek a remedy to Dash's wishes, so we will save you, we will get back our talents but above all Rainbow Dash will meet with her boy"
"But ... sniff ... how are we going to do that? .... Sniff .... Didn’t she say I should have kept a stone?"
"It may be, but there must be another way, and we will find her, Dash, so we do not linger and go immediately to look for that van."
Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash decided to go to different parts of Canterlot to look for that van, while Applejack remained at the farm.
The girls had to hurry up to find Mrs. Marta also because Pinkie became weaker and had already lost a lot of time.
But the search was unsuccessful, none of the girls found the van, and by then it was afternoon.
Sunset met with Rainbow Dash near the workshop.

"Dash? You did not find anything?"
"We must not be discouraged, we must find Marta", Dash looked at her cell phone.

"I received a lot of calls from my agent, but I'm not going to answer"
"What does he you want, you have to sing?"
"Yes, but for me it makes no sense to go back there, especially without Thunderlane, and to say that he also helped me to escape from my fans"
"Dash, how nice you're back yourself", Dash became melancholy when she stared at the workshop.

"You know? If I think that Thunderlane has always repaired my bike for free I feel bad"
"It's not your fault, he could never ask you for money, even if it was his job"
"It 's what makes me feel worse, because practically I have always taken advantage of him, I never had regard to his feelings"
"Due your confessions of today I wouldn’t say that"
"Yes, but we were kids, when you’re a kid it's much easier to say things like I love you or I want to be with you forever, or be my future bride, but unfortunately when you grow up it's much harder to have do with your own feelings "
"I know Dash, but ... if you and Thunderlane were together, did not you care about what the people of Canterlot would have said about you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Did you care more about what the others thought? Like your father?", Dash stopped, then answered,

"This question is strange, but I think that now I do not care more about the judgment of others, maybe it is ...."
"Is it more important to be happy than to be famous?"
"I ... I think you're right"
"Do not make my own mistake, I was with Flash only for popularity, I do not know what true love is, but you and Thunderlane are such a nice couple, because you knew you as children, you have a nice bond, even after those stories you told us you had a much deeper bond than we thought, and even if he is not the perfect guy, at least he was trying to please you, but I do not think it's worth changing a boyfriend just to please others". Dash wiped a tear and answered Sunset.

"You're right, Thunderlane wanted to change for me when he was a tough guy because of his pendant, it was very cool, but it was not him"
"Yeah, his real self is a sweet, sensitive boy, faithful to his sweet Dash"
"For him ... for him I was like the center of his universe, he did not think that to me, he did not care what I did him, he did not complain"
"Because it was enough for him to see you happy"
"And now he's gone, my heart is crying to see this workshop without him, and to say that the owner always said he was the best guy had ever worked here"
"Thunderlane used to say that when it came to repairs, he never pulled back"
"Thunderlane never backs up to the challenges, in fact even if it's a mess, he's very good at repairing things, in fact the only thing I did not forgive him was my father's Christmas tree"
"And to say that he did not even open your last present"
"If I think that he spent Christmas alone, but in fact the gift I gave him was rubbish"
"Ah yes? And what was it?"
"A scarf with gloves, I did not know what to give him so I chose something simple, but I bet that to make me happy he would have said it was the best gift of his life"
"Surely, but maybe not to make you happy, because I think it would have been a gift made by you"
"Yes, it's probable".
While the two girls talked, Dash's cell phone rang, the girl checked, she thought that was her agent, but she was wrong, it was Applejack.

"What's up, Applejack?"
"Dash? Did ya find that lady?"
"No, and we do not know if the others have had more luck"
"Well, Ah have good news, ya have to stop looking"
"Because that lady you were looking for, she came to the farm to sell some trinkets and she is talking to Granny Smith," Rainbow Dash was immediately pervaded by a feeling of happiness and hope.

"Seriously, is she really her?"
"The description of Sunset matches, and moreover she is called Marta"
"Please Applejack, do not let her go"
"All right, Ah will not let her leave the farm". Dash closed the call and hugged Sunset; and she was very happy too; so without delay they also phoned to the other girls to find themselves immediately at the Sweet Apple Acres farm, because now there was no time to waste.
Sunset and Rainbow Dash left immediately for the meeting place, and when they saw that van their hopes increased, it was Mrs. Marta’s one.
The lady was talking to Applejack, and she was enjoying some excellent apple pie, Rainbow Dash immediately got off the bike and ran in front of her.

"Mrs. Marta, Mrs. Marta"
"Oh Dash, how nice to see you again, at least I think", Dash did not know where to start to confess, but she had to talk.
"Listen, Madame Marta, I have to ... I have to tell you things ...."
"Sunset has already told me that you used superficial wishes, tell me the truth, you're in big trouble, are not you?"
"Much bigger than those who you believe".
Thus, with a good dose of courage in body; Dash confessed everything she had combined thanks to the pendant and because of the pendant.
The story was very long, but Mrs. Marta wanted to hear it all, Dash often confessed to being superficial, but Sunset saw that Mrs. Marta seemed not to care. At the end of the story Dash breathed a sigh of relief.

"And that's all"
"Mmm, it's much more serious than I expected"
"And now I beg you, I need help, I know, I should have been careful, but I absolutely need you to give me a hand, I want to cancel my wishes".
The lady began to think, and then formulated a verdict, which, however, was not positive.

"I'm sorry Dash, but I can not help you", at that answer, Dash's hopes began to fall.
"Why can’t you? You are a magical creature"
"To be precise, I am an Anguana, but also I have my limits"
"Please, my friend Twilight is in danger of not being clever, Applejack will never have her strength again, and my friend Pinkie is at the hospital, and unwittingly I stole the musical talent to all of my friends, not to mention that I made my best friend disappear "
"If he was your best friend, why did you make him disappear?"
"I ... I was just angry with him, and I did not want to tell him that phrase"
"But you did it, and to wish it had never been born, you had to love him very much, did not you?", Dash began to cry, knelt down and begged the lady to help her.

"Please, Mrs. Marta, I beg you, you have to help me, I made a mess one after one, I know I was selfish and capricious, but please, my friends need help, and I want my friend back ", but it was useless to ask Madame Marta, who got up from her chair.

"I'm sorry, but I can not do anything about it, you should have used that stone, not even me or all my Europone’s sisters can help you, you wanted to be greedy and childish? Well, the trouble is all yours, learn this lesson, a thing becomes precious only when there is no more, as in your case, goodbye ".

After said that the lady slammed the door of the van and said nothing, but didn’t leave.
Poor Dash now understood that Marta would not help her, so all her hopes dissipated, she got up from the ground and leaned her back on one side of the van, then started crying again.
At that moment the other girls also arrived, and it was up to Sunset to explain the matter. It was not easy for Sunset to tell the whole truth, but she did not want Rainbow Dash to do it, because surely at that moment she could not even speak.

"Does this mean that .... Pinkie will not heal?", said Fluttershy,
"That’s not right", said Rarity,
"I do not think it's the case with poor Dash like that, I think she has already suffered enough, and then look at her now", Fluttershy and Rarity look at Rainbow Dash,
"Yeah, poor thing, she has a broken heart"
"I do not know if she feels bad for us or because she will never see Thunderlane again." Twilight went to Rainbow Dash to talk to her.

"Hey Dash, do not be discouraged"
"And how ... sniff ... how could I not get discouraged? Now everything is lost"
"No, I'm sure we'll find a way"
"No ... sniff ... Twilight, it's all lost ... sniff ... because of me .... sniff ... you'll have to go back to your school ... and maybe you will not do not even do an exam anymore .... sniff ... and Pinkie ... oh what have I done? "
"For me it does nothing for my intelligence, but I do not want to lose you, and then I forgive you Dash"
"And Pinkie? Oh how I would like to help her, and how much I would like ... sniff ... give you back the musical talent ... I was a stupid exhibitionist"
"Dash, do not cry, maybe if we talk to Mrs. Marta she could do something"
"There's nothing more to do Twilight ... sniff ..... oh how I was stupid with Thunderlane .... sniff ... he loved me ... sniff ... why only now I realized that it was so important for me? ". Sunset spoke with Applejack, the latter went to Dash.

"Dash, do ya feel like helping me do a couple of jobs?"
"What?Me? Sure?"
"Of course, a bit of work will distract ya, Ah promise we will try to make the lady reason, but ya need to distract." Rainbow Dash got up and wiped a little before starting.

"What do you want me to do?"
"First of all there are boxes to move, then the apples to be picked and then ....". Applejack gave several jobs to do to Dash, and she did them all without a word.
Two hours passed, and Rainbow Dash finished doing all the required jobs, but then, when Dash was repairing a fence, Applejack came up to tell her something.

"Could ya come for a moment?"
"What is it?"
"It's kind of a surprise, just come"
"Ok". Applejack accompanied Dash near the van, Sunset and the others were talking to Mrs. Marta, Rainbow Dash did not know what to think.

"But ... what are you doing?", Sunset explained everything to her.

"Dash? Madame Marta has agreed to help you"
"Really? And why?",
Fluttershy added something,
"I know we should not have done it, but we told you everything you told us today"
"Do you mean ... my memories with Thunderlane?"
"Exactly, those ones"
"So ... you made me work on purpose?"
"Of course, and the lady wants to talk to you". Madame Marta approached Dash.
"Dash? Your friends told me everything, they told me how much you and Thunderlane were together"
"Much more than I thought, but now I do not know what to do"
"I can not help you, but you can", Dash was incredulous,

"What do you mean?"
"Simple, can you show me your plastic ring?". Dash took the ring and gave it to the lady. She looked carefully at the ring and was surprised to see it.

"Interesting, really very interesting"
"What's interesting? It's just a plastic ring"
"But for you it represents something important, is not it?"
"Yes, it represented something important to me and Thunderlane, it was a special bond"
"Dear Dash, this ring is not a simple ring"
"What do you mean?"
"Think about it, if it belonged to Thunderlane, why is it still here? Why did not the ring disappear?"
"I have no idea"
"I'll tell you, in the past some of my sisters must have passed through these parts, and this ring was made by an Anguana". All the girls, Rainbow Dash included were surprised.
Sunset approached to Marta,
"It means that .... there was an Anguana in Canterlot?"
"Exactly, and this ring is magical, and can not be broken, unless it is split between two special friends"
"It means ... Thunderlane and me"
"Exactly and you know what else is special? If the two people who have the two halves feel a strong feeling like love, this ring will protect those two people from various spells and curses, even just one of them, and if he holds half in his hand he or she will come to his senses ".

"That's why Thunderlane was no longer under the effect of the pendant when I gave him back his half"
"And maybe that's why Thunderlane was not under the effect of sirens"
"Surely, thanks to the love he felt for you, and I'm not talking about respect, neither about friendship, but about love". Rainbow began to cry.

"Sniff ... for all these years .... Thunderlane was always in love with me, but I do not .... sniff .... I did not want to ruin our friendship ... but I would not even have to treat him bad"
"How much I would see the tough Dash as before, I can not take it anymore"
"But the truth is that Dash hid this side, after all she was never good with feelings"
"Enough with the delay, Dash, you and Sunset have to come with me". Marta brought Dash and Sunset into the van and made them sit on the floor around a table.
The lady took a small cauldron with boiling water, and put the ring inside. Martha took the girls' hands and then asked them to concentrate.
Sunset asked to Marta,
"Why did you call me?"
"I need someone linked to that boy and someone to help me with the magic of Equestria, but above all because you two are the only ones besides me to remind of that boy"
"What should we do?"
"Dash, thanks to your ring we can give a further charge to your pendant"
"Seriously, can you?"
"Yes, you have to put your pendant in the cauldron, but there is another ingredient to put"
"And which one?"
"Tears, you have to shed tears in the cauldron"
"Some tears?"
"So it's easy"
"But yours must be tears of love, pure tears of love"
"Should I shed tears of love?"
"Yes, so you must be honest with yourself, throw away your fears and your pride, you have to say exactly what you feel for your dear friend Thunderlane". Rainbow Dash concentrated and stared at the cauldron.
She tried to think of Thunderlane and tried to cry. A tear came out and ended up in the cauldron.
"Here it is"
"No, it's not good"
"That tear was not sincere, you tried to cry, Dash I want a tear of love, a spontaneous tear"
"How do I do? I have already cried a lot"
"Think about it, Dash, what binds you to that boy?". Sunset squeezed Dash's hand and spoke to her.

"Dash? Madame Marta is right, you have to make your heart talk not your brain"
"But I'm doing it"
"You have to make your heart talk, but your brain covers the voice of your feelings, you have to concentrate better Dash"
Sunset gave an advice to Dash,
"Think back to the moments spent together, like those of your childhood, and the recent ones". Rainbow Dash gulped, but took courage, then focused on the most precious memories she had shared with Thunderlane both past and recent.

"So ... okay ..... I remember ... the first time I met Thunderlane, at the kindergarden, I saved him from the bullies, and then I remember when he saved my life and then I thanked him at the hospital ",Marta could sense sincerity by simply touching Dash's hand.

"Yes, go on Dash"
"And then ... and then ... I remember our first kiss, and our promise of marriage, even if we were children we were sure that we would be together forever"
"All right, all right, again"
"And then ... I remember when he lent me the money for a new guitar, and all he wanted was a date, not money but a simple date". The more Dash went on, the more she began to cry.
"Here we are, Dash, there is a little left, a few more tears"
"And then ... sniff ... I remember when I was always stupid about him, and when I took advantage of him .... sniff .... he asked nothing but .... sniff ..... a chance to be my boyfriend ... but I ...... sniff ..... I did not want to ruin our friendship ... sniff ... but if he were here .. ..I would say that ... sniff ... that I agree to be his girlfriend ... oh, I want Thunderlane back ". More tears fell into the cauldron and the liquid turned pale blue.

"Perfect, Dash, now throw your pendant in the cauldron, right now", Rainbow Dash immediately removed the pendant from her neck and threw it into the liquid of the cauldron.
Immediately the liquid disappeared, in the cauldron there was only the star pendant of Dash.

"Did it work?", Marta took the pendant and gave it to Rainbow Dash.

"Yes, it worked", but Sunset and Dash noticed something unusual.

"But .... there is only one stone"
"How do I do now? I have not cried enough?"
"Dash, what you gave, or rather that what the pendant has granted you are not other wishes, but the possibility of remedying your mistakes, so what you have to do now is to choose your last wish wisely"
"Do not worry Ms. Marta, Dash has learned the lesson".
Sunset put a hand on the shoulder of Rainbow Dash, she knew very well that Dash would not ask anything selfish and that she would have said the right choice.
"Of course ... you'll miss being famous and idolized, right Dash?"
"Yes, but it's not worth to be famous if I can not share my success with you or with true love"
"Of course if you keep talking like that you'll be sweet as a candy"
"You're right, maybe it's better if I stop , it's not my style".
Rainbow Dash gripped her pendant in her hands, placed it against her heart and closed her eyes.

"I wish ... my wishes to be canceled".
After saying that sentence, the pendant lit up and after a while disappeared into thin air.

"Oh no, and now?"
"Is it gone?",
Marta explained,
"Do not worry, all shooting stars are destined to disappear after all"
"Does that mean .... it worked?"
"Of course it worked, now all the wishes you asked before have been all canceled, no one will remember anything, apart from you two and your friends, as if nothing had ever happened"
"I have to go check it out right away", Dash immediately left the van, while Sunset still spoke to Mrs. Marta.

"Just a little curiosity, Mrs. Marta, did you know that all this would happen?
"Maybe yes, maybe not, I will also be a sort of a witch, but the fact is that I only followed the will of the pendant"
"So it was true that you could not do anything to put things right?"
"Actually, the ritual I did was the only way to put things right, but I did not know that your friend really would have given up everything"
"Instead you were wrong, finally Dash preferred to follow her heart"
"Honestly I would never have done it if you had not told me what she felt about her boyfriend"
"I like you Madame Marta, will you still stay here in Canterlot?"
"No, it's better that I leave, I do not know if I'll go back to my home in the Alps of the dear Europone, or if I’ll go to the original Europe, however, I've already taught my life lesson here"
"But ... then it was all a plan to teach a lesson to Dash?"
"I can say yes, but also no"
"You Anguanas are strange"
"We're not all the same, my dear, but I'm happy to have met another pony of Equestria, even if my true aspect is not that of a pony"
"Really? And you Anguanas of Europone what do you look like?"
"We actually have the upper part of a unicorn, but the other part of our body is that of a goat, a fish or a reptile"
"One moment, I have an idea, can I ask you one a last question?".

After a while Sunset came out of the van greeting Mrs. Marta, and saw something that made her smile, Applejack no longer had the cane and was loading several cases.

"Yeeehaaa, look at this Sunset, Ah'm back as before"
"Oh Applejack"
Dash was happy too,
"It's extraordinary Sunset, Applejack has recovered her strength and Twilight her intelligence"
"Seriously, Twilight?", Twilight was excited and went near Sunset.
"Yes, try asking me questions, but they must bee complicated"
"Let's see .... Which states do Finland borders with? When did Benedict Arnold live? How do I say in German I would like bacon and eggs? What is the square root of 500000?",
Twilight answered happily,
"Finland borders to the west with Sweden, to the north with Norway, to the east with Russia and then to Estonia to the south, Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, on 14 January 1741, and died in London on June 14, 1801, the sentence is Ich möchte etwas Speck und Eier, and the square root of 500000 is 707.1070811865475 "
“How beautiful, Twilight"
"I've returned as before and all thanks to Dash"
"It's the least I could do, after all ....", Rarity interjected Rainbow Dash to say something.

"Girls? Maud called about Pinkie Pie", the girls stopped to hear what had happened.

"Yes, is it even worse?"
"No, Maud said that she wants us to go back, she's disturbing the other patients, she started singing, dancing, she’s doing a lot of mess".
All the girls were happy to hear that their friend was fine, but then Dash asked one thing.

"Wait, girls, but ....... and Thunderlane?"
Rainbow Dash was afraid of the answer, but luckily Applejack answered first.

"Thunderlane? Wait ... Ah remember him, like when he repaired the tractor"
Then Rarity spoke,
"I remember Thunderlane too"
Fluttershy replied too,
"Me too", then Twilight,
"Now that I think , I remember him too, and I remember when he once helped me take the books that had fallen to me". Rainbow Dash was happy, but also worried.

"But ... if it worked, where is Thunderlane?"
Sunset was thinking,
"Maybe he’s in the workshop, or maybe he’s at home"
"Then we must go there immediately".
Sunset immediately accompanied Rainbow Dash to Thunderlane's house, fortunately the girl still had the house keys. They arrived there, Dash felt badly entering the house, but there was nobody. Dash glanced around.

"Thank God, there's his stuff, Thunderlane is here, but he's away from home"
"You know Dash? Now that I think about how you were able to get the keys if Thunderlane had never been born?"
"That’s simple, I had the keys because I had attached them to my half ring"
"Oh ... so it works like that"
"But now I would like to find Thunderlane, who knows where he is"
"Maybe we should try at the school or in the workshop or ...".
At that moment the girls heard that someone was entering, it was Thunderlane who had some shopping paper bags in hands, when he entered the two girls frightened.

"And you two what are you doing in my house?", Rainbow Dash did not know what to think, she remained petrified but felt relieved and sad to see her dear friend Thunderlane. She approached him weeping and hands to her eyes.

"Oh Thunderlane, is really you?"
"What are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see me again"
"Thunderlane, I must tell you something"
"Well I do not want to hear it, in fact I would like you to leave", at that tone of voice Dash remained a little sad.

"But Thunderlane? It's urgent ... and important"
"Look ... I do not want any more disappointments, I do not want you to break my heart again, so I decided I'd rather never see you again," Rainbow Dash had never seen Thunderlane so enraged, not even when he took the pendant at the concert, for the first time he was misbehaving to her, but Dash tried to apologize.

"I know, I'm sorry for everything you've been through, even for deluding and taking advantage of you, but I swear it was all true what I told you on the stage of the concert, if you remember well I was sincere "

"Which stage?".
Thunderlane was confused by the girl's words, but he did not notice it and if he went to the kitchen to place the expense, without bothering the two girls, or adding any answer.
Dash was sad again, but then Sunset asked Thunderlane questions.
"Thunderlane? Do you remember the slap you gave to Dash?"
"I slapped her?"
"Yes, and I punched you in the stomach"
"And when? It's true that I'm angry with her, but I could never give her a slap"
"But do you remember what you told her the last time you talked to her?"
"I gave her the money for the dress and then we never met again, in fact I have always avoided her".
Sunset formulated a hypothesis, and spoke softly to Dash.

"Dash, I think I understand." Thunderlane does not remember what happened after "
"After what?"
"Thunderlane was part of your wishes, and you have now canceled them, I believe that Thunderlane has the last memory of before you expressed your first wish".
Dash started thinking about too, so everything that had happened with Thunderlane after her first wish had never happened.

"But ... then he doesn’t know about the declaration I made to him in public?"
"No, because for him there has never been, you have never been famous"
R"Oh no, and now how do I do?"
"Oh come on Dash, you managed to tell him that you love him in front of all that crowd, what reason do you have not to do it now that we are only three persons?".
Thunderlane again told the girls to leave.
"Do you want to go out of my house forever?"
"Thunderlane? You have to leave?"
"Of course, I failed the exams, so I’ll move out of Canterlot next week".
Rainbow Dash told him not to leave.

"No, Thunderlane, you do not have to leave, you do not have to do it"
"I know why you say that"
"Because there will not be anybody else to whom you can ask favors, like repair the bike for free, right?"
"No, it's not for this"
"Instead it is so, and now go away"
"Thunderlane, let me talk"
"No, you said too much, so I'm just an immature, and you would never talk with an immature, right?".
After said that, Thunderlane began to put fruit in the fridge and ignored Rainbow Dash.
The girl put a hand to her heart and began to cry, but Sunset consoled her again.

"Dash, come on, remember what you've been through"
"But he doesn’t want to listen to me”
"And you insist, Dash, let your heart speak, be firm, do you want to lose him again?"
"No ... sniff .... you... you're right, I have to do it".
Dash swallowed and went near Thunderlane. He turned and looked at her grimly.

"What do you want, do you want to go away?"
"Thunderlane? There's ... there's another thing I have to tell you"
"What is it? I hope it's the last you tell me because I do not want to deal with you anymore".
Dash got depressed again, but Sunset waved her to encourage her, so Dash took courage.

"What I have to tell you is that ..."
"Yes ... what?", Rainbow Dash hugged Thunderlane tightly and started crying again, that gesture and those tears astonished Thunderlane.

"Ahhh, I'm sorry, Thunderlane, I'm sorry .... sniff .... I'm sorry about everything I did to you, I'm a stupid, arrogant girl, forgive me ... sniff", after only those few words Thunderlane was no longer angry, but he blushed and touched Dash's hair to console her.

"Dash, what's wrong with you?
"It's that ..... sniff ... I never want to lose you again, I ... sniff ...... I love you Thunderlane". Thunderlane was again incredulous, for him it was the first time that Dash told him that phrase.
He looked at her face, took a handkerchief and wiped away her tears.

"Dash? But what happened to you? Why you’re so sweet?"
"I love you Thunderlane, I love you ... sniff .... and I do not want you to ever leave me again" ... sniff ... I never want you to leave the town ".
How many times Thunderlane had dreamed of hearing those words from her, and now he could not believe that she really told them.

"But ... what happened to you Dash? I can’t believe it, and I did not even moved, I just avoided you"
"Thunderlane... sniff ..... you can not remember though ....", Thunderlane looked at Dash's neck for a moment and noticed something that was missing.

"But Dash? Where is the pendant I gave you?"
"Oh ... yeah, the pendant, the reason of all my troubles"
"What?", Sunset intervened,

"Thunderlane? I think you two need to talk, let's go do it in the living room".
So all three went into the living room, Sunset sat down on a chair, while Dash and Thunderlane sat down next to each other on a sofa.
Sunset decided that Thunderlane had to know the whole story, so helped by Dash, she told everything that had happened because of the pendant, including the little cohabitation of the two.
The story was long and Dash often tended to cry, but Thunderlane wanted to hear it all.
Finally he felt sad and turned to Dash.

"Wow ..... I have to be really important for you, if you wished I had never been born".
Dash sobbed again, but she had to clarify the matter.

"I was just angry, it was the pendant that had changed me"
"But that does not mean that you did not want me to be born, why should I believe you?"
"Thunder? I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I need you to forgive me"
"How do I do it? Now I'm even more sure now that I do not want you to break my heart again, I do not want any other false hopes, so I'd like you to leave."
Thunderlane got up and went to his room. Rainbow Dash followed him.

"Thunderlane, please, I told you I'm sorry"
"Are you sorry ... of hurting me? ... of making me disappear? How do I know if you're honest?" Dash took a little breath and sat down on the bed, then spoke at Thunderlane in a sorry tone.

"Because only when you disappeared I realize how important you are to me, and not because you made me those favors, or lent me money or cheered for me".

Thunderlane did not want to stay close to Dash after the story, but since the girl was very melancholy that day he decided to listen to her again, in fact he sat on the bed next to her.

"But I understand that you are my best friend, the only guy I always want with me, the only one who does not judge me if I act like a tomboy, and if I have to be honest, I have always mistreated you and judged to be an immature, but after this experience I am the real immature, and yet you have always forgave all my whims ". Thunderlane blushed and answered.

"Wow ... I do not know ... I do not know what to say ...", Dash shook a hand of Thunderlane, she began to cry again, but he became even more red in the face.

"You disappeared only for a day, but Sunset and I desperately searched you everywhere, at the workshop, at theschool, I also talked to your father and mother, but no one, neither your family nor your friends knew you, you had disappeared even from the photos, as well as those ones of my cell phone "
"Do you have pictures with me in your cell phone?"
"Yes, Thunderlane, I have always kept every picture when we went out together". Rainbow Dash took her cell phone and showed the gallery of photos to Thunderlane, there were so many photos and he felt excited to know that she had kept them.

"I do not believe it, I can not believe you really kept them in your phone all this time"
"You're my best friend and .....", Thunderlane paused to think again.

"Yeah ... a friend, I'm just a friend for you". At that moment Sunset opened the door and leaned against the door and spoke to Dash.

"Dash, did you tell him the real reason why you do not want Thunderlane to be your boyfriend? Because I think he needs to know the truth."
Thunderlane stared at Dash and she gulped, but now the moment of truth had arrived and she had to finish off.

"Thunder? I ..... the truth is that ....."
“Do you want me to change, Dash? Do you want me to be a sure boy? Do you want the tough guy, cool and serious?
"No ... is that ....". Dash could not make it, but she re-embraced Thunderlane and rested her head on his chest, and she confessed in an anxious voice.

"It's that ..... you've always been my best friend, but what if we get engaged? We could argue, and we could even leave ...... and you would end up becoming my ex and no longer my old dear friend "
"What, this is the reason?"
"There were many times when I wanted you as my boyfriend, but I did not want our friendship to be threatened, I love you Thunderlane, but I do not want to lose you as my friend".
This time he was crying, Thunderlane, he looked into Dash's eyes and spoke to her.

"You must not be afraid of this, Dash"
"Why not? I do not want our friendship to change"
"Listen, I swear to you that if we get together, I would do anything because we could not quarrel, and then it is normal to do it between lovers, but then I would immediately make peace with you, and if we had to leave ...."
"If we were ....?"
"Well, in that case I promise you I would do everything in my power to get back together, I would cover you with gifts, I would write poems, songs, move the seas and mountains to see you smile again, Dash." Rainbow Dash wiped away the tears, and felt better.

"You already write me some poems"
"No, I've never done it"
"Yes, with your letters, the ones you signed as my number 1 fan". Thunderlane jumped up from the bed.

"What? How ... how did you understand that?"
"I knew it was you, or better, Sunset made it clear"
"And the mysterious fan was discovered"
"But how .... did you ...."
"Your letters were gone, in fact, when I expressed the wish I checked in my bag and the letters were back". Thunderlane could no longer lie now.

"Yes, I know how much you hate the romantic guys, so I made sure you did not understand that I was, so I tore a letter in front of your eyes, because you could not understand that it was me"
"You two are a nice couple, you should give yourself a chance, and without being picky, you have a lot to talk about, if you want I’ll leave you alone"
"Sunset, I have to thank you, if you had not intruded ....."
"Thank dear Marta, it was also thanks to her if you learned the lesson, now I would say I can go, I salute you". Sunset greeted the couple and once outside the house she breathed a sigh of relief and cried a little too for the happy ending.
Meanwhile, the two lovers had not finished speaking. Rainbow Dash kissed Thunderlane on the mouth, she hugged her tightly, then asked her a question.

"But do you really want to be with me? I'm a wimp, and I’m spineless"
"But you are very sweet, and you make me feel special, with you by my side I do not need a fan club"
"I thought you hated the romantic guys," Dash leaned to him, closed her eyes and hugged him much more strongly than before.

"It's true, but I love when you fill me with attention, and if I have to be honest I do not mind when you're romantic with me, in fact, I want you to always be so sweet when we're alone."
"Heck, there are so many things I'd like to do with you, how many times I've wanted this moment, I want to cry," Dash got out of bed and made a request to Thunderlane.
"Thunderlane? Would you do something for me?"
"Would you sing to me the song you dedicated to me?", The boy was surprised,

"How ... how do you know about the song?"
"Well, you told me that, when we were together".
Thunderlane went to get his guitar and sang the song he had written for her, this time Dash listened to it with pleasure, in the end she applauded.

"Did you ... like it?"
"I love it, I think I could also put it as a ringtone for the phone"
"But .... is not too mawkish?"
"A little, but I told you, I do not mind you being romantic with me, I do not want you to change even a little"
"Seriously Thunderlane, I want you to stay as you are, sweet, romantic and always available, of course I would like you not to always give me reason, but otherwise I want you to stay exactly like that."
Thunderlane put the guitar in place, then sat on the bed and kissed Dash on the lips, the girl was happier than ever.
Then after the kiss, the two lovers laid their backs on the bed, Dash pressed on him once more and kissed him on the cheek, he put his hand on her hair and caressed her.

"Yes? Thundie?"
"I can not believe you asked me to be your boyfriend in front of an entire audience at a concert"
"I feel exactly like now, I was afraid of losing you"
"And I can not believe you told your friends about our childhood secrets"
"I had to do it, you did not exist anymore, and you can not know how much I cried"
"I can, honestly I liked you earlier, but this romantic side of yours is not so bad."
Dash returned sadly because she thought back to the fact that he had to move.

"I would like you not to leave Thunderlane, I wish you did not miss the exams on purpose, and because of me," Thunderlane did not know how Dash knew about the truth, but he did not think about it because surely it had to do with the story of the pendant.

"Dash? If you do not want I won’t leave," this time Dash was surprised,

"What do you mean?"
"Do you really want me to stay?"
"Yes, more than anything else"
"Well, then, do not wish that I hadn’t never born again"
"This I can do it"
"And I would also like us to get engaged"
"This I can do it too "
"Really? Even if your father does not want me?"
"Leave him alone, I should have defended you that time, I do not want you to worry more about the Christmas tree"
"How can you forgive me?"
"I’ve always forgiven the troubles you made"
"I would not say, I've often disappointed you when it comes to cheering for you"
"I would not say, after all you are my executioner, my guardian angel"
"What do you mean?". Rainbow Dash told of all that Sunset told her about what Thunderlane did against those who had taunted the Rainbooms. Thunderlane got up from the bed amused.

"I can not believe it,she told you, and do you consider me your guardian angel?"
"In fact you care about me, and you are often close to me, you defend me and you love me, you can be it"
"Well, you've always been an angel to me, in fact, you're like a shooting star from the sky"
"I do not want more to do with shooting stars, too dangerous, I prefer to enjoy the time with you, Thundie Thundie".
Thunderlane blushed again for that nickname, then Dash grabbed him by the neck and kissed him again. Then he went back to the bed and she returned to hug him.

"Yes, Dash?"
"Can I ... can I stay with you tonight?", Thunderlane thought that was a strange request,
"What? Here? At my house?"
"I just need to stay on the couch, it's that I do not want to go home, and then I would like to stay here because I do not want to separate from you anymore"
"But I remind you that I have to leave, I failed the exam". Rainbow Dash stood up and stared at Thunderlane in the eye.

"Then let's do something, take me with you"
"But Dash? And your friends?
"My friends will understand, I told you, I never want to separate from you again, I want us to stay together"
"But we'll be together"
"No, we will be divided, I do not want this, Thunderlane I want you to get engaged, living together, I will learn to cook, I swear, and I want one day you ask me to marry you and ..... that you and I had a baby ".
Dash began to list the projects that she had always imagined doing with Thunderlane, after she started crying again, then Thunderlane blushed.

"Wow, I can not believe you've imagined all this"
"It's always been my secret, and I do not want you to leave, it's all my fault if you've failed on purpose". Thunderlane smiled, got up and kissed Rainbow Dash on the forehead, then looked her in the eye.

"So ... do you want me to stay here?"
"Yes ...... sniff .... and I would like you to understand it"
"So if one day I’ll ask you to marry me ... would you answer me yes?"
Rainbow Dash: "A million of yes"
"Do you promise?"
"Of course"
"Well now listen .... I will not leave anymore"
"Beacuse you promised?"
"No, Principal Celestia will have me re-run the exam". Rainbow Dash did not understand that answer.

"What do you mean? You can not do it again"
"See .... two mornings ago Celestia came into the workshop, and she wanted to talk to me"
"Why did she come to see you in person?"
"Flash and the other friends of mine told her that I made the exams wrong because I wanted to be kicked out, and since I've always had good grades she came to talk to me"
"So ... you'll do it again because your friends have confessed?"
"Oh no, it's thanks to my boss who convinced Celestia"
"How did your boss convince her?"
"It's a nice story, do you know the times I used to repair your bike for free?"
"Here ... even my boss when he was just a high school boy repaired the bike for free to a girl he was in love with, and it was just a beautiful day that he declared himself to her, unfortunately she was already at the time with another guy, so she broke his heart, "Dash interrupted Thunderlane,

"Wait ... you will not tell me that the girl is .... was Celestia?"
"Exactly, when he revised her he had a kind of nostalgia"
"I do not believe it, what a combination"
"But it's a happy ending, I mean ... in the name of their old times he managed to convince Celestia to have me re-run the exams, I'll do them again next month, and then there's more, now Celestia is single, so he made it back, thanks to me my boss has an appointment with our principal, "
Dash smiled and hugged Thunderlane strong, then he stood up and looked at him wrong.

"Wait ... and you made me promise to marry you, when you would not have left?", Dash began to hit Thunderlane with a pillow,

"Hey, stop Dash, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
"I do not apologize you, and I was worried that I would never see you again, how could you take advantage of my feelings?"
"Hey, calm down Dash, I'm sorry, I do not do it anymore". Rainbow Dash threw off the pillow, and started crying again, hugging Thunderlane,

"Do not ... sniff ... never make a joke like that again," Thunderlane patted her on the head again,

“Excuse me Dash, I promise you I will never make jokes again, in fact I promise I will always take care of you, and that I will never make you angry again, and I promise that I will always be present at any celebration"
"I'm sorry I had to sacrifice our ring"
"Ah, the ring, but it does not do anything"
"But it was our marriage proposal when we were kids"
"Maybe the ring is gone, but we keep the memory of that day, right?" Dash stopped to think and then answered sincerely,

"Actually ... yes", Thunderlane looked Dash in the eye again,

"Dash, do you still want me as your friend?"
"And ... in the future would you still want me to be your husband?"
"Of course yes, as husband and father of our children," Thunderlane blushed, then turned back to her,
"Mom always wished me to find a girl who would also be my friend, and she's right here in front of me," Dash made a tear of joy and re-embraced Thunderlane again,

"Oh Thunderlane, I love you, don’t leave me"
"I promise you, I will never leave you, my sweet Dashie"
"Ok, now you're too sweet"
"You inspire me, my sweet rainbow angel"
"Enough, so you make me blush"
"So ... do you want to go out with dinner tonight?"
"Yes ... and you know what I want?"
"Yes ... but how?"
"With chocolate, strawberries, cream, four pieces of banana and a coconut sprinkle?", Dash smiled, gave Thunderlane another kiss in his mouth and then leaned her forehead on his neck.
"You know me, Thundie".
Thunderlane was as happy as ever, from that day onwards the girl he had always loved would have been his girlfriend.
The following day, after classes, Dash met up with her friends at the bar near the high school for a drink.
They were happy that life had returned as it was before.
Everyone was enjoying their drink, Twilight had Spike over her sleeping knees, and she occasionally caressed him.
Twilight spoke to the girls,
"How beautiful, girls, it's really nice to be able to stay here all together",
Appleajck agreed with Twilight,
"Ya can say that loud, I'm back in health and now Ah have no problems with the work at the farm"
Rarity replied
Rarity: "And we all got our musical talent back, not to mention our beloved Pinkie", Pinkie Pie was playing with straws, she put them all together to make an Eiffel tower made of straws.

"Et voila, what about this, girls?"
Fluttershy was happy,
"It’s nice to see you again Pinkie "
Pinkie was thinking,
"I can not believe how long I was lying in bed, I have a lot to recover"
Sunset approaches Pinkie,
"By the way Pinkie, I have something to tell you"
"Before saying goodbye to Mrs. Marta, I asked her for a curiosity, not that I expected a positive response"
"About what?"
"I asked her if by chance it was possible to know if there was an Equestrian version of your friend Gianduia"
"And what did she say?"
"She told me that her sisters in the Equestrian version of Italy, they know a certain Choco Gianduia who lives in the city of Flowerence", Pinkie Pie approached Sunset to listen better, in a hurry she dropped her Eiffel Tower straws and made Spike wake up.

"Really? And how did she describe her?", Sunset was frightened, but then she explained better.

"Let’s say, she said she is a tireless mare, full of inventiveness, she's a baker, a pastry chef, she's a sweet tooth and she's a party planner, oh ... she's always wearing a scarf, a bow and a pouch , and it's a pegasus ". Pinkie Pie made a huge smile, put her hands in her hair and threw confetti around.

"Yeeeeeeesssss, it's her, it's her, wait when I’ll tell her, in fact the next time she arrives I swear I'll introduce you, the human one of course"
"Heck, I did not expect so much happiness",
Spike blamed,
"And I did not expect her to interrupt my nap"
Twilight caressed Spike,
"Ooh Spike, do you want to sleep a little longer, eh little puppy?", Sunset laughed, then noticed Rainbow Dash playing with her straw.

"Dash? What's wrong?"
"It's just... I'm sad, I can not believe I was going to lose you, because of my selfishness I was about to lose my dearest friends"
Twilight spoke to her,
"Dash, come on, we forgave you, you do not have to think about it anymore"
Rarity asked,
"Rather ... in the end how did you get at the exams? Since you canceled your wishes?"
"Ah ... well I got the sufficiency", all the girls were happy with that answer,
Twilight said,
"The sufficiency? Then this means that your parents will let you go to clubs"

"That's right", Sunset speaks to Dash,
"I bet you got enough thanks to us"
"I really think so, but I do not think my parents will let me rest, especially if I want that they will let me go to the Camp Everfree ", Applejack was happy to hear that place,
"Ah can not wait to go there"
Sunset asked another thing to Dash,
"It will be beautiful, but you and Thunderlane now what do you plan to do?"
And so Pinkie does,
"Yeah, are you and your Thunderlane going to get engaged?"
Then Rarity,
"Are you going to live together like two sweet lovebirds?"
"Hey girls, go slow, anyway, it's too early to go living together, but yes, Thunderlane and I decided to get engaged this summer, but I hope to convince dad to invite him to dinner at my grandmother's birthday , for that occasion bad will not act like a beast, for the moment ...... ", Dash heard a horn behind her, it was Thunderlane with his car that had come to get her. Dash beckoned him to wait, got up and took her bag before greeting her friends.

"I was saying that for the moment Thunderlane and I have many dates to be recovered and a lot of time to spend together, just the two of us"
Rarity was happy,
"How romantic"
"Do the witty Rarity, but the important thing is that I and Thunderlane can finally be together without being afraid of ruining our friendship, I'll see you".
The friends greeted her, Dash entered the car and kissed Thunderlane on the cheek.

"So, where are you taking me?"
"To see a good romantic movie, so we will hold hands and look into each other's eyes, then we will go straight into the tunnel of love of the funfair ", Rainbow Dash was not really happy with the program of her boy, but she pretended to be happy.

"Oh ... it's beautiful as a program, I love it", Thunderlane burst out laughing, then told her the truth,

"Come on Dashie, I'm joking, we're going to that new laser game in town, and then I'll take you to a pub downtown to eat a big portion of chips," Dash punched her boyfriend.

"You fool, and I believed it"
"Come on, I wanted to see how you would react"
"Thunderlane? No more jokes like that"
"Ok, ok, I do not really want to fight now that we're together"
"I forgive you just because you're cute"
"Oh, so you think I’m cute?"
"Get going, come on"
"Do you know you're cuter when you get angry?"
"Start the engine!!!".

/A month later/

Rainbow Dash had gone along with Sunset in the Canterlot hospital to visit Thunderlane who had undergone an operation.
The two girls found the room and found the boy on a bed with a bandaged left leg.

"Hi Thunderlane"
"Oh Dashie, how nice", Dash went to kiss her boyfriend on the mouth, he was happy that she had come to see him.

"How are you?"
"A little better, now that my sweet angel came to see me", Sunset asked a thing,
"But what exactly happened to you? I still did not understand"
"That’s simple, my boss has ordered a new equipment, he wants to enlarge the workshop, but one of the new machines has worked badly and crushed my leg"
"Does that mean ... you will lose your leg?"
"No, I was lucky, but my leg bone brok and I can’t go to work"
Sunset felt scared,
"That’s scary"
then Rainbow Dash questioned,
"But for how long do you have to have the plaster?"
"A month, and I will not be able to walk, then another month to rest my leg, fortunately my father will take care of me"
"After all you were lucky"
"I would not say that, like now I can not work, thank goodness that my boss will pay me the same, only I will not be able to come to the Everfree Camp"
"Oooh, I'm sorry". Thunderlane had been bad for the expressions of Dash.

"I'm so sorry Dash, I disappointed you again, after the dance, the battle between the bands and the Friendship Games I disappointed you for the fourth time, I wanted to spend some time with you at the camp, but apparently I am just a degenerate boyfriend, I do not deserve you, because I can not keep my promises ". Thunderlane leaned on the bed and began to sigh, but Dash smiled and looked into his eyes and consoled him.

"Hey, do not do that, Thundie, it was not your fault"
"Yes, but once again my work has prevented me from being with you"
"Yes, but this time it was an accident, you did not choose to break your leg"
"Well ...."
"And now we are together, we have all the time in the world to be alone the two of us, there will be many other occasions, but I like you to worry about me even now". Rainbow Dash kissed Thunderlane on the mouth and then on the forehead.

"I promise you that after the camp, I'll tell you everything we've done"
"At least far from here we will not have to deal with magic"
" Good thing, I do not want to spend a week dealing with magic "
"I hope you’ll enjoy the camp without me"
"I'll try, then when I come back I promise you we'll spend the rest of the summer together"
"It's not like I can go around like that"
"We will find a way to have fun, even just the two of us"
"I love you Dash, I love you so much"
"Me too Thundie-Thundie, you're my guardian angel"
"An angel with a broken leg?"
"Angels do not need legs, they fly"
"Then I have a broken wing," Dash talked to her dear boy to cheer him up.
"I will come to see you tomorrow"
"Oh ... could you bring me some cookies?"
"See you soon Dash"
"See you tomorrow, love". Sunset and Dash greeted Thunderlane and walked down the corridor, and Sunset laughed.

"Can I know why are laughing?"
"Nothing is ... I mean Thundie-Thundie, my angel, you're so cute when you talk to each other", Rainbow Dash blushed and with an offended face looked from the opposite side to avoid watching Sunset.

"Look, I behave like that only when we're just the two of us together, do not think I've become completely romantic, in my heart I'm always the tough Dash"
"Come on Dash, I did not want to offend you, it's nice that this experience made you approach each other, once you would not have even looked into his eyes, right?".
Sunset was right, long ago Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash were just friends, and after all that time they were engaged. Dash smiled again.
"You know, you're absolutely right, I'm glad he's my boyfriend, and I would not want anyone else outside of Thunderlane in my life"
"But tell me a little thing, sometimes you do not miss your success and your fans? I still remember the days when all the newspapers were talking about you and then thanks to the repairing wish everything was gone"
"No, I do not miss anything, it's true, I had everything, but if I had it was thanks to magic, I still hope to become a rock star, but I love the life I do now"
"You really do not care?"
"No, it's enough to have my family and you, my friends, and then there's Thunderlane and I do not need anything else", by now the girls had left the hospital, but Sunset did taunted Dash another time.

"Do not you need anything else?"
"No, I have everything"
"Except that now what you need is a nice house with a tennis court, a church in the mountains and a beautiful baby", Rainbow Dash blushed and screamed at Sunset,

"SUNSET! SHUT UP, PLEASE !!! Oh I wish I did not say anything to you"
"OK, I'll stop, but please, stop with the I wish…".


My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro