• Published 16th Apr 2023
  • 172 Views, 2 Comments

Kristall Snö - Kawat3ngusan

In cold Horsweden in Europone, at the time of the Vikings a new filly is about to be born, a special filly for her time and her people

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Fiske efter val tonfisk

Fiske efter val tonfisk

Whale tuna fishing

All the vikings in the village were preparing for the moment, all the boats were ready, Kristall Snö was excited for the first time she was going to go whale tuna hunting.

Meanwhile she was taking a look at her new resistant shield, and also at her new ax, which had veins of fire, it was a bit heavy for her to carry three axes at a time, but by now she was trained, so three axes of different elements along with her bow and quiver weren't a problem.

Luckily it wasn't the first time she went on a Viking ship, she had already had the opportunity to sail together with Rokk, and she helped him with the sails and also looked out from the bow.

Together with them and the other Vikings Henrik also came, Rokk thought it was time for him too to get on a drakar.

The Vikings placed their shields on the sides of the ship and began to row, Kristall Snö was happy to be able to participate in a fish hunt, because despite the name the whale tuna was a big fish and therefore she could eat their meat.

Kristall Snö remembered when she left with the drakar to go and conquer other cities and other villages, although she didn't like doing it, she was now a Viking and thereforev that was her life.

The crossing was long to get to the coast, more precisely to get to the point where there were the whale tunas.

Kristall Snö and Herink stood near the bow to get a good look at where the whale tunas were, but at the moment they saw nothing, only waves.

Rokk from the stern called the mare,

-“Hey Snö, do you see any whales?”-

-“Nej, I don't see a single one, I think we should still go on“-

-“Then row boys, we have to head towards the coast“-.

Henrik climbed onto the tip of the prow and suddenly he saw some big fish come out of the water, they were big tunas, bigger than normal, only they had a blowhole on their head, at that moment the foal screamed,

-“Here they are, here they are, I see them, they are many“-, Rokk ran towards the bow and saw them too and Kristall Snö, Rokk then got ready,

-"Perfect, take your spears and arrows, we have to hit at least one, the other boats get ready, alternatively we have to direct one towards the shore and beach it"-.

All the boats with all the Vikings got ready, every time a tuna whale approached the surface they tried to hit it with spears or arrows or swords or even with axes.

Kristall tried to hit the Whales tuna with arrows, but it seemed that instead of hurting them they just slowed them down,

-"If I could hit them in the eye it would be easier, but it's a bit difficult since they jump into the water, and only come back up to breathe"-,

Henrik got ready too, aimed at a very large specimen, saw that it had risen to breathe and so he threw an arrow of light,

-“ Pil av Ljus“, the arrow hit the tuna near the eye, which froze, and hit the drakar with a fin, all the Vikings lost their balance, but Henrik who was leaning on the tip of the prow fell into the water , Rokk stood up and got scared.

-“Oh by the gods, Henrik can't swim, do something, my son is in the water among those beasts“-,

Kristall Snö reassured Rokk,

-"Don't worry Rokk, I'll take care of my brother"-

-“But you don't know how to swim either, Snö, we can't do anything, and Henrik doesn't resurface“-,

Kristall scoffed as if she was hiding something,

-“So you think I can't swim? Well, I have to tell you some news“-.

Kristall Snö dived from the bow, and Rokk was amazed by what he saw, a light enveloped Kristall Snö and she changed from a simple pegasus into a sea pony.

Kristall showed Rokk the fishtail,

-"How is it possible? When did it happen?"-

-“When I have saved my brother I will explain it to you, first I have to dive“-.

So Kristall Snö dived, and looked for her brother Henrik, she had to hurry because surely now he had swallowed a lot of water, and luckily she saw him, but at that moment a whale tuna was approaching him with his mouth open ready to eat him, Kristall rushed towards him, but it seemed that the Whale Tuna was faster, so Kristall threw her ax at the big fish and she hit him right on the left eye, Kristall managed to catch Henrik but he didn't show any signs of life, so she snapped underwater, arrived near the water's edge she jumped and landed right on the ship, in front of the incredulous eyes of all the Vikings.

Everyone was surprised to see Kristall in that form,

-"Have you seen?"-

-"It's incredible"-

-“How did she transform herself?”-

-“Is it perhaps a Fossegrimen?”-.

Rokk however rushed to catch Henrik who was not breathing,

-“My little Henrik, how are you?”-, then Kristall took him and put him on the boat, with her fins she gave him a massage on his chest, then blew into his mouth, and did the massage again

-“Come on Henrik, you can't leave me for a simple accident, please wake up, please“-.

The massage worked, Henrik coughed and vomited the water, then he woke up, and saw his sister in a new version,

-“ Kristall? But how? Are you a Fossegrimen?” -, Kristall Snö hugged her little brother tightly,

-“Blessed be the goddess Sif, you are safe“-,

-"Ja, but if you hold me so tight, I risk suffocating"-

-“Ah, sorry”-, Kristall let go.

Henrik got back on his hooves, Rokk hugged him and then turned to his daughter,

-“Men hur gick det till?(But how did it happen?) How is it possible that you have a fish tail?“-,

before answering, Kristall called her ax from the water, then spoke,

-"It's very simple Rokk, about a year ago I was near a lake, and I saw some dark dragons hurting a Fossegrimen, she was all blue with light blue hair, so I hit the two dragons with my axes , who ran away, then I healed the Fossegrimen with my magic, and she told me that to repay me for the favor, she would grant me a spell, or give me the ability to play the violin“-

-“And what did you ask for?”-

-"I didn't ask her for anything, I saved her without asking for anything in return, but she insisted on giving me something, so I asked her if she could teach me how to swim"-

-“And she did it?”-

-“She did better, she summoned a blue pearl, and made me touch it, then she told me to dive in and when I entered the water, my clothes disappeared and my fins and tail sprouted, and also I could breathe underwater, and the Fossegrimen enchanted my axes, so that I could throw them even in water“-

-"So you hid this ability from me and the whole village for more than a year?"-

-"I wanted to train secretly, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know when was the right time"-

-“Well, that's a good thing, you're a viking who can swim, and if you got the spell from a Fossegrimen, you'll swim better than a fish“-

-“Not only that, now that Henrik has blinded the Whale Tuna maybe I can lead him towards the coast“-, and so Kristall jumped back into the water and tried to chase the earlier Whale Tuna,

Rokk gave the order to hit the Tuna to help the pegasus, Kristall saw two whales Tunas, she didn't know which of the two was the one blinded by Henrik, but she tried to hit them both with the air axe, took aim and threw it,

-“Yxa av vinden (windaxe)“-, both Whale Tunas were hit, and were bruised, the bigger one was hit by the drakar, which carried him to the coast, Rokk yelled with joy,

-“He ran aground, hooray“-, the other Whale Tuna opened his mouth and tried to eat Kristall, but the pegasus instead of running away let himself be swallowed, and the Whale Tuna closed his mouth.

Inside her mouth, Kristall already had a plan,

-“It was a mistake for you to eat me, now I can try my new technique“-,Kristall Snö took the ice and fire axes, then brought them closer, both began to glow, then she stuck them on the tongue of the whale Tuna and screamed,

-“ Explosion av is och eld (Explosion of ice and fire) “-, there was an explosion of ice and a flash of fire from the sea, which moved the drakars with waves, and the Whale Tuna landed on the coast, but without the head, Kristall instead landed on Rokk's drakar, the Vikings cheered and cheered the pegasus.

Once the fins were placed on the boat, Kristall was surrounded by a light, her clothes reappeared and she became a pegasus again, she looked towards the coast and said

-“Jag är inte längre en svag ponny (I am no longer a weak pony)“-,

Rokk complimented her,

-"You're right now, it's been a long time since you're weaker"-

-“Jag är nu en viking (Now I am a viking)“-

-“Ja, you are a real Viking since you came to the village, you don't have to prove anything anymore, Snö”-,

but Kristall had something to say to Rokk,

-“Listen Rokk, this morning I used seiðr“-

-“To predict if we would have a good catch?”-

-“Ja, and it was positive, but a strange message appeared to me“-

-“What did that message say?“-

-“ Titta inte på ljuset, du kommer att glömma allt“-

-“ Don't look at the light, you will forget everything? It's a bit strange as a message "-

-“I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how to interpret it“-

-“Well, it certainly wasn't referring to the sun, now let's think about catching the two whale tunas that we caught thanks to you and Henrik, we have to tie them to the ship” -.

The other ships had also caught tunas and had already tied them with ropes, but they also docked to tie them better, Rokk complimented Henrik.

-"Good son, I'm proud of you"-

-“I did it thanks to a technique that Kristall taught me“-

-“But you practiced with her and you trained well, you blinded the whale Tuna and now we take them all to the village“-.

All the Vikings came down from the drakars to stand on the coast, the yak Hov came from one of the ships to compliment Kristall,

-“I saw you transforming Kristall, so when you're in the water you can become a Fossegrimen?”-

-“Not really, I can swim and breathe underwater but I don't have the musical talent of one of them“-

-“You can always save another one, and thus learn to play the violin“-

-“I have never felt any interest in learning to play, even though I do like music“-

-"A good Viking must also know how to play, but don't worry if you want to learn there are always our yak wives"-

-"I could try to learn the Nyckelharpa (Horswedish Violin), I might like to keep my head busy with something other than fighting"-.

Suddenly at that moment, from a distant part of the coast a small ray of light was shining down on a distant village.

A Viking pony pointed at him and everyone turned,

Rokk was amazed,

-“ Vad är den där ljusstrålen? (What is that ray of light?)“-,

Kristall Snö saw that the beam was getting bigger and brighter and brighter, so she yelled to everyone,

-“ Titta inte på ljuset! Titta inte på ljuset! (Don't look at the light! Don't look at the light!) “-,

Rokk covered his eyes and also told his boss Hov, who wondered why, but Rokk told him to cover his eyes now and trust, Kristall Snö went to Henrik and put hooves on his eyes,

-“ What are you doing Kristall?“-

-“Trust me, you don't have to look at the light“-, Kristall closed her eyes and luckily she made it in time, because there was an explosion of light that spread in a circular shape.

After waiting a while, all four opened their eyes again, but Kristall saw that the other Vikings hadn't closed their eyes and were stunned, Rokk fanned his hand but no one made a move, Hov was a little angry ,

-“Damn it, why didn't they listen to us?”-, Rokk replied,

-“Everyone was busy wondering why they didn't pay attention to Kristall Snö's warning, and now what do we do?”-, Kristall released Henrik and looked around,

-"I don't know what to do, but now I would like to know what was that ray of light?"-, Rokk remembered one thing,

-"Wait, that way was the village of Rockhoof, I remember it well"-

-"It was there?"-

-“Sure Kristall, we have to go and see what happened, I wouldn't want Rockhoof to be in danger“-,

Hov replied,

-“Go ahead take one of the small boats, and let me know what happened I'm staying here with the other Vikings“-

-"Thanks boss"-.

So, Rokk, Henrik and Kristall Snö took one of the small boats attached to a drakar and rowed towards the coast where the village of Rockhoof was located.

But the closer they got the more they saw that there was no sign of the village.

Once on land, all three looked around, instead of the village there was only a crater, and it was very large, there was no trace of houses or anything else.

Rokk was worried

-"How is it possible? What happened? What was that ray?”-,

Kristall was confused too,

-"I don't know, but it seemed like a very powerful magic, I can't figure out what it was"-,

Henrik replied

-“What if it was Loki's work?“-,

but Kristall wasn't convinced,

-“I don't think so, it didn't seem like Loki's magic, and then why would he have to destroy an entire village? There were no dragons, and then usually he sends monsters to kill, he doesn't use magic to generate a beam of light to disintegrate an entire village"-

-"And who knows? Maybe he trained, after all he is the only male god who can read runes"-

-“I can recognize rune magic and that wasn't rune magic, it had a very majestic power“-,

Rokk spoke to his children,

-“I shouted his name several times, but Rockhoof doesn't answer, it seems like he disappeared with the village, I can't believe it, he was my friend, and now he's dead“-,

Kristall tried to console Rokk,

-“ Don't worry, we couldn't do anything, so this was the message that the runes told me, now I don't know how to help the other Vikings, if only I knew who destroyed the village“-, a mysterious voice spoke,

-“The village has not been disintegrated”-, all three Vikings were frightened, because a mare had suddenly appeared to their right, her coat was of a shiny light green colour, her eyes were green, her mane and her tail was a beautiful yellow color, and she was a pegasus, a little taller than Kristall Snö and she wore a white dress that covered her whole body except for her head, hooves, wings and tail.

Kristall Snö calmed down and spoke to her,

-“Who….who are you?”-

-“Don't be afraid, I'm not your enemy, I came to check the beam of light, and you Kristall Snö, you're absolutely right, you couldn't do anything to avoid this incident“-

-“Wh…wh…how do you know my name?”-

-"I know many things about you dear Kristall, but you don't have to be afraid of me, I'm here to check what happened, you were right to close the eyes, because otherwise you would have forgotten everything about this village“-

-"In what sense?"-

-“It was a powerful divine magic, which erased the memories of those who looked at the light, but it didn't destroy the village“-

Rokk was curious

-"What does it mean? What happened to the village where is Rockhoof now?“-

-“I can't tell you that, it's very important that you leave Rockhoof alone“-, but at those words Rokk took the sword and pointed it at the mare,

-“If you know where Rockhoof is, you have to tell me, he was my friend, if he is still alive, I need to know where he is“-,

the mare gave a sigh of boredom, and then turned to all three,

-"Listen to me, I can't tell you everything, but I can't leave you in your ignorance, to begin with, I'm a seer"-

Kristall marveled,

-"Are you a fortune teller? So you already knew about what was going to happen? “-

-"Yes, but I couldn't do anything to avoid it, the village, as I told you, it hasn't been eliminated, a powerful divine magic has transported it away from here"-

-"And where? Is it the work of our gods?”

-"No, your gods have nothing to do here, it was a magic from another place, but I don't know where, unfortunately my powers aren't that strong, but I can tell you what happened to the village, it's in Equestria" -


-“It is the continent that you Vikings call Vinland“-

-“Ah I see, the continent across the sea“-

-“Unfortunately I can't tell you exactly where the village is now“-

Rokk wondered,

-“And may I know why?“-

-“Because it was transported to an unspecified part of time, and then he is destined to do great things in that continent, he will become a great hero and the shovel will be his weapon, but if you would find him now….well, he it could be somewhere else if I foresee it“-

-“I knew it, I knew it, the time has finally come for Rockhoof, I knew that sooner or later he would become a hero“-,

But Kristall was still confused,

-“But then…..will we see him again?”-

-"I can't tell you that"-

-"I need to know, please"-

-“Okay, in my future ……“-, the green pegasus touched her forehead concentrated,

-"In the future I see that sooner or later you Kristall will see him again, even if you won't recognize him because he will have changed a lot, but your father Rokk won't see him because he won't come with you, and neither will Henrik"-

-"What does it mean? That the two of them won't come with me?”-

-"I've already told you too much, don't make me say anything else, please, if I'm here it's to give you a warning"-

-"What is it about?"-

-“What I will tell you is that in your mission you must use your heart and not only your brain and muscles, you must also know how to use your heart“-

-"Who are you? One of the Norns?”

-“I belong to other gods, far from here, in Vinland, so I don't have to do with your gods, and no, I'm not one of your Norns, although I don't know your gods perfectly“-


-“Look, I have to go now, I interacted too much with you, it's time for me to go“-

-“In what sense did you interact too much? I have more questions for you, for example, why do I have these magical eyes? And why can I read the runes?”-

-“If you want to know the truth, you must look for the answers in the only place where you can find them“-

-“And that is?“-

-“Under the tree of Yggdrasil“-,

Kristall looked at Rokk and Henrik,

-"What? Under the tree of Yggdrasil?”-

Rokk answered her,

-"That's where the Norns live, maybe you have to ask them, even Rockhoof talked about them"-

-“But then I have to….”-, Kristall turned to the green pegasus, but all three saw that she had completely disappeared,

-"But where did she go?"-

Henrik was confused too,

-“She didn't move at all, and she didn't even fly away, what happened to her?”-, Rokk spoke,

-"She was a seer, she wasn't from here but she came from Vinland, this is enough for us to know, and she wasn't even our enemy, on the contrary, she gave you advice, Kristall, make good use of it"-

-“But there were so many things I wish I knew“-

-"It will mean that you will have to ask the Norns, maybe with your special eyes they will tell you something, as long as you don't ask them about your future, because for them it is forbidden to reveal it to mortals"-

-"But now we don't know how to free those Vikings from the spell"-

-“Come on, let's go back to them“-.

So they took the boat back and went back to the part of the coast where their Viking friends were, to their surprise they saw that everyone was tying the whale tunas to the drakars, Hov approached the three of them,

-“Thanks to Odin you are safe, what have you discovered?“-,

Kristall Snö explained everything to the yak leader, who was surprised by her story,

-"While you were away, all the Vikings woke up, I tried to talk to them about the ray of light, but no one remembers seeing it, in fact they also told me that they don't even remember the village that was there"-

-"How is it possible? Some of them met Rockhoof” –, Rokk went to some of them to talk, but after a while he came back to Kristall,

-“Nothing, Snö, it seems that none of them remember Rockhoof or the village, as if they had forgotten“-

-“Just like he the pegasus seer, if we had seen the light we would have forgotten, all we know is that it was caused by a god not ours, but from another land“-

-“Luckily you told me about your prediction before all this happened“-,

Hov looked around and spoke,

“Well, I say forget about what happened and load all the fish, and go back to our village and celebrate, before they think we're crazy, let's go“-, so all three did as Hov said, and they helped bind the whale tunas to the drakars.

The return journey was pleasant, but the words of the pegasus seer stuck in Kristall's head,

-“ In your mission you have to use your heart and not just your brain and muscles, you have to know how to use your heart too, who knows what she meant?“-,

Henrik who was near her spoke to her,

-"Perhaps she means that in combat you don't have to use only your muscles, you have to know how to use your heart"-

-"It's still complicated, she didn't tell me when"-

-"She also said that she had talked too much with you"-

-"Maybe she was afraid of breaking some rules, but maybe I just need to know what the right moment will be"-

-“What if you don't recognize it?”-

-“I don't know Henrik, I really don't know, I don't even know the name of that pegasus, who knows if I'll see her again“-.

To be continued….

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