> Kristall Snö > by Kawat3ngusan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Välkommen Kristall Snö > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Chronicles of the Dragonheart Pegasi This story is more appreciable after reading the story of Stella the Anguana. Stella was with her pupils in the classroom telling the story she had written - "My dear students, today I will tell you the story of the first Dragonheart Pegasus we have news of, I'm talking about the sweet Kristall Snö, a pegasus who lived with the ice dragons, so listen to it", and Stella told the story -And it is time that our story begins, and to appreciate it we have to go back in time- Approximately 742 (Viking Age) Kristall Snö Välkommen Kristall Snö (Welcome Kristall Snö) In the northern lands in ancient Europone, precisely among the white landscapes of Horsweden, there is a large battlefield, in this field there are several bodies. All those bodies belong to ponies, minotaurs, griffins and bison, all of them had gathered for a battle at the last fight, but not a normal battle, not a fight between any barbarians, indeed, all these warriors who are now slumped on the snow they were almost all barbarians and people from different regions, but for once a truce had been placed, since the battle in question was not against simple creatures or any beasts, no, all these warriors had gathered to definitively defeat all the Changelings that infested the Scandineighvia. Just a long time ago, a group of Vikings had found a hive of Changelings in the mountains of Horsweden. Any warrior or pony or other species who knew how to fight even if not well had to give his part to defeat the threat of the Changelings in the northern lands. In that horror scenario there is a figure that stands up, it is a light blue pegasus looking around, he sees his friends and battlemates lying on the ground, but in that battlefield there were also corpses of the defeated Changelings, the battle had not been in vain, that army of barbarians had defeated the tribe of Changelings that populated those mountains, the pegasus rises from the snow thanks to a wooden spear that he wields, he is wounded in the legs, but he must get up, as his partner is waiting for him in his village. Without hesitation, and with what little strength he had left, he flew in the direction of the area to the west in Horsweden, in the direction of his village. After a long flight he finally gets to see his beloved village. It was a village in the snow made of wooden houses, inside the village there was a frozen lake, near the village there was a forest, and it was surrounded by a small wall made of wood and stones. The pegasus was greeted by a griffin, an old friend of him, when the griffin sees the pegasus he hugged him - "Finally, and the others who believed that you hadn't made it, but I knew it" -, the pegasus was happy to have returned to his village and asked the griffin - "I'm happy, but also tired" - the griffin noticed his wounds - "But you are injured, we have to heal you, I'm going to call our doctor" -, - "Yes I know, but now I would just like to see my sweet wife" -. In fact, the pegasus had a blue pegasus as his wife, and they lived near the edge of the village, but he wanted to see her again not only because she missed him, but also because she had been pregnant for a long time. The griffin when he heard those words told him about something important - "There is ... there is one thing you should know" -, - "What is it? Is it urgent?" -, - "Very urgent, just a little while ago the old medical griffin went to your house" - the pegasus was amazed, - "Oh, why? What happened? Is my wife sick?" - - "More or less, the fact is that your wife is about to give birth" -. The pegasus rolled his eyes at him, just when he had returned from that battle he learns that his wife was about to give birth to their heir. Without thinking twice, the pegasus immediately ran to his home. He immediately entered and found an elderly she-griffin who asked him to be quiet. On a wooden bed with straw and a blanket was a light blue pegasus with a blue mane, she was all sweaty and panting, she was the pegasus's wife, he took her by the hoof and looked into her eyes . - "Kristall Lumi, love, hur mår du? (How are you?)" -, the pegasus was struggling both to speak and to open her eyes, but hearing the voice of her companion she turned to him, - "Tømmer? Is it really you? Are you back?" -, it was now days since he had joined the group of warriors and barbarians, and his consort often prayed for his return, even with the pains of childbirth, she was delighted that he was there. - "Yes, I’m here, and we won, the Changelings have lost their queen, by now they are all dead, and if they had survived by now they could not survive without their leader" -, Lumi was very happy not for the victory against the Changelings , but for her husband to be there with her, and just as she was about to kiss him, she let out a big scream of pain. - "Aaahhhh, what a pain, he's about to be born, he's about to be born" -, the pegasus had returned to sweat and cry, plus her face was all red with pain, the elderly she-griffin ordered Tømmer to go out and let her do her job. So Tømmer went back to his friend griffin to be healed by the village doctor. The griffin took Tømmer to the hut of a bison who was the person in charge of care and medicine, as well as the wisest individual in the village, he prepared a kind of cream made of snow flowers and moss, then used some leaves for the wounds of the pegasus. The griffin carried Tømmer out of the hut and asked him how he was. Tømmer still felt a little dazed by the battle but thanked his friend - "Tack (Thank you) Vinge, my friend, now I would just like to be close to Lumi, and maybe eat something" -, Vinge understood what Tømmer was going through, so he invited him into his house for a good warm beer. So Tømmer was finally able to rest, while his friend Vinge went to get some freshly made bread and mushrooms left over from their lunch, then asked his wife to bring some hot beers, the griffin then took a pitcher and poured the contents into two horns of animal for her husband and for Tømmer. The blue pegasus sipped his beer and ate the bread and mushrooms with relish, the pair of griffins were interested in his story on the battlefield. Tømmer didn't want to rethink the moments he lived there, but he talked to the two griffins about the battle anyway. After sipping another bit of beer he spoke clearly - "It was horrible, all those ponies, and those griffins, minotaurs, bisons, most of them were all Vikings, and they were also in large numbers compared to the Changelings" -. Tømmer remembered everything in great detail, he was behind two Viking minotaurs, his task like that of other pegasi was to fly high to spot the enemy. Tømmer could not forget the moment in which the Changelings came out of a cave in the mountain, it was precisely at that moment that the Vikings and the various ponies launched an assault against them, and between sword and axe blows many Changelings were killed, but in the attempts to attack even some Vikings lost their life, as the Changelings had strong fangs, as well as their magic, and were helped by their queen, who was killed by a Viking bison who hit her in the neck immediately after the guards around her were defeated one after one. Tømmer always felt bad thinking about those horrible scenes, also he felt guilty for not doing much, as he was armed only with a spear and not very sharp, and in an attempt to kill Changelings he was wounded and passed out. Vinge consoled him - "You don't have to worry, you weren't ready for such a battle, in fact you shouldn't even have gone" -, Tømmer felt better and thanked his friend and wife again. Immediately after, the elderly she-griffin; mother of his friend Vinge, slammed the door to call Tømmer. The pegasus was surprised, but he was even more surprised after he heard the reason for the outburst of the old she-griffin, the foal was born. Tømmer got up from the table and turned to the old she-griffin - "Really? Is he born? Is our foal born?" -, Tømmer was thrilled by the news, but the she-griffin hadn't finished speaking yet - "Yes, he‘s born, or rather she’s born, he is not a foal, but a filly" -. Tømmer was even more surprised by the story, so he immediately ran to his house. When he entered, he found his wife Lumi lying on the bed, clutching the filly with rags and sheepskin. As Tømmer approached Lumi, he heard the baby cry. Lumi hugged her tightly and cradled her to calm her, and while she did so she cried too, but with joy, then crying, she looked at her husband - "Tømmer, come and see, she is beautiful, our little filly is the most beautiful filly I've ever seen" -. Tømmer looked closely at his daughter, she was a small pegasus with a light blue coat just like her mother, and had a light gray mane, but with various dark blue spots like his mane, at the sight of such a beauty he was moved and not it mattered more than what he had been through before, because now their filly was born, and she was truly the most beautiful filly they had ever seen. - "Can I keep it in my hooves?" -, - "Of course you can, take a closer look" -, Tømmer held his filly tightly in his left hoof, placing it carefully against his chest, he felt a warmth that only a father could feel, and for him it was an indescribable moment. The filly kept crying, but he tried to calm her down by rocking her and singing her a lullaby. - "Hey little girl, don't cry, dad is here, I'm here with you, my baby" -, after these words the filly opened her eyes, and Tømmer was moved again - "She has .... she has blue eyes, all blue, like mine" -, He was delighted to see his daughter's eyes, Lumi dropped her head on a pillow made of straw and finally she too could rest, for her the sight of Tømmer cradling the filly was a beautiful sight - "She is our filly, and as such we will always love her" -, Lumi's words were something special for Tømmer, and while he was cradling the little filly he asked his wife - "How will we call her? She will need a special name" -, Lumi would have liked to sleep a little, but now it was necessary to find a name for the baby, Lumi then began to think - "Let's see, my name is Kristall Lumi, and I'm from the eastern lands, instead she was born here in Horsweden, so I think we'll call her Kristall Snö, what do you think?" - Tømmer nodded and with still tears looked his daughter in the eyes, - "Then Välkommen Kristall Snö (Welcome Kristall Snö)" -. An atmosphere of peace finally arrived in the village, three days had passed since Tømmer's return, and the other ponies and griffins of the village continued their daily life as before, Tømmer and Vinge headed to the nearby forest to look for food. However, Tømmer would have preferred to stay in the village with his wife Lumi. - "Why didn't we stay in the village? We could fish in the pond" - - "I know why you say that, you prefer to stay at your house rather than look for food, right?" - - "Don't be offended, it's just that I still feel tired from that experience and then ...." - - ".... And then you would like to spend more time with your little filly, right?", Vinge had guessed right, in fact Tømmer wanted more than anything else to be close to little Kristall Snö, but as food was becoming scarce, he had to go and look for it outside the village, while some ponies and griffins took care of fishing and cows, other villagers instead they looked for food elsewhere. Tømmer and Vinge searched the nearby forest well for supplies, and indeed they found berries, leaves, acorns and various mushrooms. With their bags full they returned to the village, but Vinge noticed something unusual from afar, he saw a dragon in the village. - "There is a dragon, there is a dragon, we are attacked, we must hunt it, and it is right next to your house" - - "Oroa dig inte (Don't worry), that's just Regn, my wife's friend" -. The village in question had a peculiarity, it was known as the village where Kristall Lumi lived, the pegasus who had dragon friends. It was said that when Lumi was younger, she had saved the life of a young dragoness, and that that she-dragon had been so grateful that she became friends with her, the dragon in question was just the same one who lived in the village. The dragoness named Regn was frowned upon by her pack of ice dragons, but Regn didn't care, both she and the pegasus often hoped ponies and dragons would be friends. Regn was a medium-sized ice dragon, light blue color, had rearward horns and her scales and wings shone when the sun shone on them, Regn had come to the village because she had recently returned from a migratory journey of her pack from Iceland, and was aware of her pegasus friend's pregnancy. And she finally could see the baby born. Lumi came out of her house to show her filly to the dear dragoness. The dragon looked at that little filly sleeping between Lumi's hooves and was moved. Lumi was happy to be able to talk to her dear friend again and even happier to show her the little filly. - " Hon är vacker (she's beautiful), we called her Kristall Snö" - - "Kristall Snö? It's a really nice name, and she looks a lot like you" - - "She has a little bit of me and a little bit of Tømmer" -. At that moment little Kristall Snö opened her eyes, and when she saw the dragoness Regn she got scared and started crying, Regn moved backwards, Lumi instead cradled her little one to calm her. - "Sshhh, don't cry baby, you don't have to be afraid, she is your Auntie Regn, she is an ice dragon, she will not hurt you, she is a sweet dragon" - - "I'm sorry, I scared her" - - "No Regn, now I'll calm her down, so I'll let you hold her" - - "In my arms? Do you really want me to hold her?" - - "I also hope that Kristall Snö like me can dream of a world where ponies and dragons can walk around together without fear and without disagreement" - - "Once I would have laughed for such a thing" - - "You mean…. if I hadn't healed you?" - - "I remember as if it were recently, I was a young dragoness, and those Changelings attacked me, then you and your father came and hunted them, and then you took me to the village to medicate me" - - "When you woke up you were confused, but you didn't attack me" - - "That day you changed my life, I always hope that the other ice dragons can learn from us too" - - "Tell me, you and Flod haven't thought about having dragons yet?" - Regn was a little blushed by Lumi's question, but she too had a little surprise. - "To tell the truth, I came back here in Horsweden also because I had to lay some eggs" -. Lumi stopped cradling little Snö when she heard that sentence - "Does that mean that .... you and Flod will have dragons?" -, Lumi was happy more than ever to ask that question, and Regn was just as happy to answer - "Yes, and having heirs allowed Flod to become the new pack leader" - - "The new pack leader? But that makes you the most important female in the pack, you're almost a queen" - - "Speaking of this, I was wondering if it was possible that you could look after my eggs" - - "Do you want me to ... do you want me to hatch them? What if I am the first that the puppies see?" - "You don't have to worry about this, I will come every day to check, and if their hatching is close then I will stay in the village" - - "Then you can do it" -. Regn had asked Lumi for that favor not only out of necessity, but also to find an excuse to visit her friend, and Lumi was happy to help her dear dragoness friend, but before saying goodbye, Lumi gave her the baby in her arms. Regn tried to rock her without letting her fall, this time Snö wasn't crying, on the contrary she fell asleep. Regn was touched again, Lumi instead thought that this must have been a benevolent sign, that maybe even Kristall Snö would have appreciated the dragons. In the village it was only Tømmer who approved the visit of the dragons, while the other inhabitants were always terrified, even if they liked the presence of a dragon, because that village had never been attacked. Regn gave Kristall Snö back to Lumi; and then she said goodbye, promising to come back the next day. Regn flew to the high and snowy mountains, entered a cave where various ice dragons lived, waiting for her was one of medium size of dark blue dragons, he was her husband Flod. He went up to her and took her back. - "You went to the village, didn't you? I told you not to see that mare anymore" - - "What would be the problem? You have never reacted like this, or rather it has been years since you didn't care what I did" - - "But now I'm the pack leader and I'd like you to stop seeing you with that mare" - - "That mare saved my life, how many times do I have to tell you?" - "You were a fragile and weak dragon, now you are no more, so now you should stop with this debt of honor" - - "You only care what the dragons think of you, but listen to this, Lumi has agreed to take care of our eggs" - Flod was angry at that sentence- "You ... would you like to entrust our eggs to that mare? Are you crazy?" - - "She saved my life, and then she became a mother too, besides there is no dragon to whom I would entrust her besides me, or rather no pony" - -Do you know that if something happens to our eggs I will hold you responsible? "- Regn gave Flod no answer, on the contrary she went to a corner of the cave to look at her eggs, and began to think. We need to know one thing, unlike Equestria, in Europone there are dragons of different natural elements, the ice dragons inhabited the mountainous areas where there was an abundance of ice and snow; which was their ideal climate. It is not known why, but this breed together with others never abandoned the Europone, moreover the abundance of ice was not only useful for their habitat, but also for their diet, because the ice dragons ate meat, but in lack of game also retreated with the fishing of salmon and other river fish, otherwise they fed on the mountain rocks and ice that abounded in the caves. The next morning, Regn began to lick her eggs to clean them a little, then she loaded them in her claws and left for the village of Lumi to bring them to her. Regn was always happy to see the pegasus who had saved her life, but mostly because she was a friend of hers. After a half hour flight, Regn arrived at the village, Lumi went out of her hut to receive her. - "Hi Regn, it's always nice to see you again" - - "I brought you all my eggs, there are six in all, try to keep them warm" - - "I will pay close attention to them, as if they were my children, and then you will stay here in the village with me" - - "Not the first few times, in fact the hatching is still far away, but if you want I will come and see you, also because I would like to see little Kristall Snö again" - - "Now she's sleeping, but when she wakes up I'll show you her again" - -She has beautiful eyes, I love her, I hope she can grow up as beautiful as her mother "- - "What beautiful words you say, and I hope your dragons can look like you" - - "Flod hopes they are more males than females, he absolutely wants to ensure the lineage of a future pack leader" - - "But isn't it better if a female commands the ice dragons?" - - "Believe me, the circle of elder dragons is very clear, it must necessarily be a male to rule" - - "In any case, I will make sure that nothing can happen to your eggs, my word" - - "I trust your word blindly, now I have to go back to my cave, see you tomorrow" -, so Regn flew away to her refuge, while Lumi brought the dragon eggs to her house near a lit fire, she stayed there and stopped staring at them and then her gaze ended up on little Kristall Snö who was sleeping, never was a vision more beautiful for her, she had become a mother and was about to become the aunt of six dragons. To be continued…. My little pony By Lauren Faust & Hasbro > Ett sto och den drakarna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ett sto och den drakarna A filly and the dragons It was a beautiful day, the snow was fresh and there were no clouds in the sky, the few pegasi in the village had no rain or snow plans for that day, Lumi hoofed out of the hut, and saw the various ponies and griffins coming out from the village to go for wood, the griffons naturally went hunting as they were carnivores, while Tømmer was outside the hut on his way to the frozen lake of the village to go fishing. The mare pegasus just closed the door to go back to take care of little Snö who was sleeping blissfully, and from one side of the hut she observed the six eggs that Regn had entrusted to her and stroked one, then headed towards the kitchen where she was cooking the bread. - "Mmm what a good smell, I think I'll go and get some plants from the other room, maybe a good moss and lichen soup could go well with the bread" -, Lumi went to another room to get some herbs and lichens which were kept in some baskets. - “I hope that little Kristall Snö can appreciate dragons as I did, so she can have a good life in this village away from strife and violence, dragons can protect her” -. Lumi was often busy at home preparing food, but when it was the summer she often collected plants to eat and other things that would be kept for the winter, but she did not hate this season, she was in fact happy to see the mountains and the plains full of snow, but she did not mind staying at home in the warmth of a good bonfire especially accompanied by a good loaf of excellent salty cheese. After some time Lumi heard a knock on her door, it was her friend Regn who wanted to talk to her. - "Regn, how nice to see you" - - "Don’t be exaggerated, we haven't seen each other only for two days" - - "For me it is always a tragedy not to be able to see you, you are my best friend and seeing you always fills my heart with joy" - - "That makes me happy too, how are the eggs?" - - "I keep them on one side of the house in the warmth, if I put them near the fire they would end up opening up, maybe you should stay here in the village" - - "You know that if I wanted I could, but unfortunately I have to stay close to Flod, and then the people of your village don't like me staying here" - - "I'm sorry, maybe you should take care of your eggs" - - "No, I chose you to take care of them, because you are the only pony I trust" - - "I hope not to disappoint you, I am doing my duty, and it is neither easy nor difficult, since I also have to take care of Kristall Snö" - - "How is the little filly?" - - "She sleeps often, and when she is awake her beautiful eyes are a joy to see them" - - "I hope she becomes like you too, a pony who loves dragons" - - "So do I, I hope always to be close to her, and to defend her, as I hope that dragons can always be close to her and protect her" - - "Flod wouldn't allow it, but I don't care what he says no matter what happens, I promise I'll take care of her and you" - - "I'm happy, would you like a lichen soup?" - - "For me it's fine" -, Lumi took a bowl, put the soup in it and gave it to Regn, who drank it in one gulp even though it burned, - "Ah, delicious, really good" - - "Will you stay here a little longer?" - - "Just a little longer to fly around the village, then I think I'll go back to my caves" - - "Does this mean that I won't see you until tomorrow?" - - “Don't be sad, basically we see each other anyway, right?” – Regn greeted Lumi and then flew around the village, then went east towards her caves, Lumi greeted her although the dragoness could not see her, then closed the wooden window and began to gulp down some soup and she cradled little Snö, then occasionally glanced at Regn's eggs to see if there was any movement. Another day passed and Lumi thought about going to the village pond while the other ponies and griffins were out looking for food. She took a wooden spear with her and when she got to the pond she used the spear to penetrate the ice, made a small hole, then with the right precision she tried to hit the fish under the ice with the spear, it was not easy at all since the fish were fast, but after many attempts, Lumi managed to catch a fish, and set it down on the snow to catch another. At a certain point, however, she heard a loud grunt coming beyond the big fence that crossed the village, Lumi did not notice and continued to fish, but later she heard that verse again accompanied by another similar one, intrigued she got up from the snow and she went to observe what was beyond the fence. She slowly approached and saw something in the snow, something she never wanted to see, there were Ice Changelings, they were blue and white and camouflaged in the snow, they were the same Changelings that Tømmer and the other warriors had defeated , for Lumi it was strange that there were other Changelings since the queen mother had been shot down, the only thing she did was back away, but the Changelings were approaching, so Lumi immediately ran to her wooden hut to escape, without looking behind. The sound she heard as she ran was chilling, she heard the rumblings and roars that the Changelings were making, bad luck would have it that during her run, Lumi had dropped her spear, while fleeing she tried to warn the few remaining mares and griffins. - ”Hjälp Hjälp! (Help Help) there are the Changelings, run away, run away ”-, the mares and the griffonesses opened their doors and saw Lumi escape from the Changelings. After a few seconds Lumi closed the door and bolted it with a wooden board, the poor pegasus was panting from running, but she knew that she would be safe in there, meanwhile little Snö was crying, so Lumi ran to make her calm. - "Sshhh, ssshhh, don't cry little one, don't worry, dad will soon come to save us" -. In the meantime, outside the hut the five Changelings were waiting for Lumi to come out, they looked like stray dogs waiting for their prey at the gate, some had even started beating with their hooves on the roof. The fillies and griffonesses didn't know what to do, they didn't have weapons with them, but their friend was in danger and they couldn't sit still. However, two Changelings kicked the door and knocked it down, Lumi did not know what to do, the two Changelings stood in front of her a few steps away, and they growled, she took Kristall Snö in her arms to protect her, but something else attracted their attention, the dragon eggs, and they both approached them. -Oh no- Lumi said, she could not allow those hungry beasts to eat the eggs, but in the meantime the other Changelings managed to make a hole in the roof, Lumi could not help but hurry, hugged Kristall Snö tightly and put immediately the six eggs in a bag and ran away kicking the Changelings who were in front of the door, but before fleeing, she closed the door to block the Changelings. After that she quickly ran out of the village, hoping that the Changelings would not follow her, unfortunately no one helped her, they were all terrified of the Changelings. The latter managed to get out of the hut and tried to chase the mare with the smell, unfortunately the Ice Changelings are able to smell a prey even in the middle of a snowstorm, and therefore they immediately understood where the mare had gone and ran out of the village. But just when the Changelings came out of the village, there were ponies and griffins who saw them, including Tømmer and his friend Vinge, who was the first to see that herd - “Hej! Vad händer? "(Hey! What's going on?) - - "Jag vet inte" (I don't know), it seems that there are Changelings who are escaping from our village- - "It will be better to go and see, someone may have been attacked" -. Tømmer and Vinge ran with the other ponies and griffins to see what was happening, they immediately entered the village and some mares and griffins stood in front of them, - "Those Changelings ... those horrible beasts, they attacked Lumi, she had little Snö with her and the dragon eggs and then those horrible beasts started chasing her" -, Tømmer was scared but also a little angry - “And you didn't do anything to save her? Were you just looking at her? "- - "We're sorry, we didn't know what to do, we were afraid" - - "You are all idiots, Lumi is in danger because of you" -, but Vinge stopped the pony from his anger, - "Come on Tømmer, we can still chase those Changelings, we can save your wife right away if we start running" - - “Right, let's go” -, Tømmer and Vinge and the other ponies and griffins immediately ran to chase the Changelings, and tried to run as fast as they could despite the snow, luckily Tømmer and Vinge could fly fast. They flew for about ten minutes and found a bad scene, the Changelings were piled on top of something in the snow, and around there were traces of destroyed eggs. It didn't take long to realize that the Changelings were attacking Lumi, so Tømmer and Vinge with their spears attacked those beasts. Both Tømmer and Vinge used a lot of force against them, but the Changelings were very tough, and returned to attack, but Tømmer would not allow Lumi to be in danger, so with the spear he pierced the sturdy exoskeleton of one of the Changelings and killed them all. Vinge on the other hand in addition to his spear also had his claws like any self-respecting griffin and had no difficulty in attacking the Changelings, luckily there were not many and so after a few strokes of the spear the Changelings were all dead on the snow. Vinge was excited about that little battle - "Wow, it was fantastic, since I hadn't happened to kill some Changelings, and now we have won and ..." -, Vinge had to stop celebrating because Tømmer was in despair, Lumi in fact was full of bites and scratches and she was losing a lot of blood, he took her and raised her in his hooves, he noticed that she had put herself on the little Kristall Snö and the last dragon egg that had survived, Lumi during the fight had acted as a shield with her body to protect both of them. Tømmer held Lumi very tightly then turned to Vinge, - "You take the egg and Kristall Snö, I must immediately take Lumi to the old griffoness to cure her" - -Immediately-, and Vinge did as he was told, Tømmer immediately took Lumi to the old griffoness hut so that he could heal her, the old she -griffin was not at all happy with the wounds she had, but did as Tømmer asked him and so she brought her inside to do everything possible to help the poor mare. Meanwhile Vinge had brought little Kristall Snö into her wooden cradle, the filly couldn't stop crying, even during the fight she could be heard, then Vinge put the dragon egg on top of the straw, tried to calm the filly, but it was useless, evidently little Snö wanted her mother, Tømmer came in at that moment to see how the little one was. He walked over to her and took her between his hooves, and cradled her a bit to calm her down, even though her baby wanted her mother, he managed to stop her crying. - "Don't cry little Snö, mom is just hurt, stay calm, everything will be fine, if only I hadn't gone in search of food, I shouldn't have left her alone" -, Vinge tried to cheer Tømmer, - "Don't be angry, it's my fault and that of others, we shouldn't have asked you to come, we should have left you here with your wife and then brought you something to eat" - - "No, it's my fault, I didn't have to leave her alone, it was my decision, I hope she's fine, I couldn't bear to lose Lumi" - - "Now don't beat yourself up, you'll see, she'll be fine" - - "If something happened to her, I could never forgive myself" - - "Do not say these things, and in front of your daughter" - - “Sorry, sorry, it's true, I have to think positive, if I also think that those beasts have also destroyed the eggs of Regn, now who will tell them? Who knows what dragons would be able to do "- - "It's true, Regn could understand, but Flod I don't think it would be understandable" - - "Lumi is the only one who can speak without fear with dragons, but I don't dare go near them, here we are talking about ice dragons, they are very proud creatures" - - "I don't want to think about what they would do to us when they know about their broken eggs" - - "But the fault is not ours, it was the Changelings, even the ice dragons hate those cursed creatures" - - "But the eggs were under the responsibility of Lumi, I also promised to give a hoof" - - "We will all come out, after all it is also the fault of the rest of the village" - - "It's true, they did nothing when Lumi was in danger, they all shivered with fear, they condemned her" - - "Now it’s enough, it has happened, we can only pray to the gods of the north, hoping that everything will be settled, Lumi has to do it" -. Time passed and the sky began to darken due to the clouds that were gathering, by now it was also time for dinner, but neither Tømmer nor Vinge were hungry, but little Kristall Snö was crying, she was hungry, so Tømmer poured some milk into a bowl and gave it to the filly who drank it from the tip of the bowl. After feeding her he rocked her to burp and sleep again. Time passed and Tømmer was always worried about Lumi, so he decided to go to the old griffoness hut to find out new news. He knocked and the griffoness opened, - “How is Lumi? Will she recover? "- -"Come inside"-, Tømmer did as the old she-griffin said, and when he entered he saw Lumi on a straw bed, with various bandages, on the face, on the chest, on the hooves and on the wings. Tømmer wanted to get close to touch her, but the old she-griffin stopped him. - "Don't touch her, she is still very hurt" - - “But how is she? Please tell me how she is "- - "Listen, I don't want to lie to you, unfortunately she received a lot of bites from those beasts, they sucked a lot of blood and it seems that they injected a lot of poison" - - “But… how is she? Please tell me that she is fine "- - "Now she is fine, I have done my best, I have tried to save her, but I really believe that she will not survive the night, I have tried, I’m sorry" -. Tømmer could not believe those words, he would have liked so much it to be a lie, but the griffoness repeated that it was not, the pegasus went crazy immediately wanted to be near his wife, but the old she-griffin stopped him. - “LUMI, LUMI, NEJ, NEJ (NO, NO), it's not possible, she can't die, she and I have to be together, we also have a filly, she can't leave us, what will become of us? What will I tell Regn? What will we do with the dragons when they want their eggs? "- - "Keep calm Tømmer, it is certainly not barking so that she can heal" - - “Now you talk like that, but when she was attacked what did you do? Nothing, you were all left to die of fear, YOU DID NOT DO NOTHING, you let her die, AND I WHO ALSO LEFT HER ALONE TO LOOK FOR FOOD "-. Tømmer ran out and punched in the snow with anger, he was holding back the tears, but now he started crying with pain, - "It is mostly my fault, MY FAULT, I abandoned her, it was I who condemned her, I, I, AM THE STUPID WHO CONDEMNED her" -, Vinge saw how his friend was venting and thought he was doing nothing to get him to let his anger out, Tømmer continued to beat the snow with his hooves until the griffoness called him back. -"What's up?"- - "Your wife wants to talk to you" - -"What? Does Lumi want to talk to me? "-. Tømmer approached Lumi, but the pegasus was very weak and coughing, so she could only speak to him in a low voice. - “Lumi? What's up? You shouldn't talk, you have to rest "- - "Cough, cough, I know ....... that ....... I won't make it, you don't have to lie to me" – - "Nej, nej, you have to rest, I'm sure you will make it, you just have to rest" - - "No, this is my end ... ..I won't make it" - - "Don't say that, you'll see you'll get better, and we'll be together with our little Snö" -, Lumi took Tømmer's hoof and looked at him with her right eye that was not bandaged, - "Listen to me, Tømmer, please listen to me" - - "Okay, I'll listen to you" - - "I don't have much time left, when I was attacked I tried to fly as fast as I could, but those Changelings caught up with me and bit me and I couldn't do anything, the only thing I could do is to be a shield to the little Snö and the last egg that the Changelings didn't destroy, what I want to tell you, is that nobody's fault, it happened, you can't do anything about it, my regret is that I didn't keep my commitment with Regn, I disappointed her, the Changelings broke all her eggs, but one remained, I just hope you forgive me "- - "It wasn't your fault Lumi, it was the Changelings, you did everything possible" - - "Now what I am asking of you is this, you must return the egg to Regn, and explain the truth to her, and that I am sorry to not be able to speak to her here right now, and do not forget the most important thing, our little Snö, I want you to you take care of her that she never misses anything, she must grow up as a beautiful pegasus who does not have to stop at the first difficulties, and you will make sure that she is never afraid of dragons, which are fantastic creatures, I want her to be friend with dragons as I was, you understand? "- In front of her dying partner Tømmer could hardly say no, so he promised that he would do all these things, - "I know I can trust you, I'm sure our little Snö will be a good filly" -, having said that Lumi put her hoof on her chest and went to sleep, her breathing was light, Tømmer thought about letting her sleep, and went back to his filly. Vinge didn't even ask what the old griffoness had said, because it was enough for him to have seen Tømmer's reaction to know the truth. Tømmer sat down on a chair and began to think, how could he have looked after little Kristall Snö alone? But the little filly was distinct to her mother as well as having her father's blue eyes, but he also thought that he could not say no to his wife, and that he had to do everything possible to take care of the little Snö, he had to talk to Regn, to make sure also that Kristall Snö had to deal with dragons, just like her mother, and perhaps her mother would have lived through the filly. By now the night came Lumi breathed her last breath, so the village organized a funeral, they transported the dead pegasus on a wooden cot carried by four ponies, the whole village was present, there were ponies and griffins and bisons, males and females who they wielded torches of fire. They brought Lumi near a stone stele where there was a hole to put it in, the pegasus was also wrapped in a blanket, it was Vinge who put it in, took the body and placed it in the hole, on the stele was written "Kristall Lumi, a special pegasus for ponies and dragons ". Tømmer was holding little Snö in his arms, the little one didn't know what was happening, and it was better this way, Tømmer held her tight and then greeted his wife who was now leaving them alone - "Adjö Lumi (Goodbye Lumi), I will not love any other mare besides you, I promise you that I will do everything possible to make our Snö grow well, I swear to you" -, Said that, the hole was filled and everyone began to pray for the loss of their dear pegasus. Tømmer knew that his life would not be the same as before, but he had to be strengthened precisely for his filly, he could not be demoralized, nor feel weak, nor show himself negative, he had to be strong because he had promised it to Lumi and also to himself, now he only had Kristall Snö, and for him it was already a lot, since it was the inheritance his wife had left, luckily everyone in the village promised Tømmer to help him with the baby, as they were guilty of not helping Lumi. Tømmer struggled to sleep that night, but in the morning he was awakened by a knock on the door, he thought it could be other Changelings but when he opened the door he was surprised, it was the dragoness Regn, who had come to see Lumi. Tømmer left the house and closed the door, then took Regn in front of Lumi's tomb, at first she did not understand, but then the pegasus explained to her in detail what had happened the other day, without leaving any details. Regn started to cry very loudly, put her claws on her eyes, and screamed, she couldn't believe she had lost her best friend, she was more desperate for the loss of Lumi than for that of the eggs. - "It's my fault, it's all my fault, I can't believe that this pandemonium happened one day when I didn't come, and now ... now she's gone" -, - "It's not your fault, it's my fault that I left her alone" - - "No, I also left her alone, I should have stayed here in the village, and not be with those stupid buff-blue dragons" - - "You are the wife of the boss, it is natural that you should be with him" - - "But I shouldn't have allowed my duty to keep me away from Lumi, and now ... .. now she is dead, and all because I was not with her" - - "I know how you feel, before she died Lumi asked me about things" - -"What?"- - “She told me to give you back the only egg she managed to save from the Changelings attack, and also to take care of Kristall Snö, make her grow up healthy and strong, and that she could be friends with dragons, as she was, and I don't know if I'll be able to do all these things, however, precisely for Lumi I have to do it "- -"What's the problem? I'll help you "- - "No, I could never ask you such a thing" – - "She did everything she could to save my eggs, but she was not strong enough to fight a group of Changelings, when the egg will hatch I want to take it here to the village to introduce my puppy to little Snö, so she will have a bond with my only heir "- - "Flod will not appreciate, someone as proud as he will never accept" - - "Bah, may Odin forgive him, I will not allow him to interfere anymore, precisely because I had to stay with him that I lost my best friend, I will not allow him to prevent me from seeing the only thing that Lumi has left on earth , he can grumble all he wants, but I am still his wife, and I am more powerful than him in terms of authority, and I will teach little Snö to trust dragons, to be their friend, indeed I hope she can grow up with my puppy, male or female that will be, I'll visit the village whenever I want, and if there are Changelings attacks I'll be there this time "- - “But what will happen when you tell Flod about the loss of the other eggs? Won't he be furious? He will be angry with us "- - "Don't be silly, I won't let him put a paw here, Lumi did everything to save my eggs, I certainly couldn't leave them in the midst of those buff dragons, I preferred to leave them to those I trusted most, however I should also have been there for her and the eggs, it is mainly my fault that she is gone, I will do everything to protect and raise little Snö, she reminds me so much of Lumi, as if Lumi were still among us "- - "It is very nice what you said, with your help I am sure I could do it, I too would like to see you often here, you have many memories of Lumi, and it is as if Lumi was still with me, but above all I have Kristall Snö who looks like Lumi, and she is the real living memory I have of her, and I hope she can be a smart filly, because I love her "- - "Now I'm going to take my egg to our cave, I'll be back when it hatches, but you take care of Kristall Snö in the meantime" - - "Don't worry, many creatures here in the village also promised to help me so I won't be alone" - - "Now I'm going, we'll see each other when the egg hatches" - - “See you Regn, hejdå (bye bye)” -. Regn flew away from the village to return to the cave where she lived. Unfortunately she was not warmly welcomed by her husband Flod, who wanted to know about the eggs. She almost never lied to her husband about it, but in this case she had to tell the truth, so she told the whole story to Flod, poor Regn she couldn't hold back her tears when she started talking about the death of Lumi. But Flod didn't care about that, he was infuriated to hear that story. - “OUR EGGS? WERE OUR EGGS DESTROYED? "- - "Don't scream, all the dragons are listening to you" - - "I scream all right, it's your fault, you left our eggs in the hooves of that damn mare, your friend, and look what happened, you trusted that stupid mare, and here's what happened, we only have one egg left "- - "Do not you dare to speak about Lumi, she did everything possible to defend the eggs from the Changelings, unfortunately she was not a mare who knew how to fight, the fault is mine, I have not been with her, I abandoned her and she was attacked, the fault is only mine, and now she is dead "- - "At least now that she is dead you won't go to that village anymore" - - "No, you're wrong, I'll go back, Lumi's daughter lives there, her only inheritance" - -"What? Do you want to go back there for a filly? "- - "That filly is what I have left of Lumi, she herself wanted her daughter to be friends with dragons before she died, and that's what I'm going to do, when my egg hatches, I'll introduce our little dragon or little she-dragon to little Kristall Snö "- - "You can't be serious, now that Lumi is dead you had no more reason to go to that village" - - "But I have to, I saw that filly, she is beautiful, she looks all like her mother, and I want her to be friend with dragons just like her, and if you don't like it, I can go very well in that village permanently, so I'll make sure the Changelings don't hurt anyone this time, I won't make the same mistake twice "- - "NO STOP ... OK, you won, if you really want to, do it, just be happy, I can't allow you to stay there, leaving me here alone, I won't hinder you" - - "I knew that a heart of gold was beating under that hard shell" -. Flod actually needed Regn, as he was the leader and his wife the queen of the ice dragons, and the queen couldn't stay away from the pack for too long, because Flod's leading position would suffer, but he however he was not as cold as his element, because he always loved his partner even after a long time, so he let her. 7 years later Seven years had now passed, and life was peaceful in the village, both thanks to its inhabitants and the fact that Regn scared off any hostile creatures nearby. From a house here comes a cute light blue filly, with a long tail and a thick mane of light blue and dark blue, it is our protagonist Kristall Snö, who leaves her house to go to pray at the grave of her mother, but before she leaves she goes back to the house to get a couple of things. The first things are a wooden bow and a quiver, the other thing is an ice dragon skin, it is precisely a dragon skin after a moult, and it belonged to Regn herself, who gave it to Kristall Snö years ago, as this type of skin was thrown away by the ice dragons, but Regn gave it to the filly to protect her from the cold, as unlike the Dragons of Equestria, the skins of elemental dragons have magical properties and are as light as leaves , but hard as diamond, and Kristall Snö was never without that skin, which did not even stink, indeed it smelled of snow, and even allowed her to blend into the white winter coat. Arriving in front of her mother's grave, Kristall Snö joined her front hooves and prayed, - "Great ancestors, protect my mother, whom I could not know better, unfortunately the Changelings took her away from me" -, after leaving the house Snö used to visit her mother's grave, and she often cried for not having known her. - "Mom, how much I would have liked to know many more things about you, it's not your fault, but dad always says that if I'm here, you will continue to live inside me, and you will never be forgotten, and you have also done everything to save my life to me and the last dragon egg, you will always live in my heart, even if I don't know much about you, the only things I know about you, dad, Regn and the other villagers told me, I hope may you rest in peace, vila i fred, mamma (rest in peace, mother) "- Kristall Snö got up from the snow and stared at her mother's grave, above the tombstone was a necklace made of ice dragon's teeth, those teeth belonged to Regn, she herself created it with her old teeth to leave something to her dear friend. Kristall Snö put the quiver back in place and walked into the forest near the village where her father Tømmer was waiting for her. The pegasus stood near a tree, and then turned to her daughter, - "Here you are Kristall Snö, I see you lingered at your mother's grave" - - "I have to do it father, my mother saved my life, I have to honor her" - - "It is true, but it is also true that you must learn to defend yourself, I will not allow you to be attacked like your mother, you will still be a small filly, but you must learn to use some weapons" - - "Dad, I'm no longer small, I'm seven years old now" - - "And that's why you have to learn to defend yourself, now take your bow" -, Kristall Snö took a pose, flapped her wings to stay a few centimeters from the snow, then took an arrow with one hoof and held the bow steady with the other, her father asked her to aim for the bark of a tree. - "Concentrate, Kristall, aim well with one eye and observe well where you will point with your arrow" -, Kristall Snö shot the arrow, but the latter ended up just a few centimeters from the tree and stuck in the snow, the filly did not understand what she had done wrong, her father consoled her, - "You don't have to be sad Kristall, it can happen the first few times, I waited until you were older to let you use a bow, you just have to concentrate better, make another attempt, and if you can't, do another one, until you can, but keep in mind that you must always keep yourself in training if you always want to be ready to defend yourself from an attack by the Changelings, or by other ferocious beasts "-, Kristall Snö took courage, and started shooting another arrow again, but she shot too much to the right and missed the trunk, she shot again but this time she aimed too much to the left, she tried another arrow, but not even with this one she succeeded to hit the bark, the father stood next to her and helped her to hold both the bow and the arrow, Snö managed to shoot it without shaking but the arrow hit the base of the tree. - "It seems that the bow is not for me" - - "Honey, you don't have to give up, just train and you'll see that you will succeed, after all you managed to hit the tree, right?" - - "Yes, but only because you helped me, dad" - - "You will see that you will be able to shoot arrows by yourself, remember, aim your target well, keep the string taut, and then let go the arrow" -, Tømmer and Kristall Snö took their belongings and returned to the village, but just before entering the village they saw two familiar figures greeting them from afar in the snow. The first was Regn, the second was a dragon neither small nor large, but a little bigger than Kristall Snö, it was a dragon with light blue scales and a yellow belly, Kristall Snö ran to meet him, - "Sven, Sven, you came" -, the young dragon in question was called Sven, and he was the only heir of Regn and Flod, practically the last surviving egg, Sven unlike his father was always happy to be able to visit the pony village, since his mother taught him to accept the interactions between the two races. To Sven, Kristall Snö was like a sister, and he knew he was born by Lumi's sacrifice, he was not gruff like Flod, but kind like Regn, only when he was among the dragons he become equal to his father. Sven hugged Kristall Snö tightly and was happy, - "It's nice to see you Kristall" - - "It's nice for me to see you too, my brother" -, Sven put down Kristall to talk to her better, - "What are you doing outside the village?" - - "My father was training me with the bow" – - “Are you starting to learn to defend yourself? Great, but remember, if anything happens your big brother Sven will always be here to protect you "- - "Dad says that I must also count on my strength, you will not always be here" - - "Maybe it's true, but I won't let anyone twist your hair" -, Regn gestured for them to enter the village. None of the inhabitants were scared anymore by the presence of the dragons, apart from the fact that it was only Regn and Sven to visit, especially the dragoness who wanted to see Kristall Snö every now and then, and of course pray in front of the grave of her friend Lumi. Most of the time Regn stood in front of the grave with a melancholy way, and sometimes Tømmer kept her company, but the pegasus did not want to stay too long in front of that tombstone, because otherwise he would have started crying, and then he would have to do in the house, although now that Kristall was old enough she could very well help her father. Kristall and Sven instead enjoyed playing in the snow, and also fishing in the village lake, Regn was happy for these moments, even if they didn't last long, because after all he couldn't stay away from his pack for long, especially after Sven was born. But Regn didn't care, she loved that village, and Sven and Kristall were always happy to spend time together The pegasus and the young dragon sat down, facing the lake and began to fish, and in the meantime they talked. - "Sven?" - -"Yup? Kristall? "- - "When one day you will be the leader of the dragons will you become like your father?" - - "Dad says it's too early for a fire trail, we'll have to wait when I'm older, he'll decide" - - "What is a fire trail?" - - "It is a test to measure the physical strength and speed of a dragon, you have to overcome obstacles, fly, and all to retrieve a scepter that one of the elder dragons has hidden" - - "Hidden where?" - - "This is not known, my father is training me for when that day comes, the training he makes me do is very tiring, but he says he does it for my good, he wants that when it happens I will have to be ready, he wants absolutely that I can take his place someday "- - "Do you think that day I will be able to attend the Fire trial?" - - "It's something reserved for dragons, I don't think my father would let you see it, just as he doesn't want you to come and see our lair" – - "Your father is very mean to me" - - "You don't have to be angry with him, he's like that, he doesn't like being with ponies, since not everyone accepts dragons like in your village, and he's a very proud guy, he doesn't like to show his feelings, not even with my mother and me, but you must not hate him "- - "I was hoping to see you on the day of the test, I would have liked to cheer for you" - - "In reality it is not that the ponies cannot see it, there is no written law prohibiting it, but it is well known that they cannot participate in it" -, Kristall noticed that Sven was able to catch a fish while he was talking, while she did not, she got up from the ground and took her rod, - "See you near my house, I have to go" - -"Why? Stay a little longer "- - "I can not catch even a fish, it is useless to be here" -. Kristall walked up to her wooden house, and put down her fishing rod, then she flew to the roof and sat staring at the mountains. A few moments later, Regn saw her and approached her. - "Hello little Snö, what are you doing on the roof of your house?" - - "Regn, please, I'm not so small anymore, I'm seven years old" - - "For me and for your mother you will always be a filly, since you were born you were not afraid of me" - - "I ... ..I don't know anything about my mother" - - "Ooooh, poor little one" - - "I know that everything I know I learned from you and from dad, but I would have liked to know her so much to have memories of her, the only thing I remember about her was her voice when she sang songs to me to make me fall asleep "-, Regn took Kristall in her hands and caressed her and then gave her a kiss, - "Little Snö, don't feel sad, your mother still lives inside you, and I will always be there for you, as if I were a mother for you" - - “Sniff, seriously? Like a mother? "- - "If you want you can also call me mom, and don't worry about what Flod would say, I am more powerful than him in terms of authority, he would be lost without me" - -"Really?"- - "I know that he is the leader of the ice dragons, but I'm still his wife, and he wouldn't want to see me angry, he's a tough head, but deep down he loves me, like his son Sven, and I'm sure that he loves you too, in fact you know what we will do next time we come here? I'll take you to my pack "- - "But Flod doesn't want me to be there" - - “It doesn't matter what he says, I say so, and you know it? Next time some old friends of Flod will come to visit us, they are a pack of fire dragons from Múspellsheimr "-, Kristall was a bit perplexed by that word, she dropped from Regn's hands and sat down on the snow, - "What is a Múspellsheimr?" - - "But how….don't you know the nine kingdoms that surround us?" - - "No, I don't know anything about it, which kingdoms?" -, - "Mmm, I guess here in your village you don't have this belief, it is more the Vikings who live on the coasts who have this knowledge, you who pray?" - - "We pray to our ancestors, we have no gods" - - "In fact, I never talked about these things with your mother, Regn took a twig he had found nearby and drew nine circles in the snow, - "You must know that in our lands there are nine kingdoms, where different races live, there is for example Ásaheimr up here where Ásgardr is located, the kingdom of the pony god Odin, then there is Álfheimr, the kingdom of the light elves, the Svartálfaheimr, the realms of the dwarfs and the dark elves, then there is the Jǫtunheimr, the realm of the ancient giant rock dragons, the Vanaheimr, the realm of the Vani, further down to everything there is the Helheimr, the realm of the dead, returning further up there is the Múspellsheimr, the realm of fire where the giant fire dragons lived, then there is the Niflheimr, the realm of the giant ice dragons, where I was born, and finally here in the center is the kingdom where you live and where we live now that is Midgardr, where races such as ponies, griffins, yaks and even dragons live "- - "So you come from another kingdom?" - - "Exactly, Kristall Snö, I come from Niflheimr, a kingdom made of ice, I was born there, and so was Flod, but one day my family and I decided to come here to Midgardr, and then we were so happy that we never left, we always lived in the mountains and we created our clan, but now after so many years, our old friends come to visit us from Múspellsheimr, and they are fire dragons, they would like to see some of us again- - "And what I will do?" - - "I would like to introduce you to them, even if they are dragons of another element, I want you to meet other dragons, and to welcome them here in Midgardr as the representative of the ponies" - - "But Flod ... would he approve?" – - "Leave him alone, only what I told you counts, in fact we don't tell him anything, I'll come and get you the same day we meet the dragons" - - "But ... are there really giant dragons in the other realms?" - - "Almost all of them have disappeared, Kristall, and then they would never leave their kingdom, but when I was little there were many, the reason for their disappearance is unknown to me" - - "It will be a fantastic experience, I can't wait" - - "I'll talk to your father, it's right that he knows where you will be that day" -, Regn went to find Tømmer, while Sven wanted to talk to Kristall Snö again. The filly said everything Regn had said to her, Sven was surprised, - "I didn't ... ..I didn't expect my mother to tell you about our friends of the fire" - -"Why? Does Flod told you? "- - "He thinks that ponies can kill dragons, after all not all peoples accept our race" - - "I will be the only one, in fact Mom would have liked me to have contact with dragons, instead of being afraid of them, I would be happy to be able to be friends with them" - - "You will see, you will like them, I already have friends in that pack, there are two dragons younger than me, they are a brother and a sister, they are called Lapillus and Lava, and they also have an older brother called Flail, and their father is the leader of the fire dragons, it is him who is my father's friend "- - "I can't wait to see these dragons" - - "But it's better if you don't bring your bow, otherwise they'll think badly of you, as long as my mother and I will be there to protect you" - -"Got it!"-. To be continued….. My little pony By Lauren Faust & Hasbro > Drakarna av eld > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drakarna av eld The fire dragons On a mountain with a flat part about twenty large dragons gathered, with even small dragons, and with them was Kristall Snö, they stood in front of two columns made of stones, waiting for something. Flod was the first to approach and Regn was next to him, they were both checking the two columns, but then Flod turned to his wife, - "Why did you bring Kristall Snö here?" - - "Because it seemed right that she knew other dragons, that's what Lumi would do too" - - "I don't want the other dragons to see that we are pony friends" - - "Oh come on, don't do that, Kristall is here to represent her race, to bring peace between our races, as Lumi always wanted, and I'm happy that in one way or another Lumi lives through Kristall" - - "But Lumi is dead, it doesn't matter that Snö is her daughter, she can never be here" - - "You've been going on with this story for years, you have to stop" - - "Listen, that's why I never wanted ponies while we met other dragons from other kingdoms, because I didn't want to make a bad impression on other races, it's one thing if there are ponies with our clan, but another thing is when there are other dragons she has never seen "- - "It will do you good to meet other dragons, especially from another kingdom, she didn't even know about other kingdoms, I had to teach her everything, I never talked about these things even with Lumi" - - "I'm not surprised, her village knows nothing about these things, they are a tribe apart, if they had been Vikings it would have been different, they know the stories and legends of these lands, I dare say even better than us "- - "Don't you think it's time to start singing?" - - "Okay, but I recommend whatever happens, you and Sven stay close to Snö" -. All the ice dragons lined up, and behold, Flod and Regn began to make noises to the sky, and after them the other dragons began to make them too. All the dragons emitted roars, hisses and whistles, it seemed as if they were singing a song in who knows what language, Kristall Snö was curious to know what was happening, Sven clarified everything, - "They're calling the Bifrost" - - “The Bifrost? Vad är det? (What is that?)"- - "It is a bridge of iridescent light that unites the various kingdoms, only the gods or dragons can evoke it, but only dragons who know the ancient language of dragons, in fact, those that seem like verses to you are actually words, depending on which they are said and how they are pronounced, we have access to various kingdoms, but in reality we only use them to go to a few of those kingdoms, for example we certainly cannot use it to go to Ásgardr, there the pony gods live like Odin and Thor, dragons are not allowed in "- - "Why can't dragons get in?" - - "Mum and Dad have never explained it to me in detail, but there seems to be no good blood between the giant dragons and the gods, and at this rate not even dragons are welcome, we are not giant dragons, only some of us when they were small they saw them, now I think they have almost all disappeared, I myself have never seen one, neither a giant dragon of ice nor of fire "- - "Hey something is happening" -, while Sven spoke, Kristall noticed a light that was taking shape from the two columns, materialized on both sides, this light from white became a big rainbow, precisely a rainbow bridge that started from the stone columns until it disappeared on the horizon. - “Here we are Kristall, this is Bifrost, the rainbow bridge, from there the fire dragons will come” -. Kristall could not believe it, that bridge made entirely of rainbow seemed to her just a colored light, but Sven told her that it was perfectly solid and that it could also hold an army of dragons. After a while all the dragons stopped singing, and from a point of the Bifrost dragons could be seen coming towards them, there were not many, at most a dozen, they were getting closer and closer, some walked on the bridge, while others flew over. It took them a long time to get there, but in the end they passed the point of the two columns, and greeted the ice dragons, there were fifteen of them, some were large, some were medium others were small, but still bigger than Sven, and their color differed from that of the ice dragons, they were red, some with yellow stripes, and others with orange scales. A large dragon followed by three smaller dragons approached Flod. - "God morgon Flod (Good morning Flod), it's been a while huh?" -, Flod squeezed his paw - "Hi Flamma, it's nice to see you again, it's nice to have you here with your clan" - - "We came in a few this time, others stayed at Múspellsheimr" - - “How long do you plan to stay? Because I'd rather you stay a little longer "- - "You know well that we cannot stay so long away from the climate of our kingdom, snow and ice are not for us" - - "But we have enlarged our mountain to accommodate you all, the mountain can now perfectly accommodate us all, we have also collected a lot of gems to eat" - - "Then it can be done, do you remember my children?" - - "And how could I forget them?" -, Near Flamma there were three dragons following him, two of them neither small nor medium approached Flod, but Sven also approached, since he knew them, one dragon was male and orange in color, the other was a yellow dragoness, Sven was glad to see them again. - "Hello Lapillus, hello to you too Lava, how nice to see you again" -, the male dragon and the female dragon greeted him in turn, - "Hi Sven, I'm glad to see you again" - - "It's nice to be able to meet again" -, Sven hugged first Lapillus and then Lava, then saw another dragon behind them, taller than him, it was red with a yellow crest, but he knew it, and then he came closer, the other dragon took Sven with one arm and slid his fist over his head, - “How are you doing Sven? Are you still a weak dragon huh? "? - - "Ouch, stop Flail, it's not funny" - - "It depends on the point of view, for me it's fun" -, Regn called the dragon, - "Now Flail is enough, leave my son alone" -, - "As you like dear Regn, I was just kidding" -. Flamma wanted to shake hands with all the dragons present, but then he turned to the right and saw Kristall Snö. Intrigued he turned to Flod, - "Excuse me Flod, but what is a pony doing here?" -, Flod replied calmly instead of being worried, - "Oh don't worry, she is Kristall Snö, she is the daughter of a friend of my wife, who died years ago, I told you that Regn had a pony friend years ago, remember?" - - "Yes, I remember, but this is the first time I've seen her, you said that she is the daughter of her friend of hers-", this time it was Regn's turn to answer, - "You see Flamma, unfortunately the mare who was my friend died after an attack by the Ice Changelings, she is the daughter, her name is Kristall Snö, and she is here to welcome you in the name of her race" -, Kristall, came over and bowed, - "God morgon, dear fire dragons, my name is Kristall Snö and in the name of the pony race I welcome you here to our kingdom, I hope you are comfortable, and that you do not miss anything, I am happy to be able to know you, I hope to know you all ”-. All the fire dragons were amazed, they had never met a pony in that kingdom, indeed they had never met one in their life, since in Múspellsheimr there were no ponies, of any breed. There was an awkward silence, but Sven took Lava by the hand and led her close to Kristall Snö, - "Come on Lava, Kristall is a female like you, you don't have to fear anything, give me your hand" -, Sven took Lava's hand and Kristall held out her hoof, the pony and the dragoness shook their limbs as a gesture of greeting, - “So ... are you a pony? It is .... the first time I see a pony, I had never seen one in my life, there are none in my kingdom "- - "Here instead there are no fire dragons, it's the first time I've seen them, I've only ever seen ice dragons" -, Regn was happy with that interaction, but behind her Flamma was confabulating with Flod, - "Is it safe? Isn't she dangerous? It's still a pony "- - "You don't have to worry Flamma, she is peaceful, and besides she doesn't know how to fight, more than anything else it is Regn who has to protect her from dangers" - - "It will be ... ..but I do not know whether to leave my children in the company of a pony, you know that we have always held our gatherings in secret from other breeds" - - "The fact is that it is my wife who insisted on letting her come here, she is very fond of that filly" - - "She also wears an ice dragon skin" - - “That's Regn's moulting skin, my wife gave it to her so she wouldn't get cold, but let's not think about Kristall, let's go into the cave” -. All the dragons entered the mountain carved by the ice dragons, Kristall herself was amazed at how big the den was, there was enough room to accommodate all the dragons and there was space left, in some parts there were colored gems that the dragons ate, in in another part there were salmons put on sticks on a bonfire, ready to be cooked with dragon fire, and there were tubs of hot water where the dragons could dive and take a hot bath, there were near those pools of dragons digging in the mountain and collecting coal using tools made of ice, then blowing fire and lighting the coal, when the coal was hot enough they threw it into the tanks to make them warm, both the ice dragons and the fire people seemed to be enjoying themselves, then Kristall saw that in a corner of the gout there were several barrels, and the dragons took animal horns to drink the contents. The filly sat in the corner and waited, she just watched all the dragons celebrating and talking to each other, but she felt out of place, she wanted to introduce herself to the fire dragons sitting next to her too, but she froze, so she just sat there in silence. The dragoness Lava noticed Kristall, it seemed strange to her that the filly was standing there doing nothing, so she walked over to her and sat down. - "Hey Kristall, what are you doing here all alone?" - - “Um ... me? Nothing, simply …… simply …… I'm alone here without bothering "- - "You are not a pony that sees many dragons are you?" - - "Well ... ..I only know Flod, Regn and Sven, the other ice dragons I know only by sight, I never came here to their lair, it was always Flod, Regn and Sven who came to my village, they are not never went to see them "- -"How come?"- - "Well ... I shouldn't say that, but Flod ... he doesn't want me to show me with him with the other dragons, he says that he would no longer be taken seriously in his clan, he never approved that Regn had a pony friend, now I'm only here because Regn insisted, she wanted me to know dragons of another race, and my mother would have wanted me to do it too, she said that dragons are a noble race, mistreated by others, and which are more rational than what other ponies think "- - "Regn told me about your mother, to hear you and she was a sensitive and intelligent mare, I'm sorry she's gone now, she also did everything she could to save Sven, if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be here"- - "If my mother had been strong now Sven would have a sister and a brother, even more, unfortunately it went like this" - - "Hey, don't say that, even my mother wasn't strong and now she's gone" - - "Do you no longer have your mother?" - - “No, she…. She was killed, one day when we were in the kingdom of Álfheimr to go to see the mushrooms of light we were attacked by Changelings and Dark Elves ", - "I thought that only the light Elves lived in Álfheimr" - - "That's right, but the Changelings are also found in other realms, in Múspellsheimr for example there are the Fire Changelings, which are not here in Midgard, then for some strange reason it seems that the Dark Elves are also in Álfheimr , we fought but my mother didn't make it, it was our father who defeated them, Flail also saved us, took me and my brother Lapillus hand in hand and we ran away "- - "I'm sorry for your mother" - - "Who really was traumatized was Flail, he is the first born, he saw our mother die in front of his eyes, our father was sad, but he took courage for us, and told us not to be sad, because mom wouldn't wished we would always mourn his death, dad has always been a strong dragon, mom was more sensitive, but you can't reason with a Changeling, they are wild and irrational creatures, worse than Timber wolves, they are only capable of attacking in groups to satisfy their bloodlust, you will never be able to reason with a Dark Elf or a Changeling, so I recommend that you never find yourself alone if you meet a Changeling"- - "I ... .. I haven't seen one for years, I haven't seen one since my mother protected me, I don't remember that moment well, but sometimes if I try to remember my mother, I seem to hear growls and rumblings "- - "You were little, and you could hear their language, a language that only wild beasts speak, beasts that do not have a conscience, but only the instinct to hunt, no matter what the Changelings are, they are all the same, all bloody and murderous "- - "Maybe that's why my father wants me to learn to fight, I've already started using the bow, but I'm not good" - -"Do you want a tip? Learn to fight and you will never be in danger, and if you find yourself with a trusted companion, then it will be easier to survive "- - “A battle mate? I have not"- - "Yes you do, you have Sven, and you also have me and Lapillus, and maybe Flail too, but he's not very sociable, but he counts on me, I like being able to say I have a pony friend, since you are the first I know "- - "But if you can go to the other realms why haven't you met other ponies?" - - "Because we have been in a few kingdoms, like Jǫtunheimr and there are only dragons there, once there were also giant dragons, then Álfheimr, where only elves live, and finally Midgardr, that is, here, but we never went further this plateau, we have only heard about ponies, as far as I know, only some of the older dragons have seen them, among Vikings for example, those are dangerous, from what my father told me, Vikings are barbarians who live near the coasts of Noreinway and Horsweden, and are also found in the Iceland, my father tells me that they are made up of various races, such as bisons, yaks, minotaurs, griffins and also ponies, pegasi and unicorns, they are said to attack other villages , burn them, and kidnap wives of various races, and eventually kill dragons too "- - "It's terrible, I would never want to meet a Viking" - - "You would not be in danger, you are not a dragon, it would be dangerous if you were older, and a Viking would like to take you as his wife, you would be condemned to work for him, and to have children for him"- - "Dad once warned me about the Vikings, but he never told me all these things" - - "It is better to know certain things if you want to know how to defend yourself from those who are dangerous" - -"I understand"- - "But there are many other dangers in the other kingdoms, indeed perhaps there are more of them here in Midgardr, but do not worry, since you have dragon friends you will be safe" -. Kristall was happy with that talk with Lava, because she was already starting to get acquainted with the new dragons, then she got up and looked around to see all the group of dragons conversing. She was happy to be able to be there, and to be able to learn about new things, as well as being able to socialize. Near the entrance to the cave she noticed Sven talking with Flail, and thought she could join the conversation. Sven was pleased with her, and introduced Kristall to Flail, but it seemed that the latter was not happy to meet her. - "Hi Flail, I just met your sister Lava, and now I would like to know you better, tell me ... .. how is Múspellsheimr made?" - but the red dragon did not answer, so Kristall tried to ask another question, - "Your sister told me that you have traveled to other kingdoms, is it true that there are giant dragons?" -, but the dragon did not answer again, on the contrary, he seemed very annoyed, Sven then spoke to him to ask him to answer Kristall, but Flail threw down the horn from where he was drinking and was furious with both Sven and Kristall. - "I KNOW WHAT SHE SAID TO ME, I'm not deaf, I just certainly don't want to talk to a damn pony, indeed it amazes me that you have allowed a pony to stay, even you dear Sven, you really have to do with a pony? This disgusts me, ponies should not be among dragons, indeed dragons and ponies cannot tie, I'm going out, it will be cold but always better than being together with this damned filly "-, having said that Flail went away outside, leaving Sven and Kristall stunned, the other dragons had also turned to Flail's lecture, Flamma himself was surprised by that reaction. Sven was very good friends with Flail, but he couldn't tolerate him scolding Kristall, - “But who does he thinks he is? He can't treat Kristall like this, now I'll show him "-, Sven left and went to Flail. He stood with his arms crossed leaning against the entrance to the cave, then turned to Sven, -"What do you want?"- - “You have been very rude to Kristall Snö, what has she done wrong to you? He just wanted to introduce himself "- - "Why didn't you ever tell me you had a pony friend?" - - "Because ....... I don't know, that is, I know, it was my father who had always asked me not to say anything about her, but she is like a sister to me, and I don't allow you to disrespect her, it doesn’t matters that you are bigger than me, you must not allow yourself to behave like this with her "- - "Listen to me well, ponies kill dragons, as well as griffins, minotaurs, bisons and yaks, and even elves, without counting the gods, for all of them we are just a plague to be eradicated, we will never be treated well, one day even that filly will grow up and kill you, maybe not now, and not tomorrow, but one day in the future she will hurt you, and you will regret not killing her yourself "- - "But how can you say such a thing, you've never even met a pony in your life" - - "I did it all right, when I once snuck into a Viking village with my brother Lapillus, there were several ponies armed with swords, spears and axes who wanted to kill us" - - "Are you telling me that only ponies wanted to attack you?" - - "No, there were other races too, but the concept doesn't change, ponies still wanted to kill us" - - "But Kristall Snö is not a Viking, she is not rough or violent" - - "It doesn't matter, it's in the nature of ponies to hate dragons" - - "Kristall would never attack us, and besides, she can't fight, she hardly knows how to shoot an arrow" - - "Let some time pass and she will learn" - - "No, because she will never have to fight, I will defend her" - - “Ah… is that so? So she takes advantage of you? There will be several dangers one day and you will not be able to do anything, you will die because of that filly "- - "I will be strong, even stronger, especially for Kristall, I will not allow anything to happen to her, I will be a strong dragon" - - "If you had to deal with a group of Changelings" - - "The Changelings destroyed my brothers' eggs and also killed Kristall's mother, I will kill them all" -. Kristall was listening to everything they were saying and at one point she saw that Sven wanted to punch Flail, but then she intervened and stopped Sven by taking him by the arm, - "That's enough Sven, you don't have to lower yourself to his level, he's just a provocateur" - - "But he told you bad things, and he also said that you are dangerous and equal to other ponies" - - "You leave him alone, you don't have to behave like him, it's not your fault that he has had bad experiences, stay calm" - - "Okay, but know that he must not compare you to a horrible Viking" -. Sven returned to the cave, then Kristall spoke to Flail. - "Listen, I'm sorry you met Vikings, but you can't help them, even my people hate them, but I assure you that I'm friend with dragons, as was my mother" - - "Now you talk like that, but there will come a day when you will hurt a dragon" - - "It won't happen, I promise" - - "Obviously you do not know the story of the giants, and of what Odin did, you are ignorant" - - "I will also be ignorant, but you are just a bad dragon, I wanted to be your friend, but in the end it is not worth dealing with you, even if you are Flamma's son" - - "You think you are wise, but you are still small, you will see, the day will come when you will feel the power in wielding a weapon" -. Having said that Flail went back into the cave, Kristall knew that he just wanted to provoke, so she didn't listen to his words, and she too went back inside the cave. None of the dragons present paid any attention to what had been said outside the cave, Flail himself started drinking the contents of the barrels again, Sven instead started talking to Flod, Kristall sat angry in a corner of the cave. After a couple of minutes, the dragon Flamma turned to her, it seemed strange to her such an attitude on the part of the chief of the fire dragons. - "Your name is Kristall Snö, right?" - - "Yes, and she must be Flamma" - "I saw you before with my son" - - "I'm sorry I was so rude, but on the other hand he was also grumpy, he compared me to the Vikings, when I never met one in my life, and he thinks that all ponies are the same, I don't know why to say these things, apart from the fact that he says that he met some Vikings in a village who wanted to attack him and he also talked about Odin and the Giants, things that I don't know ”-. Flamma was silent for a while, then let out a sigh and turned back to Kristall, - "Listen, Regn and Flod told me your story, you were born in a village at west of here, your mother and Regn were very good friends, then Regn gave her her eggs, your mother took care of you and those eggs , but she was killed by Ice Changelings, she died along with some of those eggs, but she gave her life to save you and Sven, and it was a very noble gesture on your mother's part "- - "Unfortunately, I never met her, what I know is what Regn told me" - - "Listen ... I'll tell you something, dragons are not seen well among other races, especially when it comes to Vikings, who are violent and rude, but my son Flail was attacked by them because he was stealing mead. "- - “Mead? Was he stealing a drink? "- - "Dragons often steal something from the Vikings and their villages, like gold, gems, and beer, sometimes even mead, even your ice mates must have stolen those barrels from the Vikings" - - "But ... .. this is not rght, it cannot be done" - - "We are dragons, we do this" - - "But it's wrong" - - "It's in our nature to do this Kristall, it's not our fault, in our kingdom we don't have people to steal drinks from, we fire dragons in our kingdom have gems and gold, but not drinks, we can drink the lava "- - “I have to talk to Flod” -. Kristall went to Flod to find out where those barrels came from, and he replied that they came from a village in the south near a fjord, where Vikings lived, the filly was amazed, - "But then you steal" - - "Calm down Kristall, it is true we steal, but there is no dishonor in stealing from the Vikings, who are the scum of these lands, you must not be angry" - - "I thought you drank pure mountain water" - "-We do this, but sometimes we like to steal the mead and beer of other peoples" - - "Of course Vikings attack dragons, you behave like thieves, and Regn agrees?" - "No, she disagrees, and then she doesn't like mead" - - "You must stop stealing from other peoples" - - "But we never did it with your village" - - "Even if you had done it, I would not have told anyone and then I would have forgiven you but other peoples do not know you as I do, sooner or later some of you will be killed" - - "It will not happen, we are strong, and then hardly anyone dares to approach an ice dragon, I myself am very powerful, I have even killed some Vikings" - - “DID YOU DO WHAT?” -. Kristall flew up to observe all the dragons present in the cave to be able to talk to everyone. - "Listen, ice dragons and fire dragons, from now on I want you to live with what nature has to offer you, you should no longer steal from other peoples, if you continue like this surely some of you will end up being killed, you don't have to, you are better than the Vikings, you are not thieves, nor murderers, indeed if you collaborated with the right ponies you could also stop living in a cave and live in a hut, as we do, if for example you ally with my village we will all be able to live safe from dangers, we will offer you a hot meal, and all the mead you want plus a house, you will no longer be forced to hide in the mountains, nor remain in another kingdom, you could also the others of you stay here in Midgardr, understand? ”-. There was no answer to what the pegasus said, she returned to the ground, all the dragons looked at her, then suddenly, there was a dragon laughing, and then another, after which all the dragons were laughing in the whole cave, Kristall felt strange to that reaction, no one apparently took it seriously, Flod himself took her and carried her out. - "Listen well Kristall, don't you dare anymore, never again to make speeches like that" - - "But Flod, if only you tried to collaborate with our people" - - "Listen to me well, for no reason in the world I will collaborate with ponies, griffins or other races other than dragons, what you said is impossible, you want to bring peace, while this is impossible in our time" - -"But….."- - “No buts, now shut your mouth, I have endured for too long that Regn was with your mother, the truth is that what you say is impossible, do you know that once Vikings wanted to kill some of my fellows? And just because we had entered their territory, without doing anything, they just wanted to take us out because we were in their territory, I killed some of them myself, including a minotaur and a small minotaur, I would have managed to kill the minotaur father too but he escaped , and you know what? I don't regret what I did "- - "But you almost killed a family" - - "If I knew where that minotaur is, I would kill him anyway, I have an ax scar right on my right shoulder, do you know?" - - "I didn't ... .. I knew it, but my mother and Regn were hoping so much that ponies and dragons would live together" - - "I don't care what Regn dreams, and I care even less that your mother dreamed it, if only she had never cured Regn, indeed if Regn had been stronger she would not have had a stupid mare as a friend" - - "My mother was not stupid, and Regn is wiser than you if you want to know, you are nothing but a blue-eyed dragon, you only care how other dragons about you rather than your family" - - "I care about my family, it is you that I do not care, and now I would like you to leave, you made me look bad, thank goodness the dragons didn't take you seriously otherwise they would be too taken with me, and I want to remain the pack leader of this clan until Sven takes my place "- - “When will the fire trial take place? Because I want to be there "- - "Why do you care?" - - "I care, Sven is my brother, I want to be there when he wins" – - "You can't be there, it's reserved only for dragons, and then it will be decided by the oldest of the elder dragons" - - "Well, I tell you that when Sven wins I will be his advisor, and we could do what we want, first of all a place for both dragons and ponies" - - "This is ridiculous, I have not heard anything more stupid" -, - "It's not stupid, dad" -, Flod turned and saw Sven behind him, he went up to Kristall and then looked at his father, - "Kristall Snö and I talked about it among ourselves one evening before returning here, my mother and I, if Kristall cannot participate in the test, I will win and I will proclaim that Kristall will be my advisor, and together we will bring peace between our peoples" - - "You can't be serious, a dragon and a pony can't reign together" - - "I don't think it's forbidden" - - "It is not forbidden, because such a thing is absolutely unthinkable, a pony and a dragon cannot already be friends, you can’t create an alliance" - - "Well, that's what I'll do, Kristall's mother did everything possible for me to be born, and her mother also wanted peace and prosperity in our lands, I'll do what I want" - - "Nobody will listen to you, you will be a leader without a clan" - - "But once I have taken the scepter everyone will have to listen to me" - - "An insurrection could also happen and they will take away your scepter" - - "Then I hope I can find the dragon heart fruit" - - "You will have to be lucky, only Asteikko knows where it is, and our talk ends here, and you Kristall, don't put certain things in my son's head anymore" -, Flod returned to the cave and only Sven and Kristall remained outside. - "I'm sorry for what my father told you" - - "It seems that he will never change his mind, he doesn't want to listen to you either, and he doesn't even care about Regn" - - "Unfortunately that's the way it is, not even my mother can make him change his mind about how to govern a clan of dragons, and he doesn't want to lose the respect that other dragons have for him, so it's unthinkable that he can think of a peacetime. , as our mothers wanted "- “-But why do dragons do certain things? If only they tried to get along with the ponies of my village "- - "You see, a long time ago, when I was a little younger, Flamma told me stories about the other kingdoms and told me that when he was younger, there were a lot of giant dragons, they were dragons and lindorms, the latter are dragons but without wings, and they were called Jotunn, and it is said that they were adversaries of the gods, but it is also said that some giants or giantesses had love affairs with the gods, it is said that the first giant dragon was a certain Ymir, a night while he was sleeping under his armpits a male dragon and a female dragon were born and created a six-headed dragon, all three were the creators of the race of the Hrìmthursar, who were the giant ice dragons, and populated Niflheimr, while the ponies are descendants of the giant pony Buri "- - "What a story, but it's interesting" - - "But it happened that Ymir was killed by Odin and Buri's nephews, his blood became water, flooded the kingdom of Niflheimr and killed all the giant dragons except for a dragon named Bergelmir and his wife who sailed in a gigantic hollow log , and it was thus that they repopulated their race, but they told me that the giant dragons of the sea, earth and wind also existed, and their names were sjǫrisar, leirjǫtnar and vindthursar "- - "But this happened a long time ago" - - "Flamma says that even today, both Odin and his son Thor, kill giant dragons because they are a threat to them" - -"Oh"- - "I guess it is for these things that elder dragons hate gods and ponies, even if they sometimes name them, we actually worship our ancient spirits, like Ymir" - - "Can I ask you a couple of questions?" - -"Yes, tell me"- - “Who is Asteikko? And what is the dragon heart fruit? "- - "All these things were told to me by mum, dad and Flamma, and also a couple of elder dragons, first of all Asteikko, is the oldest giant ice dragon existing today, some say it is also the last, it is said that he knows many things, like the lindorm Mimir, only that Mimir is somewhere in Midgardr, instead Asteikko is stuck in the kingdom of Niflheimr in a cave of which no one knows the location, however it is said that many dragons and many pony warriors have tried to kill him for his power, it is also said that if you kill him he will give you the power of a giant ice dragon, or before he dies he will answer your question "- - "And is he still alive?" - - "Unfortunately Odin threw a curse on him, he could not die, only a wise warrior would be able to kill him, the curse prevents him from dying of old age and so he has seen his children, his grandchildren and his great grandchildren die, and is a heartbreaking even for a dragon, but it cannot be killed easily "- -"How come?"- - "As I told you many dragons and ponies have tried, but no matter what you use, whether claws, or a sword or an ax, he cannot be killed easily, because if you hit him you will feel the wound, for example, if you try to cut off a paw his wound will return to normal, but then you will be the one to have the paw cut off, and don't think about pointing a spear at his heart, because that would be your death "- - "It is terrible, so he is destined to live forever?" - - "It is said that one day a warrior among the Vikings will be able to kill him without even touching him, but this seems impossible to me" - - "Poor thing, he has seen his people dying, and now he just wants to stop living" - - "As for the dragon heart fruit, it is a tree that appears every 200 years, but no one knows the location, many say it is a relative of the Yggdrasill, the world tree that connects all kingdoms, others say that it existed even before Yggdrasill, every 200 years it can appear in any part of the kingdom and in any kingdom, but no one knows where also because it remains in that point for only three days then disappears again, and its fruits are juicy heart-shaped apples, but it is said that only one of those fruits can give full powers to a dragon, for other races like ponies it would be poisonous, only dragons can eat it, and if a dragon eats it its powers increase, and all dragons of every race will obey him "- - "All dragons of all races?" - - "Exactly, if only I could find it, I would eat it and the dragons could not help but follow my orders, unfortunately to know exactly where the tree will be, you should ask Asteikko, but he would never tell you if you don't kill him "- - "A real shame, with that fruit everyone would have listened to you" - - "When my turn comes, I promise you that I will do everything possible to help you, for the fire trial we have to wait for the eldest dragon to die" - -"How come?"- - "You see, his great grandfather managed to find the dragon heart and ate it, the power of that fruit also spreads to future generations, so he too can command the dragons, but he never had a family, so no children, no power to give, and once he dies we will look for the right place to do the fire trial, and I will be able to participate, but to do it we will have to wait a week after his death, it is the rule "- -"Interesting"- - "I promise you that I will make sure that you can be my advisor" - - "If I will be useful, apparently I don't know how to fight" - - "I will always protect you" - - "This is the point, I don't want you to protect me, I have to learn to defend myself" - - "But there are a lot of dangers you still have to know, and I don't know if you will know how to defend yourself from them if you don't know them" – - "I'll learn, I'll make sure I'm strong as a dragon and your father and that Flail won't be able to say anything" - - "But you mustn't get violent" - - "I don't intend to become violent, I just want to protect myself from dangers like Changelings, Trolls, Wargs and Mephits of ice and air, and now I'm sorry but I'm going back to my village" - - "Wait, there is one thing I would like to show you before you leave" -. Sven took Kristall to another part of the mountain, inside another cave going down the ice stairs there was a room all covered with ice crystals, and Kristall was fascinated by it. - "Wow, how wonderful, did you create these ice formations?" - - "Some yes, but others were already there, now I'll show you a couple of things" -. Sven led Kristall in front of a large block of ice where a dragon's horn and a particular dragon skull were embedded. Sven touched the ice and spat a blaze, the ice melted and he could take both the horn and the skull, Sven showed the pegasus the horn first. - "These two objects are treasures, they are some treasures that we have kept for generations, and they are very important" - - "A dragon horn and a luminescent skull?" - - "The horn belonged to a millennial ice dragon, and they say that if you lend your ear you can hear the dragons' language" - -"How?" - "You see ... we dragons can speak many languages, some even disappeared, and if you listen to someone from that horn you can hear what they say in the language of dragons, like the one you heard when we invoked the Bifrost, also if a creature speaks only one ancient language you will be able to hear what it says in your language, for example if I spoke to you in my ancient Draco language you would hear my normal voice in your language "- - "Interesting" -, Sven then took the skull that shone with various lights, - "And this skull belonged to a crystal dragon" - - "What is a crystal dragon?" - "It is not known how they were born, but they are a race of dragons with scales that shine in various colors and each of their scales is a crystal, they are said to be the only dragons who can use magic, now I think they are all gone, or rather, dad told me that they hid so as not to be found neither by dragons nor by ponies nor by gods, since every part of their body emanates magic, and can be used by anyone without needing to know magic, they also say that if you wear this skull you can be repaired from any attack, whether by sword, arrow or ax, and if you wear it you can know the ancient languages ​​without the need for the horn "- - "But ... ... have any of you ever tried it?" – - "Yes, my dad wanted me to keep it, but nothing happened, no magic or anything else, I think many other dragons have worn it, but no one has had gifts from it" - - "It is a particular skull, as if it were not made of bones, but of ... precisely crystals, but magical crystals, I almost feel ... .. I don't know an energy coming from it" - - "why don't you put it on?" - -" Are you crazy? It is the skull of a dead dragon "- - “Come on, what does it cost you? Nobody will know, and then I think it is your size "-, Sven continued to insist, so Kristall took the skull and slowly put it on, the skull was neither big nor small, but the right size of Kristall's head , so her head could fit right into it. -"So? Do you feel something? "- - "No, I don't feel anything ..." -, she didn't even finish the sentence that something happened, Kristall was pervaded by a white light all over her body, her eyes became white, and a ray of light came out of her mouth, her own wings opened and her feathers were bright, around her there was a cold breeze surrounding her, Sven was frightened. - “Kristall, what's going on? What you are doing? Please stop "-, Sven tried to touch her, but his hand burned when he touched her, - “Kristall? Enough, you're scaring me, STOP! "-, Sven began to cry with fear, but at that moment everything fell silent, lights and winds stopped working, Kristall Snö was still in midair, then slowly stopped, her eyes, her mouth and her feathers stopped shining, she was back to normal. - "But ... what happened?" - - “Don't you remember anything? You started to shine and there was a cold wind around you, I tried to help you, but the skull was hot "-, Kristall immediately removed the skull and put it back in the thawed block, -"Hurry! Re-freeze the block "- - "Yes, now" -, Sven let out a cold breath that rebuilt the block, so the horn and the crystal skull returned inside the ice. They both left the cave to return to the other dragons, but on the way Sven was worried about Snö. - “Are you sure you feel good? Don't you remember anything? "- - "All I remember is that I saw strange signs flying around me, and an energy filled my body, I could do nothing but drown in this energy, because it was like I was in water, but I could breathe, and I only saw these signs that shone, I can't tell you what they were, I just know that I could understand them without knowing I had ever seen them "- - "Do you remember what shape they had?" - - "More or less, but I remember the pronunciations of some of those letters, like ……. Ansuz, Berkana, Kano, Dagaz" -, - "Strange, I think I have already heard these pronunciations, I just don't remember where, or ... ... but yes, one of the elder dragons told me these pronunciations, it is the runes" - - “Runes? You mean those inscriptions that have to do with the gods? "- - "Exactly, have you ever seen them?" – - "Yes, in my village there is a stone with some of them, but usually only the Vikings have them, as well as the gods, it is an ancient language, and that only some people are able to read, at least I believe"- - "But it is said that there are also people able to exploit their magic, it seems there are different spells with runes, depending on how they are written or composed" - - "How do elder dragons know these things?" - - "They have traveled extensively and have known ice dragons who were able to use some of those runes, but it is said that only female races can read them to make predictions, and that they used magic to help males in battle "- - "Well, that's weird," - - "We have to tell dad, the skull has never reacted like this to anyone" - - “Eh? är du galen? (Are you crazy?) Would you really like to tell your father? "- - "Why, what's wrong with that?" - - "If he knows that I have touched a precious treasure, who knows how he will be angry, not to mention that he will take it out on you because you showed it to me, he will be angry above all for this fact of light and energy, if you said that no dragon has had this effect but I do, who knows how it will react "- - "Don't worry, it's my fault, it is I who insisted on showing you our treasure, and it is I who insisted that you wear that skull" - - "Your father is already angry with me, let's not tell him anything" - - "What if something happened to you?" - - “And what could have happened to me? You said dragons had to have the powers "- - “And how do you explain that now you can read the runes? The old dragons have always memorized them, but besides them no one knows them, and no one can do magic with runes, not to mention that we ice dragons cannot do magic like crystal dragons "- - "I .... I don't know what to tell you, but I don't want to make your father angry, nor worry your mother, let's keep this to ourselves" - - "Okay, but if something happens to you, just let me know, I don't think I could keep a secret from my parents if you feel weird" - - “Okay, okay, but only in that case, now it's better that I go back to the village” -. Kristall Snö wanted to say goodbye to Regn before returning to the village, also because no other dragon seemed to want to greet her, Regn told her to come back when she wanted and Kristall promised to return, then she went to the village accompanied by Sven, the two flew up at the filly's birthplace, with her father waiting for her, Kristall greeted Sven, but first the dragon secretly asked him to talk to him if any changes had happened. Kristall answered yes, then greeted him. The filly went into the house with her father who had prepared food, for lunch there was excellent salmon cooked on the bonfire with evergreen tree leaves and pine cones. While they ate, Tømmer wanted to know from Kristall what she had done, she told him everything she had seen and heard, without however talking about the experience with the crystal dragon skull. Tømmer listened to everything about her, especially the part of her where her dragons laughed at her about not having to steal more of her. - "I understand, Kristall, listen, even your mother before she was pregnant was talking to Regn about the possibility of changing the habits of the ice dragons, but Regn replied that even if she was the queen, no dragon would listen to her" - - "And what should I do if I have to bring peace between dragons and ponies?" - - "You can start from our village, sure that if there were more people many other species would follow our example, but this is almost impossible, everyone hates dragons, especially for those old legends, I'm not a Viking, but once here in this village, there was a bison who knew the old stories about Odin, Thor and all the giants well, and always told them to every inhabitant of the village "- - "And where did this bison go?" - - "Unfortunately he died a few days after your mother and I got married" - - "Too bad, there are a lot of things I wanted to ask him about the gods, giants and runes, like the ones on the stone near Vinge's hut" - - "That stone belonged to that bison, he said he had won it against a duel with a Viking" - - "And is there no one able to read the runes that are on it?" - "No, nobody, the bison did, but I never asked him what they said" - - "Too bad, now I am left with curiosity" - - "Why these questions?" - - “Simple curiosity, dad, nothing special” -. After eating, Tømmer decided to go to the nearby forest to look for mosses, lichens and some mushrooms, instead Kristall Snö wanted to go and see the stone that she had always noticed but never observed closely. In the village there was no one outside, they were all inside their houses, so no one could ask her what she was doing, and of course no one who would tell her not to pry near the stone, but no one had ever warned her about that stone, so it didn't have to be dangerous. And there it is, a large stone in the snow, just behind the house of the griffin Vinge, his father's friend, Kristall for the first time came completely close to that stone. She had always seen the engraved inscriptions from afar, and now she could see that they were just runes. - "It's strange, they have always seemed to me to be somewhat singular signs, but now, on the other hand, I can understand them" -, the first letters she set her eyes on there were: a letter F with the tips pointing upwards, - "Fehu, means livestock, abundance, wealth, but also satisfaction and luck", a kind of letter N, - "Ur, internal strength, health, courage, confidence, endurance" -, and an R, - “Reid, indicate a path, a journey, the choices made on a journey” -, then Kristall was surprised by what he was saying. -"How is it possible? I did not know the runes, in our village these are the only existing runes, and now not only do I know how to read them, but I can also understand what they mean "-, but curiosity was stronger than fear, so she put her right hoof on stone and try to read what was written on the stone. - "Let's see, whoever reads this on the stone: will have 2 spells available, the first is an enhancement of their strength and is called bärsärk, evoke this spell by looking at your right hoof and say it, or hold the weapon you have between the hooves raise it to the sky and pronounce bärsärk, your strength and your speed will be doubled, however you will suffer damage from the enemies because your defense will be decreased, this spell lasts only two minutes, if you know how to use it well you can use it even for longer, but remember, do not use it too much the first few times, as this spell will give you a strength that you will not always be able to manage "-, after reading those lines Kristall thought it was cool to have such a spell, but she was not magical and could not use it, - "It would be fantastic, I would no longer have to depend on anyone and so I could defend myself, too bad I'm a pegasus, and the other?" - Kristall also began to read the last lines of the stone, - "The second spell is only for archers, anyone who knows how to hold a bow and arrow will be able to take advantage of this magic, its name is Sant Skott and allows you to enter your physical strength in the arrow, if used in battle the arrow could pierce an armor, but only if the user is strong and healthy enough because if used too much this spell will leave you without strength and you will have to rest for a long time to regain the energy used, but its power is devastating, even from a distance you can break a tree in two "-, Kristall Snö was not afraid now, but she could not access those spells, but then she saw another inscription at the bottom of the boulder. - "Here she says: if you intend to learn these spells then rests your hoof on the letter Berkana" -. In the last part there was a letter resembling a B, and Kristall knew it by now, but what could she do? She certainly couldn't learn magic, but she was curious anyway and so she placed her right hoof on the letter. At that moment all the runes lit up with a blue light as if they were written with fire, Kristall became afraid again, but for some reason she could not remove the hoof, then all the blue light broke off the stone and entered the filly . When the light was over, Kristall was able to remove the hoof and she ended up in the snow, she was frightened but also confused, she stared at her hooves, but she didn't see anything special. - “But what happened? Let's see… ..nothing on the hooves, nothing on the wings ”- she, to be sure she went to look at herself in the lake of the village, but in her image of her she did not see anything unusual. - “Nothing in the face, nothing in the horsehair, it seems that there is nothing new, but what happened?” -. Kristall went back to her house, nothing had happened, but she couldn't explain why the writing of the runes had entered her, she thought back to what Sven told her, that no dragon had had the chance to learn something through of that crystal skull, why had it happened to her that she was a pony? And what about a pony without magic? Ice dragons have no magic either, but at least someone could read the runes, she could now read and translate them, but she certainly couldn't use them. The filly's gaze rested on her father's ax, it was a beautiful iron ax, with a sturdy wooden handle, but the father only used it to chop wood, because the spear was his weapon. Kristall Snö had to get a question out of her head, absolutely, and she couldn't wait until the following day, so she took the ax and left the village, headed for the nearby forest, and chose a tree to cut. She chose one at random and saw that it was full of snow, there were no animals in that forest, so she was not in danger of taking away some little creature's house. - "And now let's see what happens if I use this ax, I really want to know what I can do" -. She rubbed her hooves and then with her front hooves squeezed the handle of the ax, and hit the base of the tree, but despite using all her strength she made just a small sign. - “I don't seem to have improved, nothing happened, maybe I have to repeat those words,… .bar… bar… bar… barbar? Not at all, I have already forgotten them and now what do I do? I have to go back to the stone to remember what the word was ”-. Kristall put down the ax, but there was a tingling sensation on her right hoof and when she looked at it she was a little scared, there was a blue flame above it but it was not hot, in fact Kristall felt nothing, and from that flame came out of the runes, were written in the air, they were the same ones that Kristall had read on the rock, but related only to the first spell, - "Bärsärk, summon this spell …… right hoof… ..hold the weapon tightly …… raise it to the sky and pronounce bärsärk, that's what it was, but then" -, if Kristall concentrated she could read everything without problems, then the writings disappeared, she looked at her right hoof but there was nothing, then she tried to rethink the spell and the letter Berkana appeared before her eyes, then followed by other runic letters, and here the word Bärsärk reappeared in front of her eyes. Kristall Snö was again amazed by what had happened, but she after all she wanted to try the same because she was curious. - "So ... I just have to raise my weapon to the sky and shout the magic word, then let's try, what do I have to lose?" -, Kristall picked up the ax and raised it in the air, then screamed, - "Bärsärk (Berserk)" -, but nothing happened, - "I knew, it couldn't work, I'm a pegasus, not a unicorn, but it would have been nice if it had worked" -, but Kristall didn't want to give up so easily, she thought back to the words that Flail and Flod said to her, she didn't want to be a weight, she wanted to learn how to defend herself so she concentrated better, closed her eyes, and lifted the ax high and screamed again, - "Bärsärk (Berserk)" -, this time around Kristall there were three runes that lit up and created a blue aura around the filly. Kristall felt pervaded by a powerful energy and throughout her body there was a yellow light, - "I feel ... ..I feel .... well, I feel .... I feel that I could handle this ax without feeling fatigue, I ..." -, Kristall looked at the tree she had just hit, then she squeezed the ax and gave another blow, this time she dug deeper into the trunk, then she struck and struck again, on the fifth blow she gave a strong push with the ax and cut the tree that fell in the snow, - "It's extraordinary, I had never taken an ax in the hoof, yet I managed to cut this tree down with just five blows, wait a minute, does that mean it worked? Did I use runic magic? "-, Kristall was more happy than shocked, if she managed to cut down a tree she maybe she could also hit an enemy, she had to do something, she had to tell someone, but to whom? If she had told her father about her, he would have worried, even someone else in the village would have reacted badly, since the pegasi cannot do magic, what if she had told Sven? In that case she would have to tell Regn too. Kristall knew that what had happened must have something to do with the skull of the crystal dragon, but first she had to do another test, but she needed to tell Sven, only the two of them, because thanks to that spell she could already look after herself without someone else's help. To be continued .... My little pony By Lauren Faust & Hasbro > Den förstörda byn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Den förstörda byn The devastated village The next day Kristall went to see the dragons in the big cave to be able to talk to Sven, she was thrilled to be able to tell him the good news. When she got to the cave she saw that Sven was with his mother sculpting the cave with ice, he had a small stalactite in his hand to be able to sculpt. -“Hello Kristall”- -“Hello Sven”-, as always when they said goodbye they hugged each other, normally Kristall was older than Sven in age, but he was bigger in height, so he always lifted her off the ground. After placing her on the snow he spoke to her, -“What are you doing here? What is the reason for your visit?” -“I need to talk to you, it's very important, you have to follow me”- -"Okay, I was modeling the cave with mom, but now I'm going with you"-. Kristall took Sven to a grove on the mountain. -"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"- -"Don't forget, what I'll show you mustn't tell anyone, it's very important"- -"What is it about?"- -“Now I'll show you, I just have to choose a tree”-. Kristall flew close to the trees in the grove to see if there were any animals, but she found nothing, so she picked one at random after checking it. -“Now go and see Sven”-, Kristall took the ax and swung it high, -“ Bärsärk (Berserk)”-, the runes appeared on the snow and the blue and white light followed one another, Kristall immediately started hitting the tree, and this time it took only four hits to make it fall, after which Kristall planted the ax on the ground and created a shock wave. -"What do you think?"-, Sven was incredulous, he knew that Kristall Snö had never handled an ax, but he had never even seen her cut a tree. -"Wait, I still have some time"-, Kristall punched a tree and the snow all fell from the branches, then punched the ground creating a chasm and making the ground tremble and took a not too big boulder and threw him down the mountain. -"Here is the energy, I think it is running out now, so what do you think?"-. It was the right time for Sven to ask for the right explanations. -“B-but….how did you do it? Where do you get so much strength from? How is all this possible?” -"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, but you have to make sure that only you and I know it"-. So Kristall explained everything she had done and left no details, such as the stone in the village, her attempt to use the spell, as well as knowing how to translate the runes, and she also showed him that he could materialize the instructions starting from a blue flame from his right hoof and Kristall was happy to be able to tell all this to Sven, but he didn't look happy. -"No, no, no, it's all wrong, this shouldn't have happened, it's not like this"- -"Why? What's wrong with that?" -“And you ask me? Only crystal unicorns and dragons, as well as gods can do magic, you are a pegasus, you cannot do magic”- -"It was all thanks to that crystal skull, I think it gave me powers, but right now I can only absorb spells thanks to the written runes, I can cast two spells, but so far I've only tried one"- -“And you also wanted me to keep the secret? Any pony or dragon would notice the runes appearing, and the light around you, do you think anyone is stupid enough not to notice it's not a spell?” -“Why are you so agitated? Your father and Flail wanted me to be strong, without anyone defending me”- -"But I had to defend you, or my mother, I didn't care that you were defenseless, you didn't have to take the ax in your hoof"- -"I admit that I have to use the bow better, but I like the ax, maybe it's the best weapon for me"- -“No, no, no, if dad finds out about this he will kill me, no dragon has ever reacted to that skull, no dragon has had powers or anything like that, and now that I accidentally made you wear that skull you you have received powers, what have I done?”- -“Please calm down”- -“How do I calm down? Now you've become violent like the other ponies"- -“Hey, in what sense like the other ponies? You mean like my father?” -"No, for heaven's sake, but you didn't have to deal with these things, dad will take it out on me, and then on you, because if he learns that you have a spell that makes you stronger he will get furious, he could even think of not letting you come here anymore”- -“But what was I supposed to do? You couldn't always defend me forever, your father doesn't even want you to come alone to my village”- -“But I could have done anything once I became the boss, and you would have become my advisor”- -“Do you really think the other dragons would have accepted me? Jag är inte en drake, jag är en ponny (I am not a dragon, I am a pony)”- -"I thought you didn't care about the opinion of the other dragons, I know, they laughed at you last time, but forget them, I don't care about them, you're the one that really matters to me, even if we're races different you are a sister to me, the sister I never had"- -“Lava and Lapillus look fine compared to their sibling Flail”- -"Yes, the two of them are good fire dragons, it's Flail who's an idiot, but he's one of those dragons who hates ponies, in fact he hates elves too, don't mind, I'm his friend because dad wants me to make me allies among the fire dragons”- -“However, the fact remains that they will never accept my requests for peace between the races”- -“If Vikings won't kill dragons anymore, maybe then we could do something, but I don't think fire dragons will accept these conditions, do you really think other races would be willing to live with us?”- -“If we don't try, we'll never know”- -"And what do you plan to do?"- -“If some of you dragons could get in contact with the inhabitants of my village then we might already know, we could create a village with ponies, griffins and dragons, that would be something”- -"It's not a bad idea, I think we could already talk about it with mom, I don't think dad would agree"- -“Then let me talk to my father first”-. Kristall Snö said goodbye to Sven and returned to his village, she immediately ran to his house to talk to Tømmer, it was absolutely necessary to prepare for the project that Kristall had in mind, the dragons had to come to the village, and the inhabitants had to welcome them. Tømmer however was not happy with the thing, -“Kristall, listen, what you're asking for is impossible”- - “Why are you saying that dad? Mum would definitely have wanted to do that.” -"It's true your mother would have liked to, but she is no longer here, she surely would have talked to Regn, but we have to accept the fact that Lumi is no longer here, and Regn I don't think he would do this project"- -“Look, Regn would do anything to honor mom's memory, and then how can you say these things, have you perhaps forgotten everything you promised mom when she died? Do you remember what you promised?”- Tømmer remembered well what he had a promised Lumi on his deathbed, so he couldn't lie, -"Of course I remember Kristall, but for such a project it takes time, we can accept some ice dragons, but here we are also talking about fire dragons, and we don't know them and who knows how dangerous they can be" - -"I know it will be difficult, but I can't think that dragons and ponies can be enemies, nor can I bear that dragons live in caves when instead they can live in wooden houses, I know, some of them are big, but it would be enough to think to another floor, for example digging a cave at the base of the mountain near our village, this way the dragons will be closer to us, we could also feed them”- -“They are also carnivores”- -"What's the problem? We can hunt animals for them, most of us are herbivores, so it means more meat for them, and then there's always mountain fish, and then we can share beer with them, right?” -“Kristall, listen, take off your dragon skin and come eat, and then we'll think about it tomorrow”-, Kristall didn't part with the ice skin that Regn gave her, but sometimes when she was at home she took it off, like when it was time to eat. Kristall put the bowls for the broth, and the wooden spoons and then sat down, the father took the bowl for the pine cone and cheese soup and poured the contents into the bowls, father and daughter did not speak to each other, but then Tømmer noticed one thing. -“B-but…Kristall, what do you have on your side?”-, Kristall looked at her side and was amazed he had the cutie mark, she didn't know when he had appeared, she hadn't noticed, since he always wore the dragon skin and therefore his side was always covered. The cutie mark was a letter F with the lines pointing down, Kristall knew that was a rune, so he thought that cutie mark could have appeared when he read the runes, or when he absorbed them or when he used the technique. -“What kind of cutie mark is that? They just look like lines ”- -“It is……it is…..it is the Ansuz rune”- -“The Ansuz rune? And what meaning could it possibly have?” Kristall certainly didn't want to tell her father the truth, but he couldn't hide anything since by now his cutie mark was just a rune, furthermore he had to explain what it was, he was stronger than her, -“Here…..it is the rune that represents the sound, that is communication, and knowledge, it has the meaning of honesty, messages, meetings, and success in a test, but if it is turned upside down its meaning changes becoming a symbol of bad guys advice, falsehood, deceit and prudence towards others”- -“But…..how do you know all these things?”-. Now that he was in that condition Kristall couldn't keep the secret any longer, so he told the whole truth to his father, who didn't take it well. -“No, it's not possible, this thing shouldn't have happened again, my daughter who is able to read runes no, I can't accept it"- -"Wait dad, what do you mean by again?"- -“Kristall, daddy's love, you see……when once your mother was younger and already knew Regn, she found the skeleton of a crystal dragon in the snow, the crystals she gave to Regn, but then she took in the hooves the skull and something happened she told me, she was practically wrapped in a light and then she passed out, Regn brought her back here to the village, but much later when she visited villages, she was able to read the runes, not only that, she had entered contact with a spell that evoked the fog, then a Viking warrior wanted to invite her to stay in his village in order to have access to that spell, and to make sure that she used her power of divination, because the future can also be predicted with the runes, and now, now the same thing happened to you, Regn couldn't explain why it happened to your mother, and even now I can't explain it to myself, the fact is that to prevent that Viking from spying on his colleagues, Regn she froze it and threw it into Niflheimr, furthermore your mother was also able to invoke the Bifrost, but to do so she had to keep the skull on her head, and in this way she could communicate with beings who spoke an ancient language, she also told me she was able to speak even with the Jormungandr himself”- -“What is the Jormungandr?”- -“The Jormungandr also called Midgardsormr is a giant snake lives here in Midgard, it is said that it is as long as the whole world that it can also bite its own tail, it is a kind of deity, mom even managed to calm it down with her voice once that he had woken up because of some Viking warriors who wanted to kill him, your mother was able to be able to communicate with animals only with her eyes, or more often with her hooves"- -“But….how come I didn't know anything? Why didn't you ever tell me any of this? Why didn't anyone in the village ever tell me about it?” -“Because no one knew but Regn, Flod, me, your grandfather and grandmother, and we all kept it a secret, mother hoped to tell you one day when she grew up, but then decided during her pregnancy never to tell you anything, and he made Regn and Flod promise it too, but I don't think Flod ever told you anything because maybe he was scared of the thought of a mare who couldn't use magic but could." -"All this time, all this long time I didn't know anything about mom and you kept it from me"- “Believe me, if I knew that dragons had the skull of a crystal dragon, I would have told you to stay away from it, but even if I knew that, how could I predict that it would happen to you too? I thought it wouldn't happen again”- -"But what's wrong with that? I am able to read runes and if I can predict things that is a good thing”- -“But have you thought what would happen if it became known that in this village there is a filly capable of using runic magic? Soon all the viking villages of Noreinway and Horsweden would come here and they might keep you in their village, and maybe another village would attack your place of imprisonment and there would be a war to have you, believe me this is not a gift but a curse , as well as the fact that you possess those powers”- -"Dad, I promise to make good use of them, or to use them only in case of need, and only with monsters, it would be enough that…."- -"Nothing, you don't use those powers, can you imagine if the villagers saw you?"- -“They're all trusty ponies and griffons they wouldn't tell anyone”- -“But for them you would be dangerous, they would think of you as a witch, and they could even kill you precisely because you are a pegasus who does magic”- -“Are you doubting your friend Vinge? And also his mother? The same griffin that gave birth to me?”- -"You have no idea what a pony or a griffin could do when he's scared, I've been there myself when your mother died"- -"I bet if mom had used the mist spell she might still be alive"- -"DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR MOTHER LIKE THIS, she gave her life for you"- -"But she also wanted me not to give up at the first difficulties, that I had grown strong, I can also decide how to be strong in my own way"- -"Not by magic, and now I'd rather we didn't talk about this anymore, miss"-, scolded by her father, Kristall bowed her head and nodded -"Alright dad, as you want"- -"I know I'm strict, but I don't want anything to happen to you Kristall, you're the only thing I have left of your mother, and I want to protect you"-. Kristall Snö was thoughtful that evening, it seemed strange to her that her father had kept that secret about her mother for so long, and she couldn't accept having to hide that talent, she certainly didn't want to be kidnapped by some Viking, but she didn't want to keep everything either inside, so when it got dark and her father was sleeping she put on her dragon skin and went out of the house, but first she took her bow and arrows. It was dangerous to leave the village at night, but she had to see one thing, she had to try the second spell. So she went to the grove near the village and concentrated. She walked for a while, then she stood in the middle of the woods and chose a tree as a target. She summoned the runes of the spell from the hoof, and reread the instructions for casting it. He flew an inch above the snow so while flying he could hold the weapons with his front hooves, he tended his bow and positioned the arrow, he tried to aim perfectly at the trunk of the tree, she still wasn't good at shooting arrows, but she had to try the spell. -“So, I'm ready, let's try, concentration, recall the runes and then I use the Sant skott. Behold, three runes appeared in the snow around Kristall, and they gave off white light, -“Here we are, now….SANT SKOTT(Real shot)”-, a light passed through Kristall Snö's body and poured onto the bow and arrow, from the tip of the arrow some light appeared like white sparks from the arch and ending at the tip. Kristall released the arrow, the trajectory of the shot created a strong breeze, then the arrow hit the tree, the shot created another breeze, this time it was felt throughout the woods, then Kristall noticed the tree and saw that the arrow it had made a cut, and it went all the way to the top and the tree had split in half to where the arrow was. -"There is no doubt, this spell is very powerful but it only works with bow and arrows as the stone says, and apparently every time I use a spell three runes appear around me, evidently for the magic to work the procedure must be like this , but now……”-, he couldn't finish the sentence when he heard a growl in the middle of the woods, luckily the moon was shining a lot so he turned in the direction of the verse and saw an ugly brown wolf with a big mouth, he also had scars on the skin. -“Oh no, it's a Warg”-, Kristall had already seen such beasts around Wargs were dangerous ravenous wolves that bit their prey and clawed it, they were very tough wolves, only three ponies together managed to kill one, but Kristall was alone. She absolutely had to go to the village by running or flying, but she decided to do something else, she wanted to try the spell again. It was risky, for the Warg began to approach with quicker steps, so she immediately took her bow and arrow and aimed at the Warg, but the beast was getting closer and she had to hurry to cast the spell if she was to save herself. -“Come on rune, don't fail me right now …… SANT SKOTT (Real shot)”-, she shot the arrow and managed to hit the Warg, who fell to the ground in the snow. Kristall also fell, -“I forgot, this attack takes its own energy to work, so it shouldn't be used often”-, Kristall however wanted to see if he had really hit the Warg, so he approached the animal's body, touched it with his bow, but the animal did not react, Kristall then turned the body with his bow and saw that he had hit the Warg right in the head, then cracked the skull and hit the brain directly, she single-handedly beat a Warg, -"I did it, I did it, the spell works, but now it's better that I get away from here, the Wargs never hunt alone"-. Kristall Snö immediately ran to her village and immediately closed the wooden doors to prevent any Warg from entering, then returned to her house and without waking her father, put her bow and arrows back and then slowly returned to bed . She couldn't believe she'd shot down a Warg herself, she wanted to tell someone, but she couldn't tell her father that she'd gone out at night and been hunted by a Warg to boot, and surely Regn would react badly too, and then she had to tell her about the runes, he wondered if by any chance Sven would keep that secret too. The next day Kristall wanted to go to the dragons, took his ax and headed towards their cave. She found several dragons talking in front of the cave including Regn and Sven. Kristall greeted them, -"Hello dear dragons, how are you?"-, The dragons stopped talking, and Regn approached Kristall Snö worriedly, -“Kristall Sno? You have to come inside, we need to talk”- -"What happen? Is that why I said last time? Look, I know it can be difficult for dragons and ponies to coexist, but if we tried then….”- -“That's not what I wanted to talk about but about what you've learned recently, come inside”-. Regn ushered Kristall into the cave, sat her on a rock bench and next to her were Flod and Flamma as well. The filly did not understand what was happening, -"What happens? Is it for something I did?” Flod spoke first, -“It's not just for something you did, but it's for something Sven did”- -“What do you mean Flod?”- -“Don't play dumb, I'm talking about the crystal dragon skull, the fact that you can use magical runes and that you can use the axe, not to mention that you can increase your strength”- Kristall looked at Sven, -“Sven? It had to be a secret, you promised ”-, the young dragon felt a little guilty, but he had the justifications of him, -“Sorry Kristall, but I had to tell mom, I was worried about you, in case something happened to you”- -"Something? But if I managed to beat a Warg all by myself last night, and with one shot of an arrow, Regn was frightened, -“Have you faced a Warg all alone?”- -"Nothing happened to me, I managed to hit him on the head and he immediately died"- -“And what would have happened if I had missed it? Your father knew you faced a Warg”- -“ Nej(No), I went out at night, I wanted to try the second spell, and I did, but then a Warg came, but I managed to kill him”- -“Did you go out without your father knowing? Are you perhaps crazy? What would have happened to you if some wild beast had been there, Wargs never walk alone”- -“Regn, nothing happened to me”- -“Even though the stockade of your village the Mutants entered and killed your mother, I don't want to lose you too”- -"Oh please, it's the same thing dad told me last night, and then you too said that I have to take care of it myself, right?"-, Flod nodded, but then replied, -"It's true, we said it, but I didn't think you did it using runes, but only with your physical strength"- -“But it would have taken time to build up the right muscles for that, while now…….”- -“NOW YOU ARE DANGEROUS”-, a gloomy voice said that phrase, it was Flail, -"Think about it, now that she knows the runes and especially the magical ones, this filly could kill us all, we have to hunt her down, she is a danger to our species"-, Sven chimed in, -“Oh stop it Flail, Kristall would never hurt a dragon, she's my sister, I know her very well”- -"Disgusting, she's not your sister, she's just a pony"- -"But I trust her, she would never hurt any of us"-, Flod approached Sven, -"This is only your fault Sven, how dare you make Kristall wear the skull?"- -“But……I don't know, I just did it by chance, I didn't think anything was going to happen”- -"It's a treasure reserved only for dragons and you showed it to a pony, and you made Kristall learn the runes"- -“But I only knew that the skull would react to a chosen dragon, I didn't know it would affect a pony”-, Regn stopped her son and her husband, and then turned to Kristall, -“Kristall? There is one thing I should tell you about your mother”- But Kristall already knew everything, -"What? That she could communicate with animals? That she could summon the Bifrost? That she could predict the future? Or that she was able to summon the mist?” Regn was amazed, -"So…did your father tell you about it?"- -"When he saw my cutie mark he looked like someone else, and he told me what you and my mother did in your youth and above all that you kept the secret with me all this time"- -"Look, we didn't tell you anything to protect you, we didn't want you to know this side of your mother, otherwise I would have told Sven never to let you see our treasure, but he still couldn't have known that it would happen to you too, though …..did you say cutie mark?”- Kristall stood up and showed her cutie mark to Regn, who recognized it was a rune, -“So we can't do anything now, your talent is linked to the runes”-, but Flod replied -“What talent? if she no longer uses the runes we will all be safer”- -“Flod, you don't know cutie marks, dragons don't have any, but if a rune appeared on Kristall's side; it means that her talent is forever linked to the runes, so we can't do anything, she now knows how to use the magical runes, so she must necessarily study and perfect them ”- -"I'm not interested in these cutie mark rules, the fact is that Kristall is now dangerous for her people and for us, she can't stay in this cave"- -"Wait, we can test her, there's that rock with runes that we have here in the cave, she can read it for us"-. Regn took Kristall Snö to a rock with runes written on it, just like the one in her village, -“Can you read it, Kristall?”- -“Yes, I can do it……. This is the Helande sång, the song of healing, whoever will use this spell will heal himself and his companions, just raise the weapon to the sky to heal himself, and to heal the companions just point the weapon at them, by doing so, however, you share your energy with others, to avoid running out of energy it is advisable to have a thread with a green magical crystal around your neck, in this way the energy of the crystal will heal anyone without having to use your own energy "-, -"Only an elder dragon was able to read it, and you were more precise than him, there is no doubt that you are perfectly able to read the runes like your mother, but will you also be able to learn it?"-, Kristall Snö placed her hoof on the stone and all the runes lit up, after which the blue light entered her, she had learned a new spell. -“No dragon was able to do that, no one in our pack has ever been able to learn spells, unless it was a crystal dragon, yet Kristall Snö being only a pony was able to do this, just like her mother”- , Regn's words lifted the spirits of many dragons, they knew that only a chosen dragon could read runes through a crystal dragon skull, yet after many trying a pegasus succeeded, perhaps Kristall Snö was a special pegasus , but Flod and Flamma didn't agree, for them a pony who knew those spells was a danger, meanwhile Regn gave a green crystal to Kristall Snö. -"What is this?"- -“This my dear Kristall Snö is a crystal dragon energy crystal, in the description we were talking about a green magic crystal, right? If you use this, you will be able to heal your companions without using your energy”- -“So this is an energy crystal?”- -“Even for us ice dragons the origin of the crystal dragons is mysterious, we only know that they are the only ones able to do magic, it is thought that they have conquered so many treasures that they have merged with them, however even after their dead parts of their body have magic, like this crystal, put it to good use”- -"I'll make a necklace of it, I'll keep it, but why do you care so much about this spell?"- -"Because it's as if your mother left you an inheritance, but also because this spell is a healing spell, so it can be useful for us to have someone who knows it, indeed why don't you try it?"-, Regn pointed to a fire whelp with wounds, Kristall then took the ax and concentrated on the words she had read, memorized better this time. -“Let's see ………”-, with his ax he pointed to the wounded dragon, -“ Helande sång (Song of Healing)”-, three runes of green color appeared around the filly, and a green spiral rose from under her hooves, at that moment Kristall closed her eyes and sang a song that calmed not only the little dragon but also the nearby dragons, then the spiral enveloped the little dragon, after which it disappeared and the little dragon no longer had any wounds. Kristall was happy, -“It worked, it worked”-, Regn hugged Kristall Snö, "Oh my daughter, you did well, maybe it's not a bad thing at all that you know rune magic, I'll have to talk to your father about it," but Flod replied, -"You can't allow such a thing, Kristall is only a filly, and then he also knows the other spells"- -“Listen Flod, maybe it's not a coincidence that we met her mother and then her, did we want a chosen one thanks to our treasure? Well we have it, she is not a dragon but a pegasus, for me Kristall is as precious as any dragon, and I will always love her, -“But we can't…..”- -"And shut up, Kristall will have these powers and that's it, when a dragon is injured we will go to her, I share her dream that dragons and ponies can live together, just like Lumi wanted, and I don't want to hear replies, understand?" - -"Yes, it's fine darling, as you want"-, Sven took Kristall and hugged her, -“And it's all thanks to me, thanks to me you discovered these powers”- -“Thank you very much Sven, and now, who has a wound? I can heal him”-, all the dragons who were against it before did a choir, -“Viva Kristall Snö, Viva Kristall Snö!”-. Kristall had managed to get the support of all the dragons, but not everyone agreed, in fact Flod, Flamma and Flail came out of the cave and sat down by a cliff looking at the view, Flail was with her arms crossed, then Flamma started talking to Flod. -"It seems that now your dragons and mine too have the support of that filly"- -"I couldn't expect it to happen again, another Pegasus with powers, it's unheard of, and the best part is that my son wants me to be his advisor when he takes my place"- -"For that, the oldest of the elder dragons of Niflheim must first die, he was the last descendant of that dragon who ate the fruit, only when he dies we can organize the trial by fire, but the beauty is that the tree could appear in any kingdom, and we cannot know where it will be, for this we only have the test of fire, that day my son and Sven will compete for who will take the scepter of dragons”- -"But the problem is that filly, she talks about peace between dragons and ponies, but it's only a utopia, there will never be such a peace, but I can't say anything, because my wife would immediately defend that filly, if only that there wasn't that village nearby”- -“So….would you like that village to disappear?”- -“What do you want to say?”- -“Let's see, it would be enough for that village to catch fire during the night, all the houses would burn, and so the inhabitants would be forced to move to another part, perhaps far from here, but without knowing what caused that fire”- -“What would you like to say, Flamma? Do you intend to burn the village of Kristall Snö?”- -"Look, either let's do this, or that filly will forever ruin the relationships between our clans, and you'll find yourself forever with a sweet and sensitive Pegasus daughter, who maybe will ruin your son with talks of peace between peoples, and maybe who knows what will happen in the future, who knows how you will be remembered in the future, perhaps as the dragon who allowed his son to form relationships with ponies”- -“NEY(NO), I can't allow it, I've always reigned like this, as well as my father and grandfather, I can't allow a filly to ruin my way of being the boss, that filly must go”- -"Then it's done, I'll do everything in secret, you won't have to say a word to anyone"- -"Don't hurt anyone, especially Kristall"- -"You have my word, no one will get hurt, but to carry out such a plan you will need to find an opportune moment, better to wait a couple of days, and my son Flail will help me"- -“What am I doing? But I cannot allow my kingdom to be ridiculed by talk of peace” -, Flail reassured Flod -"Don't worry Flod, I certainly won't allow a filly to ridicule his way of reigning, and then I care about my friendship towards Sven, that filly will simply have to go away, so she won't have to worry about anything anymore, not even his wife will be able to say anything”- -“I wonder if I'm doing the right thing, if Regn knew the truth he would kill me, or even worse, he would never speak to me again, but if Kristall continues like this, maybe Sven won't have any dragons that will respect him, because he will have a filly as an advisor, I'm sorry Kristall, but it's time for you to get out of here”-. It didn't look like a good time for our protagonist, but unfortunately she couldn't have been aware of it. In those two days that passed, Kristall Snö always visited the dragons, and some dragons went to the village, at the beginning there didn't seem to be any problems, and in fact there really weren't, the villagers accepted the visit of the dragons, and Kristall acted as a guide, she also spoke to her father about her new power, which was able to heal wounds and damage to warriors, Tømmer was wary that his daughter would show the village her powers, however all the inhabitants and dragons they wouldn't mention it to anyone, as long as Kristall healed any wounds and she was the only one who knew the spell. Tømmer thought that maybe he was wrong about her daughter, and that maybe having a magical pegasus in the village would be useful, especially for the old griffin of the village who was the only one who had to heal the sick and wounded ones. In the following days the dragons went to visit the villagers much more often, and for Kristall Snö that was already a starting point for a new coexistence, as time went by the filly practiced her three spells, attacked with a I wire the green crystal around her neck so she always has it with her that way she was always ready to do some healing magic. Some dragons were also welcomed in some houses, and the inhabitants went hunting especially for them, it can be said that Kristall, thanks to the runes that he had learned, created the right conditions for a beautiful period of peace. Regn also gave her permission to take the crystal skull to be able to use it, but on the condition that she ask her or Sven for it, but it wasn't many times she used it, except for one time, when she got off the side opposite the village and found a valley, she had never been in those parts since she stayed in the village or went to find the dragons, but she made a good discovery, in that valley buried in the snow she found two columns of stones. One day, in the company of Sven, by means of the crystal skull she wanted to use the power of the runes to restore those columns, so she wore the skull, and touched one of the columns and they lit up, then thanks to the skull she said some words and dragon cries came out so she could call the Bifrost and in the middle of the columns a portal opened and Kristall discovered that depending on the stones she touched she could travel to the other realms, Niflheimr, Múspellsheimr, Jǫtunheimr, Vanaheimr, Álfheimr, Ásaheimr, Svartálfaheimr, Helheimr, she could go to the realms she wanted, but she couldn't go there alone, she needed a dragon to accompany her, and in fact she couldn't even go where she wanted. The dragons didn't know well the other kingdoms where they hadn't been, but the little information they had they had overheard from the Vikings, who knew more about the legends and tales of Scandineighvia- Helheimr was the realm of the dead, where the souls of the dead roamed in a cold place, there ended up those who had died of disease, accident or old age, but also traitors and criminals, Kristall thought that maybe he could see his mother again , but Sven told her that he would have wandered too long looking for her and that she couldn't remember what she looked like. Svartálfaheimr, was the realm of the dark elves and therefore dangerous for her, while Álfheimr was safe as it was the home of the light elves therefore a nice place to visit. The Ásaheimr was the abode of Asgard and the Vanaheimr was the other divine realm, so both were realms where the gods lived, and dragons couldn't enter them, and neither was she who was a mortal, it's not known how they would have welcomed her, but the gods know how to recognize a mortal, so she would have been hunted or punished for having crossed the threshold of one of the two kingdoms. So in addition to Álfheimr there were only three kingdoms where Kristall could go but always in the company of dragons, and those kingdoms were: The Jǫtunheimr, the old abode of the giants, the Múspellsheimr, the kingdom of fire and the Niflheimr, the kingdom of ice as well as the birthplace of Flod and Regn. Kristall wished she knew more about the other realms, and also about the various gods like Odin and Thor, but both the dragons and her father knew little about these matters, even though she had heard a lot from them. A couple of days later Regn absolutely wanted to see the Bifrost summoned by Kristall, and was happy to see that he was able to do it like her mother, but Kristall didn't know which kingdom to choose so she let Regn choose, and the dragon chose the Niflheimr , so Kristall walked over the Bifrost, it was a rainbow bridge made of light, but to the touch it felt like she was stepping on solid snow, but even if it fell it could still fly. Accompanying the filly were Regn, Flod, Sven, and a few other ice dragons, while the only fire dragons that came were Lapillus and Lava. When they walked on the bridge of light, Kristall was going at a brisk pace, but it seemed to her that the landscape was moving faster, also a light appeared every now and then and the land of Midgardr seemed miles away, Regn told her that was normal, the power of the Bifrost allowed to go faster, and also to cut pieces of the road in order to get to another realm sooner. Furthermore, while they were walking above the Bifrost, Kristall could see from afar the tree of Yggdrasill, it was beautiful, an ash tree of titanic dimensions, with its roots it held the nine kingdoms together while with its branches it held up the celestial vault, he had never seen a tree of such beauty nor of that size, it was not for nothing that it was the tree of the world. At one point there was a path that divided into nine parts and in the center was a square of white light. The nine paths had stone pillars as entrances and above them was an inscription in runes indicating the name of the realm she entered. But Kristall noticed something else, in the center of that square of light was a large brown pony with a beard and wearing a helmet with ram's horns. Kristall recoiled, but Regn consoled her, -“You needn't be afraid Kristall, he is not our enemy”- -"But who is that big pony?"- -"His name is Heimdallr, he is the god who watches over the Bifrost, his main task is to watch over the two divine realms, but he is not bad, on the contrary he is a friend of dragons and sometimes he has a chat with the dragons, moreover has the ability to warn if there is danger in a realm”- -“And how does he do it?”- -"He possesses the Gjallarhorn, a horn that he uses to warn of a possible danger, also his hearing is very portentous, he is able to hear a noise miles away, and when he dies the last dragon of the dragon's heart will be him to give us the bad news, his is a job that requires a lot of responsibility” -. So they went on, and Kristall took a look at all the pillars, in fact the big pony seemed to be standing right next to the entrances of the two divine realms, while it didn't seem to matter if Kristall was standing near the entrance to Niflheimr. Regn wanted a moment to speak to the pony, -“Hello, Heimdallr, it's been a long time since we've seen each other, hasn't it? I am Regn”- -“Regn? May Thor strike me, I haven't seen you for years, you were a little dragon like this when you passed here the last time, indeed perhaps you were more grown up when you came with Lumi"- -“I have a lot to tell you, this filly here is Lumi's daughter, her name is Kristall Snö and she too can use runic magic and the Bifrost”- -“Like mother, like daughter, it seems incredible to me, after all it is rare to see ponies come here, and how is Lumi?”- -“Unfortunately she is dead, she was killed by Ice Mutants many years ago”- -“A pity, she was a special filly, she had something magical even if she was only a pegasus, she was really special, I'm sorry she died, if she kept improving her rune power she would have done great things, but maybe… ..maybe your daughter can do the same thing too, I perceive a magical force like in her mother”- -"Are you serious? Then Kristall is destined to do great things”- -“Wait though, lately some Mutants have crossed the bridge trying to come to Midgardr, so be careful”- -"How is it possible? Husks cannot summon the Bifrost, even when transformed into dragons” – -"They must have found someone who will have opened a portal for them, maybe one of the ones that hasn't been used for some time, some of them sneaked in here, but I rejected them right away, since I can't run after them and as you know I can't leave the my place"- -“Were there many?”- -“Not many, but it's always better to be careful when crossing the Bifrost”- -“Don't worry, we are all strong dragons, and Kristall knows how to handle an axe”- -“It's just as well, and as for you Kristall Snö, I'm sorry about your mother, I am a god, I know who is special and who is not, and you seem to me just the kind of pony who will surely do great things with her Force"- Kristall answered a little hesitantly, -"B-but I…..I can't fight without magic, I'm not that good with an axe"- -"I'm sure you will learn, slowly you will do without the magic, and you will learn to use the tea ax itself"- -“Thank you Mr. Heimdallr”-. Having greeted the god, the dragons and Kristall resumed their journey and entered the portal that led to Niflheimr. It didn't take them long, in fact the weather in the Bifrost is different from real time, so they immediately arrived at the ice kingdom, and Kristall was amazed to see it, it was a beautiful landscape, there were snow-capped mountains everywhere, and glaciers as far as the eye could see , ice stalactites and stalagmites grew everywhere, also in many parts of the kingdom there was a beautiful fog, and it seemed to be colder than in Midgardr. Kristall looked around and saw trees made of ice, with no leaves, but they had round fruit made of ice, and many lakes were frozen. -“So…..this is the Niflheimr?”-, Regn answered her, -“Yes, Kristall, this is my home, my homeland”-. The whole group started walking to see the landscape, even if Lapillus and Lava weren't happy with all that cold, Kristall had no problems since he always wore his ice dragon skin. Walking for quite a distance, Kristall noticed a very strange mountain, all covered in snow, but the rock seemed strange to the touch. Intrigued, she followed the path that led to the other side of the mountain, and when she got to the top she was surprised. It wasn't a mountain, but a gigantic dragon skeleton, she realized it by seeing the enormous skull that she found at the beginning, it was perfectly intact, without skin or organs, only bones, with even the fangs attached. Regn approached the filly, -“What's up Kristall?”- -"It's one......it's a giant dragon skeleton"- -"To be precise, it's a giant ice dragon skeleton"- -“So….he is a giant, or rather he was a giant”- -“The giant ice dragons or Hrímthursar as we called them lived a long time ago, but the gods and giant ponies fought them, which is a pity, because we are their descendants”- -"So...there aren't any more?"- -"I can't tell you this, to survive they blended in with the environment, others fled, but since the gods hunted them it is certain that they have decreased, maybe you could do something, but you can't"- -"What do you mean?"- -“Heimdallr is the brother of the goddess Sif, Thor's wife, and it is said that Thor still goes around the realms to slay giant dragons, Heimdallr does not share Thor's ideal of slaying giants, however he has not only killed giant dragons but also giant ponies, because giants can be both dragons and ponies, and even the giant ice ponies were called Hrímthursar, but unfortunately no one can make the gods think, not even a sweet filly like you, at least Thor doesn't kill normal-height dragons like the rest of us." -"But it's not fair, what harm have these giants done?"- -“There are no real reasons, as far as I know, but it is Odin's thing to get rid of every giant, because he thinks they are dangerous”- -"But....it's terrible, all this because of a god?"- -"Don't pay attention to it, Odin has it in for giants, but he remembers that he also hates giant ponies, in fact we dragons also have our enemies, for example the crystal dragons"- -“The dragons of the crystals? How can they be your enemies if they are dragons too?”- -“You see Kristall, crystal dragons are creatures that have evolved, having the body covered with crystals they are able, as you already know, to do magic compared to normal dragons, even after death their bones have magical properties, but we still don't know how to exploit them, however if an evil creature used them it would be a problem, in the past they always tried to kill their own kind, that is, only normal dragons, so they only left crystal dragons alive, they are evil beasts, and as far as I know they tried to conquer lands far from here, but they were still defeated, they fought against any race, both dragons, ponies, griffins, bison, yaks and even gods of other lands”- -"It's terrible, I don't know what I would do if I met one"- -“If you meet one, let me know, because a crystal dragon can never be trusted, they are double agents, and they would kill even an innocent like you, you must never reason with one of them, you cannot talk about peace between the peoples with a crystal dragon”- -“Not even with someone like Flod”- -"Leave him alone, as long as I'm around, he shouldn't matter to you, because he's the king, but I'm his queen, I won't let him do anything to you"-. After the chat Regn and Kristall resumed their journey. Regn showed the filly various places that she had already known from when she lived in Niflheimr, Kristall was very interested and looked at the landscape curiously, and as she walked Regn continued to explain. -“You must know, Kristall, that both dragons and giant ponies of other elements existed, there were for example the Sjǫrisar who were the giants of the sea like Ægir and Rán, the Leirjǫtnar who were the giants of the earth and then the Vindthursar who were the giants of the wind, our lands are so full of history and magic that it is difficult to know everything, but there are also terrible dangers as you know, that you have never seen, such as Trolls, who can kill dragons and ponies, and also the Mephits, and there were quite a few of the Ice Mephits around here”- -“What is a Mephit?”- -"It's a horse, but depending on its element, the body can vary, the Ice Mephits are big horses made entirely of ice, I defeated several of them in the past together with Flod, above all to defend your mother, there are of different elements, for example in our lands there are the Mephit of water, the Mephit of air, the Mephit of earth, the Mephit of lightning, the Mephit of fog, the Mephit of minerals, and in Múspellsheimr there are also the Mephit of brimstone, the Mephit of dust, and the Mephit of smoke”— -"They are dangerous?"- -“Yes, because exactly like us ice dragons, they too know how to use their element, but they are not invincible, you have to hit their head, inside it they keep the magic gland, which is a kind of round black stone, without that they can't regenerate or use magic, and if you're strong enough you can aim for their heart, Mephits have a heart made of crystal, and depending on their element the color of the heart changes, for example Ice Mephits have a crystal heart light blue in color, if you manage to destroy it you can say that you have defeated the Mephit, but remember you must never bring the gland close to the heart, because in this way an explosion of magic is unleashed, and they can reassemble themselves if they fall into the ice in the case of the element some ice”- -"I'll remember, why are you telling me all these things?"- -“Because you have to learn to defend yourself, what your mother failed to learn, you have to fight, even if you want peace, you have to know how to fight, because if you don't fight a dragon, one day you might fight some other dangerous creature, and I couldn't be there, just like I couldn't be there for your mother" -, Kristall sat up for a moment, she wasn't the type to fight, but after what she'd been able to do with the runes, maybe she should try, she was actually more comfortable with the ax that with the bow, and then she had received compliments from a Norse god a little while ago, and so she already knew that she was destined to do great things, so she had to get busy, and then she wanted to defeat the Mutants too, those who they had killed his mother, so he stood up and answered Regn, -"Okay Regn, I will become strong, I will be strong for my mother and father, and also for you and Sven, I will do anything to become better with the ax, and to defeat the dangerous creatures that will meet in my path" - -"This is the right spirit"-. Regn led the group to other areas of the kingdom, even though it had been a long time since she had come to Niflheimr she remembered every ravine very well, even if it had changed and if years had passed. At one point the whole group found themselves in a valley of ice and Regn showed some beautiful ice flowers that only grow in that kingdom, but then he heard a strange noise, like a wind, but Regn heard a rattle at that moment an ice stalagmite was created in front of her, and there were others around the group, someone was blocking them in that valley, then everything was clearer, seven horses made of ice appeared, with bright yellow eyes, they emitted a disturbing neigh , Regn had no doubts, after who knows how long he found himself in front of her some Ice Mephit. -“Guys, stay close, they always try to divide their prey, remember to hit their head or their heart, we are ice dragons so we won't do them much damage, but we can use our claws too, Lapillus and Lava have more advantage because they are fire dragons, come on you can do it”-. Kristall saw the dragons fighting against the Mephits, despite Regn's encouraging words, she could not come forward, instead she stood aside clutching her ax, the dragons hit the Mephit with their fists, Regn also managed to cut the head of one of them, but after a while the head got up from the ground and reattached itself to the neck, the beasts emanated jets of ice and evoked ice around them, Kristall saw that Lapillus and Lava were also busy, in fact with their jet of fire managed to weaken the Mephit, who melted, even the ice dragons used their breath, albeit of ice, however they managed at least to immobilize them, Regn gripped the head of a Mephit with her claws and in her hands she had a small round black stone, then he squeezed and destroyed it, from the headless neck of the Mephit an icy air came out, Regn had weakened him, then Regn kept clawing at him making a hole in his chest and managed to take the blue heart that looked made of crystal, and destroyed that too, with no gland and no crystal heart, the Mephit disintegrated, now only six remained, but then four remained because the other dragons managed to destroy them. Kristall wanted to do something also because she told Regn that she wanted to become strong, but she was afraid, since she had never seen a Mephit, so she ran away, but one of the Mephit stopped her, she tried to fly away, but the creature summoned a barrier of ice around and Kristall went towards it and fell to the ground. Now he was in the snow in front of a creature he had never seen before, approaching menacingly, not knowing what to do. Regn from afar urged her, -“Don't get impressed Kristall, did you see how we did? You can do it, you just have to believe in your strength”-, Kristall then took her ax and raised it to the sky to summon his power, but Regn stopped her, ù -"Don't use the Berserk spell, you have to use your strength without counting on the upgrades"-, Kristall had to think of something else, so he swung his ax at the Mephit, who flew into a rage, and cold air came out of the wound he now had, but it healed quickly, Kristall, he had to think of something, he had to think about what Regn had told her and also made her see, so Kristall struck an ax blow on the Mephit's head, but it wasn't enough, now Kristall felt like a fit of rage, so she climbed the ice wall and jumped, he shouldered the ax and hit the Mephit's head, this time he made a bigger crack, Kristall began to feel adrenaline in his body, the Mephit backed away and his wound healed, but the filly wanted to try to destroy her gland, so he tried again to make the previous attack, so he took a running start, jumped, held the ax tightly with one hoof and a volley close to the Mephit's head struck it with full force charged, -“I will call this attack…YXA FRÅ HIMLEN (Ax from Heaven)”-, He had done it, he had made a deep crack in the Mephit's ice head and he could see the magical gland perfectly, so he took it with his hoof and tore it out, the Mephit seemed to have gone mad, Kristall then struck the creature's chest to remove its heart , an ax blow and another and the Mephit fell to the ground, now he tried to create a new move, he threw the ax into the sky, then he jumped and caught it with both hooves and pointed towards the chest again as she fell, -“And this attacked I will call…….BORRNING AX (Piercing Axe)”-, Kristall fell with the tip of the ax on the right spot and when he took out the ax a blue crystal was stuck to it, it was the very heart, that Mephit also exploded in a blast of ice. The wall of ice around the filly fell apart, Kristall couldn't believe it, she had managed to defeat an enemy without using the bärsärk, only with her strength, meanwhile the other Mephits had also been defeated, and Regn embraced Kristall, -"You did it Kristall, you were amazing, I knew you would do it, you also used some new techniques that you invented at the time"-, Regn left Kristall and the filly was happy, -“It was incredible, I felt my heart pounding, and……it's a fantastic feeling”- -"I think you did a lot today, I was hoping to meet some Mephits, so you would learn how to fight, and now I'm sure you can fight alone"- -"Alone? How alone?” -“It's always in case Sven and I won't be with you, so you'll always be ready in case of an attack”- -"Does that mean I'll always have to manage by myself?"- -"Listen Kristall, your father won't be there forever, it's true that we dragons live longer than ponies, but I want you to be able to count on your own strength, without needing us, did you want to prove you're strong? Now Flod won't be able to say anything, you're already strong on your own”- -“But….you won't abandon me, will you?”- -“We will never do it Kristall, after all you are all I have left of your mother”-. Those words consoled Kristall Snö, who was afraid of being alone, now he was certain that she could also face a Mephit, but surely there were other dangers that she would have had to face, but perhaps there was time for other trials. Regn wanted to continue, but Kristall was feeling a little tired, so the dragoness escorted her back to the Bifrost portal. -"Remember that we also have to pay a visit to the kingdom of Múspellsheimr, but since you need to rest, wait for us at the small square of the portals, you can keep Heimdallr some company, so you can also tell him about your little battle"-. Kristall Snö entered the portal and made her way to the portal square, and saw again Heimdallr, who thanks to her hearing had already heard her coming when she passed the portal. -“Hello Heimdallr, I came here to wait for the dragons before going to Múspellsheimr”- -“Stay here and rest then, it's a very dangerous realm since it's the realm of fire”- -“But now I'm not afraid, I even faced an Ice Mephit”- -"Really? Come on tell” -. And Kristall Snö told Heimdallr of the fight against the Ice Mephits, and did not leave the details of his duel and the fact that he had invented two fighting moves. Heimdallr was happy that already at that age Kristall had beaten a Mephit, he himself had shot down different types in the past, then Kristall took from two pockets that he had created in the skin some small things, they were the magic gland and the heart of that Mephit, instead of destroying them, she had collected them and kept them in her pockets, Heimdallr recognized them, and spoke with Kristall Snö. -“Did you keep them? You have to be careful not to throw them in the ice because in this way the Mephit recreates itself”- -"Yes, I know, and yet, I don't know, I didn't feel like destroying them, they are such particular objects, I wanted to keep them, however.....Regn says they are dangerous"- -"I think you have to keep them, do you know that with those things you can upgrade your weapons?"- -"Really? My ax too?” -“Also, many gods enhanced their weapons with pieces of Mephit, Thor did it too with his hammer, using the heart of a Lightning Mephit, even Odin with his spear, the trick is this, you choose the Mephit to kill, then you keep the gland and the heart, as you did now, then you have to find a dwarf bison, give him your ax, give him those two objects, and so he will upgrade your ax with the element of ice, then with the right runes you could invent new spells to use against enemies, if you fuse another heart of ice mephit your ax will become stronger, if you also use a bracelet with a gland of ice mephit, the magic will increase, and you can create more spells, however based on ice, my advice is to look for a Mephit of the air, in this way, you will be able to create an ax with the powers of both ice and wind, but first you must find a dwarf bison”- -"I've never met one, are they good?"- -“They are the best smiths a village could have, they are the ones who made the godlike weapons that we Norsemen have, if there is a smith you can trust he is surely a dwarf buffalo, they might as well enhance your bow, if you use the glands or the heart of Mephit on your bow you could shoot magical arrows made of ice or wind, in some cases even of lightning, but my advice is to better learn how to shoot with a bow, because otherwise you will not be never good”- -“Right, you have to be able to hit an enemy even from a distance, all these suggestions make me think that I have a long way to go, but I would like to improve my weapons, to be able to improve my skills too, where can I find a dwarf bison? ”- They are normally found in Svartálfaheimr, but they are also found in Midgardr, you just have to know how to find them, I think some Viking village hosts one, but I can't tell you where, also because I don't think the Vikings would let a stranger enter their village, even if would pay a dwarf bison for his work”- -“But I don't have any money”- -“In that case you should find a dwarf who would work for a favor, if you give him a mission then he will upgrade your ax for free”- -"I must be very lucky, but who knows where to find him, I don't think I could ever enter a Viking village"- -"It was just an advice, I know you're not a viking, but he who knows, life is full of possibilities"-. While Heimdallr and Kristall Snö chatted, the ice dragons were returning from the portal of Niflheimr to resume their journey together with the filly, -"Thank you Heimdallr, for keeping Kristall busy, now that we're back we can resume our journey, come Kristall, now let's head to Múspellsheimr, mind that it won't be a quiet place like Niflheimr, so always stay close to us"-. After saying goodbye to Heimdallr, Kristall headed towards Múspellsheimr with the group of dragons. Once there, what Kristall saw was a completely different landscape from the one seen in the realm before. It was all rock, various mountains and deep fissures, and on every mountain there were flames pouring out of fissures, and lava as far as the eye could see, all she saw was rock and fire and lava, that was indeed Múspellsheimr , the so-called realm of fire, this made Lave and Lapillus happy, who stretched their wings and took a deep breath, both were happy to be back even if for a while at their home. Kristall turned to Lava, -“So….this is your home?”- -“Yes, Kristall, even if it doesn't seem so welcoming, this is where we were born and raised”-, -“Well, I can't judge, you are fire dragons, it is logical that your kingdom should mirror you”- -“Beware that there are various dangers here, and we dragons fight them several times”- -“Life can't be easy for you fire dragons”- -"It's easy for no dragon, there are dangers for everyone, but strangely, monsters often prefer to pick on dragons, but even you ponies are always attacked"- -“In my village we don't suffer many attacks”-, Regn broke into the speech, -“This is because….dear Kristall, there are few dangers that can be found in those parts, at most a few Wargs, or a Troll, but some of us ice dragons always go around the mountain to avoid dangers in your village, this way none of you get hurt”- -“And Flod allows you to protect us?”- -“Hey, I'm still the queen, dragons obey me”- -"Do you mean they carry out your order?"- -"Yes….in fact, I had commissioned a dragon to check the village before coming here, because if I don't ask, no one checks"- -"Thank goodness I'm relieved"-. The group set off again and admired the landscape, even not everyone was satisfied with the trip, in fact Regn being an ice dragon was not used to all that heat, as well as Sven and the other ice dragons, furthermore Kristall, with skin The ice dragon felt pretty hot, but she tried not to think about it, because she had started admiring her ax because she had an idea for a new move, but now wasn't the time to try it, plus she didn't want to tell Regn that she kept the Mephit's organs, because he would have asked her to destroy them, but she wanted to follow Heimdallr's advice, and therefore if she had the opportunity to meet a dwarf bison she would want to improve her ax, even if it belonged to her father , but he didn't mind that she had it, after all he had to defend himself. The group crossed several valleys, but found a surprise, there were some armed enemies, Lava asked to be careful and also silence, Kristall glanced, -“Why should we be careful? It's a bunch of ponies, griffons and yaks, I didn't know there were any here”- -“Look at them Kristall, they are not normal ponies, griffons and yaks, look at them”-, in fact Lava was right, all those ponies, griffins and yaks weren't normal, their skin seemed to be made of bark, with some splinters coming out of the body, even if they had fur you could see this detail perfectly, moreover they all had yellow eyes no pupils, and they all had weapons like swords, spears and axes, and they were making grunts, they didn't look like sentient creatures. Kristall marveled, -"I don't understand, but what are they?"- Regn answered her, -“Those, dear Kristall, are Draugr, and they are dangerous both for me and for you”- -“Draugr? I had only heard of them, but I had never seen even one, what are they?”- -“They are souls of old warriors who died in battle and do not reach Helheim or even Valhalla, which would be a place where the greatest warriors meet in a giant hall of Asgardr, spend their time fighting and then in the evening attend a banquet”- -“Do you also know Valhalla? My father once mentioned it to me, he wonders if my mother could have ended up there even if she wasn't a warrior ”- -“I know Valhalla because we dragons have one too, the Valhalla of dragons, where the bravest dragons find themselves in a gigantic golden valley full of food and gems, where every wish comes true, and where they spend eternity fighting, celebrating, eating and doing all kinds of things” – -“It must be a nice place for dragons”- -"If you have been a good dragon you can deserve the Valhalla of dragons, otherwise you will be sent to Helheim, in fact the infamous dragons end up there"-, -“But if there are no ponies, griffons and yaks here, how can there be Draugr here?”- Lava stepped in, -“Usually the souls are collected by the Valkyries, but apparently from what some elder fire dragons say if a Mutant manages to capture a soul with magic, he transforms it into a Draugr, and the Mutants seem to have returned to these lands , as also in other kingdoms”- -"But my father had said that he, together with other warriors, had killed the last queen"- -"Perhaps in Midgardr, but in the other realms there could be other queens, and then some Mutants could have survived or escaped, after all, wasn't your mother killed by some Ice Mutants?"- -“Yes…that is true”- -“Listen, they are not many, we can fight them, if we catch them by surprise we can beat them easily, get ready”- -“But how do you defeat a Draugr?”- -“You hit him until he falls apart, Kristall, they're strong, but not that strong”-. The group prepared to attack, walked slowly behind some rocks, then attacked by surprise, Lava and Lapillus immediately fired and flamed at various Draugr, while the other dragons used their claws and ice. Kristall Snö gathered courage, and began to swing left and right, striking as hard as he could at the Draugr, and each time he struck, pieces of wood scattered on the ground. At one point the filly was surrounded, and the Draugr wanted to hit her, but she had the opportunity to try the new move she had invented, she gripped the ax tightly in her hoof and spun on itself like a whirlwind and in the rotation she managed to violently strike the Draugr, some were even driven to the ground. -“I will call this move: Virvelvind öxa (Axe of the Whirlwind)”-, Kristall saw that the Draugr got up, but she wasn't afraid indeed that situation was giving her the right boost and she tried again, -“Stand still, Virvelvind öxa (Axe of the Whirlwind)”-, Kristall made the attack again and managed to smash the ax well on the faces of the Draugr who fell on the hot rock ending up in pieces like old hollow logs. At that moment there was a Draugr yak who came at Kristall, took a running start and tried to slice her with her axe, but the filly parried with hers, then struck the Draugr yak on the head on the face with the end of the haft , then she braced herself for another attack -“Time for my second new attack, Modig yxa (Fearless Axe)”-, Kristall Snö ducked, then swung his ax up and down, hitting the Draugr on the chin, whereupon he tossed it in the air, caught it again, and prepared to strike the Draugr on the head. -“Die accursed Draugr, Borrning ax (piercing axe)”-. She struck the yak Draugr so hard on the head that it split his helmet and the head broke into many splinters of wood, and once the head was removed the body melted, as did the other Draugr defeated by dragons. Everyone made a clean sweep of those Scandinavian undead, Lapillus and Lava started looking on the ground for what those monsters had left, Lapillus explained himself, -“Sometimes the Draugr leave something they had, like pieces of weapon, crystals, or even money, we eat the crystals, we melt the money and the weapons, we make armor”-, Kristall was amazed, -“Since when do dragons wear armor?”- Lava answered her, -"In ancient times crystal dragons and fire dragons always wore armor, to go to war, but now we wear armor only when we have duels in our kingdoms, or when there is a trial by fire"-. -"Regn?, didn't you know this thing about armor?"-, Regn answered the filly, -“The truth is that Flod doesn't believe in armour, a real ice dragon has skin as hard as diamond, and he shouldn't be forced to wear it, in fact when Sven has to test by fire he won't have to wear armour, he'll have to do it himself only, even if the other dragons should have them”- -"I still hope to be there when he does it, at least I'll be rooting for him"- -“And I will keep you company”-. The small group made more steps to the Múspellsheimr, but they found no other dangers, except a group of fire Mephits, they were horses made of flames, but this time Regn and the ice dragons took care of them, Kristall said nothing, let them take care of they, also because he didn't think of taking the gland of a fire Mephit, thought that rather perhaps its element could be more ice than anything else, or maybe air, as advised by Heimdallr. After the encounter with the fire mephits, the group resumed walking, admiring the landscape, not as beautiful as the Niflheimr, but still it was the realm where the fire dragons lived. At some point, Regn decided it was time to return to Midgardr, also because time passed differently in the realms, and therefore Midgardr must have already passed the afternoon, so he had to bring Kristall Snö back to his village. So they resumed the portal to return to Midgardr, but when they arrived at the square of light they found Heimdallr who was fighting red Changelings with a sword. They were fire Changelings and Regn along with Sven, Lava, Lapillus and the other dragons and also Kristall Snö helped him. They managed to bring them down, but Regn was amazed at the presence of the Changelings in the Bifrost. -“How is Heimdallr possible? Everyone knows that Changelings cannot travel in the Bifrost”- -“On their own certainly not, maybe someone opened the Bifrost for them, but the beauty is that they came from Midgardr, I can hear any noise from afar as you know, but not outside the Bifrost, but I didn't perceive any noise outside of the Changelings, so whoever helped them did it from outside, I wanted to blow my horn to warn you of the danger, but one of those beasts had taken it from me”- - "Oh poor thing you're hurt" -"It's nothing, it's just a bite, but I showed him what happens when you turn against me"- -“ Kristall Sno? Can you heal him?” -“Of course, Helande sång(healing song)”-, Kristall Snö invoked healing magic and Heimdallr's wounds healed immediately, -“Thanks, but now I think you have to go back to Midgardr right away, I wouldn't want there to be more Fire Mutants”- Regn was suspicious though, -“Now that I think about it, Fire Changelings only live in Múspellsheimr, how did they end up in Midgardr?”- -“I have no idea, maybe as I told you before someone must have carried them with the Bifrost across another road while you were walking down yours”- -"Then it's better if we go"-. So the group said goodbye to Heimdallr and immediately headed to Midgardr, instead of walking they all started running because if there were Fire Changelings in that realm then there was danger for everyone. They passed the portal and immediately arrived in Midgardr, they looked around but there was no trace of Changelings,, of any element. Regn looked around -“It seems that everything is calm, maybe it was just those Changelings who had come here, but I wonder who could have made them come?”-. At one point Sven looked up and saw the village of Kristall Snö, -“Hey look Kristall, looks like they already lit a bonfire for your return”- Kristall Snö raised her head, and unlike Sven she looked better, and she worried, -“ Det är inte en bål, det är min by (That's not a bonfire, it's my village)”-. Kristall Snö took off and saw from above an ugly sight, many houses had been destroyed, the palisade around the village had been half burned, and there were fires burning some houses, and moreover he saw that many inhabitants were lying in the snow, some were being chased by Changelings, some were Fire Changelings, some were Green Changelings. What was happening? One thing was certain, he had to go and save his people so he called the other dragons to save the village, so they all swooped down, once they landed Kristall Snö didn't feel well, she couldn't see her father Tømmer, plus towards the stockade they saw the body of a fire dragon, it was Flamma. To be continued….. My Little Pony By Lauren Faust & Hasbro > Kristall Sno lamnar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kristall Snolamnar Kristall Snö leaves Kristall Snö was shocked to see that scene, fire and green Changelings who were killing her people, she also saw poor Vinge who was lying on the ground, then she saw a green Changeling who used his magic and merged with the griffin's body dead, the body was that of the griffin and all green but the head was that of the green Changeling and with that body he attacked the other inhabitants. Kristall Snö screamed –“Nej, de dödar allt mitt folk(No, they are killing my people), we have to do something, Regn, Sven, Lava, Lapillus, we have to help them”- Sven was confused, -"But we can't do anything, if the Green Changelings take possession of a body it's because they killed the pony or griffin it belonged to, we can't do anything for those who have been assimilated"- -"But we have to save the others, I myself have to look for my father, I hope he is still alive"-, Kristall Snö charged trying to kill as many Changelings as possible, she would collide with one of them and then she would kill him with the ax, it doesn't matter if it was a Fire Changeling or a Green Changeling, Regn could see how strong Kristall was, the trip to the other two realms had already given her some experience and strength, then she called all the dragons, -“Listen to me everyone, we have to help these people, they are friends of Kristall Snö, so they are also our friends, we have to save them“-, so all the dragons got busy, with flames, ice jets and claws, all they fought against the Changelings, but the latter seemed more. Fire Changelings surrounded Kristall Snö, Sven wanted to go and save her, but she took the ax in her hoof and spun around, hitting all the Changelings, -“ Virvelvind öxa(Axe of the Whirlwind), Step forward damned Changelings, I'm not afraid of you“-, Sven was impressed by how calm and strong Kristall was at that moment, he didn't know if her fear made her stronger, but even if it was as he thought he didn't know if it was the fear of dying or the fear of not finding his father Tømmer. At that moment Kristall ran throughout the village in search of her father checking all the huts since her hut was all destroyed by flames. -“Pappa, pappa, var är du? (Daddy, daddy, where are you?) "-, Kristall started screaming, and her voice attracted Changelings, but they weren't a problem for her, since she only needed two blows of the ax and she killed them immediately. All the dragons present were helping her, but still she couldn't find her father, then she walked towards Flamma's body, she touched it with her hoof and was shocked again, -“Nej, det kan det inte vara, Flamma är död!(No, it can't be, Flamma is dead“-, Sven heard her, -“Are you sure, Snö?”- -“I can't feel the life force of him, he must have been dead for quite a while“- -“How can a big fire dragon like him be dead?”-, Kristall and Sven saw the other part of the body, where the head and torso were, the dragon was in one piece, but it had wounds all over its body, Sven looked closely, it was sword wounds, ax wound and spear wounds, he also had many spears on his body. Sven wasn't sure what he was thinking, then he and Kristall heard a growl above them and saw another corpse with the head of a Green Changeling, it stood on two hooves over Flamma's corpse, it was flying and had a spear between its hooves , suddenly lunged at Sven, and tried to hurt him. -“Help me Kristall, this one wants to kill me“-, but Kristall recognized her clothes and fur, that was the body of her father, -“Nej, det är omöjligt, den kroppen är min pappas kropp(No, it can't be, that's my father's body“- Sven fought but was then knocked down by the Changeling, who tried to kill him, but Sven held his spear steady, -“Are you sure, Snö? Is that your father's body?" -“I'm sure, it's him, how could he have lost against a Mutant? My father was strong“- -"Well, I'm sorry, if it's really him, then you can't help him, because if the Changeling got him then he's dead, and you have to kill him, otherwise he'll kill me"- -"But I can't kill my father"- -“But he is dead by now, you can't do anything, none of the powers you have can help him, help me, please Snö“-, Kristall Snö didn't know what to do, could she really kill her father? In fact Sven was right, by now he was dead, but she didn't feel like killing the only pony in her family, but if she hadn't done something the Changeling would have killed Sven. -“Help me, please Kristall“-, The Changeling seemed much stronger than Sven, and was about to impale him with the spear, struck the dragon with the hoof on the face, then aimed the spear at his heart, but just before the point touched Sven's skin Kristall threw her ax against the Changeling causing him to fall on the snow, Sven immediately regained consciousness, he saw the Changeling with the ax stuck in his head, but he got back up, but Kristall went on the Changeling and resumed her axe, then struck him several times, until he fell to the ground. Sven approached her, -“Kristall? You saved my life?"- -"I could not choose otherwise, you are right, my father is dead, but you are still alive"- Sven hugged her, -"I swear I will never forget this gesture, I promise you that if necessary I will save your life if you are in danger of death"- -“Don't say that, you're already protective enough towards me“-. As the two of them embraced they saw that Flail was coming, who charged every Changelings he could find and burned them, for the fire Changelings, however, he used a different method, sometimes he grabbed them by the neck and turned their heads, at others he stuck the claw into the breastplate and killed them. After a while the Fire Changelings and the Green Changelings were finished, but there was no longer an inhabitant alive, they were all dead, Kristall looked around, but even searching the huts she saw that they were all dead, she was the only survivor, she was shocked she couldn't believe she was left alone. She sat down on a stone with an ax in her hoof and began to think, Regn approached her to console her, -“ Kristall Sno? I'm sorry, I'm sorry that happened"- -“De är alla döda, ingen har överlevt(They are all dead, no one survived) I thought they were all safe, you said there was an ice dragon protecting them”- -“And he did, I don't understand where he is, I left him guarding the village“-, one of the ice dragons spoke to Regn, -“Noble Regn?“- -"What happens?"- -“We found our comrade guarding the village, it seems that someone opened a wound in his stomach and destroyed his organs“- -"How is it possible? Who could it have been?” -"We don't know, but it seems that the wound was caused by a dragon's claw"- -“A dragon killed one of our companions?“-, meanwhile Flail, Lava and Lapillus were looking at their father's corpse, Sven approached Flail, -“Flail? I am sorry"- -“Your words won't bring my father back to life, was that what these people wanted? Peace between ponies and dragons? Did you see what they did to my father? They killed him"- Kristall Snö stood up and spoke to Flail, -“My people would never kill a dragon, even if some of them were afraid of dragons they would never kill one“- -“Did you see all those wounds? My dad didn't get those by himself, so it's obvious your people did it, how can you expect us to live in peace if ponies kill dragons?” -“I tell you that my people would never hurt a dragon, and then you weren't here to see, so how can you think it was them, what if it was the Changelings? Changelings hate dragons“- -"And instead I was there, I was there when they attacked my father"-, everyone was amazed, if Flail was there with his father, why then had he come just during the battle? Then Flail explained, -“The thing is…they attacked me too, and I ran away, I thought my father could do it, but then I came back“-, Lapillus got angry, -“Have you abandoned our father?”- -"I know, I'm a coward, and I deserve to be covered in insults, but the fact is that suddenly the Changelings arrived and I ran away, then I came back, I'm sorry, I too have my faults"- -“But how did dad lose? He was big and he could beat all the Changelings” – -“I don't know, maybe dad was weak, anyway we can't leave him here, we have to take him to Múspellsheim, we have to burn him and give him a proper burial“-, Regn approached Flail, -"I'll call for Flod and the dragons bigger than him to take him there, so you can say goodbye to him"-, Flail thanked her -“Thanks Regn, sorry for my behavior, I still have to learn to manage my emotions, sorry for yelling at you”- -“You should also apologize to Kristall Snö, she was with us the whole time“- -“Should I apologize to her? But if her people killed my father“- -“But she is not responsible for your father's death“- Sven chimed in, -“Kristall and I saw his wounds, and although he had weapon’s wounds, he had a very deep wound, I checked the corpse of our comrade, Flamma was surely killed by a dragon's claw“-, Flail, Lava and Lapillus were amazed, Flail himself asked Sven, -“ A dragon killed my father? Are you sure?"- -“Kristall didn't see the wound, but I did, and I can say that surely it was a dragon that gave your father that wound, but I don't know if he was an ice or fire dragon“- -“So….could there be an impostor dragon among our tribes?”- -"Probably, but it's certainly not me, nor my mother, nor your brother or your sister or some of my companions, since we were in the other realms together with Kristall, don't you have any suspicions about some fire dragon?"- -“And who can tell? My father was envied by many dragons, but they all respected him, none of his followers would kill him"- -"Neither I'll talk to my father, we need to see who the culprit is, but I only ask you one thing"- -"What?"- -"You have to apologize to Kristall Snö, you've been treating her badly since you met her"- -“Okay, okay, I'll make peace with her“-. Flail approached Kristall Snö, who was again sitting on a stone looking at the corpse of her father, -“Listen Kristall, it's not easy for me to tell you that I…that I'm sorry“- -"You do not have to apologize"- -"What?"- -“Everyone has the right to express themselves, if you don't like me, it's not your fault, maybe Flod is right, it's difficult for dragons and ponies to be friends, but if we now look for who is the impostor dragon among us, we it will certainly be disorder among all the dragons, of course, however, it will be necessary to find your father's killer, and perhaps who can find him is you and your brother, but only one thing I ask you, a small favor“- -"What is it about?"- -“Could you burn my father's body? I don't want it to stay in the snow“- -"Of course, indeed I will call as many dragons as possible to burn all the bodies of your companions"- -"Thank you"-. Kristall Snö got up and walked towards a hut, luckily thanks to the ice dragons the fire had been extinguished, however she saw the body of a griffin, it was Vinge's mother, the same griffin who had helped her to be born, now there was no one left of her village, and she didn't know what to do. She watched as Flail set her father's body on fire, and she thought back to when she had axed him to save Sven, -“Jag är ledsen pappa, men jag var tvungen att göra det(I'm sorry dad, but I had to do it)“-. At the end of the day all the bodies were burned, Regn dug a very big grave to put them in, Kristall Snö and Sven threw all the bodies in it, right next to the frozen lake in the village, and of course Snö buried her father right next to Kristall Lumi's grave . Poor Kristall Snö knew that from that moment on she would have to be alone, the only survivor, she was only lucky because she had gone with the other dragons to other realms. She didn't know what to do, her hut was half destroyed, so she went inside a less destroyed hut to stay, the same one where Vinge, the griffin friend of her father, lived. At that moment Sven came in to talk to her, -“Hey Kristall“- -"What is it Sven? “- -“I was thinking that….since you are alone now, I could visit you more often, maybe I could help you if you need a hand“- -"You are kind, in fact I need help, I should rebuild this house better, go fishing, look for food in the forests, but at the same time I would like to train, if those Changelings were to return I would know how to deal with them"- -“And you won't be the only one, I'll help you too, and then Lava and Lapillus are your friends, they themselves have decided they want to stay with you“- -"Seriously? Did they say that? “- -“After seeing you fight against all those monsters in the other realms they know that you are a strong pony, and therefore they want to be your friends“- -“Who knows, maybe then it's possible that ponies and dragons are friends“- -“If that were the case, this would be a first step“-. Meanwhile in a cave, Flod and Flail were discussing, Flod was worried about the loss of his friend Flamma, -“But how could this have happened? Flamma was big, he couldn't lose against the villagers” –, Flail tried to reason with him, -"And yet it happened, my father was killed, unfortunately we will never know the truth, it may have been the Changelings' fault, they took possession of the inhabitants' bodies and killed my father"- -“But those Changelings weren't from this realm, how did they pass through the Bifrost?”- -"I...just don't know"- -"The agreement was that you and your father only had to set fire to the village, I would have advised him to move to another part to avoid the attack of other dragons, so the inhabitants would be forced to leave"- -"Unfortunately they began to attack my father, and then the Changelings arrived, unfortunately I fled and I don't know how it really went"- -“So it could also be that the inhabitants have already attacked your father?”- -“It could be, but I'm not sure, the only certainty is that it's better for Kristall Snö to go away, if she has become so strong, she could be a danger for us dragons“- -“But I can't ask her to leave now that she's alone, Regn will never forgive me“- -“Listen to me Flod, there is a village south of here, she could go there, she is a pony, there is full of ponies, they will certainly welcome her“- -"Are you sure?"- -"It's very far from here, but she could easily reach it, especially now that she's much stronger"- -“I don't know, what if maybe she isn't accepted?“- -“Listen to me carefully Flod, if she stays here it will be a problem, Sven said he will visit her every day, and if he stays in Kristall Snö's company he will go soft, become weak, have those horrible thoughts of a possible friendship between dragons and ponies, is this what you want for your child's future? Friends with ponies? So the dragons will laugh at him, even if he’ll finds the scepter of power, they will immediately change him as leader, because no dragon will follow a dragon who is friends with ponies“- -"You're right, I couldn't bear such a thing, my son must be like me, strong, powerful, authoritarian and above all respected, that filly must go, but how to convince her?"- -"We just have to convince Kristall Snö that it's better for her to be among the other ponies, that we dragons can't keep her, and above all that she can't stay in that village alone, even if we dragons are close to her, but we should talk to her without Sven and Regn knowing, just you, me and her, we won't tell anyone the truth, but you'll have to be convincing"- -“I'm sorry for her, but I have to do it for Sven's sake, even if Regn will be angry, but just do as you say, not telling her the truth, and so be it, we'll talk to her tomorrow“- -"Let me talk to her, all you have to do is nod to everything I tell her, and then kick her out"-. The next day, Regn traveled to Niflheim with some dragons and therefore Flod thought that now was the right time to talk to Kristall Snö, so he set off to the destroyed village together with Flail. Kristall was setting up planks from other cabins to fix the roof so no breeze would come in during the day or night. Then at one point she looked around and saw the graves of her parents in the distance, -“ Min mamma, min pappa, mina vänner (My mother, my father, my friends), now everything is lost, I can only count on the help of the dragons to go on, but I'm still the only pony around“- , Kristall knew she couldn't go on like this, there had to be other people in the village, but she didn't know where to start, but at least she wasn't alone. But here she is as she is about to take a plank of wood she sees Flod and Flail coming. -“Flod? Flail? What are you doing here? Where is Regn?” Flod answered her -“She went to Niflheim, I don't think she'll be back soon, but I should tell you something important, Kristall”- -"What is it about?"- -“The thing is….you…should….no, I can't do it, I can't tell you“- -“Tell me what?“-, Flail then intervened, asked Flod to walk towards the entrance to the village and wait, Flail then asked Kristall to follow him to the hut she now used as a home. -“Kristall Snö, listen to what I have to tell you, because it's important, so important that Flod can't tell you himself”- -"But did something serious happen?"- -"No, it happened that my father and the people of your village died, these are the serious things"- -“I know, but now I think I should start over, maybe find other people, Sven said he will help me“- -"This is not possible"- -"Why not?"- -“Because Sven doesn't know the truth about your mother“- -“What does my mother have to do with it?”- -“Kristall, it's not easy to say, but Flod told me the truth about what Regn didn't do that day, she was present when your mother was attacked by the Ice Changelings, but she was too scared, and therefore she didn’t help her"- -"But what you're saying? Regn wanted to help my mom, but she wasn't there that day” – -“It's all false, Regn was there, but she was afraid of the Changelings, and even if her eggs were in danger, she didn't do anything, she's big, but fear stopped her, what I want from you The only thing to say is that Regn took care of you because she felt guilty about your mother's death, if she told you she loves you it's because she never told you the truth, but Flod wanted to tell you today, that's why he didn't make it to tell you“- -“Nej, that's a lie, it's not true, Regn didn't do it for this reason“- -“It's like this instead, and I'm saying it it's because I too like Flod want you to be strong against dangers, I myself was weak like you, but now I'm strong, and you too must become strong, much stronger than now, and you want to know the truth about your village?”- -"Which truth?"- -“It was Flod who gave the order to burn your village, he asked me and Flamma”- -"But what are you're saying? This is madness“- -“If you want you can try to ask him, but he could lie to you, he just wanted to burn down your village, to make sure that all of you go away from here, unfortunately the Changelings arrived and pandemonium ensued, in short he wants that you get out of here, you're a stumbling block to Sven, with all your nice words you're making all the dragons soft, you have to get out of here, and never come back, if I'm telling you these things it's because I don't know how much Flod will hold back, he might even kill you, because he doesn't want you around his clan"- -“No, Flod would never do that“- -"Maybe you don't know him well, after all he hates you, do you know that?"- -"Actually...it's true he hates me, but where should I go?"- -"You have to go south, there is a village of ponies , you will be safe there, bring your stuff, Flod wanted to tell you, there he will leave you alone, but you should never come here again, for any reason“- -“Let me talk to Flod first“-. Kristall Snö was upset by what Flail had said, she knew that Flod hated her, but he couldn't have caused the end of her village, so she headed towards him, but the truth scared her, because even though Flail was not a dragon to trust, at the moment it seemed to her that he wanted to protect her from Flod. -“Flod?”- -“Tell me, Kristall“- -"Is everything Flail told me true? It's all true? Did you want them to set fire to my village?”- -“Yes, it's all true, but it was an accident, I just wanted your village to burn down, I didn't want anyone to die“- -“Men...varför gjorde du det?(but...why did you do it)?“- -"I just wanted the village burned, that way I would have asked you to go somewhere else, and in fact there is a village south of here where you could stay"- -“But in that way I would stay away from Regn, and from Sven“- -“Listen, I don't want you to see Sven anymore, he's getting soft being with you, and I don't want him weak, he has to be strong and decisive, just like his father, I never wanted Regn to have a stupid friend pony, but that dragoness wants to have her own way, and I can't command her"- -"Don't you dare speak badly of that pony, because that pony was my mother, then it's true that you hate me"- -“Of course I hate you, and I hate your mother, like I hated your friends, they killed Flamma, an old friend of mine“- -“But it wasn't them, Sven said the wound was made by a dragon“- -“But those swords and those other weapons belonged to your people, not dragons“- -“Probably the Green Changelings“- -"I just want you to stay away from here to be safe, it's dangerous to have a pony that uses weapons around here, you also know rune magic, which makes you even more dangerous"- -"It was a coincidence that I learned those spells, and then you dragons wanted me to become strong"- -“But not me, for me you represent a danger, and now I want you to leave here, otherwise I could well think of killing you, and then….you're right, I've never loved you, for me you're just a obstacle, I never want to see you again, and I also don't want you to come back here“-, Kristall Snö started to shed a tear, but she tried to be strong, so she got angry at Flod, -"Okay, do you want me to leave? I'm leaving, I'll never come back here, even though my parents are buried there I'm not going back to this village, I really wanted to be able to create a place where ponies and dragons lived together, that's what mom wanted too, but since it's impossible to reason with an icy head like you it's useless to try, and now if you allow me I'll take my things and go away“-. Kristall Snö went back to the hut where Flail was, he was leaning against a wooden wall waiting for her, -"What did he say to you?"- -"You were right about him, but don't worry, I'm leaving, I'll go to that village and no one will ever see me again, it will be a pleasure for you since you couldn't stand me"- -“Actually I had just started to know you and…“- -“No words, I'm leaving, I'm going to take my weapons and my food, and I'm going to that village“-, Kristall Snö took her axe, her bow and Flail handed her her bag where she put what little food she had, -"I'm sorry about all of this"- -"Forget it, after that attack on my village you lost your father, but I... I killed mine, because he was about to kill Sven"- -“Well, you did the right thing“- -"Why? If your father had attacked Sven, would you have killed him?”- -“And how could I? My father did you see how big he was” – -“And I only had my father, I also had the other inhabitants, but now I have nothing left, you dragons were the only friends I had, now I really have nothing left, så Hej då(So….goodbye)“- , Kristall Snö left the hut wearing Regn's ice dragon skin, by now she was determined to leave and forget about dragon friendship, when she passed by Flod he called her, -“Do you want me to take you to the village, Kristall?“-, Kristall Snö stopped for a moment and answered in an angry tone without even turning around, -"It would be the only nice gesture you can make towards me, but I prefer not, the village is to the south anyway"- “What if something happens to you on the way?”, at that moment Kristall turned and replied to Flod, -“Now you worry about me, right? You don't care about me, well from today on I don't care about you anymore, but I warn you Flod, one day I will return and I will show you that I will have become strong, even stronger than a dragon, I don't know how , I don't know when, but one day you will see me again, and you will hope you never kicked me out of your life”- -“I'm not doing it just for me and my son, but also for you, you can't live together to the dragons”- -“And who says that? You? You only do it because you don't want the other dragons to talk bad about you, you only care about your role as leader of the pack, Adjö(Goodbye)“-. Flod didn't want those to be the last words Kristall said, but after all he and she never had a serious conversation, but she was right, Flod had kicked her out just for his pride, he felt a little depressed about those words spoken by him and by her, but he thought he was doing it for his own good and that of his son. Flail approached him, -“Did I do the right thing, Flail?”- -“She couldn't stay with us, and then so Sven won't have distractions“- -“Now I just have to find a way to tell Regn, when she comes back“-. Kristall Snö looked back and saw her village and the two dragons in the distance, but this time her heart was divided by sadness and anger -“ Farväl min förstörda by, hejdå mammas grav, hejdå pappas grav, hejdå isdrakar för alltid (Goodbye my destroyed village, goodbye mom's grave, goodbye dad's grave, goodbye forever ice dragons) “-. And after that farewell to her village she resumed her journey through the village to the south, thinking of what her new life would be like. To be continued… .. > Dialog mellan drakar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog Mellan Drakar Dialogue between dragons It was nearly day and Flod couldn't think of what to say to Regn when she returned, he was sitting in the cave eating some gems when Sven came, and he was angry. -"Dad?"- -“Oh Sven, I see you're back, which means your mother is back too“- -"Yeah, but she's not very happy"- -"What do you mean?"- -“Before coming here we stopped by to see how Kristall Snö was doing, and guess what? She wasn't there." -“Well… maybe she went outside“- -"Without me? I didn't find her weapons either, she would have told me that she was going out to train, and if she's not here, then where is she?” -“Why should I know?“- -"Because I thought she was here, but Flail told me that she is not here, and also she told me that you knew where she was"- -“He told you what?“-. Flod immediately called Flail, who said he couldn't keep the secret from his friend Sven, at which point Flod spoke to his son, -“Listen Sven, I have to tell you something“- -“About Kristall? What did you do to her?” So Flod confessed everything he said to get Kristall Snö out, and of course Sven wasn't happy. -“But how could you do such a thing? To chase away the only sister I had"- -“She wasn't your sister, and she worried me about how you and she were related, a dragon and a pony can't have fraternity bonds“- -"She wasn't a dragon, of course, but she was still my sister, and I loved her, and she said that if she was in danger I would have saved her from death, because to save me she killed her father, even if he was already dead, even if he was assimilated by the Green Changeling"- -“Do you want to understand that she was making you soft? You were getting weak with all that talk of peace between dragons and ponies“- -"When I was in the egg, her mother shielded me, I bet that if I wasn't the survivor you would never have cared about me, you would have chosen one of my brothers, or one of my sisters"- -“You're wrong, I would have always chosen you“- -"Now you say so, but if there had been my other brothers you wouldn't have chosen me, you didn't want me to have a pony friend, and you didn't believe in peace between dragons and ponies, you are a bad father and a bad boss"- -“Don't you dare talk to me like that, I lost a dear friend of mine“- -“Flamma died only because you asked him to burn down the village, you didn't want Kristall and her people around anymore, I loved Kristall, even if she was a pony she was still my sister, and I owe my life to her mother"- -“I curse the day when her mother saved Regn, in doing so my wife was indebted to her”-. But at that moment Regn came in, she too was angry, and she had heard everything, Flail went somewhere else so as not to look at what would happen, Sven instead sat down next to a wall. Flod felt embarrassed, but Regn didn't spare a word. -“How could you do this? Making that poor depressed pegasus, she was the only thing I had left of Lumi, my dearest friend, and you drove her out, indeed you even burned down her village and killed her people"- -“Honey, how was I to know there was going to be a Changeling’s attack? I have no power over them"- -“The only thing I know is that a dragon of ours killed our comrade and Flamma, and we don't know who is , and my poor Kristall is in the snow towards a village she doesn't know, and is about to arrive a snowstorm"- -"I wanted to accompany her, but she insisted on going alone, she was angry with me"- -"And I don't blame her, after how you've always treated her"- -"I did it for her too, it's right that she stays with people like her, and not with dragons, were you hoping that she would stay with us for life?"- -"Yes, because you only did it out of pride, because for you the fact that she was with Sven was just a waste of time, but she was happy to be with us, and I was happy that a part of Lumi was still alive with her"- -"Anyway I don't think she wants to see us anymore, she herself said that she doesn't care about us anymore, and that one day she would come back stronger than now"- -“And what did you hope she would say to you, sweet words? You've always treated her badly, you've never loved her, and neither did to Lumi, you're a terrible boss, now you know what I do? I see I go to that village and bring her back“- -"I don't think she wants to see you anymore, she's mad at everyone now"- -"But I know how to treat her, and now I have to see if I can fly"-, but at that moment came Flail in a hurry and stopped Regn, -“Alarm, alarm, he is missing“-, Flod was amazed, -“What is missing, Flail?“- -“The crystal dragon skull, it's disappeared“-, all the dragons present were amazed now, Flod never had the cave with the skull guarded, so who could have taken it? -"I don't understand, no one could take that skull without me realizing it, because we'd have to go through here before leaving give in that cave“-, But Flail had a suspicion, indeed much more he knew who it could have been, -"I think I know who did it, it was Kristall Snö, I saw her go to that cave last, then no one went there anymore, at least I think, because only now I saw that the skull wasn't there more"- -“Are you sure Flail?“- -“In fact she seemed very determined to leave, in my opinion she hid the skull in her bag, she seemed very heavy, but I didn't think she could be a thief“-, Regn interjected, -“Nej, Kristall Snö may have some flaws, but she's not a thief, she can't have stolen it“- -“Regn? Flail is right, I haven't seen anyone else go to that cave, but I don't remember her going there too"- -“And how could she melt the ice around the skull?”- -"I don't know, she could have used magic, or she may have carved the ice with an ax, the fact is that she stole our treasure"-, Sven at that moment stood up and shouted, -"IT WASN'T HER"-, the three dragons watched him, -“It wasn't her, it was I who gave her that skull“-, Flod was incredulous, -"What? It was you? You, Sven?”- -"Yes exactly, I gave that skull to Kristall Snö, she didn't steal it, I stole it, I thought it was better if she kept it"- -“Why did you do such a thing, that skull was a treasure of our clan“- -“Why did we have to keep it? No dragon has drawn power from it anymore, only Kristall has absorbed the power of that skull and now can use magic, and then we can summon the Bifrost with our ancient language, while she can invoke it with that skull, it seems fair to me that she guarded it"-, Flod was still surprised, -“My son, why did you do this? Even it reacted with her, you didn't have to give it to her, and if she knew why didn't he tell me?” -"because I asked her to keep it and not to give it back to us for any reason, otherwise I wouldn't have spoken to her again, it seemed right to me that she was our new caretaker, it was my initiative, and I don't want to hear any complaints, if she's now scattered it's not my fault, didn't you want me to start taking initiatives since one day I'll be the new boss? Well my first decision was to give that skull to the person I trusted the most“-, Flod put his paw to his face, -“I can't believe it, that precious crystal dragon skull in a pony's hooves“-, but Sven was not sorry, indeed he stood out of an opening in the rock to look at the mountains, Regn approached him, -“Sven? In my opinion you did well, I think the best keeper for that skull was Kristall, but you should have told me earlier“- -"It's all fake"- -"What?"- -"Mom? I told a lie, it's not true that I gave it to Kristall Snö, I don't know who took it, but it couldn't have been her, I just told that story to avoid dad thinking she was a thief, and then Flail, he always treated her badly“- -“Did you do it to protect Kristall? It's a nice gesture, don't worry, I won't tell your father, indeed anyone, but it will be better to go find her before she gets into trouble"- -“But the storm is about to begin, even a big dragon like you can be swept away by a very strong wind“- -“I know it sounds like a bad idea, but after the storm you and I will go looking for it“- -“ We hope to be able to find her“-. And the snowstorm came, no dragons wanted to go out, but what was even worse was that the storm lasted until morning, only when the weather had cleared Regn and Sven flew south to look for Kristall Snö. Hours passed but finally the two of them returned, unfortunately with bad news, Flod spoke to Sven, -"So, did you find her?"- -“Nej, dad, we asked the villagers and…..“- -"AND…?"- -“It seems that Kristall Snö had already been there, people said that they kicked her out by throwing stones at her“- -“Why? She had never been there” – -"That's what we said too, but the ponies that lived there said that she had used her powers to destroy the village and also destroyed some supplies, so when they saw her again they kicked her out"- -“But it can't be her, she has never gone beyond this area“- -"In fact it's strange for us too, someone must have pretended to be her to get her kicked out, we tried to look for her in the surroundings, but without results, we tried to look for her all the way, but nothing"- -“So she…is she lost?”- -“Many of us have to look for her, we can't leave her down there in the snow“- -"Okay, we'll organize teams to look for her, I'll talk to the other ice dragons and maybe even the fire ones when they come back from their kingdom, since they made Flamma's funeral"- -"It's a great idea, Lava and Lapillus were friends of Kristall, so they'll help us"-. Regn stood outside the cave in thought. -“Oh Sven, my son, I really hope that nothing happened to her“- - “We will find her, mom, have faith“-. To be continued….. My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro > Mötet med Rokk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mötet med Rokk The meeting with Rock Kristall Snö was wandering alone in the Horswedish mountains, after having been to the village, unfortunately she had no destination, and she did not know where she was. -“ Jag kan inte förstå (I can't understand) why did the ponies of that village treat me like that? They accused me of using magic to destroy their homes, and also of destroying their supplies, but I've never been to that village, and I would never use magic to do those things, but how can I explain it? Is it possible that there is someone who looks like me that did this? They threw stones at me and then they insulted me, I couldn't stay there, and I can't even go back to my village, nor go back to the dragons, so where can I go? If only I could find a village where I could start all over again“-. Poor Kristall Snö didn't know where to go, and her hooves ached after walking so much, but sadly it was time for her to run, as she looked back and saw ugly beasts. They were Timberwolves and Wargs, there were dozens of them, she then started flying away scared, she certainly couldn't fight against all those wild beasts, even if she used spells she would use the little energy she had, so her only defense was to fly. Kristall Snö was trying to fly higher but for some strange reason the wolves and Wargs were running faster and some were trying to jump up to grab her. After ten minutes Kristall Snö flew higher, so none of the beasts could reach her, but something strange happened, she was hit by something, she was just in time to see what it was, it was a kind of dark cloud that hit her wings, and so he fell into the snow. She could see who had hit her when she lifted her head out of the snow, it was a timber wolf turned into a green-coated pony wearing yellow armor. Kristall Snö didn't know who he was, she wanted to ask him but before saying a word that pony turned into herself, and was smiling, then went away dissolving into a magical mist. -“Men vem var det där? (But who was that?) He had turned into me, so he pretended to be me in that village, but I've never seen him in my life, why did he do all this? And why did he hit me?” Unfortunately for Kristall Snö it was not the time for her questions, she didn't know who that pony was, but one thing she was sure, she had to fight because that spell that he had cast on her prevented her from moving her wings . So she took her ax in her hoof and hit the wolves and the Wargs, one of her Wargs approached her menacing, she threw the ax in the air, leaped it back and struck the Warg, -“Borrning axe”-, in doing so she killed the Warg, but all the other beasts had already surrounded her, but she didn't panic, and struck all the wolves and Wargs with her axe, the Wargs were tough but at least they fell off, the Timber Wolves recreated themselves, some of them mounted together to form a bigger wolf. Finally she managed to kill all the Wargs with difficulty, but the Timber Wolves were still around her, and some of them had even bitten and scratched her, even though she was tired she had to leave, so she decided to run, she ran up of a snowy hill, and when she was at the top she saw a village not far away, she decided she had to get to it, so she ran even faster, but the Wolves were already after her, she began to cry towards the village for help but it wasn't yet close, then the Wolves surrounded her, she was tired, but she couldn't give up because she didn't want to be defended anymore, and she didn't want to be weak. -"Okay, do you want to eat me? Come forward, I won't give up, I've stopped crying, I will fight you to the last, and there will be no one to defend me, because now I'm stronger than when I was younger, I don't want to be a weight anymore, and you stupid timber wolves you won't stop me“-. The Wolves growled, but Kristall Snö held on to her ax to strike them to the last, she was ready to dodge their attacks and strike, when suddenly a yellow light descended from the sky and when it hit the ground it disintegrated all the Wolves in the wood . -“ Men vad händer? Ett ljus som kommer från himlen? (But what happens? A light that comes from the sky?“- Kristall Snö was incredulous, but then she collapsed on the snow, then she got up and turned around and saw that from that light an alicorn had appeared, but she didn't know what she was since she had never seen one, nor heard anything . The alicorn was a yellow coat with a red mane, with a gold diadem on her forehead, she also wore a long white dress, with a gold cross pattern drawn above her. -“And you… who are you? A giant pegasus with a horn or a giant unicorn with wings?” -"Don't worry Kristall Snö, you don't have to fear anything, have you never seen an alicorn before?"- -"Not I've never seen one, and…how do you know my name?”- -"I've been watching you for a long time, you don't have to fear anything, I'm here to help you, my name is Freyja, and I'm a goddess"- -"A goddess? A real goddess?”- -“That's right, surely you don't know me, but other peoples know me, you will learn the names of other gods and goddesses, however I want to do one thing“-, The alicorn spread her wings and her horn lit up with magic, and soon after Kristall Snö's wounds were gone, -“But this magic… reminds me of the one I use with runes“- -“I know dear Kristall, I know I shouldn't tell you, but one day you will learn more magic, and you will become stronger“- -“And when will it happen?”- -"I can't tell you this, but know that I give you some advice, don't use your techniques to hurt those who love you, if I'm here to tell you this it's because you are a special filly and you will do great things, such as what will they be? I can't tell you, you'll find out, now I want you to sleep, to better recover your energy"-, having said those last words, the alicorn vanished, suddenly Kristall felt tired and sleepy, and collapsed again on the snow, but before closing her eyes she saw a large figure coming towards her. Kristall Snö woke up after a long time, she was on a bed of straw, she was covered with Regn's skin, she looked around and realized she was inside a house, evidently it was in the village she had seen, but she didn't know who had brought her there, then she saw someone by a fireplace staring into the fire. It was a brown Minotaur wearing a jacket, trousers and a long cape, and he had a long beard and mustache. Kristall Snö got up and got out of bed, -“Vem är du? (Who are you?)"-, the Minotaur turned and stood up, then answered her, -“ Ah, du är äntligen vaken(Ah, finally you're awake) You slept for a long time, I was worried, when I found you, you passed out on the snow“- -“Yes, but you.. who are you?“- -"My name is Rokk, I heard you scream and I ran out, actually I can't explain it, because before hearing your voice I had a feeling of running out to check"- -“Thank you for saving me“- -“Why were you alone? Where are your parents?"- -“They….they are no more, they were killed by the Changelings“- -“Oh I'm sorry, so it's your village I was looking for“- -"What?"- -“You see….in my village there is a she yak that predicts things with runes, and she told me that towards the center of Horsweden there was a village that was attacked by Changelings, and so I started my journey to search that village to look for survivors“- -"It's wasted effort I'm the only one of that village, now everything is destroyed"- -“Are you the only survivor?“- -“Let me tell you, it's a very long story“- -“Please, have some mushroom soup and some cheese while you tell me about yourself“-, so Kristall Snö told everything she had been through, the death of her parents, her moments with the ice dragons and fire ones, she mentioned no names except those of Regn and Sven, then she told of her techniques with the runes and of the journeys made in the other realms, and also told of the meeting with the alicorn and with that strange pony. Rokk was amazed at that tale, -"It's incredible, did they kick you out?"- -"I can't believe Regn loved me just because she felt guilty about my mother's death"- -“So your name is Kristall Snö? It's a beautiful name"- -"But do you live here?"- -“No, I found this village by chance, this too had been attacked by Changelings, but I managed to kill them, I had already found all the people who lived here dead, I had to bury them, and so before getting back on the road I I thought I'd take the last supplies there were and rest a bit, but do you know who that alicorn you met was?“- -"The only thing I know he told me is that she was a goddess named Freyja"- -“Dear Kristall, Freyja is the goddess of beauty, gold, fertility, seiðr, war, death and prophetic virtues“- -“ What is seiðr?“- -"It's a shamanic magic, it allows you to communicate with the spirits, but think about it if Freyja herself told you those things, it means that you really are a special filly"- -“Do you also know who that pony was that took on my appearance?“- -“There is no doubt from your description, the one you met is the god Loki, and he is a bad company, he is the god of great cunning and deceptions but also of destruction, deceiver, shapeshifter, creator of chaos and he is often bad , is the half-brother of Thor and the husband of the giantess pony Angrboða, he can never be trusted“- -“But why did he do this to me? Why did he pretend to be me and attack me?”- -"I don't know, but the fact that Freyja said that you are special and that Loki attacked you, it means that you have potential that can be useful to the gods and hinder Loki, I'm sure he summoned those beasts“- -“But I don't have such strong powers, I barely know those spells“- -“Maybe not now, but maybe in the future you will learn others, Freyja also said it“- -“And now I have nowhere left to go, unbelievable! Now I am also haunted by a god of chaos“- -“But maybe he thinks you're dead, I'm not sure, but maybe I can do something, I can take you to my village, it's southwest of here, it's on the coast, it's a big Viking village where you can be safe since we pray to Odin and Thor, and they are stronger than Loki, moreover you will be able to train and become stronger, in this way you won't have to depend on anyone, indeed you will have a new home and new friends, the fact that you know how to read runes can make us comfortable to fight our enemies and all the monsters that we find outside the village“- -“Does that mean you will take me with you? Wait…did you say viking village? Does that mean you're a viking?” -“Ja, didn't I tell you?“- -“Nej, you didn't mention it to me“- -"But why? Have you ever met a Viking? “-. Thus Kristall Snö told of the fact that her mother could end up kidnapped by the Vikings for her techniques, and that her father warned her against them, since they were barbarians, they burned villages, they kidnapped females of all races, and they were very violent. Rokk wasn't mad about what Kristall said, -“Look, I'd be lying to you if I told you that I've never done these things, it's true we have some bad ways, but I'm not like all Vikings, we too are a race with a hierarchy, but if I do one thing it's because my boss who is a yak orders me, I am one of his best warriors, I have had two wives, one was a minotaur and she gave me a son, the other was a pony, but if I kidnapped her it was because she she had lost her husband in battle, so I brought her to my house with her only son, but I want to take you with me not only for your powers, indeed in my village there are two female yaks one of which is the wife of the my boss, and they both know how to use runes to predict things or to use attack or healing techniques, or to empower other warriors, but they don't like fighting, so you won't be the only one to use runes, on the contrary, they can teach you something, also in my village there are two dwarves bisons, you could get more powerful weapons "- -“And tell me, if I don't come with you, will you leave me here?“- -“No, Kristall, I won't leave you here, I'll still take you to my village, if you want, I won't tell anyone about your powers, and you'll just stay with my mother and help her around the house, but I wanted you to become more strong, after all I too was weak and naive like you"- -“And what happened? How did you get so strong? “- -"My boss believed in me, he spurred me on and I became strong, I am an important element for my village now, furthermore a big pony skilled with a sword has arrived a few years ago and has been our teacher in exchange for room and board, I'm sure that if you want to improve your techniques, he is skilled with any weapons, sword, axe, spear and even bow, if you will be her student you will improve and perhaps you will join me in a year, if instead you want to use your runes I promise you that I will tell my boss about it and I will make sure that no one in the village knows about it, I myself will protect you if you want“- -“Nej, I made a decision“- -“What decision?“- -“I want to go with you, I felt lonely when the dragons kicked me out and I'm not going to go back to them even if I threatened their leader, I want to become stronger than now and if there is anyone in your village who can help me , so be it, I want to improve my magic, and also my ax techniques and maybe I will also learn to use the sword, please Rokk, take me with you“- -"I'm glad you decided, even if you said no, then let's take everything there is and leave"-. So Kristall Snö and Rokk took all the supplies that were in the house, Rokk also said that he had a sled with sacks to take the supplies and the remaining weapons. Kristall Snö opened her purse and was surprised at what she saw, she hoofed something of hers, it was the crystal dragon skull that Sven had shown her. -“ Hur är det möjligt? (But how is that possible?) How did it end up in my purse? That's why it felt so heavy"- -“ Är det den kristallskallen du berättade om?(Is that the crystal skull you told me about?)“- -"Ja, but...I don't understand what it is doing here, I didn't take it, if the dragons knew I have it, they'd think I stole it, someone must have put it here"- -“What do you want to do, give it back to them?”- -"Nej, I'm keeping it, anyway they won't know where I'm going, and then it could be useful to me, furthermore they will never believe me if I tell them that I found it by chance, if I keep it I could understand the ancient language of dragons, and I can also summon the Bifrost“- -“This could be useful for us too, we could visit the other realms and look for special ingredients and also materials for our weapons, maybe you could help us to have the permission to pass since you have already met the god Heimdallr“- -"We'll see this when we need to, but I think the skull only works on me, no dragon has received powers, it only worked on me"- -“Seeing the size of that skull I don't think it will enter the head of any of my fellow Vikings“-. Kristall put the skull back in the bag, then together with Rokk they inspected the tall houses but found little food, furthermore Kristall discovered that she could fly again, evidently Freyja had dispelled Loki's power. By now they were ready, Rokk put the food in the bags and got ready, Kristall got behind him. They left the village and began to head towards the Viking village, Rokk led the way, but at one point Kristall looked back. -“What's going on Snö? “- -“I just wanted a moment to pray for my parents“- -“When we get to the village we will teach you our religion and you can pray to our gods, I will tell you all their deeds and legends“-, Kristall looked up to the sky, -"Mother, father, maybe I will let you down, but now I have no choice, I didn't want to be alone, so from today on I will become a viking, I want to become stronger than now and maybe one day I will really return to the ice dragons, but now I think I've already found a friend in Rokk, if it's like Freyja said then I'm destined to do great things, I just don't know when, but I'll work hard to become wiser and stronger“-, Kristall returned to Rokk, -“Are you ready for your new life, Snö? Doesn't it bother you if I call you that?” -“Ja, I'm ready and….nej, it doesn't bother me, you can call me that if you want”-, So both the pegasus and the minotaur made their way to the southwest coast of Horsweden. To be continued….. My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro > Vikingabyn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vikingabyn The Viking village Rokk and Kristall Snö had been walking in the snow for a long time now, he was also dragging a sled with sacks and Kristall Snö was sorry that he worked so hard. -“Are you sure you don't want me to help you with those bags? They look heavy to me." -“Nej, Snö, I can do it, you don't know me well yet, but I'm a very strong minotaur, rather you're still tired you should get on the sled“- -"Nej, I can do it, even if I'm still tired I can do it, I'll rest when we get to the village"- -“Once you arrive I will introduce you to my companions and also to my yarl, who would be the head of the village, the head of all the Vikings in the village, and you will also be able to talk to the two yaks who use runes, and you will also be able to meet the dwarf bison who works with us, so you can upgrade your weapons, are you sure you want to be a warrior?“- -"Why? Are there no warrior mares in your village?”- -"Normally all the females don't fight, the two yaks who know the runes use their powers to heal, or to enhance, but they are always in the rear, you would be the first female in our village to fight, you would be an example for many indeed if many of us Vikings weren't to be in the village it could be you who defend our families and also my mother and my adopted son“- -“But….and your two wives?”- Rokk gave a sad sigh then turned to the mare, -“The truth is that….they both died“- -“How…did they die?”- -“My minotaur wife and son were killed by an ice dragon, together with two of my companions, my other pony wife instead, she was killed by a troll, she went alone out of the village and was attacked unfortunately she was killed by that troll, if only she had told me she was going out I would have saved her, now in my house there are only my mother and my adopted pony son, they are the only family I have left“- -“But you are a Viking, you could look for another wife“- -"Now I'm my age, and then my mother needs me, and also my only son, he would like to be a warrior and then...then I found you"- -"Me? What do you mean?"- -“After everything you told me, I thought….I thought I could be like a father to you Kristall Snö, maybe the gods allowed us to meet, that's why I wanted to keep you with me, maybe you could be an adopted daughter to me, and the times when you weren't fighting you could help my mother at home, I'm glad to have a daughter and also with the soul of a viking warrior like me“- -“I want to become a viking because I want to be stronger, maybe stronger than a dragon, improve my techniques, and fight monsters, and not have to be defended“- -“You already don't need to be a Viking, you are already a Viking in your soul, and I promise that nobody will hurt you, who knows you might even find your future husband in my village“- -"I'm still young to think about a wedding"- -“That's true, for the moment how about if I can be your new father?”- -"I already like you Rokk, maybe it's true that the gods made us meet, maybe they gave me a new family, and if I have you as a father who are so strong then it's fine for me"- -“You already fill me with pride, you will be an excellent Viking“-. They chatted for a good time, then concentrated on walking to conserve energy. They had to wait quite a while to get to the village but eventually they came to the southwest coast of Horsweden and the village was just near the coast, it was a viking village surrounded by a stockade, there were many wooden houses, Kristall Snö was surprised how big that village was, it was maybe five times bigger than hers, when they entered, Kristall looked around, there were various creatures around, there were ponies, griffons, minotaurs, yaks, and puppies of those same races, There was no lake nearby, but they were close enough to the sea and a mountain where there were rivers for fishing. Rokk greeted his companions, they were a unicorn, a griffon and a yak, while Kristall waited for him. After Rokk spoke to them, he returned to Kristall. -“ Come with me Kristall Snö, I will introduce you to my boss“-. So Rokk took Kristall Snö to the house in the center of the village, he knocked and asked permission to enter, a deep voice told him that he could enter. When they both entered, our dear pegasus saw that the house was quite big, there was a corner with weapons and beds made of straw, and a kitchen, there was inside three yaks, one small, one female and a large orange-furred yak with big horns with fur so thick he couldn't see his eyes. This yak came up and sat down greeting Rokk, the minotaur sat down and Kristall sat down too. The yak spoke to Rokk. -“Rokk, have you been to the village my wife told you about?”- -"No, I haven't been there"- -“If you haven't been there why you came back?”- -"I was in another village when I found this mare in the snow, she is the only survivor of that village, she was left alone so I thought of bringing her here"- -“I understand, if she is the only survivor then you are welcome here“- -"Boss, there's more, this mare met gods, and lived together with ice dragons"- -"Seriously? Have you met any gods?” -“Oh I almost forgot, before I explain everything I want to introduce you to Kristall Snö, that's what her name is, and you Kristall Snö, I have the pleasure to introduce you to the village yarl, his name is Hov“-, the pegasus bowed her head, -“ Trevligt att träffa dig, herr Hov (Nice to meet you, Mr. Hov)“- -“Dear Hov, this pegasus is special, she was also saved by the goddess Freyja“- -"Really?"-. So Rokk told everything that Kristall Snö had told him, her magic, her experience with dragons, her parents who died because of the Changelings, her mastery with weapons, the realms she had visited, the attack of the Wargs and Loki, the meeting with Rokk and also told him about the crystal dragon skull, and the pegasus showed it to Hov, who was curious to see that object. -“Mmm, it's a particular object, I've never seen one before, so dear Kristall, is this with which you obtained the power to summon the Bifrost?”- -"Ja, but I think it fits only in my head, and then no dragon has had the powers, with this skull I can even speak the language of dragons"-, Hov handed the skull back to Kristall and then questioned her -"And tell me, you don't know why Loki attacked you?"- -"I have no idea, also because I didn't know him, I know your gods very little"- -“If you want to live here we will tell you all the legends and myths of our gods, but you will have to follow our religion“- -“Okay, also because in my old village we didn't have a real religion, we prayed to our ancestors“- -“So are you willing to become a viking?“- -“If it helps me to become stronger I will become a viking“-, Rokk chimed in, -“Chief, she can be useful to us, with the Bifrost we could visit the other realms to recover food and materials for everyone, and then a pegasus who uses runes can be even more useful to us, since your wife and the other yak can't come with us"- -“She should go to the dwarf bison Städ, he is the one who takes care of the weapons and materials, if she wants to be strong she must also have good weapons“- -"I'll train her personally, and then there's Ryt"- -“Do you think she's ready for him? Ryt is very strong, no one has ever beaten him“- -“But if she wants help to become strong, Ryt is the right one to train with“- -"Right"-, then Hov turned to Kristall Snö -“Tell me Kristall Snö, are you aware that there are warrior mares in legends?“- -“You mean your goddesses like Freyja?“- -“Nej, there are legends that come from far away that speak of some she pegasi that were very strong, it is said that they were favored by the gods, one of them came from the roarman empire it is said that they also fought against the crystal dragons“ - -"I had no idea"- -“Not only that, have you ever heard the legend of Atlantis?”- -“Nej, what is it about?”- -“It is thought that it never existed, Atlantis was a city created by the sea god of another land, it is said that it was a city that stood on the water somewhere in the sea, it is said that four warrior she pegasi went there to slay the crystal dragons that had invaded it, one of those pegasi was a viking who had two axes, and who wielded the power of ice“- -"It's the element I would like"- -“The fact is that these pegasi were so strong that they fought against the crystal dragons, they were so strong that they even killed the kraken“- -"What would be?"- -"It was a gigantic octopus, but the four of them managed to kill it, it was a horrible, gigantic creature that killed anyone who ventured into the sea, but thanks to those pegasi it has now been gone for who knows how long, but although they were strong, they they were able to prevent the sinking of the city, it is said that the wisdom of the future was kept there and that the inhabitants of that city were very intelligent, but I repeat, there are no real sources that it is a true story“- -“If there really were pegasi warriors then I can get stronger too“- -"If you want, you can become an excellent Viking, you will become strong and self-confident"- -“If the goddess Freyja said that I can be special then I can do many things“- -"But please, don't tell anyone about the fact that you met gods, especially Loki, the other Vikings might think badly, do you think Rokk too?"- -“Certainly boss, but in my opinion we could also tell Ryt, after all he too has met gods, and then he knows how to keep secrets“- -“I would say yes, then take her to Ryt, then show her the whole village“-. Rokk and Kristall said goodbye to Hov, and then they went out, Rokk took Kristall to a big orange colored pony, with a long brown beard and mustache, he was wearing a sheepskin coat and some armor pieces, however Kristall noticed one thing, his right foreleg had no hoof, instead of that he had a hoof made of iron. Rokk greeted him, -“Good morning Ryt“- -"Welcome back Rokk, how are you?"-, So Rokk told him everything there was to know about Kristall Snö, and Ryt was then pleased with the new recruit for the village. -“Hello Kristall Snö, I would say that I will finally have a female student, so far in this village only males have trained with me“- -“Hello Mr. Ryt, it will be a pleasure to finally be able to get stronger“- -“And tell me….what weapons do you use?”- -“Oh, I use the axe, but I also use the bow but I wouldn't mind learning how to use the sword“- -“I know how to use all three, it will be a pleasure to teach a beautiful filly like you, but….“-, at one point Ryt stared closely at Kristall Snö, holding her face still with his left hoof , Rokk marveled, -“What's up Ryt?”- -“Hennes ögon (Her eyes), they have something strange, like… like magic“- -"Are you sure?"- -“I don't know, maybe she has something hidden in her, I know about it, it doesn't surprise me that the goddess Freyja said those words“-, Ryt let Kristall go and then spoke to her again, -"Then you are really special, don't worry I won't tell everyone about your secrets, but you have to tell everyone about the runes you know how to use, here you can learn more, and maybe you can create your own"- -“Is it possible to create other spells by myself?“- -“The two yaks have stones with all the runes they know and they have created various spells, but they don't fight, maybe you can learn those spells, and create them yourself, and maybe learn to predict the future“- -"I hope so"- -"I'm leaving you, surely Rokk will want to introduce you to his family, see you when you're ready, I'll always be here, except for one day a week where I go to my house, and know that I'll stay here until I've found the warrior that will defeat me, it will be that day that I will leave the village“- -“Rokk informed me about this thing“-. So they both said goodbye to Ryt, and so Rokk carried Kristall towards his house, -“Dear Snö, it seems that Ryt has already taken a liking to you, after all you will be the first female warrior he will train, and believe me if he has looked you in the eyes it means that you are really special, he feels these things“- -“But why is he missing a hoof?”- -“Oh, it's true I didn't tell you, and thank goodness you didn't ask him, you see, he once fought against a pack of wolves and lost his hoof“- -“Poor thing“- -"But don't think that just because he's missing a hoof he's weak, indeed, he's already strong like this, who know show he was before"- -“But he said that once a week he is not here“- -“That's because he comes home, he never said where he lived, but he said somewhere in Noreinway, but nobody knows everything about him, he showed up years ago here in the village to train us warriors, and believe me he's really strong , it will be a shame when he leaves, but I told you nobody even I managed to beat him yet, so maybe he will stay here in the village for more years, now let's go we have arrived at my house“-. They entered a nice spacious house, with a kitchen with an oven, and straw beds, and there were earthenware containers where the water was put. Near an oven there was an old she minotaur who was heating up some bread, she was wearing a necklace with a scissor and a key around her neck, which symbolized that she was the mistress of the house, when she heard Rokk's voice calling her she turned. -“Mom, jag är tillbaka (Mom, I'm back)“- -“Rokk, welcome back“-, her mother hugged Rokk, then she noticed the pegasus and asked who she was, -“ Åh, hon är en pegasus som heter Kristall Snö (Oh, she is a pegasus named Kristall Snö), she will stay with us, her village has been destroyed by fire and ice Changelings, and she is the only survivor, she will live with us, she will be my new daughter, and she is also a strong warrior, in fact she will train with the others, but she will also be useful for you with the houseworks“- -“So you're telling me that this little pegasus can fight?“- -“I haven't seen her in action yet, but she knows rune magic and has already fought against monsters like Wargs, Mephits and Draugr, and then Ryt looked into her eyes and already understood that she is special, imagine that she was saved by the goddess Freyja herself“- -"Seriously? Then she is really strong”-, Kristall addressed the old minotaur, -"Lady?"- -“Honey, you can call me Alfhild, or whenever you want you can call me grandmother since you will be living here“- -“I don't know, Jag har aldrig träffat min mormor eller min farfar, (I never knew my grandmother nor my grandfather), they were dead before I was born, I grew up with only my father and mother"- -“Oh poor thing“-, Alfhild embraced Kristall, -"Then call me grandma, perhaps my son has already told you everything, I had two daughters before, that is, my son's two wives, unfortunately they died as well as my first grandchild, now I only have my grandson pony left, but for me it is a pleasure to have a young mare as a niece“- Kristall broke away from Alfhild's arms, -"I will help her with the houseworks, I helped my father when my mother died, but I will also have to train, I want to become stronger, stronger than an ice dragon"- -"Really? Is that your goal? To become stronger than an ice dragon?”- -“Ja, they lied to me for too long, when my mother was attacked by the Ice Changelings her dragon friend was terrified, I have to make them pay, especially their leader, he's the one who kicked me out, I'll show those dragons that I'm not that weak"-, Rokk put a hand on Kristall's shoulder and spoke to her, -"You don't have to concentrate on this thought, Snö, you have to be strong for yourself, those dragons don't deserve you, it's not fair that you're strong to prove something to them, maybe one day when you're strong you'll show those dragons that you've grown , but you don't have to hurt anyone, it's fine if they lied to you, but if you kill them your mother won't come back to life, however you can be strong for your new village, to kill the monsters that attack you, and also to know your limits, after all it seems that you were chosen by the gods if Freyja saved you and spoke to you, it is rare for a god to present himself to a mortal to speak to him, so you must become strong because you are destined to do great things and to do them you must be strong" -"Okay, Rokk"- -"When you want, I'll take you with me to do some missions, maybe go seafaring and fish, sometimes you'll train with Ryt, other times you'll stay here with my mother to help her around the house, but you won't be alone...."-, at that moment a brown colt with a red mane and tail entered carrying wood on his back, he was wearing a brown dress that also covered his tail, as soon as he entered he spoke to Rokk. -"Hello Rokk, welcome back, I was out of the village to collect wood"- -“Oh dear Henrik, bravo, you are a really good boy, you have collected enough wood and as always even if you are small you have taken care of the house“- -"I'm not so small anymore, I'm also training to become a Viking like everyone else"-, the foal was slightly smaller than Kristall Snö, perhaps it was a year apart, but Kristall Snö was slightly taller than him, Henrik noticed the pegasus and asked Rokk who she was, -“Oh, dear Henrik, her name is Kristall Snö, she is the last survivor of a village far from here, and she will live in the house with us, she will help you with the house, and she will train like you, maybe together with you, dear Kristall Snö he is my adopted son Henrik“-, the pegasus introduced herself to the pony, -"Hello, and so from now on you and I will be brother and sister"- -"I've never had a sister, I'm an only child"- -"I'm also an only child, and I've never had a little brother, since you're small I'll have to protect you"- -“Why should you protect me? Females in this village don't fight"- -"I'm very strong, I already know how to use the ax well, I fought against several monsters, it's Rokk who told me I have to train if I want to become strong, and then Ryt looked me in the eyes and said that I have something special inside about me, but I still don't know what"- -“So you will be the first female warrior of the village?“- -“Apparently so“-, Rokk addressed both of them, -"Remember that I love both of you, both of you will give a hoof in the house with my mother, then you can also train, I want both of you to become strong, and maybe one day you will be among the strongest warriors in the village, true mom ?“- -“Of course Rokk, but since Kristall Snö will be living here she will have to wear clothes like everyone does here in the village, instead of wearing that cape“- -“Oh but ma'am….I mean grandma, this is not a cloak, it's an ice dragon skin, it protects me from the cold and is resistant to arrows“- -“But you will need some clothes anyway, if you want to be a real viking“- -"Okay, I'll wear them"- -“It's starting to get late now, you'll see the rest of the village tomorrow, I'm preparing some cooked fish with bread and cheese, so wash your hooves before eating“-. Rokk went out for a moment, while Alfhild began to set the table, while Kristall Snö and Henrik washed their hooves in an earthenware basin, at which time the foal spoke to Kristall, -“I warn you, dear Kristall Snö, it is difficult for Rokk to show his feelings, with me it is often hard“- -"He wasn't with me, in fact he's always been kind since I met him"- -“Maybe because you're a girl, he tells me often to be strong to protect the village, I'm the only son he has left, but now that you're here, maybe he will love you more"- -"You mustn't think this, I'm sure he just wants to encourage you, you're a boy, and so he expects a lot from you, but he also expects a lot from me, I think he'll love both of us in the same way, you are younger, so I will be like a big sister to you, when you need me I will protect you, but I am glad that we will train together“- -"You are nice, I think I will like having you as a sister, and if there are two of us fighting, it will be easier to protect the village". Kristall Snö went to sit down with her new little brother, and she began to think about what her new family could be, she had a little brother, a father and a grandmother, and who knows how many in the village would become her friends, she was dreaming a new life, the weak Kristall Snö was no longer there, from that day she would be reborn as the Viking Kristall Snö. To be continued……. My little pony by Hasbro & Lauren Faust > Tre år senare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tre år senare Three years later It had been three years since Kristall Snö had become part of the village, she was now eleven years old, she was no longer a filly, but almost a young mare. And here she came out of the hut, she had made a new dress, it was a shirt with blue sleeves that came close to her hip and over a leather jacket, with Regn's skin she had made a cloak that she always carried with her, and he wore boots on her back hooves, her mane was always the same, she always wanted to have it long so as not to forget her parents. She had started walking around the village, now that she had lived there for three years everyone knew her, and she had also improved in combat, furthermore she no longer had her father's ax, which however she kept in her new home, indeed after meeting the dwarf bison Städ had had two new axes made and since she could travel with the Bifrost she could gather various materials and fight various creatures, so she had an ax made with the power of ice, and another with the power of air, and thanks to the two yaks who knew how to read and compose the runes she had created new spells, often she and Rokk and Henrik went around Midgard and the other realms to get various materials and various foods, so the whole village could have the enhanced weapons, by now Kristall Snö had beaten various types of Mephits to upgrade her weapons, her axes, her bow and arrows and her new sword, also Rokk had given her a shield, to be able to better defend herself. While Kristall Snö was walking she greeted all the Vikings, she passed by her boss and said hello, then she went to the shop of Städ, who was a small bison wearing armor, he was always intent on repairing a weapon, or upgrading it as only dwarf bisons could do, Kristall Snö approached him and spoke to him, -“ God morgon Städ (Good morning Städ)“- -“ Åh, god morgon kära Kristall Snö (Ah, good morning dear Kristall Snö)“- -"How are you today? Do you work?“- -"Sure, I’m working, do you need something?"- -“Ja, I need you to upgrade my shield“-, Kristall Snö placed the shield on the counter and Städ looked at it, -"It's a nice shield, Rokk asked me for it, what do you want me to do for you?"- -“I want to boost its defense, but I'd also like to make it more resistant“- -“In this case I would need two defense stones, and also the fang of a fire troll, so the shield will also protect you from the flames“- -“It can be done, where can I find a Fire Troll?”- -"You should ask the boss, unfortunately I can't tell you much about the location of all the monsters"- -“Very well and how much do you want for the upgrade?”- -“Since it's you, let's make 25 coins“-, Kristall Snö gave the bison a sack with 35 coins, -“ I'll give you 35 if you finish it in a short time, as soon as I find the materials“- -"for the stones you can ask Rokk, he's always been the one to find them, for the Fire Troll, go to the boss first"- -"Agreed"-. Kristall thought of visiting Chief Hov to find out where to find the Fire Trolls, but on the way he found Ryt, -“God morgon Kristall“- -“God morgon Ryt“- -“Then how about doing some training?”- -“I really should go to the boss, but…ja, let's do some training“-. Kristall Snö chose to fight with one ax and one hoof, but Ryt didn't want her to handicap him. -“I wish you would stop using only one hoof just because I only have one hoof“- -“But it wouldn't be right, I would have too much advantage“- -“We have been training for three years and everyone in the village fights at full strength, yet you are the only one who treats me like a disabled pony, use both axes“- -“Okay, but you asked for it“-, so in the end Kristall Snö used both axes, and Ryt took an ax with his good hoof, Kristall was fast and made several jumps, but Ryt like always parrying her every blow, Kristall then used the borrning axe, but Ryt parried the blow with a shield attached to his cut hoof, Kristall used several moves then switched to one invented in the last two years, -“Now try to parry this, Viking ilska (Viking wrath)“-, she hit Ryt with an ax thrust and then a horizontal cut, but Ryt always parried, in the end he hit her with the shield and made her fall into the snow and pointed the ax at her. -“Once again I won, but I'm happy with the progress you've made in these three years, congratulations Kristall Snö“-, the pegasus got up and thanked, -“Tack (Thanks) Ryt, I'm glad I'm no longer the weak filly I used to be, do you think that now I can be stronger than a dragon?“- -“I don't know, maybe when one day you’ll manage to defeat me I'll tell you“- -“But no one has ever been able to defeat you“- -"Do you want to beat me by any chance?"- -“Nej, I just want to train with you and try my techniques, I would never dare defeat you“- -“You’re honest, I like it, so maybe I'll tell you when you're ready to defeat an ice dragon“- -“Are you really going to tell me?”- -“Det är ett löfte (It's a promise), now go to the boss“-. Kristall Snö went to Chief Hov, entered the hut and found his wife Johanna preparing soup, -“Hej Johanna, (Hello Johanna) how are you?”- -“God morgon Kristall, jag lagar mat (Good morning Kristall, I am cooking)“- -“Var är din man? (Where's your husband?)"- -"He went to check the boats, soon he and the other vikings will go on a fishing trip, why? Did you have to ask him something?"- -“Ja, I wanted to know where to find a Fire Troll, I need one of his fangs to upgrade my shield“- -“A Troll of fire you said? Maybe I can help you“-, So Johanna took a map from a chest and opened it on a table, then she pointed with her hoof at the center of that map, -"Right in this center, between Horsweden and Noreinway, there is a huge salt water lake, there is an abandoned temple, many years ago there was a war between the Vikings and the Crystal Dragons, it is from those parts that there are the Fire Trolls“- -“And how do I achieve it?“- -“You can go to this part of the map with a boat, Rokk knows that place very well, but he never took you there, it is said to be full of ghosts of crystal dragons, and it is dangerous to stay there“- -“But I need that material, and then anyway I had to ask Rokk where to find the defense stones“- -“Be careful little Kristall, that place is cursed“- -“Nu är jag ingen liten ponny längre (Now I'm not a little pony anymore), now I'm strong enough to face other dangerous missions“-. So Kristall went out of the chief's house to look for Rokk, then she noticed his brother Henrik who fought with Ryt, but lost immediately, he got back up, but then Ryt threw him to the ground. Kristall interjected, -“That's enough Ryt, he's just a foal“- -“But he was the one who asked me to train him“- -"But he's not strong enough, why do you have to rage?"- -“Because Rokk wants Henrik to become strong, just like him“- -"What?"-, Kristall Snö saw Henrik take up his sword and leave, she followed him, -“Henrik, wait, where are you going?“-, he turned to her, he was crying, -“Would you like to stop meddling? Jag vill bli stark (I want to become strong)“- -“But since when does Rokk want you to become strong like him?“- -"You don't know me well yet, Kristall, it's since he took away my mother and me that he wants me to become strong, he wants me to become a real Viking, I had made some progress, but…but then you came"- -“ Vad skulle du saga? (What would you say?)"- -"You know it well, you are strong with the sword, with the bow, with the axes, you know how to do magic, and you have also met some gods"- -"Speak softly, only me, you, Rokk, grandma Alfhild, the boss and his wife and Ryt know this, I don't want the whole village to know"- -"Anyway, since you've been here, Rokk loves you more than me, I already saw him as a father, he found you in another village and already wanted you as a daughter, with all the progress you've made it is normal that I cannot be at your level, I have never managed to hit Ryt“- -"But that's not true, Rokk loves you, he loves both me and you, it's true he knows you before, but that doesn't mean that he loves me more, and then even after three years I've never been able to hitting Ryt, just because Freyja saw something special in me doesn't mean I have to be some kind of super pony, I'm a viking just like everyone else"- -“But you train a lot, and you know how to use weapons well“- -"Just because in my heart I want to become stronger than an ice dragon, they lied to me, and one day I will come back to them and show them how strong I have become"- -"Is this your goal? To become stronger than an ice dragon?”- -“I know it sounds strange, but it's my main goal“- -“Mine is that Rokk is proud of me“- -“But he's proud of you, he just has a strange way of expressing it, he's still a Viking warrior, actually maybe I can do something, how about you, me and Rokk going hunting for materials here in Midgard? “- -“We never went there in three“- -“And this could be the first time, maybe we will form a stronger bond in three“-. Kristall and Henrik looked for Rokk, who was drinking beer in a hut that was the village's supply of drinks. Kristall told Rokk about the place Johanna pointed out to her and asked if Henrik could come too, Rokk was a bit hesitant. -"It's a dangerous place for a foal like him"- -"But now he's grown up, and I've grown up too"- -“About you I have no doubts, Snö, you have grown both in height and in strength and in intelligence, but Henrik still has a long way to go, I myself protected him when I carried him with me“- -"But I'm sure he's ready now, and then I'll be there too, I'll protect him, if the situation gets worse tough, I'll ask him to run away"- -“A Viking never runs away, but I don't want him to die, so maybe I'll feel safer if you come this time too Kristall, so it's fine, let's leave now”-. So all three went out to sea, where Rokk had a boat, all three went aboard, rowing was done by Rokk and Kristall standing at the stern and bow, while Henrik was in the middle, they followed a river that led north , between Noreinway and Horsweden, they found no danger in the journey, they crossed different parts of the river and then passed through the mountains, to then arrive at a huge temple half sunk in a huge lake, there were only mountains around and some forests, they had to land somewhere in the boat, to be able to look for some Fire Trolls. Rokk went down first, -“ Well, now we have to be there, around here we have to find some fire Trolls, let's stay close, you Henrik, stay close to me or Kristall, if you find yourself in danger, come close to us“- -"But I'm strong enough to be able to defend myself, I can also be as strong as Kristall Snö"-, Rokk approached the colt, -“Listen carefully, Snö is stronger than you because she trained much more than you, and then she is bigger than you, while you are still small, I want you to be a strong Viking, but you don't become strong so suddenly, you have to train and work hard, and that's what Snö did, but you didn't train every day“- -“But that's because you always told me to collect the materials for you, to take care of the grandmother and not to fight“- -"This is because I've always met very strong enemies, and I couldn't allow you to face them, when you're stronger maybe you can beat them, but now you need someone to be there, to be able to work as a team, and for this I ask you to collaborate with me or with Snö, understood?“- -"Understood"- -“Now let's take a look around, and look for some Trolls“-, the three Vikings walked along the shores of the lake, Kristall had never been there, but she was curious to know what that half-sunken temple was, but then she remembered Johanna's words about the fact that there had been a war and that there were ghosts around, but luckily she didn't see any around. Rokk noticed that Kristall was wary and approached her, -“Tell the truth Snö, did Johanna tell you about ghosts? Really?"- -“Ja, but how do you know that I was seeing that….“- -“Even when I come here I try to see the ghosts of the Crystal Dragons, but since I've been able to understand they only appear at night, and that's good for us, because I wouldn't know how to hit a ghost“- -“Not even with the new weapons that Städ made us? All the enhanced ones?“- -“There would be a way, but you have to ask Vilhelm, she sometimes hit ghosts“- -“You mean the other female Yak who taught me runes?”- -"I think that with some rune spells you can also fight ghosts, it's strange that in these three years she hasn't told you, perhaps because she thought you would never come here"- -“But now I'm here, I learned different moves in the village and also different spells and….“-. Kristall Snö saw some strange dragons, they were completely black and they were hitting an animal, an animal that she could not understand what it was. She ran towards them to stop them, Rokk told her to stop, -“Stop Snö, those are Dark dragons, they are dangerous, they are not like the dragons you know“- -“But they are hurting an animal, I have to stop them“-. Kristall Snö took her axes and screamed at the Dark dragons, -“Hey you ugly black monsters, stop it, if you want to hurt someone, face me“-, The three Dark Dragons stopped and looked at the pegasus, one of them approached her, -“Well, well, what do we have here? A pegasus who doesn't mind her business? Do you know what we are doing?” -“Mistreating an animal“- -"We only want to hurt him because this creature is dangerous, it is noxious, he is a cursed son of….."-, at that moment a large Troll emerged from a cave, it had the color of stone and with veins of red, he took a stone and threw it at the Dragons who dodged it, the Troll had big fangs on the sides, Rokk had no doubts that was a Fire Troll, the dark Dragons got scared. -“Oh, oh, guys let's go home“-, and so the dark dragons flew away from that place, Kristall Snö asked Rokk what to do and he replied, -“Well, you need his fangs right? So let's defeat him“-. So the three Vikings took up their weapons, Rokk his sword, Kristall Snö her axes and Henrik his bow, and all three surrounded the Troll, Kristall started hitting him several times with her axe, and Rokk hit him in one leg with the sword, while Henrik instead hit him on the shoulders with two arrows, Kristall Snö threw one of his axes towards the Troll's shoulder, -“ Yxa av is (Ice Axe)“-, the ax hit the Troll which froze part of his shoulder, but the beast took it off and threw it on the ground, so he ran at Kristall, , but she was flying above the ground so stand on two legs to launch the next attack, the Troll was about to grab her, but Kristall reached out and called back her ax, which rose from the ground and then struck the Troll's head from behind knocking him out on the ground and then the ax returned to Kristall's hoof. Henrik was surprised he had never seen his acquired sister do that magic, you have to know that in these three years Kristall Snö after listening to the deeds of the god Thor who controlled his hammer, she decided to try to do something like this with the runes, and in fact she had managed to create a runic spell that allowed her to take back her weapons even if they were far away, she only needed to use the magic of return on them and then she called them and they returned to her hooves. The Troll was flat on his stomach thanks to Kristall's ax blow, however, she and Rokk didn't get too close, instead Henrik wanted to touch the Troll with his bow, and it was a bad choice, because the creature stood up and taking the poor pony in his hands, Rokk then struck his ax on the Troll's leg. Kristall Snö didn't know what to do, the Troll slapped Rokk and sent him flying, meanwhile he was trying to choke Henrik, who was screaming, Kristall sees a felled tree and grabbed it. She called down the berserk spell and lifted the log effortlessly. -“ Lämna min lillebror ifred (Leave my little brother alone now)“-, she rushed with the trunk against the Troll, hit him in the belly and dragged him, knocked him against a rock, in the impact the Troll let Henrik go , which was taken by Kristall, the Troll became enraged, but Kristall was even angrier so she took the log and flew, then hit the Troll's head several times, then threw the log into the air which then fell back on the Troll crushing him, now yes he was dead. The red aura around Kristall Snö went out, in these years she had managed to perfect the berserk spell, and to recall it when she wanted, using little energy. -“ Är du okej, Henrik? (Are you okay, Henrik?)“- -"Ja, I'm fine, but what a fear I had"- -“Don't worry it's all over, the Troll is defeated“-, Rokk approached them, -“Great job Snö“- -“Rokk? Are you by any chance injured?” -“Nej, I'm fine, but I would like to know what kind of animal the dark Dragons were torturing“-, all three went to see what animal it was, it looked like a big earthworm, but they realized it wasn't an animal but only a part, it was a tail, and more precisely a snake's tail, Kristall Snö touched it and saw that the tail was attached to black chains, Rokk explained, -"it's a spell of the dark dragons, they too can do magic, but only related to darkness"-, So Kristall Snö cut with one of her axes those chains that broke immediately, after which the tail disappeared in the huge lake, and the creature to which it belonged revealed itself, it was a gigantic snake, of silver color and with yellow eyes, it approached to the three Vikings. All three were surprised, so surprised that they didn't run away, Henrik fell in the snow from wonder. Kristall Snö had never seen such a big snake and it was also incredibly long. -“For Odin, it is a huge snake“- -“This is not just any snake, Kristall Snö, this is Jormungandr“-, the pegasus looked at Rokk -“Jormungandr? The famous snake that can go around the whole planet? One of Loki's sons?” -"Exactly, just him, and we really found him"-, Suddenly Jormungandr spoke a strange language, -“It's a pity not to know what it says“-, at that moment Kristall had an idea, -“Wait Rokk, I have the Crystal Dragon skull in my bag, it also has the power to understand the ancient languages of dragons, maybe I can communicate with him“-, and in fact Kristall was right, when she put the skull onher head, she understood what Jormungandr said, and not only when she spoke in her language, the skull translated into the language of the snake, Rokk was surprised how the skull worked, in the whole village only on Kristall the skull worked. -“ Snö, What did he say?“- -“He thanked for freeing him, those dragons were bothering him, because he is a powerful being, and therefore they wanted to chain him and kill him“- -“Well, we thank him too, because it is an honor to know the real Jormungandr“- -“Now I tell him: Jormungandr riktige den lära att ära en är det för också dig tackar känna vi“-, and he immediately replied, -“ Mig attackerar inte som vikingarna enda de är du “- -“What did he say?”- -“He said that we are the only Vikings who don't attack him, because the others try to hit him for his precious scales“- -"he doesn’t need to thank us, and we don't want any reward, rather say goodbye to him because we have to go on a mission" - -“Now I translate it for you, but I would like to know something from him, since he is the son of Loki, I want to know why he tried to kill me“-, and so Kristall translated, Jormungandr was silent for a while then he spoke to her, but Kristall was not happy with the answer, -“What did he tell you?”- -“He said…he said that….he doesn't know anything about it, his father was looking for a pegasus to kill, but he doesn't know the details, his father doesn't talk much with him, he just knows that he's plotting something, and that if I want to know more I should talk to his brother or his sister“- -“That is, the great wolf Fenrir and the unicorn goddess Hel, in both cases I would never approach either of them, say goodbye to Jormungandr and let us continue our journey“- -"Wait, they told me that my mother had met Jormungandr, maybe he remembers her, now I'll try to ask"-, so Kristall asked the serpent the question, if he had ever known a pegasus named Kristall Lumi, and our heroine explained to him that she was her daughter, and that unfortunately she was dead. Jormungandr came closer to Kristall and spoke to her, -“ Närmare kom “- -“He wants me to approach him“-, Kristall Snö approached one of the snake's eyes, which spoke to her again, and Kristall translated to Rokk and Henrik, -“He said he remembers her, and I look like her, he is sorry for her death, and he said he sees her again in my eyes“- -“Think about it, you received a compliment from Jormungandr“-, Then the giant serpent spoke to her again, -“Oh nej, I can't accept“- -"What did he say to you?"- -"She wants to give me one of his scales"- -"Are you crazy? Jormungandr gives you a gift like this and you refuse?“- -“Even he said I shouldn't give up, he wants to help me with my weapons“- -“And you take one of his scales, look, he approached on purpose“-. So Kristall Snö took her ax and cut off a scale of Jormungandr, he nodded and then vomited on the snow, he spoke again to the pegasus and then he withdrew into the waters of the lake. What he had vomited was a stone rune with a snake in it. -“What did he give you?”- -"He said... that to help me... he gave me this rune, he says that with this I can call him back whenever I want, to have him as an ally in battle"- -“Wow, what an honor, you are the only one in the whole continent, Jormungandr would never give presents like this“- -“He also said that he saw something in my eyes something special, something that is waking up“- -“Well, apparently Jormungandr knows you well too“- -“But this sentence… Heimdallr also told me when I found him after I came to the village“- -"Really?"- -“Ja, and… och Jormungandr gav mig också ett annat råd (and Jormungandr also gave me another advice)“- -"And which one?"- -“That if I had met a god, I would have had to look him in the eye“-, Then Kristall climbed a group of big rocks and yelled at the lake, -“Tack Jormungandr, jag glömmer det inte(Thank you Jormungandr, I won't forget it)“-, she saw two splashes of water coming out of the lake, it was he who greeted her, after which she took off the skull from her head and Rokk spoke to her, -"Now let's move, we have to reach the northern village to take the defense stones, in the meantime take the Troll's tusk and you Henrik, you can get up from the snow"-, Henrik stood up and Kristall detached the tusk from the head of the killed Troll after which they returned all three on the boat. -“Of course it could be convenient for you to have Jormungandr as an ally“- -"But I don't want to use his rune"- -"Why not?"- -“Because it would be too easy to win so I want to win with my own strength, and then he told me to use it wisely, because it only works three times“- -“Then choose your times wisely dear Kristall”- -“I will, but for now I'll let the rune rest in my bag“-. Rokk and Kristall rowed again to be able to reach the place to find the stones for the shield of the pegasus, but Rokk began to talk to Henrik. -“Henrik? I'm very disappointed in you, you acted imprudently, you didn't notice that the Troll wasn't perfectly dead, and you approached it“- -“But Rokk….I…“- -“Do you realize he was going to kill you? He could even eat you, and I couldn't do anything because I was thrown away "- -“I could do it, only that….“- -“…Only that Kristall Snö saved you, if it wasn't for her you would be dead now, you should thank her“-, but the pegasus replied, -"You don't have to thank me, we are Vikings, and we are a family, it is normal that I protected him"-, Henrik grieved, and Rokk spoke to him, -" Snö is very humble, and then she is strong, in these three years she has made much more progress than you and you have lived in the village for much longer than her”- -"But I'm strong, but that Troll was much stronger"- -"And you become even stronger, or even better, make allies you can trust, Snö won't always be there to protect your life for you"- -“Ja, I understood, but she….she is very strong“-, Kristall Snö stopped rowing and looked into Rokk's face, -"Enough now Rokk, if you continue like this he will hate me, if instead you try to talk to him like a real father then he would make real progress, and then I was lucky because I already knew how to fight various creatures, Henrik doesn't have my experience, I wish that you could give him some self-esteem instead of demoralizing him, if you continue like this he will end up believing that you don't love him“- -“ Snö?, but I love him“- -"I love him too, but if I want him to make improvements then I would try to talk to him more calmly"-, having said those words Kristall went back to rowing, while Rokk thought a bit about what she had said and tried to speak better with Henrik. -"Listen Henrik, it's not that I love Kristall more than you, I love both of you, but I want you to be strong because you have to know how to defend yourself, without the help of me or your sister, I've already lost your mother because of a Troll, I don't want to lose you too, understand?“- -"So? Don't you want to lose me?” -“Exactly, I want you to be strong, and if Kristall will give you a hoof to improve yourself then accept her help“- -“And how can she help me?”-, Kristall heard those words and replied, -"I'll help you with something I can give you, but you have to put the strength"- -“Okay, Kristall“-. Their journey lasted a long time, but then crossing the long river they arrived at a coast of Noreinway where there was a village, Rokk and Kristall Snö had already visited it, but for Henrik it was the first time. Henrik was curious to see it, then he noticed a large volcano near the village. -"Where are we?"- Rokk answered it -“An old friend of mine lives in this village, there are also strong Vikings called The Mighty Helm, no Viking dares to attack this village, but we are on good terms with them, and then this is where we can find the various stones to our weapons". The three of them entered the village, and said hello to the various ponies that lived there, then Rokk noticed a short, light green, orange-bearded pony with a long shovel in one hoof and called to him, -“Hey, Rockhoof“-, the pony turned -"What? Hey Rokk“-, the minotaur and the pony hugged, Henrik was surprised and spoke to Kristall, -"Hey? Is that Rokk's friend?"- -"Ja, his name is Rockhoof, and he's an old friend of his, I've already met him"- -“But he is skinny“- -“Henrik, don't be rude, he may not be muscular like Rokk or Ryt, but he's still our friend“-. Rockhoof saw the pegasus, -“Oh dear Kristall Snö, let me look at you, how you've grown, you have beautiful eyes as always, it's nice to see you once in a while, and he must be little Henrik, even if you're not really Rokk's children, it's very clear that you inherited his willpower and his fighting spirit”, Kristall was happy to see him again, while Henrik was silent, -"I'm also glad to see you again Rockhoof, we are always happy to see you and your village"- -"What a fool I am, come inside my house, I'll give you a drink"- Rokk interrupted him -"No beer for the two of them, they're not the right age yet"- -“I think not him, but Kristall I think she can already taste some beer“-. So all three went into the pony's house, who brought them mugs, some of beer and one of milk for Henrik. -"It's time for Kristall to taste the beer, so she will be a good Viking" -, so Kristall tasted the beer for the first time, -“Mmmh, delicious, but it's better that I don't exaggerate too much, I've seen many Vikings get drunk“- -“Don't worry Kristall, you will never overdo it like Rokk once did“- -“Oh yes, I once exaggerated with beer and I was very young“- -“Rather, what do you tell me again?”-, so Rokk and Kristall told everything that had happened in their current trip, Rockhoof was very surprised. -“I can't believe it, Kristall, did you really save Jormungandr? And did you even talk to him?“- -“Thanks to my Crystal Dragon Skull, and he gave me his rune“- -“If I were you, I would keep it carefully, and I would never use it“- -"That's what I was thinking"- -“Do you believe in Ragnarok?“- -"I wish it didn't exist"- -“Maybe if it happens, you could recall Jormungandr and have power over him“- -“I don't think it works like that, I would summon him to have him as an ally, but I hope Ragnarok never happens“- -“Anyway I have to tell you a good news, we have heard from other villages in Noreinway, and it seems that there have been no more attacks by Changelings or Wargs“- -“Perhaps there were dragons in the villages that were attacked?”- -“Yes, there were dragons, why?“-, Kristall thought, she had something on her mind, Rokk then asked her -“What do you mean, Snö?“- -"In my village there were Ice Dragons, and in each of those villages there were dragons and at least one pegasus, I'm starting to think that Loki was looking for a filly that it had something to do with dragons, but that's my guess, after he attacked me with those wolves and wargs he left and disappeared, for a good three years nothing happened, so maybe he thinks I'm dead “- Rockhoof marveled at that hypothesis, -“So you think perhaps that Loki was looking for you? How come?"- -“The only thing I know is that maybe he was looking for a filly that had to do with dragons, but it's always my guess, so I'm not sure, Jormungandr had said that Loki was plotting something, but he didn't know anything “- -"Actually, from how Rokk told me about your meeting maybe Loki thought you were an obstacle for him, even if I don't know how"- -"It's better for him that he believes I'm dead, even if I don't know why I should be a problem for him, I would never dare to defy a god, he's evil, but he's still a god"- -“Not to mention that if you killed him you would incur the wrath of other gods, such as Thor, who is his half-brother, or Angrsoba, Loki's wife, or even his three sons, believe me it's better never to make Hel angry, nobody knows what can that unicorn do for revenge or anger"- -"But Jormungandr told me to look the gods in the eyes, this will mean something, I always thought I took my father's eyes, but my mother also had eyes like mine, but I don't know anything about my mother, and nobody in our family apart from her…..it's true apart from her nobody had anything to do with magic“- -“Perhaps your mother had something special that she never told you, or rather she couldn't tell you“- -“Regn told me about what he knew how to do, but he who knows if my mother really told her everything, maybe my mother didn't really trust Regn“-, Rokk approached Kristall and spoke to her, -“Perhaps Regn had secrets that your mother asked her never to tell you“- -"But I certainly can't go back to her to ask her, if only I could know better about my mother's past"- -“Well, don't think about it, maybe you can ask the Norns, or Mimir“- Rockhoof marveled, -“It's out of the question, it's true that Mimir, the wingless dragon knows everything, but even he can't know everything, going to the mountain where he is imprisoned would be useless if he can't answer, as far as the Norns, the famous weavers of fate it is dangerous to disturb them, who knows what they might do“- Rokk agreed with what Rockhoof said, -“You're right, both are just dangerous and useless choices, maybe it's better to leave them alone, rather we came here to ask you if you have any defense stones to enhance Kristall's shield“- -“Ah, right, now I'll take them, luckily when I dig with my shovel I can find different minerals and above all stones for upgrades“-, So Rockhoof searched a trunk in his house and got a small bag with rocks, -“In this bag there are both stones of defense and stones of attack, your weapons will be much stronger“-, Henrik was happy, -“Are they really going to be stronger?“- -"Hey little guy, you don't have to worry, the weapon will be strong but you also have to put a little strength into it, don't you want to end up like before?"- -“But I'm training, but whatever I do I'm not a warrior yet“- -"Hey, don't get discouraged, I too have always been teased by other warriors, it's true I'm still weak and without muscles, but you too will see one day you will shine, I have never lost hope, I'm sure it will happen to me, to you, it happened to Rokk too“- -“Even in Rokk?“-, And Rokk couldn't help but intervene, -“What do you think I was strong as a child? I have trained, I have done several missions, and other things too, if Rockhoof has not lost hope of becoming a warrior you must not lose it either, your sister Kristall has had several experiences to fight, and then she has been to other realms, she is already a respected warrior in the village“- -“I don't want her to always protect me“-, and Kristall Snö put a hoof on his shoulder, -“Hey little brother, when you are in danger I will always help you, we could fight together, and when you are ready I will always be behind you“-, Rokk smiled, -"Actually you need Kristall's help to be able to grow, it's better if you train together, as I did with my teammates, rather Rockhoof how much do I owe you for the stones?"- -“Oh, it's nothing, don't give me any money, actually stop by for lunch, you'll keep me company“-. So the three of them stopped to eat at Rockhoof's, chatting about what they'd been up to for the past few years, although Rockhoof already knew that, but it was always good for him to have guests in his house, as no one in the village took him seriously. At the end of lunch, Rokk thanked him, -“ It was a really good meal, thanks Rockhoof“- -“The credit also goes to Kristall who helped me“- -“It's true, she would be a perfect housewife, but I prefer to take her with me because she is very strong, but in fact this time I left my mother alone, it's always better to spend more time with her, you never know how much time we have left with our loved ones“- -"Don't remind me, I've always had a bad relationship with my father, but now that he's gone, I feel alone"- -“Next week we will go with our ships to hunt for tuna whales, just near your coasts, maybe you would like to join us?“- -“It would be nice, but I want to continue training, and then I prefer to fish with a rod, I still don't know how to swim“- -“Not even my two children know how to swim, it would be good if they learned“-. So the three Vikings said goodbye to Rockhoof, and headed for their boat back to the village. Rokk and Kristall took the oars and Henrik sat in the center as always. Rokk turned to Kristall, -“Once in the village, you must go to Städ for your shield, dear Kristall“- -"Ja, also because I've already paid for it, but I'd also like to show Henrik a couple of things"-, Henrik was curious -“What is it you want me to see? You said it before too"- -“I want to show you some things that could help you fight better, they will help you a lot like they helped me, but remember to train“-. So they continued following the large lake of Jormungandr to then reach the river that carried them towards the coast of their village in Horsweden. While Rokk and Henrik returned to their home, Kristall Snö went to Städ's workshop, to bring him the Troll's fang and the two stones of defense. Naturally Kristall told the dwarf bison all that had happened, and Städ was surprised. -" Seriously? Have you met Jormungandr? And he gave you his summoning rune?” -"It's all true, and this is the rune"-, the bison looked at it, -“If I were you I would stay away from this rune, Jormungandr can be a good ally, but he is big and uncontrollable, so I would choose never to call him“- -"It's the same thing Rockhoof told me, I think so too, but if there should be an insurmountable danger then I will use it"- -"What amazes me the most is that he gave you a scale, it's something he would never have given away, with this scale I could upgrade you as many as three weapons"- -“ Three vapens? (Three weapons?)“- -"Let's do this, I'll upgrade your two axes of air and ice, and I could also make you a new axe, it will take three days to make it, but this time I'll make it for free, which element would you like?"- -“I have some Mephit elements in my house, could you make me fire or magma?”- -"I could do it for you, I could use both elements, given that you have the right materials and ready to use"- -“Then go with fire and magma, I will use the return spell on it so I will have a third axe“- -“Then fire and magma“-. Kristall Snö greeted Städ happily, then went to her house, when she entered she looked for her brother Henrik to be able to talk to him. -“ Henrik? kom med mig (Henrik? Come with me)“- -"I’m here"-. Kristall Snö took him to a warehouse, the house was big enough to have a room to store various objects, such as provisions, weapons, and many other things. Kristall took him to a part where there were dozens of arrows that she bought from Städ, or she made her own, and next to those arrows were stone basins with water in them, and inside the water there 'were a black pearl and a hearts made of crystal, and the hearts were of different colors. -“What are those?”- -“Those, my dear little brother, are the hearts that I extracted from the body of the Mephits that I fought, those small and black things instead are their brain, which is actually a magical gland, to prevent the Mephits from coming back to life it is necessary that the gland and the heart are separated“- -“But they are not separated“- -“That's because, I got them from other Mephits, if they had been from a water Mephit it would have been dangerous, but these…let's call them organs, they belong to some Mephit of fog, Mephit of fire, Mephit of ice, Mineral Mephit, Mephit of magma, Lightning Mephit and Radiant Mephit, therefore water is not their element so I can keep the gland and heart in water, because they don't recreate themselves“- -“And why do you keep them?“- -“Now I'll show you“-, Kristall took an arrow and put the tip in a stone bowl where there were the organs of the Mephit of the magma, when she pulled it out, Henrik was amazed, the tip was the color of lava and it was hot. -“How is that possible?”-, And Kristall explained as she dipped other arrows in other liquids, -“Both the ice dragons and Städ told me, with this liquid I can donate elements to arrows, and give elemental damage to monsters, for example with a magma arrow the monster will be covered by a layer of magma, and so it will suffer fire damage, my axes have fused hearts, I keep two ice ones in my ice axe, and two of air in the air axe, and soon I will have one of fire and magma, however depending on the element there are various benefits and damages, for example if you immerse the arrow in radiant Mephit's liquid, the arrow will have the power of light and could blind the enemy, if instead you used the mineral Mephit liquid, the arrow would make crystals grow on the enemy and they would explode, however the crystals have different effects, when you want to have some special arrows I will always be here“- -“So…do you make them by yourself?”- -“Ja, sometimes I give some of my liquids to Städ, who upgrades my weapons and armor, and sometimes I sell my elemental arrows to other Vikings, that's how I make some money, and now I'll give you something special“-. Kristall Snö took an old wood-chopping ax from a wall, its blade glowing red. -"I wanted to give you this ax"- -"But….but…this is your old axe, it's the ax your father gave you"- -“ Detta är sant (That's true), but since I've been here I've made myself much stronger and very resistant axes, however I haven't forgotten about this one, I've upgraded it anyway, and it has the element of fire, then you will be able to inflict fire attacks on enemies, and aim it at the ground while shouting Eld! (Fire!), there will be fireballs around you that will hit monsters and enemies, then when I bought my new axes I hung this one on the wall and now it's yours, you can always use it"- -"And how do I get it back?"-, -“Give me your right hoof“-, Kristall Snö made a magic to Henrik's ax and hoof, -“Now I used the återkomstens besvärjelse (the spell of return), now you can throw it against enemies and when you say yxa (Axe) it will return to your hoof, but you have to train, oh I forgot“-, Kristall Snö also gave a bow and quiver to his brother, -“But this is your old bow“- -"Ja, and this is yours too, I enhanced it, I put the power of light and air into it, so when it's dark the bow lights up, and with the air the arrows become faster and more harmful" - -“Are you giving me these two weapons because you don't use them anymore?”- -"Ja, but also because I trained with these weapons, and now it's your turn, when you have better weapons you can put them aside"- -“Nej, if these weapons made you strong then I can become strong“- -"Remember that training is also needed, now come let's go to the training camp"-. So Kristall Snö and Henrik went to the village training ground, it was surrounded by a low stone wall and there were wooden training dummies and targets. Kristall Snö asked Henrik to take the bow and one of the arrows she had given him, -“Now focus this arrow on that target and when you are ready say pil av is(Ice Arrow)“- -“Why do I have to say the name?“- -"Actually there is no reason, I do it to give me more charge, but the arrow activates anyway, after all the other Vikings shout the name of their weapon to give themselves more charge"- -“It looks like a cool thing, so I stretch the string and yell….PIL AV IS“-, Henrik shot well both for his training and for the air element of the bow, and the arrow hit the target creating crystals of ice. -“Well done Henrik, now let's try another arrow“-, Kristall took another arrow and gave it to his brother, -“This is an arrow of light, concentrate on the target and shout Pil av Ljus (Arrow of light)“-, Henrik did as before, stretched the string and aimed at a target, -“ Pil av Ljus“-, the arrow looked for a trail of light and when it hit the target it created a glow. Kristall was thrilled, -"Very well, you could help me if I had to leave the village, I would attack in front and you from afar"- -"I want to be close to you"- -“As you like, if you like we can fight with axes, I won't hurt you“- -"It's fine for me, let's train"-, So Kristall Snö and Henrik trained with their axes, they didn't know it but Rokk was watching them from a distance, and he was proud of both. As they practiced with their axes, Henrik asked his sister questions, -“Tell me, Kristall“- -"What's up?"- -“Will you teach me your techniques?”- -"You can do them very well too, but maybe it's more useful if you teach them to yourself"- -“And will you ever take me to any of the other realms?”- -“When you want, but we have to be both us and someone else, I still can't go to other realms alone“-. To be continued..…. My little pony by Hasbro & Lauren Faust > Fiske efter val tonfisk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiske efter val tonfisk Whale tuna fishing All the vikings in the village were preparing for the moment, all the boats were ready, Kristall Snö was excited for the first time she was going to go whale tuna hunting. Meanwhile she was taking a look at her new resistant shield, and also at her new ax, which had veins of fire, it was a bit heavy for her to carry three axes at a time, but by now she was trained, so three axes of different elements along with her bow and quiver weren't a problem. Luckily it wasn't the first time she went on a Viking ship, she had already had the opportunity to sail together with Rokk, and she helped him with the sails and also looked out from the bow. Together with them and the other Vikings Henrik also came, Rokk thought it was time for him too to get on a drakar. The Vikings placed their shields on the sides of the ship and began to row, Kristall Snö was happy to be able to participate in a fish hunt, because despite the name the whale tuna was a big fish and therefore she could eat their meat. Kristall Snö remembered when she left with the drakar to go and conquer other cities and other villages, although she didn't like doing it, she was now a Viking and thereforev that was her life. The crossing was long to get to the coast, more precisely to get to the point where there were the whale tunas. Kristall Snö and Herink stood near the bow to get a good look at where the whale tunas were, but at the moment they saw nothing, only waves. Rokk from the stern called the mare, -“Hey Snö, do you see any whales?”- -“Nej, I don't see a single one, I think we should still go on“- -“Then row boys, we have to head towards the coast“-. Henrik climbed onto the tip of the prow and suddenly he saw some big fish come out of the water, they were big tunas, bigger than normal, only they had a blowhole on their head, at that moment the foal screamed, -“Here they are, here they are, I see them, they are many“-, Rokk ran towards the bow and saw them too and Kristall Snö, Rokk then got ready, -"Perfect, take your spears and arrows, we have to hit at least one, the other boats get ready, alternatively we have to direct one towards the shore and beach it"-. All the boats with all the Vikings got ready, every time a tuna whale approached the surface they tried to hit it with spears or arrows or swords or even with axes. Kristall tried to hit the Whales tuna with arrows, but it seemed that instead of hurting them they just slowed them down, -"If I could hit them in the eye it would be easier, but it's a bit difficult since they jump into the water, and only come back up to breathe"-, Henrik got ready too, aimed at a very large specimen, saw that it had risen to breathe and so he threw an arrow of light, -“ Pil av Ljus“, the arrow hit the tuna near the eye, which froze, and hit the drakar with a fin, all the Vikings lost their balance, but Henrik who was leaning on the tip of the prow fell into the water , Rokk stood up and got scared. -“Oh by the gods, Henrik can't swim, do something, my son is in the water among those beasts“-, Kristall Snö reassured Rokk, -"Don't worry Rokk, I'll take care of my brother"- -“But you don't know how to swim either, Snö, we can't do anything, and Henrik doesn't resurface“-, Kristall scoffed as if she was hiding something, -“So you think I can't swim? Well, I have to tell you some news“-. Kristall Snö dived from the bow, and Rokk was amazed by what he saw, a light enveloped Kristall Snö and she changed from a simple pegasus into a sea pony. Kristall showed Rokk the fishtail, -"How is it possible? When did it happen?"- -“When I have saved my brother I will explain it to you, first I have to dive“-. So Kristall Snö dived, and looked for her brother Henrik, she had to hurry because surely now he had swallowed a lot of water, and luckily she saw him, but at that moment a whale tuna was approaching him with his mouth open ready to eat him, Kristall rushed towards him, but it seemed that the Whale Tuna was faster, so Kristall threw her ax at the big fish and she hit him right on the left eye, Kristall managed to catch Henrik but he didn't show any signs of life, so she snapped underwater, arrived near the water's edge she jumped and landed right on the ship, in front of the incredulous eyes of all the Vikings. Everyone was surprised to see Kristall in that form, -"Have you seen?"- -"It's incredible"- -“How did she transform herself?”- -“Is it perhaps a Fossegrimen?”-. Rokk however rushed to catch Henrik who was not breathing, -“My little Henrik, how are you?”-, then Kristall took him and put him on the boat, with her fins she gave him a massage on his chest, then blew into his mouth, and did the massage again -“Come on Henrik, you can't leave me for a simple accident, please wake up, please“-. The massage worked, Henrik coughed and vomited the water, then he woke up, and saw his sister in a new version, -“ Kristall? But how? Are you a Fossegrimen?” -, Kristall Snö hugged her little brother tightly, -“Blessed be the goddess Sif, you are safe“-, -"Ja, but if you hold me so tight, I risk suffocating"- -“Ah, sorry”-, Kristall let go. Henrik got back on his hooves, Rokk hugged him and then turned to his daughter, -“Men hur gick det till?(But how did it happen?) How is it possible that you have a fish tail?“-, before answering, Kristall called her ax from the water, then spoke, -"It's very simple Rokk, about a year ago I was near a lake, and I saw some dark dragons hurting a Fossegrimen, she was all blue with light blue hair, so I hit the two dragons with my axes , who ran away, then I healed the Fossegrimen with my magic, and she told me that to repay me for the favor, she would grant me a spell, or give me the ability to play the violin“- -“And what did you ask for?”- -"I didn't ask her for anything, I saved her without asking for anything in return, but she insisted on giving me something, so I asked her if she could teach me how to swim"- -“And she did it?”- -“She did better, she summoned a blue pearl, and made me touch it, then she told me to dive in and when I entered the water, my clothes disappeared and my fins and tail sprouted, and also I could breathe underwater, and the Fossegrimen enchanted my axes, so that I could throw them even in water“- -"So you hid this ability from me and the whole village for more than a year?"- -"I wanted to train secretly, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know when was the right time"- -“Well, that's a good thing, you're a viking who can swim, and if you got the spell from a Fossegrimen, you'll swim better than a fish“- -“Not only that, now that Henrik has blinded the Whale Tuna maybe I can lead him towards the coast“-, and so Kristall jumped back into the water and tried to chase the earlier Whale Tuna, Rokk gave the order to hit the Tuna to help the pegasus, Kristall saw two whales Tunas, she didn't know which of the two was the one blinded by Henrik, but she tried to hit them both with the air axe, took aim and threw it, -“Yxa av vinden (windaxe)“-, both Whale Tunas were hit, and were bruised, the bigger one was hit by the drakar, which carried him to the coast, Rokk yelled with joy, -“He ran aground, hooray“-, the other Whale Tuna opened his mouth and tried to eat Kristall, but the pegasus instead of running away let himself be swallowed, and the Whale Tuna closed his mouth. Inside her mouth, Kristall already had a plan, -“It was a mistake for you to eat me, now I can try my new technique“-,Kristall Snö took the ice and fire axes, then brought them closer, both began to glow, then she stuck them on the tongue of the whale Tuna and screamed, -“ Explosion av is och eld (Explosion of ice and fire) “-, there was an explosion of ice and a flash of fire from the sea, which moved the drakars with waves, and the Whale Tuna landed on the coast, but without the head, Kristall instead landed on Rokk's drakar, the Vikings cheered and cheered the pegasus. Once the fins were placed on the boat, Kristall was surrounded by a light, her clothes reappeared and she became a pegasus again, she looked towards the coast and said -“Jag är inte längre en svag ponny (I am no longer a weak pony)“-, Rokk complimented her, -"You're right now, it's been a long time since you're weaker"- -“Jag är nu en viking (Now I am a viking)“- -“Ja, you are a real Viking since you came to the village, you don't have to prove anything anymore, Snö”-, but Kristall had something to say to Rokk, -“Listen Rokk, this morning I used seiðr“- -“To predict if we would have a good catch?”- -“Ja, and it was positive, but a strange message appeared to me“- -“What did that message say?“- -“ Titta inte på ljuset, du kommer att glömma allt“- -“ Don't look at the light, you will forget everything? It's a bit strange as a message "- -“I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how to interpret it“- -“Well, it certainly wasn't referring to the sun, now let's think about catching the two whale tunas that we caught thanks to you and Henrik, we have to tie them to the ship” -. The other ships had also caught tunas and had already tied them with ropes, but they also docked to tie them better, Rokk complimented Henrik. -"Good son, I'm proud of you"- -“I did it thanks to a technique that Kristall taught me“- -“But you practiced with her and you trained well, you blinded the whale Tuna and now we take them all to the village“-. All the Vikings came down from the drakars to stand on the coast, the yak Hov came from one of the ships to compliment Kristall, -“I saw you transforming Kristall, so when you're in the water you can become a Fossegrimen?”- -“Not really, I can swim and breathe underwater but I don't have the musical talent of one of them“- -“You can always save another one, and thus learn to play the violin“- -“I have never felt any interest in learning to play, even though I do like music“- -"A good Viking must also know how to play, but don't worry if you want to learn there are always our yak wives"- -"I could try to learn the Nyckelharpa (Horswedish Violin), I might like to keep my head busy with something other than fighting"-. Suddenly at that moment, from a distant part of the coast a small ray of light was shining down on a distant village. A Viking pony pointed at him and everyone turned, Rokk was amazed, -“ Vad är den där ljusstrålen? (What is that ray of light?)“-, Kristall Snö saw that the beam was getting bigger and brighter and brighter, so she yelled to everyone, -“ Titta inte på ljuset! Titta inte på ljuset! (Don't look at the light! Don't look at the light!) “-, Rokk covered his eyes and also told his boss Hov, who wondered why, but Rokk told him to cover his eyes now and trust, Kristall Snö went to Henrik and put hooves on his eyes, -“ What are you doing Kristall?“- -“Trust me, you don't have to look at the light“-, Kristall closed her eyes and luckily she made it in time, because there was an explosion of light that spread in a circular shape. After waiting a while, all four opened their eyes again, but Kristall saw that the other Vikings hadn't closed their eyes and were stunned, Rokk fanned his hand but no one made a move, Hov was a little angry , -“Damn it, why didn't they listen to us?”-, Rokk replied, -“Everyone was busy wondering why they didn't pay attention to Kristall Snö's warning, and now what do we do?”-, Kristall released Henrik and looked around, -"I don't know what to do, but now I would like to know what was that ray of light?"-, Rokk remembered one thing, -"Wait, that way was the village of Rockhoof, I remember it well"- -"It was there?"- -“Sure Kristall, we have to go and see what happened, I wouldn't want Rockhoof to be in danger“-, Hov replied, -“Go ahead take one of the small boats, and let me know what happened I'm staying here with the other Vikings“- -"Thanks boss"-. So, Rokk, Henrik and Kristall Snö took one of the small boats attached to a drakar and rowed towards the coast where the village of Rockhoof was located. But the closer they got the more they saw that there was no sign of the village. Once on land, all three looked around, instead of the village there was only a crater, and it was very large, there was no trace of houses or anything else. Rokk was worried -"How is it possible? What happened? What was that ray?”-, Kristall was confused too, -"I don't know, but it seemed like a very powerful magic, I can't figure out what it was"-, Henrik replied -“What if it was Loki's work?“-, but Kristall wasn't convinced, -“I don't think so, it didn't seem like Loki's magic, and then why would he have to destroy an entire village? There were no dragons, and then usually he sends monsters to kill, he doesn't use magic to generate a beam of light to disintegrate an entire village"- -"And who knows? Maybe he trained, after all he is the only male god who can read runes"- -“I can recognize rune magic and that wasn't rune magic, it had a very majestic power“-, Rokk spoke to his children, -“I shouted his name several times, but Rockhoof doesn't answer, it seems like he disappeared with the village, I can't believe it, he was my friend, and now he's dead“-, Kristall tried to console Rokk, -“ Don't worry, we couldn't do anything, so this was the message that the runes told me, now I don't know how to help the other Vikings, if only I knew who destroyed the village“-, a mysterious voice spoke, -“The village has not been disintegrated”-, all three Vikings were frightened, because a mare had suddenly appeared to their right, her coat was of a shiny light green colour, her eyes were green, her mane and her tail was a beautiful yellow color, and she was a pegasus, a little taller than Kristall Snö and she wore a white dress that covered her whole body except for her head, hooves, wings and tail. Kristall Snö calmed down and spoke to her, -“Who….who are you?”- -“Don't be afraid, I'm not your enemy, I came to check the beam of light, and you Kristall Snö, you're absolutely right, you couldn't do anything to avoid this incident“- -“Wh…wh…how do you know my name?”- -"I know many things about you dear Kristall, but you don't have to be afraid of me, I'm here to check what happened, you were right to close the eyes, because otherwise you would have forgotten everything about this village“- -"In what sense?"- -“It was a powerful divine magic, which erased the memories of those who looked at the light, but it didn't destroy the village“- Rokk was curious -"What does it mean? What happened to the village where is Rockhoof now?“- -“I can't tell you that, it's very important that you leave Rockhoof alone“-, but at those words Rokk took the sword and pointed it at the mare, -“If you know where Rockhoof is, you have to tell me, he was my friend, if he is still alive, I need to know where he is“-, the mare gave a sigh of boredom, and then turned to all three, -"Listen to me, I can't tell you everything, but I can't leave you in your ignorance, to begin with, I'm a seer"- Kristall marveled, -"Are you a fortune teller? So you already knew about what was going to happen? “- -"Yes, but I couldn't do anything to avoid it, the village, as I told you, it hasn't been eliminated, a powerful divine magic has transported it away from here"- -"And where? Is it the work of our gods?” -"No, your gods have nothing to do here, it was a magic from another place, but I don't know where, unfortunately my powers aren't that strong, but I can tell you what happened to the village, it's in Equestria" - -“Equestria?“- -“It is the continent that you Vikings call Vinland“- -“Ah I see, the continent across the sea“- -“Unfortunately I can't tell you exactly where the village is now“- Rokk wondered, -“And may I know why?“- -“Because it was transported to an unspecified part of time, and then he is destined to do great things in that continent, he will become a great hero and the shovel will be his weapon, but if you would find him now….well, he it could be somewhere else if I foresee it“- -“I knew it, I knew it, the time has finally come for Rockhoof, I knew that sooner or later he would become a hero“-, But Kristall was still confused, -“But then…..will we see him again?”- -"I can't tell you that"- -"I need to know, please"- -“Okay, in my future ……“-, the green pegasus touched her forehead concentrated, -"In the future I see that sooner or later you Kristall will see him again, even if you won't recognize him because he will have changed a lot, but your father Rokk won't see him because he won't come with you, and neither will Henrik"- -"What does it mean? That the two of them won't come with me?”- -"I've already told you too much, don't make me say anything else, please, if I'm here it's to give you a warning"- -"What is it about?"- -“What I will tell you is that in your mission you must use your heart and not only your brain and muscles, you must also know how to use your heart“- -"Who are you? One of the Norns?” -“I belong to other gods, far from here, in Vinland, so I don't have to do with your gods, and no, I'm not one of your Norns, although I don't know your gods perfectly“- -"But…."- -“Look, I have to go now, I interacted too much with you, it's time for me to go“- -“In what sense did you interact too much? I have more questions for you, for example, why do I have these magical eyes? And why can I read the runes?”- -“If you want to know the truth, you must look for the answers in the only place where you can find them“- -“And that is?“- -“Under the tree of Yggdrasil“-, Kristall looked at Rokk and Henrik, -"What? Under the tree of Yggdrasil?”- Rokk answered her, -"That's where the Norns live, maybe you have to ask them, even Rockhoof talked about them"- -“But then I have to….”-, Kristall turned to the green pegasus, but all three saw that she had completely disappeared, -"But where did she go?"- Henrik was confused too, -“She didn't move at all, and she didn't even fly away, what happened to her?”-, Rokk spoke, -"She was a seer, she wasn't from here but she came from Vinland, this is enough for us to know, and she wasn't even our enemy, on the contrary, she gave you advice, Kristall, make good use of it"- -“But there were so many things I wish I knew“- -"It will mean that you will have to ask the Norns, maybe with your special eyes they will tell you something, as long as you don't ask them about your future, because for them it is forbidden to reveal it to mortals"- -"But now we don't know how to free those Vikings from the spell"- -“Come on, let's go back to them“-. So they took the boat back and went back to the part of the coast where their Viking friends were, to their surprise they saw that everyone was tying the whale tunas to the drakars, Hov approached the three of them, -“Thanks to Odin you are safe, what have you discovered?“-, Kristall Snö explained everything to the yak leader, who was surprised by her story, -"While you were away, all the Vikings woke up, I tried to talk to them about the ray of light, but no one remembers seeing it, in fact they also told me that they don't even remember the village that was there"- -"How is it possible? Some of them met Rockhoof” –, Rokk went to some of them to talk, but after a while he came back to Kristall, -“Nothing, Snö, it seems that none of them remember Rockhoof or the village, as if they had forgotten“- -“Just like he the pegasus seer, if we had seen the light we would have forgotten, all we know is that it was caused by a god not ours, but from another land“- -“Luckily you told me about your prediction before all this happened“-, Hov looked around and spoke, “Well, I say forget about what happened and load all the fish, and go back to our village and celebrate, before they think we're crazy, let's go“-, so all three did as Hov said, and they helped bind the whale tunas to the drakars. The return journey was pleasant, but the words of the pegasus seer stuck in Kristall's head, -“ In your mission you have to use your heart and not just your brain and muscles, you have to know how to use your heart too, who knows what she meant?“-, Henrik who was near her spoke to her, -"Perhaps she means that in combat you don't have to use only your muscles, you have to know how to use your heart"- -"It's still complicated, she didn't tell me when"- -"She also said that she had talked too much with you"- -"Maybe she was afraid of breaking some rules, but maybe I just need to know what the right moment will be"- -“What if you don't recognize it?”- -“I don't know Henrik, I really don't know, I don't even know the name of that pegasus, who knows if I'll see her again“-. To be continued…. My little pony by Hasbro & Lauren Faust > Ryts sanna identitet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryts sanna identitet Ryt's true identity A couple of days had passed and the fishing was plentiful thanks to everyone's efforts, Henrik himself was showered with compliments because he had blinded one of the Tuna whales. As for the village of Rockhoof, everyone who hadn't left remembered that village, but the other Vikings who had left didn't, so Rokk told those few in the village about the strange experience he had with his sons, when they met the pegasus seer above all. Everyone thought it was better to let it go because if they talked about that village again, no one would believe them and they risked being thought crazy. One evening, Alfhild, Rokk's mother, was cooking a good piece of Whale Tuna for dinner, Rokk had returned to bring wood, while Henrik immediately sat down to the table, but nobody saw Kristall Snö, so Rokk went to look for her, and in fact, he went out and found her. She was sitting on a log while she played the nyckelharpa together with Vilhelm, the other yak female who knew the magic of the runes, the instrument was a long violin and the pegasus played it with a bow. Rokk listened, Kristall Snö had started learning by herself one day and yet she already knew how to play well, there was no doubt that she was special. Vilhelm spoke to Kristall Snö -“I have taught many females to play this instrument, but you are the only one who can give some magic to this instrument, it must be your magical talent dear Kristall“- -"Do you really think so?"- -“I mean it, you can put your magic into the instrument, neither can Hov's wife and I”- -“But I'm not using magic to play“- -“It's not something you can decide, it's the magic that must come out of your body, you could tame even the meanest warrior with your music, try to sing“- Kristall put down the nyckelharpa, and sat up in the snow, put her front hooves together and closed her eyes, as soon as she started singing everyone who was busy with their chores stopped working and heard the pegasus singing, she had a melodious voice, and as she sang, Vilhelm noticed that around Kristall there was a circle formed by some runes, then when Kristall stopped singing she noticed the magic, and the circle turned into light, into several beams of light that hit everyone those who were listening, including Rokk. The pegasus was amazed, -“But what happened, Vilhelm?“- -“It seems that you have created a new runic spell, dear Kristall, I think you don't need to learn from a Fossegrimen after all, now we just have to see the effects“-, and the effects were not long in appearing, all the Vikings set to work more vigorously, there were those who cut wood faster, those who carried very heavy weights faster, and Rokk took a large stone and took it with one hand. It was at that moment that Kristall Snö noticed Rokk, -“Rokk? What are you doing here?"- -“I came to call you for dinner, but then I started to hear you play and… sing, your new magic has an invigorating effect“- -“So my new spell has this effect, it could be useful in battle, I think I'll call it Styrkan i företaget (Company Strength)“- -“With such strength we could fight much better, but now that you've done a new magic you can also stop playing, allow Mrs. Vilhelm? “- -“You're welcome Rokk, vi ses imorgon, Kristall (See you tomorrow Kristall)“- -“ Tack för musiklektionerna (Thank you for the music lessons)“-. So Kristall and Rokk went back to their house to eat. The whole family was gathered, Rokk, Alfhild, Henrik and Kristall Snö, and there was excellent whale tuna to eat with cheese and baked bread, and then there was also some good beer, which Kristall was now drinking too. Suddenly the aura around Rokk vanished, the spell was over. Rokk told his mother about it, -“Dear mother, Kristall has just created a new rune spell, and this here enhances the abilities“- -“Sometimes I would prefer Kristall Snö to stay here with me, rather than risking her life, when I die who will take care of the house?“- -“Mom, don't say that in front of them, do you want to understand that Kristall Snö was chosen by the gods? And she is destined to do great things“-, then Kristall chimed in, -"Actually, you haven't chosen a partner anymore, Rokk, I could sometimes stay with my grandmother, help her with the cooking chores, instead of fighting"- -"Maybe it's true, I should find you a new mother, but you can't stay here forever, you are too strong to be a simple house mare, indeed you are now becoming a real mare, maybe you should find yourself a mate in the village"- , Henrik replied -“There is already a pony in the village who likes Kristall, it is Tobias, he often asks me about her, and when he approaches her he blushes and smiles away embarrassed“-, Kristall Snö blushed , -“Stop this thing Henrik, I'm not in love with Tobias“- -"He's the one who's in love with you, you should ask him out"- Rokk chimed in, -“Actually Tobias is a good pony, he too is one of the many Vikings who could be a good husband for you, even if he is not as strong as you, but he is a good pony and he knows how to fight“- -“Rokk, but I don't love him“- -“Because you don't know him well yet, give him a chance, and maybe he could be a good boyfriend and then a good husband, maybe one of those Vikings who only has one wife“- -"I don't know, there are still some things I would like to do like….how to figure out who that seer was"- -“Do you still think about that mare?“- -"I dreamed about it Rokk, I had a strange dream"- -"Really? And what did you dream?“- -“I don't know, I mean, I was in a castle, I go inside it and then I go up some stairs, suddenly the stairs behind me disappear and there's a wall instead of them, then there's a long corridor, full of pegasi and dragon statues and at the end of the corridor, there is a female pegasus statue, and a female dragon statue and there is a skeletal dragon hand pointing to a big book that opens, the pages are blank except for the first page which has names written, at that moment a feather of mine comes off the right wing and writes my name on that page, I don't remember the other names, only the top name, which was Solar Calendar, then I hear a voice behind me saying <>, I turn around and what I see is the seer pegasus“- -“Was it really her?”- -"Ja, but before I wake up I can talk to her"- -“What did you ask for?”- -“What did all this mean and what was her name?”- -“And what did she answer you?”- -“She said that dream was the testimony that I was destined to do many things, to use magic, and to meet the gods, and then when she told me her name, she said she couldn't tell me, but if I wanted to knowing it she said it was the first one I read“- -“So the name of that pegasus was Solar Calendar?“- -“Ja, she herself nodded to me“- -“Strange, because it's not a name I know, I should ask Hov“- -"I'm afraid it's useless, she herself in her dream repeated to me that no one knew about her, and that I had to remember her advice, that is to know how to use my heart and not my muscles"- -“Well, I think that dream highlighted the fact that you are a special pegasus“- -“Yeah but….I still have some questions, I would like to know more about myself, why did the crystal dragon skull give me rune powers? And why do my eyes affect the gods? And now my voice also has magical properties?“- -“But your voice was already magical, have you forgotten your healing song? Now don't think about it Snö, tomorrow Ryt will return to the village and you will have another training session“- -“Right, I'll train a bit with him“-. When it was time to sleep Kristall Snö lay on her straw bed already thinking about when she would fight with Ryt, because after all she could always vent her thoughts always on the fight as well as with music. In the morning Kristall Snö immediately breakfasted with some bread and cheese, then ran out to see if Ryt had returned, but she didn't see him, so she went to his hut, but she didn't find him there either. Then the pegasus went out to go and fight with someone, and she saw that there were already Vikings who were training, they were ponies, griffins and yaks. Then near Kristall Snö came a pony as big as her, it was all dark blue, -“ Hej .... hej Kristall (Hey....hello Kristall)“- -“ Åh, hej Tobias, tränar du? (Oh, hi Tobias, are you training?)“- -“Ja, I'm training with my new ax, and….I wanted…I wanted to know if you would like to train?“- -“Sure, and since it's the first time we train together I'll use only one axe“- -“For me it is an honor to fight with you that you are one of the strongest warriors“- -“You make me blush like this“-, so the pegasus and the pony started fighting with their axes, Tobias seemed to defend himself well, but Kristall was faster. -“You are really fast Kristall“- -“Don't get distracted Tobias, if you were to face an enemy like me you could lose immediately“- -“But….but…you are not an enemy“- -“You have to be ready, myself with Rokk I faced several enemies and many monsters, like the Revenants and the Tatzelwurms“- -"I've never seen one before"- -"Sorry but what kind of Viking are you? Have you ever faced a monster?”- -“Nej, I've never faced a monster, only ponies, unicorns, pegasi, griffins, yaks, but never monsters, I've never met any“- -“Now that I think about it, you have never visited with us in the other realms, I have never seen you with us“- -“My father wants me to protect the village instead of risking my life in other realms, or against monsters I can't defeat“-, Kristall swung her ax at Tobias and knocked him down, -“Well, if you want to be a good Viking, you have to be ready to anything, even to face a Troll, or a Draugr, and I have faced many“- -“I don't think….I don't think I'm brave like you, even Freiya blessed you“- -"Don't feel inferior just because I'm special, everyone can do their part for the village, I myself had to forget my old village to integrate here, my father never wanted me to fight or use runic magic, come on now get up“-, Tobias stood up, and thanked Kristall for the nice words of encouragement, -“Tack (Thank you), thank you Snö, I'm glad to have you as a friend“- -"Do you…do you really consider me a friend? This is the first time you've spoken to me and you never told me you were my friend" -, at that moment Tobias blushed, -“Ehm… .the truth… is that you… .you are pretty… ..that is… .you are strong, and I will …… see you“-, and the embarrassed pony ran away towards his house, Kristall smiled, -“Though… .. he's not so weak, he just needs to train, I might even think he's cute if he wasn't so badly trained, he just needs some encouragement“-. Suddenly screams were heard, there was a small yak running away, Kristall knew him, it was Konrad, the son of the chief, who was a little smaller than Henrik, Kristall stopped him, -“Hey Konrad, what's going on? Why are you running?” -“Draugr, Draugr are coming and attacking Ryt“- -“ Vad?(What?)“-. Kristall went to the entrance of the village to go and see, and she couldn't believe, there was an army of Draugr who were surrounding Ryt, they were ponies, griffins and yaks, Kristall called the other vikings together to help Ryt, but she moved first, and flew to Ryt, found herself surrounded as well. -“What are you doing here Kristall? It's dangerous"- -"That's why I came here, to help you"- -“You can't face them alone“- -“Neither you do, that's why I'm here“-, a Draugr pony lunged at Kristall, and she called on the bärsärk, and she grabbed the Draugr pony by the hoof and she slammed him into the snow several times, then crushed his head with a hoof. She then she pounced on more Draugr, -“I'll show you, viking ilska (Viking wrath)“-, Kristall struck two Draugr with two ax blows, first with a lunge and then with a horizontal cut, then from the crowd came a very large Draugr yak and charged at Ryt, the large pony prepared to parry with his sword, but Kristall Snö took her bow and shot a magic arrow, -“Take this, foul beast, pil av is (Ice arrow)“-, the arrow left a trail of ice behind it which vanished, and struck the yak Draugr, Kristall penetrated the hard skin of the monster and froze it completely , then Ryt just hit it and the monster fell apart, -“Wow, Kristall, you have such strong techniques and you have never used them against me?”- -“You are not my enemy, why should I kill you?”- -“I thought I taught you to do the best against me, with these thoughts you will never be able to defeat me“- -“I don't want to defeat you just fight you“-, Ryt however told her to look behind her, there was a Draugr griffin coming towards her, she took another ax and hit him in the face, -“ Now I'll teach you to taunt me, Magma Yxa (Magma Axe) “-, Kristall's ax became magma, but she felt no pain, however when she struck the griffin, it caught fire, and then she struck the other Draugr which also caught fire, Ryt meanwhile with a single blow had landed seven, but behind him there was another yak Draugr, Ryt was ready to hit him, but Kristall with an ax blow in flight shouted -“Förstöra pansar (Armour Breaker)” -, with that blow Kristall pulverized the Draugr, then she loaded one of her axes and threw it, -“Flygande yxa (Flying Axe)”-, the ax struck several Draugr, commanded from afar with Kristall's hoof, each of the monsters was cut in half and then disappeared, until Kristall summoned her axe, -“Come forward undead monsters, I can continue all day“- -“ I like you in thi way, Kristall“-, but an arrow of light hit a Draugr pony, Kristall saw that it was Henrik together with the other Vikings of the village who came to save both her and Ryt, the pegasus was happy. Eventually all the Draugr were decimated, and Ryt was taken to her hut, the yak Johanna checked that he was not injured, Ryt however turned to Kristall, -“You came first to help me Kristall, you called the others, but you came first to help me“- -“I couldn't leave you in trouble, Ryt“- -"I could have done it by myself"- -"It doesn't seem like it to me, you were in trouble, so I came to help you"- -“And I'm glad you did, now I could see techniques that you had never used against me before“- -“But I've always used them against monsters“- -“You can ask me what you want, gold, weapons, more power, I can give it to you“- -"Thank you, but what I want is to fight you, so now rest, when you are ready I will come to train, in the meantime I will train with the nyckelharpa“- -“Ah, now, can you play?“- -“I'm fine, now rest“-, Kristall left Ryt to rest and went back to playing the instrument at the house of the yak Vilhelm. Vilhelm was always happy with the music lessons that she gave to Kristall, also because she had only sons she would have liked to have a daughter, also the yak Johanna, the wife of the chief was always happy to be able to teach her something since she only had the little one yak Konrad as a son, in the village there were more sons than daughters and Kristall Snö was the most envied of all, many wanted to be like her, but she felt like a simple pegasus, even if from the meeting with that seer pegasus she felt she was much more than just a young mare. However in the center of the village, after about an hour Ryt called Kristall Snö for their training duel. -"Please Kristall, don't hold back, you have to hit me with all your strength"- -"But I don't want to hurt you"- -"But I want you to fight with all your strength, because from now on I'll be serious, I'll use all my strength, and therefore I want you to do it too"- -“Are you sure about that?”- -“If you will not use all your strength against me, you will have to make a promise“- -"And which?"- -“You will have to stop fighting“-, all the Vikings were amazed, as well as Kristall, she didn't want to stop fighting, she was strong both with weapons and with magic, giving up fighting meant giving up a part of herself , the same part of her that her father denied her. -"Okay Ryt, you wanted it, I'll give my best, but then don't complain"- -“It was what I wanted, finally a duel with full energy, that nap did me good“-. Ryt and Kristall Snö moved to a larger area of the village, where the other Vikings trained, Ryt picked up a large sword with his good hoof, and Kristall adjusted her bow on her shoulders, and took her ice ax and the air one. Ryt got ready, -“Let's begin“-, both ponies faced each other and parried the first blow, Kristall had to put all her energy into it, so she used her two axes forcefully, and began to use various techniques, -“Dubbla sår (Double Wounds)“-, Kristall wielded her axes violently and confidently, but Ryt parried every blow, both with his sword and with his prosthetic hoof, Rokk watched from afar along with Henrik, he as everyone knew that Ryt was impossible to beat, so he just hoped that Kristall would prove to Ryt that she was stronger, so she didn't have to give up fighting. Ryt turned and then slashed, that created a wind in the whole village, but Kristal didn't back down and parried with her shield, but then Ryt jumped in the air and even if he was a big pony he climbed very high, and hit the spot where Kristall was, the pegasus looked in the air, but it was too late, so Ryt hit it, and created a crater around him, he was really determined. Rokk got scared and called her daughter, but at the previous point Kristall was gone, Ryt was amazed, she had raised some snow, and a fog had risen which immediately became thick, -“But what's going on?“-, Then he heard the voice of the pegasus behind him, -“ This is the Dimma av is (Ice Mist) a runic spell that other yaks had never completed, but I managed to finish it and improve it, I recalled it just before you hit me, now I want to see if you can see myself with this fog, I myself had difficulty seeing the first few times with this spell“-. Kristall started moving around Ryt, then she hit him not once but twice, he couldn't see her, but she started predicting his blows by hearing the sound of his hooves, and then the next blow he parried, but then didn't he heard nothing more, at that moment an ax came from the sky, he heard it and dodged it and the ax hit the snow, so Ryt looked up, -“That's why you weren't running anymore, because you were flying, but you made a mistake flying, now you're vulnerable“-, Kristall threw two ice arrows which Ryt however dodged and threw the other axe, this one too Ryt dodged, -“Now you are without weapons, except arrows, but I won't give you time to use them“-, so Ryt jumped and pointed his sword at Kristall, but the mare had a trick to play that he didn't know, when he approached he saw that the pegasus had a transparent chain in one hoof, -“Vad?(What?)“-, Kristall pulled it and immediately swooped against Ryt, he parried, but Kristall with her back hooves hit right on the sword and disarmed Ryt, then she landed right next to her ax of ice, and then Ryt landed too, he turned to her and asked, -“Interesting, I'd like to know how you did it“-, meanwhile the fog had cleared, -“Simple, it's something I can only do with my ax ice, I can throw and summon it, but I managed to create a power-up, I can summon an almost invisible chain of ice and so instead of summoning my weapon to me, I summon myself to my weapon, I just pull the chain and I'll be right back at the point where I threw the ax, it is useful for me if I want to get close to a big enemy and hit him“-, the other Vikings were amazed and cheered the pegasus, -“No doubt you amazed me, you really worked hard“-, Kristall then pointed to Ryt's sword in the snow, -“Now take back the sword, and let's continue the duel, I'm really enjoying unleashing myself against you“-, but Ryt smiled, -"To continue? I think we're done." -"Why? Are you tired?"- -"Tired? I still have a lot of energy, I'm just amazed at what you've managed to do” -, Ryt approached Kristall and touched her with the prosthetic on her shoulder, -“You managed to beat me, and that was what I wanted“- -"But I didn't beat you, I only disarmed you"- -“And do you think it's not much? No one in these years that I've been coming here has ever disarmed me, with any of my weapons, yet you, you succeeded" -, then Ryt called Hov, -“Chief Hov, I finally have the news I was waiting for, I was looking for the strongest warrior in the village and I found him, only that he wasn't a male but a mare, and she's here near me“-, Hov was amazed, -“You mean that Kristall Snö is the strongest warrior in the village? The warrior you were looking for so much according to the prophecy you heard?“- -"Exactly, it's her, she's the only one who managed to disarm me, no one had succeeded, but she succeeded with her magic and her techniques, I'm sorry for the damage to the village, but I can fix everything “-, Kristall wondered, -“But how can it be that I'm the strongest in the village? There are bigger ponies, griffins, minotaurs and yaks"- -"It's true, but the fact remains that you can beat them, I wanted the strongest warrior I've ever faced and I found him, come on people let's party"-. So Hov gave the order for a feast to be prepared in the middle of the village, with various foods, and much ale, Ryt sat down by Kristall, Hov talked to Ryt, -“But now what will you do Ryt? Will you take Kristall with you?”- -"I can't take her with me, but I'm happy with the duel we had, indeed now that I finally found the perfect warrior I can tell you the truth, I called those Draugr"-, Kristall was amazed and spat out some of the beer was drinking, even the other Vikings were amazed, Kristall turned to Ryt, -“What do you mean that you called them?“- -“I wanted to test you, I wanted to see who had come to help me, and between us I could kill them by myself“-, Hov asked him -“Why did you want to test us?“- -"It took you all a long time to come and give me a hoof, while Kristall after calling you rushed to help me, indeed when you came, Kristall had already destroyed a lot of them, moreover she when she disarmed me she didn't take advantage of the moment to hurt me, on the contrary, she wanted me to take back my weapon, so does a warrior with a noble heart, while you others would have waited for the right moment to hit me, right? "-, Rokk turned to him, -“But now that you've found your warrior, what will you do? You said you would stay here in the village until you were defeated by the right warrior"- -“Dear Rokk, now that I've been beaten I can tell the truth, I already knew that Kristall was the one, from the first time I looked into her eyes, I knew she had potential inside of her but she had to awaken it and then I wasn’t honest with you not even with my name, you see now I can tell you who I am, I am not Ryt, but my real name is Tyr, the god Tyr“-. The whole village was incredulous at that news, Hov was the first to speak, -“Tyr? The god of war? But of course now everything fits together, your mastery in fighting, your strength, your amputated hoof, it's because the Fenrir wolf ate it from you“- -“Exactly, and the real place where I'm from is Asgard, and that's where I used to go sometimes, so I couldn't tell you where I came from, but now that I've found my right warrior now I can go back to Asgard permanently“-, Kristall interrupted him, -"But does that mean I'll never see you again?"- -“Maybe yes, maybe not, but don't worry Kristall, you have a lot to do here in Midgard and then I have to give you some other things before I leave, they are gifts that you won't have to give to anyone, first drink some more beer“-, Kristall did as told by Tyr, in her head she couldn't believe that she had been fighting all that time with a god, and not a normal god but the Norse god of war. After the celebration, Tyr took Kristall, Hov and Rokk to his hut, where he took a chest and opened it, from which he took a beautiful sword that gave off a magical green light, and gave it to Kristall, -“This, dear Kristall, is an Ulfberht sword, a magic sword that you don't own its secrets are unknown, but it is said that only the best dwarf bison of the nine kingdoms can forge it, it is a magic sword, I promised to give it to the best warrior, and now that day is today“-. Kristall Snö noticed the magical aura of the sword and the Ulfberht writing on the blade, she had heard of those legendary blades, but she would never have thought of handling one, -“ Tack så mycket, Tyr (Thanks a lot, Tyr) it really is a sword worthy of its fame, I can't wait to use my techniques with this one“-, she replied, -“Not only that, from now on I give you another gift, I will teach you, the Hämnd av Tyr (Tyr's Revenge), it will allow you to make a counterattack based on the damage you have suffered, and you can use it with all weapons , well not really just with sword and axe, I haven't found a way to use it with arrows yet“-. Having said that Tyr placed his right hoof on Kristall's head and with a little magical mist he passed the magic to her, then he adjusted the clothes a bit, -“ Well, I guess this is goodbye, I was fine in this house, but now I know that this village is in good hooves, and all thanks to your education Rokk“- -“Tack (Thank you) Tyr, it was an honor to fight with you, for the whole village it was an honor to have a god here“- -"Oh, but I don't think I'm the last god Kristall will meet, I read it in her eyes, she's destined to do other things, but if you're looking for answers dear Kristall, you know where to find them"- -“The tree of Yggdraill?“- -“Exactly, if you are looking for questions go there, but choose the right ones, well, see you“-. The whole village greeted the god of war who was leaving, he didn't turn back even a second, and kept walking in the snow and then disappeared, Kristall wanted to say goodbye to him one last time, but she didn't want to cry in front of a god . Around her she heard the clamor of the villagers who were still incredulous that she had beaten Tyr, and that she was the strongest in the village, they were more envious voices, then she went to the center of the village to stare at Tyr's old hut, that by now it was empty, and once again someone advised her to go to Yggdrasill's tree, perhaps it was a sign to really find answers and immediately, but then the Städ bison arrived and spoke to her, -“Hey Kristall, was it a really good day?”- -"Tyr also advised me to go to the Yggdrasill tree, if other ponies are telling me it means that I have to go there, maybe I have to talk to the Norns"- -“You must be careful because the Norns cannot tell you your future“- -“But I don't want to know my future, but my past, and maybe I'll find answers by asking about my mother, well, I don't know anything about her, except what my father told me about her, and Regn too, but I don't I know whether Regn lied or not, and if there is anyone in the nine realms who knows about my mother, then it must be the Norns“- -“If I were you I would prepare well, but the Norns are not combative, so you can go there even unarmed“-, at that moment the yak Hov arrived and called Kristall, -“Hey Kristall Sno? Can you come to my hut?”- -“Ja, immediately, boss“- -"There is something I would like to give you, I promised myself to give it to the best warrior, and now that I know it's you, I can give it to you"- -“What is it about?“- -“Let's go to my house and I'll explain it to you“-, So Kristall followed her boss to his house, entered and saw little Konrad who was helping his mother with the bread, in the house there was an attic, Hov and Kristall climbed the ladder and came to a trunk, the yak opened it. -"Once many years ago I was alone in the snow, monsters were attacking the village and I chased the leader of those monsters, it took me a long time to follow him to his lair, it was a very large cave, with various treasures and many bones , the leader of the monsters was a Lich“- -“A Lich? I've never met one, I've only heard of them“- -"Anyway if I had defeated him the Draugr would never have come to our village again, he was the one who summoned them and so I fought and defeated him, and from his corpse I took one of his weapons and that is this one"-, Hov took a stick with a ball attached to the tip, -“Åh, en magisk fins! (Oh, a magic staff!) I knew they existed, but I never got to see one, only some dwarf bisons can do it well“- -"Exact! And my wife was able to use it for some time, then when Tyr came to our village and told me about the prophecy of the strongest warrior in the village then I decided to hide this magic staff and give it to the warrior, and I am glad that he is you, you know how to use runes like my wife, indeed even better, you have invented other spells better than both her and the yak Vilhelm, thanks to this stick you will be able to insert your spells and invoke them directly from it, it will also increase the effect of your magic, always keep it with you, Kristall, I know you will make better use of it than me“- -“Tack, tack för denna gåva (Thank you, thank you for this gift), I don't know how to thank you boss“- -“Well, there would be a way to thank me, if you really want to“- -“Tell me, what do you want me to do?”- -“Here, I would like you to stay forever in this village“- -"In what sense?"- -“Don't get me wrong, you can always go around doing quests, and go to the other realms, but I would like you to consider this village your home“- -“But this village is already my home, I couldn't go anywhere else, even if I wanted to“- -"I know it seems like a strange request to you, but I think you are a fundamental person for this village, I myself have seen you grow, both inside and out, and I consider you one of my best warriors, if an assault were to happen I would that you were here"- -"Don't worry boss, I'll stay here, always if I'm not somewhere else fighting, or at sea fishing, however I'll be faithful to this village, even if I hear people already talking bad about me"- -“I heard those rumors, you don't have to account for them, they're just envious, many say you were lucky, others say that Tyr was tired, and other nonsense, they're just nonsense, it's not true, they forget that Tyr is a god , and that no one had managed to either hit or disarm him, and you instead beat him and proved to him that you are a loyal warrior, you are the best this village could have“- -“Tack, (Thank you) Hov, I'm honored, I'll put this stick to good use, I'll carry it in my bag, and see how I learn to use it“- -“If you want, my wife Johanna she can teach you something, and give you some advice, you are now like family“- -“Tack, now if you don't mind I have to go, I would like to continue my music lesson with the yak Vilhelm“-, So Kristall said goodbye to the boss and went to Vilhelm's house to play. As always the yak was happy with the progress Kristall was making, the sound made by the pegasus made her feel calm, Kristall thought the music helped her relax better, even before a fight, so she concentrated better every time she played the nyckelharpa. When Kristall Snö had finished she came out of the yak's hut and started flying, and leaned on the roof of her house, Rokk saw her and took a ladder to call her, -“Hey Snö, what are you doing up there?“- -“I was admiring the sea, Rokk, I needed a moment to think“- -“ What were you thinking? About your dream?“- -“Nej, it's that….I’ve decided“- -“Decided what?“- -"I have decided that I will go to the portal outside the village to go to the Bifrost, I want to go and find the Norns, I need answers to my many questions, Heimdallr knows me, so he will be able to show me the way to the tree"- -"But you have to be careful, the Norns won't be able to answer all the questions you ask, or rather those that have to do with your life, they can't tell you your future"- -"This is something they've already told me, in fact I won't ask about my future, I want to know my past, I want to ask about my mother, I know almost nothing about her, and therefore I have to know what they know about her, who better than them can know my mother, given that they have the fate of every creature between their fingers?“- -“Are you sure you want to know everything about your mother?”- -"Rokk, I need to know, I need to know why I have these special eyes, why I'm so good at fighting, at magic, I know my mother has something to do with it, but I don't know much, I don't care if what I know will be traumatic, I have to know, I have to know my mother to understand myself, so tomorrow I will go to Yggdrasill's tree“- -"Okay, but be careful, the Norns are peaceful, but it's better to be careful of the creatures that are in those places"- -“Of course I'll be careful, after all now I'm the strongest warrior in the village“- -“And I am very proud of this title“-. To be Continued….. My little pony by Hasbro & Lauren Faust > Under Yggdrasill-trädet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under Yggdrasill-trädet Under the Yggdrasill tree Kristall Snö prepared well for the next day, she decided to bring her ice ax and magma axe, her bow and the Ulfberht sword that Tyr gave her, she also decided to bring the Lich staff that Hov gave her, she was ready, she just had to walk towards the stone arch that was outside the village to summon the Bifrost thanks to the crystal dragon skull, Rokk went close to her, -“Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?”- -“I have to go alone, and then in the village they need you, Rokk“- -“They need you too, since it was you who beat Tyr“- -"I don't think it's appropriate for someone to come with me, this is something I have to see for myself, it only concerns me, I have to know who my mother was, how do I know that the dragoness Regn told me the truth?" - -"Now that I think about it, it's been a long time since you carried her skin around, you should put it back on"- -“Mhhh, maybe you're right, it protects me from the cold and then it's resistant being an ice dragon skin, I'll go get it“-. So Kristall Snö went to get Regn's skin that was in a trunk and put it on as a cloak, it had been three years and yet her skin was still strong. -“Fine, now I can go, wish me luck, Rokk“-, Rokk hugged her daughter and kissed her mane, -“Go Snö, and remember, whatever you discover, you will always be my daughter, and you will always have somewhere to go“- -“Tack(Thank you)“-. Kristall Snö left the village, and arrived at the stone arch, wore the skull and invoked the Bifrost, she climbed the rainbow bridge which took her straight to the square of the realms, where she met Heimdallr again. -“ Hallå (Hello) Heimdallr, long time no see?“- -“ Hallå Kristall Snö, it's good to see you again, I heard that you defeated Tyr in combat“- -“How did you find out? Thanks to your special hearing?”- -“Actually the Valkyries told me, but I'll tell you what, if it's true that Loki was looking for you now maybe he'll know that you're alive, although no one knows what realm he's taken refuge in, not even Odin knows“ - -"How come? I didn't know this." -“Odin predicted that he would start a revolt, so he banished him from Asgard, but you never know, he's still a god, and he might think of something evil, usually it takes time, but then he always pops up with some evil plan and if it's not a plan it's definitely a joke, also Odin had also punished him for killing various fillies, but Loki never revealed what he was plotting, luckily he stopped doing it three years ago“- -"Three years ago? It means when Freyja saved me, so he really thinks I'm dead, and if he will discover that in my village I defeated Tyr he will come looking for me again, I just hope wherever he is he doesn't find out, however I need to ask you a favor"- -“Tell me, Kristall“- -"I need to know how to reach the Yggdrasill tree, I have to ask the Norns for questions"- -"Are you sure? Look, the Norns cannot reveal the future to you, they are seers, however, cannot reveal life to mortals“- -“But I have to ask about my past, I have to know about my mother“- -“Well, if it's for your mother, then I'm sure they will have nothing against it, I myself didn't know your mother in detail, and when you told me those things about Regn it seemed strange to me, she and your mother were very good friends“ - -“I still don't know what to think, but Flod kicked me out, and Flail told me a lot of things, although I don't like that guy, can you tell me how to reach the tree anyway?”- -“Simple, do you see the beam of light that is in the middle of this square? Just look towards the light and pronounce Yggdrasill and you will find yourself there, to go back just ask the Norns“- -“Tack, see you“- -“Hello, and I hope you can find what you are looking for“- -“I hope so“-, and so Kristall did as the god said, looked up, pronounced the name of the tree and then vanished into a light. She found herself in a clearing, full of flowers and plants, on one side was winter, and on the other spring, and then she looked ahead, there was a titanic-sized tree, usually she saw it from far above the Bifrost, but now there it was before her, the Yggdrasill tree, now she had only to seek the Norns. -“It's a really nice place, no Draugr, no monsters, no wild beasts, just peace and quiet, the Norns really live in a nice place“-. Getting closer to the tree, Kristall saw a hippogriff with white robes, it was pink in color and with a blue mane, it was watering a part of the tree with a large bowl, and then it began to spread some ointment on a root, Kristall in fact she knew that the Norns as well as weaving the fate of the ponies also took care of the Yggdrasill tree which was their home, Kristall approached that hippogriff, -“Excuse me, can you help me?”-, the hippogriff got scared and hid behind a big root, and looked at Kristall, then hid again, -"Excuse me, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to ask you something, can you tell me where to find the Norns?"-, but the hippogriff said nothing, -"Oh poor thing, maybe I shouldn't have come up behind you, or you don't understand my language"-, but a door materialized from the tree from which a hippogriff came out, she was all blue with a yellow and green mane, she called Kristall, -“Never mind, she's Skuld, the youngest Norn, she's very shy, usually we don't have visitors here, just some gods, but even then she's always taciturn, it's not your fault“- -“Oh, Hallå (Hello), with whom do I have the honor to speak?”- -“ My Pleasure, I'm the middle Norn, my name is Verðandi, and today it was Skuld's turn to take care of Yggdrasill, I instead had to do the cleaning, and who are you?“- -“Oh, sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is…..“- -“ I'm kidding, I really know you, you're Kristall Snö, I know all the ponies, yaks, and dragons of which my sisters and I weave the thread of their lives, you're the one who managed to defeat Tyr“- -"But actually….."- -“Do you still think it wasn't a deserved victory? By disarming Tyr you have won, no one had ever succeeded, except Thor and Odin, you have done an epic challenge, my dear“- -“Since you already know about me, do you also know why I'm here?“- -“Ja, to ask questions, right? Which ones I don't know, my powers aren't that strong, but come with me, I'll take you to our elder sister, right now she's fixing the looms” - -“Tack, here I am“-, at that moment the younger hippogriff stopped Kristall, -“Wait, are you really Kristall Snö? I know a lot about you, I want to get to know you better“- -“So you flatter me, Skuld, I'm not that special“- -"Are you kidding? I myself wove your thread when you faced Loki before being saved by Freyja, and I also wove the part when you met Rokk“-, Verðandi stopped Skuld, -“ Skuld? Little sister? You can't reveal the future to mortals, we have rules" - -“But I didn't tell her about the future, but only about her past“- -"I know you well, you're still young, and therefore you might miss saying something to someone, like when you said about Thor that it was Loki who cut Sif's hair"- -“But Thor had to know, Loki had to be punished“- -“Keep dealing with Yggdrasil“- -"I wanted to take a break"- -“Fine, but don't say anything to Kristall Snö, try to pay attention to what you say“- -“Okay“-, Skuld entered, then Kristall Snö turned to Verðandi, -"But I don't care about my fate, I just want to know my past, and then I don't want you sisters to quarrel"- -“Sorry for the show, Kristall Snö, but every now and then I have to remind Skuld about our rules, after all she is still a beginner, she can weave well that's true, but she can't keep secrets, after all she is only 400 years old, now come inside“-, Verðandi entered, but Kristall thought to herself for a moment, -“By Thor's hammer, she is the youngest and she is 400 years old? Who knows how old the older one will be?" - Then she too entered. What she saw was the inside of the Yggdrasill tree transformed into a house, there were several rooms, and several looms on the walls, there were also golden skeins, while the other strands were white, the looms moved by themselves , while one was moved by a gray hippogriff with white hair and glasses, Verðandi led Kristall towards that adult hippogriff, -“She is Urðr, as you understand she is the eldest among us three, and she is the one with the most experience, sister Urðr, she is Kristall Snö“-, the old hippogriff looked at her, -“Bless the gods, it's really you Kristall Snö, I've known you since you were born“- -“But…but I have never known you, oh noble Urðr“- -“Not in that sense, just know that it's me who starts the thread of a new life, and therefore I've started weaving yours too, as you can see here we use magic to weave the various lives of the creatures of our lands, but we also use our paws“- -“ And those golden skeins?“- -“Those belong to the gods, they grow by themselves“- -“And what do you do when a life is about to end?“- -“One of us takes turns taking the scissors and unfortunately she has to cut the thread, and unfortunately how many fillies and dragons we had to cut the thread three years ago, when Loki sent some Changelings to kill the various villages between Noreinway and Horsweden “- -"It's my fault, he was looking for me, now he thinks I'm dead, but as soon as he knows that a mare defeated Tyr, he will look for me again"- -“I think we should talk to you a bit, let's all take a break“-. So all the Norns and Kristall Snö sat down at a table made from a large stump and there were biscuits and hot water with some leaves of the tree, the Norns offered that infusion of leaves to Kristall, -“Mmm, good, it has something magical“-, Skuld then said -“The Yggsrasill tree gives us everything we need, a roof, food and even water, and its leaves placed in hot water create an infusion that gives you energy, since we need them because we sleep little because of our work“- -“You are really very kind, I'm sorry to disturb you“-, then Urðr replied, -“ No disturbance, we get so few visitors, mainly because mortals don't come here so often“- -“I need a favor from you”- -"What is it about?"- -“ I don't care about my future, but about my past, I need to know who my mother was, why do I have these special eyes? I'm sure my answers are found in my mother's past, and you who have woven many lives I'm sure you know her, but I don't know anything about her, and who better than you can give me answers about my mother?" -, the Norns were silent, then Verðandi answered, -"Actually, dear Kristall, we can't show you the thread of another person you know, be it a pony, a griffin, a dragon or a yak, especially a god"-, then Skuld interrupted her, -“But this is about her mother, she wants to know her past, she has the right to know about her mother, we know very well that Kristall Lumi was a good mare, it's a pity that she hasn't met her daughter"- -“Skuld, please, we have rules to follow“-, then Urðr spoke, -“Actually, we can show Kristall the life of a creature that is now gone, I myself had to cut her mother's thread, don't take it personally Kristall, but when the thread stops shining with white light it's time to cut, so come with me, I'll show you the truth about your mother"- -"Tack, thank you very much, you were the only chance I had to get to know my mother"-. Urðr went near a closet carved into the wood to look for the skein of Kristall Lumi, but she didn't find it, then she whistled and an orange squirrel with big ears came at great speed from a window, Urðr spoke to him, -“ Please, Ratatoskr, go find for me in the upper floors for Kristall Lumi's skein“-, the squirrel nodded yes and ran away like lightning, Kristall Snö was amazed, -“ Ratatoskr? Was that….was it really the legendary Ratatoskr?“- -“Yes, it's really him, he's the fastest little creature in all the nine realms and often gives us a hand, he's a very intelligent little creature“-. As soon as Urðr finished speaking, Ratatoskr brought a white skein and handed it to the old hippogriff. -“ Great job Ratatoskr, if you want you can also take one of my biscuits, you know where we keep them“-, the squirrel immediately ran into the other room and went out with a biscuit between his teeth, -“You know, dear Kristall? He is crazy about the cookies we make“- -“I understand, they are delicious“-, Urðr unraveled the skein to look for the point that interested the pegasus, -“Now let's see, which part should you know about your mother first?”- -“I would like to know where she came from and if she was born in my old village“-, with a magic, the old hippogriff unthreaded the skein and an image appeared in the air. -“This is the birth of your mother, Lumi is in those bands“- -“But who is that strange pegasus with the armour? I do not know her"- -“That is Siegmund, one of the many Valkyries, the famous winged warriors who rescue dead warriors to bring them to Valhalla“- -“I know the Valkyries, but why is my mother in the arms of one of them?”- -“If you want me to continue, you must be ready for any truth“- -"I'm ready, I want to know everything about my mother"- -“You see, Siegmund is your mother's mother, your grandmother, she had a daughter from a mortal pegasus“- -“Vad? (What?) That means my mother is half Valkyrie“- -“Exactly, and that makes you half a Valkyrie, that's why some who look you in the eye become generous, mostly just magical creatures, but I don't think it would work with Loki, he's immune to certain special gifts that bring goodness in the heart, and then he might try to kill you“- -“ But I don't understand, why nobody, not even my father told me that my mother is half Valkyrie? “- -“Because no one knew, not even your grandparents, you see, sadly valkyries can't have children, so Siegmund came to Midgard to leave your mother outside the door of your grandparents' hut, and so your mother didn't know her real identity, she lived as a normal pegasus, however she had powers, her voice was magical, and she could use runes"- -“That explains why the crystal dragon skull worked on me“- -“That's right, it freed your part of Valkyrie, and that's why you are so strong, and also skilled with magic, in your veins flows the blood of the noble Valkyrie, and that's why Freyja saved you“- -"I can not believe it"- -“If I were you I wouldn't tell anyone, many villages would like a warrior half Valkyrie, but maybe you could tell Rokk and your brother“- -“How do you do know….ah yeah, you know everything about everyone“- -“If we continue to look at your mother's life, we can see that she was always good with magic, and good at reading runes, but when she met your father, he didn't want her to do magic or fight, so your mother had to stop practicing“- -“So my father was forbidding me from doing magic because he had forced my mother too“- -“He thought that this way he would protect your mother, and you too, and look this is the moment your mother meets Regn“- -"That's enough, I don't think I want to see anything else, I found what I wanted to know"- -“It's fine for me, also because there are no other secrets about your mother“- -“But…just out of curiosity, isn't it possible to see the life thread of Regn or Flail?”- -"I'm sorry, but I can't show you the thread of who is still alive, but I can show you your father's life, but he was a normal pegasus"- -"I don't think I want to see the last moments of my father's life, I already know that he wouldn't have approved of what I did to him, but I just wanted to protect Sven"- -"You did the right thing Kristall, know that, and if you want advice you have to know how to recognize who is lying and who is sincere"- -"On purpose? Do you know what happened to Rockhoof? Is he really in Vinland?“- -“I couldn't tell you, dear Kristall, the threads of the people of that village mysteriously disappeared before our eyes, if they were dead their thread would have become dark, but they really disappeared“- -"And......one last question, do you know a seer named Solar Calendar?"- -“What we know about her we learned from your point of view, and from Rokk and Henrik's point of view, we don't know anything else about that mare”- -“Then she really comes from another land, perhaps as she said from Vinland“-. Kristall Snö stood thinking, then she turned to Urðr, -“Thank you noble Norns, thanks to you I was able to understand a little about myself, I know the truth about my mother, but just because I know I'm part Valkyrie doesn't mean I'll stop training, I'll try to improve to protect the my village“- -“Now what are you going to do? Will you go in search of Siegmund?“- -“Nej, that would mean going to Asgard, and I don't think I'm allowed there“- -"Actually...if you look the gods in the eyes, they won't be able to tell you anything, but that doesn't mean that you can stay there for a long time, and then I don't know if your eyes would have any effect on Odin"- -“Anyway, I'm not interested in going in search of my real grandmother, I could cause trouble for her if the gods knew of my true origin, what I want to do now is go back to my village, thank you for the help you have given me “-, Kristall Snö started to walk towards the door but Skuld stopped her, -“ Wait Snö, sister Urðr, can't we give her anything? I mean, we can't show her the other threads, nor tell her about her future, but we can give her gifts to help her in her quests”-, Urðr and Verðandi looked at each other, then the older one replied, -"You're right Skuld, it's not right not being able to help her in her battles so dear Kristall we will teach you some spells that you can summon with that magic stick"- -“Are you sure? Won't you break any rules?” -“Our rules are all about threads, not magical arts, so we can teach you some“-, Urðr took a rune from a piece of furniture that depicted a squirrel, -“If you put this rune in your staff, you can summon the spirit of a squirrel, you can summon squirrels that will help you“- -"Seriously?"- -“It's a rune that holds a part of Ratatoskr's power, you can summon one or more copies of him, and you can send them ahead in a place, or use them to distract an enemy, just say Ekorre(Squirrel) and them you will conjure“-, Verðandi approached, -“And I'll teach you a spell that will allow you to create portals to transport you from one place to another, but careful they only work in one realm, you can't use them in two realms, only two portals per realm, and you can also prevent someone from of hostile you enter it, you just need to touch with the stick who has to enter, the one who has not been touched will remain outside the portal, oh, and of course it only works on places you have already visited“- -“Tack, Verðandi“-, then it was Skuld's turn, -“And I will teach you a spell with which you can enchant your arrows with a soporific spell, it is called Pilarna av sovar (Arrows of sleep), and since I like you I will also teach you the Aura av isen (Ice Aura) , it's a spell that invokes a magical aura on whoever you want and if he is knocked to the ground, this spell will make him recover his energies, also healing him from his wounds, but you must use it before the fight” -. So Kristall spent the day learning those spells from the Norns and was happy, because that way he would be more useful to the village. Finally, towards evening, Kristall Snö had learned those spells and thanked the three Norns, at the end they said goodbye, then it was the young Skuld who accompanied her outside. Kristall thanked Skuld again, -“I don't know how to thank you for these spells“- -"It's thanks to your eyes, magical creatures want to be generous with you, but in our case it's because we want to help you"- -“ I would have liked to have some advice from you, but then maybe you would have broken some rules, so I salute you“-, Kristall Snö walked towards the beam of light to return to Heimdallr, but then Skuld called her, -“ Vanta Kristall Snö! Jag måste prata med dig! (Wait Kristall Snö! I need to talk to you!)“-,the pegasus approached the hippogriff, -“What's up, Skuld?”- -“I know I could get in trouble but I have to tell you something, and you have to listen to me“- -“It won't affect my future, I hope?”- -"Yes, and I already know what my sisters will tell me, but no one ever comes here, except some god to visit us, and then you're a special pony"- -"I don't want to get you in trouble"- -“They can't punish me anyway, I'm one of the Norns, it's just the three of us who weave the lives of creatures“- -“Do I really have to know?“- -"Let me talk, please"- -"Agree"- -“Listen, what that seer told you, well, I would listen to it you have to use your heart together with your brain and your muscles, because there will come moments when you will have to use weapons, and other times you will have to use your heart , besides you will meet a mysterious pony, he will do something that you won't like, but listen, you don't have to see him as an enemy, because you don't want to have him as an enemy, just try to reason with him, that's all“- -“Do you also know when I will meet him?“- -"I can't tell you, I already revealed too much, but I had to do it to change your fate, because otherwise you would have had to face him in a duel, while instead I saved your life"- -“Okay, your secret is safe with me, I won't tell anyone about this prediction“- -“Wait, there's another thing I want to give you“-, Skuld took a cluster of red crystals from a bush, and took some to give to Kristall, -“Take these and give them to a dwarf bison“- -"What are these?"- -"It is crystallized sap of the Yggdrasill tree, if you fuse these crystals to your weapons both the handle and the weapon will become indestructible, I will also give you some others for your brother, they also work for bows"- -“You were even too generous Skuld, I'd like to come to you meet more often“- -“Better not, we can't have too many distractions, even if it's nice to have known you, now do your best to be a great warrior, and practice your weapons and magic, try to invent new spells, this is a other advice I can give you”- -“To be the youngest you have some advice“- -“What do you want me to tell you? In 400 years you learn things“-. Kristall Snö embraced Skuld, and then they said goodbye definitively, the pegasus returned to the beam of light and dematerialized to return to Heimdallr, who saw her and asked her how she had gone, Kristall told him about her mother's secret. he was surprised, -“So your mother was Siegmund's daughter, I knew that she had a daughter from a mortal, but I didn't think she was really your mother, this means that you are part Valkyrie“- -"Exactly, but I don't want to go in search of my real grandmother, I don't want to mess with the Valkyries and the gods, I just want to become stronger to protect my village, and therefore I have to go back to my village to train"- -“ Lycka till, Kristall!(Good luck, Kristall!)“- -“Tack Heimdallr, see you soon“-. Kristall Snö returned to the entrance of the Bifrost and then flew to her village, by now it was night, so she thought of going to the bison Städ the next day, so she returned directly to her house. She found Rokk, her grandmother and Henrik at the table eating, Rokk was delighted to see her again, -“ Snö, dear Snö, I was worried, I know that the Norns are not dangerous, but the fact that you didn't arrive made me anxious“- -“They are also very generous, I'm a little hungry, if you give me some bread and cheese I'll tell you everything“-. So Kristall told what he could tell the three of them, Rokk answered her, -“So Valkyrie blood flows in your veins? Now that's a nice discovery, who knows how many things you've seen in that place“- -“Just what I wanted to know, now I know that my mother was half Valkyrie, and that's enough for me to know, only that when she met my father…well….he didn't want her to use her powers, she did everything to protect me and the dragon eggs, but she was finally killed by the Changelings, I bet those Changelings maybe Loki sent them, if only I could confirm, but I wasn't allowed to see the thread of the gods, not even a mortal, I …I almost hate my father, if he had allowed my mother to use magical arts now maybe she would still be alive“-, Rokk comforted her, -“Hey Kristall, don’t say these things, remember that if you are here it is thanks to your real father, it is true that he went a little too far to prevent your mother from using magic, and he shouldn't have done the same with you, but now you are here and you are the strongest warrior in the village, forgive your father, surely he had his reasons, but you mustn't hate him, he will already be suffering from the fact that he had to die by your axe"- -“Thanks Rokk, i mean, thanks dad“- -“Wow, you never call me dad, that's cool“- -“Now you are my father, and you allow me to fight and use magic, and thanks to you I am a strong Viking“- -"It's also thanks to Chief Hov, he always believed in you, as well as his wife, now you just have to keep in training, just because you defeated Tyr doesn't mean you can rest, and neither do we Vikings, who knows how many things will await you “- -“Yes, but for the moment I should upgrade my weapons and Henrik’s with the sap of Yggdrasill, so he too can train without the fear that his weapons may break“-. Meanwhile, inside the Yggdrasil tree, Skuld was talking to Verðandi, -“ But we really couldn't tell her anything? Not even of what she will have to face?” – -"Why? Did you say something to her?” -“Ehm… just to follow her heart”- -“Listen, we couldn't tell her about the lie she carries around without knowing it, she has to figure it out on her own, and if she won't figure it out, well, she'll find a solution, she's one chosen by the gods“- -“It's a pity I can't tell her“- -"I know you wanted to help her, but you couldn't tell her anything, I hope you didn't say anything?"- -“Ehm….actually….“- -"Actually?"- -“…I gave her some crystallized sap from the tree”- -“Ah well, for a moment I thought wrong, now let me go back to weaving“-, Skuld started thinking about Kristall, -"I hope you’ll reflect on the advice of that seer, I gave her a paw as long as I could, now everything about her is in her hooves"-. To be Continued…. My little pony by Hasbro & Lauren Faust > Fenrir > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fenrir The next day Kristall Snö went to Städ's shop to bring him the sap of the Yggdrasill tree, she went there together with her brother Henrik. The bison was amazed, -"Only once had I seen these crystals, and that was in Nidavellir, the region of the dwarves in Svartalfheim, where I come from, the crystallized sap of the Yggdrasill tree is a rare thing to see, although I know how to use it"- -“Can you upgrade my weapons and my brother's weapons?”- -"Oh yes, I can do it, but you see there is a problem"- -"And which?"- -“Today I really can't, I have been called for an urgent matter, there is a problem in the village where I come from, I have to go to Nidavellir, it seems there has been an attack by evil creatures and I have to go there to help my people“ - -“ I don't know much about the Nidavellir, I only know that it is in Svartalfheim and that's it“- -“I don't think you'll like it, it's full of mountains and mines, and there are not only bisons, but also ponies and yaks, but they're all short like me, so it's the kingdom of dwarfs and not dwarf bisons“- -“And why in some villages in Midgard I only saw dwarf bisons?”- -“The fact is that we bisons are the best in our craft and we are perhaps the only ones who like to travel beyond our kingdom, however you will have to wait either tomorrow or the day after for your weapons“- -“What if Henrik and I went with you instead? We could help you“- -“Help me? To protect the village? Are you sure?” - Henrik was also hesitant, -“Hey big sister, we certainly can't leave the village“- -“Don't worry, we can take Rokk with us“-, however Städ had another idea, -“If I were you I would let Hov accompany me, he has some friends in my village, and it was him who chose me for this village as a blacksmith, and then if you help me I could upgrade your weapons directly in my original village, let's go to talk to the boss“-. The two ponies and the bison went to Hov's house, who was talking to Rokk, and when they saw the three of them enter they stopped, Städ told Hov about the situation. Hov touched the hair on his muzzle to think, -“I understand, you would like to go to Svartalfheim, it is a dangerous realm, but perhaps you will be safe, the dwarves are very good at building fences that are stronger than ours, and they are very strong in defense and attack“-, Rokk objected, -“But boss, don't you want to send my children there?“- -“Don't worry, Rokk, I'll accompany them by myself, and then Kristall is strong enough as you told me“-, Kristall was surprised, -“Rokk? Did you tell him what the Norns told me? Only my family members could know about it“- -“But we can trust Hov, after all he is our boss“-, Hov agreed, -“Don't worry Kristall, nobody in the village will know, even if now Städ will know too“-, the bison spoke, -“I didn't hear anything, but maybe I understood, is it the fact that Kristall is part Valkyrie?”-, Kristall turned to him, -“But where did you hear that?“- -“When I first looked into your eyes, I felt the same magical energy when I met some Valkyries, I couldn't know if it was true, but now I am sure of it“- -“Don't forget, no one in the village should know it apart from you“- -“I know perfectly how to keep a secret, you are talking to a dwarf, we are not the most talkative race that exists, and then in the village there are already a lot of warriors who are envious of you“- -"I've heard this already, but it doesn't matter to me, so, shall we leave?"-. So Kristall, Henrik, Hov and Städ got ready, Rokk said goodbye to his children, he was a little worried, but he knew that he could trust his boss and the bison, and then Kristall could look after Henrik, so he let them go. Once the four of them arrived at the stone arch, Städ used a powder to open the passage to the Bifrost, so Kristall didn't have to use the skull to summon it, only that powder led directly to the realm of Svartalfheim, so they crossed the arch, all four found themselves in the realm of the dwarves. The pegasus saw an infinite expanse of mountains, there were villages with houses dug into the mountains, and you could also see the mines, and as Städ said, there were small ponies and yaks as well as bisons. Hov and Städ waved to some of the dwarves as they strolled, while Kristall and Henrik kept quiet, then Städ started talking to a group of bisons about his village, after a while he returned to his friends. -"So, my village isn't far away, it's just behind that hill, and it seems that there are monsters roaming around, usually they keep quiet to avoid the warriors, but it seems that someone or something there has instigated to attack the villages“-, Kristall answered him, -“So it could be a very dangerous monster, did they tell you what kind of monsters there are?”- -“Ja, Revenants, Valravns and a Tatzlwurm“-, -“Perfect, I know all three of them, it will be enough to join forces, and I will be able to defeat them, you can do it too Henrik“-, the little pony did not agree, -“ Vad? Hey, I don't know these monsters, I've never met one” -, her sister calmed him down, -“I did instead, with dad, the first few times, but I faced the Tatzlwurm with more warriors, because they are very big, so it takes more than one warrior to knock down just one, as soon as we get to the village I'll explain everything to you“-. Städ led the way, and took all three of them to a village with thick palisades, with huts made of wood and rock, it seemed their village only full of bisons and dwarf yaks, Städ pointed the way to his old house, -“Välkommen till min gamla by (Welcome to my old village), this is where I lived before Hov chose me for his village“-, Kristall asked him, -“Who knows how much you missed your family, and how much they missed you”- -“Oh, oh, don't worry Kristall, actually I never told you but I don't have a family, I have a father and a mother, and then there's my sister, but she got married years ago and she already has a family, but I preferred to continue my father's work, even if he never stopped, come and let me meet my whole family“-. And all three of them went into the house, and they found there two dwarf aged bisons and also some other bisons, some younger ones, they were the grandsons of Städ. Städ introduced his family to his friends, and then introduced his friends to his family, told them what had happened to the village after so many years, and spoke in detail about Kristall Snö, who was now the strongest warrior in their village, the bisons were all amazed how even a well-grown filly could be strong enough to defeat the god of war, and Städ always said that Kristall was special, without saying that she was part Valkyrie. The whole bison family prepared a good banquet for the guests, but when Kristall Snö and Henrik saw the whole table they were a bit amazed, many of the dishes were stones and pebbles, and they were coloured. Hov consoled them, he had already dined with the dwarves many times years ago, -“Don't worry, guys, these stones are not ordinary stones, they are edible stones“-, Kristall was amazed, -“Edible stones“-, Städ answered her, -“Those are roasted stones, it's kind of the flesh of stones, but herbivores can eat it too, those others are bread stones, the others are sweet stones, it's our dessert, and then there are other types, these stones they are found only in the realm of Nidavellir, only dwarves know how to recognize real stones from edible ones, so you can eat without problems, you certainly don't risk breaking a tooth“-. Kristall Snö took a stone and bit into it, it was amazing the stone was soft it was warm and tasted good, -“ Den är läcker, den här stenen är läcker (It's delicious, this stone is delicious), I've never eaten a stone“-, after her Henrik tasted one too, and he too found his stone delicious, after tasted them, they all ate, Kristall noticed that the dwarf bisons didn't have good manners, they were a little rough at the table, but it was not the case to be picky, because she had already seen several Vikings behave badly at tables , but their wives scolded them, then she saw Hov staring at her, -"Don't feel embarrassed, Kristall, here among the dwarfs you can behave badly, you can also make noises while eating, eat with your mouth full, drink noisily and sometimes even burp, do as I do, without my wife between my hooves I can do as I want “-, and Hov stuffed his mouth full and made a noise, there was also some of the bisons belching, but she wasn't as rough as a viking, but she couldn't look bad, so she ate with her mouth full, and then he drank a big glass of beer, Henrik copied it, Hov spoke to both of them, -"Don't worry, Rokk and your grandmother won't know anything"-, Kristall replied with her mouth full, -"That's better"-. After the good feast, Hov, Kristall Snö and Henrik thanked Städ's family, the bison family were happy that the two ponies had enjoyed their cooking, then Städ's father talked to his son and then went out for a few minutes, then Städ returned to ask the three Vikings to go out, so all four went out to go to a large square in the middle of the village, Kristall spoke to Städ, -“What did your father tell you?”- -"That usually around lunchtime there are monster attacks and they can enter from the various entrances of the village, so part of us will go to the north entrance and the other to the south entrance"- -“And the other two entrances to the west and east?”- -“Other dwarves have already taken care of those, you will come with me towards the southern entrance, usually more monsters enter there“-, then Städ spoke to a dwarf pony, and the bison turned to Kristall, -“By the way Kristall, you should do us a favor“- -“If you intend to fight, I'm ready“- -“Nej, It's not just that, now I'll show you“-. Städ brought Kristall in front of two large stones with engraved runes, Kristall remembered the one that was in her old village, and that during these three years she had found others in other villages or around the mountains and realms. She stared at them and asked, -“Do you also have stones with written runes in this realm?”- -“Ja, and until their power is absorbed we cannot destroy them, no one in this village has the power of runes, but you do“- -“Why didn't you ask the yaks Johanna and Vilhelm?”- -“You should know, they don't like traveling outside of Midgard so much, but you do, so you can absorb the power of the stones and only you have it, only when you have absorbed their powers we can destroy these stones, because in fact here we would like to place another shop“- -"By the way, Städ, I wanted to ask you what was that powder you used to summon the Bifrost"- -“Oh, it's travel stone dust, it's only found in this realm, and it transports you directly to the realm you think, just think of the realm you want to go to and it takes you directly there, I don't think you need it since you you can directly summon the Bifrost”- -"It's actually true, and it's fine, now I'll try to absorb the power of the stones"-. Kristall placed one hoof on one stone and the other hoof on the other, her eyes lit up and the runes lit up, only to be absorbed by her body. After a while Kristall pulled the hooves off, and the stones ceased to glow, and also began to crumble. Städ was surprised, -“By Odin, there is no need to destroy them, they destroyed themselves, we just have to move the debris“-, Hov saw that Kristall was reading the runes that appeared before the eyes of the pegasus, he approached, -“What did you find out, Kristall?”- -"It's incredible Hov, incredible, I don't know what they're doing here, but….there are three spells, but they're ice spells, I don't know why they're here instead to be in Niflheim"- -“Well, these stones have always been a mystery, it is said that the gods had scattered them throughout the realms to prevent mortals from absorbing their power, but they didn't know that some mortal would be blessed by Freya's power or in your case from your mother's power, and what is it about? To know the details“- -“They are three excellent ice spells, the first is Explosion av is (Ice explosion), the second is Barriär av is (Ice barrier), and the third is isstråle (ice ray), in short, from how they are described from runes, the first is a blast of ice that can freeze the enemy or push them away, the second is a powerful magical barrier made from ice, and the third….seems very strong, an ice beam launched from one's weapon“- -“Wow, you will be even stronger with these spells, you could already use them against the monsters that will surround the village“- -“It may be an idea, even if I don't know how strong they will be, I could do damage to the village if I use them immediately and don't practice“-, Städ interrupted them, -“There is no time for practice, if there is any damage we will repair the village, now we have to go to the south entrance, there are already some monsters, and they have just told me that they also saw a big pony in one of the masses, it could be a Draugr, so let's go right away and get ready to fight“-. So everyone made their way to the south entrance of the village and prepared to fight. When they came out of the dwarf village everyone felt a strong quake, it seemed to come from various places, Städ then added, -“This here must surely be a Tatzlwurm, if you feel quakes and you can't see anything then it's one of those monsters“-, Henrik was scared and asked his sister, -“Kristall, what is a Tatzlwurm?“- -"It's a kind of pink worm, with eyes, and a mouth that opens in various parts, I faced few of them in the last three years, and I had to get help from other Vikings, unfortunately it can perceive the vibrations of the ground, therefore the only thing to do is fly over him“- -"But I don't have wings"- -“But I do, and I could fly in circles to lure the Tatzlwurm out of the village“-, Hov spoke to her, -“ Be careful, Kristall Snö“- -“I'll be careful, boss“-. So Kristall flew over the rocky ground and tried to figure out where the monster was coming from, but then the shaking stopped, so the only thing to do was get down to the ground and lure the monster out of the ground, so she landed and waited. She didn't have to wait long because from behind her the big worm appeared from the ground, she turned around and saw that the Tatzlwurm caught her in its mouth, all the warriors were frightened, but Kristall held the monster's jaws still to prevent it from closing them, then using the wing as a hoof she took the ax with the wing and struck one of his jaws, the giant worm spat it out. The worm descended underground, only to reappear near the warriors, Hov cried, -“It came out again, let's take advantage of it, let's hit it“-, so Hov hit it with a big axe, Henrik hit it with arrows, and the dwarf bison hit the worm back. To prevent the monster from escaping, Kristall used her air ax and threw it at the monster's mouth, then guided the ax with her powers and hit it again, then took the Ulfberht sword and flew towards the monster's throat, she held the sword with both hooves, and then arrived near the monster she screamed and created a magical slash, -“ Starkt svärd (Strong sword) “-, Kristall made a clean cut and decapitated the worm, whose body fell to the ground. The warriors cheered, and Kristall took back the ax that was still flying. Städ was the first to compliment the pegasus, -“Congratulations Kristall, we dwarves are unfortunately known more for our mastery with weapons than for our speed“- -“But if it happens again, you should hit him with a strong blow all together, and if you succeed you should try to blind him, he is not a creature used to light“-, but they could not say anything else than two Revenants appeared out of nowhere, Kristall spoke to Henrik, -"Little brother, did you want to know what the Revenants were? Well there they are”-, they looked like two unicorn skeletons, they had no eyes, they lacked their lower limbs and they floated, they wore only a torn cloak and had a wooden staff. Hov and Städ ran to strike them, but the monsters were faster than the yak and the buffalo, Henrik asked his sister for advice, -“You said you have already faced them, how do they defeat each other?”- -“I remember it like it was yesterday, it was one of the first times I went around the forests of Midgard with Rokk, and he too had difficulty hitting just one, my advice is to let Hov and Städ distract them, while you and I will hit them with the bow“- -"With the bow? Is this your idea?” -“Listen little brother, they are fast, but not so fast to dodge the arrows and then now I know a lot more techniques, and I taught you some of them too, so help me“- -“Okay, big sister“-. So both Kristall and Henrik took their bows and aimed their arrows at the two Revenants, -“Are you ready, Henrik?”- -"I'm ready"- -“So….pil av is (Ice arrow)“-, both of them used the ice arrow and hit the two Revenants who started to freeze, then Kristall wanted to try one of the new techniques that she had absorbed from the stones, -“ Explosion av is (Ice explosion)“-, there was an ice explosion that hit the two monsters and froze them and pushed them back, but the shock wave also pushed the pegasus. -"Wow, it's a strong spell, which also manages to repel the enemy and freeze it, in fact I really think it's an enhancement of my technique Yxa av is (Ice Axe) which freezes the enemies, however, only around me"-, but the two Revenants rose and thawed at once and used their staves to strike magic at Hov and Städ, -“Oh no, Städ, Kristall, hold on tight, parry the magic“-, the Revenants launched a magic beam towards the three warriors, but Kristall took her magic staff and yelled, -“ Barriär av is (Ice barrier)“-, the pegasus created a kind of wall made of transparent ice, the Revenant kept hitting it, but the wall didn't break, Hov complimented the pegasus, -“Well done Kristall, just in time“- -"But I don't know how long it will last, we need to hit the Revenants immediately"-, so the pegasus jumped into the air above the barrier, and with the ax aimed at one of the Revenants, -“Borrning ax (piercing axe)“-, with that flying blow, Kristall hit the skull of the Revenant which broke and the monster exploded in a magical cloud, -“It is done, one is defeated“-, but when she turned around she saw that the other Revenant wanted to hit her with his staff and she parried the blow with the axe, but Henrik hit the Revenant from behind with an arrow of light, in that moment Kristall had the idea to use the latest technique learned from the stones, so she aimed the point of the ax against the Revenant, -“Isstråle (Beam of ice)”-, from the tip of her ax she shot a blue ray which hit the monster, the ray was very powerful and blew it away, but meanwhile the monster froze again, at that moment, Henrik used his sword and skewered the Revenant which exploded, -“Ja, I did it, die, you cursed monster“-, Kristall was happy with her brother's timing, and for the moment there were no monsters, however a dwarf bison yelled to all the warriors to go towards the entrance to north. So all the warriors went there, and with their surprise, they found a guest they knew, it was Tyr, who was out of breath and covered in scratches. Hov approached him, -“Tyr? What are you doing here in this realm? Then you are the big pony that the other dwarves have seen“- -“I was….I came here because a wild beast had escaped from Asgard, I tried to catch it, it speaks, but it's very strong, it's his fault if the surrounding beasts are angry, it's his magic's fault"- -“You are injured, Kristall, can you come here to heal him?”- -“I'll be right there“-, and so Kristall sang the Helande sång (Healing Song) to heal Tyr, but she was amazed at how Tyr was reduced, -“But how is it possible that a single beast of Asgard has reduced you to this? It must be just awful" -“You can't understand Kristall, it's the same beast that deprived me of a hoof, it's Fenrir, he got free and now wanders around the nine realms“- -“Fenrir? The giant wolf son of Loki? In fact it is a magical beast“-, Hov was worried, -“If that beast is on the loose, then we are lost, if even Tyr has lost against him, we can do nothing“-, but Städ had an idea, -“I wouldn't say so, in many of our warehouses we have powerful magical chains“-, Kristall interrupted him, -“I thought no one here used magic“- -“It's so Kristall, but the little magic we use comes from the magic stones we find in the mines, and we also find runes to enhance our weapons, only women know how to read them, so we know immediately what rune stones are for, where do you think we would have learned to forge runes into weapons if not in this realm?”- -“Okay, but now that I think about it if we were to capture Fenrir, at least as Tyr said, the other beasts will calm down and leave the village alone“-, Tyr spoke, -"I'm afraid we'll have to put him down, there's no choice, after all he's a son of Loki, so nobody will miss him"-, but the pegasus didn't agree, -“Nej, why should we kill him? Just because he is Loki's son"- -“We have to do it Kristall, especially for you, he could tell his father that you are alive, so you and your village would be in danger, and then being the son of Loki he is necessarily evil“- -"That's not true, Jormungandr turned out to be good, and he also gave me a rune of him, you told me that to no one he would give his summoning rune"- -“Who tells you that it could happen that Fenrir is good? Not even we gods know what powers he has, and we have to stop him, so dear dwarves, take the chains we will try to stop Fenrir once and for all“-. Everyone in the village went to get the chains for the giant wolf, but Kristall and Henrik remained seated on a bench. -“Hey sister, how come you think you see the good in very dangerous creatures like Fenrir and not like the others we face?“- -“I don't know Henrik, there's something that tells me, that tells me….I don't know, after talking with Jormungandr maybe not all Loki's sons are as bad as they are described by everyone, when I face a wild beast, I already know inside me that it's dangerous, and you can't reason with it, but maybe with Fenrir it's different, he's a divine beast“- -“In some cases, dear sister, it is better to use the muscles“-, at that moment Kristall thought about what the seer Solar and the Norns told her, that is to use the heart as well as the brain and the muscles. -"Maybe it's not like that, little brother, maybe in this case it's the reason, or rather the heart that should be used"- -"What do you mean? Don't you have to look Fenrir in the eye like you did with the other gods?” -“Right, I have to use my eyes too, and maybe I should wear the crystal skull to see if I can communicate with him“-. Meanwhile, other beasts had entered the village, they were Valravn, strange creatures with the head and wings of a crow and the body of a wolf, Henrik was frightened, but Kristall prepared to attack, -“And these, dear Henrik, are the Valravn, they are beasts half raven and half wolf, try to hit them with arrows while I hit them with axes“- -"Why should you always be fearless while I always have to stand behind you?"- -“Do you feel like facing these beasts with me?”- -"Agree"-. So Kristall and Henrik faced the three Valravn both with swords and axes, Kristall occasionally used her techniques to hit the Valravn who were too close to Henrik, but one caught her and tried to bite her, but she stopped his jaw with the axe, Henrik then shot an arrow of ice at Valravn, and Kristall struck the beast with the Ulfberht sword and defeated it, now two remained, but the two ponies were helped by the various dwarves, but the final blow was taken care of by the two ponies, Kristall with axe, and Henrik with sword. From the entrance of the village more Valravn entered, but Kristall struck them with the magic sword, and then took two axes and planted them in front of the Valravn, -“Explosion av is och eld (Explosion of ice and fire)“-, and with that explosion the Valravn were thrown out of the village, some frozen others burned, but it was time to worry, because he had entered the village, Fenrir. Kristall Snö turned around and saw a huge gray wolf, erected on his paws bigger than a house, there were some dwarfs trying to hurt him but he with a paw sent them away, some shot arrows at him. At that moment, from the roofs of the houses, various ponies and dwarf bisons launched their magical chains to tie them around Fenrir, thus being able to block him, Tyr also did his part, Kristall was certainly not happy with what they were doing, in fact she saw that Fenrir looked enraged, but to her eyes he looked more frightened than angry. Henrik wanted to shoot an arrow into the wolf's eyes, but Kristall stopped him, -“Nej, don't do anything Henrik“- -“But we have to stop him, otherwise he will kill us all“-, she looked her brother in his eyes, -"Look at me carefully, now don't do anything, unless I ask you to, understand?"- -“Ah….okay, if you tell me like that, I won't do anything, but don't do anything crazy“- -“I won't do crazy things, I will follow my heart“-. Fenrir had been pinned with chains on his legs, and around the torso and all the dwarves, including Hov and Tyr holding him down, Tyr called out to Kristall, -“Kristall, listen, I want you to hit him, then I'll take care of killing him, you just have to weaken him, I don't think you can kill him, even if you are strong“- -“I won't need weapons for what I'm about to do“- -“What do you mean?“-, Kristall was a bit scared, Fenrir was growling in front of her, but she tried to keep calm, -“Fenrir? Can you hear me? Try to look me in the eye, look me in the eye, I know you're not mean ”-, Tyr was surprised, -“What are you doing Kristall? So he'll tear you into pieces” – even Hov warned her, -“Stop Kristall, it's dangerous, don't be proud“-, Fenrir was getting closer and closer, and Kristall tried to talk to him, and as she got closer she stripped off her weapons, -“Look at me Fenrir, I put away my weapons, axes, bow and sword, I don't want to hurt you, I'm your friend, I know that just because Loki is your father doesn't mean you have to act like him“- . Kristall was now close to Fenrir and she offered him the hoof, Fenrir shook himself, and broke all the chains with the magic, all those who held him fell to the ground, Henrik was ready to hit him but he thought about his sister's words and put the bow. Fenrir started barking loudly, but Kristall closed her eyes and then opened them again, Fenrir stopped barking, then started to smell the pegasus, she raised her hoof more, and everyone saw a strange sight, Fenrir let herself be caressed by her, or rather he sat up on all fours like a normal dog, and Kristall stroked him. Tyr got up and walked over, -“How did you do it Kristall?”- -"I don't know, I just followed my heart more than my brain, sometimes with certain animals you just need to use a little sweetness, that's all"- -“And I who sacrificed my hoof to block it some time ago?”- -“I told you, just because he's Loki's son doesn't mean he's like him“-, and then Kristall hugged Fenrir, and the wolf started whimpering, and licked her, -“I know you're not bad Fenrir, but can you explain to me why you did all this? Why did you stir up those creatures here?” – and the wolf began to bark, -“He… he said that Odin threw a poisoned spear on his back, only because he put his paw in one of his halls“-, Kristall flew, and saw the spear that was black on Fenrir's back, -“Don't worry Fenrir, I'll take it off now, you'll feel some pain“-, and Kristall used her strength to pull the poisoned spear, Fenrir howled in pain but it didn't last long, then she sang the Helande sång and healed the wolf's wound, then she gave the spear to Tyr and settled on the ground. -"It's not fair that Odin just because he's the king of the gods behaves like this, Fenrir will also be a son of Loki, but it's not fair that Odin treats him badly"-, Tyr was amazed, -“You have done a feat that not even Thor would have dared to do, dear Kristall“- -“I told you, I just followed my heart“-, then she turned to Fenrir, -“Dear Fenrir, what is it you want? Perhaps Asgard is not the place for you“-, and Fenrir replied, -“He Says that he would like to roam free in the woods, and hunt only for hunger and not be hit just because he is huge“-, Henrik turned to his sister, -“Kristall, do you realize what you did?”- -“Ja, I followed my heart, but you didn't believe in me either“- -“It's not just that, you managed to talk to Fenrir without the crystal skull“-, Kristall touched her head, and in fact she wasn't wearing the dragon skull, -“Hey, it's true, I'm not wearing it, yet….and yet I managed to understand what he said“-, Tyr answered her, -“I think it depends on the fact that you are now aware that you are half Valkyrie“- -"Or maybe it's because I used the skull several times, and therefore maybe I can even do without it, maybe I can even summon the Bifrost by myself, with the Lich's staff"- -"Maybe it's because of the last hypothesis you just said"- -“I should try, however I have to ask Fenrir something, something that only he could tell me“- -“To be honest it is also thanks to your Valkyrie eyes that he listened to you“- -“In fact I have made him look me in the eye.” Fenrir saw that Kristall was looking at her, -“Listen! Fenrir, your father Loki, do you know where he is?”-, Fenrir replied barking again, -“He says he doesn't know, he could be in any of the realms, but he doesn't know which one, because his father told him not to look for him because he doesn't want to be found by the gods“-, Tyr understood well, -"I believe it well, he must have ordered him not to tell anyone, or Loki didn't even tell his children where he is hiding"- -“ Then perhaps you can answer this question, dear Fenrir, do you know why years ago Loki had fillies and dragons killed in some Midgard villages?“-, Fenrir answered, but this time the answer was longer, Henrik was curious, -“What did he say, big sister?“- -"He…he said that by chance one day Loki heard from a seer that in those lands there would be a warrior filly who would become a friend of the gods, and that she was a friend of dragons and therefore had all the fillies killed in the villages where there were dragons, and that Loki killed a pegasus called Kristall Snö three years ago, and that he took her form in a village to make the inhabitants think she was a thief, and so he made her chased by Wargs to kill her, he also said that that filly was an obstacle to the plan Loki was planning, and that for some years Loki has had an ally in Midgard“-, Hov spoke to her, -“This is a problem, because now that Fenrir has met you, he could tell his father“- -"But this confirms my theory, it's really me that Loki was looking for, and he believes that I'm dead, but there's one thing I have to fix"-. Kristall turned back to Fenrir, -“Fenrir? I'm the warrior who your father was looking for, I'm Kristall Snö, but you don't have to tell your father, because I know you're not as bad as him, and you won't be a spy, Loki believes me dead and it's right that he believes it, please, don't tell anyone,” Fenrir replied again, -“He said he won't tell, just because he's his father's son, it doesn't mean he looks like his father, he'll keep the secret, but….Fenrir, do you know who your father's ally is?”-, Fenrir replied , but with a sorry tone, “He said he doesn't know, but he's not from Midgard and he's not a god.” Hov asked her, -“Do you have any suspicions, Kristall?”- -“Now I can't think of anyone, who could possibly want me dead? Could…..no, the ice dragons drove me out, but I don't think they really wanted me dead“- -"Well, I think it's over here, the village is safe, so our mission is over"-, Tyr however said something else, -“And now what do I do with Fenrir?”-, Kristall replied, -“Don't worry, Fenrir? Don't make trouble, unfortunately Odin doesn't understand you, he hurts you only because you're Loki's son, but you mustn't be angry with the gods, be good" -, at that moment Fenrir began to howl at the sky and near his paws materialized a rune, with the symbol of a wolf's head, then the wolf began to speak and Kristall was incredulous. Hov asked, -“What is it?“- -“He said….he said that this rune is a gift only for me, it is used to summon him, he says that I can summon him in any realm if by chance I need help or a simple passage, and that it has infinite uses compared to his brother Jormungandr, and says that if I ever meet his sister Hel, I should look into her eyes, because she is not as bad as they say, just like it happened with him“-, Kristall took the rune, and thanked Fenrir, who stood up and he went away, and going away he chased away all the creatures he had brought with him. Tyr approached the pegasus, -“Congratulations Kristall, now you also have Fenrir on your side, he has become your ally, and you can call him whenever you want, wait for Odin to know about this story, who knows what face he will make“- -“Tack Tyr, I'll keep this one too, only that I can use it better since I can call Fenrir whenever I want, it's convenient for me to have him as an ally, as for Jormungandr, I don't know when to call him, I'd rather not do it at all, but if I had to need Fenrir, I would call him immediately“-, Henrik approached her, -“Hey big sis? Just wait until dad knows about what you did“- -“You also gave me a hoof, hey Städ? I would say we ended up here in the realm of Svartalfheim“-, Städ nodded, and then replied, -"I would say that we can have a nice party to celebrate my friends, and since what you have done is a heroic feat I will upgrade your weapons for free"- -“Tack, Städ, that's a nice gesture from you“- -“And I won't be the only one to upgrade your weapons and those of your brother, my father will help me, so they'll be perfect, and I'll also add some magic runes, indeed why don't you stay for the night? We'll leave tomorrow"- -“It's fine for me, and you Henrik?”- -"It's fine for me too, I would like to taste some of those strange stones"-, so for that evening and that night, Kristall and Henrik stayed at Städ's house for dinner and sleep, while Hov was hosted at the house of the village chief bison. When morning arrived, the whole family immediately served a nice breakfast, with sweet bread, obtained from sugar stones typical of that kingdom, and good fresh milk, which however came from cows and not from rocks. Städ also came in to breakfast, and sat down next to Kristall and Henrik and spoke to both, -“Dear Kristall and dear Henrik, your weapons have been upgraded“-, Kristall asked him, -“Does that mean that you and your father spent the night upgrading my and Henrik's weapons?“- -“Not all night, and then for me and my father it is so rare to be able to touch the crystallized sap of the Yggdrasill tree, so we wanted to finish as soon as possible, the result? Your weapons are now indestructible, both the blade and the handle, as for your Ulfberht sword there was no need to upgrade it more, it is already perfect as it is“- -“You also said you wanted to add some runes“- -"I did it, both for you and for your brother, I'll explain how they work when we get back to Midgard, because I've implanted different runes, but now hurry up and have breakfast, we have to leave right away"- -“Don't you want to stay here a little longer with your family?”- -“I can come and see you at other times, and then it's time for you to go back to work in our village, I'll say goodbye while you're out calling Hov“-. After drinking some more milk, Kristall and Henrik went out and it was Städ's father who handed over their power weapons, Henrik felt no difference, while Kristall felt that there was something new, but thought it was better go back to Midgard to try out the upgrades. They found Hov giving a thank you speech for all the dwarves in the village, and then he saw the two ponies who called him, it was time to go, Städ said goodbye to his family and all four of them left the village, as had happened at the arrival, Städ used the special powder to get back to Midgard and so they only had to make their way back to get to the village. Kristall was happy to go back to the Viking village and couldn't wait to tell Rokk everything, of course in her bag she kept the runes of Jormungandr and Fenrir with care, thinking as always to use them wisely. Arriving at their house, it was Hov who told their father and grandmother everything, and the two minotaurs were incredulous, Rokk exclaimed -"I really can't believe it, my daughter managed to tame Fenrir, the biggest and most ferocious beast of all the nine realms?"-, Hov was happy, -“Now there is no doubt about Kristall Snö's special qualities, she is truly a choice of the gods, and we are lucky to have her among us“-. Städ was back at his shop, and Kristall couldn't wait for him to tell him about the upgrades to her weapons, but what was on her mind was if she really was as special as everyone thought she was, even if now she had confirmation too by Fenrir, but if Loki happened to know that she was still alive how could she fight against a god of chaos? What if she killed him? She could have unleashed the wrath of the gods of Asgard, so she had to prepare for a possible encounter against the evil god, but for now she could get some rest. To be continued…. My little pony by Hasbro & Lauren Faust