• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 260 Views, 7 Comments

The five wishes of Rainbow Dash - Kawat3ngusan

After she buys a strange amulet, Rainbow Dash discovers she now has five wishes. But what happens when she makes the wrong wish?

  • ...

The first wish

The first wish

After classes, the girls decided to meet up in the music room to play a while before studying, they saw that Rainbow Dash was already there, and she was playing with her guitar.
Sunset approacched
"So Dash? Do you feel better? Would you like to play a little?", Dash answered with an angry tone,
"Only if you stop asking me about Thunderlane, otherwise I think we will not do anything"
"All right, all right, none of us will ask you about him, we just wanted to make you reconcile, but if you do not care about him anymore then it's okay"
"Good, then you can ask me anything you want", Pinkie came forward,
"Yeah, by the way ... you know a workshop where to repair the bikes?"
"Yes, it's the one close to my home, right where ......"
"Where ......?"
"Yes, the one close my house, I've always brought my motorbike, and I've never had to wait long, I've almost never paid much", Sunset replied,
"Or maybe you never paid?"
"What do you mean Sunset?"
"Since when did you go there how many times did you have to pay for the repairs on your motorbike?"
"I ....... I don’t remember", Applejack noticed that there was a letter on the ground near Dash, so she picked it up and read it.

"Hey Dash, what's this?", Dash took it right away.

"Leave it, it's my admirer's letter", Pinkie smiled,
"Oooooh, is your fan number one again?"
"Yes, and sincerely not even these are your business"
"What did he write?"
"Only some phrases, but above all phrases that speak about me, he says I'm fantastic the best, the fastest ..... hey", Sunset took the letter,
"Who knows who he is?", Rarity wanted to read it too,
"Who knows, maybe he's a guy in our class", Dash took the letter from their hands,
"I do not care who he is, but I like the things he writes about me, and I hope to be his idol for a long time, he's a sweet guy who always writes me some very motivating phrases", Applejack was hesitant,
"Ah thought ya did not like sweet guys"
"What's that got to do with this? I'll meet him, and then what's wrong having an admirer writing so many qualities about me?", Pinkie questioned,
"So that's how you would like a boyfriend?"
"Pinkie, I do not want a boy, I just need an admirer"
"Can you hug an admirer?"
"We want to play or study, because now it seems to me that we are wasting time"
"I have a better idea, tonight all at my house to study and then ....... a pajama party with study".
The girls played a little, then they went to Pinkie's house to study. And for the evening Pinkie had invented a special game, she had prepared two dozen of cookies with icing.
Twilight asked for those cookies,
"What are those cookies for, Pinkie?"
"It will be a special game, one of us will ask the questions, and then we will have to take the cookie with the answers written with the icing"
"Sounds like a good idea", Applejack smiled,
"So who is more prepared will eat more cookies"
"That's why I prepared some other consolation cookies with Retry written on , which are moooore delicious", Rarity seemed curios,
"Who taught you this game?"
"My friend Gianduia, the first time we had a slumber party here", Applejack crossed her arms,
"Ah wonder if this Gianduia really exists, ya never introduced her to us"
"Ooooh the thing is, she does not know anybody from here and she's extremely shy"

"Ah’ m starting to think if she's not your imaginary friend", Fluttershy said no,
"Oh no, it's all real, Pinkie showed me the pictures she and Gianduia made of themselves"
"Seriously? So she exists?"
"Well, I saw the pictures of two whole albums".
During the game, Twilight and Sunset were eating more biscuits, followed by Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity. The one who ate more Retry cookies was Rainbow Dash, and after having eaten several of them, she felt full, a little for the abundance, but above all because she could not answer.
Twilight talked to Dash,
"Dash? Do you want to answer another question?", Dash relaxed on the ground and touched her stomach.
"I prefer not, I do not think I can answer and then I think my stomach can not make it anymore", Sunset incited her
"But you have to try Dash, and then you have no more time to study"
"Let's face it, I'm a sucker, I will not pass the exams and my parents will make me leave the clubs, it’s all over”, Twilight could stand those words,
"Do not say that Dash", Rainbow Dash got up and went into the kitchen to drink a glass of milk, Sunset and Twilight followed her.

"Dash, you do not have to break down, we'll help you before the exams"
"It's useless girls, it's already a miracle if I get enough votes and I've never been able to remember what I was learning, and I'm only good at playing sports"
"Dash, it's not your fault we just have to find your method, everyone has a method to study"
"You are really nice for trusting me, but sometimes I would prefer to have half of your intelligence Twilight, so at least I would pass half of the tests"
"Do not talk nonsense Rainbow Dash, you will see that even with the last days we will stay close"
"Girls I don’t know how I would do without you". After more rehearsals and a few chats, the girls went to sleep, some of them slept on the bed, and some in the sleeping bags. Dash woke up for a moment, she was tense with the proximity of the exams, and tried to sleep. She looked around and thought she was lucky to have such special friends, then laid down again, looked at the ceiling and with her right hand tightened her star pendant.

"How I wish this pendant would work, beacuse I would like to make peace with Thunderlane, why did I fight with him?",

Rainbow Dash leaned on one side and began to cry. She put her hand over her mouth to prevent her friends from hearing her cry.

"Why? Sniff ..... why I feel like this? I never wanted to ..... sniff ..... get angry with him, but he lied to me ... sniff .... .and now ... sniff ... ", Dash wiped his tears with a handkerchief, trying not to make too much noise. Dash stared at Sunset and Twilight sleeping on the bed.

"I am happy with the confidence you have in me girls, but Thunderlane is right, I am just a grown up child and I am ignorant". Dash tried to close her eyes.

"How I wish I had at least half of the intelligence of Twilight, at least to not to disappoint my parents". In the end the days passed, and the day of the exams arrived. The girls met in front of the school to support themselves morally.

"So girls? All together?"
Twilight Sparkle: "Today we will make Shine Sunset, isn’t it Rarity?"
"Of course, I feel a little tense, but it’s ok, and you AJ?"
"However it goes, we will be united", Pinkie throws confetti
"Yes, all for one and one for all"
"Er ... Yaaaay". The girls saw that Dash had her eyes on the ground, so they tried to motivate her.

"Dash? Come on, do not do that, come on"
"Mmm?If you say so, but for me these will be my last days"
"Do not say that, it seems like ya have to face a dangerous mission in a jungle full of wild beasts"
"Well, more or less"
"Oh honey, do not be so pessimistic, relax"
"Why? I will fail these exams, my parents will force me to leave the clubs and surely they will not let me go out of my house, without being able to play sports, without seeing my friends, I will only stare at my books".
The girls were surprised by the phrase of Rainbow Dash, they had never heard certain words from her. But they still had to help her.
"Dash, listen, whatever happens, we will not leave you alone"
"We are your friends and we will never allow you to stay alone, whatever your parents will do to you, we will always come to visit you, in fact we will also help you to study at your house”, Twilight nodded,
"It's true, what kind of friends we will be if we leave you alone?",
Rainbow Dash looked up, wiped away the tears and smiled.

"Thank you girls, you don’t know what this means to me", Rarity gave a handkerchief to Dash,
Rarity: "Oh Dash, but since when are you so emotional?"
"Let's say I'm going through a difficult time", Pinkie Pie came out behind Dash and screamed.
"I know what do you need, a big hug", and all six girls hugged Dash, a hug meant a lot for her, especially if they were her friends doing it. By now the bell rang, and all the girls entered the classroom first.
Dash already felt bad before sitting down, while the professors put the sheets divided by lines, in this way there wasn’t the possibility of copying between close companions.
Dash looked at the paper in front of her, and after swallowing some saliva, she took the pencil and read all the questions, poor Dash did not know if she would endure this stress for all the week.
Seven days later, the results were finally posted, and our dear friends stood before the pictures of the results to see them. Sunset looked at every single name of her friends.

"So let's see... Twilight passed, Rarity too, even Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy", Rarity questioned,
"What about Rainbow?"
"Let's see... Rainbow Dash ... Rainbow Dash". Rainbow Dash was behind them, she was depressed, but Pinkie Pie hugged her to comfort her. Then Sunset shouted the result.

"Dash? You're passed", Rainbow Dash could hardly believe it, she left Pinkie and went to see up close.

"Seriously, did I make it?"
"And look at these results, history / 70, geography / 80, math / 80, literature / 85, and then German, French, Spanish all 90, congratulations Dash", Dash embraced Sunset.

"This means that I have overcome them, I am not a sucker, I did it", Dash embraced her friends one by one from happiness.
Applejack was surprised,
"But who would have thought it?", Twilight saw the results closely,
"Did you see Dash? You just had to believe in yourself"
"You were right, and yet I thought I had simply guessed", Pinkie asked curiosly,
"So if I ask you the capital of Finland, what do you answer me?"
"Easy, Helsinki"
"What if I asked you when Abraham Lincoln died?"
"April 25, 1865"
"How do you say in German What is the nearest station, please?"
"The sentence is Welches ist der nächste Bahnhof, bitte?"
"How do you calculate the area of the circle?"
"It is calculated by multiplying the radius by itself and the result by pi."
"The square root of 1465?
"38275312418 etc."
All six girls were amazed by Rainbow Dash's answers, she was also amazed.

"Wait ... Did I really answer Pinkie's questions, but how did I do it?", Twilight was happy,
"Dash, how beautiful, you have the soul of an intellectual"
"No, I've never had it, at least I think", Rarity replied,
"Wow Dash, how did you do it? When we repeated it seemed that you did not know anything"
"I don’t know, I think I also forgot about what Pinkie asked me"
"Ah yes? Let's see a little bit, if I ask you which are the regions Germany confine with?"
"Ah, that's the mistake for sure, in alphabetical order are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic , Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland, respectively," Dash was surprised again.

"What's happening to me?"
"Wow, what precision, hey Twilight, what do you think, according to you Dash has listed well?"
"Yes, she even listed them in order"
"I really do not understand, I did not even remember where Belgium was"
"Near Spain? This is easy, anyone remembers it"
"Silly Twilight, Belgium does not confine with Spain". Twilight made a strange expression, for the first time she had made a mistake.

"Wait a minute ....... what did I just say? I have to check now". Twilight took her backpack and looked for the geography book, in a hurry she dropped some notebooks and when she found the book she quickly turned the pages.

"So, Belgium, Belgium, but where will it be? On page 32 or on page 23?"
"It's on page 36, Twilight"
"Ah right, here it is, oh yes, it’s right .... I was wrong?"
"What's up sugarcube? Do ya feel good?"
"It's not possible I never make mistakes like that", Fluttershy consoled her,
"Maybe you're just a little tired after a whole week of exams"
"But I can not have made such a stupid mistake as remembering a country's borders, I never do it"
Sunset tried to calm Twilight,
"Oh come on Twilight, basically I would not complain because you've already got a nice 75 in geography"
"What….75?", Twilight went to check, read all the votes she had taken and was frightened.

"75? I? Taking 75 in geography?", Twilight saw the rest of the votes and then threw herself on the ground with her back to the wall.

"I can not believe it, I got low grades, it never happened to me", Rarity checked the results,
"But what do you say Twiliy? Look, you got 70, 80, 90"
"But not 100, I never take less than 98, I can not have the exams wrong, I need to check the exams", Twilight ran away to the classrooms of the teachers, Sunset turned to the others.

"I do not understand why you take it so, maybe the Crystal Prep had a different margin from ours"
"Perhaps she has demanded too much from her brain, after all it she is passed, isn’t it?"
"Well, I'm going girls, I'm going home"
Rarity: "Wait Dash?", Rarity called Rainbow Dash, who turned around.

"What's up Rarity?", Rarity approached Dash, looked at her, then asked her a question.
"Have you changed your look?"
"What, no, of course not"
"Well, please forgive me, it seemed to me", Dash was about to leave, but Sunset called her back, So Dash went near her to ask her what she wanted.

"What is it? Sunset? I would like to go home"
"Do you know who did not pass the exams?"
"Who? Maybe Flash?"
"No, Thunderlane". Rainbow Dash made a strange face to that answer.
"It's not possible, Thunderlane was not as smart as you and Twilight, but always took the sufficiency"
"Well, read here", Rainbow Dash read the votes of Thunderlane, there were no votes, all the boxes carried written Not passed. Dash was upset.
"But how is it possible? It can not be true"
"I do not know how his vote average is, but I did not think he was a boy who didn’t study", Rarity came forward,
"Maybe after Dash told him those things he could not study or concentrate anymore"
"Do you think it's my fault, do not talk nonsense"
"Why do not you try asking him?"
"I can not, I'm busy, I'm going to give the good news to my beloved parents, I want to tell them that their little heir has succeeded with their goal, I'll see you," Dash this time left, her friends remained talking to each other.

"Do you really think that Thunderlane did not concentrate because Dash mistreated him?"
"Who knows?"
"But then ya heard the words of Dash? Beloved, good news, since Dash uses words like that?"
"Anyway here it takes a good party for the success of the tests"
"This is a great idea Pinkie, but if you do not mind I should go and ask for something to Thunderlane". Sunset walked down the corridor to look for Thunderlane, but then she came across Flash Sentry, the boy was fixing his locker, Sunset approached Flash.

"Hey Flash?"
"Oh hello Sunset"
"I saw your votes, you were good"
"Just good, given that I am in the class of those who have chosen the joint years, it is a bit simplistic to say that I was good"
"Yeah ... listen, Thunderlane is in your class too, after all you're friends, are not you?"
"We have known each other for a lifetime, we are like brothers, but at the time you did not consider him, since you were still a horrible bully"
"Do you always want to remind me that?"
"Sorry, sorry, did you want to ask me something?"
"Yes, I saw that Thunderlane did not do it," Flash gave a sad look.
"Oh, I can not believe it, he really did it"
"Did what?"
"You see, about a month ago Thunderlane talked to his father about the possibility of having his own workshop"
"You mean his dream?"
"Yes, I see he told you"
"I spent some time with him, he's a little apathetic guy"
"Only when he thinks about Rainbow Dash"
"You ... did you know?"
"Of course, but what kind of a friend would I have been if I had spilled around?"
"And what did you say about his father?"
"His father, who is a famous architect, made a proposal, if he had passed the exams he could have stayed here in Canterlot", Sunset felt a chill on her back.
"Wait .... does that mean that Thunderlane had to get good grades?"
"Yes, but if he had not overcome, his father would have forced him to move out of Canterlot, as you well know Thunderlane has already gone to live alone, but now his father will take him away from here", Sunset was frightened, and looked closely at Flash.

"What's this? Thunderlane had not told me about it "
"He only said it to me, actually he wanted to say it to Dash but .... then she treated him badly
"But did Thunderlane was bad with the exams?"
"What? No, no, absolutely, maybe he was not the best student, but he always got good grades"
"So why did not he pass the exams?"
"See ..... I think it's Dash’s fault"
"Oh dear, did his story with Dash really stopped him from studying?"
"No, it is he who wanted to leave". Sunset made an expression of doubt, then reflected.
"Wait ... are you telling me that Thunderlane failed the exams on purpose?"
"I think so, he said that after that night at the restaurant with Dash, and his expulsion from the team, he thought he had no reason to stay in Canterlot, and so I think he failed the exams to leave"
"So will Thunderlane relocate? Will he leave Canterlot?" Leave the school? "
"Believe me, I really think he really cared about his story with Dash, it's a shame because so my teammates and I lost a great friend, and even a fantastic mechanic, I swear he was the best to be so young"
"It can not be true, and Dash doesn’t know it"
"I would not tell to her"
"Because she really does not deserve him, Dash is selfish, narcissistic, capricious, who knows what he did for her and she did not even notice, certainly the fault is also Thunderlane’s who did not say anything, but after all he was trying to open his heart that night at the restaurant "
"Actually ....".

Sunset took her motorbike and immediately went to Rainbow Dash's house, when she went there, she found Dash at the table with her parents to some of her uncles who were celebrating together with a giant pizza party. Rainbow Dash asked Sunset what she wanted, then Sunset called her aside.

"Dash you have to listen to me right away, it's very important"
"What is it? Honestly now there is my favorite pizza, and I would like to eat some slices"
"Dash, this is about Thunderlane"
" Him again? What's this time?"
"Dash? Flash told me that Thunderlane is relocating"
"What are you talking about?". And so Sunset told everything that Flash had told her. Sunset expected an indifferent reaction from Rainbow Dash, however, Dash turned her back, put a hand over her mouth, and sobbed.

"Why? Why did not he tell me about it? Why did not he tell me? Why he did such a stupid thing?"
"Dash, you have to ask him to stay", Rainbow Dash turned and yelled at Sunset.
"WHY SHOULD I DO IT?" "He wants to leave?" "Let him Do it, I do not care, after all he prefers his work to his dear friend, right?"
"Dash, but do you care about him?"
"No, I do not care about him, I prefer to leave, I do not care about him"
"It does not seem due to your reaction from before, and when you cried at the slumber party." Dash was amazed at Sunset's response.

"Wait ... did you hear me? I thought you were all sleeping"
"Not after I heard you cry and say those words, are you in love with Thunderlane?", Rainbow Dah blushed, and scratched her neck.
"No ... why should I be in love with him? He's just a friend, I'm just her friend"
"Dash, you can lie to me too, but you can not lie to yourself, look in the mirror, you're red like a pepper" "
"Do you want to leave me alone? I'm not in love with Thunderlane"
"But at least you care about your friendship, don’t you?"
"But I care about it"
"So how about if we go to him?"
"But .... my family"
"Dash? Thunderlane could go forever, we have to talk to him, maybe there's a chance that he will stay"
"All right, I tell my parents that I'm going out for a moment, but no word from Thunderlane with them, is that clear?" After saying goodbye to the parents, Dash went with Sunset to the Thunderlane workshop.
Luckily they found him there. Dash took off her helmet and went to him, Sunset was behind her as moral support. Dash called Thunderlane, he turned and was surprised to find her there.
"What are you doing here Dash?"
"Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Yes, but let's do it soon, I'm setting up a car"
"Let's go out, just you and me". Thunderlane followed Rainbow Dash out, Sunset thought of leaving them alone, but it was not a good idea, because after a few minutes they were arguing. Dash also slapped Thunderlane.

"Do you know why you did not tell me? I thought we could tell about everything"
"Why should I? In fact I was going to do it, you have no idea how many things I wanted to tell you that night at the restaurant"
"Ah, yes, how many things are you hiding from me, besides the crush on me?"
"I do not know, maybe I've already been with two other girls before you?"
"And when would you be with other girls?"
"Just before the second year, I already had two girls, Cloud Chaser and Blossom Forth, do you think you were the first?"
"So you lied to me when you said you were in love with me?"
"No, I did not lie to you, you were the first girl I loved"
"So why did not you tell me you already had girls?"
"What is it, are you jealous?"
"I'm not jealous at all, but anyway you did not tell me that you made a deal with your father, and that you would have moved"
"After what happened between you and me I thought it was better that I left"
"But is it that you made a stupid thing worse than a child? And then there was never anything between you and me"
"I will also be a child, but at least I do not give false hopes"
"You are just a child grown up, capricious and even a stupid liar"
"And you're vain, exhibitionist, you always want to win and you're never happy if others are not as gifted as you"
"If you and I were together, I would have been the strongest with spirit and muscles"
"What are you saying? Applejack beats you about muscles"
"Ah .... so now you compare me to Applejack? Now you have a crush on her?"
"No, but if I had, she would have treated me better than you," Sunset intervened to stop them from arguing, then quietly spoke to Dash.

"Dash? What are you doing?" Was that what you wanted to tell him? "
"It's him who started, he lied to me, and then he's the one who wants to leave"
"Dash? Please, I brought you here especially because you could speak to him, not to make you fight more"
"Ok, ok, now I'm calm".
Rainbow Dash spoke to Thunderlane with a calmer voice
"Thunderlane? I wanted to tell you that ....... you do not have to move"
"I'm sorry, but it's too late now"
"It's not too late"
"After making the right preparations, I will move to the end of next month"
"How can I convince you to stay?"
"Why do you care about me? You have never cared about me, how is it that I am important now? Maybe because you would exploit me again? Or why do you think it's convenient for you to repair the bike for free?".
Rainbow Dash had small eyes, then from the embarrassment she looked away because she could not look at Thunderlane in the face. Thunderlane spoke to her closely, and this time with a serious but melancholy tone.
"I was in love with you Dash, a lifetime, but you only cared about the cool Thunderlane, and not the real me, because you really hate him," Dash looked at him with rage.
"It 's logical that I hate him, because you have no confidence, and not even a bit of maturity, if I wanted to have a boyfriend like you I would have been a babysitter"
"Oh yes, and if I wanted a girl like you, I should have had a younger sister"
"Stop it"
"Do you really want me to stay?"
"Yes, I want you to stay"
"Then become my girlfriend"
"Again? No, you can forget it"
"Then take back everything you said about me"
"No, because I'm right, and you're wrong, and think we were great friends"
"You know, I think I wasted my time with you"
"And I did with you"
"You're stupid, you idiot, selfish, and if you do not draw attention to yourself you're not happy, little braggart", Rainbow Dash gave a strong slap to Thunderlane.

"How dare you talk to me like that?", Sunset decided to intervene again because the situation had heated up too much.
"Enough Dash, Thunderlane don’t listen to her, actually she does not know how to tell you that she cares about you, she loves you", Thunderlane calmed down after the words of Sunset.
"Seriously, Dash?", Rainbow Dash blushed, but then replied with an angry tone again.
"No, it's not true at all"
"Dash? What are you talking about?"
"It's all fake, it's all fake, I do not want to deal with a mama lover that does not know how to make the decisions by himself, and I would like you to leave even earlier because I can not stand you anymore, nor I want to see your baby face here at Canterlot "
"So in the end is this what you think of me? I thought we were friends, and I also defended you in the rehearsals of your band"
"You are a liar, if you really cared about my band you should have come to the concert, instead you have wasted time working in a stupid ramshackle workshop, with a stupid job without a future",

Thunderlane was angry at the words of Rainbow Dash, and this time he was the one who slapped. It was a scene that lasted a second and yet for Dash it lasted longer. Sunset herself could not believe what she had seen. Rainbow Dash touched her cheek, it hurt her to touch it, then looked at Thunderlane, her eyes were injected with rage, it was as if she did not recognize him anymore, she could not believe it, her childhood friend had beaten her. With a sad voice she turned to him.

"Thunderlane? How could you hit me?"
"Yes, and do you know what I'm saying? I hope to find a girl better than you, less picky and able to appreciate my efforts", Dash shouted again,

Rainbow Dash ran away from there, Sunset felt bad for the scene, then Thunderlane returned to the workshop to finish repairing the car. Sunset naturally followed him and spoke to him again, and this time with a tone to reproach him.

"But do you know what you did? Are you crazy?"
"Why? What did I do wrong?" She preferred to hate me, and now has one more reason to hate me " "Thunderlane? Why did you do that? You liked Rainbow Dash, do you know that?"
"All lies"
"No Thunderlane, it's the truth, I think she likes you as a boyfriend"
"So why did not she accept me before?"
"You know how Dash is, and you know how hard she is to admit her feelings, do you know what she said one night while we slept?", Sunset told Thunderlane of Rainbow Dash's words that she he heard the night of the slumber party, he stopped to think, but then he came back to thinking about the car.

"Do you know what you have unleashed? Now Dash is sure she will hate you"
"So she will not see me for a while, in fact I will not come to school anymore, so you do not have to worry”
"You’re surrendering like that? She really wanted to tell you not to leave, it's just that .... that she is made her own way, you did not say you liked her that way? "
"I thought about it, I prefer a girl who appreciates what I do, rather than an ungrateful one"
"It's not an ungrateful girl, you should have told her about what you did for her, how do you know if you've never told her?"
"From now she is the past, now I have to think about my present, and she certainly would not have wanted to be part of it"
"Maybe you should not have slapped her?", Thunderlane turned to Sunset and yelled at her.

"Do you want to stop meddling with the business of others? Why do not you try to think about you?
"It's not in my nature"
"Since when did you change, you became selfless?"
"I changed because a friend showed me the right path to follow, and altruism is a part of that road"
"So here a piece of wisdom, think of your business and live long, I no longer want to deal with that empty head of Dash", Sunset felt anger boiling inside, and in fact, she punched the stomach of Thunderlane, the latter slumped to his knees on the ground in pain holding his hands on his stomach.

"Ouch, what a pain, but why did you do it?"
"Because I thought you were a sincere and sweet boy, but apparently you prefer to give up and behave like a coward rather than to forgive Dash, you know one thing, you're right, get away from Canterlot, and if I find Dash in tears, I swear I'll be back and I'll give you another punch "
"No, for heaven's sake".
Sunset took her motorbike and left, looked around to see where Dash was. She found her sitting on the floor near the base of the high school statue. She stopped and approached her, saw that Dash was crying and that she kept touching her cheek where Thunderlane had hit her. Sunset sat down next to her to comfort her.

"Dash? How are you? Do you want to talk?", Rainbow Dash brought her knees to her chest and then wrapped her arms between her knees, and leaned her head.

"No, sniff, I do not want to"
"I know that Thunderlane was wrong, but you too should have told him the truth." Rainbow Dash sat down compound and looked at Sunset.
"What truth? What truth?"
"What truth? The truth is that you like him"
"I do not like him, and even if I liked him before, I do not like it any more, so if he goes away, I never want to know he existed"
"Do not say that, I'm sure you've both reacted just because you can not bear not having to see you again, and you're very close friends"
"I ... I do not want him to leave, but I do not even want to be wrong, I want his apologies"
"Do you know that I hit him on the stomach?"
"Yes, he slapped you, I gave him a punch," Rainbow Dash smiled and hugged Sunset,
"Oh thank you, Sunset, so he learns to behave like a fool"
"But I want you two to make peace, in fact he did not have to hit you, or react like that, maybe if I spoke to him…."
"No, better than not, I prefer that he goes away, if this is his way"
"Do you really want him to leave?"
"I can not do anything about it, it has already knocked me two or three times, so it's not the precious friend I believed, I want to forget him, it also accused me of not being strong enough, he compared me to Applejack"
"Well, Applejack is very strong, but you're very fast", Rainbow Dash asked with a melancholy voice at Sunset,
"Will you take me back home please?"
"Of course", the two girls got on the bike and left.

"Dash? Are you going to tell your father what happened?"
"No, I can not"
"Why? After all, Thunderlane deserves to be punished for the slap"
"You already did it, and then if I told my father, he would be able to kill Thunderlane, I would like to punish him not to kill him"
"Ah, ah, then do you care about his safety?"
"I would like to show Thunderlane that I can be stronger than any girl he knows"
"I think he knows it, he always said you were the best"
"Best? Not much, I would like to improve my speed, my technique, my strength"
"Come on Dash, do not say that, you're already great as you are"
"You know, I wish to be fast and strong, I would rather be much faster than now, maybe even stronger than Applejack"
"Dash, do not overdo it". At one point, Sunset stopped the bike, looked around and stood in silence, which made Dash worry.

"What's up with Sunset?"
"Did you hear it?
"I thought I saw a light, followed by the noise of a twinkle"
"I do not know, it seemed to come from behind us", even Rainbow Dash looked around, but saw nothing.
"Do you think it's some magical creature?"
"No, it was .... I do not know how to explain, now it seems to have vanished into thin air, it's better if I bring you home".
Sunset brought Rainbow Dash back to her house, the girl was happy to return to celebrate with her family. Sunset instead went around on her motorcycle, she was still thinking about that strange feeling felt near the high school, but when she passed by she found no trace of magic.

"But what will it ever be? It did not seem to come from a powerful force, nor from a magical creature, so what was it? "

To be continued…….

My Little Pony By Lauren Faust and Hasbro