• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 1,128 Views, 14 Comments

The Legend of Lyra - LynkAdams

The adventure of a chosen one to save the land of Hayrule

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Chapter 3 - Quest For Hayrule

Chapter 3
Quest for Hayrule

They arrived at the sanctuary. Big Mac placed Lyra upon the ground and told her to "get some rest" but she didn't reply.

"Lyra? I hope you come back to normal soon." said Sprout as she looked upon the face of the mint green ponies face of despair.

"We should all try and get some sleep and tomorrow we'll think about where we are going to go in the morning." said Big Mac as he laid down.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." replied Sprout as she cozied up to Lyra.

Lyra still in shock gained motion enough to rest her head on the ground, she closed her eyes and tried her best to doze off to sleep. As Lyra finally descended into sleep, she began to dream. Everything was pitch black, with the sound of crackling, like wood burning in fire. A glowing orange light illuminated her dream slowly creating the image of flames, her dream started to breathe life into itself. All she could see was trees blazing in fire, like a veil of flames, she then heard screams and suddenly ponies were running back an forth in a manner of fear, the fiery trees faded into the shape of the Everfree Village cottage's.

"You have lost it all, Lyra." said a mysterious voice. "Your home, is nothing but ash and smoke now."

Lyra squirmed in her sleep, causing Sprout to wake up.

"Ergh... Lyra, stop squirming. You woke me up." Sprout said only to notice Lyra's lips quivering and eyes tensing, Sprout knew that Lyra was having a nightmare and tried to wake her up. She gave her a gentle nudge.

"Lyra, wake up." she said as she nudged her again with slightly more force.

Lyra's dream continued, but it was no longer displaying the Everfree Village, but instead it was displaying the run down old building in the orange desert sands.

"You want to get vengeance, come to me then, come and take your revenge." said the voice followed by laughter.

The run down old building began to distance itself from Lyra's vision.

"Allow me to show you the path you seek for revenge." the voice said as it displayed the way toward the run down old building from the Everfree forest.

"Now you know where to come and you know what you seek, come to me and try to seek your revenge. But I do warn you now, you will not find revenge, for I will destroy you." the voice said followed by laughter and visions of lighting flashed in Lyra's dream to display a face briefly, that face was the face of evil.

"For I am Discord." he yelled as Lyra snapped out of her sleeping state and stood up with a snap throwing Sprout across the room.

"Woah! Lyra what are you doi- wait, you can move again! Can you talk?" said Sprout in excitement.

"Y-yes I can." replied Lyra quietly.

"What's all the noise about?" Big Mac said while yawning.

"Lyra can move and talk again." Sprout shouted out with glee.

"Well that is great news. Are you okay now Lyra?" asked Big Mac.

"Yeah, as good as anypony after what happened to our village." she replied.

Lyra almost forgot about her dream until she remember what happened to the village.

"Big Mac, I had a dream, well not so much a dream. A nightmare, about what happened to the village." said Lyra.

"Well that is understandable, it happened not too long ago and gave you traumatic shock." replied Big Mac.

"But there is more to it then that. A voice was telling me that I want to seek revenge, which I do. It showed me a vision that I have seen before in a past dream. A vision of an old ancient building in the desert." said Lyra.

"A building in a desert?" said Big Mac with curiosity.

"The voice then revealed itself as 'Discord' isn't that the creature that attacked the Sheika tribe?" Lyra asked Big Mac.

"Lyra, what are you saying?" asked Big Mac "Are you trying to tell me that Discord did this to our village? That can't be true, you should know better to lie, he eliminated himself a thousand years ag-" he stopped and realized what he said.

"It's been one thousand years since Discord was eliminated. Could it be that the stories are true?" he said in an overwhelmed manner.

"I must go and seek revenge on him." said Lyra with a determined tone in her voice.

"Are you crazy!? He will kill you. besides, it's most likely just a crazy dream!" shouted Big Mac.

"Then what am I supposed to do? what if these are more than just dreams and I am actually destined to do fight him?" Said Lyra.

Big Macintosh stood in silence and looked at Lyra with a slight grin and a slight frown.

"There ain't nothin' I can do to stop you is there?" he said.

"Afraid not, I mean. we don't have a village anymore and I feel in my heart it's what I must do." she said in a courageous manner.

"Well, I suppose I have been training you for when I am no longer around to protect you, It makes sense." Said Big Mac. "wait right here, I got something that could help you." he said as he wandered over to the center of the sanctuary and bucked the sculpture in the middle. The Sculpture had and echoing ring before shattering to reveal a sword in a sheath and belt, shield, leather boots and a green tunic.

"What is this stuff Mac?" the curious mint green pony queried.

"It's your equipment." he replied.

"My equipment? Are you trying to tell me that you've had this stuff sitting here for me all this time?" she asked.

"Eeyup." He replied with a smile on her face.

"So basically we're going to go and fight and try to defeat an all powerful god-like type creature who managed to wipe out a whole race in his dying breath? Well seems like a fun idea, let's go all in and get ourselves annihilated." Sprout said followed by giggling.

"Oh Sprout, I'm sorry, I forgot you where there." Lyra said with a snicker.

"Nice to know you too." she replied.

"heh heh sorry about that." said Lyra.

Lyra walked over to the equipment, she slipped her hooves into the leather boots, she grabbed the tunic in her mouth and positioned it, she reared into the air and stretched her front legs upwards, the tunic slipped over her head and front legs. She grabbed the sword in her mouth and slid her head and front right leg through the sheath belt, followed by throwing the shield upon her back.

"I'm just curious, how will I used the shield and sword?" Lyra asked Big Mac.

"When the time comes, you will know." replied Mac.

"Oh look at mister philosopher." said the cheeky fairy.

"Well, you've always been like a little sister to me I suppose it's time for me to say goodbye." said Big Mac.

"I'll see you again, I promise." replied Lyra and she walked over to Big Mac and gave him a hug.

"Stay safe." he said with a tone of concern.

"We're actually doing this, eh?" asked Sprout.

"Eeyup." replied Big Mac.

Lyra made her way toward the exit of the sanctuary. "I'll come back safely I promise." she said as she passed through the leafy vine veil.

"I'll do my best to watch over her Big Mac." said Sprout before she whisked away in a hurry toward the exit.

Lyra and Sprout find themselves on the other side of the sanctuary cave.

"Okay, so which was do we go?" asked Sprout.

"I think it's this way to Hayrule fields, I've never been there before." replied Lyra.

"No harm in trying, let us go onward." said Sprout.

The two began heading in the direction opposite the path to where Everfree village used to stand. Lyra stopped, looked down the path that would lead to the village, a tear welled up in her and and trickled down her cheek.

"I shall avenge you all, my fellow villagers." she said before cantering off down the path they hope takes them to the exit of Everfree forest.

"W-wait up." Sprout shouted before she flew as fast as she could to keep up with Lyra.

They both pressed on along the pathway that could lead them anywhere.

"So what makes you think that this is the way?" shouted Sprout.

"A feeling, purely a feeling I have. Like I am being drawn to that area." said Lyra as she continued cantering along the path.

Suddenly a Ponyfos ambushed Lyra, lunging at her and tackling her to the ground.

"Oh no!" cried out Sprout.

"Argh! Get off me!" shouted Lyra as tried to throw the Ponyfos off her.

"Hey you pile of bones, leave her alone." shouted Sprout as she flew swiftly toward the Ponyfos and kicking it in the head, however the Ponyfos was unharmed by the small fairies kick, but it distracted it enough for Lyra to throw it off, she used her might and lunged the creature off her with her back legs. Lyra then stood up and with her mouth grabbed the sword from the sheath and gave it a hard swing as she unsheathed it, cutting off the Ponyfos' head, but it was still alive.

"Is it just me or have these things gotten stronger over time?" she said as she swung the sword back but missed as the Ponyfos has been thrown back from the force of her first attack, so she prepares herself, she lines up he next swing. The Ponyfos gets ready to lunge at her.

"C'mon you pile of old bones." she said softly.

The Ponyfos lunged at her, Lyra acted quickly and swung the sword down vertically, slicing the Ponyfos into a pile of bones.

"Thanks for helping me Sprout, I would have been a goner if you hadn't distracted it." said Lyra as she huffed and puffed.

"You're welcome, what else would I be doing here if it wasn't for saving your klutz behind hehe." replied Sprout.

"Hey, I see an opening over there, let's check it out." said Lyra as she quickly trotted toward the opening.

"Yes, I think we've found it, I think we've reached Hayrule field." she said in excitement.

"So where do were do we go when we reach Hayrule field?" asked Sprout.

I'd say we go to the closest town, which if I remember Big Mac telling me correctly, it's where the Princess lives, I should let her know what had happened to my village, if these dreams of my are any correlation to the event, the princess would know where I can go to find this Discord, she should know where the Sheika tribe had fought as she was alive one thousand years ago.

"A thousand year old princess surely would be old looking." Sprout said cheekily.

Lyra and Sprout exited the forest to see a huge field ahead of them, Lyra had never seen such a huge open space, she was so used to seeing trees everywhere that was a stone throw unlike the open plains of Hayrule field that only had tree every so often.

"Wow, I have never seen anything like this, it's huge, how do we find the town?" she asked Sprout.

"What would you do without me. Look at the sign there." Sprout replied.

Lyra saw a sign that had three arrows the top one said 'Everfree Village' the second one facing the opposite way said 'Hayrule Castle Town' and the third one was blank.

"Hmmm, looks like we go this way to get to Castle Town." said Lyra.

"Let's go." Sprout said as she rushed toward Castle Town. "C'mon slowpoke."

Lyra smiled and start galloping toward Castle Town following behind Sprout.

After a while of motioning along the pathway toward Castle town, Lyra caught site of the walls that surrounded the town.

"Woah! I-it's huge!" She shouted.

"Well it is the biggest town in all of Hayrule, what did you expect silly filly." replied Sprout.

"Hey, I am not a filly, Big Mac may treat me like a one." Lyra said before Sprout cut her of.

"You're only ten years old, you're still a filly for a bit longer." Sprout reminded her.

"Yeah, well still, I'm grown up enough to be out here adventuring." replied Lyra.

"That is true." Sprout said.

They both eventually reached the entrance to Castle Town, and where both instantly overwhelmed by the mass amount of ponies that were walking around before them.

"Well looks like we should ask around how to get to the castle." Said Lyra as she progress toward ponies to enquire.

Comments ( 3 )

another great chapter, keep it up.


MUCH better pacing in this chapter. Keep it up, and don't try to put too much into one chapter, ESPECIALLY when describing castle town. I want a full paragraph explaining how big/busy/new to Lyra it is. (shouldn't be that difficult)


I shall see what I can do, just need to get the time to do it along with my several other hobbies haha.


Thank you, glad you like it.

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