• Published 16th Apr 2023
  • 172 Views, 2 Comments

Kristall Snö - Kawat3ngusan

In cold Horsweden in Europone, at the time of the Vikings a new filly is about to be born, a special filly for her time and her people

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Mötet med Rokk

Mötet med Rokk

The meeting with Rock

Kristall Snö was wandering alone in the Horswedish mountains, after having been to the village, unfortunately she had no destination, and she did not know where she was.

-“ Jag kan inte förstå (I can't understand) why did the ponies of that village treat me like that? They accused me of using magic to destroy their homes, and also of destroying their supplies, but I've never been to that village, and I would never use magic to do those things, but how can I explain it? Is it possible that there is someone who looks like me that did this? They threw stones at me and then they insulted me, I couldn't stay there, and I can't even go back to my village, nor go back to the dragons, so where can I go? If only I could find a village where I could start all over again“-.

Poor Kristall Snö didn't know where to go, and her hooves ached after walking so much, but sadly it was time for her to run, as she looked back and saw ugly beasts.

They were Timberwolves and Wargs, there were dozens of them, she then started flying away scared, she certainly couldn't fight against all those wild beasts, even if she used spells she would use the little energy she had, so her only defense was to fly.

Kristall Snö was trying to fly higher but for some strange reason the wolves and Wargs were running faster and some were trying to jump up to grab her.

After ten minutes Kristall Snö flew higher, so none of the beasts could reach her, but something strange happened, she was hit by something, she was just in time to see what it was, it was a kind of dark cloud that hit her wings, and so he fell into the snow.

She could see who had hit her when she lifted her head out of the snow, it was a timber wolf turned into a green-coated pony wearing yellow armor.

Kristall Snö didn't know who he was, she wanted to ask him but before saying a word that pony turned into herself, and was smiling, then went away dissolving into a magical mist.

-“Men vem var det där? (But who was that?) He had turned into me, so he pretended to be me in that village, but I've never seen him in my life, why did he do all this? And why did he hit me?”

Unfortunately for Kristall Snö it was not the time for her questions, she didn't know who that pony was, but one thing she was sure, she had to fight because that spell that he had cast on her prevented her from moving her wings .

So she took her ax in her hoof and hit the wolves and the Wargs, one of her Wargs approached her menacing, she threw the ax in the air, leaped it back and struck the Warg,

-“Borrning axe”-, in doing so she killed the Warg, but all the other beasts had already surrounded her, but she didn't panic, and struck all the wolves and Wargs with her axe, the Wargs were tough but at least they fell off, the Timber Wolves recreated themselves, some of them mounted together to form a bigger wolf.

Finally she managed to kill all the Wargs with difficulty, but the Timber Wolves were still around her, and some of them had even bitten and scratched her, even though she was tired she had to leave, so she decided to run, she ran up of a snowy hill, and when she was at the top she saw a village not far away, she decided she had to get to it, so she ran even faster, but the Wolves were already after her, she began to cry towards the village for help but it wasn't yet close, then the Wolves surrounded her, she was tired, but she couldn't give up because she didn't want to be defended anymore, and she didn't want to be weak.

-"Okay, do you want to eat me? Come forward, I won't give up, I've stopped crying, I will fight you to the last, and there will be no one to defend me, because now I'm stronger than when I was younger, I don't want to be a weight anymore, and you stupid timber wolves you won't stop me“-.

The Wolves growled, but Kristall Snö held on to her ax to strike them to the last, she was ready to dodge their attacks and strike, when suddenly a yellow light descended from the sky and when it hit the ground it disintegrated all the Wolves in the wood .

-“ Men vad händer? Ett ljus som kommer från himlen? (But what happens? A light that comes from the sky?“-

Kristall Snö was incredulous, but then she collapsed on the snow, then she got up and turned around and saw that from that light an alicorn had appeared, but she didn't know what she was since she had never seen one, nor heard anything .

The alicorn was a yellow coat with a red mane, with a gold diadem on her forehead, she also wore a long white dress, with a gold cross pattern drawn above her.

-“And you… who are you? A giant pegasus with a horn or a giant unicorn with wings?”

-"Don't worry Kristall Snö, you don't have to fear anything, have you never seen an alicorn before?"-

-"Not I've never seen one, and…how do you know my name?”-

-"I've been watching you for a long time, you don't have to fear anything, I'm here to help you, my name is Freyja, and I'm a goddess"-

-"A goddess? A real goddess?”-

-“That's right, surely you don't know me, but other peoples know me, you will learn the names of other gods and goddesses, however I want to do one thing“-,

The alicorn spread her wings and her horn lit up with magic, and soon after Kristall Snö's wounds were gone,

-“But this magic… reminds me of the one I use with runes“-

-“I know dear Kristall, I know I shouldn't tell you, but one day you will learn more magic, and you will become stronger“-

-“And when will it happen?”-

-"I can't tell you this, but know that I give you some advice, don't use your techniques to hurt those who love you, if I'm here to tell you this it's because you are a special filly and you will do great things, such as what will they be? I can't tell you, you'll find out, now I want you to sleep, to better recover your energy"-, having said those last words, the alicorn vanished, suddenly Kristall felt tired and sleepy, and collapsed again on the snow, but before closing her eyes she saw a large figure coming towards her.

Kristall Snö woke up after a long time, she was on a bed of straw, she was covered with Regn's skin, she looked around and realized she was inside a house, evidently it was in the village she had seen, but she didn't know who had brought her there, then she saw someone by a fireplace staring into the fire.

It was a brown Minotaur wearing a jacket, trousers and a long cape, and he had a long beard and mustache.

Kristall Snö got up and got out of bed,

-“Vem är du? (Who are you?)"-,

the Minotaur turned and stood up, then answered her,

-“ Ah, du är äntligen vaken(Ah, finally you're awake) You slept for a long time, I was worried, when I found you, you passed out on the snow“-

-“Yes, but you.. who are you?“-

-"My name is Rokk, I heard you scream and I ran out, actually I can't explain it, because before hearing your voice I had a feeling of running out to check"-

-“Thank you for saving me“-

-“Why were you alone? Where are your parents?"-

-“They….they are no more, they were killed by the Changelings“-

-“Oh I'm sorry, so it's your village I was looking for“-


-“You see….in my village there is a she yak that predicts things with runes, and she told me that towards the center of Horsweden there was a village that was attacked by Changelings, and so I started my journey to search that village to look for survivors“-

-"It's wasted effort I'm the only one of that village, now everything is destroyed"-

-“Are you the only survivor?“-

-“Let me tell you, it's a very long story“-

-“Please, have some mushroom soup and some cheese while you tell me about yourself“-, so Kristall Snö told everything she had been through, the death of her parents, her moments with the ice dragons and fire ones, she mentioned no names except those of Regn and Sven, then she told of her techniques with the runes and of the journeys made in the other realms, and also told of the meeting with the alicorn and with that strange pony.

Rokk was amazed at that tale,

-"It's incredible, did they kick you out?"-

-"I can't believe Regn loved me just because she felt guilty about my mother's death"-

-“So your name is Kristall Snö? It's a beautiful name"-

-"But do you live here?"-

-“No, I found this village by chance, this too had been attacked by Changelings, but I managed to kill them, I had already found all the people who lived here dead, I had to bury them, and so before getting back on the road I I thought I'd take the last supplies there were and rest a bit, but do you know who that alicorn you met was?“-

-"The only thing I know he told me is that she was a goddess named Freyja"-

-“Dear Kristall, Freyja is the goddess of beauty, gold, fertility, seiðr, war, death and prophetic virtues“-

-“ What is seiðr?“-

-"It's a shamanic magic, it allows you to communicate with the spirits, but think about it if Freyja herself told you those things, it means that you really are a special filly"-

-“Do you also know who that pony was that took on my appearance?“-

-“There is no doubt from your description, the one you met is the god Loki, and he is a bad company, he is the god of great cunning and deceptions but also of destruction, deceiver, shapeshifter, creator of chaos and he is often bad , is the half-brother of Thor and the husband of the giantess pony Angrboða, he can never be trusted“-

-“But why did he do this to me? Why did he pretend to be me and attack me?”-

-"I don't know, but the fact that Freyja said that you are special and that Loki attacked you, it means that you have potential that can be useful to the gods and hinder Loki, I'm sure he summoned those beasts“-

-“But I don't have such strong powers, I barely know those spells“-

-“Maybe not now, but maybe in the future you will learn others, Freyja also said it“-

-“And now I have nowhere left to go, unbelievable! Now I am also haunted by a god of chaos“-

-“But maybe he thinks you're dead, I'm not sure, but maybe I can do something, I can take you to my village, it's southwest of here, it's on the coast, it's a big Viking village where you can be safe since we pray to Odin and Thor, and they are stronger than Loki, moreover you will be able to train and become stronger, in this way you won't have to depend on anyone, indeed you will have a new home and new friends, the fact that you know how to read runes can make us comfortable to fight our enemies and all the monsters that we find outside the village“-

-“Does that mean you will take me with you? Wait…did you say viking village? Does that mean you're a viking?”

-“Ja, didn't I tell you?“-

-“Nej, you didn't mention it to me“-

-"But why? Have you ever met a Viking? “-.

Thus Kristall Snö told of the fact that her mother could end up kidnapped by the Vikings for her techniques, and that her father warned her against them, since they were barbarians, they burned villages, they kidnapped females of all races, and they were very violent.

Rokk wasn't mad about what Kristall said,

-“Look, I'd be lying to you if I told you that I've never done these things, it's true we have some bad ways, but I'm not like all Vikings, we too are a race with a hierarchy, but if I do one thing it's because my boss who is a yak orders me, I am one of his best warriors, I have had two wives, one was a minotaur and she gave me a son, the other was a pony, but if I kidnapped her it was because she she had lost her husband in battle, so I brought her to my house with her only son, but I want to take you with me not only for your powers, indeed in my village there are two female yaks one of which is the wife of the my boss, and they both know how to use runes to predict things or to use attack or healing techniques, or to empower other warriors, but they don't like fighting, so you won't be the only one to use runes, on the contrary, they can teach you something, also in my village there are two dwarves bisons, you could get more powerful weapons "-

-“And tell me, if I don't come with you, will you leave me here?“-

-“No, Kristall, I won't leave you here, I'll still take you to my village, if you want, I won't tell anyone about your powers, and you'll just stay with my mother and help her around the house, but I wanted you to become more strong, after all I too was weak and naive like you"-

-“And what happened? How did you get so strong? “-

-"My boss believed in me, he spurred me on and I became strong, I am an important element for my village now, furthermore a big pony skilled with a sword has arrived a few years ago and has been our teacher in exchange for room and board, I'm sure that if you want to improve your techniques, he is skilled with any weapons, sword, axe, spear and even bow, if you will be her student you will improve and perhaps you will join me in a year, if instead you want to use your runes I promise you that I will tell my boss about it and I will make sure that no one in the village knows about it, I myself will protect you if you want“-

-“Nej, I made a decision“-

-“What decision?“-

-“I want to go with you, I felt lonely when the dragons kicked me out and I'm not going to go back to them even if I threatened their leader, I want to become stronger than now and if there is anyone in your village who can help me , so be it, I want to improve my magic, and also my ax techniques and maybe I will also learn to use the sword, please Rokk, take me with you“-

-"I'm glad you decided, even if you said no, then let's take everything there is and leave"-.

So Kristall Snö and Rokk took all the supplies that were in the house, Rokk also said that he had a sled with sacks to take the supplies and the remaining weapons.

Kristall Snö opened her purse and was surprised at what she saw, she hoofed something of hers, it was the crystal dragon skull that Sven had shown her.

-“ Hur är det möjligt? (But how is that possible?) How did it end up in my purse? That's why it felt so heavy"-

-“ Är det den kristallskallen du berättade om?(Is that the crystal skull you told me about?)“-

-"Ja, but...I don't understand what it is doing here, I didn't take it, if the dragons knew I have it, they'd think I stole it, someone must have put it here"-

-“What do you want to do, give it back to them?”-

-"Nej, I'm keeping it, anyway they won't know where I'm going, and then it could be useful to me, furthermore they will never believe me if I tell them that I found it by chance, if I keep it I could understand the ancient language of dragons, and I can also summon the Bifrost“-

-“This could be useful for us too, we could visit the other realms and look for special ingredients and also materials for our weapons, maybe you could help us to have the permission to pass since you have already met the god Heimdallr“-

-"We'll see this when we need to, but I think the skull only works on me, no dragon has received powers, it only worked on me"-

-“Seeing the size of that skull I don't think it will enter the head of any of my fellow Vikings“-.

Kristall put the skull back in the bag, then together with Rokk they inspected the tall houses but found little food, furthermore Kristall discovered that she could fly again, evidently Freyja had dispelled Loki's power.

By now they were ready, Rokk put the food in the bags and got ready, Kristall got behind him.

They left the village and began to head towards the Viking village, Rokk led the way, but at one point Kristall looked back.

-“What's going on Snö? “-

-“I just wanted a moment to pray for my parents“-

-“When we get to the village we will teach you our religion and you can pray to our gods, I will tell you all their deeds and legends“-,

Kristall looked up to the sky,

-"Mother, father, maybe I will let you down, but now I have no choice, I didn't want to be alone, so from today on I will become a viking, I want to become stronger than now and maybe one day I will really return to the ice dragons, but now I think I've already found a friend in Rokk, if it's like Freyja said then I'm destined to do great things, I just don't know when, but I'll work hard to become wiser and stronger“-,

Kristall returned to Rokk,

-“Are you ready for your new life, Snö? Doesn't it bother you if I call you that?”

-“Ja, I'm ready and….nej, it doesn't bother me, you can call me that if you want”-,

So both the pegasus and the minotaur made their way to the southwest coast of Horsweden.

To be continued…..

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro